April 25, 2018

The plot against Scott Adams.

I like the discussion under that tweet:


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago, 31 comments. Of those 31 comments, 25 of them make derogatory references to another commenter.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

Since he knows I have this problem yet continues, he is in bad faith, which means he is hostile to this blog project. He is abusing this platform and I ask others to help me keep this place working.

This blog is literally one of the few places left where opposing political paradigms can engage.

In the end we are all abusing this platform.

But freedom is rarely ever pretty and the leftists like Chuck and Inga use those warts to undermine and tear down freedom at every turn.

Ann has noticed this tendency.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Drago, 31 comments. Of those 31 comments, 25 of them make derogatory references to another commenter.

Right on cue the local stalinist chimes in to attempt to get someone she disagrees with banned.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Ann has noticed this tendency.”

When Achilles feels the need to explain “Althouse” to the rest of us, something has gone off the rails.

langford peel said...

It is simple. Trump should have ignored his neocon advisers and not bombed in Syria. He should disengage as he wanted to do just a few short weeks ago.

Syria has no importance. Even if you wanted to use bullshit humanitarian nonsense what is going on in Venezuela is much worse.

The biggest mistake that Trump made was staffing up his administration with members of the Deep State. He needed to go in an entirely different direction. Tillerson was a nod in that direction but he got tripped up by ego as so often happened.

The fact is the President wanted to bring in Mike Flynn. An American patriot who served in the Armed Forces for many years. But someone who didn't suscribe to the monolithic conventional wisdom dictated by the Neocons who are embedded in the Deep State. So he had to be destroyed. Which brought us the Russian Collusion boondoggle.

Trump needed to think outside the box. Bring in normal intelligent and capable Americans to handle diplomacy. Not the ones that got meaningless credentials and served as junior ambassadors in Buttfuckastan. Just regular Americans who know bullshit when they see it.

It was missed opportunity.

Now you will see them at work trying to sabotage a potential breakthrough in Korea. Watch and see.

Drago said...

Inga: "Of those 31 comments, 25 of them make derogatory references to another commenter."

Point to something derogatory.

Take your time....

Drago said...

Shorter Inga: why can't everyone just let LLR Chuck proceed unmolested as he advances every single lefty narrative.

Lefty Inga is clearly desperate to establish a "safe space" for her ally Chuck.

The reasons are obvious.

Chuck said...

Spare me, Althouse.

I told you about two years ago, of the problems I had with some of your Trump-loyalist commenters making personal attacks on me. I didn't start those personal-attack chains with other commenters; they did. I criticized Trump, in relation to some post of yours about him, and then the same regular handful of your commenters here would attack me personally.

I wrote to you, and I supplied you with examples and I pointed out to you your own self-posted rule/suggestion/direction/warning about comments being moderated some, but not all of the time and telling commenters to not make personal attacks on others. Your reaction after I pointed out that rule publicly was to remove it altogether. That's fine; it's your blog. I think it was a good rule. I would have very happily lived by it. You just never enforced it.

Look, Althouse. I didn't begin commenting on this page by criticizing Drago, or Achilles or Full Moon or anybody else except for the subject of the post, Scott Adams. In every case, on page after page after page, it is the same handful of commenters who personally attack me, and who always attack me without any provocation from me, save for my criticisms of Trump or Adams or someone connected to them. If Drago never wrote a word about me, I'd certainly never write a word about him since I've never seen him write anything that was of any substantive interest. I write because I don't like someone else posting comments about what I really think (but have never said), or otherwise falsely characterizing me.

This is so obvious; if you cannot see this -- quoting from someone up above -- then "clearly you are not a lawyer or you would have understood" it.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Inga said...

“Ann has noticed this tendency.”

When Achilles feels the need to explain “Althouse” to the rest of us, something has gone off the rails.


Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Spare me, Althouse.


This is so obvious; if you cannot see this -- quoting from someone up above -- then "clearly you are not a lawyer or you would have understood" it.

This gets a 6 on the condescension scale.

langford peel said...

Gee whiz. Bowe Bergdahl Republican is going after Althouse like she was an autistic child.

Not a good look man.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...

langford peel said...
It is simple. Trump should have ignored his neocon advisers and not bombed in Syria. He should disengage as he wanted to do just a few short weeks ago...

Then Trump should fire his neocon advisers and get some new ones! He can hire Scott Adams!

But you gotta hand it to the neocon advisers; they really sold Trump on their ideas:


At this rate, we're going to be down to a White House staff that will consist of the Trump family, Sean Hannity and Corey Lewandowski. It might not even be the whole Trump family. Melania may bolt before another couple of years.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: " I write because I don't like someone else posting comments about what I really think (but have never said), or otherwise falsely characterizing me."

I do not comment about what you might or might not be thinking.

I merely make note of your perfect galactic narrative harmony with the left as well as your immediate, reflexive, continuous, never-ending and passionate defense of democrats who come under scrutiny for their normal shenanigans and properly characterize that lefty support.

I then juxtapose those fevered scribblings against how you proceed against non-democrats/lefties and further illuminate the obvious.

The fact that you find that lacking in substance is understandable. After all, my not being a lunatic lefty decreases exponentially any possibility that you and I could find common ground.

Yet that is a price I'm willing to pay for calling them like I see them.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Since he knows I have this problem yet continues, he is in bad faith, which means he is hostile to this blog project. He is abusing this platform and I ask others to help me keep this place working.

Why don't you just waste him? I mean, it's fine if you don't, but then why whine? A rabid dog cannot choose but bite.

Notice we never call for you or Chuck to be banned. We are perfectly comfortable engaging you.

Speak for yourself, Achilles, I'm fine with Althouse burning the C-man. She's done it to better people. I would have others besides, before, C on my hit list, but while crapulent, they seem to have some sense of limits, if only to find and exploit them. C is just out of control.

