Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D’Souza today. He was treated very unfairly by our government!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2018
AND: From WaPo:
The president, who has issued a series of pardons in recent months, said he is also considering leniency in number of other cases, including those of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich (D) and Martha Stewart, the author and television personality....
Trump later told reporters traveling with him on Air Force One that he is considering commuting the remainder of the sentence of Blagojevich, who was convicted in 2010 on charges relating to the selling of President Barack Obama’s former Senate seat.
[Blagojevich's b]ragging about getting something in return for a Senate appointment, Trump said, was “a stupid thing to say—but 18 years?”
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 231 of 231Ritmo thread. Not worth the electrons.
Man, I think Ritmo decided to get drunk again?
Seriously, even the Indian troll spamming for whatever it is they are trying to sell is more coherent that Ritmo on this thread.
By the way... what's up with the gay attacks, Ritmo? I thought you leftists were all about gayness and how being gay is superior. So when you call someone gay, aren't you really complimenting them?
Or are you trying to say being gay is an insult? As a leftist, isn't that a mortal sin? Aren't you outing yourself as a homophobic bigot?
"Sally Yates broke no law..."
At a minimum, she wrote the memo exempting the DoJ's Nat. Sec Div and its FBI equivalent from OIG review, which was very likely illegal. At a minimum, if criminal referrals come out of the pending OIG report, she would likely be guilty of Obstruction of Justice. And she signed off for the DoJ, under oath, on the first, and maybe the second, FISA warrant, for Carter Page, very likely knowing that it was primarily based on the DNC/Clinton funded Steele Dossier, with the wife of her direct report, ADAG Bruce Ohr, working on the Dossier for Fusion as their Russia expert. That likely would be several federal felonies, including Civil Rights violations. Her memo opening up distribution of FISA 702 raw data to a significantly broader audience, outside the DoJ. Again, likely a Civil Rights violation, as well as a violation of FISA. And if her involve not in any of this was an attempt to elect Crooked Hillary, or defeat Trump, she would have also violated the Hatch Act. No doubt, a zeleous prosecutor could find more violations on her part.
Or are you trying to say being gay is an insult? As a leftist, isn't that a mortal sin? Aren't you outing yourself as a homophobic bigot?
It's always been that way for the Leftists. If a gay isn't a Leftie, he or she is fair game.
Goofy bravely acknowledges being "closeted in-denial gay".And mistakes me for a stalker.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Make sure to let Ann Althouse know how many times you reposted the same comment in this thread. I'm sure she will be really happy for you, stupid, closeted in-denial gaystalker.
Oh, I know, Darrell. But Ritmo is either complementing FullMoon, or he's a homophobic bigot. No other option, really.
Of course, we all know that he's a bigot, a hater, etc: after all, his posts positively drip with the sexist bigoted stuff all the time. He's the shining example of why Democrats can never be allowed into power over others, because we all know that Ritmo is just itching to go full Heinrich Himmler on all his perceived hatreds.
Pardoning Blago would be F***ing Golden(TM). He is inhibited from telling what he knows by being in prison and needs the cash from a tell all book. All he needs to worry about is Arkancide after his release.
"He is inhibited from telling what he knows by being in prison and needs the cash from a tell all book."
Excellent point. Somebody knows the secrets. Maybe he does.
Of course, there is the Seth Rich example to suggest caution. I don;t know if Obama is a s ruthless as Hillary but the people behind him might be.
FullGayMoon's real-life identity has been discovered.
And in the process, Ritmo reveals her anti-gay bigotry and secret identity.
Everyone knows that the only VALID pardon is last minute pardons of BILLIONAIRES.
MS13 supporting Leftists oppose pardons for individuals who:
1) Have not donated millions to democrats
2) Have not murdered American citizens
3) Have not committed traitorous acts against the United States
It's become very clear.
If I'm threadjacking then why do you keep begging for me to comment at you, stalker?
It's always been that way for the Leftists. If a gay isn't a Leftie, he or she is fair game.
OR... a non-stalker.
OR... a closet case begging for attention from someone he keeps calling "gay" while admitting that he's only had sex 11 times.
You know. Exceptions like that. Creeps can be straight (O'Reilly) or gay (FullMoon). There's nothing about one's sexual orientation that inoculates them from sociopathy or violative behavior. See Jeffery Dahmer for details. He was apparently quite gay - just not in, you know, a normal way.
Same thing with FullMoon.
And same thing with Ted Bundy's love of women. Doesn't mean all straight men are serial murderers.
You guys would do well to learn how to distinguish between socially appropriate and inappropriate behavior. (Re: This thread's issue about pardons). It would clarify a whole world of good for you.
But Ritmo is either complementing FullMoon, or he's a homophobic bigot. No other option, really.
Other than the "option" of "doesn't want to be stalked by a creepy closet case.
