January 1, 2018

"I wish the Iranian people success in their noble quest for freedom."


Anonymous said...

Nice 21st century outlook. Some folks don't like how the Old Testament played out so we are still dealing with that.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YoungHegelian said...

Before the Shah fell, the Iranians & the Israelis were on relatively good terms. If nothing else, they had their own private market in components for US weapons systems, which they both bought from us in large amounts. Also, both of them had historical reasons to distrust the Arabs.

Michael K said...

Yes, Netanyahu is seeing the future and it is not Hez Bollah.

David Begley said...

Please remind me when the Democrat party became opposed to free people and human rights.

Lots of interesting stuff about the Iran deal will come out if the mullahs get purged.

Daniel Jackson said...

And we are wishing you a Happy Purim as well.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

I like the political synergy between Trump & Netanyahu.

Achilles said...

Trump, Netanyahu, Americans, Iranian people are on one side.

European leaders, Democrats, Iranian Mullahs are on the other.

The enemies of freedom must be defeated.

Achilles said...

David Begley said...
Please remind me when the Democrat party became opposed to free people and human rights.

Lots of interesting stuff about the Iran deal will come out if the mullahs get purged.

A better question would be when was the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Eugenics, forced public education, and high taxation was ever not opposed to freedom. The left has always been with the aristocracy in whatever governmental form they claim to want.

Achilles said...

Add in pro gun control, opposition to free speech, opposition to choice in health care, internet protocol.

There are two issues where the left supports freedom if you give them the benefit of the doubt on reproductive rights. I don't think they have earned that.

steve uhr said...

Sure Achilles -- FDR and Truman were always opposed to freedom and liberty.

Original Mike said...

"Trump, Netanyahu, Americans, Iranian people are on one side."<

Not all the American people.

MikeD said...

Sure steve, I'll give you Truman, but FDR? Responsible for the incarceration of 100's of thousands American citizens in conditions worse than than the stateside German POW camps. Anyway, I believe Achilles was speaking of the entity known as Democrat Party, not the individual cancerous/non-cancerous cells making up the abomination!

donald said...

How bout them Dawgs. 24 straight!

n.n said...

Let's pull a South Africa and open a mass abortion field, or a Serbia (or Ukraine) and divide the nation in two, or perhaps a Libya and force mass immigration reform.

hawkeyedjb said...

Netanyahu: I wish the Iranian people success...

Etienne: This is a good time to say something bad about America...

But then, it always is, isn't it Etienne?

Trumpit said...

An Iranian-born doctor murdered my mother under the guise of Comfort Measures Only (CMO) with a morphine overdose by telephone orders to the nurses. Three ER nurses were complicit by following criminal orders. It is hard to explain why they acted as they, and I won't attempt to here. Suffice it say their loyalties were to the doctors not my 81 year-old mother, or to me who was present at her bedside. They showed little regard for the life of their patient if it meant the doctors or themselves getting in trouble. The American culture of greed led by butthead Trump now is a bad one. My mother was a professor of psychology, who understood "man's inhumanity to man" better than anyone, could have explained it. This sadistic killer got to the U.S. before there was "extreme vetting." It would unlikely have stop a medical doctor from entering the country anyway. Good luck to Iranian people in their courageous quest for freedom. But, this Iranian doctor deserves a lethal injection while strapped to a gurney.

n.n said...

The problem is denigrating individual dignity (e.g. diversity), debasing human life (e.g. selective-child, recycled-child), redistributive change (e.g. monopolies and monopolistic practices that increase people's financial burden), labor arbitrage (e.g. immigration reform, outsourcing), Affirmative Action that places color, sex, etc. before merit, litigation threats to force settlements, and social justice adventures to extort concessions. The American culture of immediate gratification, and the establishment of the Pro-Choice Church, indeed.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Scott Adams parascoped praise on bibis persuasion. Well done he said.

Meanwhile, the Obamas former aides are calling for Trump to shut up 🤐.

Hagar said...

About as stilted a statement of good wishes as I have ever heard and probably should be taken with a grain of salt.

However, that the urban Iranians are yelling that they are Iranians and not Arabs is interesting and does not bode well for the regime. What they are saying is that whatever the Koran prophecies, they want no part of any apocalyptic end of times warfare - let the Arabs fight it out between themselves if that's what they want.

Rusty said...

The American culture of greed led by butthead Trump now is a bad one."
Let me guess. You're a public sector employee.
butthead Trump is not responsible for your mothers death. I'm sorry for your loss.

narciso said...

Yes its not that surprising


Its interesting this happened after the passing of rafsanjani, the master of the bazaar.

Michael K said...

Trumpit is crazy and you should ignore him.

He is really nuts,

Achilles said...

steve uhr said...
Sure Achilles -- FDR and Truman were always opposed to freedom and liberty.

I forgot internment camps. Thanks for reminding me.

