Yellow Journalism: CNN Spouts Off About 'Pee Tapes' 77 Times in Five Days! I guess this is what their ratings are telling them the people want, but I have turned away.
April 17, 2018
I haven't been keeping up with the circus.
Here's the upper right corner of Drudge right now, and I must have glanced at it 10 times before I realized that's not an elephant's trunk but the gray-sleeved arm of a photographer:

Yellow Journalism: CNN Spouts Off About 'Pee Tapes' 77 Times in Five Days! I guess this is what their ratings are telling them the people want, but I have turned away.
Yellow Journalism: CNN Spouts Off About 'Pee Tapes' 77 Times in Five Days! I guess this is what their ratings are telling them the people want, but I have turned away.
I got in a shouting match in the staff lounge yesterday because I couldn't take the constant baseless attacks on Trump and his supporters anymore.
They all hate Trump, but when I ask them to list the three worst things Trump has done, they're silent.
What a shame that pee tapes are the last thing you hear before you take off on vacation and the first thing you hear when you arrive back at the airport.
I guess one of next years Pulitzers will be for the most in depth expose of urine used as a sex enhancement
Gahrie said...
I got in a shouting match in the staff lounge yesterday because I couldn't take the constant baseless attacks on Trump and his supporters anymore.
Trump is a public and purposefully polarizing figure and no one can reasonably not expect a strong response to that. It not acceptable that people also feel the need to attack his supporters or their motivations. But, this does go both ways, unfortunately.
My understanding is that CNN's ratings are in the dumpster.
Trump is a public and purposefully polarizing figure and no one can reasonably not expect a strong response to that.
I think a reasonable person might be able to have a more measured response. A "strong response" sounds so emotional.
when I ask them to list the three worst things Trump has done, they're silent.
Ask them the three greatest accomplishments of Hillary as SecState.
"no one can reasonably not expect a strong response to that."
No, you know what? Actually I can.
I don't hate the man, and I could easily tell you what I find the three worst things he's done. I don't love him, and could easily tell you the three best things he's done. You and I would probably argue over what those are. No need for a shouting match.
I can reasonably expect grown damn adults to keep their shit together and remain rational. If they can't do that, they're either not adults in a functional sense or they're not worth discussing anything with.
The large audience of Trump haters can't get enough of this, so it generates clicks and ratings. But I guess they have to convince all those Trump supporters that all this is somehow important. I'm not sure how they'll do that with what's known so far.
CNN's ratings are in the dumpster.
No, they're in the toilet.
Didn't catch the Yellow Journalism the first time.
"Trump is a public and purposefully polarizing figure and no one can reasonably not expect a strong response to that. It not acceptable that people also feel the need to attack his supporters or their motivations. But, this does go both ways, unfortunately."
I think Trump is more of a provocateur than a polarizing figure.
He invites his haters to be their worst. The fact that they choose to be that way, and act on it is on them.
. It not acceptable that people also feel the need to attack his supporters or their motivations. But, this does go both ways, unfortunately.
Every Trump supporter I know bites their tongue and tries not to provoke the anti-Trump folk. Look, the reason we got Trump is that he was willing to address the concerns of working and middle-class people in regards to immigration, globalization, deindustrialization and the attendant job loss and wage suppression they caused. Both the Democrat party and the GOPe refused to address those issues and what generally happens when no political party will address the concerns of large segments of the polis happened. Somebody from outside the system jumps in front of the parade and tells the people in it he is there to lead them.
It should have been impossible for Trump to win the nomination, and even more impossible for him to win the presidency. Yet he routinely draws in 25-50,000 person crowds, despite non-stop almost universal hostile coverage. The people who think they run the country don't understand the situation at all. People want change. They want change so badly, they were willing to vote for Donald Freakin Trump for president. People should consider what that means.
Yellow Journalism: CNN Spouts Off About 'Pee Tapes' 77 Times in Five Days! I guess this is what their ratings are telling them the people want, but I have turned away.
Actually the gold channel has better ratings than CNN.
This isn't popular.
