January 28, 2018

Must we talk about Hillary? Steve Wynn is worse. He's more like Harvey Weinstein.

The question of Hillary Clinton and sexual harassment came up on "Meet the Press" this morning. The moderator Chuck Todd began with a question based on the Ruth Marcus column I linked to — here — earlier this morning.
CHUCK TODD: All right. There was the reckoning, I guess is probably the best way to describe it, the reckoning. Right? We have a reckoning at the U.S.A. Gymnastics. Reckoning with the U.S. Olympic committee, that in itself. But then there's been more reckoning with Hillary Clinton, a little bit the story in the Times that in 2008 her campaign that somebody was accused of sexual harassment. Campaign manager wanted to fire this person. Hillary Clinton stepped in and said no. Ruth Marcus today just eviscerates Hillary Clinton on this and, Heather, says, "Why can't she admit that that was a mistake?
How unfortunate for Hillary to have her story break at the same time as the truly nightmarish gymnastics story! And yet I feel no pity for her. In my view, her behavior protecting Bill Clinton and suppressing his accusers set the sexual harassment cause back 20 years.

Todd's question goes to Heather McGhee, president of the liberal group Demos. Look how quickly she changes the subject:
HEATHER MCGHEE: I think that you're right. I think that Ruth Marcus is right that she should have just admitted that it was a mistake. Hillary Clinton has a very difficult history with men in power abusing their positions in terms of sexual abuse and harassment. I think that our desire to bring Hillary Clinton continually into the story is understandable. I think the bigger story right now is obviously what's going on in the U.S. Olympic committee. I think the Steve Wynn story is a huge one in terms of finance share of the RNC. And some of those stories are terrifying....
So, Hillary Clinton's "history" is "difficult," and we just have a problem — albeit an "understandable" one — of "continually" dragging Hillary Clinton into the story! News just broke about the sexual harasser she kept on her campaign. We're not obsessively going back to her old misdeeds.

But Todd lets McGhee shift to the other new story, Steve Wynn. He even muses: "Steve Wynn feels like the closest thing we've gotten to Harvey Weinstein. Like almost as bad as Harvey." McGhee is all: "Worse in some ways." And Todd prattles: "It is. Harvey I thought is in a class by himself I think. But Steve Wynn was pretty close."

Like it's a contest of who's more loathsome. But Nasser, the Olympics doctor alluded to earlier, is obviously the most loathsome of all. He's forgotten at this point however because what McGhee and Todd are really talking about is whether "we've" finally gotten a Republican who's as bad as the Democrat Weinstein.


cubanbob said...

Chuck Todd is of course an idiot and a shill for the Democrats on the Nothing But Crap Network. An honest journalist would not equate violating the entire United States which is what Hillary did with the approval of Barack Obama to the individual crimes allegedly committed by Weinstein and Wynn.

Kevin said...

finally gotten a Republican who's as bad as the Democrat Weinstein.

He can't be just as bad. He must be worse - much worse - to restore their sense of order.

The real connection isn't Harvey and Steve, it's Harvey and Hillary. But of course no one on that panel was going to point it out, or let it be pointed out.

traditionalguy said...

But, but...what about "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?" And Wynn was doing the Vegas Show Girls who were all of the age of consent.

BarrySanders20 said...

The Hillary/Weinstein photos are legion.

D's and partisans hoping to blot those out with Trump/Wynn photos, asserting that Trump knew and enabled whatever Wynn did, and assuming the lazy won't know or care about any difference.

The abusers need to be exposed. Direct enablers too. Hypocrites too. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Achilles said...

Bill Clinton is still a rapist.

Achilles said...

i.e nothing these people say is honest.

The only thing they care about is power.

There isn't a decent bone in any of their bodies.

James said...

The Libs are making mistake with this "find a Repub like Harvey" thing. People will quickly forget about Wynn but not Weinstein. They're playing a form of catch up which is never good.

Achilles said...

(Former Clinton Staffer)CHUCK TODD: All right. There was the reckoning, ...

Mr. Todd spent his professional days defending a rapist.

Dagwood said...

Of course he let her shift focus. He probably even helped her memorize the cue line he gave her to allow for it.

Glen Filthie said...

From where I sit this is all about slutty liberal women going after their creepy men. Liberalism is synonymous with sexually degenerate behaviour - and we had all better be careful or we’ll run out of beer and popcorn.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Let's not bicker and argue over 'oo groped 'oo.

rehajm said...

Agitprop masquerading as analysis.

Otto said...

Shades of shit.

The Bergall said...

A race to the bottom...........

Otto said...

And Jesus said " you are all full of shit so here I am"

Amadeus 48 said...

Hmmm...Steve Wynn has always carried a lot of baggage. Is anybody surprised? In Nevada? I have always liked his commitment to the free market, but he operates in one of the dodgiest places in the world, where Mormans can be like Harry Reid instead of Mitt Romney. And speaking of Harry Reid (letting me shift to another story) how DID harry Reid build a net worth of $10 million as a public servant?

