April 29, 2018

"The tree that President Trump planted with French President Emmanuel Macron is no longer on the South Lawn of the White House, instead there is a patch of discolored grass."

"The sapling, a European Sessile Oak, was a gift during the State visit of the French president and his wife. In making the gift the French president tweeted, 'this Oak Tree, (my gift to @realDonaldTrump) will be a reminder at the White House of these ties that bind us'" (Daily Mail).

Intentional symbolism?


Mike Sylwester said...

Why was President Trump allowing France to meddle in the White House lawn?

Darrell said...

White House landscapers probably have a better location in mind than the ceremonial site. My guess is that it was always slated to move. But let's stir up shit, shall we?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the photos don't line up. Where is that larger tree?

Molly said...


Since Trump and Macron apparently dug into the ground, there'd be more disturbance of the soil, it seems to me--where did Reuters say this patch of grass was? Because if the tree were yanked, or fell over dead, presumably you'd have a bit more than some yellowing grass....

A great mystery, indeed. Maybe Special Counsel Mueller and Inspector Clouseau can step in.

Narayanan said...

Can't France afford more than one sapling?

Mike Sylwester said...

I doubt that Macron gave Trump the tree as a gift.

Nothing related to Trump ever is done "for free". Somehow Trump is getting some money in this transaction.

Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller should look into this tree "gift". Mueller will have to subpoena documents and communications records and will have to interview many witnesses.

Until Mueller determines the truth, Congress should not issue any more reports about its own RussiaGate findings.

Narayanan said...

Probably confiscated by Department of agriculture.

The Vault Dweller said...

"White House landscapers probably have a better location in mind than the ceremonial site. My guess is that it was always slated to move. But let's stir up shit, shall we?"

Yeah I suspect Darrell hit the nub of it. Besides, it doesn't even makes sense assuming it was intentional in the way the article wants to suggest to people. Would Donald Trump really be that passive aggressive to throw a slight at France and Macron that way? Nah, he'd tweet out something slightly mean. He would be direct.

Now President Obama I could imagine deploying such a tactic. He did something similar with the Churchill bust in the oval office. Plus it fits with the mentality of people who consider themselves elite intellectuals. People like that like to pretend, subtle sly jabs are the height of cleverness and really burn the other person when in reality I bet frequently the other person doesn't even notice. People like that live their lives like they are in a drama series scripted by Aaron Sorkin.

Michael K said...

The planting site was probably chosen for a TV and visual purpose. The sapling has probably been transplanted to a more appropriate location. I wouldn't plant one sapling in the middle of a lawn.

Snark said...

Perhaps it was the eminently removable quercus rober scalpus, or European Dandruf Oak.

Rob said...

The siting was wrong from the start. They should have put it near the other trees so the media could report Trump grabbed it by the pussy willow.

tcrosse said...

The grass is discoloured from Russian hookers peeing on it.

Kevin said...

If only we had some class of people whose job it was to find out facts about issues of the day and report on them, we could know what happened to it. We could call them, I dunno, "reporters," or similar.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The people who wrote that article have, obviously, never done any gardening or planted trees.

First, had the sapling been removed, there would be disturbance in the ground, a dip where the rather large hole was and hasn't compacted properly yet, remnants of dirt would show. .... and had they just replanted sod over the area the grass would be greener not yellow.

The photos are not from the same angle as the ceremonial site and therefore, we have no proof that this is even the same location. The photos don't even remotely match.

Plus....who cares. We, as a country, have bigger fish to fry. More important things to think about than a freaking tree.

rhhardin said...

Man is an oak. Nature contains nothing sturdier. The universe need not arm itself to defend him. A drop of water is not enough to preserve him. Even if the universe were to defend him, he would no more be dishonoured than whatever does not protect him. Man knows that his reign has no death, that the universe boasts a beginning. The universe knows nothing: it is at best a thinking reed.

- Lautreamont, doing Pascal.

