November 11, 2017

"You should act in a way that if everybody acted that way, things would work out."

Louis C.K., talking about selfishness.

"Most people kind of don't care. Most people are very selfish. Most people don't give a shit what happens as long as they get to do their favorite thing. People don't even want to back off from their favorite thing. They won't even do their second favorite thing."

That's from at least 4 years ago.

I'm thinking his favorite thing is masturbating while a woman watches, and his second favorite thing is masturbating alone. He couldn't just back off and do his second favorite thing.


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Jaq said...

Yes that’s an easy decision, but it’s not comparable to a young woman who may be trying to further her career from easily saying no. LCK knew that he was powerful and he could intimidate them into to saying yes, or not simply fleeing, or reporting him. LCK has said himself that is what he engaged in. He used his power to coerce. That’s what was so wrong about it.

But not Bill Clinton and Monica of course. Yeesh! As much as I hate the Clintons, even I don't get that upset about Monica, that was between he, Monica, and Herself. Now I find out that all of this time Unknown was steaming about the vast power disparity between she and the President of the United States and "Most powerful man in the world." He wanted Clinton run out of town!

Whodathunkit? Not just Unknown, but the Washington Post too! It's almost as if their outrage depends on political calculations, just like Lena Dunham said about Harvey Weinstein.

Jaq said...

Remember just a few short months ago when some left poster using the handle "Unknown" taunted us regularly with how Hillary was going to win "Keep hope alive, losers!" and how Bill Clinton was going to be back prowling the West Wing?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Do you think those you attack will always ignore you?"

I attack you because you are a hypocrite. And I refuse to ignore your hypocrisy, although others here also repeatedly called you out on it. It's not like I am the only one who has noticed it.

Your "blowback?" Jeez, your "blowback" is like a mouse farting in Timbuktu.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Was Monica coerced? He was powerful, but she said yes and meant it, it seems from her memoirs. Not so in the case of Weinstein and Louis CK. Having said that I think Bill Clinton was a repulsive jerk.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So does anyone know of a woman who without her own means, but attractive enough to have other options, still married a man who had no potential to support her financial needs? Let's even throw in sexy too. Anyone?

Careful. You are inquiring into things that involve something called "empiric" (or real-life) observation. And this blog community is oftentimes actively hostile to such things.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

It's funny how people will gas on and on about the "other factors beyond", anytime anybody points out that "money and looks" matter (and that there's nothing wrong per se about caring about "money and looks"), even when absolutely nobody has made any claims or denied anything about the existence or value of those "other factors beyond".

11/11/17, 5:33 PM

Didn't Jewish mothers used to advise their daughters that "it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as it is a poor man?"

Anonymous said...

exiled: ...your "blowback" is like a mouse farting in Timbuktu.

Lol. "Like a mouse farting in Timbuktu". I'm gonna steal that phrase.

Jaq said...

Was Monica coerced? He was powerful, but she said yes and meant it,

NEver stop covering for Bill! It was the power differential, the disparity, what. were your words?

LCK knew that he was powerful and he could intimidate them into to saying yes, or not simply fleeing, or reporting him. LCK has said himself that is what he engaged in. He used his power to coerce. That’s what was so wrong about it.

But not Bill, because, well, you know REASONS!

And of course all of those witnesses who told there stories to federal investigators, the witnesses who knew what you have told us many times, that lying to federal investigators lands you in prison, those FIVE CONTEMPORANEOUS WITNESSES were all lying, as was Juanita Broaddrick herself. They took this awful risk to lie about rape even knowing that innocent Bill Clinton could have proven them liars with a quick perusal of the logs of his security detail.

I bet their lawyers were tearing their hair out when they heard that these six people had come up with a scheme to smear gold old Bill, even though they risked prison!

It shows what a sweet gentlemen Bill Clinton was that he declined even to personally deny it, and declined to provide any evidence at all that he wasn't with her at the time, because that might have subjected her to prison.

Jaq said...

LCK's big problem, per Unknown, is that he couldn't see into the hearts of his 'lovers' the way Bill Clinton could! Bill Clinton 'knew' that Monica hadn't been coerced on account of his amazing power of the Vulcan mind-meld, but LCK, even though the girls did not vocally object, should have been able to see into their hearts the way Bill could see into Monica's heart!

Jaq said...

What's it like being that stupid, Unknown? Is it like being high all the time?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“At the age of 22”, I fell in love with my boss.”

