April 26, 2018

Cosby guilty.


Kensington said...

I wonder if OJ would have been acquitted in 2018.

rhhardin said...

Woke juries.

Michael K said...

I feel sorry for him. I wonder how hard they are looking for something on Kayne West now ?

Rob said...

That's it. No more Jello Pudding Pops for me.

PM said...

He called the prosecuting attorney a 'butthole' for arguing that Cosby was a flight-risk with a private airplane which, were I him and had one, I'd use it.

langford peel said...

This poor bastard is getting the social justice warrior butt fuck good and hard.

Another poor black man brought low by the liberals.

Earnest Prole said...

But eluding prosecution for fifty rapey years is still quite an achievement, right guys?

langford peel said...

He should have done the Patton Oswald. He should have just killed them when he was done with them.

Then he could just walk away.

langford peel said...

It wasn't rapey Prole. It was transactional.

They knew the deal. You have to give head to get ahead in Hollywood.

So they incarcerate the old black conservative guy and the rich liberal like Weinstein walks away? Or Spacey? Or Dustin Hoffman? Charlie Rose? Matt Laurer?

It's like that?

Yeah I thought so.

The Godfather said...

I'm sorry to hear it. I hoped that he hadn't done it.

Jupiter said...

Earnest Prole said...
"But eluding prosecution for fifty rapey years is still quite an achievement, right guys?"

Eluding? That would require that someone was trying to prosecute him. He's only begun eluding fairly recently, and he's not in prison yet.

Jupiter said...

The Godfather said...
"I'm sorry to hear it. I hoped that he hadn't done it."

Was there any particular one of the 60+ women he raped that you hoped he hadn't "done"?

traditionalguy said...

A serial Rapist wants acceptance for the good side of his split personality. No deals.

Etienne said...

For one, I would have had a lawyer that didn't look like a hippie too cheap to get a haircut.

Mountain Maven said...

Cosby had a lawyer, a jury and will have appeals. Due Process Revoke bail and put him in a prison hospital,. He can sit there while he appeals.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunate "prison stripe" effect with the shirt.

The Bergall said...

Why I'm shocked!

Only after 50 + accusers..........

Earnest Prole said...

Eluding? That would require that someone was trying to prosecute him.

To the contrary, like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton he built an entire system to elude responsibility for his rapey actions -- the tribute vice pays to virtue, as they say.

Michael K said...

I think the appeal may be based on the other women allowed to testify.

Anonymous said...

He can keep the appeals running until he's 101.

Jupiter said...

Earnest Prole said...

"To the contrary, like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton he built an entire system to elude responsibility for his rapey actions"

I think you mean "evade". One eludes pursuit.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

langford peel said...
He should have done the Patton Oswald. He should have just killed them when he was done with them.
Then he could just walk away.

What did Patton Oswalt do to deserve this? Genuinely curious.

Eleanor said...

If the statute of limitations is 12 years in PA, and the assault occurred in 2004, how is Cosby being prosecuted? Has it taken 2 years for this to come to trial? Is that a "speedy trial"?

Ken B said...

Michael K
I know that’s about a “pattern of behavior “ which is often admitted but it feels dodgy to me. If only we had a law prof to expatiate ...

Ken B said...

I'm hoping expatiate is an annoying triggering word btw.

Hagar said...

It's hookers and lawyers making a living.

Snark said...

“ Is that a "speedy trial"?“

More a benzo trial, really.

Birkel said...

Due process was delivered. And that is that.

madAsHell said...

....and if he had never lectured the black community about accountability, and responsibility, then would he still be guilty??

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I feel sorry for him.”

Of course you do.

“I wonder how hard they are looking for something on Kayne West now ?”

Why, did he drug and rape numerous women too?

Gahrie said...

Cosby should just fly to Paris and start making movies. then he'd be a hero again.

Earnest Prole said...

I think you mean "evade". One eludes pursuit.

That sounds lawyerly -- not that there's anything wrong with that.

Gahrie said...

Why, did he drug and rape numerous women too?

Nope but he has wandered off the liberal reservation too...which apparently is even worse.

I suggest Kanye should start looking at homes in Paris immediately.

J. Farmer said...

Regarding Cosby's approach towards the black community, I obviously agree and if anything he did not got far enough in his critiques. But I think the notion that Bill Cosby was taken down because of that point-of-view is a bit silly. For one thing, the allegation this case is based on took place in January 2004, before Cosby gave his infamous "poundcake speech." The allegations against Cosby only snowballed after Hannibal Buress spent months joking about him in a comedy routine in 2014. By 2014, was Bill Cosby on anyone's radar?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Nope but he has wandered off the liberal reservation too...which apparently is even worse.”

Apparent to who?

Gahrie said...

Nope but he has wandered off the liberal reservation too...which apparently is even worse.”

Apparent to who?

Anyone with a functioning brain.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So pull your pants up, right-wingers.

Why does this "Drudge" guy have to say "guilty" three times? And why do you read/quote him? What's so wrong with "just the facts" and why is it so important to follow a guy with a tabloid's sense of sensationalism?

