"...speculating that he applied his diagnosis to protect them from Nazi eugenics — a kind of psychiatric Schindler’s list. But this was in keeping with the selective benevolence of Nazi psychiatry; Asperger also warned that 'less favorable cases' would 'roam the streets' as adults, 'grotesque and dilapidated.' Words such as these could be a death sentence in the Third Reich. And in fact, dozens of children whom Asperger evaluated were killed.... At least 5,000 children perished in around 37 'special wards.'... Killings were done in the youths’ own beds, as nurses issued overdoses of sedatives until the children grew ill and died, usually of pneumonia. Asperger worked closely with the top figures in Vienna’s euthanasia program.... He would probably have been a footnote in the history of autism research had it not been for Lorna Wing, a British psychiatrist who tracked down Asperger’s 1944 article on autistic psychopathy. She thought it lent important context to the narrower definition of autism then in use, and by the early ’80s, 'Asperger syndrome,' and the idea of a broader autism 'spectrum,' had entered the medical lexicon.... Naming a disorder after someone is meant to credit and commend, and Asperger merited neither.:
From "The Nazi History Behind ‘Asperger’" by Edith Sheffer, author of "Asperger’s Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna."
Just another outbreak of Eugenics. Eugenics gets renamed now and then but it is always the same. Lately they found a way to make money off eugenics selling baby parts.
Science got stuff from German rocket scientists too.
If "autism" includes the individual's withdrawal from the outside world into one’s own, internal world, then it seems to also apply to much of Mr. Trump's foreign policy. If so, then is "autism" a new way of understanding the President?
Apparently the Germans have a word for that.
"If so, then is "autism" a new way of understanding the President?"
And what diagnostic term do we need for the obsessive tendency to see Trump in everything that might be cast as a negative light?
The Russians are coming!
The Fascists are coming!
The sexists are coming!
The narcissists are coming!
The Autists are coming!
nurses issued overdoses of sedatives until the children grew ill and died, usually of pneumonia.
There's something "off" about that statement...
'roam the streets' as adults, 'grotesque and dilapidated.'
They say it as if it were a bad thing.
"If so, then is "autism" a new way of understanding the President?"
Really, April Fools gags should be a little less obvious. This one didn't fool me for a second.
Seems like a similar argument to that of the arts: Can we use and appreciate work done by an evil person? Medical breakthroughs achieved during wartime?
"The Nazi History Behind" a bunch of stuff.
rhhardin: Science got stuff from German rocket scientists too.
And also cancer research; smoking and exposure to industrial carcinogenics (solution: use Polish slave labor).
'Course the guy who ran the anti-smoking program was also in charge of murdering the 'tards. "The Nazi War on Cancer".
The Nazi history behind the Volkswagon, adored by hippies the world over, and behind Porsche and BMW and Leitz 'n' Zeiss and Bayer...
My son’s school, David Starr Jordan Middle School, is being renamed. ...who championed sterilization of the “unfit.”
That's all I need to read, because her son's school has nothing to do with Nazis or Asperger.
"As you may recall, I closely covered the recent whoop-tee-doo in Palo Alto that led to stripping the name of the Terman Middle School, the public middle school with the highest standardized test scores in California.
The school had been named for Lewis Terman, the father of standardized testing in America, and his son Fred Terman, the father of Silicon Valley.
Lewis Terman is accused of advocating eugenics, while a proposal to change the school’s name to solely honor his son Fred, the Stanford dean of engineering who more or less invented the Silicon Valley model, was rejected on the grounds that Fred must have inherited his father Lewis’s Bad Genes."
Germany was a scientific and technical power with or without Nazis. The Nazi state inherited tremendous cultural capital, which pre-existed them. Even the late-starting rocket stuff got its start in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany, a young Werner von Braun among them. Hitler had a nascent rocket program ready to go, just waiting for Nazi money.
Some of this ongoing stuff the Nazis hampered, some they accelerated.
A non-Nazi German (a Jew!) with great but ambiguous achievements - Look up Fritz Haber.
Haber invented the modern technique for synthesizing nitrate fertilizers - the Haber-Bosch process - he probably should share credit with Norman Borlaug for the present existence of half of humanity. He also led the German poison gas R&D program in WWI. He was enthusiastic about it.
Haber is much more interesting than Asperger, on the grounds of sheer scale for sure, on both sides of the ethical line.
To Germans, Autism is just another branding word to be tatooed #s on the skin Auschwitz prison laborers.
If they were serious about being Doctors, then they would teach the braniacs social intelligence skills and quit enjoying the glorious power of ordering weaker human's imprisonment and death.