Man is only a reed, the weakest in nature, but he is a thinking reed. There is no need for the whole universe to take up arms to crush him: a vapour, a drop of water is enough to kill him. but even if the universe were to crush him, man would still be nobler than his slayer, because he knows that he is dying and the advantage the universe has over him. The universe knows none of this.

rcocean said...

The planting ceremony was Fake but accurate.

As noted, the real planting site was not photogenic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

DBQ - 10:16.

Thank U.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Finally we have the proof we need to impeach. Trump is a rat bastard and a baby tree murderer. Mueller? Mueller?

rcocean said...

Its amazing the amount of energy the MSM puts into making trump look bad. Every statement and act is put under a microscope and analyzed to determine how it can make Trump look like a liar/fool/crook, etc. And the same goes for all the White House employees.

Contrast that with Obama/Clinton, where the Press was completely incurious about ethics and any mistakes.

rhhardin said...

Mueller's Day Off, look for it on DVD.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Its amazing the amount of energy the MSM puts into making trump look bad.”

MSM? This is from the Daily Mail. Probably fake news.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So does this mean that Trump lied about yet another thing again, or is there a professional gardener/groundskeeper who had a justifiable reason for moving and/or later replacing it?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol! "MSM". That's the second time a right-winger confused a British tabloid for actual journalism. Just because the quality of the Mail's contents and publishing goals don't sink to anything as low as Trump's friend who publishes The Enquirer doesn't mean it's of much quality, let alone "mainstream." Your audience is hilarious, Althouse.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Plus....who cares. We, as a country, have bigger fish to fry. More important things to think about than a freaking tree.

The fact that Trump lies about all things big and small shows that nothing he says is of any value. Less pathological people are more strategic with their lying. The pervasiveness of Trump's lies demonstrates a basic disconnection with reality itself.

rcocean said...

Mueller? Mueller?

They think he's one righteous dude.

Michael K said...

Early for Ritmo to poison a thread.

Comanche Voter said...

Ah it is true in diplomacy that no country has long term friends; however, all countries have their individual long term interests.

So a French tree on the White House lawn gets yanked out by the roots. Sort of like a oral surgeon's "painless extraction". So what?

Achilles said...

It will be fun watching the leftists melt down again today.

Just another crime in the long list of crimes Trump has committed but the leftists cannot quite describe.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Early for Ritmo to poison a thread.

Pee is a good fertilizer, oh Sensitive One. Just ask Trump's plane records from Moscow.

And why are you such a snowflake? Is it too late to get you a more Teutonic or Slavic "nursemaid," who tolerates less whining? One who toughens you up a little, actually?

You're like a little boy, Buttercup.

Bay Area Guy said...

A tree doesn't grow in Brooklyn.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meanwhile, all the D-bag hard core leftwing progressive socialist corruptocrtats infest the WH Correspondence dinner.

Leftwing d-bags only. fun fun fun.

Achilles said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...

The fact that Trump lies about all things big and small shows that nothing he says is of any value. Less pathological c are more strategic with their lying. The pervasiveness of Trump's lies demonstrates a basic disconnection with reality itself.

This is one of his more coherent posts. Just let that sink in.

He can’t actually specify any of those lies. Just assert vaguely everything is a lie.

But we can keep our doctor if we like our doctor and keep our health plan if we like our health plan.

Michael K said...

Ritmo is like a nasty kid who thinks he is funny.

Maybe someday he will admit it was all a comedy act. Pretending to be a lefty,.

Bob Boyd said...

Snails ate it.

walter said...

Yes Mike Sylvester.
"Tree Gate"!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo is like a nasty kid who thinks he is funny.

Translation: "Waaaahhhh.... sob, sniff-sniff.... boo-hoo.... Waaaaahhhh!"

If you're such a sensitive little Nancy who can't take my responses then why do you direct unsolicited comments at me? I addressed nothing personally to you prior to your 11:07 AM sniffle so why even address me? Do you not realize that basic common decency and human interactions obliges you to not yap your face at someone if you don't want them to say anything about it?

