May 22, 2018

Obstructing injustice.

A Twitter dialogue between Max Boot and Scott Adams:

The White House is the one that’s doing the stonewalling. As I write today, Trump is imitating a tried and true authoritarian tactic—investigate the investigators—to escape accountability:
What was the alternative?
The alternative is pretty simple: don’t obstruct justice. Let the lawful investigation proceed unimpeded. Uphold the oath of office. Defend the Constituon [sic].
Obstructing justice would be bad. Obstructing INJUSTICE is why voters hired him. It's his job to know the difference, and he's showing his work. I appreciate his transparency on this. Presidents have freedom of speech too.
Ah! Now, I'm seeing that Adams is in the middle of a live Periscope. I'll just put this post up and watch this later when I can start at the beginning. I like this term "obstructing injustice," so let's see where Adams goes with it:

ADDED: I'm going to read Boot's WaPo column, linked in the first tweet, because I really don't understand that investigating the investigators is "a tried and true authoritarian tactic." It seems to me that in an authoritarian governmental system, the leader controls the investigators, so how can they be investigated by any governmental authority that is in a position to impose consequences? You've only got private citizens — notably, journalists — trying to do investigations. The ability to investigate the investigators seems to me to be an attribute of a free and open society.

So, Boot's column begins:
Remember that old adage that a frog will jump out of a boiling pot but won’t notice if the temperature is slowly raised until it’s boiled alive? 
Well, that's not an "adage," but I know the analogy you're talking about. Thanks for letting me know up front that attention to accurate language isn't important to you. It would make more sense to call it a "fable," which is the term used at the Wikipedia article, "Boiling frog." I love Wikipedia. I'm abandoning the project of reading Boot's blather so I can dive into a delightful hot bath of Wikipedia:
The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of threats that arise gradually.

While some 19th-century experiments suggested that the underlying premise is true if the heating is sufficiently gradual, according to contemporary biologists the premise is false: a frog that is gradually heated will jump out. Indeed, thermoregulation by changing location is a fundamentally necessary survival strategy for frogs and other ectotherms.
As part of advancing science, several experiments observing the reaction of frogs to slowly heated water took place in the 19th century. In 1869, while doing experiments searching for the location of the soul, German physiologist Friedrich Goltz demonstrated that a frog that has had its brain removed will remain in slowly heated water, but an intact frog attempted to escape the water when it reached 25 °C.
I see good potential for metaphor, because it is kind of like America has had its brain removed. When did that happen? Pop culture, fake news, too much fixation on screens, drugs — sorry, I can't pursue that brain(ha ha)storm right now. But you see the idea. If we're the frog that doesn't jump out of the boiling water that means we've had our brain removed — the soul-search Friedrich Goltz ghoulishly figured that out for us. What would we do without German physiologists?

Anyway, there's more science detail at that Wikipedia article, and when I get back to Boot, I see he knows his "adage" about frogs is wrong:
It turns out that it just isn’t true. In fact, frogs will hop out when the temperature turns uncomfortable.
Then why start a column with that bullshit?
Which suggests that we may not be as smart as slimy green amphibians. 
Only if we don't jump out of slowly heating water.
President Trump is throwing one democratic norm after another into a big pot and rapidly raising the heat, and we’re too busy watching the royal wedding to notice. 
This metaphor is annoying me. Are the "democratic norms" supposed to be the frogs that won't jump out? They sound like ingredients being added to a soup, but what's bad about soup? Something that could be killed and that has the power to save itself needs to be in the pot. Are we in the pot, and are democratic norms being put in there with us? I think a metaphor should be abandoned if you can't get the moving parts right!

Boot proceeds to enumerate Trump's transgressions on "significant norms." The headings are: "Revealing intelligence sources," "Politically motivated prosecutions," "Mixing private and government business," "Foreign interference in U.S. elections," "Undermining the First Amendment."

Boot's point is that we're not getting upset enough. We should be jumping at these early transgressions, like the nonexistent frog.
Republicans approve of, or pretend not to notice, his flagrant misconduct, while Democrats are inured to it. The sheer number of outrages makes it hard to give each one the attention it deserves. But we must never – ever! – accept the unacceptable. Otherwise our democracy will be boiled alive.
But in real life, the frog does jump out when it gets too hot. The slow heating does not interfere with that capacity. Using the real-life analogy, we're not getting terribly upset yet because we don't think it's too hot yet, and we will be able to jump when we decide that it is. That last sentence forgets the science and screams at us to jump now because otherwise we'll be boiled alive. But that's alarmism. Frogs don't live like that, so why should we?

Boot wrote "we may not be as smart as slimy green amphibians," but maybe we are, and we don't fritter away our life's energy by abandoning one acceptably warm pool on the theory if it turns out to be a fatal boiling pot we will die.

