June 22, 2018

"ABC's 'Roseanne' Spinoff Officially a Go — Without Roseanne Barr."

Hollywood Reporter reports.
ABC stressed in its announcement Thursday that former star Barr will have no financial or creative involvement in the new series....

"I regret the circumstances that have caused me to be removed from Roseanne. I agreed to the settlement in order that 200 jobs of beloved cast and crew could be saved, and I wish the best for everyone involved,” Barr said in a statement....

"We have received a tremendous amount of support from fans of our show, and it’s clear that these characters not only have a place in our hearts, but in the hearts and homes of our audience," [the castmembers] Goodman, Metcalf, Gilbert, Goranson and Fishman said in a joint statement. "We all came back last season because we wanted to tell stories about the challenges facing a working-class family today. We are so happy to have the opportunity to return with the cast and crew to continue to share those stories through love and laughter.”...

"The Conners’ stories demonstrate that families can always find common ground through conversation, laughter and love. The spinoff will continue to portray contemporary issues that are as relevant today as they were 30 years ago,” ABC said in a statement....
But it's fiction! In real life, they demonstrated that they don't always look for common ground through conversation, laughter and love. They made Roseanne Barr an instant pariah and shut her out of her own TV home, and she can never ever come back. The public had to be assured she was gone forever — that monstrous women, the greatest female in the history of television — so it can bear to watch another show that instructs them in the fictitious banality that families can always find common ground through conversation, laughter and love.

ADDED: More of what I think about "Roseanne" without Roseanne here, including an idea for a new show of Roseanne's own.


Achilles said...

The ratings will be terrible if it is what ABCDisney wants it to be.

Lucien said...

Figured there would be a post on this. Yesterday's Slate piece on the new series stated that the prior show had been canceled after a "racist tweet" that "compared [Valerie Jarrett}to a character in Planet of the Apes".

Of course, it didn't say which character, because that statement was actually a lie about the tweet.

rehajm said...

Tonight on ABC: Roseanne Without Roseanne followed by ABC Movie of the Week Starring Peter Fonda

Tank said...

Althouse, you are the best !

Seeing Red said...

Do we place bets on cancellation? And when it’s canceled, they’ll wonder why.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hope they make a huge anti-Trump extravaganza.

Show them' deplorables how deplorable they are. More preaching!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thou Shalt NEVER insult anyone having anything to do with Saint Obama.


David53 said...

"The last key hurdle was over what, if any, one-time payment Barr was to receive as "go-away money," as one source put it. Barr will retain an executive producer credit on the new take, per WGA rules."

What exactly does that mean? Will she be monetarily compensated?

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, one of your all time best posts.

rhhardin said...

Apes of wrath.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Lyssa said...

Is Roseanne really the greatest female in the history of television”? I would think Oprah (personal thoughts on her politics aside) would get that honor. I thought Roseanne could be the greatest in the history of scripted tv, but I’d want to give Lucille Ball that spot. Top 5, though.

Original Mike said...

Does this post warrant a “civility bullshit” tag?

Mike Sylwester said...

The show should add a neighbor character who looks like Valerie Jarrett and is a Moslem and has the last name Apeson.

n.n said...

A summary judgment when there was reasonable doubt to question the press's framing and popular narrative.

rhhardin said...

I'd say Fran Allison was the top female. Kukla Fran and Ollie.

Ken B said...


Gahrie said...

Everyone of these actors is stabbing Rosanne in the back...and most of them (except Goodman) owe what little career they have to her.

Loren W Laurent said...

I am not surprised, but am disappointed, that not one cast member stood by the woman who created all of this, who gave them careers and opportunities and nice pay checks, and seemed to care for them...

From an article this year, from before the Roseanne Tweet...

"John Goodman has been fairly open about his past struggles with alcoholism. Even now, as he makes the press rounds for the revival season of Roseanne, the actor doesn’t shy away from talking about it. Accompanied by costar Roseanne Barr on Howard Stern’s SiriusXM show Tuesday, both Goodman and Barr discussed how she confronted him about his drinking problem during production on the original show.

“She was scared for me, but she was more confrontational,” Goodman recalled. “She’d already had a husband go through the process.”

Barr, who was married to Tom Arnold for four years, added, “It’s hard to watch.”

Though she could have chosen to keep quiet on the issue, Barr — who admitted she’s always had a crush on Goodman — decided she had to intervene. “Me and John, we have a friendship off the show, too,” she said. “John has held my head when I was barfing in a bar. I drank too much, too. I still do. I didn’t give up like John,” she cracked.

Goodman, who has said in the past that he also drank during filming of the Coen brothers’ The Big Lebowski, revealed his poison was “anything that was wet and of a certain proof.” He added, “The last four years were pretty bad, and I was drinking at work and [Barr] was scared for me. I was ashamed of myself, but I couldn’t stop.”

He’s since been sober for the past eight years.

While Goodman appreciated Barr speaking up about his alcoholism when she did, looking out for her castmates is something that came naturally to her.

“I was pissed at everybody,” she said. “Like, I found out the crew was letting Sara Gilbert smoke pot with them and I was f–king furious over that. I called her mom, I called everybody’s mom. Lecy [Goranson] was having trouble, too. I called her parents. I’m Jewish and I’m a mother. What do you want?”

So: drinking on the job. OK. A bad Tweet: fired from the show you created.