Whatever made you feel like such a high-and-mighty peacock you'd best get it though your thick head that this is real life - or civilization's closest equivalent to it for the moment. If you don't like what someone has to say about you then don't raise your unsolicited insults at them.


FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He can’t actually specify any of those lies. Just assert vaguely everything is a lie.

Here you go:


There are lies, and then there are people who can't live without the lies: Like domestic terrorist wanna-be Achilles.

Dr Weevil said...

If you're going to accuse Trump of lying, you probably shouldn't use a bald-faced lie about Trump as your ID. It makes you look like a disgusting hypocrite - or a paid shill for the dishonorable opposition.

Yancey Ward said...

Good grief- the first planting is pure ceremonial propaganda. The tree was moved to a better suited location on the estate afterwards.

Yancey Ward said...

Again- if you don't like what he does to the comments section, why do you respond?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And you say this Dr. Weevil as a fan of the same president who's best friends with the owner of The Enquirer - a rag devoted to truth, justice, and quashing stories... catch and kill?

Oh yeah, I guess that means that anything Trump denies can't be true. Especially when he insisted he didn't know who Putin was, that he didn't stay overnight in Moscow, and a bunch of other things that keep turning out not to be true. Yes, let's give him the benefit of the doubt! Surely if anyone's earned it, it's President David Dennison, the guy who never was with Stormy Daniels and/or McDougall the Playmate.

He really is your side's Bill Clinton, is he not? Only much, MUCH worse!

Hopefully he will sell out the right as badly as Clinton sold out the left. History (and his pretension to supporting the working class) would seem to to indicate it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Again- if you don't like what he does to the comments section, why do you respond?

Because he's a narcissist, who wants to control what people think about him.

Why he thinks that being raised in opulent splendor and privilege would inoculate him against the charge is anyone's guess. It's kind of a transparent tell, actually.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And he wants to control what they do.

Kansas Scout said...

They found a wire in it.

Drago said...

"...that he didn't stay overnight in Moscow..."

When, precisely, did Trump deny he spent the night in Moscow during the Miss Universe pageant.

I remember quite clearly Trump saying he had and his bodyguard sitting outside his room that evening.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm pretty sure that was after he was either called out on it or in a context not having to do with back walking his denial.

Who can keep track? It's worse than a daytime soap opera.

Drago said...

Im pretty sure the French tree, which had previously been considered an impassable sapling barrier, was destroyed very quickly by one of the German tanks that Merkel brought over.

Drago said...

President Pee-Pee Tape: "I'm pretty sure that was after he was either called out..."

Uh huh.

That sounds very authoritative.

You wont mind if we ask for, you know, an actual quote, will you?

We will wait patiently for to provide it.

Francisco D said...

Ritmo said ... "Pee is a good fertilizer"

You don't seem to have much gardening experience Ritmo.

The bullshit spread is a much better fertilizer, if you use it correctly.

In that vein, if you knew how to plant and fertilize a seed of thought you would be a much more effective troll.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don't have time to go through every one, Drago. For your masturbatory argumentative pleasure, I direct you to the websites posted at 12:19 PM. You know, others do this so that you don't have to. The guy's a compulsive, pathological liar and was known to be one years ago. More documented lies than any other president, in history. By far. Even his own defenders call him a "post-truth president." For a reason. That's good enough for me, but if you want to lie to yourself to get around that, go ahead and do it. For your own benefit. Not mine. You're already unauthoritative enough.

Achilles said...


This one is classic leftist stupidity:

"His flexibility with numbers showed up later in the deposition, when confronted with public statements he had made about being paid $1 million to make a particular speech; he had received only $400,000—a huge sum that he still felt compelled to more than double. Well, Trump explained, the marketing he received in advertisements for the speech was worth so much to him that the amount of money he received was equal to $1 million. (Don’t try to understand that. It will make your brain melt.)"