Drago said...

And right on cue, LLR Chuck continues with his non-stop, pitch-perfect lefty narrative harmonization.

Personally, I think its wonderful LLR Chuck has finally found the crew with whom he shares so very much in common.

It's a beautiful thing when people and groups, like LLR Chuck and the lefties here, find each other.

In this crazy mixed up world we should always applaud such things.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ignorance is Bliss said...

Inga said...

So he’s blaming society for men’s bad behavior.

Well, except for the part right above, in the very text you quoted, where he states that we have no choice but to blame men for bad behavior.

He asserts men cannot control themselves...

You quoted quite a bit of his post, yet somehow fail to quote this assertion. Could you please quote that part?

...and their natural instinct is to rape.

While you are at it, could you quote the part where he explains that the natural instinct is rape, as opposed to sex? Or do you just assume that all sex is rape?

Boom, there it is.

Boom, no it's not.

So how is the pushback to Scott Adams ridiculous notions persecuting him?

Pushback is fine. Libel is not. I doubt he has a legal case, he is enough of a public figure that he would need to prove actual malice.

Bad Lieutenant said...

actually socializes with anti-semite Ritmo

While the entity known as Ritmo has his flaws, I don't perceive anti-Semitism on his part. Can you explain? If you can't substantiate such an accusation, perhaps it would be better not to make it.

langford peel said...

You are simply an idiot Chuck.

His advisors sold him on a policy that directly contradicts what he said on the campaign trail. There is surprising unanimity among the press, the Deep State Establishment and even the Democratic party who made perfunctory protests but were on board more or less.

President Trump was elected to bring in people other than credential elites who claim some super secret knowledge but have been wrong about everything the last fifty years.

For example. They shit their pants when Trump bitch slapped the Little Rocket Man on twitter. It was a catastrophe. Now he wants to come to the table. Admittedly after the judicious use of space weapons but still. He got tough with the little fucker.

He needed to appoint other normal Americans to these posts. They don't have to have a degree from Harvard's International school where they teach you to be a Commie Faggot. Just normal smart Americans.

I hope he learns his lesson.

Chuck said...

"Pushback is fine. Libel is not. I doubt he has a legal case, he is enough of a public figure that he would need to prove actual malice."

I doubted that Adams has a legal case too. But I don't think that "public figure" status has much to do with it. (It would, in any actual litigation, but there won't be any litigation.)

What I wrote, and my question to you now is, what is the falsehood that anyone published about Adams? Adams is mostly being quoted. I quoted Adams in my first post.

There's no "plot against Scott Adams," and there's no defamation here. If you think I am missing something, try starting with the alleged falsehood that would support a Scott Adams defamation action.

Ray - SoCal said...

Why Syria matters to the US:

1. Refugees to Europe
2. Isis
3. Russia again has a seat in the Middle East power table, after Kissinger had gotten them out mostly. They have a naval base in Syria.
4. Iran’s influence
5. Norms of appropriateness (poison gas use).
6. Destabilizing neighboring countries that are allies.
7. Moral duty to the Kurds that helped us.

I have very mixed feelings on the US being there. Trump seems to be minimizing the US foot print there, and out of the regime change business.

Drago said...

Ray: "3. Russia again has a seat in the Middle East power table, after Kissinger had gotten them out mostly. They have a naval base in Syria"

obama explicitly invited the russians into Syria because the moron decided that his bold "red line" talk was a bit to "red-line-y" and maybe the russians, for whom he lovingly promised more flexibililty after his last election, could help out where obambi failed.

Note: this was an action by the foreign policy "rocket scientists" under obambi that LLR Chuck never expressed any issue with.

Because, of course.

Chuck said...

langford peel said...
You are simply an idiot Chuck.

His advisors sold him on a policy that directly contradicts what he said on the campaign trail. There is surprising unanimity among the press, the Deep State Establishment and even the Democratic party who made perfunctory protests but were on board more or less.

Oh I love this! President Trump's closest advisors on matters of the military and international security are just Deep State Establishment types! Does Trump know, or are they all fooling him? Does Trump know that he is surrounded by Deep State types that forced him into the Syrian counterstrike, or is Trump just a kind of a dupe? Last I checked, Trump was proudly saying that he had the best cabinet and the best White House staff in history. It sounded a lot like, "This is the best 1981 Toyota Corolla in history; you're going to love it, and you'll be able to take your time paying for it. Let me get the paperwork ready..."

FullMoon said...

Since he knows I have this problem yet continues, he is in bad faith, which means he is hostile to this blog project. He is abusing this platform and I ask others to help me keep this place working.

Uh-oh. Chuck in danger of hooking up with Crazy Mary in the discarded pile.

buwaya said...

"If you observe what things people (usually) take in hand, watch their motives, and note particularly what it is that gives them satisfaction, shall they be able to conceal from you what they are? Conceal themselves, indeed!"

The Analects, Book II

FullMoon said...

langford peel said...
You are simply an idiot Chuck.

His advisors sold him on a policy that directly contradicts what he said on the campaign trail. There is surprising unanimity among the press, the Deep State Establishment and even the Democratic party who made perfunctory protests but were on board more or less.

I thought the gas was phony from the git-go and was disappointed in Trump falling for obvious BS. Now I am beginning to wonder if Trump did not reason:
Let;s pretend I believe it and bomb some shit without killing a bunch of people. Validate the idea I am stupid and dangerously out of control. Give the other guys something to worry about.

buwaya said...

"Let;s pretend I believe it and bomb some shit without killing a bunch of people."

I suspect that this was the general idea on the part of all the participants, and was so arranged between them.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Of course a woman with Nazi heritage and children out of wedlock who actually socializes with anti-semite Ritmo would never acknowledge it.”


