May 18, 2018

"A man yelling about Donald Trump opened fire early Friday in the lobby of a Miami-area golf resort owned by the President...."

CNN reports.
Authorities received a call of an active shooter at the Trump National Doral Golf Club at 1:30 a.m., said Juan Perez, director of the Miami-Dade police.... Perez did not provide details on what the shooter was saying about Trump, who was at the White House at the time.


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Rusty said...

Leftists shouldn't own firearms.

Darrell said...

Perez did not provide details on what the shooter was saying about Trump

I doubt it was supportive.

Rob said...

Once he’s recovered, the man will be hired as an analyst for CNN.

Rob said...
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Caldwell P. Titcomb IV said...

"Juan Perez"

Q: Was the guy shooting a "golf gun"?

A: Maybe - it sure made a "hole in Juan".

Ralph L said...

1:30 AM at a golf course? Who heard the shots?

rehajm said...

Does waving the 1 iron work in that scenario too?

Drago said...

Where was LLR Chuck at the time of the shooting?

Larvell said...

"Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"

zipity said...

Likely just another violent Tea Party member....


You know, like the one that shot up the Republicans baseball practice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

But please, don't say that it's leftwing radicals who are violent and out of control - inspired by Rachel Maddow.

Darrell said...

Chuck wanted to play 18 holes with Trump with $1 Billion riding on the outcome. As he stated here, some months ago.

Larvell said...
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chickelit said...

Too early to tell but prolly not an NRA member. Let’s not wait to vilify.

Paddy O said...

Was he wearing a white suit?

Ken B said...

What did he sound like? More like Michael K, or more like Inga? I'll give odds ...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

If he's another Bernie Bro, I expect that this story will vanish very quickly.

Keep guns out of the hands of Democrats and unstable loons - but I repeat myself.

Fabi said...

I thought Chuck would have more hair.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Guns everywhere, making us safer.

Jaq said...

It’s just the damn economy and that tweeting son of a bitch, Trump!

rcocean said...

Looks like a crazy dangerous Gay guy.

Jaq said...

Maybe “Slavishly watched Maddow” should be a checkmark in the mental health check before selling somebody a gun.

Gk1 said...

After these incidences I think Fox news should preface every interview with a democrat with "Do you decry the atmosphere your party has created that is triggering this violence?" and then sit back all doe eyed like someone from MSNBC,CNN,ABC,CBS,ABC would if the perpetrator had been a republican. I mean it's the same mugs game, right?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Guns everywhere, making us safer.

5/18/18, 8:51 AM

They are certainly dangerous in the hands of hatefilled leftists.

Leftists should not be allowed to own guns.

Drago said...

ARM: "Guns everywhere, making us safer."

Guns owned by NRA members making us safer.

Guns owned by lefties/lefty-beloved MS-13/lefty-protected terrorists....not so much.

As expected.

rcocean said...

This story will probably vanish quickly because the MSM/Dems don't care about Left-wing assassins or kooks targeting those on the right. That Baseball Field Republican Congressmen shooting sure did vanish quickly didn't it? But stories about "Charlottsville" are still popping up.

Of course, if the guy turns out to be a crazed NRA member or a "Neo-Nazi" - it will get some play.

Drago said...

It's a shame we don't have any FBI agents available for infiltration operations against MS-13 and other violent gangs.

The FBI agents are clearly too busy infiltrating republican candidate campaigns.

Drago said...

rcocean: "That Baseball Field Republican Congressmen shooting sure did vanish quickly didn't it?"

What "baseball field republican congressman shooting"?

Never heard of it.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

I think its great that ARM and his lefty cohort have come out four square in support of Hamas terrorists, Kim Jong Un and MS-13 while trying to disarm law-abiding US citizens.

And just in time for November.

LLR Chuck won't like that but at this point there's not much he and his lefty allies can do to put a lid on it.

Humperdink said...

ARM: "Guns everywhere, making us safer."

At least our friendly neighborhood leftist didn't say Trump provoked him, so that's a start.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

roocean, given that the asshole was screaming about Trump, I think it's probably safe to say he has more in common with ARM, Ritmo and Inga than with the NRA.

On the off chance that he's a "neo-Nazi" - well, wouldn't an anti-Trump Nazi contradict the notion that Trump is Hitler with a Queens accent?

Actually, what would the Left do with a Nazi who hates Trump? Given that they've all turned into Hamas and MS 13 fans, I guess they'd slap on the swastika armbands. Anybody who hates Trump can't be all bad!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

ARM, can you enlighten us as to why you leftists are so violent and hateful?

Etienne said...

He looks like a free-ranging mental case.

Off to the power plant with him!

rcocean said...

"Actually, what would the Left do with a Nazi who hates Trump?"

They'd say that Racist Trump got his racist Nazi followers all hyped up with racism, but then Trump didn't put Jews in gas chambers like he *implicitly* promised , so they turned on him.

And then they'd say racist-Nazi Trump brought it on himself for stirring up the racist-nazis.

trump will always be a nazi to the left - no matter what.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Definitely a leftist nutjob. He was shouting anti-Trump statements and tore down an American flag.

I love how the media turns anti-Trump statements into "yelling about Trump". They are animals.

madAsHell said...

Why in the hell would you shave your head, but not your face?!?!?!

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

Florida man...

Drago said...

Have ARM and LLR Chuck opened a GoFundMe account for this shooter yet?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
ARM, can you enlighten us as to why you leftists are so violent and hateful?

You should really go first with righties, since numerically they have been at the forefront of deranged shootings.

Maybe you could start with the Los Vegas shooter, a Trump supporter. Or the Charleston church shooter.

Guns everywhere, making us safer.

FullMoon said...

Any chance alcohol is involved?

gilbar said...

1:30 AM at a golf course?
so, an engineer, a priest, and a doctor are golfing; and the group in front is REALLY slow.
They complain to a greenskeeper; who tells them:
"Those are the blind firemen. They lost their vision last year from smoke damage while putting out the fire at our clubhouse: Saved a bunch of people! We let them golf for free whenever they want in gratitude!! They're slow, it's true. But they're heroes!

The Priest says: "how touching! I'll say a special prayer for them next mass"
The doctor says : "how moving! new treatments are coming; maybe we can cure them!"
The engineer says: "Why can't they golf at night?"

gilbar said...

madAsHell said:
"Why in the hell would you shave your head, but not your face?!?!?!"

My co-worker shaved his head to cover up his bald spot; then grew a big bushy beard in compensation

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Maybe you could start with the Los Vegas shooter, a Trump supporter. Or the Charleston church shooter."

Trump supporters? Can you provide evidence of that? And by "evidence" I don't mean a Rachel Maddow or Don Lemon brainfart....

Big Mike said...

You should really go first with righties, since numerically they have been at the forefront of deranged shootings.

That’s a lie, ARM, and you’re a liar.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger Gk1 said...