I hope she lives long enough to piss on their graves.


Levi Starks said...

I thought Peter Fonda was working to help her get her job back.

Ann Althouse said...

Competition for greatest female in the history of TV? All I can think of is Lucille Ball and Mary Tyler Moore, but I think Roseanne created her character within standup and then transferred the vision to the show, and she had the idea of a nonidealized woman in a working-class, struggling household.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

The Garfield Without Garfield comic can be very interesting at times.

Lawrence Person said...

Lucille Ball
Mary Tyler Moore
Carol Burnett

Barr is plausibly fifth.

Matt Sablan said...

"I thought Roseanne could be the greatest in the history of scripted tv, but I’d want to give Lucille Ball that spot."

-- I don't know enough about I Love Lucy, but was Ball as central to the creative part of the show as Roseanne was? If so, she probably deserves it just for doing it sooner.

Hagar said...

You did not "work" at your job?

Rosalyn C. said...

Roseanne without Roseanne is a little like Seinfeld without Seinfeld. Maybe it'll work but I'm not interested in watching that. Especially since I think the real reason she got cancelled was her support for Trump.

Matt Sablan said...

Also, I'm pretty sure the ladies of I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched aren't even on the radar. I'm trying to think if there are really any other options than the ones listed above.

Lyssa said...

I adore Mary Tyler Moore, but I can’t see how she was a visionary or creative force in the way Roseanne was. It’s possible I don’t know enough about her, but I don’t think that she’s comparable.

Matt Sablan said...

"Especially since I think the real reason she got cancelled was her support for Trump."

-- Eh, that was tolerable, seeing as they knew that going in. The tweet, had it come from a liberal/non-Trump supporter could have been smoothed over or apologized for. But, against a known thought criminal, there just was no saving it. So, in a way, yes and no.

Matt Sablan said...

Will they kill Roseanne off, or will she become like Vera or Maris -- often mentioned, never seen?

langford peel said...

The answer is that Pete Fonda should play her as a transgender sex change.

It would be a teachable moment.

Rosalyn C. said...

Maybe they'll send Roseanne to rehab.

Sebastian said...

"they demonstrated that they don't always look for common ground through conversation, laughter and love"

I'm sorry, this is not correct. They look for common ground, as long as it is prog-approved territory.

Prog "conversation," of course, consists of lecturing deplorable white men about their privilege.

Should be a fun show!

Sebastian said...

"Maybe they'll send Roseanne to rehab."

Re-education camp, if they are creative.

I recommend Evergreen State.

mccullough said...

Goodman and Metcalf are talented. Sara Gilbert isn’t. They need to bring in Charlie Sheen or someone to be the main character who is interesting.

langford peel said...

Roseanne is way too generous and kind.

Not one of her costars stood by her.

She does not owe them anything.

I hope she got a multi-million dollar payout.

Martin said...

I much appreciate Althouse's concluding paragraph.

I am SO sick of seeing the people in charge (of whatever organization or cultural meme or whatever) shit all over someone and then tell the rest of us that it's all actually Kumbaya.

Yancey Ward said...

The new show won't draw a third of the audience the one last season did after the first couple of weeks.

I think it was magnanimous of Barr to agree to allow the show to continue absent herself, but if I were any of other cast members, I would be a very ashamed of myself for not standing up for a friend.

langford peel said...

If they want to be true to life they need to make Sara Gilbert a talentless hapless lesbian who goes from relationship to relationship because no one can stand her bullshit.

rhhardin said...

Ollie was the creative force, though.

rhhardin said...

The rule for leaving jobs is don't burn any bridges. If you speak ill of your ex-boss, your new boss will be thinking you'll be saying that about him someday.

Always like everything about your last job.

Good character helps, but self-interest helps too.

DanTheMan said...

>>The Conners’ stories demonstrate that families can always find common ground through conversation, laughter and love.

The easiest way to find common ground with others is to expel from your group anyone who you disagree with.

Which is what ABC did.

langford peel said...

I thought John Goodman was man enough to stand up for his friend who got fired for one joke.

John Goodman....excel pajama boy.

PM said...

"The Conners" is a good name for it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

They need to kill Rosanne like the re-make of Murder on the Orient Express.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The lovely Mrs. MJB liked Roseanne show the first time and was stoked when it rebooted. Doubt this alt-boot is going to be the same, but we'll give ABC another shot. I'm still amazed that one comment on her off time, not broadcast on live TV like SamBee was could get Roseanne fired from her own show. Weird. Almost like TV has a double-standard for people who deviate at all from the progressive leftist line.

rhhardin said...

If your former co-workers say you're a hard-to-work-with racist pig, say you enjoyed working with them.

The former is virtue signalling, the latter is actually virtuous.

Right wingers, at least, notice. Probably others too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maybe they'll send Roseanne to .... mind-crime re-education.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The lovely Mrs. MJB liked Roseanne show the first time and was stoked when it rebooted. Doubt this alt-boot is going to be the same, but we'll give ABC another shot. I'm still amazed that one comment on her off time, not broadcast on live TV like SamBee was could get Roseanne fired from her own show. Weird. Almost like TV has a double-standard for people who deviate at all from the progressive leftist line.

langford peel said...

