"For you not to feel that hurt and that pain... that’s unacceptable to me. Your silence and your amnesia is complicity.... Why is this so important? Why is this so disturbing for me? Why am I frankly seething with anger?..."
Seething with anger, Cory Booker:
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»This is getting ri-freaking-diculous.
He mansplained it to her.
Booker is being outclassed in terms of public relations and "buzz" by Oprah, Biden (did you see the article in Politico today that was planted by Biden's people? (Biden is the guy that scares Trump the most! LOL)), Kamala, Warren, etc.
Booker was not about to let this opportunity pass without capitalizing.
For awhile there I thought he was going to strike the DHS Secretary and I was looking forward to seeing how LLR Chuck would defend it.
"Hurt ... tears ... rage ... pain ... disturbing ... anger ..."
Can't listen to the video where I am. Was there any substantive comment, or is it just pure "waaaaaaah"
Moved to tears, of rage, by a lie from a habitually lying liar. Who are these tens or millions of Americas (sic) that are hurting right now? Because the only people that need to worry about the President's desired policy on immigration are not Americans.
Watching the grandstanding by the committee democrats, I was embarrassed for them. That was truly pathetic. Just when I think they can't go any lower...
Cory Booker doesn’t have an authentic bone in his body. If the Democratic Party opposed immigration as a sop to labor interests, Cory Booker would rail against immigration. But the Democrats have embraced immigration because Latino voters are worth more to them than the white working class. So he toes the line.
And the Oscar goes to .........
So Durbin called Booker, too? Is there anyone Mr. Tattletale didn't call? Oooh! Guess what Trump just said! What an asshole.
fivewheels: "Can't listen to the video where I am. Was there any substantive comment, or is it just pure "waaaaaaah""
He worked in the obligatory 'this is unprecedented' type stuff, racism, white folks from Norway, etc.
But my favorite was Booker's mansplaining to the DHS Secretary that she was COMPLICIT for failing to hear the supposed slur in a room full of dudes cursing and being heated all over the place.
It seem's like only yesterday that Rick Lazio had committed a physical assault on Hillary for just trying to hand her a piece of paper!!
My how times have changed....(not really, dems can pretty much do whatever they want)
The tears of a clown.
Keith: "Watching the grandstanding by the committee democrats, I was embarrassed for them. That was truly pathetic. Just when I think they can't go any lower.."
When they go low, we wait for them to go lower.
Whar a poser.
Known diversitist, witch hunter, social justice-monger, and selective-child advocate, emotes and projects. Projects and emotes.
Bill: "The tears of a clown"
But only when everyone's around.
It's the massive over-wrought collective hivemind pile on. Crying on Q for the camera. Racists everywhere! Pain and tears! roll the cameras.... Get the widow on the set.
What a shitshow. Totally unacceptable.
@Drago LOL
Cory Booker- Isn't he from the state that giveth Menendez and Jon Corzine?
What a drama queen.
BTW Cory. What happened to that 100 million from Zuckerberg that was to fix Newark's schools?
Cory Booker gives real meaning to the term "Not Ready for Prime Time" acting. What a performance.
And he's a guy who really knows s__t holes. He was at once time the mayor of Newark, a spot he wanted solely to get it on his political resume.
Once that box was checked he couldn't get outta there fast enough once an opportunity to move up came along.
Booker can be a very good actor, of the scenery-chewing variety.
As far as making sense, there is no need. This is not an argument.
This is a propaganda war. All that's required is feedstock (anything will do) and volume.
Newark airport = shithole.
Bullying a woman?
"tens of millions are hurting"
Actually the number is 65,853,516 - that would be Hillary voters.
But one needs to subtract those that received bonuses from the tax cut, subtract those whose 401k has skyrocketed since the election, those who will receive a raise in Feb when the tax cut hits the paychecks and those that have obtained jobs since the election.
But only when everyone's around.
They are lamenting victims left behind, refugees lost on the trail of tears, creating and saving shitholes, women raped in a diverse and socially progressive environment, at the tomb of the unknown baby, immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises), and the global elective shitshows for social justice.
I had this vague idea that Booker was politically savvy, but I guess he's not. He really thinks this is a good idea?
re: volume
This will, of course, be amplified to liberal proportions by the DNC-affiliated press. A shitshow on every channel, and a channel for every shitshow, ratings.
I wish Trump would double down. Come out and say "Yeah - You know what, Durbin got it wrong but I'll say it anyway. Corrupt leftist dictatorships leave entire nations in ruins. shitholes, as it were."
Sticks and stones, right?
Great comment about the 401k increases. I have friends who keep telling me (since election night) that I better pull my money out of the stock market. They’re scared.
My 401k gained 23% last year (most of it late in the year) and its up almost 4% in 2018. What’s today, January 16th?
More please. Winning!
And Hillary Clinton is still not president. See you next Tuesday Hillary...
shithole - an environment of trouble and misfortune.
Semantic change. Problem solved. Now, let's address the first-order forcings of catastrophic anthropogenic shitholes, including social justice adventures and shitshows.
Lying sack of shit. Just like Dick "Dick" Durbin.
She took it well.
I'm glad we don't have to deal with, "Did you see how that Senator treated a woman?! Misogyny! Off with his head!" instead, she seems to be just fine dealing with men with anger issues.
Good for her.
We cannot talk about corrupt leftist dictators and their shitholes. We cannot discuss immigration without it turning into a hi-jacked shitshow of emotional pap.
I wish Trump would double down.
He doesn't need to. The issue has, perhaps inadvertently, been broadcast by Democrats and the affiliated press. The first-order forcings of catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (CAIR) has been pushed to the front. No longer will social justice-mongers and their allies be able to open abortion fields, force immigration reform under a layer of privacy.
Angry Black Man doesn't usually go over too well with the white folk, unless it's Samuel L. Jackson. But it's Oscar season, so you gotta sell it hard.
They're stirring up racial anger and hatred over nothing. It's damaging to the country and to the people they claim to cry for. And yes, it is effective with a significant portion of the population.
At least he used the word "complicity" rather than "consent". That was a near miss:
"Angry man tells woman that silence is consent."
