March 5, 2018

"Look, [Frances McDormand is] great... But that dress is a rug. With… ghostly, semi-abstract bees on it…?"

"And yet, if you heard Miss Frances manic, nervous giggle as the endorphins clearly kicked in… A bee-skirt rug dress seems to make perfect sense, all things considered."

Opine Tom and Lorenzo.

My only criticism is that it seems to evoke the "Shape of Water" habitat and that's not her movie.

In honor of her winning the Oscar, I'm going to correct the misspelling of her name in my tag, which I just noticed.


Heartless Aztec said...

A great role and a superb job in a really shitty barely watchable film.

Heartless Aztec said...

Addendum: Oh yeah, the dress sucked too... From the forced to watch clips of the early morning news.

Darrell said...

The men turn out so well when they have commie mommies.
Go fuck yourself.

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

From the link:

"Knowing this Moment was coming, and knowing what it feels like to go through that Moment, this is what she chose for herself. It’s fully her. It’s not to our tastes at all, but we honestly can’t criticize it as her choice."

I'm not quite sure what "we honestly can’t criticize it as her choice" even means.

Do not all of the other women there make their own choice as what to wear?

I'm guessing they are acknowledging that McDormand has the gravitas to ignore those who chatter about fashion.

Those without the perceived gravitas: chatter chatter chatter, bitch bitch bitch.

Implicit: those without the assumed integrity of McDormand deserve ridicule, because they are seen as dressing to please others.

Or as fashion whores for fashion designers, exchanging their favors for a free dress.

Making the fashion designers pimps.

Meanwhile, Tom and Lorenzo are figuratively jerking off onto the women's dresses. ThemToo.

The Germans have a name for this.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

She almost had her Oscar swiped at the after party.

Wince said...

Did she close her statement with a legal contractual term: asking more sought after actresses to demand "inclusion riders" to their contracts, presumably requiring the film project to hire more women (and other minorities)?

She should have also asked every man who hadn't fucked an underling to stand.

Bill said...

Her dress called to mind these lines from Elizabeth Bishop's "The Fish":

Here and there
his brown skin hung in strips
like ancient wallpaper,
and its pattern of darker brown
was like wallpaper:
shapes like full-blown roses
stained and lost through age.
He was speckled with barnacles,
fine rosettes of lime,
and infested
with tiny white sea-lice,
and underneath two or three
rags of green weed hung down.

rhhardin said...

I've got a lot of Frances McDormand films but didn't notice her. I see Fargo, which was good but I haven't rewatched it. Same character acting as 3 Billboards.

The unflappable determined woman not going for looks.

Lack of makeup is a big plus.

langford peel said...

Why all this Oscar dreck?

Lowest ratings ever. Who cares?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Look Frances has really taken the Handmaiden bullshit farther than other womyn have. She’s committed. Look at her Golden Globes dress, a hideous black sack. She’s costuming herself as if she is the handmaiden. It’s obvious.

Lars Porsena said...

Sorta' looks like desert camo.

Yancey Ward said...

I have been a big fan of Ms. McDormand since I saw Blood Simple in 1984. Glad to see her win even though I haven't seen the film for which she won last night.

StephenFearby said...

Another mental case in the news.

"...The man accused of stealing Frances McDormand’s Oscar on Sunday night has been arrested, the Los Angeles Police Department confirmed to Variety.

The suspect, identified as Terry Bryant, was booked on felony grand theft, at 11:50 p.m. after taking the best actress statue from Frances’ table at the Governors Ball following the ceremony. His bail is set at $20,000, according to LAPD spokesperson Rosario Herrera."

mikee said...

She was also good in Blood Simple, my favorite movie to show new immigrants to Texas.

SDaly said...

I liked her in Laurel Canyon, where she plays an entirely unlikeable character who, in end sleeps with her son's (Christian Bale) fiancée. That movie also has a great soundtrack.

Quaestor said...

She almost had her Oscar swiped at the after party.

The would-be thief ought to plead diminished capacity because who in his right mind would want to steal something as worthless as a 2018 Oscar.

I didn't watch the show and haven't in more than a dozen years (Who in his right mind can't find something more productive to do in those four hours?) but I see FM made a speech about women's movies. Jeez... as if there aren't any. Didn't McDormand see The Shape of Water?

Big Mike said...

She’s Frances McDormand so she can wear anything she damned well pleases. I think that’s what Tom and Lorenzo man when they write “... but we honestly can’t criticize it as her choice."

Skipper said...

Aren't "inclusion riders" illegal contractual race discrimination? And is McDormand giving up any of her rolls to others?

Bilwick said...

I thought she looked sexiest in "Laurel Canyon." And she was wearing little to nothing in a lot of that.