January 28, 2018

"No, I wouldn’t say I’m a feminist. I mean, I think that would be, maybe, going too far. I’m for women, I’m for men, I’m for everyone."

"I have tremendous respect for women. You see all of the women I have working around me and working with me. Tremendous respect for women."

Said Donald Trump, obviously not applying the definition of feminism that says it's just the belief that men and women are equal.

So what's his definition of feminism? This makes me think of that 2010 question at Slate "Who gets to be a feminist?" — where I gave one of the answers and which still stands as my answer to the question.


Achilles said...

"This makes me think of that 2010 question at Slate "Who gets to be a feminist?"

To be a Feminist means you want to have more power over other people. Period.

They don't care about women. Equality. Justice. None of it.

It is all about power now.

The Bergall said...

labels, labels...........

Achilles said...

So what am I supposed to care about here? You don't get any special rights or privileges for being a feminist, so what difference does it make? "Who gets to be a feminist?" Is it some high-school clique with mean girls deciding who gets in? Are there guardians at the entrance? The entrance of what? Nothing hinges on it. One woman says, "I am a feminist" and another says, "No, you're not." This is political polemic of a very dull sort.

You are supposed to care about supporting the left and it's quest for power.

I think most have realized this.

chuck said...

Trump obviously likes smart, competent women and puts them in positions of power and relies on their judgement. Does that make him a feminist? Heck no. A feminist is a Democrat who puts incompetent women in positions of power for political reasons. Trump promotes on merit, merit is not a feminist notion.

tcrosse said...

Who gets to be a Methodist ?

Mr Wibble said...

Who gets to be a Methodist ?

Whomever they are, Hedley Lamarr has a job for them.

Luke Lea said...
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Mr Wibble said...

I've always defined Progressivism as a political philosophy that places equality above all other values. Feminism is progressivism which continually seeks to redress and correct any perceived inequality between the sexes.

readering said...

As a man I have always hesitated to think of myself as a feminist. I think of it as an adjective to describe women. Maybe Trump thinks the same way. But his description of women he's hired sounds like tokens. He has more generals than women in top positions.

Luke Lea said...

Who gets to be a feminist? How about any woman born before Roe v. Wade was decided? Are there any other really big feminist issues outstanding that have merit? Equal pay for equal work? Isn't that already written into law?

Humperdink said...

Who gets to be a feminist? Former Commander-In-Heat Bill Clinton. Just ask Nina Burleigh.

Bay Area Guy said...

Obviously, "Feminism" isn't about fighting for and protective woman's rights and trying to elevate their collective status in society.

If it were, Sarah Palin, Nikki Haley, Betsy DeVos, Condi Rice, wouldn't get attacked as much as they do.

"Feminism" is merely an offshoot of Leftism, i.e., Yes, we push for women's rights, but only if they are leftist women.

Hypothetical: If Althouse came out publicly as Pro-Life, and spoke at a Pro-Life rally, she would be vilified and slandered by a lot of Feminists, much of which would be personal attacks.

That's how they roll.

Ken B said...

Words acquire special meaning. I am no longer ever gay. The word no longer refers to a state of joyful ness. Feminist doesn’t mean what it used to either. Althouse is not a feminist, no matter what she says.

Etienne said...
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chuck said...

> But his description of women he's hired sounds like tokens.

Kellyanne Conway was a hell of a token, she won Trump the election. I'll take tokens like that anyday. Hillary was a token, and a women who famously screwed everything she touched. Heck, she even managed to lose to Trump. You can have as many "feminists" like that as you want.

Mark said...
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le Douanier said...

"she won Trump the election"

Presumably you'd wanna go w/ another person to make your point. I.e., not the person who was put out on the tube as a figurehead while there was another simultaneous hire who was actually making decisions re the campaign.

rhhardin said...

Anybody who wants to castrate women is a feminist.

Achilles said...

Martin Luther King's dream was he wanted people to be judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin. The left perverted his honorable and decent goals into what we have today.