Who the hell puts headlines in "red?" Is he running a firehouse or a news website? Why is every headline designed to provoke alarm or contempt or fear?

Gahrie said...

The allegations against Cosby only snowballed after Hannibal Buress spent months joking about him in a comedy routine in 2014

Which would never have happened if Cosby had still been a Liberal hero.

J. Farmer said...


Which would never have happened if Cosby had still been a Liberal hero.

Weinstein was a liberal hero. Didn't do much to stop the allegation factory churning out accusations.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If the statute of limitations is 12 years in PA, and the assault occurred in 2004, how is Cosby being prosecuted? Has it taken 2 years for this to come to trial? Is that a "speedy trial"?

You should assume that his lawyers did everything they could to hold it up. Change the venue, object to the jurisdiction, jury selection, Cosby's age and condition as a source of infirmity casting doubt on his fitness to stand trial. Duh. Right-wingers should really take a basic course on how law and the justice system work in this country.

Gahrie said...

Weinstein was a liberal hero. Didn't do much to stop the allegation factory churning out accusations.

Weinstein was incidental damage in an attempt to destroy Trump. He got hit by friendly fire.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Amazing how many commenters you have that insist on reading anything (and everything) political into this sad trial and its outcome.

Some people.

Quaestor said...

So, what's the penalty for rape that isn't rape rape?

Gahrie said...

It should also be noted that the initial reaction to the Weinstein story by the MSM was an attempt to kill the story.

Achilles said...

If you say nice things about Trump the NYT's openly speculates about your mental health.

A favorite tactic of the left. Stalin in particular.

FullMoon said...

He fingered her, she fingered him. Payback.

Snark said...

“Why does this "Drudge" guy have to say "guilty" three times? ”

It’s almost certainly a reference to Gloria Allred saying it three times at a presser post verdict.

Bilwick said...

I have no dog in this fight; but am I to assume from some of the comments here ("Woke jury," etc.) that some people here think he was railroaded? If so, why? Evidence, please, not mind reading.

Snark said...

“So, what's the penalty for rape that isn't rape rape?”

Only his fingers have to do the time. The rest of him can stand outside the cell.

Achilles said...

Black people are going to be making obvious comparisons between Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton.

Similar number of victims.

One is white. The other is black. Only one goes to jail.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

“Why does this "Drudge" guy have to say "guilty" three times? ”

It’s almost certainly a reference to Gloria Allred saying it three times at a presser post verdict.

So Drudge views matters of justice through Gloria Allred's eyes. (Or mouth). Interesting.

Pathetic, empty and emblematic of his political tribe - but interesting.

Earnest Prole said...

Which would never have happened if Cosby had still been a Liberal hero.

Oh fer fuck's sake. Harvey Weinstein was the essential connected liberal hero in both Hollywood and the Hamptons, yet he was taken down.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...


Which would never have happened if Cosby had still been a Liberal hero.

Weinstein was a liberal hero. Didn't do much to stop the allegation factory churning out accusations.

Weinstein is living in several mansions with millions of dollars. The poor guy. And how many leftist media institutions spiked Ronan's story before it was finally begrudgingly printed?

And then there is Bill Clinton.

LincolnTf said...

Seems like he deserves the conviction, but I do wonder about the accuser acknowledging that he gave her "3 blue pills" with wine. She presumably knew she was taking illegal drugs with a man in a private location. One could argue that her chance to avoid the encounter was waived when she chose to drug herself.

Earnest Prole said...

“Why does this "Drudge" guy have to say "guilty" three times?"

Um . . . maybe because there were three charges and three guilty verdicts?

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...

Which would never have happened if Cosby had still been a Liberal hero.

Oh fer fuck's sake. Harvey Weinstein was the essential connected liberal hero in both Hollywood and the Hamptons, yet he was taken down.

Begrudgingly. Accidentally.

And 0 prosecutions.

Absolutely no civil or criminal suits despite several credible accusations of rape.

Earnest Prole said...

Amazing how many commenters you have that insist on reading anything (and everything) political into this sad trial and its outcome.

When their only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Um . . . maybe because there were three charges and three guilty verdicts?

"Convicted on all three counts" sounds more professional but who am I to judge Mr. Fire Alarm's journalistic integrity when it comes to activating the reading interests of the same sensationalist right that comprises his audience?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And 0 prosecutions.

Absolutely no civil or criminal suits despite several credible accusations of rape.

Oh dear lord. Do the right-wingers not even realize that an accuser has to agree to bring charges? Is that no longer the case? WTF? Pretty hard for the state to go to trial with a judicially unwilling accuser.

Earnest Prole said...

It wasn't rapey Prole. It was transactional. They knew the deal. You have to give head to get ahead in Hollywood.

Instead of cozying up to an aspiring Hollywood starlet, Cosby targeted the director of operations for Temple University’s women’s basketball team (who also happened to be a lesbian -- who knew?). Instead of asking for a blowjob, he drugged and assaulted her. But otherwise your point makes perfect transactional sense.

LincolnTf said...

Actually, Earnest, she drugged herself.

Snark said...

“When their only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

When you ARE a tool, everything also looks like nail.

Rabel said...