After these incidences I think Fox news should preface every interview with a democrat with "Do you decry the atmosphere your party has created that is triggering this violence?" and then sit back all doe eyed like someone from MSNBC,CNN,ABC,CBS,ABC would if the perpetrator had been a republican. I mean it's the same mugs game, right?

5/18/18, 8:57 AM

If a leftist shooter who can aim better than the baseball field guy and this loser ever shows up and manages to slaughter Republicans, it'll be a "two-fer" for ARM, Inga and Ritmo. They'll be able to show up here and piously denounce gun violence and the 2nd Amendment - and then they'll go offline and pop open the champagne and celebrate the deaths of deplorables, the people they consider worse than Hamas and MS13.

The media is deliberately trying to goad leftists nutbags into doing their dirty work for them. Then they'll blame the victims, just like they blamed Scalise for getting shot.

Big Mike said...

@exiledonmainstreet, +1

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Big Mike said...
That’s a lie

You are a coward, afraid to face reality.

Matt Sablan said...

The Vegas shooter has no known motive. There are people who claim someone who may or may not have been him ranted about FEMA camps at a public location that no one identified him at, talking to a third party no one has identified. But, FEMA camp conspiracy theories were active since Bush's presidency, so we'd need to figure out when the deranged man, exactly, bought into the conspiracy theory.

Matt Sablan said...

(If, of course, it turns out the ranting man actually was our shooter.)

Michael K said...

The lie about the Las Vegas shooter is new. No mention of the photo of him in a pussy hat holding a sign. Memory hole.

rcocean said...

What is this the 3rd Left-wing assassin attempt on Trump?

I don't think there was a single attempt on Obama.

But that's par for the course. From 1900-1980 you had 10 assassination attempts on US POTUS or POTUS candidates - all nine were by leftists.

McKinley, TR, and FDR - by anarchists/Socialists. Truman - P.R. Socialist/Revolutionaries, JFK - Commie. RFK -
left-wing Palestinian, Wallace - leftist nut, Ford - Sara Jane Moore Leftist, Reagan - Left wing nut.

All the political violence comes from the Left. And almost all mental patients are Democrats or liberals. Most felons are Democrats too, which is why the Dems want to give them the vote.

Vance said...

I'm sure Inga will be here to lament that this guy didn't kill someone, just like she did after Hodgkinson.

And ARM, you know damn well this man was a leftist. But here you are trying to blame the 2nd Amendment,.

So why don't we just ban guns from Democrats and leftists... .to see if banning guns works? How could you possibly oppose that?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

A Lying Man:

Again, provide us with proof of your claims.

I haven't forgotten how you excused the rioters at Berkeley. We know you're just peachy with violence committed by your side.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Even Jonathan Oddi doesn't seem to be left wing:

"In an Instagram post, he posted a meme from Turning Point USA, a right-wing conservative group. The meme contrasts a U.S. soldier with NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who famously knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
I haven't forgotten how you excused the rioters at Berkeley.

Provide proof or admit you are a liar.

Rick said...

You are a coward, afraid to face reality.

You are an insane partisan who can't keep his hatreds separate.

Dylan Roof expressed no advocacy for Trump nor could he have been influenced by trump since Roof's radicalization preceded Trump's candidacy.

Some people just get their kicks by being aholes to people they hate.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I guess we can all call for CNN to fire Chis Cilliza over his use of dangerous and inflammatory rhetoric and graphics. Lives are at stake!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Witnesses: Stephen Paddock Ranted About a Government Plot to Seize Guns Prior to Las Vegas Shooting

Vance said...

exiledonmainstreet: While I've given Inga a very hard time for her refusal to denounce Hodkinson, the baseball shooter, let's not forget that of all the leftists who posted here, only one of them said it was wrong to kill Republicans. Only one.

ARM was not that one. I think the sole one with a soul has left and doesn't comment anymore. ARM, however, along with Inga and Ritmo were quite gleeful about the whole thing and refused to denounce leftist political violence.

These people really do want to murder millions.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Guns everywhere, making us safer.

Francisco D said...

Big Mike said ... "That’s a lie, ARM, and you’re a liar."

That has been demonstrated time and time again here.

ARM is disingenuous on his best days and a blatant liar on his worst.

By any means necessary is Comrade ARM's motto.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Vance said...
were quite gleeful about the whole thing

Provide evidence or admit you are a liar.

Rick said...

Provide proof or admit you are a liar.

Isn't it interesting the demand for proof comes out whenever a left winger is attacked, yet none of those so demanding provide proof of their own assertions. It's almost like they think certain groups have a default setting requiring proof to change and others may simply be slandered at will.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rick said...
Some people just get their kicks by being aholes to people they hate.

At least this guy displays a little self-knowledge.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I'm sure Inga will be here to lament that this guy didn't kill someone, just like she did after Hodgkinson. “

Why do you think it necessary to lie? You say you are a Mormon, do Mormons not belief in “Thou Salt Not Lie”? How does lying like this make you more credible?

JAORE said...

He shot up the golf course...

Actually he entered the lobby of the resort and began shooting. Waited for police and fired again. He " waited in the lobby for police officers to arrive before luring them into a gunfight" per the Miami Herald. Might be suicide by cop with a leftist twist.

Vance said...

Evidence: This thread. You would think that after yet another example of people attacking Republicans with gunfire, that a leftist such as ARM would seize the opportunity to say "I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Republicans for political reasons."

Funny, has ARM, Inga, or any other leftist made such a statement? Nope. Why not? They ask us to believe they condemn violence against Republicans... they challenge us to "Prove it" when we don't have to. If they abhorred political violence against Republicans, wouldn't they have volunteered that in response to this clear attack on Republicans?

No, ARM, you were blaming guns for Hodgkinson too. You did have lots of "he had it coming" on the Rand Paul attack. Have you ever said it was wrong? I suggest you prove it, since you are the one claiming you oppose leftist violence. No one else remembers it, so you should prove you denounced it.

But in reality, you always, but always, spend your time trying to foist blame onto the Right for not confiscating weapons. You never, ever blame the violent leftists.

Rick said...

ARM keeps his streak of never making an intelligent comment alive. He's the Cal Ripken of false blog assertions.

Meanwhile he demands "proof" even as he advances obviously false conspiracy theories.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“ ARM, however, along with Inga and Ritmo were quite gleeful about the whole thing and refused to denounce leftist political violence.”

I haven’t heard one utterance of sadness from most people here that Heather Heyer was run down and killed by a car being driven by a Neo Nazi. What is wrong with you people?

Vance said...

Inga, you claim that being asked to denounce leftist violence is the same as being tortured. Your words.

Exactly what do you expect from claiming that? You clearly enjoy leftist violence if it is so excruciatingly painful to ask you to denounce it.

Any lady who would rather be tortured than say Hodkinson was wrong to shoot at Republicans can pretty safely be assumed to have enjoyed that whole episode.

And you yourself said that it would be torture for you to denounce Hodgkinson.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons.

Funny, Vance, Rick, or any other Trumpist made such a statement? Nope. Why not?