Monica Lewinski

She said yes. He was a jerk and a creep for taking advantage of her infatuation. I never considered him a gentlman, or some prize and I think Hillary was a fool for staying with him.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What's it like being that stupid, Unknown? Is it like being high all the time?”

You didn’t take your meds today? Such antagonism, what is wrong with you Trumpists? Angry constantly. Try yoga, deep breathing, something. You didn’t know what my attitude toward Clinton was, yet you made assumptions, ass-sumptions.

Jaq said...

Come on, say it, if you had half as much evidence against Trump, you would, say what you know to be true, he is a rapist and the press and Democrats have been pressuring his victims to stay silent for a couple of decades.

Go ahead and admit it!

And while you are at it, you can admit that Harvey Weinstein's victims were well away of how accusers of powerful men were treated in the press based on how Clinton's accusers were treated, and that Democrats, so-called feminists, and the press have been exerting that power over victims of sexual harassment, assault, and even rape, by powerful men all of that time.

Admit that Democrats have enabled this behavior, and that for all the talk of hypocrisy by Republicans, this is the starkest example of a hypocritical sell-out of feminism in modern history.

Admit it.

Jaq said...

ou didn’t know what my attitude toward Clinton was,

Has nothing to do with why I called you stupid, and it's pretty funny that you think it is.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Go ahead and admit it!”

Are you wearing your Grand Inquisitor hood? Hahahaha, your rage is oddly funny.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Yuck, creepy.

“In a statement to CNN, Teresa Jones, who served as deputy district attorney for Etowah County, Ala., from 1982 until 1985, said that multiple people thought it was unusual that Moore dated high school girls, but that no one ever raised the matter with him.

"It was common knowledge that Roy Moore dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird," Jones told CNN. "We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall ... but you really wouldn't say anything to someone like that."”

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" Such antagonism, what is wrong with you Trumpists? Angry constantly."

LOL! We weren't the ones screaming that the sky like these moronic assholes were the other day on the anniversary of the election:

NOBODY acted like that when Obama won.

Once again,the dumb pussy hatted hypocrite projects her own faults and emotions onto those she hates.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

So if he did it, Inga, he should step down.

There. Now, that wasn't hard to say.

But you never, ever said it about Clinton or Kennedy, did you?

Of course not. Because you're a hypocrite.

Jaq said...

Are you wearing your Grand Inquisitor hood? Hahahaha, your rage is oddly funny.

See, you don't really give a shit about this issue beyond partisan advantage. You really don't care about these 'so-called' victims. What you care about is point scoring. Good for you! Have fun! Sad for you that you are so risibly transparent.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

This is the voice of the religous right nowadays? Lord have mercy. If would be funny, but these people are deadly serious.

“Take the Bible: Zechariah and Elizabeth, for instance," Zeigler said. "Zechariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist. Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus. There's just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual."

Zechariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist, are both described in Luke as "well stricken in years," according to the King James Bible.”

Jaq said...

I think the real news from this thread, and I admit, I am inferring this, she didn't say it in so many words, but I am pretty sure that Althouse voted for Hillary! Probably based on the Access Hollywood tape.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Yes, your words got you into a logical jam that you were too stupid to see coming, so the obvious next move is SQUIRREL!

Jaq said...

This isn't rage, for me, BTW, Unknown, it's sport.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Rage on Timmy! Now wipe your chin.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

It’s rage, it’s very very obvious, nice try.

Jaq said...

Now I can see that it's wrong to make such sport of the feeble minded.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I think the real news from this thread, and I admit, I am inferring this, she didn't say it in so many words, but I am pretty sure that Althouse voted for Hillary! Probably based on the Access Hollywood tape.”

Ah ha! That’s why you’re so enraged, I knew you were, lol!

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Ah ha! That’s why you’re so enraged, I knew you were, lol

You really should put a check on it, you are embarrassing yourself now. You shouldn't believe everything you think. But since you can't keep up with most of the discussions here, and that's #SAD, I will let it be. You know the Troof, don't let anybody tell you different!

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Timmy, you embarrassed yourself making ASSumptions, screaming “Admit it!” like some lunatic and being so invested in who Althouse voted for that you would call it the “real takeaway” from this thread.

I deleted some comments I made regarding your mental health, it wasn’t kind.

Jaq said...

I deleted some comments I made regarding your mental health, it wasn’t kind.