ABC/Disney is alreay on a course to self destruction. They already destroyed the Star Wars franchise to the point that future movies have been canceled. They are planning to destroy the Marvel franchise by replacing the current superheroes with minorities and woman. The are going to have a female Thor for instance. ESPN gets lower ratings than Davy and Goliath at four in the morning.

Get woke go broke.

langford peel said...

If they want to start a conversation have Roseane be killed by a drunk driving illegal immigrant without a drivers license.

Of course if he is delivering a piazza then he gets a pass.

DanTheMan said...

>>Of course if he is delivering a piazza then he gets a pass.

I agree, since he's coming all the way from Italy with an entire city square...

Big Mike said...

@langford, you might be onto something.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The easiest way to find common ground with others is to expel from your group anyone who you disagree with. Which is what ABC did.

Wait, I thought Inga said only conservative Trump cultists expel unhelpful members. Weird!

Loren W Laurent said...


Some behind-the-scenes I hadn’t seen…

From before the Tweet:

The Roseanne reboot is a huge hit — but that doesn't mean there isn't some tension behind the scenes. Roseanne Barr and her on-screen daughter Sara Gilbert are reportedly feuding over Roseanne's controlling ways.

"The two have been going at it over creative differences, particularly when it comes to political dialogue that is in the script," an insider told Radar Online. "Sara and the rest of the cast put up with Roseanne’s behavior for almost a decade. They are all thrilled that the show got picked up already for another season, but they do not know how they will get through this season if Roseanne continues to act the way that she is."

After the Tweet:

“Hours after ABC's Roseanne reboot was cancelled following star Roseanne Barr's racist tweet about President Barack Obama's former Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, a source has claimed that the actress' TV daughter Sara Gilbert will "never, ever" work with Roseanne in the future.

"She thinks that Roseanne is a disgusting and racist person. Sara will never, ever work with her again," an insider told Radar Online, adding Sara, 43, is "glad" that Roseanne, 65, "is finally getting what she deserved a long time ago…”

"is finally getting what she deserved a long time ago…”: sounds like she was waiting for the opportunity to climb the High Horse.

If it had been so horrible working for Barr all those years why did she choose to come back?

And one question for when someone puts the knife in your back: why were they holding the knife in the first place?


Jess said...

The alphabet Disney is definitely being run by those that don't understand comedy is not about political correctness; and any sponsor is just as ignorant, if they want to use their advertising money wisely.

TrespassersW said...

Where did I put my "I DON'T CARE" jacket?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Sara is about to find out just how big a mistake it was to squeeze Barr out of her own show, now that the onus is on her to attract and keep an audience.

Browndog said...

Is ABC trying to prove a point that this Roseanneless show will be just as successful without the Deplorables?

They can't really think that, can they?

Achilles said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
I hope they make a huge anti-Trump extravaganza.

Show them' deplorables how deplorable they are. More preaching!

That's just mean.

langford peel said...

They want make the Roseanne reboot Blackish, gay and right off the boat.

White working class people are not wanted. As viewers. Or even as human beings.

They want you to die off.

langford peel said...

Just know it is about race.

It is always about race.

tim maguire said...

I'll agree to Rosanne in the top 5, but it's hard to see anybody other than Lucille Ball in that top spot. Maybe because she was first.

It's hard to imagine anyone watching Rosanne without Rosanne. Would they keep the name? Call it "The Connors." Will it still be realistic enough to include some pro-Trump material? Will anyone care?

roesch/voltaire said...

"Greatest female in the history of television?" So long Lucy you have been replaced by Althouse to the history hole.

Darrell said...

Planet of the Mopes would be a good title.

Browndog said...

I think you have to give Carol Burnett the nod for top spot. She created stars, and was on top when the competition was top notch.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roughcoat said...

Fran Allison and "Kukla, Fran, and Ollie"?! OMG, that's going back a ways -- a long ways. You must be as old as I am and Chicago born and raised. I attended a live (they were all live) broadcast of the show at the stations Prudential Building studio in the mid-50s. Fran Allison was a babe, even then, as a wee lad I saw it!

Nonapod said...

We'll see but I suspect that without at least some pro Trump opinions the show will most likely quickly die on the vine. People don't particularly like it when they feel like they're being preached or lectured too by only one side, even if they happen to agree with the message.

mockturtle said...

Althouse says: Competition for greatest female in the history of TV? All I can think of is Lucille Ball and Mary Tyler Moore,

Wow, those are the very two I was going to offer and to possibly add Carol Burnett. Obviously, the MSM's 'history' only goes back about ten years.

FullMoon said...

roesch/voltaire said...

"Greatest female in the history of television?" So long Lucy you have been replaced by Althouse to the history hole.

First episode 1951. 67 years ago and still good enough for syndication.

FullMoon said...

No matter how sparse the audience, guaranteed second season.

langford peel said...

Lucy was nothing without Desi.

Roseanne did it all by herself.

Achilles said...

langford peel said...
Just know it is about race.

It is always about race.

No it is not.

It is about race to the left because they use it to divide us.

You are just helping them divide us.

They do the same thing with gender.

Where I grew up there were a lot of people from Central America growing families and working where I lived. They were awesome. They worked extremely hard and had good god fearing families.

There were also criminals and welfare queens. They were the worst kind of people. They brought drugs and horrific violence. They brought their girlfriends who were universally on WIC and welfare.