Rick said...

What is wrong with you people?

What's wrong with you? You claimed people support things unless they denounce them. Why do you oppose your own principle being applied to yourself?

Vance said...

As far as Heather Heyer goes... 1) she was not visible to the driver, so he clearly didn't specifically aim for her. 2) He was being chased by a mob. 3) She was a violent communist thug anyway. Your side says it's moral and right to kill Nazis. If so, why isn't it moral and right to kill violent communist thugs? No one needs them on the streets either. And there's far greater numbers of violent communist thugs around in our streets, posing a much greater danger than any NeoNazi person.

I'm sorry she was there, and I'm sorry she got killed while being there trying to be a violent communist thug. But perhaps she should have stayed home instead of trying to riot and enforce leftist political thought via violent oppression.

You can defend violent antifa communist agitators, but I think they should stay home. And then maybe they won't be hurt.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Vance said...
another example of people attacking Republicans with gunfire

You are lying here. You really are a moron. Fuck off and find some stupid people who will put up with this shit. It is idiots like you who have really dragged the Althouse blog into the gutter recently. This used to be quite a reasonable place, a good number of well educated people with a variety of points of view. Now we mainly get morons like you. Fuck off to whatever shithole you came from.

Vance said...

Inga, because I did make such a statement, several times, while challenging you to denounce leftist violence.

But clearly you don't want to remember those statements. It was while you were claiming it was torture to ask you to denounce Hodgkinson. Or maybe before.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rick said...
Meanwhile he demands "proof"

Rick completely fails to even come up with some bullshit 'proof'. Loser!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, you claim that being asked to denounce leftist violence is the same as being tortured. Your words.”

Vance, you are such a nutcase that you don’t understand that your behavior was likened to the Grand Inquisitor because you demanded I profess/ confess. I would not give you the satisfaction.

It’s like pointing and screaming “witch”! You are a modern day Puritan. Now let’s hear you profess that liberals and Democrats should not be run down in the street and murdered. No? Not willing? Then STFU you stupid extremist pig.

Vance said...

ARM bringing out his superior language to demonstrate how superior he makes a conversation, I see. I'm the one dragging the conversation in the Sewer while ARM, clearly, has nothing but good things to say that elevate this to a refined discussion.

Just like Chuck when he gets caught out.

I note ARM and Inga STILL haven't denounced leftist violence against Republicans, despite clearly being on the defensive here. Why not?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Morons like Vance and some of the other idiots posting here should fuck off. You are too stupid to engage and just blather away spreading your inane shit all over what was once a reasonable discussion. You are complete dummies. Fuck off.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I note VANCE and Rick STILL haven't denounced rightist violence against Democrats, despite clearly being on the defensive here. Why not?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Big Mike said...
You should really go first with righties, since numerically they have been at the forefront of deranged shootings.

That’s a lie, ARM, and you’re a liar.

5/18/18, 9:35 AM

Duh! Glad you're catching up, Captain Obvious.

Outside of evil, what else has he done here? If he had that bust of Aristotle or whoever in his home, it would leap off the pedestal and smash him if it could.

R/v and others vie for it, but I give ALillianHellMan there the title-he has borne the bell away-worst poster on Althouse. I'd rather have Cedarford back.

Gk1 said...

Oh prunella. ARM you are precious. " This used to be quite a reasonable place, a good number of well educated people with a variety of points of view." said the guy who constantly shit posts here 24/7. I needed that gut laugh. Have a great day! :-)

Vance said...

Yes, leftists and Democrats should not be run down in the street and murdered.

I except times when said Democrats and leftists are beating on vehicles and in general threatening the people in the car; in which case if self defense means you drive over the Democrats trying to beat your window in, it's perfectly fine for self defense.

Otherwise, no, people shouldn't run over Democrats and try to murder them. It's abhorrent and shouldn't be done.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

You are a loser Vance. You post here all the time. Everyone thinks you are a loser. The righties don't say anything because you are on their team but they know you are a total loser. You have never made one useful contribution to the discussion. It's all just name calling and hatred. Total loser.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Morons like Vance and some of the other idiots posting here should fuck off. You are too stupid to engage and just blather away spreading your inane shit all over what was once a reasonable discussion. You are complete dummies. Fuck off. “

Precisely. A waste of my time, but their comments were a good example of the nuttery and extremism seen in these comments sections more and more daily.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Morons like Vance and some of the other idiots posting here should fuck off. You are too stupid to engage

Tee hee! Triggered much? I thought that was your superpower, to lie and deceive with a straight face.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bad Dishonorable Discharge is another loser who has dragged this blog into the gutter.

You morons have run off most of the intelligent commenters and now all we are left with is the shit dribbling out your arse, which no one can distinguish from your mouth.

Gk1 said...

ARM "You morons have run off most of the intelligent commenters" :-) Oh lordy this is too rich. ARM you'll just change your name and come back as another shit poster/sock puppet. Who do you think you're fooling? I shouldn't feed the troll but its too funny.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Inga said...
their comments were a good example of the nuttery and extremism seen in these comments sections more and more daily.

It really is only a small number of these losers who have wrecked this place for others. These are angry isolated people without a lot going on in their heads. There are lots of other places where they could peddle their inanities. Not sure what their motivation for being here is other than free floating anger.

gilbar said...

"You morons have run off most of the intelligent commenters and now all we are left with is the shit dribbling "
that's why we're still left with you?

seriously, if it's such a gutter; why don't you leave in disgust?

Vance said...

Gosh, ARM. Being asked to denounce leftist violence sure brings out the violent behavior from you.

And yet, you still haven't said it is wrong to physically attack Republicans. All you've done is get triggered and start attacking people on this blog with as much violent rhetoric as you can.

It's not a good look for you.

Look, all we want to know from you leftists is whether it is wrong to use violence against Republicans. This shouldn't be hard. Inga asked me to denounce violence against Democrats, and I was able to do it. Why can't you or Inga do the same?

Instead, you are sputtering, swearing, using profanities and engaged in all sorts of personal attacks. You DO realize that you are proving our point? Oh, and demanding I leave this blog. Why? Just because I'm holding your feet to the fire?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Gk1 said...
you'll just change your name and come back as another shit poster/sock puppet

Who the fuck are you? Just another loser who no one has ever paid any attention to. Why don't you fuck off to Instapundit or one of those other blogs that attract losers like you, like shit attracts flies.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Vance said...
Just because I'm holding your feet to the fire?

Sorry to break this to you, dummy, but you couldn't hold the feet of a mentally retarded dwarf to the fire.

Rick said...

Blogger Inga said...
I note VANCE and Rick STILL haven't denounced rightist violence against Democrats, despite clearly being on the defensive here. Why not?

I don't support the principle that people support anything they don't denounce. It's a stupid principle developed only so you can attack people for things they don't believe.

But you do believe this, or claim to anyway. You asserted it last week when trying to slime everyone for one commenter's supposed beliefs. But somehow now that the principle is being applied to the left you want to change the focus to others as if your own failure is irrelevant.