Your link
"https : // 4.bp.blogspot ... elephant.tiff"
is actually a jpg file.
And, he wrote ominously, this isn't the first time.
My 3 best: ISIS, cutting regulation, taking NK seriously
Worst: childish tweets, ramping up the war on drugs, tariffs
A lot of those who attack Trump are unable to defend Hillary, which must be frustrating. At this point, Trump-hate is all they've got.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump is a public and purposefully polarizing figure...
I agree with ARM, Trump is purposefully polarizing. But he's got the cause and effect backwards.
G.W. Bush was the most likable guy imaginable. He was still subject to constant, baseless attacks. So the constant, baseless attacks are not the result of Trump. Trump is the result of the constant, baseless attacks.
Gahrie said...
...but when I ask them to list the three worst things Trump has done, they're silent.
1) Signing the latest budget deal.
2) Not firing Comey on day 1.
3) Trump Taj Mahal. ( My God that thing was tacky! )
I think the reason many Trump haters hate Trump so much is that they were doing quite well under the old regime regarding immigration, globalization, deindustrialization and the attendant job loss and wage suppression they caused. Their jobs were not threatened and low wages for the working and middle class benefited them. And since they didn't want to think they were bad people, they rationalized their approval as being morally justified because the people who weren't prospering were bad people.
Then Trump shows up and starts talking about people getting a bad deal and maybe things should be more equitable, and the haters aren't talking about that, they can't talk about that, so its all about how bad Trump is and by extension, his supporters.
Did you see the headlines about stormy's current gig? Now getting naked in a strip club next door to MarALago, according to the headlines.
Actually about 10 miles away in the next town.
But don't call it fake news. Oh, no. That would be wrong. They're objective journalists.
John Henry
Urine love.
I think we should file an Amicus Brief in the Stormy Daniels case - who's with me?
We could go ex parte to file a Petition for Temporary Restraining Order to enjoin any and all enforcement of the Non-Disclosure of Stormy's boobs.
I actually watch CNN, instead of just reading about it, and can attest that the pee tape is not top of mind. MSNBC has had a surge in ratings, roughly equal to what CNN has lost. Perhaps the issue is that in a really polarized time, people like their news really polarized.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump is a public and purposefully polarizing figure and no one can reasonably not expect a strong response to that. It not acceptable that people also feel the need to attack his supporters or their motivations. But, this does go both ways, unfortunately.
Says a Hillary Clinton voter.
Who supports the "Russian Collusion" coup.
Who thinks the Cohen raids were a good thing.
The left has gone totally unhinged.
But I have seen Gahrie's situation occur as well. For years people on the right have been listening to these stupid leftist hate fests in silence.
But now more people are standing up to the fascist shitheads like ARM.
With Stormy they're going after low-hanging fruit. - Armstrong and Getty
It's what the Golden Shower Left wants. People, not so much. Apparently, the Democrats haven't internalized the lessons of the late '90's.
They said Romney was literally Hitler.
They are not good people and they do not intent us well.
I took more interest in the Stormy Daniels interview than the Comey one. Maybe if Comey wore black leather chaps, his interviews would generate more sympathy and interest.........Trump has a disreputable past, but the subtext of all the stories about Stormy is how little the press cares to delve into her personal life.... ...... I wonder if Stormy has had relations with other well known men or if there are any scandals in her past. If she were talking about a Democrat, we would know a lot more about her.
And of course you are for open borders because you are compassionate, not because massive amounts of low skilled labor benefits you.
I remember a few years ago somebody pointed out that the left would be a lot less welcoming to immigrants if they were lawyers. That was decried as an "odd statement." But there is nothing odd about it at all. The right sees immigration as an economic issues, the left pretends to see it as a moral issue.
Snark said...
I actually watch CNN, instead of just reading about it, and can attest that the pee tape is not top of mind. MSNBC has had a surge in ratings, roughly equal to what CNN has lost. Perhaps the issue is that in a really polarized time, people like their news really polarized.
One of the best parts of the Trump presidency is all of the fake media being outed as leftist front organizations.