"Evidence, please, not mind reading."

That's the problem with the verdict. Evidence, lack of.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Achilles said...
If you say nice things about Trump the NYT's openly speculates about your mental health.

People have been openly speculating about Kanye's mental health even since he hooked up with the Kardashians. Try to keep up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

People have been openly speculating about Kanye's mental health even since he hooked up with the Kardashians.

I do believe the actual history of this goes back to South Park's infamous "Gay Fish" episode and the rapper in question's infamous all caps-locks insanely appreciative (but sad!) response to it. (Since deleted).

Maybe Kanye's where Full Moon gets his commenting habits from.

This presidency really is activating the closet narcissists. And obviously the open narcissists.

William said...

Nearly all of the women who have come forward have stated that their hesitancy on coming forward was due to the fact that he was such a revered and esteemed public figure. His reputation is what enabled him to get away with it for so long. Until very, very recently, sex offenders with good liberal credentials were treated gently. That's just a fact. Bill Clinton's victims were "bimbos". There must be hundreds of women with stories about him or Ted Kennedy or MLK, but where are they. They all know the price to be paid.. That's not exactly the case with ladies who have encountered Trump. Those ladies know that there's no price to be paid but rather a surcharge to be rendered.

William said...

Bill Cosby always seemed like a decent and likable guy. Perhaps, aside from the drugging and raping, he was. I'd hate to see him die in prison. Maybe he can string out the appeals until such time as he's dead. That wouldn't be such an unfitting resolution to his case. He's lost his legacy, his reputation, his health. I'd be willing to settle for that.

rhhardin said...

Spotty animals can have striped tails, but striped animals can't have spotty tails.

Murray's theorem.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Earnest Prole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

I am naturally skeptical of anything involving Gloria Allred, Sr. and Jr.

But the jury has spoken. Pending appeals we can all accept that we have found the closest approximation of justice available. Any injection of politics (see my criticism of both Gloria Allreds above) into this matter seems mis-directed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kanye is public enemy #1 in proggy commune group-think plantation singularity hivemind. the daggers and the opposition researchers out out in full brown-shirt force.

Noted these same progressives do not care at all about Clinton corruption.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL to Ritmom's new name and avatar.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Look how fast the white progressives throw the brown man under the bus.


buwaya said...

I doubt very much anyone is going to put him in prison.

On the other hand a great number of lawyers are going to do their best to take his fortune, and the real losers here will be his children and grandchildren.

buwaya said...

"Kanye is public enemy #1 in proggy commune group-think plantation singularity hivemind."

This week. Next week, who knows.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

More Ritmo.


Jupiter said...

William Chadwick said...
"I have no dog in this fight; but am I to assume from some of the comments here ("Woke jury," etc.) that some people here think he was railroaded? If so, why? Evidence, please, not mind reading."

1 - There was testimony that the victim had discussed the possibility of accusing a wealthy celebrity of sexual assault in order to get a large payout prior to the alleged incident.

2 - She did, in fact, do just that, and Cosby paid over $3 million.

3 - As mentioned upthread, she admitted to taking the drugs, although she says she was not expecting such a powerful effect.

Points worth considering, but I think the large number of accusers and the similarity of their accounts makes a much stronger case for his guilt. Some conservatives believe he was railroaded because he went around upbraiding the "black community" for its general fecklessness. Perhaps by doing so he called attention to himself, that lead to the famous Burriss incident. But if he actually raped all those women, as I think he did, he has some nerve lecturing anyone this side of Joe Stalin about anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Harvey Weinstein(D) is guilty of even a fraction of what he is being accused of, why hasn't he been charged?

mccullough said...

No one is getting Cosby’s money. He already paid the victim $3.3 million. None of the other accusers/victims is getting a dime. Too late to sue Cosby. They tried to sue him for defamation when he denied the accusations years after the limitations period expired on any assault civil claim. Got nowhere. Cosby’s family will get his money. The victim will get paid by the news media for her interviews. And everyone will move on.

Jupiter said...

buwaya said...

"On the other hand a great number of lawyers are going to do their best to take his fortune, and the real losers here will be his children and grandchildren."

And let's not forget his lovely wife. Now there's a piece of work.

Daniel Jackson said...

Is Harvey going to jail?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Full Moonbeam - still butthurt at having lost his temper tantrum on yesterday's Scott Adams thread and deleted the majority of his comments on it - chimes in here to declare that he is into identity politics.

So does that mean you're a full-blown social justice warrior, too, Little Snowflake? How does that jibe with your worship of your hero, Trump?

I'm interested in which feminist theory best describes the one you identify with most. Do tell us, Little Guy.

Hagar said...

Cosby is said to have been engaged in this behavior since forever, and it is very hard to believe that these women did not know that.
In any case, what women not certifiably "developmentally challenged" does not conclude something not good is up when offered pills "to relax" when alone with a man in his hotel room?

Jupiter said...

mccullough said...
"No one is getting Cosby’s money. He already paid the victim $3.3 million. None of the other accusers/victims is getting a dime."

buwaya said the lawyers would get it. An appeal is planned. The doctors will probably get some too. When there's blood in the water, all the ethical professions gather round. But yeah, I think there'll be plenty left for Camille and the kids.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thank you, Dickin' Bimbos. I always knew that at least one of you had good taste and a good sense of humor.