Refusing to apply this standard to yourself is an implicit recognition it is inappropriate. Thus your continued effort to apply it to the right shows you're just here to express your hatred.

Rick said...

Sorry to break this to you, dummy, but you couldn't hold the feet of a mentally retarded dwarf to the fire.

Is ARM now claiming his feet have been amputated?

Achilles said...

The Massive and growing list of Leftist vilonece

June 2016 - June 2017

June 2016:

– Protesters jumped on cars, stole hats, fought with and threw eggs at Trump supporters outside a Trump rally in downtown San Jose, Calif. Trump supporters sued San Jose over the violence.

July 2016:

-A Hillary Clinton supporter lights a flag on fire and attacks a Trump supporter in Pittsburgh.

August 2016:

-Anti-Trump protesters attacked pushed, spit on and verbally harassed attendees forced to walk a “gauntlet” as they left a Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis, Minn., and beat an elderly man. Protesters also attacked Trump’s motorcade.

–A Tennessee man was assaulted at a garage sale for being a Trump supporter.

-A Trump supporter in New Jersey was attacked with a crowbar on the street.

September 2016:

-Protesters in El Cajon, Calif., chased and beat up a Trump supporter.

October 2016:

-A GOP office in North Carolina was firebombed and spray painted with “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else.”

November 2016:

-A high school student was attacked after she wrote that she supported Trump on social media. The perpetrator ripped her glasses off and punched her in the face.

-The president of Cornell University’s College Republicans was assaulted the night after Trump won the election.

-Students protesting Trump punched and kicked a Maryland high school student wearing a Make America Great Again hat.

-A high school student was arrested in Florida after he punched a classmate for carrying a Trump sign at school.

-A group of black men in Chicago attacked a white man while raging against Trump.

-Maryland high school students punched a student who was demonstrating in support of Trump, and then kicked him repeatedly while he was on the ground.

-“You support Trump. You hate Mexicans,” a California high school student yelled at a Trump supporter, before viciously beating the girl.

-An anti-bullying ambassador was arrested for shoving a 74-year-old man to the ground in a fight outside Trump tower where people upset over his win had gathered. The woman tied to Black Lives Matter caused the man to hit his head on the sidewalk.

-A Texas elementary school student was beaten by his classmates for voting for Trump in a mock election.

-Two men punched and kicked a Connecticut man who was standing with an American flag and a Trump sign.


Bad Lieutenant said...

More, Lil. More meltdown, pleez!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Interesting how Althouse decided to blog about the guy yelling things anti Trump things while shooting up a Trump golf course, while maybe even at the same time another school shooting with 9 dead already, was happening in Texas. Let’s hear more calls for prayers and support for the families of the dead students, while doing NOTHING at all.

Achilles said...

December 2016:

-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

January 2017:

-A Trump supporter was knocked unconscious after airport protesters repeatedly beat him on the head.

-A Trump supporter was attacked after putting out a fire started by anti-Trump protesters.

-When Trump protesters encountered a driver with a pro-Trump flag on his car, they surrounded the vehicle, ripped off and began burning the flag, and pounded the car. They also punctured the tires.

February 2017:

-California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock had to be escorted to his car after a town hall because of angry protesters. The tires of at least four vehicles were slashed.

-Protestors knocked a 71-year-old female staffer for California GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher unconscious during a protest outside the representative’s office.

-Milo Yiannopoulos speech at the University of California-Berkeley was cancelled after rioters set the campus on fire and threw rocks through windows. Milo tweeted that one of his supporters wearing a Trump hat was thrown to the ground and kicked.

March 2017:

-Masked protesters at Middlebury College rushed AEI scholar and political scientist Charles Murray and professor Allison Stranger, pushing and shoving Murray and grabbing Stranger by her hair and twisting her neck as they were leaving a campus building. Stranger suffered a concussion. Protesters then surrounded the car they got into, rocking it back and forth and jumping on the hood.

April 2017:

-A parade in Portland, Ore.,was canceled after threats of violence were made against a Republican organization.

-Fears of violent protests shut down Ann Coulter’s UC Berkeley speech. Campus police had gathered intel on protesters who were planning to commit violence.

May 2017:

– Republican Rep. Tom Garrett, his family and his dog were targeted by a series of repeated death threats deemed credible by authorities.

-FBI agents arrested a person for threatening to shoot Republican Rep. Martha McSally over her support for Trump.

-Police in Tennessee charged a woman for allegedly trying to run Republican Rep. David Kustoff off the road.

-Police in North Dakota ejected a man after he became physical with Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer at a town hall.

-A former professor was arrested after police said they identified him on video beating Trump supporters with a U-shaped bike lock, leaving three people with “significant injuries.”

June 2017:

-James Hodgkinson opened fire on a congressional GOP baseball practice, injuring five, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.

-Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney received an email threat that read, “One down, 216 to go,” shortly after the shooting at the Republican congressional baseball practice.

-A man driving a white Malibu reportedly fired several shots at a man driving a truck displaying a “Make America Great Again” flag in Indiana.

Editor’s Note: This article original listed the San Jose, Calif., Trump rally violence as occurring in July 2016. It actually occurred June 2016. This article has been updated to reflect the proper date.

AllenS said...

Oddi is from South Africa. Became a US citizen last August.


roesch/voltaire said...

ReasonableMan yes unfortunately too many commenters settle for name calling using terms like lefty, lib, or in my. case one regular commentator called me a Stalinist as thought that is enough of an argument and a put down of any oppositional thought, but you Inga, Michael K, Potter, and Hayden-- to name few --make interesting remarks, arguments worth considering. Please continue.

Bilwick said...

Nothing to see here, people. Move along.

Rick said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Rick said...
Meanwhile he demands "proof"

Rick completely fails to even come up with some bullshit 'proof'. Loser!

Strangely ARM thinks other people need proof when in fact the issue is his own assertion lacks it. Again left wing nutjobs don't think any other their own standards apply to them. How do you suppose they came to internalize this so completely?

Vance said...

Again, note the numerous comments from both ARM and Inga since they were asked to say whether they support or oppose violence from the left for political reasons.

Anyone see anything saying it is wrong? Just fevered meltdowns. And Inga challenged me to denounce any rightwing violence, which I did. She's now whining about school shootings. But never, ever a word saying violence from the left is wrong. Nor from ARM, or from R/V.

Silence is truly expressive in this case.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

roesch/voltaire said...
ReasonableMan yes unfortunately too many commenters settle for name calling using terms like lefty, lib, or in my. case one regular commentator called me a Stalinist as thought that is enough of an argument and a put down of any oppositional thought, but you Inga, Michael K, Potter, and Hayden-- to name few --make interesting remarks, arguments worth considering. Please continue.

