January 23, 2018

Is Melania angry with Trump? Suddenly, we hear she's not going with him to Davos this week.

At the last minute — one day before the scheduled departure — her people tell us she has "scheduling and logistical issues."

Not wanting to be around somebody is, euphemistically, a "logistical issue."
Melania Trump has not made a public statement since January 12, when news of a possible payoff from her husband's lawyer to porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up an alleged affair was first reported by The Wall Street Journal.

The first lady did, however, depart with the President later that day to Mar-a-Lago for the long holiday weekend, although she was not spotted with him during two evening dinners hosted by Trump, one with former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and another with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
And look at how she tweeted on the anniversary of her husbands inauguration — an image and message utterly devoid of Trump:

Many wonderful moments and at least one nonwonderful moment.

The announcement that Melania would not accompany her husband to Davos came on what was their wedding anniversary — their 13th.

Joining Melania in her wrath, Nature dumps 6 feet of snow on Davos. (NYT.)


Jaq said...

She’s human, I don’t blame her, it’s what Hillary should have done. Maybe she would somehow have become president without her Husband’s help, who knows?

I know my wife would have been pretty pissed off. Maybe she will sue him for divorce and put all of his finances on the record. It’s in her power to do so. Of course she will use that power to get a nice settlement.

Still doesn’t make him not a good president.

rhhardin said...

Gold digger.

Jaq said...

Maybe I will take the Democrat approach and say they are all liars and none of it happened, except maybe a stolen kiss.

chickelit said...

Qualm before the storm?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Everyone was thinking about the big Showdown between the Swamp and Trump. Now we have tension between Trump and Melania.

Season 2 of the Trump show is going to be awesome!

Darrell said...

The Stormy story is bullshit. If Trump paid her money, why did she talk? If there was an NDA, why did she tell reporters that she never had been with Trump when they first asked? Why did she talk when the Media paid her big bucks for the story? The payment created memories, obviously, whether or not it happened.

Ann Althouse said...

I think I have observed that it is sometimes the case that someone who is able to maintain blindness toward the unfaithfulness of a spouse wakes up when confronted with the brute fact that money was spent on the paramour.

Jaq said...

If she divorces Trump Nordstrom’s can put her line back on sale! I wanted to boycott them, but they have those cool cork-soled Hawaiian “surfer shoes” that I wear all the time.

Same with the NFL. I wanted to boycott them, but I like their product. The only boycott I have managed to sustain is Chiquita, in solidarity with my conservative Canadian friends, because they vowed never to use Canadian oil to ship their bananas. I figure why send my money to Russia or the Middle East, to put the money in they hands of people who hate us, well, hate us even more than the Canadians, anyways.

Bill Harshaw said...

Can't imagine what issues she might have at this time.

(I'm sure Trump has a pre-nup in place, given his experience with divorces, bankruptcies and other failures.)

Jaq said...

I guess “stolen kisses” are now right up there with rape. So even that final redoubt has been sacked by the PC left.

Jaq said...

given his experience with divorces, bankruptcies and other failures.

There’s a saying in Vermont. “If you ain’t falling, you ain’t skiing!”

His successes have been spectacular too.

Jaq said...

I would take Trump’s touchdown to Interception ratio over Hillary’s any day of the week.

Hagar said...

Or Trump wants to protect her from the daily barrage until "the Press" get some other shiny thing to chase.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Or maybe she is paranoid about catching the flu.

Jaq said...

that someone who is able to maintain blindness toward the unfaithfulness of a spouse wakes up when confronted with the brute fact that money was spent on the paramour.

I think it is more along the lines of “please just be discreet” and don’t shove it in my face, or force me to confront it socially, when you get to their level of money. Neither she nor her children are being deprived of anything.

Jaq said...

She’s pissed. I am not a Democrat. I don’t wade into denial when confronted with unwelcome news. She is likely to divorce him,

Ann Althouse said...

Picture Melania retreating to Slovenia... what could she do with herself?

Write books... I'm sure there are many eager co-authors and ghostwriters.

The resonance with #MeToo.

He can't get reelected if she is against him.

She's the anti-Hillary. Not throwing a lamp, yelling, and collaborating and seeking her own power in a wretched deal with the devil, but walking away, in her grand hauteur. Oh! The women will love her. Separate her from Trump and she will be embraced by the world. So beautiful! So brave! So beyond Hillary!

Anyone who thinks she's locked into silent alliance by contracts and a need to please Trump to have enough money is not thinking straight.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Reality. Palace intrigue among the super duper rich is not all that interesting. Add an 8 hour flight each way just to be hated by Trump's true enemies is the definition of a bore. And this time The American Commander-in-Chief's entourage will have to put up with logistic problems not seen during a European winter since The Battle of the Bulge.

Professional lady said...

Melania seems to be a very private person. I don't know if the allegations are true or not, but they would be very upsetting to anyone - even if untrue. She may just need some privacy and space. I'm not going to speculate - it's really none of my business.

iowan2 said...

This whole palace intrigue piece is just a distraction,to divert from the true scandal of two scoops of ice cream. I'm not falling for it.

CStanley said...

I think Tim at 6:58 has it right.

john said...

I think Tim at 7:00 has it right.

AllenS said...

Maybe she just didn't want to go.

Kyzer SoSay said...

She's probably upset at the allegations, true or not, but I doubt she will divorce him. She is probably not going because it's a hassle, the weather is crappy, and she'd rather stay home - at the freaking White House.

Trump is many things, and one of those things is a Winner. Women love Winners. Unless she catches him naked with an intern, she's not going anywhere. Fact is, there are some women who actually kinda expect their powerful, Alpha male mates to do a little sneaking around. It's practically a ritual in France and other places in Europe - though I can't speak for Slovenia. But Melania went from being an up-and-coming model from the Eastern Bloc to being the First Lade of the United States of America thanks to her marriage to Donald Trump. A short affair from long, long ago isn't going to sink that ship.

MacMacConnell said...

Why would Melania want to leave cold DC to go to cold Davos? Besides she's got a son at home and a palace in Florida.

Bill Harshaw said...

AllenS: We humans leap to the easiest and sexiest interpretation of anything, particularly bloggers. Never allow for chance, or Murphy's law, etc.

Lyssa said...

I get that this would be upsetting, but at the same time, eh, she knew what kind of man he was when she married him. I don't know whether this whole story is true or not, but it's hardly out of character.

Hagar said...

Or, with current practice of yelling impertinent questions at our elected leaders even when posing for ceremonial photo-shoots with leaders of foreign nations, Trump has decided this is not a good time to have such scenes go viral from Davos.

Jaq said...

Anyone who thinks she's locked into silent alliance by contracts and a need to please Trump to have enough money is not thinking straight.

I am all but certain there is a pre-nup that protects her too, and if there isn’t then she has the power to make all of his finances public, after subjecting them to an army of forensic accountants that make Fusion GPS look like amateurs.

She holds all the cards, and she may be the Delilah to our Sampson.

I read once about the reaction of German nuclear scientists that were being held by the Allies when they heard about the bomb in Hiroshima, and the looks they gave each other after having told Hitler that it was impossible. I think that similar thoughts have to be going through the Hillary camp since the Stormy Daniels interview was public years prior to the election, and her billion and a half dollars, plus all of the allied money, never found it.

MacMacConnell said...

Trump's "crudeness" was baked into his election, the people knew about it prior to voting. The same can be said for Melania's acceptance of marriage to Donald.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Vast left-wing conspiracy.

Jaq said...

she knew what kind of man he was when she married him. I don’t know whether this whole story is true or not, but it's hardly out of character.

That’s more the kinds of thoughts going through voters heads. than hers, but this is a torpedo amid ship, if you ask me, to carry on the ship analogy. And not one of those torpedoes like “Russian Collusion” that is going to circle back on the Democrats. The ship isn’t doomed, but it is going to take some doing to keep it afloat. This could end his chances for a second term, easily, if mishandled in any way.

Think of it like American Gladiators, where the contestants attempt an already difficult thing, all the while being pummeled from all sides.

Season Two is going to be great.

AllenS said...

Tim in Vermont said...
That’s more the kinds of thoughts going through voters heads. than hers

... and how do you know that?

Jaq said...

... and how do you know that?

Well, I don’t. But I don’t think that she is likely to be as mercenary as everybody assumes. She is a woman, and they don’t think like we do.

AllenS said...

Really? You mean a woman like Hillary?

MadisonMan said...

I still really like that blue dress/coat ensemble.

john said...

"If a man's own wife cannot trust him, how can the American people?"

traditionalguy said...

OK, let's say Melania hires Steve Bannon as her divorce lawyer. Some good old fashioned hate is about his speed.

But who gets custody of Kellyanne Conway?

Henry said...

Great picture. She looks like a royal.

wwww said...

"Anyone who thinks she's locked into silent alliance by contracts and a need to please Trump to have enough money is not thinking straight."

Her concern may not necessarily be the constraints of a prenup, but Baron and his future inheritance and place in the family business.

Keeping marital relations in place with Trump may assure more of a place for Baron in the future in Trump's affections and future inheritance of business interests.

Tiffany's place in the family vs. Ivanka.

Jon Burack said...

It is beyond me what this is all about, if anything. It is inconceivable that Melania does not know her husband's proclivities or that she would find anything at all surprising about this latest matter. Assuming she did not known all about it already, which seems a very far-fetched assumption. Perhaps one of you has some evidence to the contrary. Nothing in this so far shows me what they might be. I predict, no divorce, no nothing, all gone by next week.

AllenS said...

John, that was a very good quote from Ross Perot, and I remember it well, but what good did it do? The American people could care less who the President was fucking, or presently fucking.

cacimbo said...

It is not all about the $$$$$. Does anyone doubt Ivana regrets not swallowing her pride when The Donald was caught with Marla.Today Ivana dates her former spouse - a poor boy toy 20+ years her junior rather than hosting dinners at the WH. Could Trump have won the WH with Ivana as his wife? Melania remains in the background, Ivana liked being center stage as much as The Donald.

Roughcoat said...

Maybe she's on the rag. Did anyone notice whether she's drinking cranberry juice?

dreams said...

If the liberal media can't destroy Trump, maybe they can destroy his marriage.

Roughcoat said...

He can't get reelected if she is against him.

Sure he can. None of that shit matters anymore.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Since Trump had already had a long history of being married, divorced and being a playboy I doubt that Melania is taken totally by surprise by this blackmail by a porn star event. As Lyssa said, she knew who he was when she married him.

If true, and we don't know that either, Melania may be disappointed, but not surprised.

It really isn't our business if Melania doesn't want to go to Davos, or if she decides that she would rather stay home with her son, or has to do her nails that week. We don't have any idea what her motivations are and no need to know anyway.

Plus being what seems to be a rather private and almost shy personality, why would she want to put herself in front of a bunch of screaming Acosta attackers shouting moronic questions at her?

Perhaps she just wants to be left alone for awhile. Meh.

rehajm said...

I've been lectured that presidential peccadilloes are none of my business.

john said...

It matters, Allen.

JHapp said...

She knows to stay away from a bunch of like minded bubble heads.

MaxedOutMama said...

She can't be pleased. But on the other hand, she may just have a bad cold or be trying to take off weight. Or she may just have taken a look at the weather and said "No, thank you, been there, done that."

This was more than ten years ago. Melania has not been that active in Trump's presidential life, so I don't see this as a big change. She seems to be setting strong limits, and she has been. Her primary focus seems to be maintaining continuity with a home setting for Barron.

She is a big, big asset to Trump, though. Huge asset. If she really gets pissed with him she could take him down, no question. I am just not sure she would ever do that.

GRW3 said...

I think the only expose he would hate is ED. Why would she want to go to an event where everybody hates your husband and, by extension, her? Really, look back over the year and they're not pictured together that much. If she doesn't show up at the State of the Union, that would mean something.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I don't trust any media reports about what is going on between the Trumps or "behind the scenes" in the Trump WH. (I see that the "it's total chaos!!!!" meme is once again a thing - just as it was during the campaign, during the transition, during the first months of Trump's term,...,yawn.) For an administration that is perpetually on the verge of falling apart, they're getting quite a bit accomplished.

There are too many people with a vested interest in putting Trump in a bad light to accept these reports at face value. Melania strikes me as cool and reserved and hardly the type to display or blather on about her feelings with people she doesn't trust.

Henry said...

john, you should actually provide some evidence that it matters. Even an example.

pacwest said...

Melania seems like a very classy and independent lady. An asset to both Trump and the nation. I hope she can find a way to wend her way through this without "standing by her man" and still remain the First Lady. I doubt if the Donald will be getting any for quite some time at any rate.

The Trump Show. This week's episode - "Will Melania leave Donald?"

Ken B said...

Speculation. But this would hurt him more than bullshithole-gate: she's a very big asset.

Sebastian said...

Maybe Trump included a porn-star exemption in the prenup.

Jaq said...

"Really? You mean a woman like Hillary?"

Yes, I would feel betrayed if she turned out to be another Lady Macbeth. The Trump brand is that they aren't really part of the above it all elites that have been running the country. There is more Palin in him than Kennedy.

Jaq said...

Well, it's true that Hillary never trusted Bill, and the country should not have either.

Curious George said...

If you can't believe a washed up porn star, who can you trust?

Jaq said...

Let's start dragging her through the mud, Clinton style!

Professional lady said...

Regarding the anniversary photo - it could easily be interpreted as a compliment to our armed forces rather than as a slap to her husband. Also, I think it's important to remember that Melania may be thinking of her 11 year old son who has probably been exposed to these allegations one way or another. Seems pretty plausible to me. But I guess people choose what they want to think.

FIDO said...

Maybe she is tired of being snubbed by 'the Decent People' (i.e. Liberals) who will be at Davos. They have treated her abominably since day one of his candidacy, including splashing her nudes all over newspapers when she has kids!

Every bimbo Trump spent more than 6 seconds with, who can be paid to say things by David Brock is rubbed in her nose. And she knows he isn't exactly a monk.

This takes a toll on every marriage. Obama's wife faced not even a tenth of this kind of vitriol...and she seemed for most of his run, a very angry woman. Splash a few bikini pictures up, much less some nudes and then I will feel bad for Michelle.

Mark said...

She just wanted to give Donald and Hope Hicks a nice vacation together, as shes a much better choice than an adult film actress.

I think Melania is looking at how the Presidency ages everyone and is counting the days until the funeral. Much simpler than divorce, just as inevitable.

Jaq said...

The problem with waiting for a funeral is that your own often comes first when you live like that.

john said...

Evidence that it matters to some people: $130,000 hush money.

bgates said...

She's the anti-Hillary. Not throwing a lamp, yelling, and collaborating and seeking her own power in a wretched deal with the devil, but walking away, in her grand hauteur. Oh! The women will love her. Separate her from Trump and she will be embraced by the world.

Melania 2020.

She has name recognition. The three main facts of the Trump presidency are (1) a great economy, (2) conservative governance, and (3) people hate him anyway bc he's a sleazebag. A post-divorce Melania gets the first two associations while losing the third. What do people think of her separate from him? I haven't heard any criticism of her as First Lady that weren't aimed at either her Christmas decorations or her child, so there's nothing to attack there. The first three words I associate with Melania are "gorgeous Slovenian woman". Unpack those words: "gorgeous" is very positive and apolitical; "Slovenian" means Eastern European and therefore anti-Communist and strict immigration controls; "woman" means "goodbye, main selling point for Hillary, Kamala, Fauxcahontas and Oprah".

Plus the spectacle of a woman becoming President through divorcing her cheating President husband would make Hillary go through a hate-fueled nuclear meltdown that could power the country for decades if we could harness it.

And is it any stupider than anything else that's happened this century?

Rusty said...

john said...
"Evidence that it matters to some people: $130,000 hush money."

Why? It wasn't your money.

Maybe she just has a yeast infection.

walter said...

Hard to picture her in "divorce pants".

walter said...

But if she did, perhaps the next Arianna Huffington..

Ann Althouse said...

"Her concern may not necessarily be the constraints of a prenup, but Baron and his future inheritance and place in the family business."

If you were Barron, what would you want out of life? To have a high position in the Trump family business? That makes no sense to me.

I assume he has his gifts and his interests and he'll get educated and pursue some sort of work that suits him and interests him. Why hassle with all those older siblings over an existing empire? I would expect him to loathe it.

Amadeus 48 said...

I don't think Donald Trump, the private person, is easy to love. He's too selfish. If the Trumps have problems, I hope they work them out. The Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas certainly did. Model marriages all, right?

walter said...

Yeah..I bet Barron has that all that figured out at this point.
I bet he has "the best" video games.

Jaq said...

Imagine what Hillary would have paid. She has to be tearing her hair out! $13ok?

CStanley said...

If you were Barron, what would you want out of life? To have a high position in the Trump family business? That makes no sense to me.

Leaving aside the fact that I have absolutely no idea, and that it seems likely that Barron himself currently has no idea....

The real issue is what Melanie wants for Barron to have out of life. Her own life choices might lead her in one direction or the other- we could either assume that she wants him to live a life of extreme wealth because that's what she chose, or we could suspect that she is disappointed in her choice and wants Barron to have a more normal life. Who knows?

rhhardin said...

Trump could start dating again.

That would be a plus.

Birkel said...

I believe none of this.

Curious George said...

"Birkel said...
I believe none of this."

Yep. Fake news.

Francisco D said...


Has anyone else noticed that the NYT and WaPo are devolving into the National Enquirer?

readering said...

Secret service presence in Manhattan about to jump up.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

There’s nothing like rubbing elbows with the super elites to prove how much you care for the working man.

How stupid can a guy get to cheat on a beautiful woman like Melania white a skanky horse faced porn star? I wouldn’t blame her for being angry. She was just publicly humiliated by her idiot husband, but she might already be used to it.

Jaq said...

She could have picked that picture because it’s nearly perfect. But yeah, it’s public humiliation. If she goes along with it, then the shame goes on her too.

Who wants to be Hillary, really? Is she going to get a conference room and assemble a committee of operatives to slam the woman, as Hillary did, you know, the alternative to Donald Trump that the Democrats offered?

I know Democrats are tired of defending Hillary, but I am sure people in Hell are tired of sulfur and brimstone, too. Can’t do the time, you shouldn’t have done the crime of putting her at the top of your party.

walter said...

Inga "face shaming" a porn star..

William said...

It's fairly easy to imagine Trump having a fling with a pornstar, but I don't think it's a deal breaker for either Melania or the country. Whatever the stress of remaining married to a cheating husband pales to insignificance compared to the stress of going through a divorce while being First Lady of the United States. It's just not worth it........If the economy ever goes south, all this will come back to bite Trump in the ass, but right now it's all good.

Gospace said...

rehajm said...
I've been lectured that presidential peccadilloes are none of my business.

I remember those lectures. Along with the mantra "Everyone lies about sex" being used as an excuse for perjury.

walter said...

Also hard to imagine Intouch sitting on the story until now.
Has anyone heard of that mag before this?

dynamite666 said...

The Stormy Daniels interview had one detail that would make any married woman furious. He screwed a porn star with no condom, then went home and had (presumably) unprotected sex with his wife.

I'm stunned that none of the commenters noticed this.

"IT: Did you use protection?
Stormy: No.
IT: Was that a conversation or was it kind of in the moment?
Stormy: It was kind of in the moment. And I was really kind of upset about it because I am so, like, careful. The company I work for is condom-only. But I remember for a fact that we didn’t because I’m allergic to latex. And I didn’t go up there with condoms on me. I know that for a fact because 99% of men don’t carry non-latex condoms on them, so I usually always have one in my backpack but I thought I was going to dinner, so I only had a tiny little cocktail purse."

William said...

Roger Vadim was married to Jane Fonda. He had a thing for threesomes. He used to invite hookers (no pornstrars in those days) to share his bed with Jane. Jane went along with the arrangement. Back then, I think woman's lib dovetailed with sexual liberation so it was a feminist act.......I think we should all admire the superior morality of Trump and Melania versus Vadim and Jane Fonda. We have a president who respects the institution of marriage.

Andrew said...

I think Trump and Melania should have fun with the speculation. Make the gossip and rumors grow worse. Have a few fake moments of coldness in front of the cameras (think Princess Do). Meanwhile, Trump continues to do great things for the country under the radar. I'm genuinely surprised that more Dems and journalists haven't figured out his strategy to keep them angry and preoccupied while he gets things done.

Andrew said...

Princess Di, not Do. @$!#%

Birches said...

I find this all way too speculative, but if she is pissed then good for her for not playing the good wife.

FIDO said...

It is sad that if the only way the media has of destroying Trump is to destroy his marriage, they will happily destroy his marriage.

Staying classy, guys.

Did the press dredge up the DOZENS of women that Billy Boy slept with? Did they spend more than 6 seconds on Billy Boy and the Lolita Express?

No. Because it might hurt Hillary.

Disgusting people.

walter said...

Ah...so a "germaphobe" screws a porn star sans condom?

David said...

Inga said...
She [Melania] was just publicly humiliated by her idiot husband, but she might already be used to it.

Why do you think that Melania is humiliated? She did not do anything to be ashamed of. She did not do anything at all. If anyone is to be humiliated, it would be Donald or Stormy. Why do you, as a "Progressive," think that a woman as accomplished as Melania would or should accept humiliation as a label for her reaction to her husband's indiscretions?

Perhaps you should accept a little humiliation for stereotyping women as weak and derivative beings subject to some kind of stain based on the actions of their spouses?

n.n said...

Why would Gaia Choose the woman over the man?

The premise for feminist myth, and, generally, the left-kind, is that women have been "punished" disproportionately as a principle of Nature, Gaia's Nature. Mother Earth "punishes" her daughters with children and other life, joy, pleasure-reducing clutter.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Why do you think that Melania is humiliated? She did not do anything to be ashamed of. She did not do anything at all. If anyone is to be humiliated, it would be Donald or Stormy. Why do you, as a "Progressive," think that a woman as accomplished as Melania would or should accept humiliation as a label for her reaction to her husband's indiscretions?”

Of course she’s humiliated, she doesn’t have to accept any “label” and of course she’ll move on or get over it. I didn’t say she was “stained” in any way. That is your own perception, perhaps? She is a gorgeous woman whose husband had unprotected sex with a porn star, choosing the thrill over the vow he made to her, any spouse would feel humiliation. Melania is immensely more desirable than the porn star. You cannot be serious if you think a woman, regardless of how beautiful or strong she is, would not feel humiliation, that is a very human and normal emotion in a situation such as this. I didn’t place any blame on her whatsoever, she’s the wronged party here.
“Perhaps you should accept a little humiliation for stereotyping women as weak and derivative beings subject to some kind of stain based on the actions of their spouses?

Hillary Clinton.

Jim at said...

Is she flying to Aspen with the kids while Donald jets off to California to golf?

Because that was the norm for the last eight years.

Seeing Red said...

6’ of snow? Was Gore attending?

Jim at said...

She was just publicly humiliated by her idiot husband, but she might already be used to it.

Why it's almost as if you slept through the 1990s.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“She was just publicly humiliated by her idiot husband, but she might already be used to it.

Why it's almost as if you slept through the 1990s.”

“Perhaps you should accept a little humiliation for stereotyping women as weak and derivative beings subject to some kind of stain based on the actions of their spouses?”

“Hillary Clinton.”

Jim, you’re an idiot.

Lydia said...

Maybe she's also heard about Michael Wolff's latest claim that Trump is having a current affair, and this is just, enough already.

Seeing Red said...

When does he have the time?

Seeing Red said...

No Inga, it’s just old. The Bubba Bar lowered the standard; no whining now.

Seeing Red said...

It’s a private issue between the spouses. It doesn’t affect how he runs the country.

Let’s see, what other things were said about Monica and why we should let it go?

Oh! Consenting adults.


AllenS said...

Time for some appropriate humor --

Monica Lewinsky walks into her dry cleaners, the guy is a little old and hard of hearing. Monica says "I need to get this dress cleaned, no starch, use the same hanger." The dry cleaner responds "come again?" Monica says "Nope, this time it's mustard."

Seeing Red said...

Besides, I thought we were supposed to stay out of other people's bedrooms?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“When does he have the time?”

Yeah, he must have to squeeze them in during his TV news shows and the Shark channel.

rhhardin said...

I don't see why anybody's interested in Melania's feelings besides Trump.

The lady's a nobody. Style counts against her, if anything.

An honest interest in something or other might be worth attention. Say horoscopes, if she's really into it. Go on the air and argue with skeptics. It's an argument that can be won.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I don't see why anybody's interested in Melania's feelings besides Trump.

The lady's a nobody. Style counts against her, if anything.”

She’s not a nobody, she is FLOTUS and more importantly, she’s a human being, who has probably had to put up with a despicable man as husband for all those years. I can’t imagine any opulence and amount of riches would be worth it. This has nothing to do with style, although she has plenty.

johns said...

Melania must be getting a lot of requests for interviews, so reporters can stick it in her face. It appears she is not doing interviews regarding this news, which speaks well for her.

rhhardin said...

"She’s not a nobody, she is FLOTUS and more importantly, she’s a human being.."

The world is full of human beings, about whose feelings few people each care.

First lady is celebrity addiction. It's entertainment for women with no life.

rhhardin said...

First lady is after all the highest aspiration a woman can have, assuming she has no talent.

rhhardin said...

Look at Michelle Obama.

rhhardin said...

Who played first lady in Dave (1993)

Sigourney Weaver

There's the parallel you want. Maybe Trump will have a stroke fucking a mistress and a fake Trump fill-in will be moved in, owing to the machinations of some chief of staff.

Still she didn't do much except like children or something lefty.

rhhardin said...

Not being obsessed with celebrities is a good start.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“First lady is after all the highest aspiration a woman can have, assuming she has no talent.”

You know what the highest aspiration a woman, or a man can have in this time we spend on earth, regardless of talent, brains, or fame? Being a decent human being.

Being obsessed with celebrity is silly. I don’t know any serious person who is. Trump cultists and sycophants here and elsewhere are not serious people.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Lydia said...
Maybe she's also heard about Michael Wolff's latest claim that Trump is having a current affair, and this is just, enough already.

1/23/18, 1:44 PM

Michael Wolff's claims - LOL.

walter said...

This story has jumped the shark..donations:


Since Trump’s strong anti-shark stance became public late last week, donations have poured in at the nonprofits Atlantic White Shark Conservancy and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, their leaders told MarketWatch.

“It’s actually more dangerous to play golf than it is to go swimming in the ocean with sharks.”
— Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

“We have been receiving donations in Trump’s name since the story was published,” said Cynthia Wilgren, chief executive officer and co-founder of Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, based in Chatham, Mass. Most of the money has come from first-time donors, she added. “It can certainly be a challenge to raise money for a species that most people fear,” Wilgren said.

Captain Paul Watson, founder of the Burbank, Calif. based Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, said his group had received “quite a few” donations from benefactors who specifically mentioned Trump’s comments.

walter said...

Watson should hire Stormy for a PSA: Stormy swimming nude with sharks.
I bet she's extraordinarily buoyant.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“First lady is celebrity addiction.”

It’s a respectful title given to the wife of the man who holds the most powerful Office in the world. Giving the person who holds that title respect is a different thing. I respect Melania as much as I respect any wronged wife, who has put up with shit for some years, no more, no less, I’d respect her more if she divorced his fat ass. Saying she is beautiful and stylish, doesn’t mean she is given respect for those attributes. She was obviously lucky to be born with her genetics, no credit is given for this.

walter said...


Reporters from several major news outlets staked out the strip club for hours and hours this weekend, just in case a porn star said or did something newsworthy. As if she might vault onstage, rip off her corset and – instead of clutching a pole with her pelvis – launch a news conference.

“It’s demeaning,” said Suzanne Coe, who nevertheless brought a copy of Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury for Daniels to sign as a trivia prize for her bar downtown. “And it’s demeaning we have a first lady who posed naked. I don’t think you can humiliate America any more.”

Enthusiasm in the room was low. Emcees had to impugn patrons’ masculinity to goad them to the stage so that Daniels could flip them onto their backs and lower herself onto their noses.

“I think Trump’s a real famous guy, and he’s been around a s*** ton of people,” said Darin Ferguson, an engineer from North Carolina here on business, watching from the safety of a back wall. “And she’s getting her 10 minutes of fame from it.”

This is not the first time a stripper has entered the political fray. In 1974, Representative Wilbur Mills, was pulled over by Park Police near the Tidal Basin, and the ex-stripper in his car – stage name: “Fanne Foxe, the Argentine firecracker” – tumbled into the water during a scuffle. The congressman, up for re-election, saw his poll numbers tick up. The Argentine firecracker rebilled herself as the “Tidal Basin Bombshell” and quintupled her performance fee.

Curious George said...

I love how #IngaKnew treats allegations of Trumps infidelity as fact, despite Daniels denying it happened. What a dullard.

rhhardin said...

Being obsessed with celebrity is silly. I don’t know any serious person who is

It's not guys clicking to see what Melania feels.

rhhardin said...

“First lady is celebrity addiction.”

It’s a respectful title given to the wife of the man who holds the most powerful Office in the world

Hence her celebrity among women.

rhhardin said...

The first lady gets every woman's dream, the chance to show her friends what a good deal she made, especially compared to their own deals.

Trump stepping out on her of course suggests Melania isn't getting her fairly simple job at home done, which undercuts the fantasy.

There's all the dynamics laid out for you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's not guys clicking to see what Melania feels.”

You seem to be stuck on the notion that women, or anyone for that matter, cares how she feels only because she is a celebrity. She a human being, you know, a fellow human being? A human that normal people may have empathy for.

rhhardin said...

Melania's best course is to forgive Trump, making a show of having married for better or for worse, loyalty to the marriage and Trump.

But natural bitchiness will suggest a different course, striking out on her own. It always does.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The first lady gets every woman's dream, the chance to show her friends what a good deal she made, especially compared to their own deals.

Trump stepping out on her of course suggests Melania isn't getting her fairly simple job at home done, which undercuts the fantasy.”

Nonsense. It’s “every woman’s dream”? Seriously? What claptrap. Most women are not going to place blame on Melania. That is actually something a misogynist might do.

rhhardin said...

You seem to be stuck on the notion that women, or anyone for that matter, cares how she feels only because she is a celebrity. She a human being, you know, a fellow human being? A human that normal people may have empathy for.

Do you know that 10,000 Americans die every day? Round numbers. 100,000 people in the world.

Each one important to somebody, but not to everybody. After all, you're not sad about it every day.

Only the most click-baity stories run every day, and everybody appears to be concerned about that case, because it's entertainment. People like to pretend to be concerned nice people made sad by this or that self-entertaining story. Especially women.

Guys are more into comic and Darwin award death stories.

rhhardin said...

Nonsense. It’s “every woman’s dream”? Seriously? What claptrap. Most women are not going to place blame on Melania. That is actually something a misogynist might do.

Most women are going to see themselves in the role, and blame the man. That's what makes it entertaining to them.

Click bait, ratings stories. Women are so unsuspicious about being played, or anyway prefer the entertainment to the unfortunate indignity of being led by the nose to paying sponsors.

rhhardin said...

The same sexual drive that led Trump to Melania led him to the porn star.

It's Melania's job to keep the drive focussed at home. If she doesn't, it won't be.

Trump isn't a saint.

rhhardin said...

Women like stories that suggest women are important. They're really transparent.

rhhardin said...

Guys don't need stories suggesting guys are important. They feel important already.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Most women are going to see themselves in the role, and blame the man. That's what makes it entertaining to them.”

And what do you know about most women? Not much apparently, lol. Stop watching movies and mistaking it for real life. Hint, the women in the movies whose dialog you often quote, are not real, they are actresses playing a part. First you claim women will blame Melania, then you say women will blame Trump. Make up your mind...you sound like a woman. Kidding, of course.

rhhardin said...

First you claim women will blame Melania

I said women see themselves in the role of first lady, wife of a powerful and successful and rich man. That's entertaining to them.

Women will blame Trump. That's entertaining to them too.

Good deal turns bad but the woman is always right.

It does not occur to women that Melania showing Trump that she's satisfied with him pretty often would have saved the situation in the first place, because what woman wants to do that.

rhhardin said...

She's got to make Trump feel he's made a good deal.

Sex with even the most beautiful woman in the world is boring so she's going to have to step up the game to something Trump will like. Feeling adequate is a good feeling to provoke in a man.

rhhardin said...

Remember all the guy sees having sex is one eyeball. Beauty is not going to help.

walter said...

Doing his level best to make Inga seem less unhinged..

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The first lady gets every woman's dream, the chance to show her friends what a good deal she made, especially compared to their own deals.

Trump stepping out on her of course suggests Melania isn't getting her fairly simple job at home done, which undercuts the fantasy.”

Your words. Did you mean women here, or men? Who “suggests” this? I understood you to have assigned this “suggesting” to women.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Nice chatting with you rhhardin, even though you live on a different planet.

rhhardin said...

Your words. Did you mean women here, or men? Who “suggests” this? I understood you to have assigned this “suggesting” to women.

The Cinderella story, being first lady, is an attraction to women. She gets to play the good deal card with her friends.

Then it turns bad. Protectively, the man is taken to be at fault. What it's protective of is that the lady has not been a good partner. So that's entertainment number two.

Two attractions: the good deal, and the man ruining it. It's a princess Di situation.

Where is the NYT story, by Jane Galt or somebody


Jane Gross.

rhhardin said...

Note to people, argue to what is said, not the person, and see what happens.

I don't know why this is hard these days.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

What a babe. Imagine how pleased that Marine is.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Assuming it's true, another reason Melania might not want to divorce Trump is so that her son's father's presidency isn't shot to hell by a messy divorce.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Captain Paul Watson, founder of the Burbank, Calif. based Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, said his group had received “quite a few” donations from benefactors who specifically mentioned Trump’s comments.

I hope they sink. Ideally near a bunch of sharks.

Unknown said...

I know that people will complain about their marriage, and their relationship, especially the women, usually complains that her husband does not love her anymore, her husband cheats on her and even her husband left her, I had a very similar case with them, my husband left me with my two kids for no reason, he said his no longer in loves with me, He walk away for about 5 months, he never called me or the kids, I had a girlfriend, who had a similar case like mine, but her husband is with her now, I told her about my problems I was facing, she told me about a man that helped her resolve her problems, she introduced me to priest manuka, who actually helped me with his great powers to recall back my husband within 7 days, but today am proud enough to testify about him for what he has done for me is not easy to be a single mom, today my heart is filled of joy and peace of mind, may the GOD'S be with you and bless you for the smile you have put in my face...Contact him for help his temple is real he will talk with you on video for guidelines via email::lovesolutiontemple1@gmail.com hangout is priest manuka .THANKS

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