Leftist brains melt pretty easily. It takes an IQ of 50 to know what Trump is talking about. People actually pay for advertising. Crazy I know.

Achilles said...


"President Trump "lies" about what scares him."

That is the title of the article. Seriously.

Behind a pay wall. But the idea that you can "lie" about what scares you lets me know this is a hack job.

Ritmo has turned into a complete idiot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There was no paywall, you moron. It was a video. Do you not know how websites work?

I guess someone's maxed out his ten complimentary WaPo articles a month, though. Jesus.

Achilles said...

Meanwhile Ritmo thinks the president should be impeached because a foreign intelligence agent Hillary Clinton paid millions of dollars to said Trump had some hookers pee on a bed.

You can't fake that kind of idiocy.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Achilles says that Trump's lie wasn't a lie at 12:55. Maybe he should say his trillion dollar deficit isn't really a deficit because he got good publicity out of the tax cut, or something.

So how big do you want these deficits and accumulated debt to go, Chief? I thought Trump wanted America to be independent of China. Just not when it comes to our debt. What a liar!

But Achilles will find a rationalization. That's what toadies do.

Drago said...

President Pee-Pee Tape: "Don't have time to go through every one, Drago."

So, that denial doesnt exist.

Even though you said it did.

Thanks for playing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There's another one @1:01 who wants attention, and to control the comments. Before he deletes what he writes.

It's important for right-wing losers to have ways to make themselves feel important. With the attention of bad comments!

These kids need bigger sandboxes. And parents who will actually supervise them. What a thing to lack for in life.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks for playing.

The evidence is right there. Go build a treehouse and play in it with what you refuse to read as much as you want. I'm not your guidance advisor, or whomever you gave excuses for not doing homework to.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Instead of actually looking at the evidence as is, Drago demands that it come quoted/interpreted in the form he prefers: punditry.

Nine websites and he's too ready to throw his marbles and go home than to look at a single one.


FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr Weevil said...

Trump didn't say he didn't stay overnight in Moscow, he said he didn't spend the night in a hotel there. Does he have a very large private plane with possibly a bed or two on board? There is no contradiction except in the minds of people obsessed with finding one and willing to lie to do so.

Are we really taking instruction on what counts as a lie from PPPT? The same PPPT who less than three days ago was calling buwaya "you fucking dummy . . . dumb as a stump . . . so fucking ignorant it's scary" for writing something that was in fact entirely true, and easily proven to be true: "The Romans were happy to adopt Isis and Mithras and even Cybele." PPPT insisted that it was "Not the state, you fucking dummy" that put up temples to those gods. Here's what I wrote on that thread, so he can't continue to pretend he hasn't seen it:

"The Roman state did in fact pay for temples to Isis and Cybele. See Wikipedia for the Temple of Isis and Serapis, voted by the 2nd Triumvirate in 43 BC, destroyed by Augustus (no doubt for its Antonian connections), and rebuilt some time between 37 and 65 AD. The temple for Cybele (the Magna Mater) was built with government funds in 191 BC and lasted until 394 AD, when the Christian Theodosius destroyed it. It did burn down three times in the 1st century BC, but was promptly rebuilt, twice by Augustus, who obviously had no objection to this particular cult. I haven't bothered to search for state-financed temples of Mithras because who cares? This is more than enough to show that buwaya was right on this point."

(From the second page of comments on this thread.)

I should have mentioned that Cybele was the goddess whose male followers castrated themselves and then traveled around the Empire dancing and slashing their arms with knives in her honor, and the Roman state still put up a temple for her.

Etienne said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's always fun to watch a psych patient, in the corner, alone... babbling to themselves. Sometimes in italicized font.

Real psych patients quote bible versus. But FullMoon must think I'm a god because he incoherently quotes me instead.