I'd be upset too after talking to Dick Durbin.
[Nielsen] seems to be just fine dealing with men with anger issues
Yes, the guys seem slightly riled when the framing changes from emotions. They are clearly out of their element, and unprepared to address the issues on merit.
Booker ran over on the two minute hate.
Blogger Bill said...
The tears of a clown.
Judy Collins said:
"But where are the clowns.
Send in the clowns.
Don't bother. They're here."
Intended to invoke the classic Rich Pryor and Che. Chase skit, the lady handled it better than hardin would have in the same environment, a tall order.
See it, but don't oblige.
Hey Senator Booker!
Newark = Shithole
Trenton = Shithole
Camden = Shithole
Hackensack = Shithole
Cryin' Cary Booker.
The Democrats sure love their crybabies.
Boo Hoo.
When the hysteria dial is constantly at max, few, outside the media, pay attention. "The medium is the message."
Do you believe him, Althouse? Because I surely do not.
FWIW I don't much care what is and what is not "acceptable" to Cory Booker, except insofar as if he's for it, decent people should be against it. There are 281,764 people living in Newark, and thanks to Cory Booker they hurt a lot (except for the klepto- corruptocrats like him).
Booker is in Yaokam terms "Inside the Pocket of a Clown," the clown being who Honey Bu Buway is always talking about:
Inside the pocket of a clown
Is a sad place to hang around
Just watching smiles turn into frowns
Inside the pocket of a clown
Inside the heartache of a fool
You'll learn things they don't teach in school
And lessons there can be real cruel
Inside the heartache of a fool
Hollow lies, make a thin disguise
As little drops of truth fall from your eyes
Hollow lies, make a thin disguise
As little drops of truth fall from your eyes
Inside a memory from the past
Lives every love that didn't last
Sweet dreams can start to fade real fast
Inside a memory from the past
It's a real sad place to hang around
Inside the pocket of a clown
by Dwight Yoakam
Althouse will make Cory Booker a punching bag. Easy enough. Rightfully so.
But has Althouse satisfied herself on an answer to the simple question, “Did Trump actually say, ‘shithole countries’ or not?”
Do we even know, what Trump’s own answer is?
Have at it, with Cory Booker. Knock yourselves out. If Trump has brazenly lied about what he said (and if Cotton and Perdue also lied) Cory Booker’s laughable hysteria isn’t much of a story.
Quite a performance.
Brava to Nielsen for standing up to such a blowhard bigot!
Who are these tens of millions of Americans? Why are they hurting?
Booker is confused. He needs a tabloid psychiatrist to take care of his over the top fake reactions. They are too obviously fake. Need psychiatrists to help him figure out how to "cry" more convincingly. It's embarrassing to watch.
Cory dear, You are confused. As far as our current law is concerned, these tens of millions are not Americans. Change the law to make them Americans so they can vote for you. But please don't be confused, they are not, as of now, Americans.
As we have learned in the last year, some progressive/Democrats who yap endlessly about their support of women see no inconsistency with using their position treat and speak to women like this. Booker is no different -- he acted like a lunatic on a woman testifying before the committee, knowing that he was in the interrogator position. Frankly, the DHS Secretary should have told him to take his rage and tears go fuck himself with it.
Chuck, nobody cares all that much whether he referred to shithole countries as shithole countries. Crude and easily understandable. Besides, while it sounds like something Trump might say, nobody other than Durbin is making the first hand claim and Durbin has a history of lying about these things.
It's uninteresting and tedious.
What the fuck does Cory Booker have in common with anyone from Sierra Leone or Yemen, outside of something incredibly superficial?
Blogger Chuck said...
Althouse will make Cory Booker a punching bag. Easy enough. Rightfully so.
But has Althouse satisfied herself on an answer to the simple question, “Did Trump actually say, ‘shithole countries’ or not?”
He probably did. We can never know.
I for one hope he does it again, every time he meets with Democrats and tries to make a bipartisan agreement.
Known Unknown: "What the fuck does Cory Booker have in common with anyone from Sierra Leone or Yemen, outside of something incredibly superficial?"
Astonishing, mind-boggling corruption found in New Jersey and Sierra Leone and Yemen and others.
Corey Booker's performance is so that black voting public knows that they're supposed to be on the same side as the Latinos, because in their day to day lives, that fact is anything but obvious to them.
It looks as if the Democrats are mortgaging the farm in order to woo Latino, especially Mexican-American voters. I'm not sure how that's going to work out for them. They lost blue-collar whites big time in 2016. If they lose even low twenties/upper teens of the black vote, especially certain strategic states, the Democrats are toast as anything but a regional party.
I think that the Democrats shutting down the government on behalf of non-citizens of any kind is going to be viewed very negatively by the electorate, including blacks. If Trump follows up the shutdown by a long-term outreach to the black community, he just might be able to make an inroad.
Cory Booker waves the shitty shirt.
The optics were terrible: a black man verbally abusing a white woman. As they say, this will not pee well in playoria when it comes time for Booker to seek political advancement. Imagine if there were such video of Barack Obama before he ran for POTUS.,
LLR Chuck really really really doesn't want you talking about Booker.
It doesn't help "the cause", if you know what I mean....
Remember when various personages said that they had never in their life encountered such foul language as Trump used in his pussy grabbing tape. It wasn't talk that Ihey had encountered in any locker room. Trump lived in a seperate dimension of sexual wrongdoing that existed nowhere else on earth. These were the peers and associates of such exemplars as Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, and Charley Rose. .......Rest easy Cory. No late night comedian will ever make fun of your hyperbole. Your hyperbole is the kind of hyperbole America needs. Perhaps Cory can join the growing trend of celebrities and politicians who, like Conan, decide to spend some time in Haiti. What better way to rebuke Trump than emigrating to Haiti.
Ironic when you consider that Booker was mayor of Newark, I'm sure he heard the term 'shithole' quit often.
I hope the next time he convenes a meeting with the same group of people, he starts with, "Listen Shitheads, if we can't talk frankly and honestly about the Big Issues and some of you are going to go crying to your mamas if you hear bad words, there's the door: get out now. Then we'll get down to business..."