Perfectly normal not to want that. Would you be a homophobic bigot if you warded off Jeffery Dahmer's advances?
You guys back yourselves into illogical idea-dumps so fricking easily.
I see Darrell and Vance are in love with me, too.
Boys, get over yourselves and your man-crushes on me.
But Ritmo is either complementing FullMoon, or he's a homophobic bigot. No other option, really.
Ritmo is a self loathing homosexual.
Look at his history. Comments are full of hate for women. References to fellatio. References to anal sex.
Going back almost a decade.
I realized it a couple of weeks ago when commenting on a Stormy thread I made a humorous observation regarding Rits Mother and ATM.
He immediately associated ATM with gay sex. Totally out of the blue. Obviously extremely familiar with the homosexual sub culture. That is when I began researching prior comments, as well as noticing his delight in accusing others of homo activity.
Clincher was when he offered to send nude photos to Mike K and , in the same thread, asked the commenteriat if any others here had experienced sex with a man.
Perhaps those giveaway commments were Ambian induced. Who knows?
Everybody has witnessed his creativity when it comes to telling the truth.
Frnkly, I am not offended. I find his flights of fancy kind of cute.Endearing, even.
PPPT: "Boys, get over yourselves and your man-crushes on me."
Never you delightful son of a b****!
I can't quit you....
PPPT: "There's nothing about one's sexual orientation that inoculates them from sociopathy or violative behavior."
When that violative behavior is married up to democrat part identification and large scale fundraising you can actually get corporations to write in assault settlement amounts into your contract AS WELL AS have the largest and most connected democrat law firms contracted to hire ex-foreign service agents to harass and intimidate victims of powerful democrat abusers.
Which is, apparently, a "nice" gig for dems if you can get it....
Don't be jealous. It's obvious you wanted those pics for yourself.
Other than that, I'm sure people take your drop-out dimestore psychologizing as seriously as they take your musings on quantum mechanics. Especially when you admitted that you've only had sex 11 times.
Do tell me when your meeting of the men's club for women takes place. Especially the part when you tell them about how disgusted you are by their bodies and body parts. And how they are too sexually adventurous for you.
FullManLover ends a denial of his gay love for me by saying that he's endeared to me.
Very straight guy way to be there, sweetie!
References to fellatio. References to anal sex.
Going back almost a decade.
Tell your woman to keep her mouth away from that shrimpy little dick of yours! And keep her ass away from you, too!
Comments are full of hate for women.
Right. "Hate." You go, girl!
You are woman. Hear you roar.
None of these people committed crimes even close to what Hillary did.
Trying to get back on point:
PPPT: "Especially when you admitted that you've only had sex 11 times"
"Zorro the Gay Blade"
Florinda: "My life is miserable! I have nothing, nothing..."
Don Diego Vega: "Nonsense. You have everything. You are married to the Alcalde! The "Prince of the People's"...."
Florinda: (Laughing) "Don't be ridiculous, I'm married to Esteban. King of the Beasts. A Beast! Do you realize...we only make love 12 times a year?......"
Don Diego Vega: "Once a month is not too bad....."
Florinda: "...I mean 12 times in ONE night....and then for the rest of year...NOTHING!"
Don Diego Vega: (rolls Florinda over on the bed and asks urgently) "Tell me, on that one night, does he eat anything "especial"? Oysters? Raw eggs?"
Florinda: "Garlic. Alot of garlic..."
Yikes! Any thread with so many Ritmo posts is worth passing up.
But briefly, Agree with at least two of three. No fan of Martha's political leanings but she got screwed. If anyone should go to prison for insider trading it should be the Equifax executives.
Andrew McCarthy at nro has an excellent write up of the pardon.
A Worthy Pardon for Dinesh D’Souza
D’Souza is author of the Roots of Obama’s Rage and co-producer of the equally controversial film 2016: Obama’s America. . . .
So now the Obama administration has indicted D’Souza for not one but two felony charges, arising out of alleged campaign-finance irregularities. Specifically, he is accused of corruptly reimbursing straw donors to the campaign of Wendy Long, Republican candidate in the New York Senate race — contributions D’Souza could not lawfully make himself because he was already “maxed out” at the $5,000 ceiling.
...I have no doubt, though, that this is a manifestly vindictive prosecution. The $20,000 amount of the offense alleged is puny — a negligible fraction of the Solyndra scam and a figure that would not even register in comparison to the billions lost by victims who were told that if they liked their health-care plans they could keep them. It is the kind of case on which the government routinely declines criminal prosecution, handling, instead, by an administrative fine.
D’Souza has no criminal record. Moreover, contrary to myriad voter-fraud violations that Attorney General Holder will not lift a finger to pursue, the transactions at issue posed no conceivable threat to the integrity of the election process: Ms. Long lost by 46 points. As observed by no less than Harvard’s Alan Dershowitz (an Obama supporter), “This is clearly a case of selective prosecution.” There would, the professor added, be “no room in jails for murderers” if the Justice Department made a practice of such prosecutions.