Who can blame him.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe you're right, Weevil. Trump is erecting monuments to foreign gods, like the god of Chinese economic dominance over our debt. He must think they'll be like the biggest bankruptcy court that he depended on for most of his professional life to restructure every time he failed. Wonder how America will cope, though?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The babbling psych patient is now banging his fists, pretending that the satire of himself he quoted reflects well on him.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mike - you're not alone. Contractor psych patient is also having a hard time adjusting to not being able to control the thread.

Etienne said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Someone didn't go to church this morning. All caps and slobbering...

He needs a rabies shot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Or a lobotomy.

Dr Weevil said...

"Maybe you're right" followed by an inept attempt to change the subject? Pathetically inadequate. Maybe PPPT could start by admitting that I am in fact right, and then apologizing to buwaya for insulting him when he was entirely right and PPPT was entirely and inexcusably wrong? And then try to do better in the future? Or maybe he could just go away and pollute some other site with his spectacularly offensive intellectual and moral inadequacy?

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Awwww.... Weaselly Weevil wants more acknowledgement. We bow down in humble servitude to not only his extensive knowledge of Roman-foreign religion syncretism in days long ago, but the fact that he thinks that's somehow more important than either Donald Trump's current day driving of America into The Court of Chinese Bankruptcy or the fact that buwaya was something of an anti-semite who kept insisting that Jews deserve a special, natural hatred.

I mean, I think I know which of those would be the bigger point, but then, I'm not Weevil. Like every right-winger, he feels that his own personal feelings are the most important thing and dammit, HE HAD A POINT TO MAKE ABOUT CYBELE AND ISIS! From THREE days ago! How can that not trump every other thing to be said in a comments section when there are so many right-wing errors for anyone who's not a Trump toady here to correct?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's always fun to watch a psych patient, in the corner, alone... babbling to themselves. Sometimes in italicized font.

Real psych patients quote bible versus. But FullMoon must think I'm a god because he incoherently quotes me instead.

Who can blame him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The really funny thing is when contractor-psych patient quotes random anonymous comments from Variety or some other nobody and as if to indicate his endorsement and substitute here for anything he could actually contribute to the conversation.

But I like how he said that college educated folks are all assholes and then that it was an insult to not graduate. That's some hard-core bone-in-the-brain dissonance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Tom" from the Variety comments section wants attribution for his quote, BTW. Contractor-psych patient neglected to attribute, let alone cite.

He does that a lot. He puts quotes and then, implies, "someone on the internet said this."

It's quite comical, actually. I could imagine he'd be the only idiot in the community college courses he attended to actually get a chalkboard eraser thrown at him. He's pretty dimwitted. I think not only was he too bad for detention, he probably spent most of his youth in juvie.

Even a half-man/half-wolf knows not to slobber excessively or shit on the floor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think those quotes need to be prefaced with a "howling" emoticon.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, he deleted them already.

Premature ululation.

FullMoon said...

So, Goofy, how's it goin'?

Any prospects? You know, closet freaks?

So loquacious today, how's about sharing the one again about the two babes putting their hands all over you back in the eighties?

Drago said...

President Pee-Pee Tape: "Instead of actually looking at the evidence as is, Drago demands that it come quoted/interpreted in the form he prefers: punditry.
Nine websites and he's too ready to throw his marbles and go home than to look at a single one."

Trump has never denied spending the night in Moscow during the Miss Universe pageant.


Your frustration over that fact is understandable. It was such a cool talking point too.

Oh well.


Dr Weevil said...

More obvious lies from the one who thinks we should care about the same lies and supposed lies he cares about. I didn't ask him to credit me for any great knowledge - what I quoted is right on Wikipedia where anyone who wanted to know could see it. I asked him to acknowledge that he was totally wrong on a point he thought important at the time: important enough to viciously insult the guy who was right, and whom he continues to insult here, like some kind of common or garden-variety asshole troll - or paid provocateur, perhaps. Did he pick his latest ID because he likes to pee all over people he hates, at least metaphorically?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So loquacious today, how's about sharing the one again about the two babes putting their hands all over you back in the eighties?

