February 2, 2018

"A trainload of Republicans on their way to a pricey retreat hit a garbage truck. My friend Russ calls that karma...."

"Of COURSE sorry the truck driver died.... A rather thoughtless tweet from me concerning the train-truck crash, for which I apologize (if one is necessary). It should be pointed out, too, that those Republican politicians, who can be heartless when they vote, immediately got out to help."

Stephen King tweets and then tries to right himself with an apology "if one is necessary," which perhaps it's not, since word is the truck driver did not die, but is merely injured.


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Molly said...


Someone did die--it's just that it wasn't the driver, it was the passenger.

In any case, it was a stupid, petty thing for King to say, and he jolly well should apologize.

Thorley Winston said...

I don't remember similar comments being made on the right about Stephen King when he was hit by a minivan.

David-2 said...

Those apologies don't come for free: If it isn't necessary, don't waste one.

Bay Area Guy said...

For the Left, it's all politics, 24/7.

That's how they roll.............

Big Mike said...

As I understand it, eight people on the train were physicians and they exited the train to see what they could do to help.

As to the tweet, what can I say. Democrats are scum. They cannot be reasoned with, debated with, or negotiated with. They can only be suppressed.

Drago said...

Stephen King is a lefty and therefore he automatically cares more about people than you do.

Not individuals, of course. Heck they can be rounded up by the millions and shoved into mass graves if thats what it takes to realize lefty heaven on earth.

No, no. Stephen King, like all lefties, cares about The People.

In the abstract.

MadisonMan said...

A couple posts in my Facebook feed lamented that it wasn't a Republican Politician who was killed.


Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Yup, they are still lamenting that the Scalise assassination attempt didn't succeed.

Leland said...

I thought the fatality was not the driver but a passenger in the truck.

Anyway, I have to admit that absent the fatality, the setup of everything would be great for light hearted humor. It's a GOP Trainwreck! Or GOP Train hits the dumps. Whatever. Nothing to get all worked up about.

I rather see the various news having some fun with that event, then the various stuff they been spraying on our legs and calling it rain.

Etienne said...

Getting mad at Hollywood people, is like getting mad at hubcaps.

The Godfather said...

Several years ago I was on a train that struck a vehicle (a pick-up truck, I think) at a crossing, killing the woman driver of the vehicle (she drove around the closed crossing gates and tried to cross the tracks). I don't think the passengers felt the impact at all, but we were aware of the locomotive braking before and after the impact. I suppose passengers might notice a train hitting a bigger vehicle, like a garbage truck. The funny thing is, I don't know or care if the poor woman who died was a Republican or a Democrat, a liberal, moderate, conservative, or apolitical, White, Black, Hispanic, or Other, legal or illegal. But then I'm not a best-selling author, so who cares what I think?

Oso Negro said...

I can’t wait to hear what Chuck and Inga have to say about this topic! And I am eagerly awaiting the witty repartee that follows their every utterance. I have often wondered if Inga is an actual human or a group of 20-something Democrat operatics scanning the internet to support the party on all occasions.

Achilles said...

They will have to be defeated. That is all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's important for Republicans to (pretend to) care about whomever was in the truck, because they're allowed to (pretend to) feel remorse about hitting someone with a car, just not about the millions that they want to pull the plug on so that they can pay off billionaire tax rebates instead. Which is somehow infinitely more compassionate.

Republicans simply have a mental defect that makes them think that distributing more money to billionaires is morally superior to keeping those priced out of the health care market from dying or going without care.

They are so paranoid that they think the government will kill untold tens of millions if they're allowed to keep a few million from dying through lack of medicine.

Weird people. Technically they're amoral. But it comes to them from warped priorities and paranoias that overwhelm what would be a normal person's sense of morality. So they demand to get a pass. But a decent, intelligent people don't give it to them.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

"The millions they want to pull the plug on," TTR? You mean abortion victims? Surely not. Though "pulling the plug" is a little mild for "chopping up babies into small pieces and extracting them bit by bit," anyway.

Look, no one is "priced out of the health care market." No one at all. Everyone, everywhere in this country, has access to Medicaid. You have to be poor to get it, but you can get it.

Drago said...

TTR: "It's important for Republicans to (pretend to) care about whomever was in the truck,..."

It's important for democrats who have been caught laughing at events where people get killed to very very quickly change the subject.

It's also very helpful in changing the subject if the democrat can actually transfer the guilt from a democrat laughing at someone losing their lives to the republicans.

Big Mike said...

@Achilles, not merely defeated, but suppressed. They were defeated on November 8 of last year, but they’re still causing trouble.

Drago said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson: ""The millions they want to pull the plug on," TTR? You mean abortion victims? Surely not. Though "pulling the plug" is a little mild for "chopping up babies into small pieces and extracting them bit by bit," anyway."

Hopefully not too small. We don't want to destroy the resale value of those "clumps of cells"-parts.

Jack Klompus said...

"So they demand to get a pass. But a decent, intelligent people don't give it to them."

I think most decent intelligent people would watch you being run over repeatedly by a truck with unmitigated and unapologetic glee. The vast improvement to the gene pool would be celebrated by decent intelligent people worldwide.

Paul said...

What Drago said..... is correct.

No matter what a Republican would do, or conservative for that matter, the Democrat says it was merely crocodile tears. But then look at Democrat actions, not words. They do.... nothing.

And of course the Democrats are so caring they have what of their nominee? Hillary!

Darrell said...

Stephen King got his Karma with that van long ago. He'll get it again. Harder.

Big Mike said...

@Michelle Dulak Thomson, no, Toothless is talking about the way Barack Obama wanted oldsters to settle for palliative care instead of trying to deal with their ailments. Remember the red pill vs. the blue pill? Once we’re retired and drawing social security Toothless, like Obama, wants you and me to just go die.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"The millions they want to pull the plug on," TTR? You mean abortion victims? Surely not.

Of course not. And they can't be "victims", anyway - seeing as how the vast majority of them don't have brains that can sense pleasure, pain or self-awareness anyway. But who needs those things! Republicans couldn't care less about the hallmarks of what allows for people to participate in the human experience. To them, people are either just cogs in a wheel or fetal sacs in a jar. Like in The Matrix or The Handmaid's Tale

Of course, they could always offer their own bodies up to incubate the pre-humans if they wanted to. But they seem to get off on the creepiness of controlling other people's bodies.

And it doesn't occur to them that brain dead old corpses aren't "victims" when they're no longer incubated, either.

Other than all that, your completely immoral and thoughtless attempt at a point was about what I'd expect.

Though "pulling the plug" is a little mild for "chopping up babies into small pieces and extracting them bit by bit," anyway.

You have as rich a fantasy life as you have a graphic imagination and carelessness with the language. I realize that Republicans have to lie and believe falsehoods but it's nice to see just how slippery you are with your words and the basic facts.