I would take any of the guys that worked with me on our family orchard over a white occupy wall street shit head raping girls in tents and shitting on police cars.

I would happily trade any of their mothers for Inga.

Wince said...

In real life, they demonstrated that they don't always look for common ground through conversation, laughter and love. They made Roseanne Barr an instant pariah and shut her out of her own TV home, and she can never ever come back. The public had to be assured she was gone forever — that monstrous women, the greatest female in the history of television — so it can bear to watch another show that instructs them in the fictitious banality that families can always find common ground through conversation, laughter and love.

Somebody tell Disney... Hate is not a family value.

William said...

Thanks for pointing out the flaming hypocrisy of the mission statement. That hypocrisy extends to the cast members. This doesn't make them look good. I will say, however, that there are reasons other than racism which would make working with Roseanne a challenge......Perhaps in the reboot episode they can have Roseanne raped and killed by a gang of MS13 gang members who are in this country illegally. Short of that, I don't think the reboot has much of a chance to recapture the original audience.

mockturtle said...

Lyssa contends: I adore Mary Tyler Moore, but I can’t see how she was a visionary or creative force in the way Roseanne was. It’s possible I don’t know enough about her, but I don’t think that she’s comparable.

MTM Enterprises produced several highly successful spin-off shows.

langford peel said...

You can see how it is about race in the difference between how Peter Fonda's tweets were treated and Roseannes one line joke.

Fonda made vile treats against a child and a woman. No harm. No foul. No penalty. Threats not jokes.

Roseanne made a one line joke about a black woman and lost everything.

It is about race. It is always about race.

You are just kidding yourself if you think it is not.

mockturtle said...

I see the race-bait troll is being successful in his trolling this morning.

Mike Sylwester said...

Davy and Goliath is still on television?

I will look for it.

langford peel said...

If you want to see our future just look at what is happening to Tomie Robinson in England.

I am surprised that Roseanne was not arrested and the press prohibited from talking about it.

You know that is coming to a city near you soon.

Portland or Seattle will be first.

traditionalguy said...

In second place was Alice Kramden doing it in Black and White TV. But Roseanne wins by a mile.

Infinite Monkeys said...

If they knew before that she was a racist, why did they come back to work with her? If she wasn't, why didn't they say the tweet wasn't representative of her normal behavior? Such hypocrites. I'm sure they're getting praise for their behavior within their bubbles. I hope their bubbles contain enough viewers to make up for the ones who find their behavior worse than the tweet.

(I didn't watch the original series, I didn't watch the reboot, and I won't watch whatever contrivance they come up with next.)

Mike Sylwester said...

Why is Davy and Goliath broadcast at four in the morning? A lot more people would watch it if it were broadcast during prime time.

Bilwick said...

Was Lucy really nothing without Desi? She had a career as an actress--not major-league but steady--prior to I LIVE LUCY; and of course two sitcoms sans Desi, one of which was on for several seasons.

langford peel said...

Roseanne belongs to a select group of personalities wha had a show devoted to their persona and which can not be reproduced without them.

Roseanne. Lucy. Danny Thomas. Julia Child. Seinfeld. Newhart. Mary Tyler Moore. Ed Sullivan. Jack Benny. Milton Berlw. Carol Burnet.

Unique voices who caught magic in a bottle that could never be duplicated. Even when they tried to do it themselves.

The Roseanne reboot is unique in its success as a reprise of a former hit.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I have not intentionally tuned in to a Big Three network in twenty years.

Achilles said...

langford peel said...

It is about race. It is always about race.

You are just kidding yourself if you think it is not.


As long as people are herded into collectives based on their race they will never look at actual policy and never do what is best for them as an individual and as a family unit.

There are millions of legal immigrants from Mexico and Central America who work hard as fuck and are awesome people. They are natural political allies.

They have strong families. They work more than one job. They start numerous businesses. They make this country better. There are millions of Black families that are the same.

Lumping them in with the criminals and welfare queens is garbage.

Allowing Black Lives Matter to define all black people or La Raza to define all Hispanics is just what democrats want.

You are helping them do it.

Roughcoat said...

Lucy was especially significant as a producer. She invented syndication and the practices of filming all the episodes (with 3 cameras, I think) for repeated broadcasts. She had her own production company and studios (Desilu), giving her full creative and financial control of Desilu productions. She was a real industry power-house, very savvy and inventive.

gspencer said...

Without Roseanne? Sorta like eating a PB&J sandwich without the peanut butter.

Ambrose said...

.... and then they will bring back Roseanne after an appropriate cooling off period.

tcrosse said...

Lucy was especially significant as a producer. She invented syndication and the practices of filming all the episodes (with 3 cameras, I think) for repeated broadcasts.

That was Desi.

langford peel said...

Not true Achilles.

I just want them to "act white."

You know the thing that gets them a beat down.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Darrell said...
Planet of the Mopes would be a good title.

Planet of the Moops could be a good way to re-boot George Costanza!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Darrell said...
Planet of the Mopes would be a good title.

Planet of the Mapes could be a vehicle for getting Dan Rather back on TV!

Roughcoat said...

That was Desi.

Yes, I stand corrected. Thanks.

Achilles said...

langford peel said...
Not true Achilles.

I just want them to "act white."

You know the thing that gets them a beat down.

Why can't acting white be acting American?

