June 21, 2018

"And this is my Nelson Mandela couch... with matching suit."


rhhardin said...

You can get one at Ikea.

Ralph L said...

Thank goodness he didn't go for the fashionable skinny/short cut for his suit. That would have looked atrocious.

rehajm said...

It’s been done.

Loren W Laurent said...

Is the Mandela couch available in black?


Fernandinande said...

My earworm says "Everybody had matching towels".

le Douanier said...

Candyass' vulva.

Loren W Laurent said...

The Winnie Mandela couch is two stacks of rubber tires.

It comes with a 5-gallon can of gasoline.


Ralph L said...

LWL, I didn't think you were old enough to remember that.

tcrosse said...

So money can buy class, after all.

Tommy Duncan said...

Why was a white guy allowed on a Nelson Mandela couch?

At the very least this is cultural appropriation.

CJ said...

Rich people with no taste or odd/ostentatious taste are the absolute worst.

CJ said...

I'll bet this guy hates Trump's taste - all that black and gold. How is this any better than that? Both are hideous, ostentatious, and display a lack of proper manners.

Bob Boyd said...

Uglier'n a steakhouse baby.

chuck said...

Can you find the animal hiding in this picture?

sodal_ye said...

This is the liberal response to Trump's 'party like a pharaoh' aesthetic.

tcrosse said...

This is my Harvey Weinstein couch. Make yourself comfortable.

Big Mike said...

Cyber attacks, physical attacks and threats of physical attacks, and now an assault on the senses — I see your theme today Althouse.

Danno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann Althouse said...

"Uglier'n a steakhouse baby."


Thanks for reminding of the thing that was funnier than everything since Professor Suing Nyu.

Bob Boyd said...

Making someone laugh is one of life's great pleasures.

Bad Lieutenant said...

I still don't get the steakhouse baby thing.

Focko Smitherman said...

Bob Boyd, I laughed for months (off and on) at your line that Hillary, in one of her more outlandish getups, looked like she'd stuck her head through the smokehole of a yurt.

"Uglier'n a steakhouse baby" is right up there. Not sure yet where I'll put the tattoo, but I'm gettin' it. Maybe gun-forehead guy will have some suggestions.

I think this thread is dead, Bob Boyd.