Jupiter said...

Hagar said...

Jesus Christ, Hagar. Just get a big sign that says "I Blame The Victims! All 60 Of Them!"

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

The names change but the song remains the same:.

Ritmo Brasileiro said...
It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy. Getting you shit-eaters to complain about the taste after opening your mouths wide and saying "Ahhhh..." to every bad idea under the sun is very satisfying, I must admit.

10/16/10, 10:28 AM

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"The allegations against Cosby only snowballed after Hannibal Buress spent months joking about him in a comedy routine in 2014."

Buress specifically said he made his accusations, while making them, because of Cosby's disrespect for Black culture and his popularity with white audiences. The entire case was politically motivated.

"what women not certifiably "developmentally challenged" does not conclude something not good is up when offered pills "to relax" when alone with a man in his hotel room?"

Some people engage in recreational sex voluntarily. Some people voluntarily use recreational drugs. Some people voluntarily combine the two pursuits.

Are women people?

J. Farmer said...


It should also be noted that the initial reaction to the Weinstein story by the MSM was an attempt to kill the story.

And the Cosby story had been around for over a decade before it hit the public's attention.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Meanwhile, here is another of your modest attempts at subtle humor.

You really feel butthurt about that one, don't you? You bring it up all the time.

Well, at least I try. Unlike you, who can't tell if your 8:33 comment yesterday was worth leaving up or deleting.

Or your 8:27.

Or your 8:08.

Or 7:57.

Or 7:52.

Or 7:49.

Or 7:42.

Or 7:27.

Or 7:21.

Or 7:08.

Or 7:06.

Or 6:58.

Or 6:55. Or 6:53. Or 6:51.

Or 5:50.

Or 2:40 PM.

Or 2:34. Or 2:27.

That's like 19 comments of yours yesterday that you deleted. Why are you so ashamed of what you wrote that you can't leave them up there, Full Mooned?

Is that why you call yourself "Full Moon", BTW? You pull your pants down to show everyone your butt and then regret it? Like you wish you could take it back, or delete it - or something?

J. Farmer said...

@Char Char Binks:

Buress specifically said he made his accusations, while making them, because of Cosby's disrespect for Black culture and his popularity with white audiences. The entire case was politically motivated.

Here's the entirety of what he said on the subject: "Thirteen? And it’s even worse because Bill Cosby has the fucking smuggest old black man public persona that I hate. Pull your pants up, black people, I was on TV in the ’80s. I can talk down to you because I had a successful sitcom. Yeah, but you raped women, Bill Cosby. So, brings you down a couple notches."

I think "politically motivated" is a bit of a stretch.

John henry said...

Blogger langford peel said...

They knew the deal. You have to give head to get ahead in Hollywood.

I remember a TV interview with one of Ray Charles former Raylettes perhaps 10-15 years ago.

She said that "To be a Raylette, you had to let Ray" have sex with you. She didn't seem to be upset about it. She seemed to think that if that was the price you had to pay for a great gig like that, it was OK. I think she was a Raylette for 10-15 years so it could not have been too bad.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So Full Mooned is already responsible for two of three self-deletions here in this very thread, tonight.

Maybe we can get lucky and he will delete them all. Shouldn't be hard, he's much better at quoting others than actually coming up with anything on his own to say.

Maybe he will just stop being a regret-prone retard and not post any comments, any of his garbage in the first place. But that would take some actual insight, intelligence and self-control - three qualities that he resents so badly it drives him crazy.

Gahrie said...

I think "politically motivated" is a bit of a stretch.

Why? It was clearly an attempt to punish Cosby for stating truths about Black culture.

John henry said...

I loved Bill Cosby from I Spy, his comedy albums, Fat Albert, TV appearances and more. I even liked his Huxtable show for a while before I recognized the child abuse. I thought it terrific that, even though he had no need of it, he got a doctorate in education. I admired the way he spoke out and what he had to say.

I don't know if he was guilty or not but I can't help having a sneaking feeling that he was railroaded for being an uppity black man.

Sad to see this happen. If he did it, I am sad that he did. I did not think he was that kind of man. If he did do it, he deserves to be jailed.

Are you watching this, Kanye? Did you get the message?

John Henry

FullMoon said...

Educated MicroBiologists with many faces wonders:
That's like 19 comments of yours yesterday that you deleted. Why are you so ashamed of what you wrote that you can't leave them up there, Full Mooned?

Is that why you call yourself "Full Moon", BTW? You pull your pants down to show everyone your butt and then regret it? Like you wish you could take it back, or delete it - or something?

My comments are fine art, like Tibetan Buddhist Sand Mandala
Enjoy while you can before the climate changes and they disappear..

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My comments are fine art, like Tibetan Buddhist Sand Mandala ..

No, they're just highly derivative and unoriginal, stupid shit that you become ashamed of having posted a few short minutes later.

Save yourself the trouble and don't post them to begin with. All that deletion must take as much effort as all those comment saving and stalking activities.