I think maybe you meant to say that they were too self revelatory. You can put them back up, for all I care. Anybody still reading this thread can judge for themselves.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

No I meant to say you are fucking nuts and by your behavior in a manic phase.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

And anyone reading this thread probably laughed their asses off at you screaming, “Admit it!” As I did.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger tim in vermont said...
This isn't rage, for me, BTW, Unknown, it's sport."

I know. It's like she has a "kick me' sign stuck on her ass every time she posts. It's so easy to point out her hypocrisy. But she isn't much of a challenge. I wish this blog had smarter trolls.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga wrote how many comments on this thread and is now accusing others of being "manic."

See what I mean about hypocrisy? Well, no she doesn't because she's dumb as a log but everyone else can.

Angry? Hell no. Trump is president. Hillary will never be president. That makes me happy every single time I think of it.

Bilwick said...

Act in a way that if everyone acted that way, things would work out? Good advice, LCK; but I'm a libertarian, so I already do that. No force, no fraud. Or as someone else put it, "Don't hurt people. Don't take their stuff." (You Judaeo-Christian folks will no doubt see a version of that ethic in the Decalogue's strictures against murder, theft and envy.)

However, LCK is, I believe, a "liberal," another of those coercive, statist philosophies based ultimately on hurting people and taking their stuff (all of course in the name of the Common Good). Therefore--personal peccadilloes aside--he is about as qualified to lecture people on a philosophy of harmlessness as Bernie Sanders is to lecture us on economics, or the Toothless State-fellator is to lecture us on the value of reason and logic.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Well, there's also this quote from the Koran:

"Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'" (Bukhari 84:57)

Inga's OK with that one though.

She's supposedly a Christian, but sure likes to shit on other Christians.

Because she's so moral.

Night Owl said...

'It's funny how people will gas on and on about the "other factors beyond", anytime anybody points out that "money and looks" matter (and that there's nothing wrong per se about caring about "money and looks"), even when absolutely nobody has made any claims or denied anything about the existence or value of those "other factors beyond".'

The first paragraph wasn't the main point of my comment. The examples I gave were bland and trite because, believe it or not, I was trying not to belabor the obvious.

Known Unknown said...

"Paying for sex is the the only way to do it at a reasonable cost. It's way overpriced in the traditional market."

Ha. That's a good line.

Laslo Spatula said...

Everything you need to know comedy is here.Gallagher interview.

I am Laslo.

Unknown said...

Come on people, lets stop needlessly insulting each other. Unless one is not an atheist, one has to admit We are all headed to Oblivion, and all we can do on the route to Oblivion is be kind to each other. Sometimes that involves harsh criticisms - well, if Louis CK reads this, 300 comments or so into a thread about him, years from now, with nothing else to do, because the Madame LaFarges of the world have ruined his career and reduced him to poverty, and he is sitting at some public library reading this on the free computers of the future public libraries, sitting next to some foul-smelling dude who is even in a sadder state than the current victim (i.e., Louie) of millions of internet criticisms - well, Louis, if you are reading this, Louis, God loves those who repent for their sins. That being said, what were you thinking? Every single one of those women you jerked off in front of could have been good friends with you and your loved ones and could have been people you would have spent years being friends with! that would have been so much better than jerking off in front of them. Think of the interesting conversations, the ennobling hikes in the mountain woods, and the gracious holiday card correspondences you missed out on, Louis! Everybody knows that. Well, jerking off is a temptation like any other. Sort of a couple-levels-below-the-Three-Stooges type of temptation (the Three Stooges were very funny but for God's sake who would want their son to be a Stooge? Nobody! ) Well, there is also the woman, the good-looking female equivalent of Moe at his not-good-looking angriest worst (I am imitating your former style, Louie, here), who gets the selfish hots for the guy who is most like Dark Triad Dude, instead of for someone who would never do what little Louie did (Dark Triad Dude would have done what poor Louie did, of course, if he felt like it - that is my point - sad! as Melania used to say) (in her beautiful Slovenian accent).