Hear hear...nobody like a tattletale. (except Chuck)
The Democrat Party might be the stupidest free association of individuals not seen since my junior high remedial gym class.
The DHS Secretary could have said, "I don't remember that word, Senator Booker, but you might ask T-Bone if he heard it the next time you see him."
Ol' Chuck still got the rubber glove on, all KY'd up thinking about shitholes.
Lazer focus, Chuck. Good job.Keep hope alive.
If an American worker is displaced by an illegal or killed by an illegal - NO tears from democrats.
We need his passion in Times of moral loss. Of course folks would prefer the gag order the wh placed on Bannon because in the Trump religion everything is fake and should not be questioned.
Again with Charlotte, and Trump's comments regarding it.
I'm not much of a history buff, but plenty of people are. And as uninteresting as I find the civil war, there are those - left, right, and center - who go to great lengths to re-create old civil war battles.
And while I have no reverence for statues of civil war generals, I can accept the fact that there are those - left, right, and center - who consider these symbols of our history, as imperfect as it may be.
And I can also appreciate that there are taxpayers in Charlotte who may not care a whit about the statues one way or another, but they don't want outside rabble-rousers coming into town and destroying their town's public property.
And I can also appreciate that there are law-and-order types who may not like the statues, but by-God are going to insist their removal be done lawfully (petitions, referendums, etc.), and not by mob-rule.
So I find it odd that the left, which organized a campaign to tear down such statues in a multitude of cities, when met with resistance at tearing down Charlotte's public property, has come to one and only one conclusion - that those who oppose tearing down these statues must be - to a man - a Nazi, a white supremacist, a hater.
Which is why, when Trump said there were good people on both sides, they assume the side other than theirs can only be white supremacists. Not history & civil war buffs, not Charlotte taxpayers opposed to their public property being destroyed, and not law-and-order types opposed to mob rule.
He's playing to morons.
Times of moral loss = the never-ending Hillary lost butthurt party.
Trump said shithole or shithouse. Get over it. Corrupt leftwing dictatorships who let the Clinton Crime Family pillage Haitian national assets might be shitholes.
Was watching Andrew Cuomo's interview of Cory Booker concerning his meltdown with DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. It comes off a real time interview.
CNN runs a banner on the screen that reiterates the punch lines from whatever the interviewer says. As the banner changed from punch line to punch line – I noticed that the banner was being updated slightly before the interviewee actually said it. The only possible way that this could occur is if the interview had been pre-recorded and it was not live time. So for all we know, CNN could have provided Booker the interview questions and he had time to think about the answers. Then the interview was conducted or even practiced beforehand/redone, etc. - all kinds of potential mischief.
Someone gimme an amen on this (the banner precedes the speaker
@Michael the Magnificent:
Charlotte is in North Carolina, Charlottesville is in Virginia. Neither a history or geography buff.
"I had tears of rage..."
I am surprised Althouse didn't use this to segue into a rumination on the Dylan/Band song of that name.
I know Althouse has mocked the "I am surprised..." set-up of a comment, and understand why.
But I am actually surprised, a Dylan quote hanging like a pinata like that.
Who in this kabuki is the one who must be the thief?
Sounds pretty emotionally unstable, by his own account. Definitely "unfit to be president." Of course, that wouldn't be disqualifying for a Democrat.
I expect all of the feminists to jump to her defense. But on the other hand, screw that guy.
Spoken truly like a man who is angling for the Democratic nomination in 2020.
I'd love for the Congressional Black Caucus to explain why they are pushing for increased immigration from African countries. I checked their website and there was no statement, just a condemnation of Trump's insensitivity. Are they just trying to help out fellow Africans or are they afraid of losing political clout? Of course there is zero coverage of this by the media.
I did a little research and found that the US population is 12.3% black and 12.5% Hispanic. The percentage of Hispanics went up from 9% in 1990, while the percentage of blacks was 12.1 at that time.
"Tears of rage," in this case, being one member of the set of crocodile tears.
If the Dems care so much about the Dreamers, why aren't they willing to make a deal, especially one that, the President argues, and that at least some of them agree, is in the interest of the American people? If they shut down the government over it, do they seriously think it will play well with the public in the fall? Seems like bad politics to me if nothing else.
Ben Bradlee, working for Newsweek at the time, wrote a book describing his Conversations with Kennedy during JFK's years in the White House. One time newly-elected Senator Edward Kennedy came to lobby the President for help with unemployment in Massachusetts.
JFK responded, "Tough shit".
The most important element in this kerfuffle is whether or not we're still going to be able to use the perfectly good phrase "shithole country" when this finishes playing out or if it will become a new bit of doubleplusungood oldspeak.
So Lyin' Dick Durbin calls Little Corey Booker-=-whispers some "magic words" to Corey and Corey bursts into tears? Is Corey mentally and emotionally stable enough to be a Senator--much less a Presidential candidate?
I can sympathize with Cory. I felt the same tears of outrage and anger welling up within me when Sen. Franken was forced to resign because of relatively minor sexual transgressions. If it's any comfort to Cory, I can attest that my feelings of anger and sorrow passed relatively quickly. Tomorrow is another day. Perhaps Cory will find that his outrage at hearing Haiti being called a shithole will not scar and torment his remaining days in earth.
"When Dick Durbin called me (with the game-plan), I happened to be listening to Dylan."
That this guy got elected tells you everything you need to know about NJ.
Listening to Crying Cary - its hilarious.
"Savages Problems"
"Oval office conversation sounds like Social Engineering"
"Charlston Virginia last August"
And this guy has a Script!
Tens of millions? bullshit! No one is hurting because of the word "shithole." If you are, you need psychological help. Maybe Booker can get assistance from that Yale quack. What a tool!
Booker is running for President. He might win.
I heard Booker on Cuomo’s new night show. Overwrougt. Claimed DACA kids were citizens. Unhinged.
Perhaps Cory can seek consolation from one of his imaginary friends.
He hurts??? If it happens enough will he die??? Will his constituency actually swallow this?