We all know what it means.

But right now a lot more hispanic kids by percentage are growing up with fathers than white kids.

They are natural allies, and making it racial drives them away.

It very likely will come down to wetwork in the end. The left has really dropped the mask in the last week. They are going to get people killed.

I would like it to be as few little people as possible. I have a lot of ex-mil friends who were not white and we want them on our side. Some of them were straight up ass kickers and good men.

buwaya said...

The best drama has a tragic core.
And the best comedy likewise.

Gordon Scott said...

That was Desi.

Yup. Lucy got Desilu in the divorce, and was its nominal head until she sold it to Paramount. But she admitted she didn't know what she was doing and often consulted Desi. The brand wasn't worth much by 1968, but the land and buildings were very valuable.

tcrosse said...

There's a special category on the fat end of the Bullshit Spectrum for Mission and Values Statements. I have never seen one which did not drip of Heavy Sarcasm. Somewhere there's a style manual, or maybe a Microsoft Word template to generate these things, because they're all pretty much the same.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Langford Peel is trying to peddle his white nationalism again and getting no biters today, lol. Try harder Peely! How about that migrant children are “monkeys” one, maybe that will make the sale.

Big Mike said...

I’m Jewish and I’m a mother. What do you want?

How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a light bulb?

Ans: Oh, never mind, dear. I’ll just sit alone in in the corner in the dark.

I know and have know several Jewish women who were mother. The joke fits every single one of them. Every. Single. One.

Gahrie said...

The left has really dropped the mask in the last week. They are going to get people killed.

They always do in the end.

Gahrie said...

I wonder why Sara Gilbert used the last name of her half-sister's father instead of her own father when she started acting? (They share a mother)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It very likely will come down to wetwork in the end. The left has really dropped the mask in the last week. They are going to get people killed.

I would like it to be as few little people as possible. I have a lot of ex-mil friends who were not white and we want them on our side. Some of them were straight up ass kickers and good men.”

If you think for a minute that Black, Hispanic, Asian males or females, or White women military members are going to join you in killing liberals, you are more insane than I previously thought. How do you think they vote? Hint, it’s not for conservative candidates. Just what is “your side”? You and Peel are not all that different, as a matter of fact, I think Peel is all mouth, you however come across as another domestic terrorist or wanna be leader of the revolution.

You really are teetering on the edge.

walter said...

Many thought the show was already weakening in the brief time with Barr...cast clearly reading cue cards etc. How long could they keep the reigns on Wanda Sykes.
I can't imagine many of the original fans are going to stick with this spin-off of a reboot.

"Barr, who was married to Tom Arnold for four years, added, “It’s hard to watch.”
I always figured him to be a coke-head.
Arnold..who is hooking up with Michael Cohen to supposedly "take Trump down".
Will be awesome to hear the manic ramblings spew out of his giant head.

walter said...

I suggest they call it "Barr None"

Achilles said...

Inga said...
Langford Peel is trying to peddle his white nationalism again and getting no biters today, lol. Try harder Peely! How about that migrant children are “monkeys” one, maybe that will make the sale.

Langford is a better person than you.

He actually wants other people to do better by themselves. He wants better outcomes for black and hispanic people.

You wish others misery. You want black people to be poor and go to shitty public schools. You want black people to depend on Affirmative action to get into college and get jobs. You want Hispanic people to travel through Mexico where the majority of women are raped to come here illegally be poor and vote for democrats.

You want to wave sob stories around like a bloody shirt but only when a Republican is president.

The regressive left is a cancer. You are going to get people killed. Your little leftist hate mobs are roaming about now attacking ICE agents in their homes and doxxing Trump officials.

You are disgusting people.

DanTheMan said...

>> They are going to get people killed.

You left out "more" and "again".

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You are disgusting people.”

“It very likely will come down to wetwork in the end. The left has really dropped the mask in the last week. They are going to get people killed.

I would like it to be as few little people as possible.
I have a lot of ex-mil friends who were not white and we want them on our side. Some of them were straight up ass kickers and good men.”

Big Mike said...

If you think for a minute that Black, Hispanic, Asian males or females, or White women military members are going to join you in killing liberals, you are more insane than I previously thought.

You could be surprised, Inga. You could be very unpleasantly surprised.

Interesting that you capitalized “White.”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

It won’t be long before I make a call to the FBI regarding Achilles. Maybe it’ll save some lives.

langford peel said...

You are correct Achilles. Your black miltary friends are the ultimate example of acting white. Just like the Scotch Irish men who built this country. They bought into that culture big time.

I have news for you. In fifty years your Hispanics will want to be catergorized as white. If they didn't get affirmative action benefits they would drop the designation. If they lost opportunities like the Asians they would demand to be white.

Eliminate affirmative action and racial preferences and everyone will want to be white.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

If you think for a minute that Black, Hispanic, Asian males or females, or White women military members are going to join you in killing liberals, you are more insane than I previously thought. How do you think they vote? Hint, it’s not for conservative candidates. Just what is “your side”? You and Peel are not all that different, as a matter of fact, I think Peel is all mouth, you however come across as another domestic terrorist or wanna be leader of the revolution.

You really are teetering on the edge.

Leftists right now are massing up around the houses of ICE agents and administration officials.

Calls for rape of political opponent's kids are widespread in leftist circles.