No one got anything out of any comment you ever posted, and you know it.

Your like Trump's Twitter feed, but with a "regretful, delayed self-awareness" function.

John henry said...

Blogger Snark said...

“Why does this "Drudge" guy have to say "guilty" three times? ”

It’s almost certainly a reference to Gloria Allred saying it three times at a presser post verdict.

I read Drudge as referencing the 3 guilty verdicts.

John Henry

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

J. Farmer said...
"I can talk down to you because I had a successful sitcom. Yeah, but you raped women, Bill Cosby. So, brings you down a couple notches."

If you want to argue that Cosby would have got away clean had he not provoked that black comedian, you could certainly be right. But if you want to argue that the prosecution was politically motivated, then you need to point at the actions of prosecutors, in court or outside.

A useful measure of the standards of the "black community", by the way. Couple notches for rape, three or four for murder, six or eight for snitchin'. Pretty soon you're talking serious notches.

John henry said...

The Blue Angels Navy flight demo team has a support plane that carries the crews and gear to their shows. The name of the plane is Fat Albert.

It seems to be a reference to Cosby's Fat Albert character.

So what happens to this? Do the Blues change the name of the plane? Do they come up with some, non-Cosby, lineage for the name?

It sure won't look good for a bunch of horny Naval Aviators to be flying around with a plane honoring a convicted rapist.

Remember the Tailhook convention!

John Henry

Hagar said...

At least the last 50 of them, Jupiter.
Perhaps you should ask a woman what she thinks of this case.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Gee your smart. Unlike some, I expect nobody to read my comments to to.

Right. Because when they go through the comments threads they talk to each other. Whereas you just talk to yourself.

If you don't expect anyone to read them, why post them? To prove that you could open your journal diary out in a public forum and then puzzle over the result? To prove that you exist here?

That is astonishingly similar to the exhibitionist flasher who doesn't expect anyone to look at him when he opens the trench coat and exposes himself, but does it for his own pleasure at having done the dastardly deed - subsequently puzzling over why it is that he would get arrested and opprobrium over something no one wanted to see.

I always knew you were a pervert in some way. I guess this is the explanation. You're a comments-thread self-exposer.

HAHAHAHAHA. What a cunt!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No wonder people tell him to "get a room!"

And he calls other people "dumb!"


Cunt. Go have your wife read all that. Before she rolls her eyes at you.

DanTheMan said...

Different thread. Same folks slinging the same poo...

DanTheMan said...

>>So what happens to this? Do the Blues change the name of the plane? Do they come up with some, non-Cosby, lineage for the name?

Unperson. Memory hole.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

Hagar said...
"At least the last 50 of them, Jupiter.
Perhaps you should ask a woman what she thinks of this case."

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that all 50 of them should have known -- no wait, must certainly have known -- that Bill Cosby was a serial rapist, and that they therefore deserved exactly what they got.

Hey! Anybody with a vagina want to set me straight here? Exile? Igna? DBQ? Come tell me Hagar has it right, they were all begging for it. The drugs, the creepy paralyzed sex, the fingering. Best night of their lives.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Umm, dumbfuck, you are reading my comments and responding.Why?

And you are reading my comments and quoting them. Why?

Because you are desperate for attention and need to expose yourself to people you feel insecure around, before running away and deleting your comment and pretending it never happened.

Just like a flasher/exhibitionist.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snark said...

“I read Drudge as referencing the 3 guilty verdicts.”

Possibly. I read Drudge as referencing Gloria Allred referencing the 3 guilty verdicts. :) He usually has a couple of levels going on.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Cosby had the same attitude about "closet freaks".

So says a comments thread exhibitionist who shows up just to expose himself to others he expects to disregard him.

Let that sink in.

Also, confusing rape with whatever unconventional sexuality you read into that comment basically telegraphs that you and/or your wife must have utterly conventional (boring) sex lives. So unfulfilling that you seem to require others to share it to feel better about how boring it is.

Let that sink in.

Now, what do you think of Trump's interest in porn stars and playmates? Have you endorsed that kind of freakishness now that your "WINNING" guy lets on to being into it? Or have you been tempted to pay off women to shut up about having been with you all along?

At some point you'll have to explain your sexual schizophrenia.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Credit where credit is due, Goofy. You apologized for referencing Inga's Anus.

Did you apologize for fixating on it?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Explain closet freak behavior, RedPill Guru.

I don't know. Explain boring bedroom behavior, SJW.


Jupiter said...

Once in a while the cops will have a program, where they explain to people how to keep yourself safe from crime. Keep your doors locked. Good, expensive locks, not the cheap crap the builder put on. Keep your windows locked. Trim the bushes around your house, and get security lights and cameras.

I look at that, and I think, what you're telling me, is how to make sure my neighbor gets robbed instead of me. But I don't want that. I want the God-damned robber taken off the street, so my neighbor and I don't need to live like hunted animals, hoping the other one will get eaten first.