The dummies really don't bother me. What bothers me is the change in the ratio between thoughtful commenters and dummies. This is what kills blogs. When that ratio gets too low there is an exodus and all you are left with are the shit stains. I think we are getting close that tipping point. I don't post here as often as I used to and that is a more general trend amongst the non-morons. Even the right wingers get tired of the shit stains taking up all the oxygen in the discussion.

Rick said...

Interesting how Althouse decided to blog about the guy yelling things anti Trump things while shooting up a Trump golf course, while maybe even at the same time another school shooting with 9 dead already,

I wondered why Inga was here. Children were killed so naturally her immediate reaction was to use it to further her hate campaign.

Bilwick said...

Inga going for the "A attacked B, giving C [Inga and the other State-shtuppers*] the right to attack D" fallacy. But then if Inga didn't have fallacious arguments, she'd have no arguments at all.

*How's that for name-calling, r/v? It's a lot more accurate than "liberal" to describe statists.

Rick said...

I don't post here as often as I used to and that is a more general trend amongst the non-morons.

That should improve the ratio. I love that people with nothing intelligent to offer somehow think blather and insult suffice as long as its sufficiently left wing.

Bad Lieutenant said...

"Bad Conduct Discharge" would have at least been witty. Not that you'd know a Big Chicken Dinner from a Happy Meal. But it's OK, we'll just sit here and listen to you bleed.

Why so angry? Was the shooter a friend of yours? Just kidding, we know you have no friends.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the Dems had to do was not screw it up... so this week:

1) Supported Hamas over Israel
2) Embraced MS-13
3) Waters continues to call for impeachment
4) Hillary is back on the campaign trail


Inga...Allie Oop said...

It’s indisputable that there are more outright extremists posting here. The fish rots from the head.

roesch/voltaire said...

Turns out the shooter had mostly pro-trump postings on his Instagram account, what a strange world.

Known Unknown said...

"Why in the hell would you shave your head, but not your face?!?!?!"

Because the Supreme Court said so?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Children were killed so naturally her immediate reaction was to use it to further her hate campaign.”

Why did Althouse decide to blog about this guy yelling anti Trump things while shooting up the Trump golf course? What was the purpose? I contend it was to further the hate toward anti Trumpists. That lowers the quality of this blog.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Turns out the shooter had mostly pro-trump postings on his Instagram account, what a strange world.

Well that certainly won’t advance the hate toward anti Trumpists very much. This blogpost was for naught, but enlightening anyway.

Vance said...

R/V Then how do you explain all the officers who reported Jonathan Oddi, the shooter, was yelling out anti-Trump language? And, according to them, trying to lure officers into ambushes and perhaps terrorize people.

Meanwhile, the Democrat party fully endorsed MS-13, the gang who's motto is something like rape, kill, control.

That's the left's new buddies. Pelosi, etc all praising MS-13 this week. And Hamas killing Jews.

So on that question of the left supporting violence.... how can the conclusion be anything but "of course they do!"?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"You should really go first with righties, since numerically they have been at the forefront of deranged shootings."

Yes, Colin Ferguson, Nidal Hissan, the Beltway Sniper, the Pulse shooter, the San Bernadino shooter, and a host of others. Notable conservative white men all.

Don't have a nervous breakdown, ARM. I know it's a tough time for you.

langford peel said...

"It’s indisputable that there are more outright extremists posting here. The fish rots from the head."

Hey that's a shot at Althouse.

She is saying she smells like rotting fish. Everybody that met her knows she smells like mothballs and patchouli oil.

Meade are you going to take that from a miserable cunt like Inga?

Vance said...

And Inga? Maybe, juuuuuust maybe, our Host is an old school Liberal, one who doesn't think that shooting, maiming, attacking, beating, using the hobnailed boots of government to crush conservatives... is a good idea.

Maybe, just maybe, Althouse does not think Orwells 1984 was a handbook. Unlike you, apparently. Maybe Althouse doesn't want to live in a communist repressive state, unlike you.

But then, that would be "lowering the standards of the blog by not endorsing leftist political violence" I guess.

Trumpit said...

Eric Trump said,

A huge thank you to the incredible men and women of the @DoralPolice Department and @MiamiDadePD. Every day they keep our community safe. We are very grateful to you! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
2:53 AM - May 18, 2018

Eric, you ignorant slut. Crawl back under a rock. You, and your father, are universally loathed.

Rick said...

Inga said...
It’s indisputable that there are more outright extremists posting here.

Perhaps, it seems likely since there are more right wingers posting. It's more interesting to identify the people who are extremists who rant about extremists. Like you for example.

langford peel said...

"Yes, Colin Ferguson, Nidal Hissan, the Beltway Sniper, the Pulse shooter, the San Bernadino shooter, and a host of others. Notable conservative white men all."

Don't forget all the murdering mutants in Chicago and Baltinmore that are killing other monkeys at record breaking levels.

Not a white right wing trump supporter among them. Just the Democrats favored identity group.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Oddi’s social-media accounts, on which he “liked” a series of Trump’s complaints about CNN, as well as a recent post by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, add further mystery to the case.

Oddi’s Twitter account links to several of his Instagram posts. (The Instagram is otherwise private.) Among those posts is a repost of an image from conservative group Turning Point USA that attacks NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick for his decision to kneel during the national anthem to protest U.S. police brutality. The post compares Kaepernick to Glen Coffee, a football player-turned-soldier.

“#fact you can’t compare Two different people : 1- Glen is a warrior. 2- colín worries he doesn’t have a nfl career and kneels for popularity,” Oddi wrote in the October 2017 post. “Hell we should stop watching the nfl and just have navy, army, Air Force and public service football teams. It’ll be far more interesting to watch.””

Rick said...

I contend it was to further the hate toward anti Trumpists. That lowers the quality of this blog.

If you have such a poor opinion of the blog host you should act on it by refusing to read her.

Doug said...

rehajm at 7:54 FTW!

Bilwick said...

I'm a proud extremist, Inga. But not like you, an extremist in the cause of poor logic and economic illiteracy. I'm an extremist because if you tried to poke me in the eyes 100 times, not once would I ever concede your right to do so. Not for the good of the State; not for the benefit of society; not to help the poor, the rich, Capital or Labor; not because God told you to; not for whatever shibboleth or superstition or slogan you might use as an excuse to poke me in the eyes. A "moderate" or middle of the roader might let you poke him in the eyes 50 out of 100 times "for the good of Society" or some such flapdoodle. Me, never. You and your gang might overpower me and poke my eyes out, but I would never concede your right to do so.

Of course, you might say, no one wants to poke you in the eyes. True. Your beloved State does much worse things to anyone unlucky enough to get in its way.

Michael K said...

Boy! The lefties are going nuts! It must be the OIG report poisoning their minds.

Usually ARM is not as crazy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember folks, when lone shooters do bad things, it's your fault.


Ignorance is Bliss said...

AllenS said...

Oddi is from South Africa. Became a US citizen last August.

More African-American gun violence!


Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons.