We still occupy Germany because we still fear the Germans. They were our #1 enemy and little has changed .
The Terman thing is funny.
Every householder in Palo Alto is richer by a couple of million $, at least, because of the Termans. But they are personae non grata. It is one of the thousands of fashionable hypocrisies of the modern era. Everyone owes everything to a bunch of people that the modern secular religions must reject.
One would think that, if they were truly sorry, that these thousands of millionaires would at least organize processions of penance, flaggelating themselves for their participation in these sins.
This sort of thing is why Tom Wolfe will never run out of material.
rhhardin said...
Science got stuff from German rocket scientists too.
4/1/18, 4:21 PM
Asperger also warned that 'less favorable cases' would 'roam the streets' as adults, 'grotesque and dilapidated.'
--Hey dumbass, they're talking about *you!* I admit I'd really value your take on the camps, from the inside. But who would feed your dog?
I am drawn to Housman's poem, which is a bit trite, as this is the most repeated bit of Housman - about what we owe to people who did their bit for their own worldly reasons, doing tremendous good without meaning to. Most of what we rely on to exist is the result of such, not any conscious humanitarian intention. God works in mysterious ways.
Housman's poem is about the BEF of 1914, but there were many such armies that took their wages and died, and yet because of them the foundations stayed, and we are what we are. Such as all those Habsburg armies that held off the Turks for centuries
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries
These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling,
And took their wages, and are dead.
Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
What God abandoned, these defended,
And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman
then it seems to also apply to much of Mr. Trump's foreign policy. If so, then is "autism" a new way of understanding the President?
There should be some sort of award for the first mention of Trump in every thread. They are always hostile.
Dunce cap ?
There should be some sort of award for the first mention of Trump in every thread. They are always hostile.
At least he didn't open with Stormy Daniels.
I was checking out 4chan like I normally do, seeing what crazy shit people are up to, and then I come to Althouse and see this post on Asperger's, and I read it to see what it says, because I'm on the spectrum, myself. Regarding the being on the spectrum shit, I don't have a problem with it, it's what I know so I don't know any different.
But it seems like a lot of the people on 4chan are on the spectrum themselves. Some say it, and others you can just kinda tell. It's interesting how you can tell people who probably avoid eye contact just by reading what they write, but there it is.
I think the thing about 4chan is you don't have to worry that people are thinking you are doing the wrong thing, because they're not there. And it is a lot easier to be around people when they aren't actually there. And the people that are there don't want you to see them, so it just works better that way.
Because when you are around people there are all these other things going on, other than what they are saying. And that makes me uncomfortable, because I must be missing something, but I don't know what it is. And trying to know what you're missing is a bitch when you don't know what it looks like.
I don't even like looking at people's eyes in photographs. Sometimes Althouse will have a photo where the person in the photo is looking at you, and they don't stop looking at you because it's a photo, they don't even blink. I don't like that. Sometimes I won't even read the post, because I know the post has those eyes, even when I'm not looking at them right now.
I think there are one or two commenters at Althouse that are on the spectrum, but I'm not going to name any names, we just want to fit in. And it's tough to fit in sometimes because you can tell people are getting frustrated with you, even if it's just the internet. You can only connect the dots you see, people: I'm sorry.
So 4chan is easier that way, because sometimes the people who don't fit in sorta fit in with each other, if you can follow. Maybe that's why there are so many pictures there of chicks spreading their ass cheeks and showing their asshole: you don't have any eye contact, and all the pictures are kind of the same, really, and that is comforting. The same is much easier than different: I like routines.
So part of my routine is reading Althouse every day, but I understand that I'm kinda on the outside of most of the people there. And face it: most people think they're cool with people with Asperger's, but they really aren't, they just think they're cool because they don't want to think of themselves as the kind of people who judge people who don't quite get why you're judging them. It seems to make them irritable, in fact.
But a lot of these people are still interesting to read, even though they don't know that they are kinda assholes sometimes. But most people don't know when they are being assholes, but then maybe that's that cruel neutrality thing, which I think I get but because I think I get it I don't think I actually get it.
Whenever I hear some moron speak the phrase, "I believe in science" or the accusatory corollary, "Don't YOU believe in science???" I think of the Nazi's.
Those Naws sure believed in science. Damned meticulous as hell about their belief, too. And look at where it got their society.
And now I'm thinking about that Nazi thing in this post, because Nazi things are big on 4chan. And maybe it's because people on the spectrum can become fascinated by things without seeing the connections other people seem to make about those things.