Bill Cosby hunted young women like animals. And if you want to argue, Hagar, that some of them were easier to trap than others, fine, go ahead. But Bill Cosby was going to find women to rape. Not because some women are stupid, but because Bill Cosby was and remains a predatory POS. He should have been taken down a long time ago. Better late than never.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Seriously, SJW Moon. How boring is your woman in bed?

Boring enough so that it's no one suspects otherwise?

She wouldn't want to keep her boring antics quiet... you know... "in the closet."

You're so sexually frustrated it's hilarious.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

SJW Moon's wife is so boring in bed that he has to come here to loudly proclaim it.

I guess that's one more thing about himself that he finds it exhilarating to, you know, "expose."

He gets off on exposing himself, you know. That way.

It's like when flashers expose themselves, they don't seem to realize how unimpressive others tend to find them. But they still find it a really fun thing to do.

FullMoon said...

Since Bacl[page shutdown, Ritmo has more time-and Vaseline-on his hands.
Just kidding bro!

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How boring is your mother in bed?

Oh, that's original. Couldn't come up with anything better, I see?

Looks like I hit a nerve. Your wife's a sexual bore.

Instead of insulting others why not deal with your frustration.

Tell her what you're into (other than coming on here and having a libido release out of it) and discuss it with her.

Figure out what you're into. You know. Something she might actually agree to.

Or is she really that frigid?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

Looks like I hit a nerve. Your mother is a sexual bore.

Instead of insulting others why not deal with your frustration.

Tell her what you're into (other than coming on here and having a libido release out of it) and discuss it with her.

Figure out what you're into. You know. Something she might actually agree to.

Or is she really that frigid?

4/26/18, 8:55 PM


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your mother is a sexual bore.

Well see, unlike you do with your mom, I don't have sex with my mother so I wouldn't know.

But back to your wife, now. Everyone just got off of her. You were about to explain why she is so unexciting and uninteresting - sexually speaking.

Stop exposing around the edges. Tell us just how boring she is and why that's so important to you, despite how much it obviously bothers you.

FullMoon said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Looks like someone lost the argument. Changing everything into a mother joke is pretty much as desperate as it gets.

Do you even have a mother? Perhaps you have a wife, but if you're unsatisfied with her you don't have to project about it.

Exactly how many of these stupidities of yours are you going to delete before tomorrow?

Earnest Prole said...

One word: squalor.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon, you idiot! Shut up and take out the garbage. Your beer bottles are overflowing and you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for tonight. I apologize for my husband. He gets drunk every night since he got fired.

FullMoon said...

Looks like someone lost the argument. Changing everything into a wife joke is pretty much as desperate as it gets.

Do you even have a woman? Perhaps you have a woman, but if you're unsatisfied with her you don't have to project about it.

Exactly how many of these stupidities of yours are you going keep repeating?

FullMoon said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
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12/29/17, 7:55 PM
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
12/29/17, 7:58 PM


FrankiM said...

Didn’t I tell you to shut up you loser FullMoon! Stop bothering these people and go to bed so you can get up before noon and get a job! The kids are tired of eating mac and cheese while you drink away the unemployment check.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Someone's responding to the wrong person. Someone's also revealing a very sick hatred for women in a very lurid way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In response to inquiring into his sexual control issues with women, FullMoon posted the following:

"That's it? Your mother sucked thousands of dick and took it in the ass to pay for education and that is the best you can do? SAD!"

The comment speaks for itself.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon if you don’t shut up and go to bed, I’ll have to let these people know that you aren’t in your right mind since you ran over our youngest in the driveway when you came home drunk last year. Then after he got fired he kicked the neighbor’s cat to death. I had him committed for a while, but they let him loose.

FullMoon said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...

Someone's responding to the wrong person.

Oh, sure, my bad! LOL!

FrankiM said...

FullMoon assaulted his psychiatrist and now they won’t let him come back to the free clinic.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon eats his hair when he get agitated. Once he had a big hair ball in his gut and we had to call 911.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon scares the kids when he growls and howls on nights he can’t get online.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon told me he set his house on fire when he was 10 years old.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, you are "bad." (Not in a good way).

Mrs. FullMoon is funny, but she's not me.

More people here hate you (or find you to be a stupid joke) than you're capable of understanding.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon refuses to cut his toenails and bites them off instead. Then he saves them in a little jewelry box with a ballerina on it. He stole it from our daughter.

FullMoon said...

.FullMoon assaulted his psychiatrist and now they won’t let him come back to the free clinic.

4/26/18, 9:33 PM

Jury ruled not guilty on that one.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon’s mom told me not to marry him, that he always has been strange and touched in the head.

FullMoon said...
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FrankiM said...

FullMoon went to our son’s school and stole toilet paper out of the boys’ bathrooms.

FrankiM said...

Then FullMoon terrorized the little kindergarten kids when he passed out on one of their nap mats. They had to call the cops and he got tased.

FrankiM said...

Full Moon taught our baby to pick her nose.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon’s former boss said he was masturbating at work continually, they had to let him go.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon’s sisters said they had to put a lock on the bedroom door for their protection.

FrankiM said...

Once FullMoon was really drunk, stuck an object in his anus and it got stuck and I was so embarrassed at the ER.

bagoh20 said...