Wouldn't want you to subject yourself to more premature ululation.

You already howl with enough excitement, as is.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, I deleted the previous comment because the hypertext didn't come out right. Not that Howling Wolf Boy knows how to use HTML or anything. He doesn't even know how to quote!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Weevil, get a grip.

Whoever peed in your Cheerios this morning, it wasn't me.

You wingers are so insecure. Just make the point and move on. Why is accepting reality so hard for you?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Some other guy...

Geez Woflie. Don't have to be so dismissive of the older men who ejaculate into your mouth. Show some respect. "Some other guy..." What's the other "other guy" supposed to think now?

No gratitude at all with this generation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Quote it again, Wolfie! Maybe by the hundredth time anyone will actually care.

But thanks for showing how obsessed with me you are. What's that like?

Am I as stimulating to you as "some other guy?"


walter said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...
It's always fun to watch a psych patient, in the corner, alone... babbling to themselves. Sometimes in italicized font.
Real psych patients quote bible versus. But FullMoon must think I'm a god because he incoherently quotes me instead.
Who can blame him.
4/29/18, 1:13 PM

President Pee-Pee Tape said...
It's always fun to watch a psych patient, in the corner, alone... babbling to themselves. Sometimes in italicized font.
Real psych patients quote bible versus. But FullMoon must think I'm a god because he incoherently quotes me instead.
Who can blame him.
4/29/18, 1:33 PM
Folks..when PPPT talks of babbling in a corner, he knows of what he speaks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Keep digging your grave, Leftwing pro-D hack MSM.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Folks..when PPPT talks of babbling in a corner, he knows of what he speaks.

When speaking to the mentally deranged, repetition is often necessary. Usually in a soft, low voice.

If you think I repeat myself you should check out Wolfie boy! Every other comment he posts is usually a repost of the same thing!

I like to repeat things because Wolfie is a slow learner. I've only done it for his benefit and only ever will.

Jim at said...

You're like a little boy, Buttercup. - Ritmo

No. It's just that you're an asshole who ruins every thread you crap on.
You're boring. You're tedious. You're not even remotely entertaining, nor do you contribute anything to this site.

You are a human scroll button.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You are a human scroll button.

FullMoon doesn't think so! Everything I say he stands at the ready to howl at! HOWL!!!

Just read his awesome contributions. Right after you're done elaborating on exactly which of your own contributions we're supposed to be grateful for, "Jim at..."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wolfie just deleted a post of his where he said that he performed oral sex on my father, as if it were supposed to be an insult or something.

I think we found out what this little homosexual child prostitute's problem is, folks.

Stop howling at the thread online and go see a pychiatrist, lunatic.

FullMoon said...

Winning ! LOL

Michael K said...

Boy, the "human scroll button" is right on.

If only he stays on one thread.

walter said...

"he said that he performed oral sex on my father, as if it were supposed to be an insult or something. I think we found out" a new insight into PPPT's upbringing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, it certainly wasn't insulting of me, walter. But you go and perform oral sex on any guy you want to. It's the Wolfie way!


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wolfie "won" the "oral sex that Wolfie performed on your dad" war!


I'm Full of Soup said...

Re the MSM, it looks like the Vanity Fair, NY Daily News, The Hill and the AP picked up this story too.

walter said...

That's ok..you shouldn't be held responsible for your Dad exposing you to such behavior. I'm sure it had no detrimental effects...

Achilles said...

It is fitting that Pee Pee is melting down in a thread about a hack article where the leftist author and the article itself are exhibit A of the leftist media failure.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not sure what you mean, walter. But you and Wolfie can go down on any guy that will let you do it. Maybe even together!

Republicans need each other more than ever these days.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wolfie's scared of the big, bad capital letters.

Certain things happened to him while watching Sesame Street as a kid.

FullMoon said...

Goofy afraid of big bad American women, hahaha!
Oh, unless they closet freaks ..

walter said...