We know you and millions of other leftists supported Hodkinson.

You support throwing Tommy Robinson in prison and media blackouts on his situation.

I know black/hispanic/asian people who will be on our side when you guys start killing people.

You are the one that is spewing hate.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
It won’t be long before I make a call to the FBI regarding Achilles. Maybe it’ll save some lives.

Of course.

You are a good little Nazi wannabe.

Not only are you a disgusting person who has no morals to speak of, you want people you disagree with jailed and silenced.

You want Trump's kids and grand kids raped.

You want republicans, especially NRA members, shot.

The mask is off and everyone sees you for who you are now.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Blogger Inga said...It won’t be long before I make a call to the FBI regarding Achilles. Maybe it’ll save some lives.
Now you're talking.
Please record and post that.
"Barr None" ain't got nothing on that Come(y)dic gold.
Please don't edit out the laughter.

Achilles said...

langford peel said...
You are correct Achilles. Your black miltary friends are the ultimate example of acting white. Just like the Scotch Irish men who built this country. They bought into that culture big time.

I have news for you. In fifty years your Hispanics will want to be catergorized as white. If they didn't get affirmative action benefits they would drop the designation. If they lost opportunities like the Asians they would demand to be white.

Eliminate affirmative action and racial preferences and everyone will want to be white.

The desire for freedom is universal.

It is not based on race.

This is the dream Martin Luther King put into words.

The true enemy of Black/Hispanic people are the globalists that put them in shitty schools and ferry them through Mexico and have them subjected to indignity and misery.

Focus your efforts on the real enemy, not dividing our side by race.

Inga's friends are harrassing and attacking ICE agents en masses now. A surprising, or not surprising, number of ICE agents are Hispanic.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I know black/hispanic/asian people who will be on our side when you guys start killing people.”

When WHO starts killing people?? Just a few minutes ago you wrote this:

It very likely will come down to wetwork in the end. The left has really dropped the mask in the last week. They are going to get people killed.

I would like it to be as few little people as possible.
I have a lot of ex-mil friends who were not white and we want them on our side Some of them were straight up ass kickers and good men.”

Achilles, you are delusional. Langford Peel hates minorities. He’s a WHITE supremacist. He would take your Asian wife and children and deport them to your wife’s home country if his sort ever were in power. You live in la la land. Peel wants WHITE people only in power.

walter said...

Speaking of Comey, he was just in Iowasurveying his presidential prospects.

walter said...

And here's his biggest supporter.

roesch/voltaire said...

To check out the death threats from the right look at all the offers of free helicopter flights for liberals on the alt right sites but really all this threatening posture and accusations just feeds into blogger paranoia. I think I,will go watch a Lucy re-run.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
“I know black/hispanic/asian people who will be on our side when you guys start killing people.”

When WHO starts killing people?? Just a few minutes ago you wrote this:

The stories detailing leftist violence over the last 2 years are legion:

Inga's favorite NRA hater

Black Clad Antifa rioters attack peaceful right wing protest.

Antifa again

Violent leftists cause multiple professors at Evergreen to resign in fear

I need some muscle over here

You are clearly advocating hate daily on this blog. Everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi Bigot Sexist Homphobe Racist.

The democrat party has been caught paying for violence at Trump rallies.

Jim at said...


Didn't watch it before, but yeah. I'm sure to watch it now.

Rory said...

"Greatest" in TV always involves either money or some intellectual claptrap, but Fran Drescher's "The Nanny" was a lot funnier than Rosanne and holds up much better 25 years later.

Achilles said...

roesch/voltaire said...
To check out the death threats from the right look at all the offers of free helicopter flights for liberals on the alt right sites but really all this threatening posture and accusations just feeds into blogger paranoia. I think I,will go watch a Lucy re-run.

Or just look at millions of leftists online spewing hate.

I think your attacks on ICE agents families are particularly effective.

Hatred is mainstream on the left today

Occupy wall street literally calls for ripping ICE agents hearts out.

traditionalguy said...

The world awaits the big Day that is coming when we get to see see what happens from the $100,000,000 Soros paid out to train a hard core of 40,000 professional Alynsky Tactical street rioters.

But Trump has his George Rochefort in MI, planning for a Battle of Midway redux.

walter said...

I meant to say this is his biggest supporter.

But I probably got it right the first time..

Achilles said...

People are already being killed by leftists

Michael said...

When you write "white" in all caps does that mean extra white or just plain white white? Or do you use all caps because you are inarticulate or crazy?

buwaya said...

"not one cast member stood by the woman who created all of this"

Money makes the world go round.
When the money came via Barr, they were with Barr.
When it didn't they weren't.

Jim at said...

It won’t be long before I make a call to the FBI regarding Achilles. Maybe it’ll save some lives. - Inga

The hilarious part is you're actually serious.

Get a fucking grip.

HT said...

The topic is suffering from too much interpretation. I don't care to analyze it too much (with the exception being I wonder about her mental health), I am just disappointed that the show has been cancelled, and I miss the nighttime re-runs. I wonder if they will ever be back on. It was such a good show. The second time around, it was very different, still good, and I looked forward to more. The only thing that grated was the tone of her voice, which was a lot more monotone. Others' delivery were not that good either, but hers was the worst. Acting!

Achilles said...

Trump is going to absolutely destroy the enemies of this country.