Is there some weakness among women that compares to a man's willingness to blow everything for such a temporary sexual experience. I can't think of one. It's really a male thing, and frankly, it's terrifying.

There was so much about Cosby that was good, and right, and valuable. A life truely to be envied, respected, and which a man could be very proud of, yet simple sex, easily found in non-criminal and non-exploitative ways was valued for a moment above it all ... over and over again.

I understand it from my own occasional temptations, and the power of it is incredible. All values and standards are put in play, and a man must fight the beast to hold on to them. If he gives in, the payoff is certainly a disappointment, especially when he realizes what he paid for it. I've come close, as I'm sure many men must admit to themselves, but so far I held out until age has weakened the beast and strengthened the character, but just barely in time. The fight was long and hard, but I think I made it. Cosby did not. Now as the old man who could resist easily, he arrived too late and didn't fight hard enough when it counted. Victims everywhere. Victims of weakness against nature, but isn't that always the challenge?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It is you.

Aggressive ignorance. Just saying shit to say it. Not respecting people. Not knowing shit. Advertising how it was that his community college applications got shoved aside into the "REJECTION" pile.

But seriously, his opinion on AGW is also just as intelligent.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

The women, who are truly victims, would never trade places with him. That's how bad he fucked up. Even rape victims would not want to be you. Don't be that guy.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon raped our chihuahua.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon doesn’t know I’m seeing his former boss and the sex is tremendous. I finally know what a full size penis looks like.

FrankiM said...

I took a picture of FullMoon sucking his thumb.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It is you.

It's the three million extra voters Trump imagined. They're all one and the same. Not a single individual person among them at all. Just pretending to be different people. Yep - easy to do, if you've got as much time on your hands as Full Mooned does.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon eats sand out of the kids’ sandbox.

FrankiM said...

FullMoon pees the bed almost every night. He has to sleep in the garage now.

Ken B said...

Look at the last 50 comments. We have been invaded by imbeciles. ( Attracted by Inga's pheromones?)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nah, Ken B. It's that Full Moon craptacle. He does endless displays of aggressively stupid shit and convinces himself that it somehow means he got the best of (whomever). Kind of like when Charlie Sheen went on his "WINNING!" spree and came back to tell the tale of a lost job, millions spent on rehab and an HIV diagnosis. FullMoon has tiger blood and Adonis DNA.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Looks like he's now undergone a thorough self- (and administrator-assisted) deletion.

For him it's like taking a bath.

Darrell said...

Toothless is protecting his screen name by using new sockpuppets--President pp tape and Mrs Full Moon. He thinks Toothless has credibility attached and Soros earning potential--especially since he has tried to pass himself off as a climate change warrior. We think he's a stupid cocksucker whatever name he conjures up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

cocksucker? What's that dangling between your lips, Darrell?

After dealing with that other guy's over-the-top, shameless stupidity yours is just a mild aggravation. Sort of like a rash.

Maybe you're a sock puppet for FullMoon. Sad.

William said...

I don't see much sympathy extended to Cosby. Well, maybe he doesn't deserve it, but he's had a great fall. Perhaps pity and terror is overstating it, but it's a tragedy nonetheless. He did a lot of things right, but his sexual wiring was out of whack. How do you even pick up a crazy fetish like that anyway? He definitely caused harm, and he's damned lucky some poor woman didn't throw up and choke on her vomit. But having said that, I don't think any of the women suffered irreparable harm. I don't know what the appropriate punishment is, but I wouldn't want to see him die in prison. And then, again, it doesn't seem right that someone could spend decades drugging and raping women and never spend a day in jail because if it. I just don't know what the proper punishment is.

wwww said...

Hannibal Buress

Came at the King

Did not miss.

Snark said...

“But having said that, I don't think any of the women suffered irreparable harm.”

I think that vastly underestimates they way some individuals take on sexual assault as their fault, or a reflection of their inherent lack of value or worth or power. Insecure and emotionally vulnerable people are often selelected as targets, precisely because they’re insecure and vulnerable. And even if people incorrectly ascribe subsequent problems to a past sexual assault, that’s not experientially different from correctly ascribing then. Cosby injected a profoundly negative experience into the lives of a LOT of people. He does deserve jail time, in my view. Perhaps a year or two once his his otherwise clean record and history of charitable work etc. are considered.

Curious George said...

"What did Patton Oswalt do to deserve this? Genuinely curious."

Nothing. Exactly nothing.

rhhardin said...

Gloria Alred: finally women were believed.

PB said...

A dangerous world when mere accusation by the alleged victim with no physical or forensic evidence is enough to convict someone. It's also fairly dangerous when other "witnesses" testify, not to the actual events involved in the case, but to their own alleged victimization.

Don't get me wrong, I think Cosby is guilty, but it doesn't seem to meet the standard necessary to convict.

Jupiter said...
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langford peel said...

Patton Oswald is a disengeuos ultra liberal who puts his own gratification above all else. He couldn't wait for the body to get cold before he got involved and married again.

He is part of a long line of Hollywood sociopaths who off their wives and get away with it.

Jupiter said...