Look, no one is "priced out of the health care market." No one at all. Everyone, everywhere in this country, has access to Medicaid. You have to be poor to get it, but you can get it.

And you have to be a Republican apparently to realize that millions of working poor are priced out of the market but still not poor enough for Medicaid. That's why tens of millions were able to get coverage through the ACA. Again, facts. Facts: Meet Republican. Republican, Meet the facts.

Glad to introduce the two of you.

YoungHegelian said...

Was anyone ever under the illusion that Stephen King had a conscience or even much of a personality ?


You can be a even a great author (which I don't think King is) & still be one twisted motherfucker (J.J. Rousseau springs to mind).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hopefully not too small. We don't want to destroy the resale value of those "clumps of cells"-parts.

That's right. Your opposition to stem cell research and belief that a sperm-egg union is a little person wasn't as easy to hide as you thought.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

I might add that “decent” and “intelligent” are adjectives that are difficult to apply to Toothless given the comments he posts.

mockturtle said...

We may be deplorable but they are despicable! So much hate. So much venom. So much intolerance. They would gladly kill us all if they could.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No matter what a Republican would do, or conservative for that matter, the Democrat says it was merely crocodile tears. But then look at Democrat actions, not words. They do.... nothing.

Your policies kill people.

You justify your deadly policies on the fact of, oh look - Russia!

Oh look - Venezuela!

So people are right to point out that you are immoral people who are too concerned about the nonsense idea that policies that kill people is cool because other failed countries were not right-wing enough. Or something.

It's like a paranoid schizophrenic pleading the insanity defense at his trial, by saying that the elderly old man he stabbed was really a monster.

At least in the defendant's case, people know he's crazy. But Republicans seem to think that others believe they're sane.

Bill Peschel said...

King's intelligence is reflected in his comments, like this one:

"I don't want to sound like an ad, a public service ad on TV, but the fact is if you can read, you can walk into a job later on. If you don't, then you've got, the Army, Iraq, I don't know, something like that. It's, it's not as bright. So, that's my little commercial for that."

I like King the writer, but King the public intellectual comes off as someone you'd mute on Facebook for your own piece of mind.

Henry said...

amrak! amrak!

Jack Klompus said...

"It's like a paranoid schizophrenic..."

Is that your excuse? Most people just think you're a spineless little dickwad.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

@Michelle Dulak Thomson, no, Toothless is talking about the way Barack Obama wanted oldsters to settle for palliative care instead of trying to deal with their ailments. Remember the red pill vs. the blue pill? Once we’re retired and drawing social security Toothless, like Obama, wants you and me to just go die.

Well, I'm sure a lot of people don't think you contribute all that much, morally speaking, to life. But do try to get over yourself and these fantasies you harbor. The interest you project onto others of your own demise is greatly exaggerated. Obama did nothing to increase the "death rate" of Medicare recipients. But by "try to" I suppose you mean "spend like drunken sailors at government expense on unproven interventions." Yep, that's a good way to get an equitable and morally defensible system. Should the government pay for prayer, too?

tcrosse said...

Hate makes you stupid.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think most decent intelligent people would watch you being run over repeatedly by a truck with unmitigated and unapologetic glee. The vast improvement to the gene pool would be celebrated by decent intelligent people worldwide.

Look! A sadistic killer of American citizens attempts something called a "joke," everybody!

Which just goes to prove that Republicans are both morally/ethically challenged and comedically challenged.

And of course, still very irrational.

chickelit said...

It makes me wonder how many other famous novelists are such shitty people.

Big Mike said...

Admit it, Toothless, you’d be glad to put every old person off on an ice floe somewhere. You know you wanna, just admit it.

Tommy Duncan said...

Toothless, I'd respond to your invective above, but I'm busy tonight oppressing minorities, ravaging the environment, suppressing liberal voters and mistreating women.

Tomorrow is busy as well, abusing undocumented Democrats, cheating welfare recipients out of their monthly checks and gleefully denying healthcare to the poor. There are elderly folks to mistreat and the whole LGBT crowd to demean.

Perhaps we can discuss your point of view someday over a glass of pinot noir in a pleasant restaurant away from the riff-raff? We might even benefit a peasant by leaving a nice tip (trickle down you know).

Jack Klompus said...

It wasn't an attempt at a joke. It was a statement of fact. People hate you. Literally hate you. If you suffered a horrible, painful fate I guarantee there are few if any people that would do anything other than cheer. You really are that much of a repulsive, cretinous pile of shit.

"Should the government pay for prayer, too?"

If it would effectively bring on some kind of divine intervention to cause you to fall in the path of a speeding train and disintegrate you into the steaming pile of pus and shit that make up your existence? I think most people would vote for any tax increase that could make that happen, sure.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It wasn't an attempt at a joke. It was a statement of fact. People hate you.


Why don't you speak for your own species.

But I love the presumptuousness behind your collectivism. On behalf of how many other billions of humans do you speak partisan falsehood to power? Or is it just your obvious superiority/inferiority complex - where you're so insecure that you think only you and your fellow lunatic Republicans qualify as human?

No, humans care about each other, respect reality, and are ok with their own limitations. But as a Republican, you lack all three. You are basically a mental condition in search of a political project to channel it through.

Other than that, your inability to actually make a point, rather than just a bunch of profane invective, tells everyone that your mind is working just as poorly as most Republicans' minds are. Maybe put it all on Twitter and pay off a porn star to keep quiet about the mediocre sex you pestered her to have with you a decade ago.

And do boring, un-credible things with your hair.

Jim at said...

Aw. How cute. Another thread completely gone to shit because Ritmo - the drunken asshole - decided to show up.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Toothless, I'd respond to your invective above -

Why don't you respond to Jim Daniels' invective, then?

I mean, his actually involves violence. A lot of it.

It's what happens to Republicans when, as Gore Vidal said of Norman Mailer, words (and thought) fail them.

Which is often.

Mary Beth said...

I thought King quit drugs and drinking. It's hard to tell that from his tweets.

Chuck said...

The Stephen King tweet-story is just as bad — but barely more interesting because it is Stephen King — as the alt-right crazies who trafficked in stories that a Deep State conspiracy was behind the crash.

That “train to crazytown,” lol:


William said...

A spiteful observation followed by an apology that was about as heartless as the original observation.. I sincerely hope that the next time King gets hit by a van a rabid dog doesn't come along and start feeding on his shattered body. True, such an end would be karmic, but I wouldn't want that to happen.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The number of violent fantasies projected onto King in this thread, once again, attest to what Gore Vidal said of the failed author (and thinker) Norman Mailer: Words fail them.

King told a joke. It had to do with garbage trucks. Garbage trucks and Republicans.

Things that go together.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Ritmo probably talks to himself in the bathroom mirror wayyyy too much. Gotta love it when people think they're being clever and witty without any sense of what those words actually mean.

Kyzer SoSay said...

