April 26, 2018

"Some self-identified incels... have developed an elaborate sociopolitical explanation for their sexual failures, one that centers on the idea that women are shallow, vicious, and only attracted to hyper-muscular men."

"They see this as a profound injustice against men like them, who suffer an inherent genetic disadvantage through no fault of their own. A small radical fringe believes that violence, especially against women, is an appropriate response — that an 'Incel Rebellion' or 'Beta [Male] Uprising' will eventually overturn the sexual status quo.... These incels post obsessively about so-called 'Chads,' meaning sexually successful and attractive men, and 'Stacys,' attractive, promiscuous women who sleep with the Chads. Both are positioned as unattainable: The Chad is the masculine ideal, one incel men cannot emulate for reasons of poor genetics, while the Stacy is whom every incel man wants to sleep with but cannot because they aren’t a Chad. It’s this embrace of helplessness, of their certainty of their own sexual doom, that makes the more extreme incel communities so dangerous... They see the world through the lens of entitlement: They are owed sex but cannot have it because women are shallow. This manifests in a deep and profound hatred for women as a group.... They see themselves as a class, oppressed by a social system that’s rigged in favor of other men. One post on an incel subreddit compared their worldview to Marxism, with incels playing the part of the proletariat and Chad the bourgeoisie...."

From "Incel, the misogynist ideology that inspired the deadly Toronto attack, explained" (Vox).


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Tommy Duncan said...

"...the idea that women are shallow, vicious, and only attracted to hyper-muscular men."

Inga, are you only attracted to hyper-muscular men?

Obadiah said...

Perhaps Islamic countries are full of Incels - young men who are too poor to marry and barred from access to women outside of marriage. And yet, you don't see them starting violent support groups, right? Oh, wait ...

Bay Area Guy said...

It's generally unhealthy to be "involuntarily celibate" say, after age 18.

It's pretty piss poor to be "involuntarily celibate" during high school, too. But I'm trying to strive for lenience and understanding of our Beta Male brothers. But I digress.

I have a simple message to the "involuntarily celibate":

First, shape the fuck up. Comb your hair, put on some nice clothes, learn some basic manners, go to a bar or restaurant or movies with a group of friends, and start to socialize. If Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory can make friends, so can you. Smile and be affirmatively kind.

Second, stop being weird. Go find some nerdy, not-so-attractive women, and be kind to them. Invite them to lunch. Try to make them laugh or smile. Go get old copies of National Lampoon and share them with her. You may start something that blossoms in the right direction.

Third, do some form of physical activity. Jerking off while reading Vox on your IPad is not that. The ball sports or gym is preferred, but bicycles and even, gag, Frisbee Football will be tolerated. Get off the fucking internet and go exercise!

There's probably a bunch more tidbits of advice for the "InCel" community, but that's a start.

FIDO said...

Speaking of acting out: how well do you think that Harvey Weinstein was treated by women before he was rich? Think the hot girls were giving him the time of day or any play?


Harvey's actions were all about getting his own back at the girl who tormented him all his life.

So sure, excoriate Weinstein...but has anyone taken the horrible actions of some of these young girls to task, or are they allowed to titter 'oh...we were SO awful...'

Well, occasionally awful backfires horribly. They don't deserve murder, but as Bill Burr said...don't you think that maybe we unpack these things a little bit more than not at all?

FIDO said...

And what do you say to someone morbidly obese, Bay Guy.

To use a female example: in my high school, we had Lisa. She was a Land Whale. She was almost as broad as she was tall with consistent weight.

Well, she got tired of the harassment and went to some STRINGENT fat camp.

She did not turn into a super model. She went from a 2 to a 2.5 or 3. After MONTHS of horrible self discipline.

So some of these guys are hopeless no matter what. A 5'3" is not getting a date. So what advice do we give to them?

Freeman Hunt said...

"A 5'3" is not getting a date."

Why not? There are short, married guys at my church. They did it.

Freeman Hunt said...

Thirty minutes ago, I walked past a woman who couldn't have been taller than 4'10".

Be said...

I remember being told by more than one guy that I was failing at my duty of being a woman by not being a slut, given how 'hot' I was.

In terms of the Killing Hitler before he could rise to power business, maybe I should have pity f#cked a few losers.

Be said...

"Height doesn't matter when you're horizontal."

is a corollary to: Height Doesn't Matter.

buwaya said...