I am saddened. I have frequently compared you the Monster in Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein, a creature, though afflicted by sudden violent rages, who was basically good. The comparison was made in jest. However, the fact that you qualify your rejection and condemnation of violence to Democrats proves you are a monster. Not the fictional kind, the real kind, the kind that has sown tragedy and tears throughout history.

So, you do not disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Republicans for political reasons. That is the inescapable corollary. Monsterous. Horrifying. But not unexpected from a myrmidon of the Insane Party.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Maybe, just maybe, Althouse does not think Orwells 1984 was a handbook. Unlike you, apparently. Maybe Althouse doesn't want to live in a communist repressive state, unlike you.”

Maybe, just maybe Althouse was stirring the pot with this blogpost.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So, you do not disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Republicans for political reasons. That is the inescapable corollary. Monsterous. Horrifying. But not unexpected from a myrmidon of the Insane Party.”

Clever, but not my meaning at all in quoting Vance and changing it to “Democrats” and you know it, disingenuous ass that you are. You really think you’re slick, you’re just another jerk who posts here.

Of COURSE I don’t advocate violence toward any human, regardless of their politics, their religion, their age, sex, sexual preference, etc. etc etc.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

What is horrifying and monstrous is that Trump has emboldened those who had kept their monsters locked up, who now have let them loose. We see it everyday here on these threads.

Achilles said...

It is always fun to watch democrats justify violence against their political opponents.

Evergreen comment thread.

"dEs joHnson
Forest Hills, NYJune 14, 2017
Times Pick
I condemn this violence unreservedly. But as GOP members bemoan their inability to go about a sacred America ritual without fearing for their lives, I must point out that the vast majority of Americans cannot now go to bed, or get up in the morning, or go to work without the threat of GOP cruelty hanging over them. My Medicare! My Social Security! My country once more to be dragged into a war of political and profiteering convenience! Let's have some proportionality here! And let's have some civilized gun safety laws."

Over 4000 likes...

Doug said...

Liberals, afraid of being shot by liberals, want to take the guns from conservatives.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
What is horrifying and monstrous is that Trump has emboldened those who had kept their monsters locked up, who now have let them loose. We see it everyday here on these threads.

Shorter Inga: Republicans deserve to be shot.

As all of the above demonstrates this is mainstream democrat thought.

They are awful people.

Rick said...

Another revealing Inga comment. People who read intent she didn't mean into her assertions are jerks and "OF COURSE" that isn't what she means. But her entire purpose here is doing exactly that to them. Left wing extremists are normal decent people deserving the benefit of the doubt in contrast to scary right wingers who want to create a real Handmaid's Tale in America.

To sum up: The people who misconstrue others to make slanderous accusation whine when they are treated the same in return.


Vance said...

Inga says she doesn't advocate violence against "any human." She has also labeled "Nazis' as non-human.

Still, she's basically correct. She doesn't advocate violence against people. She just is very silent and condoning towards violence against Republicans and conservatives. She might not advocate for it, but never will she condemn it.

And pray tell, what "monsters" has Trump unleashed? The monsters that say, "We won't let Democrats beat our heads in with bike locks?" That's the kind of monsters Inga's afraid of unleashing, I suppose.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons.

Funny, Vance, Rick, or any other Trumpist made such a statement? Nope. Why not?

Notice she implicitly endorses violence against republicans.


Vance said...

Ok, let's not read too much into Inga's statement denouncing violence against Democrats. She was trying to bait me, claiming that I was demanding something from her I wouldn't do myself. As is the case the last time she tried it, I readily and eagerly denounce violence towards both Republicans and Democrats (unless in the case of self defense).

She was not prepared, again, for that answer. So she tried to change the subject to blaming Althouse or something. She didn't, of course, take the opportunity to call violence against Republicans wrong, and she still hasn't done that--just saying she doesn't advocate violence against Republicans. But if it happens, well, she doesn't mind it at all.

langford peel said...

"What is horrifying and monstrous is that Trump has emboldened those who had kept their monsters locked up, who now have let them loose."

So true. Who knew that the Democrats supported MS-13 and murderous gang violence. That they wanted criminal drug dealers, gangs and Muslim terrorists to be allowed to immigrate and if they are arrested for a crime they will protect them and stop them from being deported.

That is truly monstrous.

Quaestor said...

I don’t advocate violence toward any human, regardless of their politics, their religion, their age, sex, sexual preference, etc. etc etc.

Then why qualify your earlier statement? I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons. Your words, not mine.

Furthermore, not advocating violence is not the same as disavowing or condemning violence. Far, far from it. There is a precept in common law, qui tacet consentire videtur. Look it up.

Etienne said...

AllenS said...Oddi is from South Africa.

An African American.

We should send him to Niger to help convert the Moslems.

Vance said...

By the way, where is Chuck? Normally he's all over these kinds of things. But I'd love to hear the internal debate: "Brave soldier of the left attacking Trump stuff! That's a great thing! But Trump wasn't there and he was shooting at officers! Isn't that bad? Does not compute! Which position to take? Praise anti-trump behavior or condemn mindless violence? Bzzzzzz" and the mind shorts out.

Achilles said...

Over 90% of gun violence is committed by democrat voters.

Common sense gun control would lead to the idea we need to take guns from democrats.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“She has also labeled "Nazis' as non-human.”

Another lie. Why do you lie like this? Vance you really need some psychological help. Does the Mormon church not offer such counseling? I have never said a human being was not human, no matter what their politics or hatefulnnes, unlike Trump your glorious leader.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media reporting shooter was in love with Trump.

Reality: The shooter was spewing Trump hate.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Then why qualify your earlier statement? I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons. Your words, not mine.”

Read the entire thread, you’re not nearly as intelligent as you like to think.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Why did Althouse decide to blog about this guy yelling anti Trump things while shooting up the Trump golf course?

1. It's news when armed lunatics go on shooting rampages while raging about Trump (although that maybe just describes your Friday nights, I don't know).
2. I find it interesting you focus on "the golf course" instead of the fact he SHOT AT POLICE.
3. For the 400th time "Althouse blogs about things that interest her" is a pretty evergreen rule of thumb, and people who pose these types of rhetorical boomerangs are usually trying to say that they believe something else is more important: nobody cares!
4. There seems to be a pattern of crazy and/or evil people violently attacking Republicans that you studiously ignore.

langford peel said...

Well of course Inga would think Nazi's were non-human. She is really referring to her Uncle Hans who used to touch her. Your run of the mill Nazi's are fine and dandy.

They are family after all.

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: Read the entire thread, you’re not nearly as intelligent as you like to think.

I did. Your statement stands as you wrote it, vile as it is.

Vance said...

Inga, if you claim Nazi's are human, you are pretty unique on the left. I'm glad to hear it, actually. Most Democrats are out there spouting about how nazis and nazi sympathizers are scum, non human, and deserve to be shot on sight and a medal given to the shooter. That nazi's have no rights at all, including the right to life.

As proof, just read any political threat at Ars Technica... you'll see the above view is very, very common.