Truman did seem like a complete outlier though he was veep during that time.

Paul said...

I hope the Iranians overcome their religious oligarchy and join the world. Time to come out of the dark ages.

And I hope Trump gives them arms, training, and backup to help them in their cause (just as the French did for us in 1776.)


Achilles said...

Original Mike said...
"Trump, Netanyahu, Americans, Iranian people are on one side."

Not all the American people.

It is time we all sat down together and defined what it is to be American. People who run around attacking people who disagree with them, undermine equal justice and the rule of law, and support obvious unlawful coups against lawfully elected presidents should be excluded.

The entire democrat party knows and is supportive of political violence against their political enemies.

We should act accordingly because as soon as they gain power you know they will not hesitate.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The editors of the NY Times would like to make a comment: "So, like Trump, Netanyahu is playing right into the mullahs' hands."

narciso said...

Not surprising in the least


traditionalguy said...

I hope the Iranians recover their country from the iron Tyranny of the Muslim clerics, and then disclose what the Muslim secret agents Obama and Jarrett did to destroy the USA they were at war with from deep inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave..

Drago said...

Trumpit claims some doctor killed his mother sometime back.

Then Trumpit dragged Trump into it, because of course Trumpit did.

LLR Chuck could not have done it better....

Lyle Smith said...

Turn the world upside down Iranian people! Love from Texas!

traditionalguy said...

Rumor of new post by Q: " How about them Dawgs." Even shutting down the ATL Airport could not stop their winning.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

There’s definitely a stand-up-and-be-counted thing going on here. If events in Iran gather steam, even the mullah’s Leftist enablers are going to have to come down on the side of the Iranian people. Effectively, following Trump’s lead! Watching Obama give his lukewarm po’ faced endorsement of the Iranian protesters is going to be nothing less than hilarious.

The Godfather said...

The theocratic regime in Iran came to power 40 years ago (anyone much under 60 can't remember well how things were before that). The regime of the Ayatollahs replaced a monarchy that had sought to modernize the country -- perhaps too fast -- and ostensibly hoped to liberalize the government -- perhaps too slowly. I shed no tears for the Shah or his regime. But the fall of his regime, and its replacement by a theocratic dictatorship, helped to create instability in the region, which the US has been trying to deal with since the Reagan Adminsitration. Mostly we sought to limit the harm that Iran could do, but in the Obama Administration we sought to co-opt Iran as a power for regional stability. I think we can agree that that didn't work out so well. I doubt that the Iranian regime can be overthrown by demonstrators, peaceful or otherwise, but Netanyahu and Trump are right to give at least moral support to those who seek freedom.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I doubt that the Iranian regime can be overthrown by demonstrators, peaceful or otherwise,

I don't pretend to know anything about Iran, but that's what Ceausescu thought. Preference cascades and "the mandate of heaven" are real things.

donald said...

54-48. Hell yeah.

Trumpit said...

In the new year, Althouse should impose her own form of "extreme vetting" by restricting the nastiest of trolls, such as Michael W, who claims to be a medical doctor, and "buwaya" who is plain obnoxious, and trolls me as well. Trolls stink up the place, and chase away interesting commenters would rather not be insulted for expressing their opinion on a given topic.

Larry J said...

"Blogger Achilles said...
steve uhr said...
Sure Achilles -- FDR and Truman were always opposed to freedom and liberty.

I forgot internment camps. Thanks for reminding me.

Truman did seem like a complete outlier though he was veep during that time.".

Truman wasn't the VP when the internment camps were established. Henry Wallace was. Truman was still in the Senate. He was FDR's running mate in the 1944 election and became VP in January 1945.

Lyle Smith said...


I highly doubt Althouse needs your help in running her blog. You should also grow a thicker skin. You're an American debating others on the internet for the love of Christ Jesus.

Comanche Voter said...

Netanyahu is mostly gracious in his dealings with the world situation---unlike a certain jug eared jerk who used to be in power.

Ken B said...

Yes trumpit, Michael claims to be a doctor. This is because Michael is a doctor. Perhaps you move in circles where such logic seems outrageous. You would fit in I think.

Unknown said...

how will the mullahs use this?

> expressing their opinion on a given topic.

he's right, uniformed opinions are precious and rare in cyberspace..

cubanbob said...

Trumpit, sorry for your loss. If the facts support it, consider hiring a lawyer. My mother was basically killed by hospital incompetents but successfully suing isn't as easy as one would think.

As for Iran, one wonders if the protesters are successful and the regime collapses what will come next? Judging from the tenor of the protesters will Iran even remain a majority Muslim nation if the regime falls?

narciso said...

Its an intriguing nation, who would lead we don't even really know who the opposition leaders are particularly, then again we didn't know Walesa or victor urban either, until they stepped in stage.

narciso said...

Notion, once upon a time, even blofeld probably did a good deed:(re sores)

Jon Burack said...

Excellent talk by Netanyahu. Trump's tweets have been to the point on this. But he needs to get on TV and address the nation and the world. The one thing that can make this uprising work is for the mullahs to see the world standing up for the people and letting the regime know there will be consequences for violent crackdowns. Why might this work this time? Because the Iranians are challenging the very ideological basis of the regime, not its peripheral electoral machinery. And there does so far seem to be hesitancy in responding. When an upheaval generates a loss of nerve in the ruling elite, that is the point of maximum danger for the regime. If soldiers refuse to fire and join the crowds, for example, things could unravel fast. I really hope Trump goes all out as Reagan did in backing Soviet dissidents in the late 1980s. Then as now there were voices cautioning against it on the ludicrous grounds it would give the regime a reason to crack down. As if they ever need a reason. Liberals now are saying this to Trump. He needs to do the exact opposite.

David said...

Translation: "Nice little Islamic clerical governing gang you have there. It would be a shame if anything happened to it."

narciso said...



Bilwick said...

Asked to comment, former US President Barack ("Barry") Obama responded, "I'm sorry . . . what is this 'freedom' thing they're all in a dither about?"

Michael The Magnificent said...

Please remind me when the Democrat party became opposed to free people and human rights.

Since the founding. Since slavery. Since the civil war. Since the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. Since the Ku Klux Klan. Since Jim Crow laws. Since blocking the school house door. Since the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Yancey Ward said...

To succeed, the anti-government Iranians will need to be at least 60% of the population if the government fights back with all means necessary- and they will have to sustain that in the face of what could be horrific violence. We will see.

Bilwick said...

In addition to what Michael above said, there's also the almost lascivious embrace of statism by the Democratic Party in the 20th and 21st Centuries: first during the Progressive Era (or the Wilson Era); then in the New Deal; then the post-McGovern era, when the Democrats adopted the Neo-Marxist class warfare rhetoric and a good deal of the ideology of the Sixties' New Left; and then into the 21st Century, getting an unreconstructed Red Diaper Baby into the White House; and now with creatures like the Alinskyite Witch from Chappaqua, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie the socialist as the Dems' standard bearers.

Gahrie said...

Please remind me when the Democrat party became opposed to free people and human rights.

Since the founding. Since slavery. Since the civil war. Since the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. Since the Ku Klux Klan. Since Jim Crow laws. Since blocking the school house door. Since the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The founder of the Democratic Party, President Jackson, had the Eastern Indian tribes forces out west on the Trail of Tears. FDR put Japanese-Americans in camps. Judge Taney ruled that Blacks could never be citizens. Sanger believed that the poor and minorities shouldn't be allowed to breed.

MacMacConnell said...

Harry Truman was a KKK member, it's how Dems got elected back in the day.

MacMacConnell said...

"Tim Kaine

Big step US could take to support democracy movement in Iran: Drop the Iranian travel ban.

12:07 PM - Jan 1, 2018"

Certified DOUCHE!

Matt Sablan said...

How would that help Iran?

Kevin said...

In the new year, Althouse should impose her own form of "extreme vetting" by restricting the nastiest of trolls, such as Michael W, who claims to be a medical doctor, and "buwaya" who is plain obnoxious, and trolls me as well. Trolls stink up the place, and chase away interesting commenters would rather not be insulted for expressing their opinion on a given topic.

Shorter version: Please restrict people's freedom.

Rusty said...

Blogger Trumpit said...
"In the new year, Althouse should impose her own form of "extreme vetting" by restricting the nastiest of trolls,"

Then you wouldn't be here. Is that what you want?

" such as Michael W, who claims to be a medical doctor, and "buwaya" who is plain obnoxious, and trolls me as well."

You should feel honored. Two of the more intelligent commenters. Read them and learn.

"Trolls stink up the place, and chase away interesting commenters would rather not be insulted for expressing their opinion on a given topic."

Are there any mirrors in your house?

Paul said...

Give the protestors some help USA...

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran!
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran!
When Obama's betrayal just wouldn't do...
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran!

Free the Iranians!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

In addition to what Michael above said, there's also the almost lascivious embrace of statism by the Democratic Party in the 20th and 21st Centuries: first during the Progressive Era (or the Wilson Era); then in the New Deal; then the post-McGovern era, when the Democrats adopted the Neo-Marxist class warfare rhetoric and a good deal of the ideology of the Sixties' New Left; and then into the 21st Century, getting an unreconstructed Red Diaper Baby into the White House; and now with creatures like the Alinskyite Witch from Chappaqua, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie the socialist as the Dems' standard bearers.

Strong contender for best comment so far in 2018! The Democratic Party had an armed wing in the KKK to enforce it's extra-legal ideas (like separation of the races). The more SAJWs squeal about current conditions the more we should hold a mirror up to the murderous anti-family and racist history of the DNC and their masters in the Media.