'A 5'3" is not getting a date. So what advice do we give to them?"

Go to the Philippines and find a wife there. The competition is much shorter. And much less wealthy.

William said...

I can't claim to be an incel, neither can I claim to be an excel. I would define an excel as someone like Mark Wahlberg/John Holmes who no matter how shitty he treats women is still going to have an abundance of hot chicks eager to help him become a better person. I'm like the clanger in the bell shaped curve..........I've had, on occasion, some good luck with some attractive women, but I've always had to betray my true self to achieve this luck. My true self wants to stay home, watch tv, get fat on BBQ, and jerk off when the need arises. So does civilization make cowards of us all.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"Speaking of acting out: how well do you think that Harvey Weinstein was treated by women before he was rich?"

I doubt Harvey was always fat and hideous. If not handsome, maybe he looked okay, and was at least reasonably attractive, when he was young and not rich (I'm not sure if he was ever poor), but not as attractive as when he became old, fat, and immensely rich.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Go to the Philippines and find a wife there. The competition is much shorter. And much less wealthy.
Exactly. Substitute the country you want for the Phillipines, if you like.
How big is this "incel" community? It sounds like a hoax, to me.
I know a guy, a local guy, unmarried and in his 60s. Not terribly attractive, he's overweight, etc. Not much money, though he does own a home (on Hawaiian homelands). He's perfectly happy with occasional hookups with women who are one step removed from hookers, and once a year he goes to Vegas and has a hooker party.
If there are such things as "incels" they must be something like "gamma" males. The guy in Canada couldn't even shoot people, he ran them over. What a frikkin' joke. A van is not a phallic symbol. Castrate yourself, dude, and save us the trouble of killing you.

mockturtle said...

A 5'3" is not getting a date.

Not so. While all three of my husbands have been taller than I, I have dated short men and find them just as attractive as tall men. There's a type for everyone. We aren't all drawn to the same features and isn't that ideal? While my husbands, who were all very attractive, were all brunettes with brown eyes, the most attractive man I ever met was a bald man about 40 with piercing blue eyes and who, I learned later, worked for the CIA. You just never know. [I was happily married at the time].

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger FIDO said...
. . .
So some of these guys are hopeless no matter what. A 5'3" is not getting a date. So what advice do we give to them?

Anything that this fellow could have done to relieve his sexual anxiety would have been better for him & us than killing ten people, wouldn't it?

Buy a wife. Visit hookers. Become homosexual.
Killing people is not a "solution" to his problem. He could be utterly repulsive & still buy sex with a good looking woman. Not in prison, though.
He was and is crazy, not acting out against an unjust society.

mockturtle said...

There was an incident in Germany a couple of years ago where a recent Iraqi refugee raped a ten-year-old boy at a public swimming pool. His excuse: It was a 'sexual emergency'. He got a very light sentence. This kind of lame defense is inexcusable. There are Muslim rape gangs in Europe preying on very young non-Muslim girls. Is this really the kind of diversity we want? Allowing cultural practices that are clearly against Western laws and standards? Yes, Muslim men are taught that it's OK to rape or molest non-Muslim women who are not properly covered. It is their right because these women are there for the taking--they are kafir.

Anonymous said...

By the immortal James Thurber:

The number of people who use "whom" and "who" wrongly is appalling. The problem is a difficult one and it is complicated by the importance of tone, or taste. Take the common expression, "Whom are you, anyways?" That is of course, strictly speaking, correct – and yet how formal, how stilted! The usage to be preferred in ordinary speech and writing is "Who are you, anyways?" "Whom" should be used in the nominative case only when a note of dignity or austerity is desired. For example, if a writer is dealing with a meeting of, say, the British Cabinet, it would be better to have the Premier greet a new arrival, such as an under-secretary, with a "Whom are you, anyways?" rather than a "Who are you, anyways?" – always granted that the Premier is sincerely unaware of the man's identity. To address a person one knows by a "Whom are you?" is a mark either of incredible lapse of memory or inexcusable arrogance. "How are you?" is a much kindlier salutation.

And there's more where that came from.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted.

Ambrose said...

Watch our media carefully craft these people into a "conservative" or "right wing" group.

Sam L. said...

It's not THEM; it's WOMEN. Uhhhhhh huh.

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