God loves you, Louis, because you apologized; we all need to seek forgiveness every day, because there are few human beings in this world who have not failed, in one way or another, to be kind. Good luck, but I am not surprised that, every year for the rest of your life, you will not get Christmas cards from some of the people you were lewdly rude to. They are aright to think that was a big deal. That is one reason, among many, why we should be polite and kind: you would have liked to be friends with those women, I hope, instead of some guy who jerked off in front of them, thus cancelling future chances at friendship. I hope you sincerely would not do it again, if given the chance. I, for one, have no problem quoting, in this context: God loves us all the way we are but LOVES US TOO MUCH to let us stay that way. Here is the harshest thing I have to say, Louis, wherever you are: I understand why those you have been cruel to do not want to think about you, one way or another, ever again. They wish you were never born! That is harsh! Well, do as many good things as you can in recompense. None of us are liked by everybody, and for good reason. Stop jerking off so much, Louis.

Unknown said...

Almost none of us. I had an uncle who everybody liked, he died young, though.

Unknown said...

Louis, before we were born, we were given (by God, who cares for all of us - cares he not about every feather on every sparrow?) the chance or opportunity to be born into a world that is so much better than this. Of course what you did was despicable, Louis, by being so brutally selfish (and just for the such a sad limited pleasure): but perhaps, before you were born,you volunteered to be born into a word where you had the chance, whether you would have wanted it or not (you would not have wanted it) to grow up to be so ugly and so selfish and impulsively irrational (sad!). All of us reading this, if I am correct, had the option to be born into a better world, in our pre-born existence: yet we wanted to be born here, to care about each other, in this fallen world (having been brave enough, before we were born, to select the less comfortable world to be born in) - because we cared. The poorest of the poor, that is all of us, as Mother Teresa used to like to say (speaking about abortion, but the observation can obviously be generalized). (This is Mormon theology, all that pre-born stuff, sort of, although I think it is also Catholic theology - God chose to give us free will before we were created. Aquinas would have concurred, and if he wouldn't have, I don't know on what basis he could have. I tried to be helpful here, Remember that.)

Unknown said...

if I am correct, and if all of us had an option to be born into a better world - and, in our free will, we chose, before we were born into this specific world, to be born into this sad hard-to-unreservedly-love world (remember, in your dreams, that you once had the option to be born into a world that was unreservedly kind and comfortable and full of people who unselfishly cared about you, as you cared about them - just saying - and you said no, I will be born into a world with people like little Louis in it, so I can be helpful - that is why you are in this world, reading a comment like this...), well, if I am correct, and if the two or three people who read this comment agree that they, too, chose to be born into a world so full of so many problems (because they hoped that they would care and because they hoped that they could help - not much signs that they were successful, but that is why there is so much arguing): well, then, we need to pray for each other more than we do, and to care more than we do about each other. (Or maybe I this world is the only world there is and I just like to slow down comment threads. Maybe. or maybe not.) This is not 2017, this was never going to be 2017, and this will never be 2017. The last will be first and the first will be last (but the last do everything you can imagine they could do to take care of the first, in the ideal world - not now, in 2017 -- but in the real world). This is not 2017, this was never going to be 2017, but it is what it is. It is what it is. I deeply apologize if I wasted your time - but I am just as deeply certain I made someone else happy by saying all this. God gave us all free will, a long long time ago. I remember, and if I don't, I should. If you are reading this in 2017, feel free to be resentful, but please don't criticize. Unless you want to live in 2017 forever, God forbid. A wonderful year in so many ways, but we can't live in 2017 forever. (This is all basic theology, by the way. So - leaving me out of it - which you should, since I don't often reread my comments - if you are thinking this is just some rant on the internet, then you would be thinking incorrectly, and that has nothing to do with me, as my dogs used to say when I asked who had chewed the furniture. Just saying (but I like dogs, and vice versa, so there is that). Feel free to disagree.) While this may have seemed like a long series of comments, it would actually be a very short essay, as essays go. I have often listened, late at night in a city I do not wish to name in the Northern woods... I have listened for much longer to my friends and their ideas about God, and friendship, and why we were born. We weren't always right, and each of us went on for too long, every once in a while. Still, those were good evenings. Good times!

Unknown said...

much of LCK apology is appeal to liberal claptrap:

The same sort of stuff that underpins "participation trophies" and "safe spaces"

The worlds is full of "coercion" - Trump will tell you EVERY "deal" is about leverage.

funny recent story .
Happy hippies take their van down to the amazon, and get caught by pirates.

Yes, coercers. With guns.

How an American Family Escaped From Amazon Pirates

"Deliverance" remake: they took their 6 year old and 3 year old daughters on the trip, alien to the danger...

In this world,

Either grab them by the pussy or become the pussy.

Anonymous said...

He masturbates; she masturbates back.
Mating ritual is a nation rife with STDs.

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