Per Crying Cary?
GAO report 85 "violent acts" since 2001, 73% by "Right wing extremists"
IOW, about 65 in 16 years. That's 4 a year. And we're talking "violence" which could mean hitting or pushing someone.
Not much of a "crisis".
Chuck said...
Althouse will make Cory Booker a punching bag. Easy enough. Rightfully so.
But has Althouse satisfied herself on an answer to the simple question, “Did Trump actually say, ‘shithole
Does calling Booker an asshole make me a racist?
Because he sure seems like an asshole to me.
"roesch/voltaire said...
We need his passion in Times of moral loss. Of course folks would prefer the gag order the wh placed on Bannon because in the Trump religion everything is fake and should not be questioned."
"Then rhhardin said...
He's playing to morons."
Its funny that "Crying Cary" is upset that the POTUS' "vulgar and violent" language will "hurt millions across the country".
Because its his friend Dicky Durbin - who caused these comments to be made public. Trump was expressing his opinion in PRIVATE and didn't expect Dicky to publicize them across the USA.
So, if "Millions are hurt" blame Dicky Durbin.
Big girls -- they don't cry-y-y. They don't cry. But "T-Bone" Booker does!
Nevertheless, she persisted ...
The Democrats have to dry hump the racial issues, Trump has doubled his black support poll numbers since being elected.
Frankly, the DHS Secretary should have told him to take his rage and tears go fuck himself with it.
Where does he go from there? Has he got a Top Gear? What if he says this to her, and she says to him, don't be such a f*****, n*****! Does he stroke out? Jump her? I mean what's left?
BTW, Hugh Hewitt has an excellent, grown-up conversation with Sen. Tom Cotton about what Dicky Durbin and the Democrats are *really* doing on immigration and why the deal fell through.
"Have at it, with Cory Booker. Knock yourselves out. If Trump has brazenly lied about what he said (and if Cotton and Perdue also lied) Cory Booker’s laughable hysteria isn’t much of a story."
Maybe our Chuckles is actually Cory Booker. They have a similar temperament and lack of control over their emotions. They also like to lash out at blondes who don't yield to their monomania.
Booker may run in 2020 and may well get the black vote. But he'll need crossover white votes and I doubt he'll get many running on the present racist, anti-white Dem platform.
Last comment:
I love how Booker talks for 5 minutes and when she tries to disagree he says:
"Don't interrupt me, let me finish!"
Alveda King: It's not because you stand next to a dead man's grave that the dead man agrees to your ideas.
So...Trump contributed significantly to send surgeons such as the broken ribbed Rand Paul to remedy various maladies in Haiti.
I can understand why Dicky Durban and Corilingus Booker would be offended by shit hole, they both represent shit holes and have done nothing to improve them.
Chuck said...
Althouse will make Cory Booker a punching bag. Easy enough. Rightfully so.
But has Althouse satisfied herself on an answer to the simple question, “Did Trump actually say, ‘shithole
"LLR Proctologist Chuck"
Why am I frankly seething with anger?..."
Because you plan on running for president in 2020 and want the attention.
Booker needs to lose his religion, deny color diversity, stop defending the social justice-mongers' abortion fields, forced refugee crises (a.k.a. immigration reform), and trail of tears, for Democrat leverage.
Does calling Booker an asshole make me a racist?
Are you discriminating by the "color of his skin"?
No, then you're not a diversitist. Judge people by the "content of their character", not their diversity class.
rcocean said..."Don't interrupt me, let me finish!"
"You are ruining my youtube campaign clip!!"
Where is T-Bone to console him?
Ahh, but the shitholes that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that Trump DID say shitholes, and I'd have proved it if they hadn't of lied for Trump.. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect Trump...
It's uninteresting and tedious.
Well to be fair, so is Chuckles...
With this caliber of Democrat aspirants for the throne, no wonder there's a boomlet for Oprah Winfrey.
Note when Booker asks about her meeting "Dreamers", she refers to "DACA recipients"..while drinking water.
Womyn are better multi-taskers!
so..is Durbin talking to Linseed Graham at 5:05..ignoring Booker's speech?
McCarthyism is back!
..damn auto-correct...
took me 3 attempts to get Linseed Graham to stick.
However, it is a very weak form of McCarthyism.
Confused. A little help.
I posted here @ 8:25 PM and it’s gone.
I apologize if I offended the host or others here with the content. I looked too for the poster to which I responded at that time - and could not find her posts here anymore. I then had a flash of a vague memory from months ago that - and maybe I'm wrong - that this poster has either been banned or is otherwise not welcome here. I don’t remember the details from the past controversy. I don't trust my memory about the banned person, and I don't want to re-post the name here and cause undue embarrassment - but I felt badly when this imperfect memory came to me, feeling that maybe I fed a troll.
I don’t see an explanation here. Not that I’m asking one. Without an explanation or criticism, I’m not sure how or whether to apologize. Especially if my content itself was offensive. I didn't think it was. Alas.
@Gahrie: You know something... when I was studying patent law, and Althouse was teaching law before writing her blog here, and you, Gahrie, were tearing up the classrooms teaching history, who was standing guard over this fat, dumb, happy country of ours in courtrooms, eh? Not us. So who did the dirty work for us? Chuck did! And a lot of other guys. Tough, sharp guys like Tradguy who didn't crack up like Chuck.
Flash confirmed..
Booker fair skinned and no accent, so he passes the Harry Reid litmus for presidential candidacy. Maybe some Norwegian ancestors in his bloodlines.
Walter, thank you! The stuff I posted - which I won't repost (feeling edgy) - made me love Trump all over again, and was pro-Trump, at least for me, but perhaps I didn't read that other poster's comment carefully enough to see that it didn't really comport with my feelings, and meant something else, but it's not worth it, nor respectful, to feed a known troll, so apologies! I want to respect the rules of the house.
There are rules? Oh shit!
The Secretary works for the President. If there is something the Senator wants the Secretary to do, he should go ask her boss, the President.
The Secretary is there at Congress to respond to questions and provide information. If the Senator had a question in that 10 min monologue, I did not catch it.