He also seems to forget that the politically motivated violence this past year has been perpetrated by Democrats for the most part. But folks shooting up softball fields to avenge the failed Sanders campaign don't count in Ritmo's feeble mind. Those pesky inconvenient facts are ripe for sweeping under the rug.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Which words did I mis-use, Kyzernick?

Kyzernick exhibits the other cardinal sin that defines Republicanism: Need for a scapegoat.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He also seems to forget that the politically motivated violence this past year has been perpetrated by Democrats for the most part.

Right. You're ok with the Republicans that are killing people because, I guess because they're in the government so that makes it ok.

Interesting logic.

Howard said...

I was impressed when I read the story because so many of the congresspersons were doctors. One spouse was an MD too! It was also nice to see folks spring into action to help each other out.

What's sad :^( is that so many people get their preverted jollies by making it about their shitty little political views.

Kathryn51 said...

Jim at said...
Aw. How cute. Another thread completely gone to shit because Ritmo - the drunken asshole - decided to show up.


Yep, my thoughts as well. But it is equally frustrating that so many regular commenters fall into his troll trap.

Greg said...

Chuck, so now well known author Stephen King = random internet wack jobs. You really are that fucking stupid.

Howard said...

Hey Ritmo, fecal stem cells make cancers... turns our the adult stem cells work more better. Out here in Calikeckistan where tax money funds stem cell research is focused on the adult cells.

Obozo had 8-years to get stem cell therapy approved and didn't lift a finger so it only available to the wealthy who can go to Panama for treatment.

The rethuglickins don't have exclusive rights for screwing the folks over, they are just more honest about who gets the grease.

mockturtle said...

Yep, my thoughts as well. But it is equally frustrating that so many regular commenters fall into his troll trap.

Amen to that, Kathryn!

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yep, my thoughts as well. But it is equally frustrating that so many regular commenters fall into his troll trap.

I just bring up good points about how little credibility Republicans have and, of course, that gets all the Republican tizzies a twitter. The last thing they have to go on, and that they're skating on real thin ice on, is their credibility.

You should use the word "thoughts" more advisedly.

mockturtle said...

Howard, do you mean fetal stem cells or are you just talking shit?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Is that Russ guy Stephen King's sidekick the same way that other guy (whatever his name is) is Bill Bryson's sidekick?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Obama was blocked from the beginning by treacherous Rethugs who cared more about power and party than country and the idea of running him out of office so he basically spent eight years talking pretty and signing the same EOs that the current Real Househusband of Pennsylvania Avenue signs after having complained about Obama doing the same thing.

dreams said...

It was the passenger who died so there was a death.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Don’t tweet the first thing that pops into your mind.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Aw. How cute. Another thread completely gone to shit because Ritmo - the drunken asshole - decided to show up.


Translation: Put down that mirror! You're showing us how morally and mentally incompetent our grand Republican party and its Aryan leader are! No fun!

dreams said...

The news reports were confusing because some of them reported that it was the truck driver who died but it was the passenger.

Howard said...

Mock: I might be talking out my ass, been known to happen. Just parroting fetal vs adult stem cell info from a recent Joe Rogan podcast:
JRE on Stem Cells

Francisco D said...


Why did you pick this thread to hijack?

Humperdink said...

If this thread hits 600 comments, it will be a one-man effort.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

one-man effort

No effort involved in getting Republicans angry about the fact of how bankrupt of integrity and credibility they are. It should only naturally upset them.

But if they had capacities that went beyond the merely emotional, they would try to understand why the majority of the country (and even more of the world) see them this way.

Howard said...

Obambi too busy bombing Yemenian Weddings to cut deals with Boner. Also, the blood from Trump is on the DNC's hands. You can't blame his supporters because the dems threw them out of the party with NAFTA and GATT. Like the war on terror is Reagan's fault, Trump is the payment for the Clinton bender.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why do you call it hijacking, Francisco?

It was a thread about how most of the bubble here won't understand that King made a basically defensible joke about how Republicans are a garbage party. But still couldn't drive correctly. They drove, head-on, crashed into the symbol for how low-quality their party is.

And then, after the fact, King learned about a regrettable death.

So obviously, the Holier Than Thou Republicans finally get a chance to spew venom and the fake compassion that they're relegated to.

It's boring. But not as boring as how difficult it is for them to understand why people feel this way about them and their party. (Because that's how they feel about most Americans - dividing them up into a hierarchy where the vast majority are left at the bottom).

You can try spinning and doctoring and condescending to all that. But it's basically true.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You think I'm bad?

Johnny Rotten now calls them the "Scary Loony Monster Party."

Of course, if you could, I'm sure you'd now try to discredit him. But that man has a way with words.

Very few of which anyone actually argues against.

FullMoon said...

Funny how the overpopulation hysterics are always passing regulations to keep people from dying in accidents. And, crying about lack of free care to keep extra people alive.And to modify Mother Nature so nobody dies from global warming. Hypocrites.

Howard said...

Frisco Douche: with all your degrees and edumajaculation, why can't you answer your own question? Too busy telling people how to empty bedpans?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larry J said...

Decent and intelligent are two words that don't apply to Democrats. You have to be profoundly stupid and/or evil to truly believe what Democrats claim to believe.

rhhardin said...

Joke police is a losing position, both for the idiot left and for the right.

It's a good if obvious joke. Don't apologize, double down.

Howard said...

The non-stop hysteria, Ritmo, is what certaintifies the GOP retaining the house and senate in 2018. You can't defeat a con man by explaining/complaining the con. Not only are Trump's hard corp loyalists doubling down, the LLR-types are jumping on the train.

The idiots are not the problem, pogo.

mockturtle said...

Mock: I might be talking out my ass, been known to happen. Just parroting fetal vs adult stem cell info from a recent Joe Rogan podcast:

Well, you did say fecal stem cells....

Chuck said...

Blogger Greg said...
Chuck, so now well known author Stephen King = random internet wack jobs. You really are that fucking stupid.


“Random internet wack job = Alex Jones = Friend of The Donald.

le Douanier said...

It could have been worse. He could have referenced a certain Dead Milkmen song.

I can't link, it's bad.

Francisco D said...

Howard wrote: "Frisco Douche: with all your degrees and edumajaculation, why can't you answer your own question? Too busy telling people how to empty bedpans?"


is that you?

Or has Howard hit the cause a bit too heavily.

Big Mike said...

@Howard, wait, what? I thought that okaying fetal stem cell research was among the very first things Obama did after his inauguration. You mean all he did was talk about okaying fetal stem cell research but no concrete action?

Howard said...

Nice comeback, Generalissimo

Howard said...

BMike: The funny thing is, AFAIK, that the fetal stem cells are a clusterfuck and create cancer while the adult stem cells actually work and are safe.

You gotta go to Panama to get 'em, though because the FDA is shutting down the ortho clinics that used to give a brother a hookup.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I thought Johnny Rotten croaked 30 years ago. Its good of him to remind us he is alive. Have the Violent Femmes weighed in yet? Cause that would be a gamechanger.