Even better was the outing of the GOPe traitors for exactly what they are.
He invites his haters to be their worst.
Yup. He seems to have a gift for exposing some people's true personality. Not good if you're an asshole.
They turned off CNN at the Savannah airport. Savannah is in Georgia, the home state of CNN. Give Trump full credit for that...
So Ann, I am sure you said the same about “The Blue Dress” during the late 90s?
You see how Matt Drudge edits (and "games") the editing of his page.
For Drudge, Sean Hannity is "fighting back". (Never mind, Hannity's journalistically reckless handling of the Cohen-subpoena story before anybody was told that Hannity was a Cohen client.)
For Drudge, it is all about Stormy, and an old sex story. A "porn show." Not about real, current campaign finance violations and/or other federal crimes.
For Drudge, it is all about Comey-scandals, and Judge-Kimba-Wood-scandals. And about the "mainstream media" (whatever that might be) and the deep state.
I can see, how the "We're-bored-with-porn-show-Stormy" narrative fits with Althouse's preferred narrative of, "Isn't Trump an interesting communicator? He's connecting! I'm interested!"
And of course Scott "I no longer care about the fucking law" Adams would feel the same way. Above morality. Beyond something as mundane as truth and honesty and transparency. Beyond all that, and on to popular messaging and mass hypnosis or something.
Btw, Drudge came to prominence with the Blue Dress. Ironic that you would go there.
@Bay Area Guy, Stormy is exposing her boobs, at a strip club just down the road from Trump’s residence at Mar-A-Lago.
Hey I am happy to not focus on the Pee Tapes and focus on another political topic. You completely ignored Paul Ryan’s run for the hills. It looks like Republicans might not even run a serious candidate for his seat.
If it was Bill Clinton you would be lapping Stormy up.
"If she were talking about a Democrat, we would know a lot more about her."
-- Or we'd never have heard of her.
But, Bay Area Guy, it seems to me that all silicon-enhanced boobs probably look more or less the same. Not that I’m any sort of expert.
"Not about real, current campaign finance violations and/or other federal crimes."
-- If paying Daniels to not speak up is a campaign donation, then we need to massively re-look at what counts. Because, there are significantly more valuable in-kind campaign donations. If that legal theory gets any weight at all, it pretty much should be the end of celebrity endorsements and condemnations, the end of benefit concerts, etc., etc.
Stormy is exposing her boobs, at a strip club just down the road from Trump’s residence at Mar-A-Lago .
We don't like the word "exposing." We prefer "disclosing" or "releasing." Both options carry a more lawyerly authoritative air than the crass "exposing."
Release the Nunes the Memo!
Release the IG Report!
Release Stormy's boobs from the Non-Disclosure Agreement!
@Now I Know...
There's a YUUUGE difference between Monica Lewinsky and Stormy Daniels... And your constant attempts to pretend otherwise show's what a tool you really are... Bill Clinton was PRESIDENT when he had sex with an intern in the OVAL OFFICE!!! and then lied about it under oath.
Donald Trump alleged affair with Stormy Daniels occurred over 10 YEARS AGO when he was a private citizen, and according to her charge, was completely consensual... So no crime was committed then, and no crime has been committed now, as Trump has not been questioned and denied the allegation under oath.
But regardless, the question that I keep coming back to, is WTF?!?!? does this have to do with RUSSIAN COLLUSION?!?!? Oh right... not a DAMN thing...
So STFD and STFU...
They had some clips from a panel of citizen Trump supporters viewing and reacting to the Comey interview on CNN last night. It was an almost perfect echo of the Althouse+commentariat line yesterday - that Comey was weak, unmanly etc. etc. etc. It utterly amazes me that people are openly mooning for a strongman type, with zero apparent sense of history. Amazing.
Trump is taunting the corrupt politicians of both Parties. They have totally failed at their carefully planned and executed Coup D'etat. And Trump laughs in triumph because he has the proof they have been on the take from Saudis via Soros.
Happy Days are here again.
Not about real, current campaign finance violations and/or other federal crimes.
