May 7, 2018

"Clear Channel Radio never banned any songs after 9-11."

I hope you didn't miss that, buried as it was at the end of a post that I think a lot of readers blew off because it's about last night's "American Idol." That post has only 13 comments right now, and a couple of the later posts have over 100 comments. I know my readers have interests that only somewhat overlap with mine, and I realize the number of comments has an unknown relationship to the number of readers. But still, I have to worry that things I want read do not get read.

I wanted to make sure readers see this material, which corrects something I wrote in a post a week ago about the song "Walk Like an Egyptian": "It's one of the songs Clear Channel banned after the September 11, 2001 attacks."  I'm reposting the correction because I want to get out this story of fake news that became fake history:
I got that from Wikipedia, where the information is presented like this:
"Walk Like an Egyptian" was one of the songs deemed inappropriate by Clear Channel following the September 11, 2001 attacks[9] and was also included in a "list of records to be avoided" drawn up by the BBC during the Gulf War.[10][11][clarification needed]
I have an informant — a person I have strong reason to trust and who I believe has first-hand knowledge — who wrote to me:
This is a battle I no longer fight; it’s been lost. I even saw it mentioned in a recently published college textbook of American history. But for you, here’s the real story:

Clear Channel Radio never banned any songs after 9-11. A day or so after the attack, one program director in San Diego sent an e-mail to other PDs with a short list of songs they might want to think twice about for a short time, purely for reasons of taste and sensitivity. I doubt that Walk Like An Egyptian was on the list then.

Now, you have to recall the typical bad-boy snotty attitude of the typical FM rock program director of 2001. Immediately, for their own entertainment, many of them started adding to the list, coming up with increasingly ridiculous suggestions, and trading the list back and forth.

The later, ridiculous list is the one that that made its way to the press, to the early forms of social media, and eventually to history books. Clear Channel was already being bashed for its size and its destruction of local radio, so this story fit right in.


Achilles said...

Radio is under assault because it allows conservative voices.

Real conservatives. Not fake ones like Kristol or French or Brooks.

le Douanier said...

"I have to worry that things I want read do not get read."

Don't worry, you'll always have Dnipro.

Original Mike said...

"I have to worry that things I want read do not get read."

Not nearly enough hours in the day to read everything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing lies are real.

Nonapod said...

Any post about or related to American Idol may as well be about nothing as far as I'm concerned. I can summon interest in almost anything else but that.

That said, over-the-air radio went to hell long before the Clear Channel (now iHeartMedia) juggernaut gobbled up all the regional stations. It's somewhat amusing hearing about these goofy DJs essentially inventing a banned list based off nothing in order to create a strawman, all the while they're really just a part of the machine they're supposedly raging against.

It's a bit sad to see that the strawman has become an urban legend. Wonder what Snopes says about it?

Rick.T. said...

Ransom Stoddard: "You're not going to use the story, Mr. Scott?"

Maxwell Scott: "No, sir. This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

From "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" which had one of the great movie theme songs of all time sung by one of the all time great singers:

madAsHell said...

But still, I have to worry that things I want read do not get read.

I thought you were retired??

YoungHegelian said...

It would have been a boon to World Civ. if Clear Channel had banned "Ahab the Arab" on general principle.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I remember hearing "Leaving On a Jet Plane" at a Rite-Aid two days after 9/11. I confess that it did jar me a little.

Marcus said...

I never watch AI so posts about AI go unread.

Kevin said...

I wanted to make sure readers see this material, which corrects something I wrote in a post a week ago

If only the mainstream media cared 1/8 as much.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Nonapod said...”Any post about or related to American Idol may as well be about nothing as far as I'm concerned.”

There are things I don’t think I could read even with a gun to my head. American Idol and fashion are on that list.

stevew said...

Personally, I do not share your interest in pop culture sorts of things, such as American Idol. But I am interested in the sort of thing you mention here: the counter-factual bashing of Clear Channel. Why would someone do this? Have they a vendetta of some sort? Do they want to signal their superior virtue? Are they imagining that the Clear Channel folks are their inferior, or simply the other, and deserving of derision?

Most fascinating to me is that this attack continues 17 years after the fact.


Jaq said...