Snark said...
"Cosby injected a profoundly negative experience into the lives of a LOT of people. He does deserve jail time, in my view. Perhaps a year or two once his his otherwise clean record and history of charitable work etc. are considered."

Jesus, you people. Bill Cosby was on top of the world, for decades. He was loved and admired by millions, with wealth beyond spending. And his response to his good fortune was to seek out vulnerable young women, use his celebrity and power to win their trust, drug them, and rape them. Over and over and over. He's a despicable piece of shit, and he knows it better than you do. If you want to say that he is broken, and feel sorry for him because of that defect, OK, you're a better Christian than I am. But don't give me this "He made me laugh when I was little" bullshit. Charitable work. Give me a break.

Snark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snark said...

"Jesus, you people. Bill Cosby was on top of the world, for decades. He was loved and admired by millions, with wealth beyond spending. And his response to his good fortune was to seek out vulnerable young women, use his celebrity and power to win their trust, drug them, and rape them. Over and over and over. He's a despicable piece of shit, and he knows it better than you do. If you want to say that he is broken, and feel sorry for him because of that defect, OK, you're a better Christian than I am. But don't give me this "He made me laugh when I was little" bullshit. Charitable work. Give me a break."

What the pounding fuck are you on about? Who are "you people"? I don't really give a poo about his charitable work or clean record, but every other American citizen before a sentencing judge will have theirs weighed as potentially mitigating factors. The whole point of this legal exercise was justice, and presumably you would agree that that should be the same justice any other American would get?

I read a legal analyst this morning who suggested that typical sentencing in similar circumstances for a person of similar history might see him sentenced to 22 months or so, so get off your silly high horse.

William said...

@Snark. I think your comments are fair and judicious. I would add, however, that Cosby has suffered such a sudden and dramatic reversal of public esteem that that reversal is part of his punishment, albeit extra judicial. In any event, there won't be much income from the reruns of his show.

Snark said...


I agree, and even have a vague sense of some judge somewhere noting something like that on the record as a consideration in another high profile case. In other sexual assault or abuse cases, what you call extra judicial punishment is often the only punishment. People often decry this kind of conviction in the court of public opinion, but sometimes I think it is exactly the right balance. Sex cases are hard to prove in court, and sometimes acquitted-yet-wrecked is the right combined verdict, and honours both the integrity of the justice system and the truth of the experience of the victims.

Jupiter said...

Snark said ...

"I read a legal analyst this morning who suggested that typical sentencing in similar circumstances for a person of similar history might see him sentenced to 22 months or so, so get off your silly high horse."

Well, I haven't read any legal analysts lately, so you have the advantage of me. I do seem to recall, however, that there is some precedent for sentencing to take into account such factors as evidence of similar crimes, and lack of remorse.

Mr. Cosby carefully and consciously groomed his multiple victims, won their trust, then abused them. He is not a stupid man, and I am sure he considered what recourse they might have. He concluded, correctly it appears, that they had no effective recourse. That may well have added to the pleasure he took in his crimes.

I will leave it to you, and your unnamed legal analyst, how many hours of "charity work" it takes to balance an hour of plotting to ruin someone else's life, so that you can enjoy a few minutes of illicit pleasure. Two? Three? Show your work.

Snark said...


You are being pretty ridiculous. You apparently haven't even searched out what the PA sentencing guidelines for a conviction like this are, or what legal experts expect, and yet here you are with your air quotey opinion. Again, I don't care what good Cosby did in his life, but I have the common sense to know that air quoting charity work in this context is foolish, given how predictable it is that it will be presented as mitigating character evidence by any defense lawyer representing Cosby at sentencing. As will his lack of a criminal record, as will his age. The prosecution will argue its aggravating factors, and Cosby will likely be sentenced somewhere in at least shouting distance of the guidelines. If he makes to prison despite his appeal, he will likely do his time peacefully and benefit from whatever time off for good behaviour he is eligible for. If time ultimately served ends up being much more than one or two years, it will be a departure for a crime like this in PA. That fact has nothing to do with what I personally think would be just given the harm he has done, so consider not typing at me like it does.

Jupiter said...

Snark said ...
"Cosby injected a profoundly negative experience into the lives of a LOT of people. He does deserve jail time, in my view. Perhaps a year or two once his his otherwise clean record and history of charitable work etc. are considered."

Well, I asked you to show your work, and I guess you have done so. It appears that your personal view of how much jail time Cosby "deserves" is the same as that of the "legal analyst" you happened to read the other day. Who is he? I'd like to take the argument up with him. Presumably, if he changes his view, yours will change as well.

Snark said...

I'll cease the dull-to-everybody back and forth, and just assume that it's apparent to others that you either can't follow an argument, or choose not to in this instance.

Expert opinion on this issue is pretty much bursting the seams of the internet at the moment. If you're "genuinely interested" you can Google the "issue" and read the "opinions" of "legal analysts" at your "leisure".

Jupiter said...

Snark said...

"What the pounding fuck are you on about? ... get off your silly high horse."

I was on about a serial rapist with dozens of victims. Nothing that need concern a Snark, but I'm quite comfortable, I think I'll just stay up here.

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