Affirmative action, shitty schools, inner cities ridden with poverty and crime.

The left did the same thing to feminism and perverted it into a tool to gain more power. It is the only constant.

robother said...

Feminist, n. See Feminazi.

chuck said...

> not the person who was put out on the tube as a figurehead

Yeah, yeah, you go with that ...

Browndog said...

Feminist: Removing 'men' and 'male' from the root word, to espouse how separate and probably superior you are to that other flawed humanoid species.

Humperdink said...

Ken B. said: "Feminist doesn’t mean what it used to either."

Neither do the words hate or racism. Funny how the commie-pinko libs do that to incendiary words. Disagree with a lefty, you're a hater. Disagree with Obama, you're a racist.

Mark said...

"I wouldn’t say I’m a feminist"

Allow me please to revise and clarify what I said above --

The problem is that the radical left has long hijacked the word "feminism" to totally distort it into their own ideology, giving it a meaning -- which does not align with AA's version -- that many, many women and men reject. In fact, like most of the left's redefinition of words and even redefinition of the human person, where their idea is actually the opposite of what the words truly mean, their ideology of "feminism" is actually anti-woman and self-hating. For example, the idea that to be truly woman, she must be just like a man, rejecting especially those aspects which are unique to women.

chuck said...

> For example, the idea that to be truly woman, she must be just like a man,

E. E. Cummings visited the Soviet Union and coined the term "unmale" to describe the new, soviet woman.

Browndog said...
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The Godfather said...

I used to call myself a feminist because I believed that women should not be discriminated against, and in particular should be treated fairly in the workplace. My mother was a career woman until I was born, and went back to work when my brother and I were old enough not to need constant supervision. My mother's mother was a career woman most of her life by choice as well as necessity. Both my wives were career women. But the word has been hijacked by idealogues. If Trump said what is reported, then he deserves more credit than I usually give him. Actually, in all fairness, Mitt ("Binders Full Of Women") Romney deserves more credit than I usually give him.

stevew said...

"working around me and working with me"

Not, "working for me". Did he say it that way on purpose? If he did then he's as brilliant a communicator as Scott Adams makes him out to be.


Beldar said...

The answer you wrote for the Slate post, Prof. Althouse, was good enough that I didn't regret giving them the mouse-click.

rehajm said...

Ann’s right about the boring. I’ll let all y’all Althouse raisins figure it out.

Beldar said...

(And to be clear: In my book, that's a pretty high compliment.)

Hagar said...

Was Catherine the Great a "feminist"?

tcrosse said...

Was Catherine the Great a "feminist"?

Her horse was.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Dennis Prager says Feminism is not a "movement". It is human decency. Works for me.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

not applying the definition of feminism that says it's just the belief that men and women are equal.

Because that is a stupid, beyond stupid, definition. People are not equal to each other. Men are not equal or interchangeable and neither are women equal among each other.

Men and Women are definitely not equal. Physcially or in many other ways. This doesn't mean one is better than the other. Just not the same.

Some people (men OR women) are more athletic. More intelligent. Better at some skills. So on and so on.

There IS no such thing as being "equal"

Equal opportunities? That is a different thing. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to fail or succeed based on their own skills.

rehajm said...

If you’d wet your pants if the first woman President was a Republican, you’re a feminist.

wwww said...

D. Trump is not a Feminist? This is my shocked face. This is breaking news?

The next hot-off-the-press-news will be "D. Trump is not a Traditional Loyal Husband and Father." He's not a man to keep his promises to his wives, and he's let other men call his daughter a "hot piece of ass."

Are we all to pretend that Donald Trump ever gave an interview to Howard Stern where he said this?: "yeah you can call my daughter Ivanka a "hot piece of ass."

Can you imagine letting some other man say this about your daughter?

Gahrie said...

Althouse is not a feminist, no matter what she says.

To give Althouse her due...I don't think she cares if you think she is a feminist or not. Perhaps by Althouse's outdated definition of feminism, she is.

If she truly thinks modern feminism is about equality of the sexes however she is simply delusional or willfully ignorant.

stevew said...