By the way, here's another Wikipedia article about a reaction-to-heat metaphor, "Out of the frying pan into the fire."


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Francisco D said...

@ Jack Wayne

I enjoyed your post.

Sometimes it seems like I have wasted time with trolls, in hope that there will be some interesting and informative posts. Yours was both.

Michael K said...

"The ignorance about the oil business is pathetic."

I strongly encouraged a friend's son, who was a senior in Engineering at U of Arizona, to go into Petroleum Engineering. That was when the fracking boom was just getting started. U of A has no Petroleum Engineering program but he got a masters in chemical Engineering and is probably doing well. Great kid.

Drago said...

Michael K: "I strongly encouraged a friend's son, who was a senior in Engineering at U of Arizona, to go into Petroleum Engineering."

Why study engineering.

Just do a Full John Pickering and out of profound ignorance simply rewrite reality.

You know, sometimes Pickering sounds an awful lot like LLR Chuck..... for thought....

JackWayne said...

The opposite side of low oil prices is that chemical companies do well. Everything is made from chemicals and most chemicals are made from oil. Which is why most oil companies have a chemical side. It helps them through the lean times. Chemical production stays about the same so profitability comes from the price of oil. This is another problem for OPEC. They mostly produce oil and gas and don’t do as much chemical as they should. It would help them smooth out their budgets.

JackWayne said...

The most ignorant thing about oil that I love is that chocolate lovers don’t realize how much they depend on oil for their fix. The wax (paraffin) that helps stiffen chocolate bars comes straight out of a well.

Michael K said...

Blogger Drago said...
Michael K: "I strongly encouraged a friend's son, who was a senior in Engineering at U of Arizona, to go into Petroleum Engineering."

Why study engineering.
May be he wants to have a normal life with a wife and kids.

He is a good looking kid and plays classical piano at not quite the professional level.

With his parents.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Try lobster

narciso said...

How about that:

FIDO said...

An authoritarian government would suddenly find kiddy porn in Mr. Boot's computer, and after a very brief and quick trial, send him to the outer banks of Alaska to 'count trees'.

Mueller would be visited by some very large men with very short tempers. His family would also be there, handcuffed. Various possibilities about what the future held for all of them would be discussed.

None of this would ever reach the news, because the editors kids would be in a very would be a word for it. Isolated and unreachable.

Bezos would be co-opted or accidently walk in front of a speeding car...investigation is ongoing.

The first Antifa riot would have caused Berkley, Mizzou and to lose all public funding. Any teacher, ANY teacher who seemed to have encouraged this would have been questioned. Their entire set of papers would have been exposed and any 'anti state' ideas would be paraded in front of the public, with the worst and most salacious and demeaning quotes held up without context. Who was that fat lesbian bint who 'joked' that all men should be in a prison while reproduction would occur during 'conjugal visits'?

Many professors would have their credentials pulled. Young ladies would 'suddenly' remember his or her creepy overtures to them (these ladies would get a free education and cushy government jobs making other people miserable). They would be jailed on scant evidence.

His rather sloppy use of words is the least of his sins. This fucking idiot Boot doesn't know what a REAL authoritarian system actually looks like.

What he means it 'Trump is using legal means in ways I don't like which makes it difficult to destroy him'.

There are reasons I don't read the WaPo...and now, even if they had a point (they haven't so far), I and half the population wouldn't believe them anyway because they have cried wolf far too often.

d.k. said...

Best blog post ever! Great job Ann.

Clyde said...

I wonder if Boot is familiar with the adage/fable "So full of shit that his eyes are turning brown"? Because he should be.

gadfly said...

Obstructing INJUSTICE? How does the Cartoon Stick Man get away with that kind of BS? Trump wouldn't know injustice if his feeble mind was up to looking up the meaning of the word.

Donald ducked the jailer by settling his fraudulent Trump University thievery for far less than his students contributed to the Trump con. Average payments granted by the Indiana-born Mexican Federal Judge amounted to only $4,000 and the settlement shut down numerous individual fraud suits.

Every day Donald Trump rolls in cash at his company-owned facilities simply because he is president. Much of the money comes from foreign sources which is a violation of the Constitution's Emoluments clause. Worse Trump spend every weekend at White House South - his Mar-a-lago Club, which also accommodates his security and his guests for a price. He also charges the government for security and family stays at Trump Tower.

Then there are the mysterious foreign investments from Qatar to bail out Kushner's 666 5th Avenue sink hole and the Chinese government-owned bank has agreed to finance a Trump project Theme Park in Indonesia in exchange for Trump's saving of ZBT. Then there are the questionable tenants such as a Chinese Bank occupying space on the 20th floor of Trump Tower, paying $2 million in rents and seemingly not engaged in commercial enterprise.