Real? Current? Please name the crimes. Who got indicted? Or is it super secret and sealed so that you are only privy.
It not acceptable that people also feel the need to attack his supporters or their motivations.
@ARM, as usual you have cause and effect reversed. The two most polarizing presidents in my lifetime have been Lyndon Johnson and Barack Obama, and they were much more polarizing even than the much-hated Dick Nixon. I rate Hillary Clinton, with her remark about “deplorable” people right up there with Johnson and Obama. The polarization happened, and then Trump occured. The way you view it is like saying the flood caused the heavy rains.
Like Stormy, CNN wants to monetize Trump derangement. Not necessarily a bad approach if you feel there is no longer a future in traditional journalism. The big question will be what happens when Trump hysteria subsides. Do they imagine they can shift back to being a legitimate news source or will they just try to jump on whatever new polarizing wave washes up? I'm guessing it will be the latter. Once you go hack, it's pretty hard to go back.
While I've never understood why "pissed off" means angry, I'm even more bewildered by the attractiveness of the opposite.
I remember sitting up and really noticing the polarization and rancor happening in the early aughts. It wasn't new even then, but it's been exponentially growing under the various influences of technology.
I warned Democrats that treating every candidate Republicans put up as bad as Palin, Romney, Bush, etc. was going to get them someone who actually *deserved* the attacks.
And they got it.
"The big question will be what happens when Trump hysteria subsides."
-- You find a new Goldstein.
It utterly amazes me that people are openly mooning for a strongman type, with zero apparent sense of history.
If the system refuses to deal with the issues the polis deems important then the polis will abolish the system (usually via a strongman) or the system will oppress the polis. The US seems to have devolved into a combination of Mandarin type rule of bureaucrats and Plutocracy. How long that can go on is anyone's guess. But its pretty clear that if Comey is a typical representative of the bureaucrat class, then they're thinking and personality is that of a teenage "mean girl."
Once you go hack, it's pretty hard to go back.
They'll just wait for the next airliner to disappear.
Big Mike said...
The two most polarizing presidents in my lifetime have been Lyndon Johnson and Barack Obama
There is no rational way to see Obama as the equivalent of Johnson, who was a very forceful personality, similar to Teddy Roosevelt. Obama was a likable and decent guy, for a politician. His post-presidency ratings suggest this is the majority view. I don't think he was as effective as Johnson, but few politicians have been. He made fewer serious mistakes than Johnson.
Trump has been a deeply polarizing figure all his life. It is notable that New Yorkers in general can't stand him, and that this was true even before he became a politician.
their thinking, damnit.
It is notable that New Yorkers in general can't stand him, and that this was true even before he became a politician.
Not. Our. Sort.
Anyway, as said by many up thread, a deeply polarizing figure wasn't elected president because the US is united and behaving amicably towards each other.
The underlying premise of ARM and other leftists is that Trump is like a kidney stone, once we pass it, everything will be fine. Plenty of pain in the meantime, but eventually everything will be sorted out. They don't consider that the underlying cause of the kidney stone hasn't been addressed, and that plenty more are on their way.
Trump isn't an anomaly. Until the system adjusts to the new reality, instead of the system attempting to make reality adjust to it, you are going to keep getting people like Trump.
We have a media circus because there is a Republican POTUS.
It's not so much about getting Trump as it is about putting the leftists back into power.
Trump just makes it more interesting.
"Obama was a likable and decent guy, for a politician."
The families of 5 dead Dallas policemen might disagree. He and his team returned race relations in the USA to the low point LBJ achieved in 1968. And he consciously did that from the first year of his first term, constantly promoting the myth that law enforcement in black neighborhoods was the enemy.
Stormy Davis is a BORE.
I just hope all her "Fans" realize she's a Liberal Democrat trying to destroy Trump and go watch some other stripper.
The Cohen thing looks like another attempt to get Trump confidential records and then find some "Crime" or impeachable offense.
Trump should pardon as soon as he can & stop it.