I am not surprised you don't get it.
Keep on a shit flingin'..it's all ya got.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wolfie go "howl" for big, bad American Sarah Huckabee Sanders woman, hahaha! She sat on him as a kid and he got his freaky on that way!

He get his HOWL on that way. hahahaha!

Seriously though, Wolfie - would you say your current wife is fatter than Huckabee Sanders or just as fat? Hard to keep Wolfie down and away from the freaky stuff if she's conventionally sized.

FullMoon said...

Eventually goofy starts commenting with two identities at once. Second for emotional support. LOL!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, walter - when you use weasel walter words I don't follow so good. Try being clear, if it wouldn't completely defeat your purpose or anything.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So she is fatter than Huckabee Sanders, then?

FullMoon said...

Goofy still in childhood bedroom. Telling evryone he is "taking care of his parents",

FullMoon said...

Goofy waiting for Mom and Dad to go on vacation so he can bring his freak out of the closet.

Darkisland said...

This is a hook

John Henry

FullMoon said...

Goofy hoping Mom and Dad die soon so he can move into master bedroom and bring dates home.

FullMoon said...

Was chilly and windy this morning. Sunny and warm now. Thank God for climate change.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wolfie so lonely. Wolfie need lots of attention.

Wolfie was abandoned by parents. Not even offers of oral sex to perform on "some guy" get Wolfie what he craves.

FullMoon said...

This is a hook

Fish will bite, hook is bait in itself LOL

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wolfie talk about climate change because, along with no family, it's the other thing he lacks and resents - no education.

Wolfie sad but pretend to be happy - deliriously happy.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wolfie not good at getting last word, he can't even find the first word. So he insult until he get attention he craves!

It's almost like being paid attention to! Feels so good for Wolfie! He howl all over! No rolling eyes at Wolfie!

Lydia said...

Elysee Palace says the tree is in its quarantine period, which is imposed by US Customs on any importation of plants, seeds, or soil.

Darkisland said...

This is a hook

John Henry

FullMoon said...

"- no education."
Poor California public school education just fine for me.
Higher? Education sure made you a happy guy, lol!

Credit where credit is due, you sacrifice a social life to stay home and take care of your elderly parents.

FullMoon said...

Educated guy claims credit card advances cover down payment for million dollar house, LOL.

Credit card home purchases caused housing crash, hahahaha. Can't make this stuff up!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No way, John Henry! Wolfie is a Trump voter and Trump voters are always honest, just like Trump himself. Ain't no hook!

Wolfie does seem to have parenting issues, though. Hard. "Die soon?" That's sad. Not everyone's parents neglected them as badly as Wolfie's did. Sad Wolfie.

FullMoon said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...

No way, John Henry! ....

LOL! Highly educated fish...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Credit where credit is due, you sacrifice a social life to stay home and take care of your elderly parents.

Well, I don't stay at their home, except when I'm visiting them, and I do what I can to take care of them. Don't you?

Or don't you have any parents? Did they abandon you? The whole parent thing seems to be a hard topic for Wolfie. Did they just drop you out of the birth canal, howl and run off or something? What gives?

It's ok. Wolfie have a mullet like Joe Dirt and got left by parents at Grand Canyon before they called years later to mooch off him! Can't make t his stuff up! LOL.


FullMoon said...

Not everyone's parents neglected them as badly as Wolfie's did. Sad Wolfie.
'tis true,
was born in crossfire hurricane,
schooled with strap laid 'cross my back
but it's all right..

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Educated guy claims credit card advances cover down payment for million dollar house, LOL.

I don't know how educated Michael Lewis is. Did you see/read The Big Short?

Who am I kidding! Wolfie and "read" in the same sentence. That's hilarious!

FullMoon said...

Well, I don't stay at their home, except when I'm visiting them, and I do what I can to take care of them.

A lie. Nothing to be ashamed of, goofy. No need to lie. Lots of college grads having a hard time..