This is the type of commenter you should be going after Althouse. You direct your ire on people who comment in good faith, mistake it for bad faith and remain silent on this sort of dreck. This type of thing is dragging down your blog, not people who are here to express their opinions.

Drago said...

Notice the ease (and sheer joy) exhibited by LLR Chuck as he effortlessly flows back and forth between alternating lunatic lefty talking points and narratives regarding Trump, not to mention regarding republican voters, strong conservatives, etc.

I think the most important aspect of LLR Chuck's parroting of lefty daily talking points is the one noted above: his joy in doing it. Not simple pleasure mind you. No, "rapturous joy" is much closer to the mark, in my opinion.

This is usually followed by bizarre and rambling denunciations by Chuck of those who notice his schtick and inevitably include lists of republicans/conservatives that he hasn't attacked....lately.

Of course, that's because the left doesn't attack all these people on a daily basis. No doubt when the left turns its sights on any of them LLR Chuck will be right there with them "re-evaluating" his previous "support".

See Tom Cotten as a perfect example.

Just think, if Kasich had gotten the nomination the left would have turned him into Fiscal Hitler, and LLR Chuck would have had to cast Kasich over the side....for, you know, not being a "real conservative" after all (wink wink)....

Sebastian said...

Like Althouse, I would like to see a greater variety of views and less same-old same-old from you-know-who. In particular, I would like to attract a more sophisticated group of lefties. But then, I am not sure how many such lefties are left, people who think and know something and want to engage the other side(s). Besides Cook.

Snark said...

Oh dear, Scott. By your own rambling persuasion theories as they relate to language use, you've now persuaded me you're a pro(at)rape. If you've taken that up as a living, perhaps that's explains why it's assumed you're a former cartoonist?

Drago said...

You just wait. Very soon now the dems are going to return to full scorched earth on Devin Nunes as more chicanery is exposed and you will witness a full frontal assault by all lefty/LLR forces.

And I guarantee, guar-an-tee, LLR Chuck will be blasting Nunes and shielding Schiff.

"accidentally" of course.

Of course.

I'm Full of Soup said...

That 3% is probably more like 93%. Because there is no logical reason that a billionaire like Bezos would want the headache and risks of owning a miniscule piece of a miniscule publication like IIB.

langford peel said...

1. Refugees to Europe.
That's Europes problem. We can't tell the Germans what to do. We can't tell Sweden what to do. Or Britain. If they want to destroy their societies by importing thousands of rapists pretending to be child refugees that's their problem. Not ours.

2. Isis
They seem to be beaten into the dust. We do not have to stay on year after year in an endless war like we are doing in Afghanistan.

3. Russia again has a seat in the Middle East power table, after Kissinger had gotten them out mostly. They have a naval base in Syria.
So what? It is in their sphere of influence. Would we accept Russia meddling in our relationship with Canada and Mexico. Let them get involved in the Middle East. Right up to their necks. It will be an unmitigated disaster just as our involvement has been. If they get involved it will only weaken them just as it did in Afghanistan. You don't stop a rival from making a big mistake. The days of being in a dick measuring contest with Russia should be over.

4. Iran’s influence
The only reasonable reason. But we can attack Iran in other ways. We can unleash the hebes and let them settle their hash. Syria is peripheral at best. Any involvement there will bleed off their capabilities.

5. Norms of appropriateness (poison gas use).
That is the excuse of a false flag used to get us involved. We can not police the world. It is not our responsibility. Sorry. Enough with being the mother of the world.

6. Destabilizing neighboring countries that are allies.
The allies can take care of themselves. Israel and the Saudi's are ready to take care of the situation. We just need to get out of their way. Syria is killing their own people. You know what? The more dead Syrians we have the better it is for everyone. The hebes and the camel jockeys in Saudi can take care of themselves.

7. Moral duty to the Kurds that helped us.
One of the two valid reasons you can point too. Luckily we have a historical precedence. We abandoned the Vietnamese and the Montagnard tribesman who fought for us. So lets do the same thing. This way no one will trust us. We are not trustworthy. Never were. Maybe if they don't trust us we won't be tempted to get involved in shithole countries where we should not be involved.

We have no business in Syria. President Trump was right to want to get out. The Deep State manufactured a gas attack. The Russians and Assad have no reason to keep us in. It is directly against their interests. It is simple logic.

America first.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Chuck said...

What I wrote, and my question to you now is, what is the falsehood that anyone published about Adams?

The Washington Post article to which Adams links contains the following:

The following day, [Kanye] tweeted nine videos from Scott Adams, who gained his fame first for creating the cartoon “Dilbert” and second for proclaiming that rape is a “natural instinct” of men

This statement is false, Adams never proclaimed that rape is a natural instinct of men. He didn't even imply it. He does mention natural instincts of men, and he pretty clearly implies that sex is one of those natural instincts. He does mention rape, in a list of ways in which powerful men behave badly. He also includes tweeting in that list. Is anyone going to argue that Adams proclaimed that tweeting is a natural instinct of men?

Snark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snark said...

"This is the type of commenter you should be going after Althouse. You direct your ire on people who comment in good faith, mistake it for bad faith and remain silent on this sort of dreck. This type of thing is dragging down your blog, not people who are here to express their opinions."

Those in the minority on any loosely moderated discussion forum must have the spine to not need any particular level of acceptance in the group, or kindness from it. It's not for everyone, and it is a rare leader/admin who is observant and empathetic enough to the minority experience to manage it in a way that I would consider long-term effective. Althouse piling on Chuck is pretty absurd, given the whole of his experience here. It will have to be enough for Chuck for some of us to know that.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

Can anybody explain why the Leftist Collectivists feel the need to protect Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire?

It is almost as if their interests are 100% operationally aligned. But only 100%.

Chuck said...

Althouse piling on Chuck is pretty absurd, given the whole of his experience here. It will have to be enough for Chuck for some of us to know that.