The President's question of a couple of days ago remains unanswered. We seem to bring in a lot of people not on individual merit, but simply because they live in shitty countries. Why do we do this?
I love how Booker talks for 5 minutes and when she tries to disagree he says:
"Don't interrupt me, let me finish!"
Meade said...
As Ace says, don't punch down. Chuck is a piece of the problem that is always with us. If I believed in God, I would have to believe that He put Chuck here for a reason, and perhaps that reason was my own betterment. Fortunately, my beliefs do not call me to that extremity.
As a coherent explication of the situation in which we find ourselves, fully developed Christianity seems to me to be lacking. For example, why would an omnipotent and immortal God have a sex? And what are we to make of the bizarre assertion that He arranged to have a child so that He could torture Him to death?
Other religions don't have these problems because no one ever took them seriously, but Christianity, especially in its later stages, does invite scrutiny. While I find it preposterous as an account of physical reality, it arguably provides the best available framework for moral analysis. How can that be?
Chuck is still obsessing about the missing strawberries.
I know Trump is supposed to be the WWE guy in politics, but my, Corey Booker’s performance would’ve made Junkyard Dog weep crocodile tears. Really, I’ve seen ten-year-olds throwing public tantrums more believable than that performance. It was Tammy Faye Baker on steroids, Jimmy Sweigart on bennies, Barney Frank having a cat fight with his manfriend.
I give it a 1 on the Rottentomato meter and that’s being generous.
Does anybody really believe this crying stuff from politicians? I laughed when Schumer did it - he's a terrible actor.
Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...We seem to bring in a lot of people not on individual merit, but simply because they live in shitty countries. Why do we do this?
--because raaaaciiism! (or fear of the label)
Does anyone remember Corey Booker’s awful Democratic convention speech? It was awful, but I already told you that. It was histrionic and pointless, rude yet unrefined, horrid while still being idiotic. He’s a cartoon. But I prefer Yosemite Sam. He’s much more believable.
Congratulations, Althouse. You succeeded in distracting your readership away from the scathing cross-examination of DHS Secretary Neilsen by Senator Durbin, and instead got them all wound up about Cory Booker's monologue.
I never cared about Booker; I really did care about the witness, who had no good answers as to all that she remembered from the infamous meeting, and implausibly failed to remember the choice bits from Trump.
Remember that you can purchase all of your "Make America Great Again" caps, t-shirts, yard signs, coffee mugs and other accessories through the Althouse Amazon portal:
@Chuck: CNN has utterly and thoroughly destroyed their own objectivity when comes to reporting on anything about Trump.
How dare you link to them and expect us to buy a word of it.
CNN needs to swirl around the shithole for awhile until they get their bearings back. And of course they swirl counterclockwise.
I swear, every single Democratic politician I can think of is a freak show. Harry Reid was a ghoul. That Leahy guy ... what a moron. Blumenthal, you know, the one from Connecticut who thought he went to Nam. What is it with his weird body language? Diane Feinstein ... there’s something wrong with that woman. Charles Schumer ... please. Adam Schiff? Corey Booker? Dick the Prick Durban? Speaking of pricks, why are Democrats all pricks? Do they have prick orientation when they enter Congress? Obama was the biggest prick of them all.
I need answers to these questions. They’re driving me mad.
LLR Proctologist Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
Congratulations, Althouse. You succeeded in distracting your readership away from the scathing cross-examination of DHS Secretary Neilsen by Senator Durbin, and instead got them all wound up about Cory Booker's monologue.
Big C, if you trying to flirt with AA, you are going about it all wrong.
Anyway, she already taken.
Chuck said...
"Congratulations, Althouse. You succeeded in distracting your readership away from the scathing cross-examination of DHS Secretary Neilsen by Senator Durbin, and instead got them all wound up about Cory Booker's monologue."
Chuckles, how does this square with your frequent paeans to Althouse' objectivity and fair-mindedness? Haven't you informed us of how you tell Althouse about your particular concerns on your special e-mail back-channel? And how you admire Althouse for her fearless discussion of this or that trivial concern of yours? You have had a good run, but the mask is slipping. What's your hourly rate? Not that Soros can't afford it.
For those still dwelling on Trump's possible use of the word "shithole," think of it this way: We're on the Titanic and Captain Trump is trying to get us into the lifeboats before the ship sinks. In doing so, maybe he pushes us a bit roughly or uses some abrasive language. It makes no sense to obsess over these slights. We should be grateful that the guy is trying to save our lives.
I kinda feel bad for Ann that she has so many racists commenting on her blog, but then I wonder if she’s inviting it? Many of you, not all of you, just don’t get it. Trump is racist. And you are too. The ways you defend his comment, is simply racist. If I were to deny people from Haiti or African nations the ability to rent my apartment, what would I be accused of? Tell me that. It’s no different, and you know it. I’m kinda sick of this, so just say you’re racist and be done with it.
Why should any serious person give a shit about this "Shit hole" issue, it's nothing but a distraction. Why should Sec Neilsen be questioned about a meeting in which members of the House and Senate were there. If the head of Homeland security has time for this crap it should be abolished. "Shit hole" is a nothing burger and can compare to the shit that has come out of the anal pores on the faces of the likes of Durban, Schummer, Shiff and Booker.
These poor Democrats are grasping at straws because their weekly Anti-Trump memes are dissolving one after another.
No matter how hard the democrats want to rent US citizenship it can't be done.
Watched that CNN clip.
Durbin moves through talking points like an automaton...it almost seems edited.
If he wanted to negotiate (as opposed inflame-disconnect), he should have done so.
Once Durbin, from sinking Illinois, talks about the costs?
Give me a break..
I feel thoroughly chastened by Mary at 11:25.
In the past, only Inga had that power.
"Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck: "Remember that you can purchase all of your "Make America Great Again" caps, t-shirts, yard signs, coffee mugs and other accessories through the Althouse Amazon portal:"
Written like any one of a dozen other hard left posters at Althouse.
Mary: " If I were to deny people from Haiti or African nations the ability to rent my apartment, what would I be accused of?"