The elections in November are going to be glorious.

Trump should announce any illegal caught voting will be forever banned from becoming a citizen.

I expect the leftists to start attacking these moms who lost children to illegal immigrant criminals shortly.

Expect their husbands to lose jobs.

The left is going to show us how tolerant they are.

HT said...

Rory said...

"Greatest" in TV always involves either money or some intellectual claptrap, but Fran Drescher's "The Nanny" was a lot funnier than Rosanne and holds up much better 25 years later.
6/22/18, 3:21 PM


Scoff, snort, gag. Not by a long shot!

buwaya said...

You won't see the war start here.

It will begin with someone quietly mad at home, somewhere.
On which side it will begin I won't speculate. Either.
I think it will be along the lines of, for instance, "going postal", or school shootings, or cop killings, or Islamic "lone wolf" terrorism, but in these cases they will be explicitly culturo-political, on behalf of a broad group generally sympathetic with the perpetrator.

The model, probably, will be Anders Breivik or Oklahoma City or Sirhan Sirhan or the Dallas case of 2016. All of these were classic "propaganda of the deed", lacking only a sufficiently motivated public to act on behalf of. Sirhan Sirhan killed for the sake of a radical but weak and irrelevant minority, though he succeeded in inspiring decades of terrorism. The rest were done for a "side" that was sufficiently broad but insufficiently radicalized.

Radicalization is rapidly proceeding however.

The identifier will be an explicit political message, tying the act to a purpose, against an identified enemy "side". This, followed by a public hue and cry against the other "side", is likely to generate copycats and most telling, acts of freelance vengeance. And so on from there a la Northern Ireland.

bagoh20 said...

The greatest woman in TV would have to be the greatest woman ever: Caitlyn Marie Jenner

buwaya said...

If you want to stop the radicalization, well, there is only one way to do it.

It's in the hands of the MSM, Internet monopolies, and their owners.
All they need to do is stop attacking the people of the other side, and play fair.

Everything else is a reaction to these very loudest trumpets of hysteria.
Conservatives of all kinds are by nature reactionary, they react, and rarely act.

HT said...

Good comment!

CWJ said...

buwaya puti @ 4:05,

Say what? If hodgkinson doesn't fit your scenario, I don't know who does.

If that didn't do the trick, Then I don't know about what you're talking.

buwaya said...

Hodgkinson was very, very close.
That is just the sort of incident of explicitly political violence I am talking about.

But there were no fatalities. If he had actually killed a few congressmen it would be something else.

Anonymous said...

"the greatest female in the history of television "

Uhh, Lucille Ball?

Anonymous said...

"-- I don't know enough about I Love Lucy, but was Ball as central to the creative part of the show as Roseanne was? If so, she probably deserves it just for doing it sooner."

Ball along with her husband Desi Arnaz were producers of the show. Arnaz was the great innovator. He came up with the idea of using three cameras to film the show. Previously shows for TV were shot from a single perspective. He came up with other innovations we still use today but I'm too lazy to Google it for you.

tcrosse said...

"the greatest female in the history of television "

Carol Wayne.

CWJ said...

"Hodgkinson was very, very close."

I think you're short a "very." I am generally close to your opinions, but every once in awhile I feel you need to "reel it in."

Though I do believe that you've just created the "no true John Brown / Fort Sumpter" falacy.

tcrosse said...

Desi invented the business model for filmed episodic TV.

Kevin said...

I was going to make a comment about the show but since the thread has been hijacked by a few people’s personal agendas, I’ll just pass.

CWJ said...

No one's mentioned Gracie Allen. Not saying #1, but honorable mention surely.

tcrosse said...

Let us not forget Betty White and Dinah Shore.

FIDO said...

She is not my tribe. But I allow the Left, like Uranus, to eat their own children. That is what they are stuck doing since the Right still has the Lightning and the Left can't do anything about it.

And there is a large class of fat, middle aged women, who loved Rosanne, who were Democratic voters who are now...wondering.

The Right doesn't need to change. We just have to NOT be the Puritanical Jacobins who destroy anyone who has any inconsistency from their narrative.

When you've lost Rosanne and Lacy Green...

tpceltus said...

In no particular order, Lucille Ball (both for shows & Desilu), Oprah, Mary Tyler Moore (for Dick van Dyke, Mary & any Grant Tinker production credits), Carol Burnett, Bea Arthur, Betty White, Roseanne, Barbara Walters,Tina Fey.

James K said...

I might put Joan Rivers somewhere in that list. Above Tina Feh (sic) anyway.

Thorley Winston said...

I really liked Roseanne and I think Roseanne Barr is a very talented woman who was very important in the history of television. However, in a world with Lucille Ball, Mary Tyler Moore and Carol Burnett, I don’t think she qualifies as the “greatest female in the history of television.” I would put her in the top ten though.

Ann Althouse said...


FIDO said...

Yeah. Love her or hate her, Oprah made a BILLION DOLLARS in television. I remember when she was a niche t.v. personality interviewing 'satanists' with goofy eyebrows.

She came a long way and had a huge influence on women (whether positive or negative is immaterial)

And yeah, she did it as a black woman. That makes it a touch harder.

rcocean said...

ABC Disney and their President - who never gets named - have it made it clear where they stand.

Left-wing good; Right-wing bad.