But we'll always have Harvey Weinstein to kill the potted plants. Those pictures of him with various Hollywood and political nitwits are priceless.

Cheers to Ronan Farrow and Rose McGowan!

tcrosse said...

At least Steve Wynn hasn't been sermonizing us from his Moral High Horse.

William said...

The Trump Organization as a corporate entity has had far less publicized cases of sexual abuses than the NBC brand. What is Trump doing right and NBC doing wrong?.......... There's no doubt that Trump was a philanderer but his playpen so far as is now known was outside the precincts of his business. The same thing cannot be said of NBC. What did Chuck Todd know of Matt Lauer's transgressions and what did he do to stop them? If he was ignorant of Lauer's misdeeds and cognizant of Trump's, what does this say about his perspicacity as a journalist. .., ..I'm afraid that NBC and its on air talent due to their troubled history in this area must recuse themselves from all reporting on sexual misconduct. Perhaps they could hire outside contractors to handle these stories.

Humperdink said...

Steve Wynn needs to declare war on the NRA.

William said...

I don't think the Nassar crimes were political. We haven't read anything about his political (or ethnic) background. Undoubtedly his commitment to other more pressing kept him too busy to care much about politics. My guess--and it's just a guess--that if you probed for his political sympathies, you would not find much support for Republicans.

Mark said...

Deflect, distort, demonize. That is to say -- Clintonism. It's been the Democrat way ever since they sold their souls for the Clintons and it has been toxic to our political system for over 25 years now.

rhhardin said...

I've lost track of why the outrage is supposed to be there, about any of them.

Crimes send you to jail; noncrimes don't. It's not necessary to add outrage, unless there's an estrogen cloud to be tapped.

Women are so easy to play and so unsuspicious of it.

rhhardin said...

Ladies, the outrage mongers are sticking their finger in your pussy and feeling up your breasts.

Tap like that.

Rob said...

Look at what the plastic surgeons have done to Steve Wynn. He's the victim here!

D.E. Cloutier said...

Re: Las Vegas

I lived in Las Vegas during the late 1970s and early 1980s.

One day in 1981, the male boss at a Vegas casino left a $200 tip for a newly hired cocktail waitress after he had ordered and consumed a beer at a bar in the gambling establishment. Later that day when the 26-year-old woman refused an invitation to join the big-tipping exec in a hotel room after work, she lost her job. Male bartenders at the casino laughed about her dismissal.

The incident wasn't unusual in those days.

Bilwick said...

"Difficult." Heh. As in "difficult for us Democrats to ignore and cover up."

Quick! Someone turn Objective Journalist George Stephanopoulos loose on this story!

Bruce Hayden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

“I lived in Las Vegas during the late 1970s and early 1980s”

Might have seen my partner back then. She grew up there and left about the time you did. And had multiple interactions with Wynn hitting on her, but always being a gentleman about it.

Drago said...

Humperdink: "Steve Wynn needs to declare war on the NRA"

There's no time.

He's too busy out looking for the "real assaulters"....

narciso said...

The thing i find interesting was pat Fitzgerald running Michigan state's coveruo I mean investigation.

Ralph L said...

It seems to me that the rate of me-tooing fell after the Alabama election, or was it a lull for the holidays?

Is prostitution still illegal in Las Vegas proper?
That would partly explain the boss' payoff.

donald said...

He was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time!

Michael K said...

I doubt Steve Wynn ever jerked off in a potted plant.

Some dummies kidnapped his daughter one time. He paid a ransom and she was found alive. I suspect they knew if she was harmed they would be the ones bound and gagged in a car trunk but dead.

In the movie "Casino," the owner kept a million in cash in a safe deposit box in case he was kidnapped.

Wynn is not Weinstein.

Gahrie said...

how DID harry Reid build a net worth of $10 million as a public servant?

Cattle futures and real estate.

Mark said...

The thing i find interesting was pat Fitzgerald running Michigan state's coveruo I mean investigation.

You mean the corrupt Patrick Fitzgerald who, after being appointed by a corrupt James Comey, conducted a fraudulent investigation and kept it going long after he knew who leaked Valerie Plame's information in order to use it as a pretext to go head hunting and get someone on some BS charge.

wwww said...

I guess Clinton is more relevant for Boomers and Nassar is more relevant for Millennials.

The gymnastics story has been under covered, considering the culpability of those in USA gymnastics. Hundreds of girls were required, required to let him into their bedroom to perform pelvic exams. 11, 12, 13 year old girls don't get internal pelvic exams under normal circumstances. Where was the oversight???

n.n said...

The Left is working fast and furious to construct a congruence that passes strict scrutiny and absolves them of their Choice(s).

Martin said...

Heather McGhee is despicable. She equates women who were sexually harrassed by men with authority over them, and Hillary Clinton, whose only known problem with such men has been to defend her husband and destroy the women he abused.

My God!!

Does she (or Todd, who let her do it) actually think anyone is fooled by that?

Thuglawlibrarian said...

Bill Clinton was/is a Democrat and his behavior was pretty loathsome. As I recall, Hillary Clinton blamed it on a vast right wing conspiracy and slut shamed Paula J, Waunita B, et al. Then there were all the Democrats would rationalized it.