The left has an agenda of control of information. Look how Fox's relatively tiny audience for news drives them nuts. They are the heirs of the Puritans.

khematite said...

Seems that Snopes debunked the Clear Channel story at least a decade ago.

So long as that web page stays up, there remains a fighting chance that the spread of this particular urban legend can be halted in its tracks.

Drago said...

Well, LLR Chuck is certainly not going to like this topic and discussion as it destroys another leftist lie about conservative media.

LLR Chuck hates when that happens, that is when he deigns to recognize the demolition of lefty talking points at all......which he never does, naturally.

Tommy Duncan said...

"I wanted to make sure readers see this material, which corrects something I wrote in a post a week ago"

Redirecting your readers is like herding chickens.

Cluck, cluck.

todd galle said...

My wife and I were out with friends sometime in the week after 9/11, and I asked the DJ to play The Cure's 'Killing an Arab'. He didn't, nor the Clash's 'Rock the Casbah'. Who knew DJ's were such sensitive souls.

rcocean said...

What about Steve Martin's King-tut.

Was that banned?

Leland said...

Similarly, I saw on Instapundit, by the drunk guy, a post bashing Comcast in Houston for upgrading their Internet product but not providing the performance updates to all subscribers. Supposedly this was being limited to only bundled users. The original article came from Arstechnica.

I happen to be a Comcast Internet user in Houston that fits the criteria for those being left out. I can say the reality is my Internet performance was quadrupled without any action on my part. I even use my own modem. Still, it is Comcast and haters want to hate. I'm grateful to have them, as the alternative is AT&T and much slower Uverse.

DKWalser said...

Althouse — I was one of your many readers who read the first post, even though I’m not into American Idol. I didn’t comment because I didn’t have anything to say. (Granted, the lack of something to say doesn’t often hinder me. It did this time.) I read the original post because you frequently have something interesting to say — even about subjects I’m not into. Sorta like people used to say they could listen to Richard Burton read the phone book.

Amadeus 48 said...

I think this urban legend feeds the progressive message that Americans--except those properly constrained by elite education and guided by worldly, thoughtful experts-- are thuggish troglodytes of worst sort with KKK robes in their closets in the South and a garage full of "No [fill in the blank] need apply" notices in the North. Of course the public needs to be pacified always to prevent mob violence. There must have been an effort to assure no mention of Arabs or Islam on the air in 2001.

Of course mobs are always awful, whether they be in the Pale of Settlement in Russia, in Dothan, Duluth, or Detroit, in Rwanda, in London, in Paris, whether in the Thirty Years' War or at Heysel Stadium, but there is nothing unique about the USA.

This whole story line is just perpetuating the myth that we need to be guided by our betters. Humbug!

Amadeus 48 said...

By the way, those Bangles videos with Sidelong Susannah Hoffs are fantastic. Bring back the 1980s! Girl power!

langford peel said...

You drove all of your American Idol fans away several years ago and now you are only left with the political people.

Nobody cares about American Idol anymore.

There is no doubt it will be canceled after this epic fail of a season.

Amadeus 48 said...

Althouse is still strong with Tom+Lorenzo with forays into RuPaul's Drag Race. Once an art student, always an art student.

One of the things I love about Althouse is the art student/law professor mix. Usually successful law students are interested in and good at recognizing patterns and making distinctions--so are artists, engineers, rabbinical students, and English majors (new criticism). Althouse is the only law prof I know of who got there from the applied art background. She seems unique.

FIDO said...

And this post only has 24 (now 25) entries. So you are correct, some of the things you want us to read are NOT read by us. I don't care about American Idol, I don't care about Clear Channel and I am not that hot on some of your obscure art and music references.

But it is your blog and if philistine me can't appreciate it, well, I will make it up on some other post.

FullMoon said...

I wanna know who emailed you. When it comes to music stuff, there are several seriously knowledgeable commenters here. Not me, of course. I am only a couple of notches above Goofy Ritmo Revolutionary and way below the average person

CWJ said...

"I can see Russia from my house" comes to mind.

How long before that becomes the one Sarah Palin "quote" that appears in the textbooks?

Snark said...

"New Orleans is Sinking" actually was banished for a while after Katrina, reasonably, and out of respect.