It is. And I thank you for that.

And I expect that we both know/agree, that the people who habitually make personal attacks on folks like me are a tiny fraction of the Althouse commentariat, and a minuscule fraction of the Althouse readership. (She assures us, reliably I expect, that "readers" far outnumber "commenters.")

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Snark said...
Those in the minority on any loosely moderated discussion forum must have the spine to not need any particular level of acceptance in the group

I have been very fortunate in this respect, by being so beloved. Moderates, such as myself, can sometimes find themselves in the awkward position of offending both sides of the partisan divide, but here at Althouse I have welcomed with open arms in a generous spirit of give and take. I could not be more proud of my fellow commenters, including Althouse's own Tony Clifton.

Drago said...

Inga: "When you have extremists and nutcases who now explain “Althouse” to us, I just have to wonder, what the hell has happened here?"


Inga throws Chuck under the bus!

I wonder if Inga even knows she did?

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“Of course a woman with Nazi heritage and children out of wedlock who actually socializes with anti-semite Ritmo would never acknowledge it.”


This is the type of commenter you should be going after Althouse. You direct your ire on people who comment in good faith, mistake it for bad faith and remain silent on this sort of dreck. This type of thing is dragging down your blog, not people who are here to express their opinions.

Inga who has called Every single republican president/candidate and all of the people that voted for them nazis, fascists, racists, misogynists repeatedly.

Inga who thinks Scalise deserved to get shot because he was a member of the NRA and still refuses to denounce DNC sponsored violence at Trump rallies.

The deplorables are fighting back and she wants authorities to suppress them.

One point of order. Inga isn't a Nazi. She is a Stalinist.

There is a slight distinction between National socialists and International socialists having to do with who carries out the mass murder campaign when they seize power.

Rabel said...

"Why does Assad continue to use chemical weapons at PRECISELY the moments of maximum damage to his strategic plans when he doesnt even need to use them to win?"

An excellent question and one that is difficult to answer.

That answer might simply be that it is pure, hate-driven, bloody-mindedness on the part of Assad. His title is "President" but in reality he is a hereditary monarch. A King. And there is no one a King hates more than those who try to overthrow his rule. More than he hates the Americans or the Turks or ISIS or the Jews, he hates the Rebels and has a thirst for revenge.

Don't be misled, as I was for a time, by the nice suits and his composure on camera. He's a killer and his smallish arsenal of chemical weapons gives him a tool he cannot resist putting to use against those who have threatened his position.

That said, the Rebels are in a hopeless situation and the best solution for them now is surrender and hope for some degree of protection from the international community.

They need a General Lee, but I doubt that they have one.

Drago said...

ARM, you neglected to thank your parents, your partner, your first acting coach and most importantly the Members if the Academy.

We'll work on cliches next.

Drago said...

Rabel, Assad is who he is. But he does have Russian "minders" who are in a veto level role and their strategic interests are served by getting the west out of there as well.

So, given that....whats the strategic intent in using gas?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“One point of order. Inga isn't a Nazi. She is a Stalinist.”

Yeah, Althouse should be honored to have this guy “explain” her to the blog, lol.

Rabel said...

"whats the strategic intent in using gas?"

As I thought I made clear, there is no strategic intent.

Leland said...

Chuck: which I have now read at your urging; tell me what is the defamatory content there?

I would respond in detail, but then I read the kind request of the hostess. She's been kind to provide the reading material. It is remarkable that despite the kindness, it took being berated twice before an informed comment was actually made by Chuck.

It's cool to have a different opinion. It's not cool to base that opinion on admitted ignorance of the subject. Being an admitted ignoramus is sad. It shouldn't take urging from others to get anyone to read the material for which the hostess provided before you come into the comments section and began opining. If you are lazy, and just want to say your position, do it in one post and be gone.

Ray - SoCal said...

> langford peel said...

I agree with most of your points. It's just a matter of degree. I view myself as more Jacksonian in outlook.

There is a friction / balance on how much involvement the US should have around the world. Unfortunately we can't withdraw 100% from it. ICMB's are only a 20 minute flight from anywhere to the US, and the current US missile defense is a joke. And more and more nations are getting nukes. And they don't even need an ICMB, shipping containers are another possibility. There are way to many groups of people that hate the US around the world, and blame us for everything.

The challenge is how to maximize the US economy (interests), without subsidizing the rest of the world and not getting sufficient value in return. For example, it's in our value to keep ship lanes open, freedom of navigation, since this helps the US economy. But, if we don't have a good economy, we can't afford to many foreign adventures. Keeping the worlds economy going in a positive direction, also helps the US.

Achilles said...

A slave is escaping from the democrat plantation

Kayne makes positive statements about Trump.

So now Kayne West apparently has health concerns and could possibly be undergoing a mental breakdown. His family is chaotic and falling apart. Unnamed sources say family members are worried for the kids.


The left is totalitarian by nature.

buwaya said...

"Why does Assad continue to use chemical weapons at PRECISELY the moments of maximum damage to his strategic plans when he doesn't even need to use them to win?"

Its a tough one - on the face of it a genuine use of chemical weapons would be counterproductive - just serving to make some of his more powerful, not fully committed adversaries angry.

However, there is a possible advantage, which is to create panic.

The Syrian regime tactical problem is that the regime forces are still outnumbered, very short of manpower, having taken extremely high casualties among its genuine loyalists. And the Syrian State is moreover completely broke and can't afford to hire mercenaries. For that matter none of its backers can add much manpower either, not being extremely wealthy. They have indeed sent mercenaries, but in relatively small numbers.

So the Syrian state can't do manpower-intensive street fighting and counterinsurgency in urban terrain. The rebels are broke and short of heavy weapons, but they are numerous and hard to budge. Consider how many men it took to destroy ISIS in Mosul.