Renting an apartment to someone who hails from a s***hole country.
When Cory Booker hurts, LLR Chuck hurts.
They are quite simpatico.
Trump is a witch. Good people just know. If you don't, you are either bewitched or a witch yourself. Good people know what to do. Do you confess?
Drago: you miss my point completely , tell me, what is your perspective on racism?
@Mary: It's not just the children brought here by their parents and who know no other life, it's the children sent here alone, a practice that accelerated under Obama. What kind of parent sends their child unaccompanied across our border into our country, seeking asylum, only to become a link to bring a parent or relative on board? Doesn't that profoundly disturb you as a parent (if indeed you are one)?
And..if you deny a white dude with bad credit score from renting?
Bob Loblaw said...Does anybody really believe this crying stuff from politicians? I laughed when Schumer did it - he's a terrible actor.
They say that politics is just show business for ugly people. No surprise that there is a wide range of acting talent in politics as well.
I see someone is vying for Inga's crown as resident dummy (female division).
I think Booker just had his Howard Dean moment.
I am surprised Althouse didn't use this to segue into a rumination on the Dylan/Band song of that name.
First cut off the magnificent Music From Big Pink. The only time I ever heard drums sound moanful.
@ chickelit : so you're telling me that these kids, alone in this country (which I would like a link to) are better off being sent back to Haiti because of why? Look, nobody wants bad people around them, but we live in a world, a society, a neighborhood, where bad people exist. There are bad Americans! This is real and you know it. You just want somebody else to blame, I'm so tired of this argument that immigrants can do nothing but harm, seriously they try so much harder than ordinary Americans.Make your case here. I want to here it.
We can all snort, deride, and sneer...but these folk are openly trying to take our President and our freedoms away, and to replace them with naked state power.
Nothing good will come of this.
The thing is...these people are so deluded as to think "the correlation of forces" are in their favor.
Can you imagine the American military siding with these sad clowns?
But....after maybe ten thousand of them are killed, what is left of American exceptionalism?
What does "freedom of the press" mean after the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC are maybe NOT taken out back and put against a wall, but instead see their network shut down?
Not good.
Leftists are going to scream racist! at the tops of their lungs all spring. It is all they have.
That is how they are going to justify the violence of the past and what is coming this summer.
They know they are going to get wiped out in November. They are going to lose at least one senate seat in Minnesota in addition to the 10 senate seats they have to defend in states Trump carried. As more and more democrats/FBI swamp critters are indicted they will go increasingly insane. The whole state Department is going to be hauled off when they start declassifying Hillary’s 33000 “yoga” emails.
If I were to deny people from Haiti or African nations the ability to rent my apartment, what would I be accused of?
And if those Africans or Haitians would simply let themselves into your apartment & help themselves to what's in it, what would they be called? It's your analogy. If they can't just barge into your apartment, then why do they just get to barge into our country?
I have no idea where the Left gets this bazoo idea that the US or any other country (e.g. hard-ass immigration policies like Mexico) can't control their own borders. Immigration policy is set either explicitly by legislation or is applied ad hoc as it sees fit by the Executive Branch. If the Congress has problems with the Trump admins handling of immigration, then go make some laws to fix it. Until that time, if the Trump admin wants e.g. to set immigration policy where only people with "R"s in their last names get in, that is the prerogative of the Executive Branch. The US has had "racist" immigration policies for most of its history, & can do so again if the Executive Office & Congress sees fit. Non-citizens cannot sue the US for discrimination, since until they're on American soil they have no standing or Constitutional rights.
@Mary: I didn't say that such children were from Haiti. I did imply that such children are classified as "dreamers." Here are some statistics on the increase which began under Obama: link
Again, what kind of parent put their child in that position?
“Make your case here. I want to here it.“
I know many in-laws who would love to immigrate here. They are educated and skilled. They have little chance to come here because the legal immigration system sucks. Many are on waiting lists and the like.
What right do these people who came here illegally have to jump in front of them? They do not have any more right to come here than anyone else. The people who came illegally have less. They should be the last people to be allowed to come.
It is not up to us to make the case as to why we should ignore the law and let them in. It is up to you to make the case we should let them come here. Every other country in the world is selective about who is let in. You leftists are completely ridiculous and are just trying to erase our borders and destroy our country.
@Mary: The whole business of children coming here alone is very recent. It doesn't jibe with any previous generation's immigration experience. The closest thing is orphans being relocated. But even that was sponsored and not the free-for-all encouraged by Obama.
Mary: "Drago: you miss my point completely , tell me, what is your perspective on racism?"
I think the Left is anti-science, anti-historical, anti-logical and astonishingly racist when they assert flatly that only whites can be racist and/or whites only invented racism and slavery.
Cory Booker = dumber than a retarded fetus.
Mary's right. We shouldn't send Mexicans to Haiti. To do so would be XXXXX-ist and we cannot have that.
And people on the internet who ask for links should be mauled by a bear. Or a bobcat. Dealer's choice.
"@Mary: It's not just the children brought here by their parents and who know no other life, it's the children sent here alone, a practice that accelerated under Obama. What kind of parent sends their child unaccompanied across our border into our country, seeking asylum, only to become a link to bring a parent or relative on board? Doesn't that profoundly disturb you as a parent (if indeed you are one)?"
Should note a couple things here. First, Lil Dicky Dirbin blew up the immigration negotiations because they weren't going to get what they wanted, which is DACA normalization combined with continued chain migration, etc. Obe key point there is that likely a large percentage of the "Dreamers" came here with their parents and siblings. And they are the ones who would benefit from chain migration. So, we have two couples enter the US illegally. One with a young kid, and the other without. Under the Dem demanded legislation, the one who illegally entered the country could count on not being departed, thanks to chain migration, while the couple who didn't would be deportable, unless my, of course, they managed to have a kid after they got here. That is why some have estimated that while the Gang of Six legislation would affect maybe 800k illegals directly, it might ultimately allow legal status for > 10 million illegals, through chain migration, giving legal status to their parents and siblings already here illegally, then allowing the rest of their extend d family to immigrate from their home country. Truly, the camels nose under the tent.