But Trumpers believe! Injustice for all!

Mike Sylwester said...

FIDO at 12:02 AM
An authoritarian government would suddenly find kiddy porn in Mr. Boot's computer, and after a very brief and quick trial, send him to the outer banks of Alaska to 'count trees'.

Mueller would be visited by some very large men with very short tempers. ...

That was a great comment !!!

Rick said...

Young ladies would 'suddenly' remember his or her creepy overtures to them (these ladies would get a free education and cushy government jobs making other people miserable). They would be jailed on scant evidence.

This element actually exists, but remember Obama set it up and Trump is getting rid of it.

Rusty said...

Original Mike said...
"You guys know ARM’s just a troll, right?"
Yeah. But he thinks he's clever, so it's funny. 'cause he's not. Clever.

"At any rate, I'm a little less concerned about soaring gas prices since it just benefits domestic frackers."

I think we're seeing the result of the improving economies of places like China and India where there is now a big demand, At the same time Venezuela is, for all intents and purposes, off line. As the price per barrel goes up more marginal frackers will come online driving the price per barrel down.

TRISTRAM said...

This fucking idiot Boot doesn't know what a REAL authoritarian system actually looks like.

But George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen do.

tim in vermont said...

When did Bill get the $500G in Moscow? Recently? - John Pickering

When his wife was Secretary of State and clearly in line to run for president. Yeesh! How much effort does it take to stay in denial. that long? And the other 145 million to the Clinton Foundation? The one that paid Bill Clinton, on just one occasion, seventeen million dollars for a part time job? Yeah, it’s starting to look like big money. They will be living off of that foundation the rest of their lives.

tim in vermont said...

The Mueller investigation, Bruni argued,[in the New York Times is dominating media coverage to the extent it’s crowding out coverage of what Trump and his administration are actually doing.

Like lowering unemployment, raising wages, sending the stock market soaring, seeking an end to the Korean War you might ask?


“Maybe the just-published Politico report of Trump’s deliberate, cavalier use of a cellphone that doesn’t have strict security safeguards would be getting extra attention” if not for the Mueller investigation, Bruni pondered.

I guess Bruni is worried that somebody might get to read one of Trump’s Tweets several milliseconds before the rest of the world!

Remember that this is a guy who wanted Hillary to be president, Hillary, who as SoS, traveled the world with a BB that any local government could listen in on.

tim in vermont said...

Meuller and Stormy Daniels. All of your narratives are belong to us!

tim in vermont said...

Bruni also expressed his concern the Mueller investigation might not find evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.

Trump “knows that if he sets the bar at incontrovertible evidence of him and Putin huddled over a Hillary Clinton voodoo doll, he just might clear it,”

So, per the New York Times, an unproven charge should be enough to remove him. Unhinged, they have become unhinged. How about any evidence of collusion at all Frank?

Unknown said...

Thinking past the sale. Is a formulation that follows a premise. "have you stopped beating your dog yet"? AI could inhale media static and dynamic media, real time displaying score as absorbed, e.g. news shows, etc., tag with it a running NLP Flesch score MSM,FB,TWitter the person I'm listening to, etc. refine by up, down scores, of grader over history by demographic. Don’t care,v, Accept,v,Challenge,etc. Perhaps bio clues Fitbit, eye track, dwell time, etc. Map by demographics. No GMO tag, skip.

Michael K said...

I'm still listening to Boot's biography of Lansdale and it is excellent.

Whatever his reaction to Trump, he is a good writer in this genre.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

If the hack press were interested in Clinton corruption, even democrats would abandon that corrupt ship.

Most leftists are dedicated Clinton corruption deniers.

Bad Lieutenant said...

FTR the price of gas in NYC is $3.19 six blocks from me. The $5 is cherry picking.

Part of the problem here is that NYC real estate is so valuable that many gas stations on Manhattan Island have sold out for development - there's not a pump to be found south of 14th St anymore! No, I tell a lie, there's one left at 8th Av and W 13 St.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Off Manhattan, there's plenty of gas under $3 in Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx. NJ across the river has I think $2.57.

Gk1 said...

I think Trump fatigue is setting in for even the most dedicated democrats at this point. I saw the same thing in 2004 when even they began to have their doubts Kerry could unseat GW Bush and more than half the country supported bush. The never trumpers like Boot and Kristol remind me of the turncoats during the American revolution, they picked a side that eventually lost and then had to repatriate to another country. What use will any modern republican have for these birds after they had worked hand and glove with the MSM and democrats to remove a duly elected, REPUBLICAN, president? They have no "plan b".

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