Poison gas is useful in such a situation. If done correctly it can panic ones enemies into flight or surrender. This is what Saddam Hussein did in 1991. His military remnant crushed the Shiite rebel towns by (credibly) threatening them with poison gas.

Ray - SoCal said...

My guess on the thinking behind the gas attack:

1. Gets rid of a stubborn pocket of resistance near Damascus at a minor cost, that was dug in, and due to civilized warfare requirements, could not be starved out. Assad has limited forces / resources.

2. Sends a message of terror to his opponents. Middle East tribalism is big on this. The idea of the military being raiders goes back to the Koran. Along with the use of terror.

3. Since Chlorine was in a grey area being used as a poison gas due to civilian uses, it was continued to be used after Syria agreed to supposedly get rid of their gas stock piles.

4. After Trump made his statement about the US wanting to leave Syria, a gas attack was perceived by Assad as a way to kick Trump while he was down. They had a history of doing this type of activity with Obama, and it worked great.

5. Russian Trolls and lack of people on the ground to investigate would make this hard to prove that gas was actually used.

6. Possible revenge for the US destroying that Russian Mercenary group.

7. Assad did not see a downside.

>So, given that....whats the strategic intent in using gas?

For Trump, by doing what he did, no matter if there was or not a gas attack, he sent the message about US credibility (don't play games with the us - the Obama era is over). And that message was received in Russian, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, and China. It was a minimal use of force, telegraphed in advance, no Russian killed, minimal Syrian casualties. And no US casualties.

Just like the message of when that Russian Mercenary force was destroyed in Syria.

Michael K said...


255 comments and I dind't miss anything worthwhile.

Rabel said...

"255 comments and I dind't miss anything worthwhile."

Well excuuuuuuse me.

langford peel said...

Ray I respect what you say. But you have to realize that the simplest explanation is usually the right one.

We don't have to ascribe convoluted reasons onto an action that is directly opposed to the best outcome for Syria and Russia. They want the US out. They want a free hand in suppressing the rebels and the Kurds. They are both willing to let the Turks do the dirty work in destroying the Kurds. Why in Cthulhu's name would they want to poke the bear. I could understand your logic if Trump did not already bomb them. They know they are not dealing with a hapless faggot like Obama. So this just doesn't make any sense.

It does make sense for our Deep State with collaboration from the British and the French to set up a false flag to force Trump to keep our boys there when he said he wanted them out. He is alone. His loyal lieutenants like Corey and Hope Hicks and Schiller have been purged by Deep State minion Kelly. Who limits who can talk to him. He is being isolated from the people who got him there.

Bombing Syria is the only thing that got him good press. Building pipelines,freeing up American energy, ending useless regulations and trying to secure the border only lead to unanimous attacks in the press and spurious "legal" decisions from partisan judges. Judges who approve unlimited FISA warrants based on unverified opposition research generated by his political rivals. Who reverse his adherence to the law of the land in the DACA debacle where Obama's law breaking was overturned by a court. Who countenance the sacking of his lawyers files to ass rape the sacred protection of client lawyer privilege in order to simply get scandalous information to leak to the press to attack him and other innocent clients in the media. So killing a few towel heads to get universal praise is just an easy thing to do.

We saw this before. Kennedy went through with the Bay of Pigs because he was afraid that the Republicans and Ike would savage him for losing Cuba the way Truman "lost" China. LBJ ramped up the Vietnam war because he didn't want to be the one who lost. Bush 2 went into Iraq partially to redeem his fathers mistakes and at the direction of his Saudi masters.

The pressure to fall in line with the neocon conventional wisdom is almost unbearable. Witness the Muslim tool Obama continuing the wars in Afghanistan and keeping Gitmo open. It takes a very strong man to stand against the united face of the establishment that wants endless wars and endless death.

I have hopes that Donald Trump can be that man. That he can stand up for our guys in the armed forces who are the blunt end of the spear. I think Mad Dog might back him up. He just has to change the game. We can't be the worlds policeman. I hope he is strong enough too not give a shit about what the elites say and that he stands with the grunts who are put in harms way by neocon scumbags.

He needs to start by bitch slapping that Nurse Ratched cunt Merkel when she comes to town tomorrow. Tell her to increase her defense spending or we are going to take our boys out of Germany. If you feel that we need a presence lets put in countries that actually have our back like Poland or Hungry. The ones that voted with us in the UN when we moved our embassy to Jerusalem. Not these nasty Kraut who are worthless sacks of shit who want to tell us what to do.

Put the interests of the grunts first. Not the elites. Get out of Syria. Negotiate getting our hostages out of Korea and Germany.

Put America first. Put our troops first. Stop the endless wars.

Ray - SoCal said...

Most memorable comment of the thread!
>Nurse Ratched **** Merkel

I am amazed on what she has done to Germany.

When I was there last on vacation, we used the Munich train station. A few months later, it was surreal seeing the picture of the train station with wall to wall refugees.

It's amazing how many great things Trump is doing, that you just don't hear about. To much smoke /noise from the MSM.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The reasons they would use chemical weapons? Pretty simple -
1) they terrorize the opposition, and
2) if they think Trump will be similar to Obama and do nothing, it is a great way to lower American prestige/influence, at a time when the Saudi/Iran/etc. issues are growing.

But it also wouldn't be shocking if they were a hoax

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo makes crazy accusations to get responses. Works pretty good for him with some people.

Look! A crazy accusation that the person who wrote this crap can't defend!

Now, show the evidence. What accusation did I make that was "crazy?" (i.e. "wrong").

Of course a woman with Nazi heritage and children out of wedlock who actually socializes with anti-semite Ritmo would never acknowledge it.

And now you've got someone acting lower than pond scum. "Nazi heritage?" How repulsive you are. Also, name one thing "Ritmo" ever said that was anti-semitic.