So if you actually don't subscribe to the "Nazi's have zero rights and should be gunned down on sight" view... you are not normal for a leftist.

Quaestor said...

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, as they say. Those who like to put the worst spin on Trump's tweets can't honestly complain.

Michael K said...

Pretty uninformative thread.

It sounds like the school security officer in Texas did his duty, unlike Florida.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
Why did Althouse decide to blog about this guy yelling anti Trump things while shooting up the Trump golf course? What was the purpose? I contend it was to further the hate toward anti Trumpists. That lowers the quality of this blog."

The only thing that is certain on the Althouse blog is that your are its resident dullard, and prove it everyday with your retarded rantings.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: Clever, but not my meaning at all in quoting Vance and changing it to “Democrats” and you know it, disingenuous ass that you are. You really think you’re slick, you’re just another jerk who posts here.

But you didn't quote Vance unless you ascribe to the Humpty Dumpty school of lexicography. If you state something as a fact about yourself, the very definition of authority, and are enraged that someone else takes it a face value, you are the disingenuous one. Didn't your mother explain to you about lies?

(reposted minus the typos)

Fabi said...

I just knew we'd get an ARM letdown today! Bonus points for his internet tough guy act.

Vance said...

This school shooting happened southeast of Houston. So what happens if this shooter is a Hispanic Dreamer member of MS-13? Which is entirely possible. Also sounds like two shooters/suspects, which sounds more like terrorism. Doesn't this story go down the memory hole faster than Micheal Moore goes after a doughnut bar?

Quaestor said...

I have a question for Inga, who seems to think that agreeing with Trump's opinion about Colin Kaepernick's hero status makes one a "Trump supporter". Are you willing to defend that?

Jim at said...

This is who you are, leftists.
Own it.

Jim at said...

I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons. - Inga

Well, of course you do.

Now, say it for Republicans.

Jim at said...

What is horrifying and monstrous is that Trump has emboldened those who had kept their monsters locked up, who now have let them loose. - Inga

We're commenting on a post. Typing. Sorry if you don't like words.

Meanwhile one of yours is the subject of the post. A leftist nutjob with a gun. One of yours is on the loose shooting up Trump golf courses and acting like a monster.

He's yours, Inga. Own it and shut up.

Matt Sablan said...

"3. For the 400th time "Althouse blogs about things that interest her" is a pretty evergreen rule of thumb, and people who pose these types of rhetorical boomerangs are usually trying to say that they believe something else is more important: nobody cares!"

-- Exactly. If you want someone to blog something, the Internet has free blog hosting sites. Like Blogger.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Inga said...
Of COURSE I don’t advocate violence toward any human, regardless of their politics, their religion, their age, sex, sexual preference, etc. etc etc.

5/18/18, 11:28 AM

Jim, for once, try not to be such a retarded gnat.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

"3. For the 400th time "Althouse blogs about things that interest her" is a pretty evergreen rule of thumb, and people who pose these types of rhetorical boomerangs are usually trying to say that they believe something else is more important: nobody cares!"”

Oh blah blah blah. She posted it to stir up more animosity toward those who are anti Trumpists.

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: I disavow and utterly condemn any and all violent physical attacks, whether lethal or not, on Democrats for political reasons.

"For ’tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petard."

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“For ’tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petard."

And Quackster is up there twisting in the wind.

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: She posted it to stir up more animosity toward those who are anti Trumpists.

One wonders why you avail yourself so freely of Althouse's hospitality.

Furthermore, it seems to me that "stirring up animosity toward those who are not "anti Trumpists" has been the stock in trade of the left since at least 2015. I think Milo, and Ben, and Laura, and Jordan, and a thousand others who have been banned, de-platformed, assaulted, beaten, burgled, robbed, stabbed, and shot might agree. A little payback in kind is not uncalled for, is it not?

Quaestor said...

And Quackster is up there twisting in the wind.

Typically jejune and puerile, the comeback of a frustrated child. Demolishing Inga is so easy it almost makes me feel guilty.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Quackster, the only thing you’ve demolished is any semblance of decency in your own person. Lack of decency is now a hallmark of the Althouse blog. In the era of Trump this is the rule.

Matt Sablan said...

"She posted it to stir up more animosity toward those who are anti Trumpists."

-- Wait. Full stop.

Are you honestly implying Althouse is trying to incite violence?

Like -- let's just clarify this.

Clyde said...

Let me guess: Another LLR?

Francisco D said...

Inga said ... " ... "

Why does anyone care what Inga has to say? Unless she is cutting and pasting, she makes no sense.

Most of us know 12 years olds with better reading comprehension and analytical skills. She is not open to reasoned dialogue because she doesn't understand it.

Life is too short to waste time with idiot fanatics

Rick said...

She posted it to stir up more animosity toward those who are anti Trumpists.

There are a million reasons to post anything including this comment. Reasonable possibilities here include supporting her consistent themes that political rhetoric can trigger the mentally ill and Democrats hatred of Trump is causing them to do things which hurt them rather than Trump. There are probably a hundred other reasons, including just that's it's a major news story some people might want to discuss.

But Inga can definitively exclude all possibilities other than a deliberate attempt to stir up animosity. Remember this is just after her complaining others are unreasonable not to give her comments the most generous interpretation.

Standards are for other people.

Vance said...

I agree, Matthew Sablan: Inga did just say that Althouse is trying to stir up hatred and violence against "Anti-Trumpists" such as herself.

And then goes on to say that lack of decency here at Althouse lies solely on the right... on a thread where ARM had an epic meltdown.

I would like to know what exactly Inga is implying here.

In other news, turns out the latest school shooter is... greek? Not what I would have expected. He presents a problem to the gun grabbers though, because apparently he used shotguns and pipe bombs. Not a scary AR-15. More Columbine than anything.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Are you honestly implying Althouse is trying to incite violence?”

No, but that is the progression we’ve seen, isn’t it? Stir up even more animosity to those already on the edge, like Achilles, like Vance, like the self professed white national Langford Peel. Take a look at how many comments were directed toward ARM, myself and other liberals/moderates here blaming us for this shooter at the Trump golf course. I don’t believe Althouse wants to see violence or bloodshed, but she is a well known blogger who has a huge readership, she has a responsibility not to throw gas on an already burning fire. Has no one noticed the extremist rhetoric I’ve mentioned on these threads by those I’ve named?

langford peel said...

The only one on the edge is ARM. He lost it today and displayed his true self. Read his comments if you want to see someone who is truly dangerous.

Rick said...

Take a look at how many comments were directed toward ARM, myself and other liberals/moderates here blaming us for this shooter at the Trump golf course.

This is a pretty amusing definition of extremism given that Inga is here to blame conservatives for the Santa Fe mass shooting.

This is just comical.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Blogger Drago said...
Where was LLR Chuck at the time of the shooting?

5/18/18, 7:56 AM

5/18/18, 8:10 AM
Blogger Darrell said...
Chuck wanted to play 18 holes with Trump with $1 Billion riding on the outcome. As he stated here, some months ago.