Jaq said...

At least Wynn didn’t spend his days preening over his feminist credentials. So by that standard, he’s not as bad. Still we should see his back side, and may he spend the rest of his days in lawsuits.

Sebastian said...

"set the sexual harassment cause back" Not at all: the "sexual harassment cause" is a prog tool to weed out conservative men. Progs temporarily lost control of the narrative, and the witch hunt had some unfortunate unintended consequences, but that setback to the actual sexual harassment cause will be reversed pronto. Wynn is only the first scalp.

Moondawggie said...

"...her behavior protecting Bill Clinton and suppressing his accusers set the sexual harassment cause back 20 years."

But at the same time Hill advanced her own career by 20 years, so overall it's good.
Ask yourself honestly: is HC really that different from a starlet who screws guys like Harvey to get a big part in a film?

The ends always justify the means, Comrades!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ann said:

In my view, her behavior protecting Bill Clinton and suppressing his accusers set the sexual harassment cause back 20 years.

You're not allowed to have that view. That thought. That reality.
Because, Democrat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Someone in the D-hack press said "Winstein?" Odd.

Ken B said...

Thank heavens Wynn wasn’t nearly elected president!

Comanche Voter said...

Well Ms. Althouse, if you can have sympathy for the Devil, you can have sympathy for Hillary Clinton.

Dennis Prager argues that conservatives have a tragic view of life. I don't know about that. But I do believe that conservatives recognize that there is real Evil in the world. Once you accept that, then you can deal with the "unfortunate" things that have a way of shoving themselves in your path as you move through life.

Matt Sablan said...

Steve Wynn?

I guess I'm just uninformed, since I had never heard of him before today.

Surely, Steve Wynn is the equivalent on the Republican scale as Bill Clinton the Rapist.

Matt Sablan said...

Much like Roy Moore was suddenly "all Republicans," I'm sure Steve Wynn can be used as "all Republicans" for a little while.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

The parents who turned their little girls over to that toad when anyone with four brain cells to rub together could deduce what was going on a mile away are the most loathsome, actually.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

It's a good thing someone dug up something on Steve Wynn. The progressive lynch mob has been hunting for a republican ever since they finished with Roy Moore. With Steve Wynn in the crosshairs, it's safe for Hillary to appear on a network broadcast awards show and take some cheap shots at the president, even though not a week has passed since Americans learned that Madame Clinton has been shielding a serial molester in her campaign, for at least 9 years...

chickelit said...


chickelit said...

It's so boring to watch the left give up on Hillary so slowly. They should just be done with her...consign her to the dustbin. The sooner the better.

Let Rodham have her Havisham moment -- make expectations for the Democratic Party great again!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

chickelit said...

1/29/18, 12:15 AM

LOL! Meme time...

Ralph L said...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
The parents who turned their little girls over to that toad when anyone with four brain cells to rub together could deduce what was going on a mile away are the most loathsome

Glad someone said it. I haven't read the details, but how could that go on for so long to so many? They were from "good" homes, not screwed up children neglected by everyone. Maybe the obsessive drive to excel messed up the whole families' minds.

Chuck said...

Is Melania to Donald as Hillary was to Bill?

Or is it Ann Althouse who is to Trump, as Hillary was to Bill?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Chuck said...
What you mean to say, if you had the guts, is: Or is it Ann Althouse who is to Trump, as *Monica* was to Bill? That's how you feel, but you lack the guts to say so.

How's Barron doing, Chuck?

(The correct answer is, "I haven't heard anything about young Master Trump lately, as is proper, because innocent young children of politicians should be spared the news cycle."

Then shut up! Just like you would instruct a witness.

Can you do that, Chuck? Signs point to No.)

Bad Lieutenant said...

Glad someone said it. I haven't read the details, but how could that go on for so long to so many? They were from "good" homes, not screwed up children neglected by everyone. Maybe the obsessive drive to excel messed up the whole families' minds.

Don't people, "good" people, trust their doctors, and the Olympics organization? I haven't read into the details of the case, and I prefer not to, I'm sure.

Pity that millstones are regarded as cruel and unusual punishment these days. Somebody should see that a scrap of metal or a length of cord finds its way into his cell.

More constructively, I suppose the Olympics could rotate people through that position rather than leaving one perv in power for three decades. And/or, the Dr should not be unattended - how did that happen?

MacMacConnell said...

The sexual abuse problem with the Olympics, universities, political organizations, sports teams and just about every institution is the same as my Catholic church, it's to protect the institution not the victims. Just like the DOJ, FBI and IRS in government protect their institutions at all cost regardless of their crimes.

When any illegal abuse is reported to anyone, don't file a report with the institution call the fucking police.

Ralph L said...

the Dr should not be unattended - how did that happen?

Good point. There was a CorPPsman in the room when a (pregnant) female Navy pediatrician gave me a physical in early adolescence. Doubled my embarrassment but protected both our reputations.

Skipper said...

For whom did Nasser vote?

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