You are literally a lunatic who admits to making up shit just to get a response. I read this thread as a sad thing to observe and abstain from so as to just accept as another piece of pathetic over-personalization in our unworkable politics, and then I saw the BS you threw out there.

As a contractor, how many good reviews have you gotten on Yelp? Your honesty quotient is in negative exponential territory.

FullMoon said...

Does anybody take Ritmo/TTR seriously? He

immediately comes across as someone who no one

takes seriously on anything. That chip on his

shoulder has the weight of about a hundred

albatrosses. It's fairly obvious that people are used to

giving him the same regard as Ted Kaczynski got.

Just an old, reclusive, temper-tantrum throwing ugly

bitch who can't conceal his hatred for the world and

couldn't enjoy a sunny day if his life depended on it.

Apparently, someone actually told him this was

endearing once - some time long ago. And he keeps

nursing that little voice.

Pathetic. But then, so is his impact.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Can we get some agreement that if anyone needs to be banned it's F. Moon? The nutcase is incapable of making a substantive comment about anything, usually gets itchy in the threads to intentionally lie and goad other commenters, intentionally misinterprets, adds nothing to any thread, and makes completely scurrilous accusations. People on the right even notice this about him and ask him to "get a room." He's been deleted, has a tendency to delete a majority of his own comments after admitting that they were phony mobying nonsense just to provoke what must be for him some desperately needed attention, and can't find anyone on here who will agree that they've found anything I've written anti-semitic. Not to mention his disgusting attack on Inga as a "Nazi." This guy is simply just seriously unhinged, seems to come here drunk, beats his chest and revels in his lack of any outside interests, and delights in inflicting his delusional yet manipulative state of "mind" all over the thread. He needs to be banned yesterday. His reticence at even knowing what he wants to remain posted without deleting and sheer volume of completely bad faith comments are as much an admission of guilt as one can offer.

Throw that bum out. All he's here to do is to annoy.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There he goes again misapplying yet another quote that doesn't have anything to do with anything. He is seriously a psychotic stalker... like those warped minds in the movies that go undercover attempting to steal other people's identities - like in Single White Female. The sheer number of posts that he collects just to prove that he remembered something uncontroversial that another commenter said and had no reason to delete afterward (unlike his own posts) are creepy in the extreme. I wonder if he'll graduate from internet stalking to following pedestrian commuters for miles and showing them something that dropped out of their pockets.

If there is anyone here who finds this deranged and creepy individual provides anything of value to the blog then speak up. Identify exactly what it is.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fuck you. Prove you never did it.

It would be much easier if I saved tens of thousands of comments and pored through them every night over and over again. But since I'm normal, I don't. That's your "specialty."

FullMoon said...

I find Ritmo in any guise disruptive and un worthy of commenting on this blog.

If there is anyone here who finds this deranged and creepy individual provides anything of value to the blog then speak up. Identify exactly what it is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, I saw your misapplied quote the first time. It's not a competition where doing it repetitively and deleting the last time two minutes before earns you points. But I can see why that one really bothered you - shows how thin-skinned and falsely "sensitive" you are.

FullMoon said...

Goofy humorously states: "But since I'm normal,"

Yeah, normally ridiculous. Try to stay on track for once.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If there is anyone here who finds this deranged and creepy individual provides anything of value to the blog then speak up. Identify exactly what it is.

I don't falsely accuse people just because they were born in Germany of being Nazis or falsely accuse anyone of anti-semitism. Now stop with the "I know you are but what am I?" baby boy nonsense and answer the question.

What value do you bring?

Quoting me is tantamount to being incapable of answering the question and admitting I'm right.

langford peel said...

Be fair. She wasn't born in Germany. She was born in Austria.

Just like Hitler.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, that's two of your own comments in three minutes that you deleted. Care to go for a third?

THere's a reason that people tell you to "get a room" when you come on here to stalk me. I drive you up a fucking wall. Maybe you can't do anything about your lack of self-control but you can ask yourself what's so lacking in you that I can set you off like an institutionalized five-year old.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Now, I'm really glad I was not here.

Creep shows don't interest me,.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Apparently irony is lost on the stalker. He's quoting a parody of his own unhinged, rapidly experienced inconsistencies.

The caps lock was for intentional effect, and he doesn't seem to get that he's quoting a satire of himself.

langford peel said...

Nobody should leave.

The blog needs the clicks. So she can sell ads based on traffic.

You both bring something important to these comment sections.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Even Michael K thinks you're a creep. Talk about intensifying his already easily triggered aggravation. And yet, F. Moon manages to do it.

Your fan base of zero is starting to go into negative numbers.

FullMoon said...

Seirously Ritmo,
Why did you think it appropriate to mention Inga's anus?
Even in jest, that was uncalled for. Red pill ladies man and all, you must have a reasonable explanation.

langford peel said...

"Creep shows don't interest me"

I don't know. That was a pretty good movie. Except for the cockroach thing. Which is sort of relevant since it reminds us of Inga's house.

FullMoon said...

Even Michael K thinks you're a creep.
Micheal K is A-OK in my book.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You both bring something important to these comment sections.

Well, piggybacking Moonie onto my contribution might well be some form of affirmative action for the little guy. After all, he does seem to live for finding a quote of mine when he can't figure out what to say. Usually by misinterpreting it.

But the fact remains, there's seriously something wrong with him. This blog may aspire to traffic in many ways, but it is not a snuff film.

FullMoon said...

The caps lock was for intentional effect, and he doesn't seem to get that he's quoting a satire of himself.

Oh, OK. Sure, that;s it. Not because I wiped the floor with your ignorant ass for forty five minutes?
Guess I mis understood.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why did you think it appropriate to mention Inga's anus?

That's a good point. Maybe I shouldn't.