5/18/18, 8:21 AM

Blogger Ken B said...
What did he sound like? More like Michael K, or more like Inga? I'll give odds ...

5/18/18, 8:38 AM

5/18/18, 8:47 AM
Blogger Fabi said...
I thought Chuck would have more hair.

5/18/18, 8:47

Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Guns everywhere, making us safer.

5/18/18, 8:51 AM

They are certainly dangerous in the hands of hatefilled leftists.

Leftists should not be allowed to own guns.

5/18/18, 8:58 AM

Inga...Allie Oop said...

5/18/18, 9:06 AM
Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
roocean, given that the asshole was screaming about Trump, I think it's probably safe to say he has more in common with ARM, Ritmo and Inga than with the NRA.

On the off chance that he's a "neo-Nazi" - well, wouldn't an anti-Trump Nazi contradict the notion that Trump is Hitler with a Queens accent?

Actually, what would the Left do with a Nazi who hates Trump? Given that they've all turned into Hamas and MS 13 fans, I guess they'd slap on the swastika armbands. Anybody who hates Trump can't be all bad!

5/18/18, 9:09 AM
Blogger exiledonmainstreet

Drago said...

Inga: "Has no one noticed the extremist rhetoric I’ve mentioned on these threads by those I’ve named?"

Leftist takes time out from calling all Trump voters violent, racist, mysoginist, bigoted hateful traitorous nazi fascists to complain of extremist rhetoric.

Without irony.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

5/18/18, 9:18 AM
Blogger Drago said...
Have ARM and LLR Chuck opened a GoFundMe account for this shooter yet?

5/18/18, 9:19 AM

Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
Blogger Gk1 said...

After these incidences I think Fox news should preface every interview with a democrat with "Do you decry the atmosphere your party has created that is triggering this violence?" and then sit back all doe eyed like someone from MSNBC,CNN,ABC,CBS,ABC would if the perpetrator had been a republican. I mean it's the same mugs game, right?

5/18/18, 8:57 AM

If a leftist shooter who can aim better than the baseball field guy and this loser ever shows up and manages to slaughter Republicans, it'll be a "two-fer" for ARM, Inga and Ritmo. They'll be able to show up here and piously denounce gun violence and the 2nd Amendment - and then they'll go offline and pop open the champagne and celebrate the deaths of deplorables, the people they consider worse than Hamas and MS13.

The media is deliberately trying to goad leftists nutbags into doing their dirty work for them. Then they'll blame the victims, just like they blamed Scalise for getting shot.

5/18/18, 9:37 AM
Blogger Big Mike said...
@exiledonmainstreet, +1

5/18/18, 9:39 AM

walter said...

Liking pro Trump tweets, yelling anti Trump screeds...his breakfast/gym buddy alluding to Oddi's "problems"...
Check his medicine cabinet.

Fabi said...

Inga didn't want ARM to meltdown alone.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

5/18/18, 9:54 AM
Blogger rcocean said...
What is this the 3rd Left-wing assassin attempt on Trump?

I don't think there was a single attempt on Obama.

But that's par for the course. From 1900-1980 you had 10 assassination attempts on US POTUS or POTUS candidates - all nine were by leftists.

McKinley, TR, and FDR - by anarchists/Socialists. Truman - P.R. Socialist/Revolutionaries, JFK - Commie. RFK -
left-wing Palestinian, Wallace - leftist nut, Ford - Sara Jane Moore Leftist, Reagan - Left wing nut.

All the political violence comes from the Left. And almost all mental patients are Democrats or liberals. Most felons are Democrats too, which is why the Dems want to give them the vote.

5/18/18, 9:57 AM

Blogger Vance said...
I'm sure Inga will be here to lament that this guy didn't kill someone, just like she did after Hodgkinson.

And ARM, you know damn well this man was a leftist. But here you are trying to blame the 2nd Amendment,.

So why don't we just ban guns from Democrats and leftists... .to see if banning guns works? How could you possibly oppose that?

5/18/18, 9:59 AM
Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
A Lying Man:

Again, provide us with proof of your claims.

I haven't forgotten how you excused the rioters at Berkeley. We know you're just peachy with violence committed by your side.

5/18/18, 10:00 AM

And this was in just three hours of her posting this blog.

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: Quackster, the only thing you’ve demolished is any semblance of decency in your own person.

This is almost comical coming from someone who will not disavow or condemn political violence against Republicans.

To Inga, indecency consists mainly of not being favorably impressed by her morals and ethics.

Rick said...

Inga has a cute list. But it was 15 minutes from Gabby Giffords being shot to the first left winger on Althouse blaming conservatives for it. This was a widespread major journalistic theme including hundreds of high level left wing journalists including Paul Krugman. So if we're to conclude these comments demonstrate Althouse commenters are extreme essentially the entire left wing media is extreme by Inga's own standard.

Revealingly she has literally never criticized one of them for these positions. Everything Inga has ever asserted is in service to her partisanship.

I do have a question. Are those comments serious or are they a light reminder of this hypocrisy? Believing they're serious requires us to believe someone actually suspects Chuck . Does that seem reasonable?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Fabi, no one is melting down. What I’m doing is proving my point that this blogpost by Althouse has stirred the pot of hatred toward those who are not Trump sycophants, such as yourself. I haven’t even gone beyond 10:00AM yet. Such blogposts are not Althouse’s best work, she can do better.

Quaestor said...

And why bother with the childish "Quackster" tripe? It shows immaturity and a shallow well of imagination at least.

Insult me as you will, but please don't bore me.

Drago said...

Leftists take time out from openly calling for the death of the Trump voting "irredeemable" "deplorables" to lament hatred in our discourse.



FullMoon said...

As I have said before:
Put a Trump bumper sticker on your car, see what happens.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Quackster quacked...
“This is almost comical coming from someone who will not disavow or condemn political violence against Republicans.”

Blogger Inga said...

Of COURSE I don’t advocate violence toward any human, regardless of their politics, their religion, their age, sex, sexual preference, etc. etc etc.

5/18/18, 11:28 AM

Why do you people LIE so much?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I hit the nail square on the head, I'd say.

I'm sorry if you are triggered by the truth, Inga.

FullMoon said...

Fabi, no one is melting down. What I’m doing is proving my point that this blogpost by Althouse has stirred the pot of hatred toward those who are not Trump sycophants, such as yourself. I haven’t even gone beyond 10:00AM yet. Such blogposts are not Althouse’s best work, she can do better

Umm, pretty sure the shooting is the problem, not acknowledgement of it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Matthew Sablan said...
Are you honestly implying Althouse is trying to incite violence?

This post was a particularly poor effort, as events played out, for her purpose. But, it is as predictable as the tides that a post like this will bring out the shit stains to attack anyone who isn't a rabid dog on the right. It has become tiresome.

Fabi said...

Only Igna could find hatred in a joke about Chuck's hair. Lulz

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