January 7, 2018

"Genius!!"/"Thank you!"


Sharc 65 said...

Shouldn't have illustrated the point with a derivative. Lovitz is the only genius in that bit.

gspencer said...

Fond memories when SNL was itself memorable.

dreams said...

Yeah, SNL use to be funny.

rhhardin said...

Nobody ever makes the beast with two fronts, Derbyshire observed.

David Begley said...

“Romeo and Juliet: The Latter Years.”

That would be, “Fatal Attraction.”

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I was thinking last night how Trump is like that Monty Python's catchphrase And Now for Something Completely Different.

Jaq said...

Put George Clooney in John Lovitz' body and he's a fry cook in rural Ohio.

Curious George said...

Sorry, that was brutal.

William said...

For reasons unknown to human reason, they made a remake of Total Recall. Colin Farrell starred in the remake. By most metrics Colin is both a better actor and far better looking than Arnold. I urge everyone to see the remake in order to appreciate properly the peculiar genius of Arnold.

William said...

Arnold is to Colin as Trump is to Obama.

Robert Cook said...

"For reasons unknown to human reason, they made a remake of Total Recall. Colin Farrell starred in the remake. By most metrics Colin is both a better actor and far better looking than Arnold. I urge everyone to see the remake in order to appreciate properly the peculiar genius of Arnold."

As well, the satiric genius of director Paul Verhoeven. With his STARSHIP TROOPERS and ROBOCOP, he made a trifecta of brilliant science fiction entertainments! (THE HOLLOW MAN was also pretty good, as I recall, if less impressive than the three mentioned above.)

The remake of TOTAL RECALL was faithful to the basic premise of the previous film, (and to the core idea of Dick's original short story), but it was too glum, too dark and literal, and, while "entertaining" as these things go, lacked the liveliness of its predecessor.

Why remake a not-so-old hit film? Perhaps the producers still owned the rights and decided to reheat leftovers rather than spend money buying rights to a new property. They probably hoped to get big bang out of small bucks!

Greg said...

Isn't this the asshole pervert who grabbed Jamie Lee Curtis' boob without permission in front of the world at an awards show. F him, and the rest of them. What a piece of garbage.

narciso said...

Well first it took place on earth, which is totally outside the piers Anthony story, the reason there was a mars colony was to supply the warring states back home, Kate beckinsale is a better villainess than Sharon stone though.

n.n said...

"I never loved you! I've been using you to further my career."

Feminist hag. Go Plan yourself. And thus the reckoning progressed... with fire and fury, signifying pretext.

n.n said...

"Like a rabid dachshund ripping into a baby..."

Progressive. No, liberal. Piglet. Classic. Acting. Genius!

n.n said...

Oh SNL, SNL, wherefore are thou SNL?

Deny thy politics and refuse thy ideology.

Sam L. said...

I gave up on SNL yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs