"... a fantasy that liberals attribute to Trump and his supporters, but that in fact exists only on the left. In the minds of liberals."
Concludes John Hinderaker, reading that article Laurence Tribe declared a “brilliant take on the politics of the space-time continuum" (and that we were talking about yesterday, here).
As seen in the Althouse comments section.
Sounds about right.
"a fantasy that liberals attribute to Trump and his supporters, but that in fact exists only on the left."
Much prog criticism is projection. It's one of the right's secret strengths. But we should be careful about exposing the idiocy. Smart progs might catch on.
It is crazed hatred. The Left is still not over the unexpected shock of losing the Presidency of 2016. The polls told them they would win, dammit!
They are batshit crazy. And Trump is the lightning rod, capturing all their angst and fulminations.
And, there's still a handful of "conservative" Never-Trumpers, who are batshit crazy too.
Trump, literally, is driving people crazy. And it's amusing to watch.
Reid is now going to tell us what Trump’s “followers”–his voters, presumably, people like me–“imagine.” How does she know what we imagine? She doesn’t say.
As Scott Adams would say, she can read minds. Mind reading is an ability of partisans and idealogues of many stripes. They "know" just what their enemies are really thinking as well as they "know" their own minds.
A belief that engenders an acute and malignant (i.e. progressive) phobia.
That said, the prophecies may come to pass, but the outcome cannot be predicted based on any principles that are internally, externally, and mutually consistent.
As has been observed, one screen two movies.
PC is evolved to prevent anything serious from being addressed.
One cinema eight movies.
On the downside, PowerDVD has a slow fail mode in the new old machine I moved it to. One screen no movie.
Back to VLC media player, which has no convenient reverse mode as far as I can tell.
The lib/left belief in the historical inevitability of their victory over the forces of conservatism and it's purported component parts--racism, misogyny, superstition, stupidity, nostalgia, etc., etc. is unshakable. They are like rapturist Christians who, when they miscall the end of the world, just blithely adjust their time-frames.
Example of the lunacy.
You believe Trump is Hilter and wants to round up selected groups for imprisonment without trial, or worse.
you want full gun control including confiscation of existing weapons.
Wait. What?
The left projecting their own hatred and insanity onto others?
I refuse to believe it.
History shows inevitability to be negatively correlated with realization.
"They are like rapturist Christians who, when they miscall the end of the world, just blithely adjust their time-frames."
There's a clip of Ann Coulter (who can be abrasive, like Trump) on the Bill Maher show, early in the race of 2015, where she predicts Trump will win, and gets booed and mocked by folks, including Joy Reid.
I would respectfully disagree with Joy Reid, but apparently that would make me racist.
Here's my Power Line comment on this post from last night:
She is using the old marxist canard that history favors the triumph of the left,
that socialism/communism is part of the inevitable arc of history. You don't want to be on the wrong side of history, do you? Obama used to use this cliche endlessly. How many times did we hear that the arc of history bent towards social justice or whatever his theme of the day was. In Venezuela the arc of history bent towards tragedy and impoverishment. What a bunch of shallow cliches pass for argument.
As Ben Shapiro has pointed out, if you hear a "racist dog whistle" when Republicans and conservatives speak, that makes you the racist, not the conservatives.
The pseudo intellectual Left has become an embarrassing cult where reacting emotionally is everything and thinking is not encouraged beyond the usual tropes.
It is sad.
I should have made it clear that this has nothing to do with Trumo. Bush endured the same BS, but didn't fight back. Reagan charmed and outsmarted people who thought him a dunce.
This crap gets worse every time a Republican is elected POTUS. The Left need power because they have few ideas that ordinary people find worthwhile.
I'd bet Joy Reid thought Hillary's election was inevitable too.
Thanks to the space-time continuum, people from different centuries cannot live simultaneously.
I'll dredge up my comment from the depths of the the last discussion.
When Joy-Ann Reid writes "the space-time continuum" what she really means is "death":
Thanks to death, people from different centuries cannot live simultaneously.
As Althouse pointed out, the column is about demographic replacement, which has three components -- birth, immigration, and death.
The column is an ode to death. Ms. Reid lives in New York City. Perhaps she could have reversed the famous Daily News headline and titled her piece: "Reid to Country: Drop Dead"
But if the left didn't respond to Trump in the way they do, which is helpful to Trump, then Trump would adjust his approach to get the benefit that he desires.
The crazed hatred of Donald Trump that we see on the left is based on a fantasy.
Much like how a few of your commenters fantasize about killing their fellow citizens in an imminent civil war.
the column is about demographic replacement
I'm guessing she believes the forces of truth and light are being thwarted by "angry old white guys" and that it's just a matter of everyone being patient until they die off. It may not occur to her that, after they do, a whole new crop will emerge to replace them.
Perhaps she could have reversed the famous Daily News headline and titled her piece: "Reid to Country: Drop Dead"
Good one.
In my blog about the movie Dirty Dancing, I wrote an article titled
Space-Time Portals in the Movie Dirty Dancing.
My article pointed out three moments when characters seemed to pass through a space-time portal.
The movie's story takes place in 1963, but the movie was released in theaters in 1987. The relevant characters travel through a space-time portal between those two years.
the column is about demographic replacement
However, I have three grown sons and one grandson who are just as Deplorable as I am.
"However, I have three grown sons and one grandson who are just as Deplorable as I am."
Good job.
Space-time-continue-who? Sorry Joy, I guess I can't understand what you'er saying without a degree in cosmetology or somethin.
Beyond the death cult and the intellectual posturing, the main problem with the column is Reid's faith that issues are static and beliefs extrapolate. Reid is greedy for the future, but in her rigid analysis, she is actually, in Virginia Postrel's paradigm, an enemy of the future.
I suspect that Reid might wish to speed things along, had she the power.
I don't see it as mind-reading, simply hyperbolic propaganda.
It is a mistake to assume sincerity in anything political.
Its usually just business.
That's what they pay her for.
She (her employers) want her side to remain angry and contemptuous of the other side.
So she calls them names, etc., with the conceit of mind-reading.
Its a mistake to assume any of these people mean anything they say.
Or to the degree or in the manner that they express it.
Just as it was always a mistake to take Ilya Ehrenberg at face value.
"Much like how a few of your commenters fantasize about killing their fellow citizens in an imminent civil war."
The exposure and influence of an anonymous commenter is exactly the same as that of prominent leaders of the left and their media allies.
The exposure and influence of an anonymous commenter is exactly the same as that of prominent leaders of the left and their media allies.
Stupid is as stupid does -- my mamma told me that.
Its a mistake to assume any of these people mean anything they say.
I tend not to believe that these people are secret geniuses, masterminds at deception, involved in grand complex conspiracies or whatever. I'm a big believer in Hanlon’s razor. The world is full of idiots and many of them have very large blow horns.
Immediately following a triduum in Nuuk, vacuuming the residuum of the menstruum from the duumvir turned out to be an ignis fatuus in the equus continuum.
I can't actually read that.
"I tend not to believe that these people are secret geniuses"
She doesn't need to be a secret genius.
She just, probably, got a commission to write a piece on a certain theme.
Joy Reid is your typical Black person. Your typical Press person. Your typical progressive.
Just like Keith Ellison and Maxine Waters.
Dumb. Racist against white people. Coasting on affirmative action.
The civil war has already begun. As buwaya has said it is low grade. A slight fever. But it could heat up very quickly.
It is crazed hatred. The Left is still not over the unexpected shock of losing the Presidency of 2016. The polls told them they would win, dammit!
I saw that a new book is out from Lanny Davis titled "The Unmaking of a President 2016", wherein he blames Hillary's loss on James Comey.
@langford peel
I understand your point, but that's a pretty racist generalization of blacks. If you want to say typical liberal blacks it's not as much of a stretch, but there are plenty of conservative blacks who buck that stereotype.
Two things could set it off.
The Removal of President Trump under false pretenses.
The beginning of gun confiscation.
Joy Reid, the media and the Democrats are pressing for both of these outcomes.
They will not like what will happen if they succeed.
One only has to read comments from TTR to know this is true...
There are many fantasies that exist only in the minds of liberals. To name a few:
White privilege
Systemic institutional discrimination
The right wing media establishment (seriously, ask my neighbor)
The conservative war on women
Fascist Republicans like Scott Walker
The universal human desire to serve the socialist greater good
---Feel free to add your own.
Comfort food for pouting Progs. There's lots of it being served these days. MSNBC is a a 24 hour diner for the stuff.
To summarize: The Left is comprised of crazy, emotional, Fuckheads, untethered from reality.
She doesn't need to be a secret genius.
She just, probably, got a commission to write a piece on a certain theme.
That's certainly possible, I'm not saying it isn't. But my sense is that she came up with that nonsense on her own. I'm not naive, I know that some conspiracy theories are very real. After all, Journolist was a very real sort of informal conspiracy involving journalists colluding on narratives (and I have little doubt that's still going on in one way or another). But I don't believe there has to necessarily be a conscious conspiracy in every case. Nor does there have to be some grand puppetmaster behind the scenes (like a George Soros or whomoever). They're all in agreement, they're all more or less on the same page. They don't need specific marching orders all the time.
"They're all in agreement, they're all more or less on the same page. They don't need specific marching orders all the time."
On that matter, no, I disagree. The timing of messaging and the obviously precise rollout sequence of each messaging cycle is no accident. There is indeed a coordinator.
It's not exactly a fresh meme. A person's got to fill their column inches somehow. The thing that made it notable was the callout by the Tribe.
I'll be enjoying how, in reaction to Trump's proposed tariffs, the reflexively anti-Trump left will start sounding like the Cato Institute, while the Trumpkins (those members of the Trump "Cult of Personality") are already sounding like pre-Enlightenment mercantilists. I'd quote Lincoln's "Go it, husband! Go it, bear!" except whichever faction wins, liberty loses.
The Right was rather upset when a man raised by Indonesians, who was demonstrably a semi-Marxist and was an elitist snot was elected president.
We did not riot. We did not talk about amending the Constitution. We did not howl at the moon every year as an act of defiance.
The Left has demonstrably lost their frigging minds about Trump and they deserve the ridicule and the lack of benefit of the doubt that they are engendering.
"FIDO said...
The Right was rather upset when a man raised by Indonesians, who was demonstrably a semi-Marxist and was an elitist snot was elected president.
We did not riot. We did not talk about amending the Constitution. We did not howl at the moon every year as an act of defiance.
The Left has demonstrably lost their frigging minds about Trump and they deserve the ridicule and the lack of benefit of the doubt that they are engendering."
Well, it's more than just about Trump. Same deal here in Wisconsin and Walker. They're delusional.
In addition to the esteemed Professor Laurence Tribe, there is another wacky Harvard Law Professor, Lawrence Lessig, who, like Tribe, is awkwardly obsessed with everything Trump in this world.
Lessig seems a little less emotional and irrational than Tribe. Lessig did, at least, have the courage to run against Trump, which is, I guess, part Gary Cooper in High Noon, most mostly Don Quixote in High Spain.
His next venture is to sue somebody that the Electoral College is Unconstitutional. .
Well, to be precise, that the "winner-take-all" element of the Electoral College, is Unconstitutional -- ie, that that it should be "proportional" like Maine or Nebraska.
If Lessig wins, I guess this means, the GOP will get a few more EC votes from Cal and Illinois, while the Dems will get a few more votes in Texas and Fla.
Do these Harvard Law Professors spend any time teaching? They sure have a lot of free time to let their avid imaginations run wild.
Earnest Prole: Stupid is as stupid does -- my mamma told me that.
To bad she didn't explain to you what it meant.
I think they're mostly right on this one. But one should be cautious about reveling on one's own superior cognition, lest that become a weakness to exploit.
One of the best reporters in the field is jay solomon
Now it turns out one of the figures is tied to glenn Simpson:
"If Lessig wins, I guess this means, the GOP will get a few more EC votes from Cal and Illinois, while the Dems will get a few more votes in Texas and Fla."
-- I always assumed proportionality would greatly benefit Republicans, not due to any deep thought, but mainly because Democrats almost universally opposed it.
It's a little like when young college students announce triumphantly that "Haha! You thought people on welfare were all Blacks and Hispanics! But in Fact, a majority of them are Whites! Take that, racists!"
But no . . no -- that was you. You thought people on welfare were all Blacks and Hispanics. That's why you thought "welfare" was a racially loaded term. And that's why you were surprised that most the people on welfare are Whites.
It's all projection.
The only way Joy Reid would made an important point is inadvertently. She's an idiot. Here she is trying to figure out a hard word https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5bo95uumO0.
While the Mad Maxine's wing of the Dems and all of their other Media talking heads are desperately demanding Trump's impeachment instanter, The Trumpian diplomacy has turned Saudi Arabia from supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and becoming an ally of Al Sisi's Egypt. The new Saudi Trump friend, Prince MBS, just attended a Coptic Cathedral service in Cairo to honor the Coptic Archbishop. That is news as big as Truman dropping nukes on Japan.
Frack, baby, frack.
There is indeed a coordinator.
In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie.
Blogger Balfegor said...
But no . . no -- that was you. You thought people on welfare were all Blacks and Hispanics. That's why you thought "welfare" was a racially loaded term. And that's why you were surprised that most the people on welfare are Whites.
It's all projection.
I'll second this. I grew up working class. Working class people often live paycheck to paycheck. There is no family wealth to draw on. They frequently do not have home equity to draw on. They have no wealthy friends or family members they can hit up for a loan if they hit a rough patch. Many people in the working class are on welfare at some point in their lives, especially working class women who are single mothers. This is obvious. Unless you are a member of the educated class.
Growing up, especially when I was a young adult, I knew a lot of people on welfare of one type or another. They were all white. The only black people I knew, I knew through work. They all had jobs, obviously.
Much like how a few of your commenters fantasize about killing their fellow citizens in an imminent civil war.
Which side has their own brand of Brownshirts wandering around breaking things and engaging in bussed in riots again?
This is preparing for emotionally unstable people to continue in their revealed preference of violence.
Much like how a few of your commenters fantasize about killing their fellow citizens in an imminent civil war.
Which ones? Name names.
I always thought Tribe was over-rated as a thinker, but what's happened to him the last few years is truly sad. Social media is making it possible for him to completely destroy his legacy as dementia swallows his brain.
Earl said: Stupid is as stupid does -- my mamma told me that.
She probably had good reason to do so. That boy just ain't right :-)
What a perfect example of people talking past each other.
And to be sure, I mostly blame the Joy Reid/Lawrence Tribe side.
But what Hinderaker is doing, and what Althouse frequently does, is to pick out loony-left critics of Trump, who are making grossly exaggerated and hysterical claims about Trump, and focus on those almost to the exclusion of everything else.
I think Althouse's favorite story/tag now is "Trump Derangement Syndrome." I'm in agreement, at least to the extent wherein such deranged leftists are not hard to find. They also are not hard to ridicule.
But I'm used to left wing critics of Republicans. The same lineup of leftists were trying to paint George W. Bush, and George H.W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan, as dangerous, unbalanced right-wing ideologues who thought nothing of the rule of law.
Those complaining leftists are the boy(s) who cried wolf.
But that category of Trump critic that Althouse ignores, are the conservatives who criticize Trump because he is unreliable, and/or making false promises, and/or lying, and/or defying conservative policy or ideology. Those folks aren't making any hysterical claim against Trump. They aren't victims of "Trump Derangement Syndrome." Their criticisms are reasoned, measured and valid.
I'm getting near the end of Jim Webb's book, "Born Fighting," about the Scots Irish in America.
It's amazing how well it predicts the Trump election even though it was published in 2004.
But that category of Trump critic that Althouse ignores, are the conservatives who criticize Trump because he is unreliable, and/or making false promises,
No chuck, we call you "NeverTrumpers" and you are slowly shrinking. Sort of like the wicked witch when she got wet,.
They aren't victims of "Trump Derangement Syndrome." Their criticisms are reasoned, measured and valid.
Like who? Max Boot? Bill Kristol?
You seek the solace of these Conservative/Republican voices because misery loves company. Can Trump be a royal PITA? Yes, he can. However, have the right-wing anti-Trumpers spent their penitential time of wandering in the desert for just how incredibly fucking useless they were during 8 years of Obama? Not in the least.
I say the same thing to the Never Trumpers that I say to the Left: Physicians, Heal Yourselves. Then come back & lecture the rest of us. Those self-examinations have not even come close to starting.
Your teenage political pseudo-dramas are getting increasingly convoluted and incomprehensible. Who was it this time that had an opinion about someone else that we're supposed to find "deranged?" Does it have an ending similar to the movie Heathers?
Lady, you and your co-cons are real drama queens. That "blog" you linked to has a big lightning bolt across a twilight sky at the top and the name "power" in its title. Is it trying to make its readers feel like Darth Vader or positioning itself as the Frankenstein of pop news aggregation site wanna-be's?
However, have the right-wing anti-Trumpers spent their penitential time of wandering in the desert for just how incredibly fucking useless they were during 8 years of Obama?
Useless? What is your problem? They delayed economic recovery for eight years! Are you blaming them for the fact that Obama nevertheless remained sufficiently more charismatic than those inbred psychopaths to win another election, sign some orders and hold some trust that your side never had - despite inevitable congressional gains? Let it go. Republicans are about as charismatic as cancer. Just congratulate yourself for halting the recovery and siphoning the gains of it back off to the billionaires and swamp creatures. That's your only real agenda after all, isn't it? So mission accomplished.
And congratulations on figuring out that the only way a cretinous phony like Trump could win in 2016 even on a Republican ticket was by pretending to be a pro-working class progressive. Yet he got his Trojan horse in there, reneged on everything, and took his Republican wrecking ball to all the things he swore to uphold. Isn't that good enough? He lied to do almost the opposite of what he said he would, to your own partisan advantage. I would think that would win him some points in your book. You do realize that the conventional Republican message fails nationally - at least when stated honestly, don't you?
Blogger FIDO said...
Which side has their own brand of Brownshirts wandering around breaking things and engaging in bussed in riots again?
Not brownshirts, Fido. Brownshirts would have been the German National Socialists.
Mussolini's blackshirts were the ones rioting and breaking heads in the furtherance of Fascism (Capital F). The antefa folks are wearing, for the most part black shirts and other clothing.
Still waiting for someone to explain the difference between American progressive ideology and Mussolini's Fascism. Or German National Socialism for that matter.
I keep asking, keep getting crickets.
Speaking of Brownshirts, remember what color shirts the folks arresting the filmmaker after Benghazi were wearing? Pure coincidence but they were in brown shirts.
John Henry
As far as their Russian delusion,
It's Bots that I got.
They're finally realizing that it happened on Obama's watch.
Once again, as I've commented many times, Maine and Nebraska do not award their electoral votes proportionately. One EV for each Congressional District, two EVs for winning the state. Maine has 4 EVs. If the vote is 50% plus 1 statewide, and one candidate takes one district, the other the other, one gets 3 EVs, one gets 1 EV. That's not proportional. The Constitution is pretty clear that the state legislature chooses how to pick the electors. A vote of the people is NOT required. Maine's legislature could randomly choose 4 citizens and inform them they're the electors. If every state did it the way Maine and Nebraska did, Democrats would have a much harder time winning the presidency with the candidates they've been running.
Having said that, the Popular Vote Compact is clearly unconstitutional. If Candidate A wins the popular vote nationwide, but Candidate B wins the state, the legislature has just allowed other state legislatures to choose their electors, and if you're going to allow a popular vote in the state, disenfranchised the voters of their state. The electors, one way or the other, have to be chosen within the state.
Lessig has to convince the SC that the Constitution is unconstitutional to get a proportional award of EVs. Not even counting the fact that electors themselves can vote for someone they're not pledged to. Remember Democrats trying to play that card? And failing?
Wow Toofleff, that was quite a semi-lucid rant. You prove the point of the post, and so are not worth responding to.
Chuck, when you automatically believe Durbin instead of Trump regarding what was said in a meeting, there's nothing calm or measured about your position. Your benefit of the doubt is only applied in one direction when any dispute involves Trump, and it's always in favor of whatever leftist is making an accusation. Think about it, and you might understand why you get responded to the way you are. Actually, no, I don't believe you want to understand it, so never mind.
The next perfect presidential candidate I see will be the first (though Washington came pretty darned close)
Besides some rather unsupported claims that Trump is a sock puppet of Putin (you know...when we are bombing Russians in Syria), I can't see anything he is doing that is ILLEGAL.
I see a lot of things that Leftists and Pretend Conservatives like Chuck don't like.
Well, guess what? I didn't like what Obama did. He was still president.
So Chuck is attempting to justify HIS outrage. So be outraged. But do not delegitimize the system.
Because you, God Forbid, you impeach Trump with essentially nothing except a distaste of his hyperbole and arrogance (cry me an Obamian river on THAT front, Light bringers) then no president will be legitimate again.
But the Left and Faux Conservatives like Chuck would rather break the system regarding a man who has heretofore been somewhat sedate in the measures he is calling for.
When the majority of the electorate supports a president on gun control, immigration, and opinions of the press and academia, that is not 'radicalism'. That is actually mirroring how most people see those measures.
This is the Left (and Chuck) trying to legitimize THEIR radicalism by claiming falsely that TRUMP is radical.
He isn't.
I get a bit tired of the folks screaming about the Right's 'Never Trumpers'.
Trump has a lot of flaws. There is a lot to dislike as a pure Conservative.
The critiques coming from the Right are entirely different than those coming from the Left.
For some on the Right, Trump is breaking customs and assumed norms in at least as great a measure as Obama did. Breaking these norms is a bad thing! See Sulla and marching on Rome. Once these norms are broken, they are almost impossible to fix, and the standard conservative position is 'imagine another Obama having these sorts of powers'.
Where I disagree with these gents is that Obama and the Left CONTINUE to break these norms and yet they run around trying to prop them up.
So stop with the shrill attacks on the critics of Trump on the Right. Trump is not perfect. He is doing a lot, but it is entirely possible he is tossing out some of the babies with the bathwater.
The Left hates every Republican president, even if they are as limp wristed as GWB. So they just hate he has taken their 'birthright'.
Another thing is that the one man one vote principle that is not enshrined in the Constitution is specifically undermined by the very structure of the electoral college which gives more weight to smaller states in the election process. The one thing the court could and should conclude is that Congress at 435 members is unconstitutionally too small. (State population)/(smallest state population) should be the number of congrsscritters each state has.
"That "blog" you linked to has a big lightning bolt across a twilight sky at the top and the name "power" in its title. Is it trying to make its readers feel like Darth Vader or positioning itself as the Frankenstein of pop news aggregation site wanna-be's?"
Ritmo, you are insane. Trump has truly pushed you over the edge.
I find that entertaining. But never buy a gun. You're such a loony, spiteful little boy. You could never be responsible and mature enough to be trusted with one. I'm afraid you'd try to murder a bunch of Republicans at baseball practice. Now all you spray is snot all over the comments section, which is better than spraying bullets at people fascists like you deem subhuman.
Joy Reid was born in 1968. Her father was studying engineering and ultimately returned to his native Belgian Congo. Her mother was from British Guiana and died when Ms. Reid was 17.
So I ask a simple question. How the heck does Joy Reid know how people living in America felt about the country in the 1950s. Well maybe she read it in a book--or maybe she has an active fantasy life. And how the heck does this idiot not so savant read the minds of the people who voted for the Donald? Or, making it easier for her, how is she able to read the mind of say her next door neighbor?
"Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck: "But what Hinderaker is doing, and what Althouse frequently does, is to pick out loony-left critics of Trump, who are making grossly exaggerated and hysterical claims about Trump, and focus on those almost to the exclusion of everything else."
Our #StrongCNNDefender#StrongDurbinDefender#StrongBlumenthalDefender actually wrote that.
Just now.
Without irony!
exiled: "Ritmo, you are insane. Trump has truly pushed you over the edge."
Nonsense. TTR is a victim of our continent having too many soldiers on it, thus tipping it over.
A democrat said something like that, so naturally its fully #Science-y.
And if you disagree, you are a racist.
TTR: "Your teenage political pseudo-dramas are getting increasingly convoluted and incomprehensible."
In his defense, he is actually crafting a treatment for Mexican telenovela!
And I believe that convoluted and incomprehensible is a necessary condition for acceptance. And that's before the overwrought LLR Chuck-like drama queens get their claws into the script.
"That "blog" you linked to has a big lightning bolt across a twilight sky at the top and the name "power" in its title. Is it trying to make its readers feel like Darth Vader or positioning itself as the Frankenstein of pop news aggregation site wanna-be's?"
Ritmo, you are insane.
It's called marketing. What kind of a message is an ostensible news aggregation site trying to broadcast about its own sensationalism and salaciousness (i.e. lack of objectivity) when using symbols associated with the ancient Viking gods of thunder?
It's essentially advertising its extremely low quality as a source of seriousness and objectivity.
Don't you fuckers know how to sell anything? No wonder the liberals dominate you the further one travels up the economic food chain.
Joy Reid is a truly stupid racist, calling Trump supporters stupid racists.
I wouldn’t read anything she wrote if you paid me. She and Maxine were separated at birth.
I realize I just gave a basic lecture on straightforward topics relating to objectivity and marketing to an old hag that simultaneously advertises her own love of martyrdom (the female hero complex) and inability to live independently without any fear absent devices used by virtue of how they're dysregulated to murder more people in America than any other country.
Your obnoxiousness on this is at odds with American public opinion. I realize that all you know is fear and intimidation but the people are no longer worried by the NRA. Even big business corporate America has turned on those cretins and their sloppy shooter in chief (with the most effeminate name and frame known to man - Wayne LaPierre.
It's like Robin Williams asked about an army with a corkscrew on the end of its Swiss knives. How butch, how manly is an organization headed by a woman named "Wayne LaPierre?"
Answer: Not very.
If you want people to keep more of their salary, that is terrible. If you want to screen immigrants to keep out terrorists and criminals, that is racist. If you want to drill for oil to lower the cost of energy, that is factories belching out smoke (even though oil wells are hiding all over California but they never notice them because they don't smoke). Any deviation from the high tax, high control, never build any more housing or pipelines, put warnings on everything world they dream of makes you a neanderthal. Apparently.
people fascists like you deem subhuman.
Glad to see you admit to being subhuman. Or as 80-years ago Trump version said, untermenschen.
Anyway, what's it like living in so much fear? What's it like knowing that you can't find your own home to be safe... or that the guy you date who puts people to sleep for a living can't even bore this would-be intruder to death? That must be a hell of a lot of faith to lack. (And courage).
What happened to you anyway that gives you all your spite and fear and cowardice and revenge/martyrdom fantasies? Even your leader says he'd rush these people bare-handed. Lol.
In which frat house basements and closets did your most intimate, pervasive and ugly understandings of human relations take shape?
My boy,"Lollipop" Trump told Rob Porter and Gary Cohn in a January tariff meeting that they opposed protective tariffs because they were "Globalists." The imbecilic Leader of the Pack then declared himself to be an "Economic Nationalist." But if the truth be known, economic nationalism entered his ears and became his belief when Steve Bannon talked about it as the antithesis of “globalism”, which Bannon characterizes as a governing creed which has put the economic interests of multinational firms and a wealthy international elite above those of ordinary-working-class Americans.
John Hinderaker should be ashamed to declare imagination as the stumbling block when real stupidity comes from the ruptured minds of dumb people - who need little help from predetermined political leanings. Tariffs represent government interference favoring some, punishing others. So this Trump error favors some unionists while booting others- but the real losers are the 300 million American Consumers who will pay higher prices for goods.
So as John Podhoretz advises: "Go buy a car fast."
This is all about Trump getting to scratch an economically illiterate itch. From the 1980s onward, Trump has grumbled that the loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States isn’t due to world-historic changes in the world economy but rather is the result of theft on the part of other countries.
There’s a word for this. The word is: Stupid.
I think a really fun thing to do to sexiled/slut-shamed on mainstreet would be to break into her house in the hills of the Wisconsin hinterland and booby-trap all the couches, sofas and sitting surfaces with taser parts so as to provide a 44,000 volt blast to her ass every time she sits on them. Imagine the shock (literally) as she sits herself down for the first paranoia-free moment of the evening, only to take that jolt and bolt up in the air, possibly discharging her handheld firecracker machine in the process. It's entirely possible that she could shoot the foot off her cat and maybe a stethoscope end off her boyfriend Mr. Sleepy. He'd wonder what made her feel jumpier than usual.
It's definitely a fun idea and one that I could see working in practice.
The ideal outcome is where she could discharge into the framed photo of Wayne LaPierre on her wall, one where he's holding a rifle aloft one-handed - Charlton Heston/Saddam Hussein-style - and puts a permanent cockeyed tilt into that little bit of religious iconography that fills her life with meaning and purpose. It's probably right next to one of her statues of the Virgin Mary. Wayne and Mary. The parental figures in sexiled's life.
The Toothless State-fellator doesn't like guns . . . unless of course they're in the hands of IRS, ATF and FBI agents and pointing at the heads of tax rebels and peaceful gun owners
Then guns give him a tingle in his crotch.
I think the root of the left’s anger issues lies in Algore’s close loss to Bush in 2000 coupled with Trump’s electoral-college-only win in 2016. They thought they had both elections seen up but then reality slapped them in the face. Such losses would be hard to accept for anyone. But given the immaturity of the average leftist’s mind it is crushing. And amusing to watch��.
The Chadwick State-cunnilingist loves guns... esp. when they're in the the hands of terrorists on the no-fly list. He also loves them when they're used to shoot up a school. Makes him feel more free. Lord knows not much does. He's very self-oppressed.
No matter how much gadfly tries, he/she remains a poor imitation of LLR Chuck.
And thats really rather sad.
If you're not willing to go the distance, then batshit is always severely self-limiting. Because at the end of the day, you don't end up in charge. You just end up batshit. The Golden Shower Left is decidedly unwilling to go the distance, hence the Ingaesque, infinitely renewable, fantasies about Mueller constantly being just days away from pulling Trump down.
The amazing thing is that since the 60's, almost none of the Left's 'wish list' (abortion, same sex marriage, etc) has been done by the Legislature or Popular Opinion.
It has all come about due to Giddy Ginsberg and persuading some Liberal Justices to give the Left what they want. Their positons have NOT been persuasive on the main.
Yet somehow, because everyone they know in their bubble and Meathead on All in the Family agree with them, the Left feels they have 'the will of the people'.
When they are reminded that not everyone thinks like Al Gore, Hillary, Obama, and want something wildly different, well...we obviously need new people.
Maybe it's not 'America', Maybe it's the quality of our Left.
My, my, our little Ritmo spends a lot of time imagining sadistic fantasies, as psychotic boys do. No wonder he's so enraged: in his dreams, he's a totalitarian overlord torturing women and in reality, he's - well, he's just little Ritmo, a nothing. He comes to this blog to hurl insults because it makes him feel alive. Lo, behold the Street Fightin' Man! LOL!
Yep, guns and Ritmo should be kept far, far away from each other.
That's quite an elaborate fantasy you've devised there, Ritmo. It's sad when a person was clearly born at a time and place when he can never realize his full potential. The commandants of the gulags and the concentration camps (government employees all) would have appreciated and rewarded such inventiveness.
Well, Ritmo, you can take solace in the fact that the Iranian leadership feels just as strongly as you do about keeping guns out of the hands of citizens:
Khamenei.ir @khamenei_ir
In US, 100s are killed every week by homicide for no crime,—no reason—not at the hands of police, as US police brutality is a separate issue. The accessibility of guns leads to homicide; it's created problems for a country like US, everyone admits, fears, & is concerned about it.
Khamenei.ir @khamenei_ir
No one dares apply the clear solution to the promotion of guns and homicide in America. What's the solution? It's to make guns illegal.
7:22 AM - Mar 4, 2018
It has certainly been the clear solution in Iran, if the problem is "How do we make sure the people are permanently crushed and cowed by our government?"
I see that Ritmo has awakened and he's manic.
Good night all.
I know, we laugh about Joy Reid and Laurence Tribe. But just today, the media are pretending to take seriously a joke that Trump told at the Gridiron Dinner -- A joke! At the Gridiron Dinner!!! They're acting immediately and in unison, as if taking orders through invisible earphones. And I'm actually kinda scared.
"I think the root of the left’s anger issues lies in Algore’s close loss to Bush in 2000 coupled with Trump’s electoral-college-only win in 2016."
I think you have a good point but it goes back a ways. I just finished reading Jim Webb's "Born Fighting," which is a history of the Scots Irish in America. His book is an amazing prediction of Trump although it was published in 2004.
The left has been winning the culture wars but seems to think that should be enough to take power.
Blogger Qwinn said...
Chuck, when you automatically believe Durbin instead of Trump regarding what was said in a meeting, there's nothing calm or measured about your position. Your benefit of the doubt is only applied in one direction when any dispute involves Trump, and it's always in favor of whatever leftist is making an accusation. Think about it, and you might understand why you get responded to the way you are. Actually, no, I don't believe you want to understand it, so never mind.
But that is the point!
I didn’t “automatically” believe Dick Durbin.
I chose to believe Dick Durbin after all of the following:
~The news was awash in multipally-sourced stories about what Trump said;
~The Trump Administration came out with a non-denial denial that admitted to “tough language.”
~Durbin confirmed the accuracy of the news stories.
~Lindsey Graham confirmed the news stories.
~Tim Scott confirmed that Lindsey Graham came out of the meeting and confirmed the comment to him.
~Jeff Flake confirmed that he met with the entire Republican contingent in the meeting, and that they all affirmed that Trump used the “shithole countries” phrase.
~Tom Cotton and David Perdue came out with first one, and then another disparate version of the story where they together claimed that they didn’t recall the use of the phrase and then later issued a statement indicating that together they remembered the conversation and they did not hear the phrase being used.
~Placed under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee, DHS Secretary Nielsen was given every chance to clearly deny that Trump used the phrase and she wouldn’t do it.
~And according to other reports of Trump’s private conversations with friends, Trump was telling them that he thought the comment actually played well with the Trump base. That is an assertion with which I am inclined to believe; I agree with Trump, that it played well with his own base. But he continued to deny the truth of the story.
So in no way did I “automatically” agree with Senator Durbin. I agreed with Durbin after weighing a lot of information.
What is the evidence supporting Trump’s denial of the story?
Just how hard did your fragile sphincter tighten?
The one thing the court could and should conclude is that Congress at 435 members is unconstitutionally too small. (State population)/(smallest state population) should be the number of congrsscritters each state has.
Oh goody!
There is actually a Constitutional amendment concerning this that is still viable.
When the Bill of Rights was originally presented to the States for ratification, there were twelve amendments. The first two of them were not ratified at the time. The second of these concerned how the pay of Congress was set. It remained completely forgotten until 1982 when a college student "discovered" it and proposed completing its passage. He eventually helped accomplish this and the 27th Amendment was passed in 1992. (It should technically be included in the Bill of Rights)
The first of these was called Article the First. It needs 27 more states to ratify it before it comes into effect. (although it came close...in 1791 it only needed one more State) It deals with Congressional size and apportionment. It would basically set the membership of the House of Representatives to one member for every 50,000 people. Today each represents and average of over 733,000. So it would basically make the House 15 times larger than it is today.
It is easy to understand why Joy Reid spouts the same nonsense as the rest of the insane Social Justice Warrior media machine.
Monkey see. Monkey do.
he's a totalitarian overlord torturing women
You're a woman?
That assumes facts not in evidence.
TTR, you are a complete waste of pixels.
Spoken by a true waste of sperm, you Alaska-dwelling Lance Armstrong admirer.
As usual with her, Joy Reid's column says a lot about her internal mental environment. And Tribe buys into it, so i guess it speaks to his mind as well.
Anything about Trump or the real world, not much.
Journolist lives. Apparently pays well too.
Perhaps what ritmo needs is a change of lube.
Or new inflatable Brazilian girl friends.
Toothless, obviously logic isn't your forte, but you want to explain how, in your mind, a libertarian is a "State cunnlinguist"?
By the way, Toothless, if I did get off on kids being killed, then I'd defect from the "don't hurt people/don't take their stuff" faction and join your gang of coercion addicts. In the 20th century alone, your beloved State murdered between 150,000,000 to 350,000,000 people, including children--and that's not counting war casualties. Makes you proud to be a statist, doesn't it?
Hatred of Trump as president is not crazed, any more than hatred of Clinton as president would have been crazed, or any more than hatred of Obama and Bush and Clinton, etc. was crazed. They're all servants of the ruling elite/deep state, and destroyers of the American constitutional republic.
However, the nonsense beliefs that hatred can engender in the haters can be crazed, (e.g., Obama was not a natural-born American and thus his presidency was illegitimate, Trump is a new Hitler, etc.).
@Robert Cook. You can't separate the engendering from the emotion. Hatred is crazy.
Not necessarily true. Any rational person must necessarily hate all of the miserable shits we've had to endure in the White House going back decades. But one can hate them without indulging in fantasies of this one being a new Hitler (believed about Trump and Bush II), or that one being a commie and from Kenya, or this other one (with his wife) having had people killed, and so on.
In the 20th century alone, your beloved State murdered between 150,000,000 to 350,000,000 people, including children--and that's not counting war casualties.
My state is the United States of America, which did nothing of the sort. So I'm not sure where you're getting those numbers, unless you're laboring under a brain defect which confuses this one with the PRC or USSR. So if those are the states that you think we're citizens of, then you're obviously too far gone and/or afflicted by senile dementia to be of any use. Or maybe you're just a proud citizen of the PRC or USSR and assumed that everyone else was, too.
Either way you're a demagoguery-spewing, ideological shit-for-brains.
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