Howard said...

Violet Femmes? are they related to the Indigo Grils?

robother said...

What are the odds that his friend "Russ" lives in his right index finger?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

Well thanks for the explanation, but I don't get why we don't hear more about adult stem cells if they actually work. Is the FDA in the way, as usual?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Howard, you're starting to sound like Emily Litella.

Howard said...


Howard said...

Mike: Thanks for the questions, it prompted me to do a little digging. Looks like FDA recently issued lots of guidance to clarify the law. Good luck with that. Maybe it will bring more products to market, who knows

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

It's boring. But not as boring as how difficult it is for them to understand why people feel this way about them and their party. (Because that's how they feel about most Americans - dividing them up into a hierarchy where the vast majority are left at the bottom).

TTR projects. It is what he does and he doesn't realize it.

It is ok TTR. You lefties should just go on with your bad selves. Keep acting on these feelings. Keep calling your political opponents subhuman.

Rosenstein is going to resign or be fired then indicted soon for among other things perjury, conspiracy, and fraud. Then a new person will be appointed and a special prosecutor will be appointed.

We know you lefties wont let your leadership go to jail quietly. The law was only meant to apply to us subhumans.

Chuck said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
Well thanks for the explanation, but I don't get why we don't hear more about adult stem cells if they actually work. Is the FDA in the way, as usual?

In the Trump era I read “adult stem cells” as adult film stars.”

Just sayin’.

Big Mike said...

@Chuck, two step process: (1) pull your head out of your ass, and (2) go complain to Althouse and Meade how Big Mike doesn't respect you.

Because I don't.

Paul said...

You don't think Democrat policies kill people The Toothless Revolutionary?

Hell man, where were you at Benghazi? Iranian hostages? Vietnam (Dems started that war.) Korea (Dem's again.) WW2 (Dem's again.) WW1 (hell.. Dem's again.) Hell Johnson's 'Great Society' welfare program destroyed the black family!

You been snorten coke all this time? Is that how you lost your teeth?

Big Mike said...

@Howard, thanks. I owe you one.

Trumpit said...

Never apologize to your mortal enemy. He will stab you in the back at his first opportunity. That is politics 101. There is nothing cynical about it; it is a matter of self-preservation. Schadenfreude is a feeling of pleasure at the bad things that happen to other people. But when the "other people" are bad people then you should be happy when they burn to death in a fiery plane crash, or are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I don't think I could go on if bad people didn't die, and one hopes in despair and pain. When these heartless bastards, who have done some much harm to innocents, die peacefully in their sleep, is when I begin to cry due to their lack of just punishment. I'm glad that they are dead, gone, and forgotten, but they should have suffered commensurate with their evil acts. They knew what they were doing by lying, cheating, stealing, and killing others. These shameless devils deserve not a scintilla of pity, not from me or anyone who has a heart.

Big Mike said...

@Paul, you could have gone further. In 1916 Wilson won reelection on the slogan "He kept us out of war," while secretly plotting to get America involved in World War I. Wilson's second inauguration was March 4, 1917; the US declaration of war was on April 6th.

You might also have noted that the Democrats actively strive to keep blacks poor and undereducated as a matter of policy -- disguised as "helping" them -- resulting in high death rates due to homicide among young black males. To quote from this article in Huffington Post, "Homicide is far and away the leading cause of death for young black men ..."

Democrats brought them crappy schools and programs like midnight basketball. Trump and the GOP brought them jobs.

Francisco D said...

Trumpit: "These shameless devils deserve not a scintilla of pity, not from me or anyone who has a heart."


The left seems really deranged today. Things must be bad in in their world.

It's like I am watching a mass nervous breakdown.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Funny how the overpopulation hysterics are always passing regulations to keep people from dying in accidents. And, crying about lack of free care to keep extra people alive.

I do believe the douchebag quoted here is saying that he thinks more people without health care need to die. And that there should be more deadly accidents.

The Republican Agenda reveals itself.

The best way to stop depleting one's resources through overpopulating the human petri dish experiment is the education of women. It's a truism throughout biology that you either have more offspring to offset their low survival advantage or fewer offspring that a smarter woman can provide a greater survival advantage to.

Of course, there's no accounting for women who are strained by having to parent an uneducable husband and how that messes things up.

narciso said...

How about mad scientist john holdren, who wanted to put sterilizing agents in the water supply, a real life version of the villain in inferno.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I thought Johnny Rotten croaked 30 years ago. Its good of him to remind us he is alive. Have the Violent Femmes weighed in yet? Cause that would be a gamechanger.

Well, there's no accounting for people who never left the eighties, like "exiled." But Lydon thankfully has and has never been more relevant. He'll give you the lowdown on modern society and observations so quick and righteous it will make phony populist Trump's head spin. And strangle himself with the wisps of his combover blonde toupee while doing it.

Just go watch his London bus tour from their 2007 O2 concert. Great stuff.

Nope. Some people actually live life and can still manage to have a relevant take on it decades. But some people - those who can only do one or the other - wouldn't know.

Live a little. It's like Bill Maher said to the evangelist who said your body is like a shiny car you like to wax and keep in the garage - How about actually DRIVING it every now and then!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Keep calling your political opponents subhuman.

Ok. Maybe Republicans (and blue collar Republican wanna-be's like Achilles) aren't subhuman. They just lack normal human emotions.

It's funny how Republicans are interested in figuring how to stock up and live after the apocalypse. The problem is, in a hunter-gatherer society dominated by Republicans, they would all starve for not figuring out who the richest billionaire would be to donate all the proceeds of their backbreaking work to!

You'd better hope there are still billionaires around after Red Dawn happens. Otherwise you guys are fucked!

Rosenstein is going to resign or be fired then indicted soon for among other things perjury, conspiracy, and fraud.

Right. Fraud. Methinks someone took enough mushrooms to convince himself that the hallucination where he went to law school actually happened. Lol.

Just stick with calling him a conspiracist. It makes you look more credible to keep the tinfoil hat on without adding a law school grad's cap and gown to the garb. (Difficult to fit a cap on over a tinfoil hat).

Then a new person will be appointed and a special prosecutor will be appointed.

Blah blah blah. Then a nuclear war will happen and the sun will become a red giant and let's get a billion years ahead of ourselves.

We know you lefties wont let your leadership go to jail quietly. The law was only meant to apply to us subhumans.

Well, you do tend to act like subhumans, but that's not why you're still subject to the law - as you are to every other social norm that you keep rejecting.

gspencer said...

Big Mike, FDR did the same in campaigning for the 1940 election, knowing that he would get the US into war somehow.

"Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." Campaign Address at Boston, Massachusetts, October 30, 1940

His behavior and that of Marshall, both Democrats, made sure Pearl Harbor was not properly protected. That got us into the war. Then he plotted world government with his new UN (the structure of which he had already drafted as early as 1942), version 2.0 of the League of Nations which the Senate wisely rejected in 1919.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
langford peel said...

The guy who died was a working man so of course the libs don't care.

I mean the poor slob might be enjoying those crumbs in his paycheck that trump gave him.

King and Pelosi would rather he die and be replaced by illegal immigrants.

traditionalguy said...

Attacking a special passenger train going 80 mph with a heavy truck done in spite of all roads along the route being closed off for Congressional security was a heck of a bold action. My Regards to the Trump hating black hats and their spokesman Crystal who tweeted about the attack 20 minutes Before it happened. But since the train did not derail, it was just another brush back pitch.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Althouse, I'm thinking seriously about funding an intern for you who could police (in the old sense) these threads. What do you suppose that would cost?

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Keep calling your political opponents subhuman.

Ok. Maybe Republicans (and blue collar Republican wanna-be's like Achilles) aren't subhuman. They just lack normal human emotions.

Not good enough. If you actually thought this was true you would be trying to escape the country because there are 60 million people most of which are well armed and lack normal human emotion.

You don't really think through what you are saying.

It's funny how Republicans are interested in figuring how to stock up and live after the apocalypse. The problem is, in a hunter-gatherer society dominated by Republicans, they would all starve for not figuring out who the richest billionaire would be to donate all the proceeds of their backbreaking work to!

You would rather we gave it to the government instead?

Most of the billionaires are on the left.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The guy who died was a working man so of course the libs don't care.

Let the Republicans care about him. They're the ones who killed him.

As they kill more and more Americans every day with their policies.

So once again, even the Americans y'all kill directly you think the Democrats need to take responsibility for.

Why can't Republicans ever take responsibility for anything?

Bob Loblaw said...

Ah, progressives. Classy as always.

Achilles said...

Well, you do tend to act like subhumans, but that's not why you're still subject to the law - as you are to every other social norm that you keep rejecting.

Democrats social norm is to spy on political opponents and use violence to suppress them.

We do reject this.

I think people who think it is OK to use the government to spy on political opponents are subhuman. Not trying to convince anyone of anything. That is just an immutable fact.

If you all want to insist on allowing the democrats/uniparty republicans to use the government to persecute us go for it. Going to be a long hot summer. Going to be a long 3 years.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not good enough. If you actually thought this was true you would be trying to escape the country because there are 60 million people most of which are well armed and lack normal human emotion.

Many of you are gun fetishists, it's true - going so far as to pride yourselves on having more guns than teeth. But even though you lack normal human emotions you don't lack normal human impulse control. You know that going on a murder spree will generally not work out for you. So you keep it in check. You people are uptight enough to keep a lot of things in check. Repressed. Anal retentive. Uncaring but not un-self-interested. Even though more of you do a poorer job looking after your own self-interests than the people you hate do.

You would rather we gave it to the government instead?

That's the point. Not going to be much of a government left in right-wing post-apocalyptic land.

Most of the billionaires are on the left.

And yet, you keep doing all you can to enrich them. Why?

Oh, that's right. Because you hate poor white Republicans and don't think any need of theirs matters so much as their false pride at presuming they're as self-sufficient in a modern society as is a billionaire.

Bonus point: What did Trump do to tank the DJIA by 665 points today? A little bit of a doozy for Mr. Bubbles to contend with.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Democrats social norm is to spy on political opponents and use violence to suppress them.

Oh, like Nixon? Like Watergate? Like Kent State?

We do reject this.

I think people who think it is OK to use the government to spy on political opponents are subhuman. Not trying to convince anyone of anything. That is just an immutable fact.

If you all want to insist on allowing the democrats/uniparty republicans to use the government to persecute us go for it. Going to be a long hot summer. Going to be a long 3 years.

I'm not sure what you're saying (or accusing) here. But it sounds vaguely aggressive, and conspiratorial.

Some people just love a fight and will do all they can to seek one out. Even when there's no fight to be had.

Even when they already have all the power they need and can possibly get.

Republicans. A strange breed.

I think Gene Roddenberry was thinking of Republicans when he invented the Klingon race. They eat their own.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
The guy who died was a working man so of course the libs don't care.

Let the Republicans care about him. They're the ones who killed him.

As they kill more and more Americans every day with their policies.

So once again, even the Americans y'all kill directly you think the Democrats need to take responsibility for.

Why can't Republicans ever take responsibility for anything?

Ridiculous coming from a democrat.

Blah blah blah.

It is over for you people.

The rule of law is going to apply to democrats/leftists again. Period.

Paul said...

Hell Big Mike, Dems have causes so much misery. Every time they get in to office they run the debt through the ceiling. They talk compassion but in reality they talk plantation. They don't want their voters to work, much easier to get them on government cheese and they are, as the song goes, easier to please.

Conservatives, libertarians, and, yea, most Republicans want them to learn how to stand on their own feet and think for themselves.

Notice the Democrats like Toothless call anyone who objects to their 'theories' as racist, bigots, 'oreos' (for those blacks that think for themselves), misogynist (they even call other women misogynist!! etc...

Dealing with facts just piss them off.

Yea, you are right, lots of other things I could have pointed out.

LilyBart said...

Despite their own self-regard, most lefties are not very nice people.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Democrats social norm is to spy on political opponents and use violence to suppress them.

Oh, like Nixon? Like Watergate? Like Kent State?

What Obama and Hillary did was far worse than anything Nixon did.

An entire political party is covering for it.

The rule of law is coming for the democrat party and Washington DC.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I get this funny image in my head where a Republican, just to prove how tough and independent he is, proceeds to eat the arm off of his own baby.

You see this baby? I made this baby. Didn't need no help of the government to make him, neither.

ANd he's mine. All mine. I can do whatever I want with him.

Now, I'm hungry at this very second, and I'm the owner, I make the rules. I did build that baby. And I'm going to do with him what I want.

Now watch me chew his arm off. I can do this, you see, because he's not in no womb no more. So he's an autonomous human and he ought to learn the harsh realities of life.

So I'm a gonna eat his arm off. And he'd better not cry, neither. I the big 'un, I makes the rules.

And I'm eating his arm. Yummy. Take that, government!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The rule of law is going to apply to democrats/leftists again. Period.

It never didn't.

They just understand it better than you fascist barbarians do.

You ain't never taken a class on understanding the law, or your rights, or even read a book on it.

I got that class in the 9th grade.

Your Republican school district probably doesn't even have a ninth grade.

You were taught skinning, complaining and bow-hunting and that was it.

You don't need a society in the woods that you live in. Or a law.

Hence, you hate laws. Or as you call them: Regulation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What Obama and Hillary did was far worse than anything Nixon did.


The rule of law is coming for the democrat party and Washington DC.

When you walk into lawyers' offices and rant this way do you tell them how much peyote and anabolics you've just consumed?

I think they would get a kick out of knowing that.

narciso said...

Exactly, they couldnt even get the wiretaps to work in wWatergate.Kent state wee a tragic mistake, resulting from the lefts Agitation.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ritmo, you're completely irrelevant. You have no moral authority over anybody. Your party has been revealed to be completely corrupt. Nobody should even engage with you anymore. You're as meaningless and powerless as a mouse fart.

Rage at that fact, Ritmo! Rage, rage, child!

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
The rule of law is going to apply to democrats/leftists again. Period.

It never didn't.

They just understand it better than you fascist barbarians do.

You aren't really that smart when you are like this.

I would rather you came to your senses.

Either way you make your own choices. At this point you are no better than Stalin or Hitler or Castro, or at least their supporters.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Just don't go shoot up a baseball field or anything, Ritmo. I could see you doing that. I could also see you being as bad a shot as that Bernie Bro asshole who fired away and didn't kill one person, although he came close with Scalise.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
What Obama and Hillary did was far worse than anything Nixon did.


The rule of law is coming for the democrat party and Washington DC.

When you walk into lawyers' offices and rant this way do you tell them how much peyote and anabolics you've just consumed?

I think they would get a kick out of knowing that.

Classic Ritmo in stupid mode.

Go sleep it off.

Or don't. We don't really care. Have fun watching leftists turn states evidence against your heroes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, you're completely irrelevant. You have no moral authority over anybody. Your party has been revealed to be completely corrupt. Nobody should even engage with you anymore. You're as meaningless and powerless as a mouse fart.

This is how enraged you become at my merely reminding you that society and culture did not end in the 1980s. And neither did Johnny Rotten. What's it like when you stop growing and the world moves on without you?

Rage at that fact, Ritmo! Rage, rage, child!

Settle down there and ask your doctor if hormone/estrogen replacement therapy is right for you. There's nothing worse than an old lady who doesn't realize how old she is. I know 90-year old Sicilian grandmas who are more hip and with it than you, you crazy old coot.

FIDO said...

It's funny the sense of projection I constantly hear.

If Republicans were as bad as folks like TTR said we were, he'd be dead. The poor would be in work camps. Illegals would be returned to Mexico by trebuchet. Hillary would be in a dank cell, getting sleep deprivation and waterboarded to get a 'confession'. A goodly number of 'stars' would have been forced to live up to their promised relocation by bayonet point.

But no. We believe in the rule of law seemingly more than Democrats, who destroy evidence and allow people to commit sexual assault, perjury, and destroy subpoenaed documents without recrimination. In fact, instead of being ashamed by actions by their fellow ideologues, they celebrate their cleverness.

Mike Pence is an uncomfortable person to be around, but I think I'd rather bunk at his place than with a Weinstein, a Clinton or a Franken by a large margin.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just don't go shoot up a baseball field or anything, Ritmo. I could see you doing that.

Of course you could. You're a Republican. You have quite the imagination. Your party requires it.

I could also see you being as bad a shot as that Bernie Bro asshole who fired away and didn't kill one person, although he came close with Scalise.

You're using the preferred Hillary Clinton terminology for her opponent's supporters, I see. Interesting.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

A train, the Republican Party, barreling down the track and hitting garbage truck, Trump, is the perfect metaphor for what has happened to Republicans, a train wreck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You aren't really that smart when you are like this.

I don't have to be "smart" to know that you don't know jack shit about the American legal system or our system of laws.

we could give you a basic test. What's a "plaintiff" and what's a "defendant?"

Oh shit. You did watch the People's Court, maybe.

Ok. What's a civil action and what's a criminal prosecution? Know the difference?

We'll start basic for you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Settle down there and ask your doctor if hormone/estrogen replacement therapy is right for you. There's nothing worse than an old lady who doesn't realize how old she is. I know 90-year old Sicilian grandmas who are more hip and with it than you, you crazy old coot.”

LOL! Ain’t that the truth?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"I would rather you came to your senses."

Achilles, you have been saying that for 18 months now. Ritmo sounded sane for a while during the campaign due to his hatred of Hillary, but two seconds after it became clear Trump would win, he turned his rage on us. He is past reason. You will never convince him of anything - because he can't learn and doesn't want to. If he did, his entire worldview would fall apart in 5 minutes. That's painful. I know from personal experience that it's painful. In Ritmo's case, it's far more than he can bear.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

It is enjoyable to watch the liberal rage. But they will turn violent. They always do.

We own most of the guns though.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think Trump went into the toilet today, let down his pants, and forgot to pick up the Twitter machine.

Instead, the market tanked by 665 points.

Maybe it was first seeing his special Stormy Daniels tighty whities (how appropriate), and then his fat big boy ass.

Just the image of him could ruin economies.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It is enjoyable to watch the liberal rage. But they will turn violent. They always do.”

They are still hysterical over the fake Memo, lol.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Of course you could. You're a Republican"

But the guy, who, you know, actually shot up a baseball field wasn't a Republican. He was like you - a raging, incompetent left-wing douche.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Whatever. I'll leave you two powerless, pathetic assholes to perform oral sex on each other. Unlike Inga, I have a man now. She needs all the virtual action she can get.

Big Mike said...

Just a note regarding history. The Kent State massacre was in 1970, the Watergate break-in was in 1972, and Dick Nixon resigned in 1974. The most recent of these occurred 44 years ago. By contrast, the use of FISA surveillance against the Trump campaign was less than a year and a half ago. Do most of you agree with me that what happened in 2016 has much the stronger claim on our attention?

And in 1973-1974 Republican politicians faced with a choice between the good of the country and the good of their party made it plain to Dick Nixon that they were going to put country ahead of party. Not so the Democrats of 2017-2018, nor the Democrats of1999 for that matter.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But the guy, who, you know, actually shot up a baseball field wasn't a Republican. He was like you - a raging, incompetent left-wing douche.”

And the guy who ran down Heather Heyer in Charlottesville was a white supremacist Trump supporter, like you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He is past reason. You will never convince him of anything - because he can't learn and doesn't want to.

All you have to do is provide me with a relevant fact. But you people can't do it. You care less for facts than your emotionally challenged narcissistic president. Guess what? He's a douchebag and other politicians are also bad. Two things can both be true. This must be a revelation to a Republican. Or as they're known - hierarchy followers. Just because you swore Orange Cheetoh your fealty doesn't make him right. He's largely a lucky bastard, until he bankrupts you and sticks you with the bill. I don't have to love any other politician to note that. But that's because I graduated kindergarten. Two different things can both be true. Try to grasp that, Republican.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But the guy, who, you know, actually shot up a baseball field wasn't a Republican.

I realize how difficult it is for you fuzzy thinkers to follow the point, but do try. And stop collectivizing. Republicans seem to love collectivizing. They think in stereotype.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Whatever. I'll leave you two powerless, pathetic assholes to perform oral sex on each other. Unlike Inga, I have a man now. She needs all the virtual action she can get.”

Hahahahaha, you bitter old bitch, jealous.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Unlike Inga, I have a man now.

"Now" being the relevant term here.

Get back to us in 20 minutes. After he discovers how empty your personality is.

Dating a Republican. Sheesh. Are their mating rituals similar to that of the baboon?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Oh, my, Inga the twat waves Heather Hoyer around to deflect from the violence in Berkeley, in Alexandria, in Madison, in St. Louis - all the places the left has raged and rioted and tried to murder. Heather Hoyer!!! Heather Hoyer!!!


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Yeah she “has a man”...now. After being a sexless bitter bitch for so many years. I’ve never had problems having men, lol. Sorry you’ve missed out on male attention for the majority of your adult life, gee I wonder why.

narciso said...

Yes he was Bernie sanders and no. 1 maddow fan, who had been in contact with senators Durbin and duckworth.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I'm not the one who fucked a Republican plumber because she was desperate, Inga. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Republican plumbers are good guys, although I can understand why he fled when he woke up and found himself next to you. Who wouldn't run?


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Jealous. Bitter and jealous is no way to go through life, sister.

Gahrie said...

Instead, the market tanked by 665 points.

Damn! That means it's only up 700 points in 2018, and 5,120 points from Feb 2 last year.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I could imagine Republican mating rituals. Maybe they do it like Vulcans.

First they show each other their guns and ammo collections. They size up their armaments to see how equally matched they are in their ability to do deadly harm to each other.

Then they compare oversize utility trucks. If they can't haul more empty space than half their garage, then they are not desirable.

After that they compare emergency apocalypse pantries. Are they both equally stocked up on victuals?

They then retire to the back yard to shoot up some squirrels, run over the dens and nests of cute woodland creatures with their monster trucks, and talk about how hard Obama tried to keep their violent, destructive lifestyles from being actively enjoyed.

They feel constantly under threat of of someone acting against/curtailing their violent tendencies. Interesting. The paranoia is a self-justification that helps them feel secure in their violence.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Goodnight, you two sweethearts. Tear your eyes away from my sex life and ponder this:

" January Adds 200,000 New Jobs; Wage Growth Spikes to Post Highest Increase in Eight Years"

Gee, why were wage increases so pathetic during the past 8 years? Who was president then, I wonder?

Haha. You irrelevant dolts. You clueless tools.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Heather Hoyer!!!”

Heather Heyer, you bitch. At least get her name right.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah she “has a man”...now. After being a sexless bitter bitch for so many years. I’ve never had problems having men, lol.

That's because you're not a Republican.

The first thing a Republican must ask themselves before intimate involvement with someone is, "Is this person out to kill me or fuck me?"

(Hopefully both! they reply to themselves).

Having sex with someone who can't or would be reluctant to kill you is a sign of lack of self-respect, to a Republican.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A serious sign of lacking self-respect.

Gahrie said...

A train, the Republican Party, barreling down the track and hitting garbage truck, Trump, is the perfect metaphor for what has happened to Republicans, a train wreck.


Except instead of someone dying, the Republican Party took complete control of all three branches of the federal government and most state governments too.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...

Jealous. Bitter and jealous is no way to go through life, sister.

Inga, I'll be spending the day tomorrow with my man. What about you?

Good night, sweetie! Thanks for the laffs!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Enjoy that bubble, sexiled.

We've seen it before. Basically every time a Republican was in office.

Then came 1929. And 2008.

Republicans love enjoying the party they have before they royally fuck the nation.

It's in their genes.

jim said...

May be a little off subject, But. I question the wisdom of having entire Republican delegation on a single train, or plane, or any mode of transportation.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Tear your eyes away from my sex life and ponder this”

LOL, no thanks, I’ll pass.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

LOL, no thanks, I’ll pass.

2/2/18, 10:22 PM

Of course, sweetie. You always pass on the truth.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sorry you’ve missed out on male attention for the majority of your adult life, gee I wonder why.

Because her gender identity disorder left her without enough femininity to attract one. She identifies with violence and harshness.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

May be a little off subject, But. I question the wisdom of having entire Republican delegation on a single train, or plane, or any mode of transportation.

well, they're basically all jumping aboard the Trump Train. Which will be interesting to watch derail.

Crazy Train, said Ozzy.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Sorry you’ve missed out on male attention for the majority of your adult life, gee I wonder why."

Nope, actually I haven't missed out at all. And I'm getting it now. Unlike you!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Exiled, I have no need to tell commenters here about my current relationships, unlike you. Why do you think anyone cares about you and that you have a “man”? Is that some huge accomplishment for you? I’ve had plenty of men, more than I really even wanted, I have no need to convince anyone here though, lol, unlike you apparently.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think Republican mating rituals are as charming as those of the preying mantis.

The female chews off the head of the male after he's done.

Republicans, for you. Everything to them is a matter of material resources. They're really bad at relationships. And other natural things.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I would be okay with Mattis being given carte blanche to deal with disgusting cunts like the Bitchmo and Inga, but I would consider donating money if it was televised and involved helicopters.

Jupiter said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

"Your policies kill people."

Damn straight. Pity you aren't one of them.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I think Republican mating rituals are as charming as those of the preying mantis.

The female chews off the head of the male after he's done.”

I prefer love bugs.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nope, actually I haven't missed out at all. And I'm getting it now. Unlike you!

So what happens when you have the big conversation with him about how you have no actual personality and were just in it for the attention?

That will be an interesting day.

Do your relationships come with a built-in expiration date?

Do you tweet him thousands of hate comments afterward? Or force each other to sign NDAs?

I'm thinking Trump is becoming the new standard for Republican relationships. They must seek to emulate him. They certainly identify with his sociopathy and narcissism.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Because her gender identity disorder"

You can always tell when Bitchmo has been drinking, he comes out with the transphobic slurs. Meldown/Deletion is the next step.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Try to keep your violence in check, Jupiter.

As nice as it is to hear you admit how murderous your lot is.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Jupiter is one of those Charlottesville Nazis, I suspect.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I remember in grad school once a mentor of mine and I were in an office setting. We were going to meet with someone who had a Siamese Fighting Fish in a small bowl on his/ her desk.

Before they returned, we discussed the care of the fish. You can't put mirrors in front of them, because they'll attack the image of themselves. That's how aggressive and violent they are.

I said, "OH. Sort of like Republicans."

Sebastian said...

"tries to right himself with an apology "if one is necessary," which perhaps it's not, since word is the truck driver did not die" Ah, yes, mere injury would not have required an apology. Nor would harm to any GOPers. Karma and all that.

Once upon a time, progs at least tried to hide their vile hostility. As King shows: not anymore.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Is that some huge accomplishment for you?"

Having been married and having grandchildren is a huge accomplishment for you, since you crow about it constantly.What a hypocrite you are. You can brag about your personal life, but nobody else can.

Ritmo: I'll have you know I had an hourglass figure (well, in my prime, I did. I need to lose 10 pounds but alas, middle age) and Slavic cheekbones. If Fauxahontas can brag about her Native American cheekbones, surely I can brag about my Czech bone structure

You talk about my supposed repression, but I notice you're here on many more Saturday nights than I am. Where are all these wild, uninhibited non-American girls you're so fond of? Hell, what is a young buck like you doing here on Friday night?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...

Exiled, I have no need to tell commenters here about my current relationships, unlike you"

You do it constantly, idiot.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Having been married and having grandchildren is a huge accomplishment for you, since you crow about it constantly.What a hypocrite you are. You can brag about your personal life, but nobody else can.”

I bring it up to you as often as I get a chance to because I know it bugs you. You brag about enjoying attacking me here on these threads, guess what payback is a bitch, isn’t it?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You do it constantly, idiot.”

Really? I haven’t mentioned my personal relationships here unti today. I have mentioned my family, as have others here. You’re a jealous old bitch and the time has come to give you back what you dish out.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Actually, it doesn't,Inga. My siblings have grandchildren. I love them. I love my nieces and nephews. I email my biological daughter and will be visiting her in March. I have met my biological grandchildren. I am at peace with the choices I have made.

I love my extended family. There is plenty of love in my life. I wish you could see our family gatherings. And my boyfriend (I wish there was a better term for a 59 year old man, but there isn't.)

What is pathetic is your attempt to use your own children and children as tools to make another woman feel bad. That is shitty. And, no, it doesn't work. I see right through you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I see right through you.”

You see nothing but your hatred for those who you oppose. You don’t deserve an ounce of my respect or pity. You are the meanest, most vile female commenter on these threads here at Althouse. I enjoy feeding you your own bile.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And you know, Inga, I'm willing to admit your extended family loves you. I said I'm willing to give up on the personal attacks - but your response was "fuck you."

FIDO said...

Holy smoke!

I have never seen old Toothless post so much dreck in a single post.

He's like an anti-canary. When he starts saying so much, it's an indication of how incredibly bad this is for his side.

Does my heart good. Bad people, no matter their political flavor, should be punished when they do bad things. Only this time, there is no Holder or Lynch to avoid the chickens from coming home to roost.

So go ahead and excoriate Republicans, sir. I see it for what it is: the desperate assertions of someone seeking something ANYTHING to give him the slightest bit of moral equivalence.

It isn't there. And since the Guard Memo and TDS, when you have Bernstein of all people demanding LESS transparency, it's amazing how many looks askance your side is going to get.

It's going to be very bad, sir. You should join the side of the rule of law, because it is your only protection if Republicans ever start to rule like your side has the last 8 years.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, you don't hurt me in the slightest. You can't.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I said I'm willing to give up on the personal attacks - but your response was "fuck you."”

You just yesterday, once again, bragged how much you enjoy attacking me personally on these threads. Don’t expect me to cut you any slack. You stop the personal attacks and so will I . But if you continue to brag how much you love attacking me, I’ll rip you to shreds.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, you don't hurt me in the slightest. You can't.”

Oh yes I can and I have. And I will continue to unless you change your ways. I don’t attack people on these threads unless they attack me first.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You talk about my supposed repression, but I notice you're here on many more Saturday nights than I am.

There are more nights for...having sex?... than just Saturdays, for those of us who are capable of getting past the second date.

You should try it sometime!

Seriously, I don't think you're a bad person. But I think you believe that if any male or female knows that you're not a sociopath they will abandon you.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Oh, hell, I will continue to attack you politically. But personally - no, I really don't enjoy that. But if you get personal I will too. If you hold off on the personal attacks so will I.

Like I said, I have plenty of people who love me. I guess you do too. So let's give that shit a break, OK? If you continue to attack me on personal/sexual grounds, do you think I will let you get away with it?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"There are more nights for...having sex?... than just Saturdays, for those of us who are capable of getting past the second date."

LOL! Ive been in a relationship since 2009. Far past a second date, little boy.

Saturday night doesn't mean much - if you're on welfare. If you have a regular job, yeah, you cherish those Saturday nights.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Oh yes I can and I have."

Well, actually, no,Inga,because a mature woman doesn't get "hurt" by somebody on the Internet who she's never met and never will meet. But see my comment at 11:01 pm.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Saturday night doesn't mean much - if you're on welfare. If you have a regular job, yeah, you cherish those Saturday nights.

I make my own hours. Ask me what I did last Monday.

I then left town on a Tuesday night for the weekend.

You have very little imagination, other than what you project into your politics. And you're bitchy even when people are nice to you.

Like Rottweilers on crazy pills, Republicans don't know when to let go.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I tell my workplace what to do for the most part. Not vice versa.

It's what happens when you're not a Republican and you actually achieve this thing in a workplace called "respect."

No wonder you crazies are so addicted to money. So little sense of any self-worth.

Apparently for good reason.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If you continue to attack me on personal/sexual grounds, do you think I will let you get away with it?”

No, but I never bring up personal things or even insult you, unless you’ve done so first, which you have done many many times in the past. You have a mean streak and enjoy piling on with some of the worst haters here. If you continue to attack me personally or join in others attacks, expect me come back at you. I’m sick of your nasty shit.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ritmo said something, I guess. I didn't read it. Because you're boring.

You bore me, little boy

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, I asked you a question. Do you want to continue with the personal shit or not? If you won't, I won't. If you do, I will. Your choice.

Ritmo will get personal no matter what,since he has no honor. If you want to continue it too,well, OK.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You bore me, little boy.

The truth bores you. So who's the immature one?

Geez, I guess you really do deserve to be an unwanted parent.

Inga's right. You really are an inherently nasty bitch. You make something up about someone, and then complain that their correction of you wasn't "exciting" enough.

If you do have any family that care for you it's s mistake or a shame. I don't doubt you "love" them, in your self-centered way. I doubt it's returned, though.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do you want to continue with the personal shit or not?

Inga, do it. She has the gracelessness of a fucking pig.

She only does what suits her, and her unhinged, out-of-whack ego.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ritmo, you have no honor. Your opinion is worth nothing.

I was asking Inga a question. Don't jump in and answer for her.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo will get personal no matter what,since he has no honor.

You are a real piece of shit. I offered you at least four or five rounds of relatively civil small-talk and you turned around with just some really nasty personal wallops - I suppose to prove your point and your excitement that a 59-year old still bothers to make time for you.

Really pathetic. Get over yourself and start acting your age. Some people achieve wisdom, and move beyond the thrill of getting off at basic night-time attention.

I guess you have to be in top form for Mr. Friday Night to bother with you. I understand. He knows you have so little else going for you. You have to channel all your energy into this wild and wonderful and rare "date night."

Enjoy it. Sounds like he won't.

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