Even more offensive, to my mind, is count two — the charge of making false statements to the government. To commit the species of campaign-finance violation alleged in count one, the defendant necessarily must cause the straw donor to file a false contribution report with the Federal Election Commission. That is, you cannot commit the donation offense without simultaneously committing the false-statement offense. For the government to charge both smacks of double jeopardy: being twice prosecuted for the same, single offense.
Why such a heavy-handed indictment? Because Congress deemed campaign-finance violations worth less than $25,000 to be so trivial that a maximum jail sentence of only two years is prescribed (see Title 2, U.S. Code, Sec. 437g(d)(1)(D)). You can also be certain the sentencing guidelines would prescribe no jail time at all. Yet, by gratuitously piling on another felony, Obama and Holder portray D’Souza as a serious crook and subject him to the onerous potential of seven years in prison — all for an episode that ordinarily would not be prosecuted at all.
As LI’s Bill Jacobson notes, the 2008 Obama campaign was caught illegally hiding not $20,000 but nearly $2 million in irregular contributions (in addition to dragging its feet on the return of millions more in suspect donations). You probably don’t remember that because — I know this will shock you — the Obama Justice Department didn’t prosecute anyone. It was considered a mere hiccup: resolved by a fine considerably smaller than the $500,000 in bail D’Souza was forced to post lest he be detained pending trial on his multiple-felony indictment for conduct worth 25 times less that amount.
The Obama Justice Department’s extortionate tactic of turning a regulatory violation into a potential seven-year felony put enormous pressure on D’Souza to plead guilty. When he did, ...the Justice Department aggressively pushed for a prison sentence. A bravura performance at the sentencing proceeding by D’Souza’s lawyer, Ben Brafman, convinced the sentencing judge not to imprison him; but D’Souza was still confined to a halfway house for several months — a ridiculous imposition since a halfway house is supposed to be a way-station where incarcerated inmates are transferred for integration back into society. No matter what you think of D’Souza’s politics, his treatment was abusive.
President Trump’s pardon of Dinesh D’Souza is just.O
Maybe they can just grow a good head of hair over Chicago and it’ll look a lot better in front of the cameras.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...Libby outed a CIA agent. Cons cheer.
No. Richard Armitage did that. It's an objective fact. How can people not be aware of objective facts like that one? Strange.
[Libby was prosecuted for obstruction of justice for lying to the FBI. The FBI asked a question to which they already knew the answer (to a certainty) and decided that Libby's answer was not true. Libby's untrue answer in no way hindered an investigation nor obstructed any ongoing inquiry...and in fact it's probably the case that the FBI only asked the question in order to get Libby to lie and then have the threat of obstruction charges as a tool to ensure his cooperation. This is common.]
“[Libby was prosecuted for obstruction of justice for lying to the FBI. The FBI asked a question to which they already knew the answer (to a certainty) and decided that Libby's answer was not true. Libby's untrue answer in no way hindered an investigation nor obstructed any ongoing inquiry...and in fact it's probably the case that the FBI only asked the question in order to get Libby to lie and then have the threat of obstruction charges as a tool to ensure his cooperation. This is common.]”
I think that it was worse than that - my memory is that Libby’s answer was that he didn’t remember, which, I think, was probable, given how busy he was, as VP Cheney’s Chief of Staff.
I really find it irksome that 10 years down the road, we are still hearing the lie about Libby outing Plame. Plame wasn’t covert at the time, as she was riding a desk at Langley, and the fact that she was a CIA employee was well known around DC, thanks to their penchant for self-publication. Pictures of the two of them in the papers in their sports car with the top down, etc. Moreover, she could surely have expected exposure after getting her Dem activist husband sent to Niger looking for Yellowcake, by the CIA, with him then embarrassing the Bush Administration with his op-ed in the NYT. No doubt, the first question that a number of people in the Bush Administration asked, when seeing his NYT piece, was WTF did a well known Dem operative get sent on a sensitive CIA mission to Niger. And, the reality that was quickly determined by a number of people in the Administration was that it was Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, who put forward his name to her bosses at the CIA. Which is to say that if she had been covert (she obviously wasn’t) at the time, she would have been the one who caused herself to be outed. Who effectively outed herself. No one else.
Excuse for pardons? Why would any president have to make an excuse?
Except for using the pardon power as a bribe, which might lead to a criminal prosecution after one leaves the presidency, there is no need for any reason. None whatsoever.
Unlike all the power that Obama assumed unto himself, the pardon power is mentioned in the Constitution and there are no limitations on the power within the document. This does not seem difficult. Why are so many pretending at confusion?
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