Don't get me wrong: everyone knows Nazis are bad. Even most of the people on 4chan, I think. But I don't see how people can make a fuss about looking at Nazi pictures when they have no problems with, like, abortion clinics in their town. I mean, I know people see a difference, but I guess I don't see that difference like they do.
Because if you wear an SS lightning-bolts pin people think you're full of hate, but if I walked around carrying the tools they use for abortions that would be okay? I think there's a point I'm trying to make, but maybe it's one of those things I don't really get.
I don't think people realize how much judging goes on in society. They might think they do, but just because a blind dude can cross the street doesn't mean he can see the cars. But then if you're blind people can see that, and they cut you some slack. People don't cut much slack for people who just don't mostly think like them.
Like when the people at Althouse get going on Trump: nobody cuts the other guy any slack. It's like it becomes socially acceptable to become socially inacceptable. Actually, I think that word is supposed to be 'unacceptable' but inacceptable makes more sense to me. I figure you know what I'm trying to say.
Anyway, it's interesting to see what people give slack to and what they don't. And it's really interesting on Althouse, because some things you think would get slack don't, and some things you think wouldn't get slack actually do get slack. And I'm sure there is a reason under there, but I can't seem to find it much. And I'm usually good at finding those things because I like things that are consistent.
And that's when I think sometimes that people are just making this shit up as they go along. The only thing people can agree on is that Nazis are bad, and then I don't think they all even agree on the reason why. And maybe they are actually thinking to themselves that there were some things the Nazis did right, but they can't say that out loud so then they REALLY hate Nazis. When the Nazis pretty much just had some cool clothes, and logos and shit that look great for heavy metal bands.
It was through forge volpis in search of klingsor, a novel about heisenberg and his part in the German nuclear program, that I became aware of Conrad stark the somewhat talented physicist who as science czar, probably lost the war insisting on aryan scientists.
I thought that a syndrome was named for the person who discovered the constellation of symptoms that characterize the syndrome. Having the medical researcher do all that and satisfy the political sensitivities of people not even born until after he died seems a bit much.
Anyone who had anything to do with the Nazis was corrupted. You can't deal with the Devil.
The key point about eugenics is that when you accept the ideology you accept the theory and practice of culling the human race to make it evolve more quickly. It isn't whether you go after Jews, blacks or whites; it isn't whether you cull by sterilizing, aborting, euthanizing, shooting in mass graves or administering socializing drugs; it isn't whether you wear a Nazi uniform or a white "medical" coat or ride the Acela. It's that when they say "but who will do the choosing for the culling" you say "I will." It's that when they say "But how do we know how to choose?", you say "I know; it's by [race; IQ; level of stress in the womb; whatever]". It's that when they say "But how will we do the culling, you say "By [confining them for life in mental hospitals; by sterilizing them forcibly; by persuading them to sterilize their worthless selves for the sake of the children; by euthanizing them as children in hospitals; by Germans shooting them in Slavic regions following a German invasion; by aborting them in numbers disproportionate to their presence in a national group; by stigmatizing them as inferior due to stress and drugging them]". Since 1900 there have been at least four major versions of eugenics organized by national eugenic societies and led by important national scientific figures. As one version, the majority version in a national eugenics society has become discredited, another has been brought forward by society members who were formerly a minority in these national societies. As social biology which used IQ as the culling marker becomes discredited, biodemography and neo-social biology come forward. Biodemography is aware that the introduction of contraception leads to a birth crash which is the definition of unfitness in Darwinian terms. Hence they try to exclude contraception in some areas and leave the feminists to introduce in others. Neo-social biology is this smarmy way of talking about the blacks as victims of racism which just amounts to saying "inferior, they can't learn anything worth knowing, they get triggered" but "poor things they can't help it, it was caused by white racism/privilege and now its genetic."
Lewis Terman was a member of eugenic societies and worked on trying to define a marker (IQ) which indicated genetic inferiority. Such a marker would be used for culling and he knew that and supported it. That doesn't mean he supported the Nazis.
Pro-Choice. Selective-child. Lives deemed unworthy. Wicked solution. Final solution. [unqualified] progress.
"If "autism" includes the individual's withdrawal from the outside world into one’s own, internal world, then it seems to also apply to much of Mr. Trump's foreign policy. If so, then is "autism" a new way of understanding the President?"
Really, saying "My political opponent is a mental case" gets very old, very quickly.
"As the fulcrum of power moves away from the West, so does America. This fact lies at the core of the President’s intuitions about the world."
The Trump Doctrine by BRUNO MAÇÃES
The Trump Doctrine
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