Like Kim Jong Un she is better and more pure than you and lacks one entirely.

Feel better now?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, OK. Sure, that;s it. Not because I wiped the floor with your ignorant ass for forty five minutes?

Lol. Right.

Speaking of which, did you delete that comment you wrote about your wife rolling her eyes at you? Why was that such a sensitive thing for you? (Rhetorical). I mean, most of your shortcomings you at least get crazy defensive and inappropriate about in how you respond, but that one you seem to find too painful to even address.

It's like that lady doesn't even exist to you. Which is funny given how interested you are in what other people are up to.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Micheal K puts his personal info on the net and some loser, asshole uses it to attack him.
It ain't me.

Oh, you do that all the time.

But what does it matter? It's he who hates your creep show. The fact that you talk about liking someone who can't be around you is not only irrelevant, your blindness to that irony kind of underscores your creepiness even further.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think this is a form of therapy for Moonie.

He kind of gets lost in his own inconsistencies while lashing out at me as if I'm some surrogate authority figure he never had and resents intensely.

It's weird. Or as people say nowadays, "creepy."

Even weirder that he doesn't understand why.

He's got some serious boundary issues.

FullMoon said...

Uh-oh, wife rolling eyes at me again..

"Quit picking on that guy, he seems dangerous"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Every comment of Moon's is like Scott Evil saying to Dr. Evil, "But DAAAAD! YOU DO IT TOOOOO!" And then stomping his feet.

Moon - lots of people look up to you IRL for lessons on early adolescent integrity?

Parents. Who can you accuse of being hypocritical if not them?

Oh yeah. Moonie didn't have parents so he takes that stuff out on me.

That's the truth, isn't it?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Uh-oh, wife rolling eyes at me again..

"Quit picking on that guy, he seems dangerous"

Maybe to your fragile self-esteem and self-image.

What are you getting out of this?

I keep feeling like I'm dealing with a sexual assailant who's too stupid to pull of the act without getting his prick caught in his zipper. Howling in pain, I ask him, "Is it at least good for you?" And he keeps getting it caught again and again. Yelling, screaming, and trying a few more times.

FullMoon said...

So, anyway, this is where I began:
Inga said...

You know why the threads turn into a “Chuck thread”? ( or an Inga thread) Because Drago, that’s why. He attacks any commenter personally for every single opinion he disagrees with. This is never ending with this guy. Then the person who he has attacked personally,repeatedly is put in the position of having to defend himself.

I said:
You love it when Ritmo does it. Diff being Drago attacks the comments you guys make. Ritmo makes crazy accusations to get responses. Works pretty good for him with some people.

Then, Goofy shows up to prove my point, totally unaware of the irony of the situation. Accusing me of this that and the other, expecting things will be different this time and I will somehow rise to the bait, instead of spanking him again.
Now, watch what happens...

Birkel said...

Can you two get a room? I enjoy these PDA moments as much as the next guy, but seriously...

Also TTR never makes a single, solitary point of substance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I made no "crazy accusation to get responses."

I did correctly call out what a stalking thread rapist was doing, however.

And an hour later, he still can't deny that I was right, let alone explain how I could have been wrong.

P.S. The resort to unwanted S&M imagery reveals some issues about that person.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I like your use of the word "solitary," Clavin Birkel.

I mean, you're obviously as lonely as Moon, but at least you recognize how unhealthy his unwanted, intrusive fetish obsessions are and lack any mental pathology in yourself that approaches anything that extreme.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Moon's invoking more of his imaginary friends from months past as a rally to his by-now somewhat pathetic defense.

Can't Moon defend himself? (Again, a rhetorical question).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not seeing much evidence on Moon's part, after this entire hour, of my alleged anti-semitism.

So again, it seems it was just some more attention-getting crap to prove that he "won" (by lying in an objectionable way).

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dang it, had to google PDA.

Does the blog really need someone this stupid?

Not to mention the fact that he still missed the point and is still on yet another stalking Ted Bundy-Style serial thread raping spree.

Perhaps he'll have to google Ted Bundy now. What is this kid, like 15 years old?

Michael K said...

Any comment thread always includes Ritmo if it goes over 200 or so.

A good warning to avoid it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

LOL You attack every Jewish commenter and have been doing it for years.

Which commenter was Jewish, let alone attacked for being Jewish?

Sounds like you're confusing me for all those Trump supporters who spammed Ben Shapiro's Twitter feed with threats involving gas ovens and genocide. I think he ended up being one of the most heavily attacked with anti-semitic threats in history, actually. Or something like that. Do you consider that "winning?"

Leland said...

Althouse, its your blog, and I hope today's and previous day's don't encourage you to block every out as happened in the past. I just started coming back here, and I hope I'm understanding you better now than in the past. I lurk much more than I comment.

If I may be bold to suggest something that may be technically unfeasible; perhaps a spam filter that cuts people from posting comments after something like 10 a day, or maybe 5 in a comment thread. To my personal sensibility, that's quite a large number of comments. If people can't make a rational and convincing argument in fewer posts, they are just falling back on using noise as an argument.

I understand desire for rebuttal to personal mentions, but even then, if an argument is sensible and well made; it will stand-up on its merits regardless of personal ad hominem. I note Althouse that you made very few comments in this thread, and your opinion still resonates with others. That is powerful and beautiful to behold.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Any comment thread always includes Ritmo if it goes over 200 or so.

Couldn't have done it without my stalker, F. Moon.

So make sure to give him some credit. After all, it's not like he has anything positive or decent or thoughtful to contribute that ever gets him credit. And I was going to stay out of this thread until I saw a lie of his that needed calling out.

He still didn't defend it. Thinks he's playing a game of "make the accusation and accuse the accused of not proving a negative."