Drago said...

CWJ: "How long before that becomes the one Sarah Palin "quote" that appears in the textbooks?"

LLR Chuck long ago actually held that fake quote against Palin.

You know, like all "lifelong republicans" did.......

Snark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snark said...

This post made me think tangentially of Springsteen's 'Radio Nowhere'. Great song. I love the vastness and choice of today's radio model, but something has of course been lost too. Old handwritten library cards invoke the same kind of feeling. We've moved on, we've improved, but..

Drago said...

Snark: ""New Orleans is Sinking" actually was banished for a while after Katrina, reasonably, and out of respect."

Remember how all of Snark's lefty buddies were accusing George W Bush of actually being responsible for Katrina, for Katrina striking New Orleans, and for blowing up the levee's to turn the "chocolate city" into a kill zone?

Not to mention that W was also a nazi misogynist racist war criminal who ought to be frog-marched out of the White House.

Keep in mind, that is the republican the lefties now laud.......LOL.

Snark said...

Bill Maher regularly rolls his eyes at himself for being so afraid of Mitt Romney that he gave a million dollars to the Obama campaign. Trump is good for perspective.

mikee said...

Tim Blair still notes the appearance of the lie about GWBush's plastic turkey in Iraq.
It was a real turkey, a centerpiece for the table.
Anything to belittle, ridicule, or denigrate a conservative.

Roy Lofquist said...

Y'all go it wrong. THIS is the one that was banned:

Drago said...

Snark: "Bill Maher regularly rolls his eyes at himself for being so afraid of Mitt Romney that he gave a million dollars to the Obama campaign. Trump is good for perspective."


Except your lefty pals called Reagan "literally Hitler". And HW Bush Hitler. And your pals said John McCain was dangerous and a racist who lacked the temperament to be President. And you called W Hitler as well.

You know, I am tempted to suggest that there hasnt been a lefty in 50 years whi had "perspective".

But good luck with your Rewriting Of History Project. Historical revisionism seems to be a lefty core competency.

RMc said...

"Now, you have to recall the typical bad-boy snotty attitude of the typical FM rock program director of 2001."

Spent 25 years in radio; can confirm.

Krumhorn said...

There is no doubt it will be canceled after this epic fail of a season.

Nope. ABC picked it up a couple of days ago....which is slightly odd since the 18-39 number is below 1%. Color bars and organ music will get 1%.

- Krumhorn

le Douanier said...

""I can see Russia from my house" comes to mind.

How long before that becomes the one Sarah Palin "quote" that appears in the textbooks?"

I was recently blown away by something the so-called Obama Bros said (on Pod Save America). They referred to BHO saying 'cling to guns and religion.'

Holy F!

These speech writers can't even get the quote right. WTF?!

It was "or," not "and." And, there were other things that were options, too. And, the folks who were referred to as clingers were a highly specified demo:

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

IOW, BHO laid out the MAGA platform. But, he was black, aka uppity. So, we needed a gross, racist white liar to say the same thing = electoral college gold.

Anywho, I agree that Palin will likely be misquoted.

le Douanier said...

""Now, you have to recall the typical bad-boy snotty attitude of the typical FM rock program director of 2001."

Spent 25 years in radio; can confirm."

And yet you never learned the difference between on-air folks and management at a company like Clear Channel (i.e. the PDs).


Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse — I was one of your many readers who read the first post, even though I’m not into American Idol. I didn’t comment because I didn’t have anything to say. (Granted, the lack of something to say doesn’t often hinder me. It did this time.) I read the original post because you frequently have something interesting to say — even about subjects I’m not into. Sorta like people used to say they could listen to Richard Burton read the phone book."


Drago said...

adSs: "Anywho, I agree that Palin will likely be misquoted."

A powerful prediction coming on the heels of 10 years straight of Palin being misquoted.

Next up for adSs: predicting the outcome of Super Bowl 50.

JAORE said...

"I can see Russia from my house" comes to mind.

Our youngest son's GF was at the house two days ago. For some reason this quote came up. She was skeptical when I said Palin never said that. I explained she said you can see Russia from parts of Alaska. Then I said Tina Fey mocked her on SNL with the house comment and it has become fact.

She was not persuaded.

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