January 25, 2018

"People who lie to themselves and listen to their own lie come to such a pass that they cannot distinguish the truth within them, or around them, and so lose all respect for themselves and for others."

Wrote Dostoyevsky, quoted yesterday by Pope Francis, as reported by the NYT in "For Pope Francis, Fake News Goes Back to the Garden of Eden."


Kevin said...

It's like Dostoyevsky traveled to the future and caught an episode of Morning Joe.

MayBee said...

The idea that the term "fake news" has some particular meaning is fake news. I don't think Francis needs to way in on it.
I do like the quote, though. Very true.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wonder if Pope knows about Obama's corrupt DOJ/FBI?

Probably buys into the fake news from the corrupt DNC-MSM that everything is cool.

Fernandinande said...

"Russian hackers took advantage of just such conditions in the 2016 American elections, sowing discord and attempting to sway the electorate through sophisticated influence campaigns."

Poor unsophisticated NYT, emitting fake news in a fakey article about fake news.

BarrySanders20 said...

Some people say that pontification applies directly to religious beliefs.

Not me, but some people.

mockturtle said...

The pope and the RCC are fake news experts.

Rob said...

As Jimmy Durante was fond of saying, “Everybody wants to get into the act!”

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

The lemming mindset of the left is amazing. This Fake News idea started as the first failed explanation why Hillary lost.

Now all the good leftist (Pope, NYT, EU, Silicon Valley) are marching in lockstep.

I would be embarrassed if anyone thought I was a leftist. I have a mind and I use it.

Amexpat said...

Discuss what's real and what is not
It doesn't matter inside the Gates of Eden

Ignorance is Bliss said...

For Pope Francis, Fake News Goes Back to the Garden of Eden.

For some of us, the Garden of Eden story is itself fake news.

They say Eve tempted Adam with an apple
But man I ain't going for that
I know it was her Pink Cadillac...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The evil Russians, who paid the Clintons hefty and hearty sums, tricked stupid deplorable Americans into hating the Clinton Crime Family.

Must trust the ClintonS! Look into deep into MSM eyes - *MUST. TRUST. THE. CLINTONS.

double plus ungood are all the disillusioned Obama voters who were/are sick and tired of being bent over while with government mega-donors and elite CEO's of companies like GE sought tax payer bailouts, and Obama delivered.
Obama CEO's got richer off of their taxes. The little guy - forgotten.

All part of the deluxe greening of America. oh wait - de-greening of America.

tcrosse said...

"Is the Pope Catholic ?" is no longer a rhetorical question. In fact I have doubts whether the bear shits in the woods.

Leland said...

I think progressives started the term Faux News to disparage Fox News far earlier than the 2016 election.

Francisco D said...

Kevin is the thread winner.

BarrySanders20 said...

"In fact I have doubts whether the bear shits in the woods"

If bears ran things would they point out the obvious by asking if humans shit in the woods?

Jersey Fled said...

Wonder if the NYT is as anxious to publish the Pope's views on abortion.

sparrow said...

The Pope has been a terrible disappointment: I find myself discounting nearly everything he says even when he's on target.

Richard Dolan said...

This is news -- the pope thinks that 'truth' trumps 'fake news'? Fine and dandy, if we could all agree on who will be the arbiter of what's true and what's fake. The Europeans, including sadly the Brits, are fine with that, and know that the powers that be will fairly arbitrate between true and false, and in doing so, will not so coincidentally remain the powers that be.

As always, the NYT has its agenda and picks stories to advance it.

traditionalguy said...

The Argentine Nazi Jesuit is a bought and paid for Soros stooge issuing total opposite reality as a trick to accuse others of what he is doing and doing and doing as an energizer paedophile criminal.

Other than that, he is a sweet actor.

n.n said...

Is NYT projecting or reflecting?

As for information sources, the traditional standard is multiple, ideally independent sources, which happens to be well supported in the physical world. This is a physics problem.

rhhardin said...

Angels are messengers, with various kinds of news. It depends on ratings.

whitney said...

Anti-pope, heretic

Lucien said...

This is the guy running an organization that enabled and covered up global child rape on an industrial scale -- and is still protecting abusers and their enablers -- and he has the gall to think he can be a moral leader about anything? And some people are dumb enough to believe it?

Darrell said...

Pope Karl thinks that CNN is a lightbringer. Like Lucifer.

Roger Sweeny said...

Has Pope Francis been reading Simler' and Hanson's The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life?

Bilwick said...

"Who is worse: the man who lies, or the man who tells half-lies? The man who lies merely hides the truth. The man who tells half-lies has forgotten where he put it."

--Dryden (Claude Rains) to Lawrence
(Peter O'Toole) in

Jokah Macpherson said...

The Elder Zosima, addressing Fyodor Pavlovich, is the character from the novel that is being quoted, if anyone is wondering (I was).

narciso said...

This whole season of the xfiles follows that same template.

mikee said...

I, for one, prefer my popes in the John Paul II model, working with allies to destroy totalitarian empires and bring freedom to millions, rather than proselytizing about social justice and progressive idealism in the face of reality. Still, Francis says something every once in a great while that almost everyone can agree with, even if it is a bromide so calming that to disagree is akin to claiming the Church is run by a giant space spider.

Josephbleau said...

The Commie Pope is God's way of telling Catholics to pay attention.