"Your link
"https : // 4.bp.blogspot ... elephant.tiff"
is actually a jpg file. "
Is there some reason that would bother you?
I did the image with the Grab app on my iMac, then saved it, giving it the title "elephant." It was then in my documents as "elephant.tiff," and that's what I selected when I uploaded it to Blogger. Blogger preserved the name of my document but made it into a jpg file. Not something I paid attention to or have any idea why it would happen or why it matters.
BTW, I've been stuck at home for two days, and yesterday had CNN on. Its incredible - non-stop 24/7 Trump bashing. Even when they are talking of some other topic, they using have some banner with a "Trump Bashing" story at the bottom.
They should be investigated for giving unpaid election help to the Democrats.
Trump just makes it more interesting.
I've joked that considering the crappy ROI we get from politicians, they should at least be entertaining.
Ooooooh! A tiff tiff! Where heads don't roll, they're just photoshopped off, and nobody gifs a fuck.
Reality demands that Trump be bashed on a regular basis. CNN does its fair share of trolling for ratings for sure, but part of their gig is not pretending that life isn't what it is. Trump is an amoral con man, and that's just that. They're not pitching in to normalize any of it, and good on them.
What would be fundamentally different at the coverage of the president if Clinton had lost to Marco Rubio?
Answer- nothing. This is the thing that the Republican voters eventually learned the hard way- and it is why they quit looking for a nice establishment guy to run for president in 2016.
We watched Mitt Romney, a clearly decent man, get punched around like a speed bag while he turned every single cheek he had, and only got punched more while apologizing for it to his detractors.
Trump is an amoral con man, and that's just that
I'm sure you believe that, but as the professor is fond of saying, you don't act like you really believe it. If one amoral conman is able to get elected to the presidency, why couldn't another? How do we know that the last president was not also an amoral conman? What are the conditions that allow an amoral conman to be elected president of the US? How long have they been in existence? What is needed to end them?Reeducation camps? Disenfranchising the wrong thinkers? What?
Pissed off as a description of being angry is from
Scripture. A proverb warns us that anger is like urination because once you let it start flowing you cannot stop it until it is finished.
Trump is said to be furious when almost any thing happens. That is a lie, of course. He has shown great patience and never give up until you win , like Patton who was also said to be out of control angry. But that confrontation anger is an act. They just want the donkeys holding up a column being stranded to Get off the bridge.
They're not pitching in to normalize any of it, and good on them.
He was elected president of the United States. Obviously that isn't normal. So obviously we are not living in normal times. I myself often think that I have somehow passed into a weird, absurd alternate universe. One where Donald Freakin Trump is POTUS. The guy who has had three wives, runs casinos, and stars in a reality TV show. That Donald Freakin Trump. Not some alternate universe version where he became a politician and checked all the boxes and rose through the ranks. Nope, we got the casino building version.
What the Donald's detractors won't do is address how we got into this absurd situation. Except call him stupid or amoral or whatever and either directly or implicitly call his supporters dumb or evil or both. They simply will not address the issues he used to beat Hillary Clinton because they are emotionally invested in them. They've turned economic issues into moral litmus tests. They are the ones who are telling the other side that you are either with them or against them. So my side says we shouldn't let lots of illegal immigrants in and we should revisit some decades old treaties and the other side calls us moral monsters. Whose polarizing?
Damn auto correct. Straffed.
Well, to be fair, we had TWO amoral conman candidates...Trump was just a LIKEABLE conman compared to Hillary.
No one actually seems to like her. Respect her for her stances, sure. Put their hopes and dreams in her purse, sure. But when the people who work for you don't like
She is as amoral as they come and one can't cast stones at Trump without addressing your own support of someone without character.
If YOU can support someone with a sketchy past and a lack of morals because of policy positions, I am allowed to do the same thing ARM
Autocorrect failed the second time, too. Strafed.
Now I Know! said...
If it was Bill Clinton you would be lapping Stormy up.
If Trump had assaulted her, raped her, and left her bleeding in a hotel room and told her to "put some ice on that" the Stormy Daniels story would be important.