Or cry your eyes out when the highly expected first female president loses to a CAD like Trump.


Rae said...

What differentiates a feminist from any other leftist?

n.n said...

Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in nature?

Human chauvinist pig. Damn your principles.

Humperdink said...

Lefties are situational feminists. Depends on the audience, the setting, or whether there is an election around the corner.

buwaya said...

Its all about words used as symbols.

It is not explanatory, it is more like running a flag up the mast before opening fire. Feminism! is just a battlecry someone shouts before he tries to rob you.

People who fight about words are doing so with ulterior motives. You can't define or limit physical reality with words, much less human states of mind.

Speaking as someone who spends a lot of time trying to describe complex physical, logical, procedural and human systems with words. It is usually futile.

Numbers and pictures are better. Ross Perot had the right idea about the honest and proper way to argue.

buwaya said...

wwww is one of those who seems to care about words.
I can't get to that state of mind.

Consider an auto mechanic. Lets say a foul-mouthed auto mechanic.

He troubleshoots your car, applying an enormous volume of implicit and explicit knowledge, plus muscle memory, plus logic, plus the scientific method (which pre-existed "science"). The mass of this, that he is processing in his head, cannot be reduced to words. If he is a good mechanic your car will be made to work again, or if not not, but how he expresses himself is irrelevant to that.

He may indeed use words, but to judge him by them, assuming you care about objective reality, would be ridiculous.

buwaya said...

Only real things are real. Words are about mental constructs which have only a tenuous relationship with reality.

n.n said...

Language is an interface with our shared reality. Reality is influenced through perception.

buwaya said...

Language is a clumsy system with which we communicate with each other, not with reality. Reality is not "shared", it exists independent of our fantasy versions of it.

buwaya said...

You "talk" to reality with eyes and ears and hands and tools and instruments. What reality tells you does not come in such a clumsy way as language.

I hate, hate, hate problems that begin with x told y such and such.

traditionalguy said...

Oh. You mean a Feminista is not a female Barista?

I agree with Althouse 2010. It's a political action cry by women who feel disrespected. All power to them.

Now, about white men's respect.

wwww said...

wwww is one of those who seems to care about words.
I can't get to that state of mind.

hmm, well, deeds and words. He is on his third marriage. He's not a loyal husband. Those are his deeds.

He did choose to talk about his daughter in that fashion, and give permission to Howard Stern to do the same, in pubic, on radio.

Some things for me are simple and straightforward.

I cannot imagine a father being ok with a grown man asking him that question. I'm not ok with a father saying that about his daughter. End stop. That's my POV. Of course he's not a feminist, nor is he a paternal protector of womanhood.

He is, what they used to call, a cad.

buwaya said...

Its his wives and his daughter and its his business.

In the meantime he has pretty much bought me a nice pied-a-terre in Malaga or Sevilla.

Quaestor said...

Until feminists get their shit together no one should embrace that label lest he is tarred with a rather foul-smelling brush.

buwaya said...

Riches which my wife will inherit, and of which my daughter will have her share in her turn. And my sons will pass on to their women - women do get everything we have, in the end.

Thats pretty "feminist" I think.

Trumpit said...

Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes.[1][2] This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men.

I agree with all of that, so I must be a feminist.

buwaya said...

Feminism as a concept, however defined (always crudely), is fundamentally flawed as it ignores biology, even that tiny subset of it we understand. The best argument against it is simple observation of young children. It does not require words to refute it; simple perception, unsullied by bias, will do.

Lucien said...

A feminist is someone who thinks that -- based on their treatment of women -- Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kuwait, the UAE, Somalia, etc. should be treated the way Apartheid era South Africa and Rhodesia were treated.

Almaron Dickinson said...

Ann, I went back and read your 2010 analysis. I'll go with that. I especially like the point that much of the discussion is much ado about semantics that ultimately has no purpose.

Bob Boyd said...

Feminists don't talk about equality much anymore. Female empowerment is the term now.

Earnest Prole said...

Some alt-right provocateur pointed out that while 90-something percent of American women say they believe in the equality of men and women, fewer than 20 percent say they are feminists, so the corollary must be that feminism does not represent the equality of men and women.

buwaya said...

Its a given that women end up with most of the worlds actual wealth (interesting that most of the world has ended up like this; in the days of ancient Greece it was only Spartan women who inherited, and in due course owned nearly everything. That was quite a curiosity to the other Greeks.).

Anyway, therefore, whatever increases global wealth is disproportionately a boon to women, by definition. A genuine, real-world, non-language-based outcome. Coin to feel and weigh in your hands, should you want it in that form.

wwww said...

Its his wives and his daughter and its his business.

Sure. He said it on the public radio. It wasn't a private conversation.

So, it became my business to decide if I'm going to hold with that kind of thing. And I'm not.

I dunno what this has to do with your investment accounts or real estate valuation. You can vote for someone and still be vocal about what you disagree with.

Michael K said...

"So, it became my business to decide if I'm going to hold with that kind of thing. And I'm not. "

So, you're declining the tax cut ?

Just asking.

buwaya said...

Because increasing social wealth disproportionately benefits women.

So on the most real of real metrics, the most objective, then Trump is a feminist. He makes women richer. He puts money in their purses.

Disliking his words or personal behavior is emotional, subjective, even whimsical.

Sebastian said...

"I have a feeling that most people are, like me, bored by struggles over words" That is true.

"when nothing happens as a result of somebody acquiring possession of the word, and nobody's going to get possession of the word anyway." That is puzzling: many things have happened as a result of the left taking sole possession of the word, and a particular faction in society, certainly in higher ed and the MSM, has taken possession of it, for most intents and purposes.

"Here are two definitions: 1. a feminist is anyone who believes in the equality of the sexes, and 2. a feminist is someone who centers her political activities on the interests of women and steadfastly puts those interests first." That misses the point of actual feminism: it is the belief in equality feigned by anyone who pretends to advance the interests of women first as a tool to achieve prog power.

The contemporary use of feminism is entirely about the result to be achieved.

Don't get me wrong: I wish we'd live in an Althousian world. But we don't.

Mark said...

Feminism as a concept, however defined (always crudely), is fundamentally flawed as it ignores biology

Authentic feminism does not ignore biology. Authentic feminism celebrates sexual differentiation, that we are created specifically male or female, as revealed in the body, each equal in dignity and complementary of the other. Authentic feminism rejoices that men are men and women are women, each with their own particular gifts and genius.

wwww said...

So, you're declining the tax cut ?
Just asking.

??? This is an odd statement to make. See above: I just wrote it is possible to believe that it is not appropriate for Trump (or any father) to tell Howard Stern that it is "ok" to call his daughter a "nice piece of ass." I also wrote this: It is possible to vote for someone and disagree with aspects of things that they do.

You can vote for Trump and criticize what he said on Howard Stern.

I do not think his language and behaviour towards women is a newsflash to anyone.

On the tax cut. Well, that does not make any sense on many levels. One does not have to give the tax cut back if they disagree with what Trump said on Howard Stern or his past behaviour towards women. Many disagree with his adultery.

Should they all "give back" a tax cut? A tax cut, by the way, which was passed by Congress and signed by the President. The USA is not ruled by a King.

Do you vouch for the personal behaviour of every person who voted for the tax cut? If not, should you give back the tax cut?

buwaya said...

Much more significant than the tax cut, as personal wealth and even incomes go, is the increase in nearly everyone's investments, their IRA's and 401K's, and indirectly their pensions, or the security of their pensions - and this, savings and estates and pensions, is the category that women benefit from most disproportionately. Trump is bailing out a great number of pension funds.

His effect on all this is like a good-luck charm, like an image of Ganesh in an Indian shop, or a Chinese-Japanese good luck cat.

Jaq said...

Meanwhile the economy is booming along. Seems like Trump’s crudeness is most upsetting to people who hate him anyways.

Oh yeah

Black Americans are the most supportive group in the United States of dramatically lower legal immigration levels, down from where the U.S. currently admits more than 1 million legal immigrants a year, a new poll reveals. According to a detailed Harvard-Harris poll, black Americans are more likely than any other demographic group to support lower yearly legal immigration levels,...

But keep concentrating on the morals stuff, it’s all you have, we know.

buwaya said...

From a rational-optimizer feminist point of view (not that it exists), one cannot logically disparage Trump. Of course, feminism as either a rhetorical device or symbol is illogical.

Jaq said...

Our betters taught us in the ‘90s that even worse stuff doesn’t matter. They tried to run his enabler. One of our trolls mad the blanket statement that he just doesn’t believe the bad stuff he hears about Democrats.

That does make the world spin and swim less for the dim-witted, when they sweep away half the facts, to get to a place where they can be certain because stuff is so obvious and simple.

rhhardin said...

Feminist means various things and context calls out various of the meanings, sometimes in an equation between two of them. A person who ... also believes ...

Hidden doctrines.

There's no reality beyond that certain equations give good readings.

Good readings say how the system works.

rhhardin said...

Any opportunity in a storm.

rhhardin said...

Some feminists can also be women.

That context fractures the term.

rhhardin said...

It's not arbitrary. The word feminist has a definite performance in various contexts, that everybody agrees on.

That its meaning is indefinite does not mean that its performance is indefinite.

Its performance is why the word is there.

Ryan McLaughlin said...

I read your comments in that article and just have to say that I love your longer writing. Your voice and cadence are brilliant and quick.

Michael K said...

"Do you vouch for the personal behaviour of every person who voted for the tax cut? If not, should you give back the tax cut? '

It was just a hypocrisy test.

rhhardin said...

Some feminists can also be women.

Feminist takes on a broad meaning, woman takes on a pregnancy which feminist opposes, as if the woman has to change modes to be a woman.

The idea is to see that the performance doesn't depend on what your preferred meaning of feminist is. Everybody knows how the word works in various contexts.

walter said...

This reminds me of the (female) college student I over heard on campus in late 80's.
"I don't believe in God. But I don't want to be one those atheists."

Doug said...

I am not a feminist. I am a femininist. I love and support femininity in all its beautiful manifestations.

rhhardin said...

“What the hell are you getting so upset about?” [Yssarian] asked her bewilderedly in a tone of contrite amusement. “I thought you didn’t believe in God.”

“I don’t,” she sobbed, bursting violently into tears. “But the God I don’t believe in is a good God, a just God, a merciful God. He’s not the mean and stupid God you make Him out to be.”

robother said...

I'm sorry Ann, "equality of the sexes" don't answer. Too anodyne, it achieves nodding agreement from the vast majority at the expense of precision.

Equality of opportunity? Sure.

Equality of result? Therein lies the rub. Equality of result (given the profound genetic nature of sexual differences dating far prior to the evolution of mammals) in complex modern human societies can only be achieved, as Jordan Peterson and countless others over the last 100 years have pointed out, by state violence> State violence at a level that would make the Russian and Chinese social experiments seem mild.

rhhardin said...

If you like the word-performance idea, see Wm. Empson, The Structure of Complex Words.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Feminist = angry leftwing woman with a vagina.

rhhardin said...

It can be too costly to offer opportunity to women that they will fail at anyway.

Let the guys compete for that position.

rhhardin said...

Profiling gives you information when you don't have information for the individual case.

It can be very good information, depending on the general situation. A one in a million thing.

rhhardin said...

Don't pick up wrenches from the roadside and put them in your toolbox.

Some of them will be soft steel and break or strip the nuts.

Breaking and stripping the nuts isn't caused by roadsideness, but nevertheless you don't do it. Roadsideness is profiling to reduce costs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Q: Why won't liberal feminists defend Nikki Haley and Melania Trump?

A: Because leftwing feminists are hypocrites.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

One of our trolls mad the blanket statement that he just doesn’t believe the bad stuff he hears about Democrats.

Troll not the only one. Many D-crats don't believe Hillary set up a private server, and if she did... they don't care at all. Democratic corruption is a perk, or something you wave away.

gadfly said...

From the children's book, "President Donald Trump" comes first and second grade writing for a third-grade President:

“Meet Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a famous entrepreneur. He is also a television personality. In 2015, Trump surprised many people when he decided to run for president. In November 2016, he won the election. Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States.”

There: the whole story, as easy as that. (If you’d like it in poem form, the book provides one, titled, prosaically, “A Poem About Donald Trump”: “His buildings reached into the sky. / His businesses just grew and grew. / Then Trump became our president— /people wanted something new.”)

On the other hand, Trump's writing and speech patterns often mirror the children's book. With apologies to the grammatically-challenged, “Donald Trump can’t talk good.”

That all boils down to Donald's inability to understand that his bizarre worldview that makes reality whatever he thinks it is, such as his declaration that he is a "stable genius."

walter said...

"You don't get any special rights or privileges for being a feminist, so what difference does it make? "
Proper virtue signalling definitely has benefits, especially in certain domains.
Definition 3 could be being in favor of equality for women but choosing to use a gender-specific virtue signalling term that advances one's interests.

So..do we have an equivalent term for equality concerns regarding race?

..or sexual orientation?

walter said...

(gadfly, with TDS on full display, just can't wait for a cafe)

wwww said...
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DarktheKnight said...

If you describe yourself as a feminist, you associate yourself with the most outrageous content from these two sites:



Chuck said...

He's the greatest feminist in history. Right? Am I right? I think I'm right. But the dishonest media; they don't want you to understand that. The elites; they think they are great feminists. They aren't great feminists. Donald Trump is a really great feminist. He ran the Miss Universe pageant. Empowering some very special young ladies. Beautiful, gorgeous young ladies. A couple of them were fat, yes, but we knew how to deal with them. We're talking some very special young ladies who weren't fat. Melania are you here? Where's Melania? Is she here? I know she's here. Stand up, Melania. Stand up. There she is. Isn't she amazing? Excuse me, but she's amazing. If you know what I mean; really amazing. Special. Truly special.

wwww said...
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walter said...

Blogger Chuck said...
He's the greatest feminist in history. Right? Am I right? I think I'm right.
Of course ya do.
You surely would prefer he embraced expedient virtue signalling in his response.

walter said...

(defintion #3)

Achilles said...

Kinda fun watching Chuck melt down.

Achilles said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Feminist = angry leftwing woman with a vagina.

Not always the case on the vagina part.

Drago said...

Poor LLR Chuck.

It makes for an exceptionally poor evening of left-wing talking point regurgitation and advancement when he has clearly been hitting the bottle.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Don't pick up wrenches from the roadside and put them in your toolbox."

Preach it Brother.

Gahrie said...

Authentic feminism celebrates sexual differentiation, that we are created specifically male or female, as revealed in the body, each equal in dignity and complementary of the other.

Where does this authentic feminism reside? Who are its big proponents? Why does academic feminism as taught and celebrated on college campuses promote almost the exact opposite idea?

walter said...

Feminism is old school terminology.
The all-encompassing blanket is "social justice".

jaydub said...

"In the meantime he has pretty much bought me a nice pied-a-terre in Malaga or Sevilla."

Sevilla would be a big mistake. Summers there are brutally hot, which is why every Spaniard from the interior heads to the coast for July and August. Malaga has a great food scene and is very livable year round, but Valencia is probably the most livable city in Spain. My personal favorite, though, is Nerja about 50 miles to the East of Malaga - we honeymooned there.

jaydub said...

"Are we all to pretend that Donald Trump ever gave an interview to Howard Stern where he said this?: "yeah you can call my daughter Ivanka a "hot piece of ass."

Isn't Howard Stern the radio program where women masturbate for the audience? You listen to that kind of trash but are still able to criticize someone else for not being sufficently pure?

BTW, Trump did not just "sign" the tax cuts, he cajoled, threatened and beat congress until they passed it. I don't know about you, Scooter, but my net worth has increased more since Trump's election than it did during the entire last four years of the previous administration. But keep talking about what kind of husband Trump is because that's what's really important for your welfare.

Saint Croix said...

the definition of feminism that says it's just the belief that men and women are equal.

Meryl Streep is right.

If you think men and women are equal, then you are a humanist. You like all people.

If you're a feminist, then you think women are special people who have special rights the rest of us don't have.

The very name feminist specifies a female-centric view of the world.

Historically feminism was very a very important and needed force for change. But like most political movements, when you achieve your goals, the people fighting didn't want to give up the fight. And so they continue to fight, and fight, and fight. And so now feminism has become so powerful, it is a danger to innocent people.

To give some obvious examples, in divorce court women are routinely given custody of children. Innocent men are often suspected of being child abusers, or rapists, or other bad people.

Women, meanwhile, have a constitutional right to terminate an unwanted child in a procedure that's so awful our media routinely has to censor and hide the violence.

Saint Croix said...

The great documentary, The Red Pill is about a feminist who discovers she's actually a humanist.

Kevin said...

It's all group identity with these people. Who's in, who's out, and who has the power to decide.

Trump was right not to get caught in the trap. If he says no, he hates women. If he says yes, they'll point out that by their definition he fails.

At the core, it's just shunning and bullying.

traditionalguy said...

The War of the sexes is over. The women won. Now they are discussing dealing with their POWs. Re-education camps, called Univerities, are working 24/7 on the captives. But do to they work un brain washable men to death or just execute them immediately. Meanwhile the smarter captured males are starting to claim they are women. And so far it has worked for them.

And along comes the man/boy who loves women too much and grabs Power. How do women deal with him?

Fernandinande said...

"Hello! I'm a babylady!"

tcrosse said...

Wendy Kaminer chimes in on The Reckoning:
The Dangers of Vigilante Feminism

Jaq said...

Feminist is similar to “white supremacist” or Islam, it’s about special rights and privileges for members of a certain class.

Caligula said...

Sometimes feminism seems to be the expression of the radical idea that only women are people. And therefore only women deserve to have rights.

Nonetheless, it hardly seems radical to view most feminism more as "advocacy for females" than "advocacy for equality."

Even before one approaches the nuttiness of academic feminist theory.

n.n said...
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n.n said...

The War of the sexes is over. The women won.

Not so fast Kemosabe. Many and probably most women are practical, rational, and moral. So are most men, and the former acknowledge the latter acknowledge the former.

Let us not stoop to the diversitists' level and judge people by their "color" (i.e. class), but rather judge them as individuals and principled (i.e. character) alignment.

n.n said...

Women do have the progressive rite to abort a human life without cause. Not equality of rights, but rather politically congruent. That's something.

Gabriel said...

the definition of feminism that says it's just the belief that men and women are equal.

Most of those who self-apply the label "feminist" might say this, but they're running motte-and-bailey when they do. The bailey is all the controversial statements coming out of women's studies departments, and the motte is "the radical notion that women are people".

If a self-described feminist doesn't agree with what's in the bailey, the others cast her out, sometimes even out of her gender altogether. And then they retreat to what's in the motte for why they did it.

Jim at said...

He has more generals than women in top positions.

Come on. You're better than that.

A woman ran his campaign. Nikki Haley is kicking as an taking names at the UN. Sarah Huckabee Sanders runs the White House press briefings better than anybody I've ever witnessed.

Just because some positions are currently held by generals doesn't mean it's going to stay that way.

Trump would've never reached the pinnacles he has if he wasn't merit-based on his hiring decisions.

Jim at said...

Of course he's not a feminist, nor is he a paternal protector of womanhood.

Good. I don't want the POTUS to be such a person.

If I were female, I'd find it highly insulting that I needed some 'paternal protector of womanhood' as a politician.

stan said...

Feminists stopped seeking equality decades ago.

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