Must be something that shitty contractors do when they're done messing up the project of the day and at home drinking, pretending to expand the consciousness of the internet with all the things everyone else had already learned in kindergarten.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If I may be bold to suggest something that may be technically unfeasible; perhaps a spam filter that cuts people from posting comments after something like 10 a day, or maybe 5 in a comment thread.

If you did that, Fu Moon would kill his stalker self. Literally. He would be inconsolable.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When Moon gets a complaint about a horrible contracting job he charged someone for, he hangs up the phone, and goes, "WINNING!"

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike Sylwester said...

Achilles at 2:00 PM
I would like to know what Trump should have done different. Nobody ever says what he should do differently. Just these vapid assertions he is a buffoon.

Trump should not order bombings of Syrian government facilities in response to hoaxes.

In other words, the next time a hoax occurs, Trump should not order bombings of Syrian government facilities.

That is what Trump should do differently than he has been doing.

buwaya said...

To be fair, I'm not Jewish.
So there's that at least, to cross off the Ritmo balance sheet.

FullMoon said...

Meanwhile, back on topic as I am wont to do:
Scott Adams:
"Democrats are on the verge of losing African-American votes, and that would be game-over for the party. You can see the panic in their fake news attacks on me. But especially watch how they IGNORE Kanye West's IDEAS in favor of attacking PERSONALITIES"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Am unfamiliar with situation.

Is "situation" another word you have to google?

55 years old? Wow. I guess that dig about your 15 year-old immaturity really hurt.

Anyway, so you proved/admitted that basically lying about people and then denying what you said is just an attention-getting game that you feel you "win" as long as they object. Well, good for you. You won at lying. Add that skill to your current CV, since "aggravating" sounds much less impressive when not backed up by another character flaw.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...back on topic as I am wont to do...


FullMoon said...

Apologies for straying from topic but when that misogynist , racist anti semite attacks me, my wife, contractors, Inga, and truth Justice and the American way, it really chaffs my hide.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What is this complaint about a horrible contracting job?
Am unfamiliar with situation.

They probably quietly ask another contractor to fix it, so as to avoid getting stalked by you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, you sure have been "chaffing" your hide today. But I had nothing to do with it.

So are you an anti-semite then, or just a "white nationalist?"

langford peel said...

Inga doesn't hate you because you are Jewish buwaya. She hates you because you are from the Philippines like the nurse that fired her.

Ritmo hates you because you are the most erudite commentor at Althouse who always brings the benefit of a classical education to the table. He can't handle that.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

Still no substantive comments by TTR.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo hates you because you are the most erudite commentor at Althouse who always brings the benefit of a classical education to the table. He can't handle that.

Most of what he says are unevidenced assertions backed up by appeals to his own authority. The stuff that gets graded an "F" when submitted.

But he does make up a lot of elaborate stuff. Right-wingers find make-believe to be preferable to reality - a form of intelligence in its own right.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well Clavin BIrkel, I could just make up elaborate lies like Moon does. Or pontificate like buwaya in a fact-free way. Would you prefer that?

You know you would. Right-Wingers need things to believe in. They find reality so dull.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Creativity without reality!

The right-wing mind takes flight!

Is Lunatic Moon going on about being educated now? It's like everything he says is something he feels insecure about. It's quite incredible, actually.

A guy who needs to google "PDA" but knew what "ATM" meant right away!

That takes a classical education, of sorts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I hate to go on about Generation Triple ZZZ (or whatever it is), but what does it say about a cohort that doesn't know what "PDA" means but casually refers to strange porn acts such as "ATM" as if expecting that anyone would just know what he's talking about?

FullMoon said...

Wow! No chance Ritmo can stay on topic.
Same old thing, lie, insult, attack.
Been doing it for years and years.
Some people never grow up.

FullMoon said...

Staying on topic, Scott Adams retweets:
‏Verified account @kanyewest

You don't have to agree with trump but the mob can't make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don't agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought."

FullMoon said...

Scott Adams
‏Verified account @ScottAdamsSays

Democrats are on the verge of losing African-American votes, and that would be game-over for the party. You can see the panic in their fake news attacks on me. But especially watch how they IGNORE Kanye West's IDEAS in favor of attacking PERSONALITIES. #DeathRattle

Michael K said...

Ritmo thread.

Good night.

Achilles said...

Mike Sylwester said...

Achilles at 2:00 PM
I would like to know what Trump should have done different. Nobody ever says what he should do differently. Just these vapid assertions he is a buffoon.

Trump should not order bombings of Syrian government facilities in response to hoaxes.

In other words, the next time a hoax occurs, Trump should not order bombings of Syrian government facilities.

That is what Trump should do differently than he has been doing.

1. You nor I have any idea if it was a hoax or not. Given the context I think it was.

2. Look at everything else going on right now. Do you think this was done in a vacuum?

3. Even if Trump did 1 thing wrong with regard to bombing Syria it does not wipe out everything else that is going well. He has turned the 8 year dumpster fire of the Obama years around in amazingly short time.

He has been the most effective foreign policy president from the point of view of American voters in decades. Period.

Robert Cook said...

"Trump should not order bombings of Syrian government facilities in response to hoaxes.

"In other words, the next time a hoax occurs, Trump should not order bombings of Syrian government facilities.

"That is what Trump should do differently than he has been doing."

I'll go one better: Trump should never bomb any country without UN Security Council and Congressional approval under any circumstances other than to defend ourselves against an imminent or already-launched attack against us by that country.

Even if the probably phony gas attack wasn't phony, and even if it was perpetrated by Assad, (though, if it happened, it was probably the anti-Assad rebels), we had no legal or any other basis to launch missiles into Syria.

Michael McNeil said...

So, then, again, why use chemical weapons if you are Assad?

Just why did that scorpion sting the frog again?

langford peel said...

Robert Cook is absolutely right.

End the endless wars and meddling in shit hole countries.

Put America first.

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