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

'tis true,
was born in crossfire hurricane,
schooled with strap laid 'cross my back
but it's all right..

Doesn't seem all right. Seems like it turned you into one hell of a bitch.

But you're the wolf man. Why can't you man up? Alpha wolves don't pretend they're Mick Jagger and get bitchy about everything they lack.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A lie.

Why would I lie to you? Do you want to meet me?

Why is it so important to you to just make up shit on the internet all day long to feel cool? Do the Google engineers who buy the houses that your competitors build piss you off that much? The chip on your shoulder is intense. And immense.

FullMoon said...

I don't know how educated Michael Lewis is. Did you see/read The Big Short?

Un , no, should I read it.
I have bought and sold several homes and duplexe/fourplexes, does that count? And, without 18% credit card advance for down payment

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Did you see/read The Big Short?"

Un , no, should I read it.
I have bought and sold several homes and duplexe/fourplexes, does that count?

It only counts if you contributed to the housing bubble. Did you?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darkisland said...


John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hahahahaha, what's next, another threat?

Nah - you seem very preoccupied with me and think you know so much (or just come up with loopy insults) so I'm inviting you to do something you've never done before and actually research the objects of your intense interest. It's not like your wife should have to figure everything out for you. It's ok to actually use your brain and learn things for real on your own.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Although I'm not surprised you feel threatened. You seem like a really easily upset guy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You hide it a lot though and feel a need to pretend you're always happy. It's kind of weird. Like Wolfie Prozac or something.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Gotta go, Loopy Wolfie. Is that ok with you? Will you be able to keep yourself company for that long?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wolfie can't survive without me.

Wolfie need me.

Wolfie howl for me.

Can't be easy being Wolfie.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Huh? Yeah, I enjoy upsetting you. Who doesn't? Because you are an ass.A loser with a vocabulary.

Translation: "You make me feel butt-hurt." "I need to care what you feel (or what I think you feel)."

Anyway, I appreciate that you're a loser with a poor vocabulary. But nice job portraying yourself as Mr. Manners, there.

Envious of everyone you insult. You are so stupid you keep coming back for more.

Translation: "I'm too incoherent to figure out whether insulting someone is a form of punishment."

Sure, I would research you. What is your name?

Translation: "I'm not a real man and won't meet you, but I'd like to dox you."

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
veni vidi vici said...

So then where the hell is it?

Nancy Reyes said...

a troll seems to have taken over the thread.

please edit his nonsense, which is off topic.

and to plant a tree for a sapling, you have to dig a big hole, which is hard work. So I don't see what is the problem: the sapling was either moved or never planted correcxtly. Didn't the reporters have access to the WH gardeners, or are they afraid of being contaminated if they talk to the "invisible" staff?

Michael K said...

Nancy, this is a typical Ritmo thread where he takes over and posts about 100 comments that make no sense but are all angry outbursts at sane people.

You just have to move to another thread or ignore him.

FullMoon said...

Translation: "I'm not a real man and won't meet you, but I'd like to dox you."

I am afraid.


paul said...

I've never seen so much photoshop in my life.

Darkisland said...

Full Moon,

Or Squeamish works pretty well to.

John Henry

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lydia said...

The tree's probably been moved to the National Arboretum -- from NBC News:

William Fountain, a professor of arboriculture at the University of Kentucky, said the sapling — a variety of oak not native to the United States — may have been quarantined if it was brought to the United States by diplomats and not subject to typical agricultural inspection.

If so, Fountain said, the tree was likely placed in a sealed area at the National Arboretum in Washington, where it could remain for as long as 90 days.

mikee said...

I lived for the last decade of the previous century in Baltimore, Maryland, and regret doing so to this day. However, shortly before I left, I found out that one could acquire free oak tree saplings from the state government. I asked, and got a bundle of 50 tiny saplings ready to plant.

I planted them all over my suburban neighborhood in 2000. Now they are all making acorns. Former neighbors report the squirrel population has exploded.

Take that, Baltimore.