And, yes, there were some "Dreaners" who came here illegally without their parents. Almost invariably though, they were adolescents, and not younger. And a lot of them weren't dreaming about college, but the next convenience store they were going to knock off. A lot of gang members got in this way, including MS-13. Which is why, maybe, their prison incarceration rate is > 450% of that for other kids their age. Illegals are maybe 1 1/2.times as likely to be incarcerated as the rest of us, but illegals who are "Dreamers" are some 4 1/2 times as likely. This should surprise no one. Coming here without parents typically means growing up, at least through adolescence, w/o a father. Which very often means the males terrorizing the local communities in juvenile gangs.
The funny thing about this conversation about "shit hole" is that the Gang of Six proposal that the President rejected is not being talked about. While President Trump was open to a DACA deal covering about 700,000 enrollees, basically giving them amnesty in exchange for the end of chain migration, lotto immigration and additional border guards and the wall funding.
The Gang of Six proposals would give amnesty to 10.1 million illegals. Gee have we seen this before?
are better off being sent back to Haiti because of why?
Who cares? The point and purpose of U.S. immigration laws is to benefit the United states...not Haitians or Mexicans or anyone else's poor.
As long as third world shitholes are allowed to export their poor and receive remittances from them, the incompetence and corruption will never change and they will remain shitholes.
And that latter is the deep dark secret that the amnesty crowd want us to ignore. They pretend that illegals are law abiding, because, the theory goes, they want to live in the shadows and not get departed. But, as noted, illegals in general are 1 1/2 times more likely to commit non-immigration related crimes than the rest of society, and this jumps to 4 1/2 times for "Dreamers". (Maybe it shouldn't be surprising that Dreamers without parents here are maybe even more likely to commit non-immigration related crimes than young inner city black males - they share not having father's raising them through adolescence).
I'm so tired of this argument that immigrants can do nothing but harm, seriously they try so much harder than ordinary Americans.
I absolutely 100% agree with this. So what? The purpose of U.S. Immigration policy is to serve the interests of the United States, not the interests of immigrants. The United States has no need of poor uneducated workers from third world shitholes.
Make your case here. I want to here it.
The United States needs to do what it has done in the past. Put very strict restrictions on immigration, essentially ban it for a while. Deport the illegals and assimilate the legal immigrants. Then in a generation or so, we can talk about opening the doors again.
"I'm so tired of this argument that immigrants can do nothing but harm, seriously they try so much harder than ordinary Americans."
Legal immigrants, maybe, but illegals? No, they don't, on average try harder, because they can always go back home. Thus their higher non-immigration crime and incarceration rates. And why you desperately need to carry uninsured motorist insurance in border states, like here in AZ, because of all the illegals (illegally) driving uninsured vehicles (driver's license revocation is automatic upon loss of AZ registered auto insurance).
Mary said...
"I kinda feel bad for Ann that she has so many racists commenting on her blog...Trump is racist. And you are too. . I’m kinda sick of this, so just say you’re racist and be done with it."
1/16/18, 11:25 PM
Lulz... I'm racist. Are we done with it?
Now, I feel kinda bad for Perfessor Althouse cause she has so many mentally ill progressives commenting on her blog. People who repeatedly accuse others of what they themselves are guilty are mentally ill. We can't reason with or persuade mentally ill people to understand the absurdity of their reasoning, and we're kinda sick of this, so just say that you're a mentally ill progressive democrat party member, and be done with it.
I have no idea where the Left gets this bazoo idea that the US or any other country (e.g. hard-ass immigration policies like Mexico) can't control their own borders.
White guilt.
They know the state of the world, and there's not one among then who believes they can fix Haiti. But believing "refugees" can come here means they don't need to do anything about it. Some refugees come by agreement, some by lottery, and some by walking across the border.
But as long as you see them as "refugees", like the Salvadorans who "fled" their earthquake 16 years ago, you can't deny them entry while keeping your humanity credentials intact.
Children, of course, get double sadness status + chain migration to make sure they're not here alone.
LOCKHART: "Chili, if we move Vietnamese, they are evacuees. If they come to us to be evacuated, they are refugees."
CHILI: "I'll make a note of it, sir."
M Jordan said...
I swear, every single Democratic politician I can think of is a freak show. Harry Reid was a ghoul. That Leahy guy ... what a moron. Blumenthal, you know, the one from Connecticut who thought he went to Nam. What is it with his weird body language? Diane Feinstein ... there’s something wrong with that woman. Charles Schumer ... please. Adam Schiff? Corey Booker? Dick the Prick Durban? Speaking of pricks, why are Democrats all pricks? Do they have prick orientation when they enter Congress? Obama was the biggest prick of them all.
I need answers to these questions. They’re driving me mad.
"Birds of a feather flock together." Truthfully, I'm not impressed with most Republican politicians, but I despise the Democrats because they are all so transparently awful: Smug, crooked, venal, corrupt, dishonest, arrogant, and many are stupid as well. For me, it's less a case of voting for Republicans than voting against Democrats.
"Many of you, not all of you, just don’t get it. Trump is racist. And you are too. The ways you defend his comment, is simply racist."
You don't know the actual comment or its context, yet you accuse people of racism based on hearsay. Lulz
WAH......WAH......WAH....In the meantime....our new PROGRESSIVE governor is taking care of illegals before citizens....Corey is with him!!! YOU suck Corey. https://youtu.be/KYg_IFWly4k
Sincerity is the most important thing. If you can fake that, you have it made.
Dear Mary,
1. In the words of Eminem:
I am whatever you say I am
2. In the words (imagined) of Aziz Ansari:
I'm a racist? You're a prude. Suck my dick, Mary, and get ready for The Claw, or you are a stuck up bluenose. Oh, did I mention I'm a dark skinned Muslim of Indian extraction? So you're a racist too. Put out, Mary, or turn in your cool card. Drink some more wine. Who cares what kind. If it was red, you'd bitch that it was Merlot and not Bordeaux.
3. In the words of Stephen Crane:
"Think as I think," said a man,
"Or you are abominably wicked;
You are a toad."