Be nasty toward the Left and you'll be fired, cancelled, or blackballed.

Be nasty toward the Center-Right, and you'll have to apologize. Maybe. Otherwise, its no harm done.

rcocean said...

Per Hollywood:

Wein-pig = was a Hollywood God, until just recently.
Polanski = what's a little Child rape & skipping Bail ?
Mel Gibson = Made some private antisemetic comments - blackballed.
Peter Fonda = advocated Child rape. Apology accepted
Kathy Griffith = picture of her cutting off Trump's head. Apology accepted.
Rosanne = racial tweet - show cancelled. Blackballed.
Sam Bee = First lady is a Cunt. Apology accepted.

Notice a pattern?

Chris Arabia said...

It's a little like the fourth season of Welcome Back, Kotter.


Francisco D said...

" I thought Roseanne could be the greatest in the history of scripted tv, but I’d want to give Lucille Ball that spot. Top 5, though."

I vote Lucy #1.

She broke a lot of ground and seemed to be a really decent person.

Michael K said...

I have read that Roseanne owns the show. Making money although I suspect it will go all PC and will lose its audience,

FIDO said...

Sara Gilbert is not funny, is annoying and has the personal warmth of a wire mannequin.

So good luck with her as the star.

This is the Dixie Chicks all over again.

Etienne said...

Michael K said...I have read that Roseanne owns the show.

She doesn't have the cash, but I bet she has a share. It's hard to tell with Hollywood, because there are multiple levels of financing.

In the end, the oil companies own everything.

glam1931 said...

Ironically it was Sara Gilbert who badgered Roseanne into doing the reboot in the first place. Barr agreed on the condition that Gilbert take on all the fighting with the network over content, as she just didn't have it in her anymore. In some ways I would suspect Roseanne is really relieved it is all over, and will take a certain quiet pleasure in watching Gilbert and the other ingrates crash and burn. It'll run 13 episodes because that money was already allocated by ABC for next season; beyond that is anyone's guess, but I can't imagine the fans accepting the show without her.
Hardly anyone has commented on the Trump connection; he was really only referred to in the very first episode, and pretty much ignored the rest of the season. I think the story wrapped nicely in the last episode; with Lanford declared a disaster area due to flooding, FEMA would step in and start handing out money, Dan would have plenty of work and could hire back all his buddies, Roseanne would get her knee surgery and get off pain pills, and best of all, Darlene ends up stuck in her living hell job as a scantily-dressed cocktail waitress. Poetic justice, I say.

Ryan said...

The spinoff will fail without Rosanne.

Rory said...

It will be hard for the show to fail. It could lose over half of its audience this year and still survive. Audiences are so small now that the old show's loyalists can sustain it for years. That little built-in audience is what's driving the wave of reboots going on now.

daskol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daskol said...

Rory, going to have to disagree with you about Roseanneless Roseanne. Prospects are poor. They could call it Darlene, which is a good name for a character (that Roseanne invented) and a show. That might get them a few more eyeballs, but I don't think they're cheeky enough to do that. They should, though. If they call it The Conner Family it tanks after the first episode, which people will watch for novelty's sake. I bet the review are going to be amazing, though.

daskol said...

In a way, she's sort of a sweet comedian. If the Cosby Show normalized black people for the average American family, Roseanne normalized "white trash." Gave them hearts and minds and dreams, and made it funny. Old show holds up pretty well. New one wasn't that great, in my opinion. But clearly she was ahead of her time, considering how groundbreaking a 30 year old sitcom was in today's television lineup. It was literally the same damned show, with older actors and a skinnier mom and dad.

daskol said...

Excuse me, skinnier grandma and grandpa.

daskol said...

Anyway, my kids love the old show. And I bet they'd love the Cosby Show too, if Hulu had the balls to put that on. That was a truly great show. Writing was amazing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...families can always find common ground through conversation, laughter and love.

They can as long as they expel the unhinged, fat, hateful bitch who would torpedo all their jobs and their reason for being together just so that she could impulsively squeak out yet another racist brain-fart from her never-ending Twitter hole.

I notice that Republicanism is nothing more than a minor cultural tantrum increasingly at odds with society, reality, the market and basic decency.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sara Gilbert is not funny, is annoying and has the personal warmth of a wire mannequin.

Ahhh... the charm and warmth of labelling black Americans as "apes." So funny. So endearing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Typical Republican idiocy: Why can't black people (and people who don't hate them) not run ABC or constitute one of its market demographics! Oh why! Woe is us!

How difficult things must be for you.

langford peel said...

"Why can't black people (and people who don't hate them) not run ABC or constitute one of its market demographics! Oh why! Woe is us!"

Of course black people can run ABC. They are going to run it into the ground which is what black people do when they run anything bigger than a basketball team. ABC/Diseny is just accelerating their destruction until they are sold off in another merger.

They destroyed Star Wars. They destroyed ESPN. They about to destroy Marvel. So this is just icing on the cake.

Pass the popcorn.

Anne said...

The Roseanne reboot began as scenes between Gilbert and Goodman on Sara's forgettable,the view knock off talk show. ABC are where they always wanted this to be . Knowing them I can see Gilbert's character suddenly remembering sexual abused from Dad. See, the Trump supporter is gone, the White male is now in the cross hairs. The whole thing is laughable. Roseanne will loom like Duncan's ghost.