Bill Clinton being a rapist has no bearing on Donald Trump.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
What the Donald's detractors won't do is address how we got into this absurd situation.
Nixon: hitler.
Ford: pardoned Hitler.
Reagan: Antichrist. Hitler.
Bush: read my lips Hitler.
Bush: chimpy McHitler
McCain: warmonger Hitler.
Romney: Literally Hitler.
Criticize Obama: Racist Hitlers.
Yeah it is really a mystery how we ended up here.
This just sounds so impossibly whiny. Grow some balls, man. What do you care what the liberal weenies think about some politician you support?
"Grow some balls, man. What do you care what the liberal weenies think about some politician you support?"
We did- that is how you got Trump.
"He made fewer serious mistakes than Johnson."
Better than nothing is a...oh, fuck it.
Could somebody explain to me - again - just what any of this has to do with the Russian collusion?
You know, supposedly the thing we're all supposed to be investigating?
Ask them the three greatest accomplishments of Hillary as SecState.
I've actually done that. And the responses? Every time?
"Well, she traveled to X. And then she traveled to Y. And she met with Z."
I would follow up with, 'OK. But what was actually accomplished?
I'm still waiting.
If she were talking about a Democrat, we would know a lot more about her.
I disagree.
If Stormy were talking about a Democrat, we would've never heard of her.
Ann Althouse said...
"Your link
"https : // 4.bp.blogspot ... elephant.tiff"
is actually a jpg file. "
Is there some reason that would bother you?
I did the image with the Grab app on my iMac, then saved it, giving it the title "elephant." It was then in my documents as "elephant.tiff," and that's what I selected when I uploaded it to Blogger. Blogger preserved the name of my document but made it into a jpg file. Not something I paid attention to or have any idea why it would happen or why it matters.
When you upload a picture to blogger, it "edits" the picture, usually increasing the compression and lowering the sharpness. It might also play games with brightness and contrast. At least it used to. Upload a picture into blogger, then download it, and compare the initial with the final.
Vichy Chuck: "For Drudge, Sean Hannity is "fighting back". (Never mind, Hannity's journalistically reckless handling of the Cohen-subpoena story before anybody was told that Hannity was a Cohen client.)"
Number of times LLR and #CNNStrongDefender Chuck or his leftist allies demanded George Stephanopoulos disclose he worked for Bill Clinton as he interviewed Comey about the Clinton emails: zero
Number of times LLR and #CNNStrongDefender Chuck or his leftist allies demanded Jake Tapper disclose he worked for handgun Control Inc during the Parkland shooting "townhall": zero
Number of times LLR and #CNNStrongDefender Chuck or his leftist allies demanded Chuck Todd disclose he threw a party for Jennifer Palmieri a year prior to the election: zero
Number of times LLR and #CNNStrongDefender Chuck or his leftist allies demanded any lefty "journalist"/Talking head/Commentator anywhere disclose any of their democrat partisan contacts: zero
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
This just sounds so impossibly whiny. Grow some balls, man. What do you care what the liberal weenies think about some politician you support?
If you weren't an idiot you would realize the point of the post. But I will get some crayons out for you because you are so stupid.
It is leftist extremism coupled with republican establishment perfidy that has brought us to this point. It is obvious that republican voters are throwing the LLR traitors out of our decision making process. It is the failure of the political class and the deep state that has brought us to this point. For decades there has been an obvious double standard in application of the rule of law.
The silent majority of Americans have been escalating their push back. We believe everyone is equal under the law.
It will be so.
Everyone we put up is literally Hitler to the left. But you are wrong. Trump is not Hitler. He is Danton.
Pull him down and see what comes next.
Obama was a likable and decent guy
Barack Obama was, and remains, an arrogant prick.
Obama was the kid who talked you into letting him copy your answers, and then the next day at school bragged about the score he got on the assignment.
Obama, great man!
Big Mike said...
Barack Obama was, and remains, an arrogant prick.
He only says good things about you.
He only says good things about you.
Bastard called me a bitter clinger.
Bitter comment.
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