And after I had thought of it,
I said: "I will, then, be a toad."
Someone that emotionally unstable probably shouldn't be let near the nuclear buttons.
If President, I wonder how he could get through the day listening to foreign leaders talk about the Great Satan, pushing Jews into the ocean, the various racial insults lobbed between various European nations disguised as nationalism, etc., etc.
at one ppoint C Booker held up all fingers and said , "I have ten (10) imaginary friends and they are hurting". What a candy ass. he should be wearing one of the "new " man dresses.
"I'm so tired of this argument that immigrants can do nothing but harm"
Who is making this argument? Examples, please.
I'm struck that Booker seems giddy in making this pronouncement. What a partisan.
"If I were to deny people from Haiti or African nations the ability to rent my apartment, what would I be accused of?"
It seems like grandstanding Democratic politicians would accuse you of racism. Which doesn't mean anything, other than that's what grandstanding Democratic politicians do.
Your analogy has serious flaws, Mary. We're talking about immigration policy, not fair housing. Those Haitians and Africans aren't here, yet. I certainly hope you don't expect landlords to rent to people who aren't even in this country, but then again I've learned there's no limit to the open-borders pathology.
If people are here, within the boundaries of the law, then they should be granted all the protections that flow from that.
Mac McConnell: The funny thing about this conversation about "shit hole" is that the Gang of Six proposal that the President rejected is not being talked about.
That, I believe, is the point of the exercise.
While President Trump was open to a DACA deal covering about 700,000 enrollees, basically giving them amnesty in exchange for the end of chain migration, lotto immigration and additional border guards and the wall funding.
The Gang of Six proposals would give amnesty to 10.1 million illegals. Gee have we seen this before?
"Gee have seen this before" is a racist dog whistle. I am sitting here in tears of rage that anyone would say such a thing about this sh...surely fine bill presented by these weeping pu....wonderful patriots.
DACA, but no wall, continued chain migration, keep the lottery rolling under a pretend "fix", amnesty for millions (double or triple the number bruited to get a more accurate estimate of the actual number, which will in turn increase future illegal immigration, as amnesties always do), and then make sure any enforcement in the bill is gutted after it's signed. This, folks, is a "bipartisan" "compromise", so you know it's a Good and Holy Thing. Ask Chuck.
Booker does not LOOK mad. He looks like a happy whiny warrior type to me. Is it my turn to be on stage? Now? Now? Me, me, pick me.
Now Chuck looks mad, and I can't even see him, but I can see he is mad every day.
Angel Dyne beat me to it.
The Substance,
What was the proposal? Why did Durbin blow it up. Why is Durbin not being asked every time he surfaces, " why did you blow up the dea, and ruin the Dems ability to negotiate in private?"
When I watched Mr Broker's histrionics accusing Ms Nielson of complicity by her silence, I thought her answer should have been "#metoo".
I didn't realize the mass murders annually in Chicago are right wing, white supremacists! See there they go again, fake news! They've been telling us it was "black on black"! Only thing I don't understand is why those "right wing, white supremacists" keep voting Democrat in Chicago
So lets reset.
Durbin claims that President Trump used the word shithole in a private meeting where candor is invaluable, It is denied by the President, and others in the room refuse to corroborate. Result? Massive faux hurt feelings.
For over a year Democrats have accused the sitting President of being Mentally ill,(no evidence cited) Racist, (NYT extensive article set out to prove that but failed due to lack of citable evidence). Misogynist,(More women in positions of power in President Trumps Administration that any administration in history)
In short, Shithole is the only arrow in the DNC quiver. And the claim that a dirty word has ruined our Representative Republic, but a never ending attack on the President of the United States based on nothing but lies, is somehow patriotic.
There is some serious crazy out there, and it is represented by Booker, and the DNC
#Girther movement kicks off as Twitter questions whether Trump REALLY weighs just 239 pounds and Guardians of the Galaxy director offers $100k for president to publicly stand on scales
There is some question about the measurement of the' weight of the glorious leader.
I like Booker's "jazz hands" in one photo from that session.
Did...did she persist?
So tough to keep track of what's heroic these days.
My guess is that as a Republican she's not a "real woman" so that answers any other charges of hypocrisy, etc.
This one goes out to Corey and T-Bone: Flight of the Concords - Hurt Feelings
iowan2 said...
So lets reset.
Durbin claims that President Trump used the word shithole in a private meeting where candor is invaluable, It is denied by the President, and others in the room refuse to corroborate. Result? Massive faux hurt feelings.
For over a year Democrats have accused the sitting President of being Mentally ill,(no evidence cited) Racist, (NYT extensive article set out to prove that but failed due to lack of citable evidence). Misogynist,(More women in positions of power in President Trumps Administration that any administration in history)
In short, Shithole is the only arrow in the DNC quiver. And the claim that a dirty word has ruined our Representative Republic, but a never ending attack on the President of the United States based on nothing but lies, is somehow patriotic.
There is some serious crazy out there, and it is represented by Booker, and the DNC
I'll re-reset.
Trump, after telling the world that he'll sign on to (at least listen to!) any deal put together by the bipartisan group that joined Trump for his "I'm not crazy" televised meeting stunt, accepts a meeting with Graham and Durbin, but before doing so, Trump brings in the immigration hawks and then sides with the immigration hawks, and the bipartisan deal is blown up. (I'm not saying that I like any particular bipartisan deal; I'm just stating fact.)
In the course of that meeting, Trump talks about "shithole countries," and everybody knows it. Trump's not particularly sorry about it, until it looks to be getting really toxic, at which point Trump denies it, tells his DHS secretary to deny it, and tells Cotton and Perdue to deny it. They have to basically twist themselves into pretzels to say that they didn't hear, or don't recall, that particular word.
At that point, it is all about the president lying, and Senators Cotton and Perdue lying, and Secretary Neilsen lying. Or not.
Again and again I keep hearing Trump fans saying that there wasn't anything wrong with what the president said. But again and again, the White House keeps claiming that the president didn't say "shithole countries." Either he said it or he didn't. I want to know who the liars are.
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