"Demonstrators carried banners that read 'White Europe, Europe must be white,' and 'Pray for an Islamic Holocaust.' Some wore masks and waved red and white Polish flags, chanting 'Death to enemies of the homeland,' and 'Catholic Poland, not secular.' Police estimate that 60,000 people took part in the nationalist demonstration. While the vast majority were Poles, other protesters came from all over Europe."
CNN reports.
Leave it to the Poles to tell the emperor that he has no clothes. European countries, led by Merkel of Germany have admitted far too many unassimilating Muslims. Officially, these countries pretend to their citizens, and the rest of the world, that they aren't facing major problems as a result, ranging to widespread sexual assaults through "no go" zones. Now, these Muslims are starting to commit acts of terrorism against their host country natives, making such fear now for their safety when out in public. The dumb Polocks just don't understand why they should go along with this. Why they should coddle the religious enemies of their Catholcism for the last 1300 years or so.
Eastern Europe, luckily, is not infected with the kind of collective white guilt that has been introduced from Western Europe's imperial/colonial past. As such, they are not prone to accept lectures by the Chancellor of the German super state, of which Poland is a province, on how in the name of anti-racism they must be prepared to commit national demographic suicide.
I've been back and forth with my son as to whether there are enough Nazis or white supremacists around that we need to worry about them, try to shout them down or silence them, etc. I still say the racists get publicity mainly because the anti-racists show up in bigger numbers, and then get media. Of course this debate is now linked to Trump: did he make things worse, either clumsily or by issuing dog-whistles, etc.?
On the other hand, there are parts of Europe that have a Nazi problem. Probably not owing to Trump, although it may be going too far to say he has nothing to do with recent events.
Nationalist protesters disrupt Poland independence day events
I think the point is that the protesters want to keep Poland free and independent.
I expect this guy is the mascot of the demonstrators:
John III Sobieski
Who in 1683 Saved Europe like another Charles Martell. This time at the gates of Vienna where his "Winged Hussars" crushed the Turks.
Nazi's in Europe are the least of their problems.
In Germany, a Syrian refugee fucked a pony in front of a large crowd of kids, before being arrested.
I read the CNN article, and several others from a variety of sources. Many make the same claim, that nationalist protesters disrupted Poland's independence day events... but none of then actually say what events were disrupted
According to Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak "Independence Day... was safe... We could see white and red [the colors of the Polish flag] in the streets of Warsaw; it was a beautiful sight. We are proud that so many Poles decided to take part in [the] events."
"Nazi's in Europe are the least of their problems."
Tell that to the people who remember the first time the Nazis proliferated in Europe.
In order to atone for their collective sins in murdering millions of Jews, Germany and its EUnich lackeys have decided to welcome millions of "refugees", most of whom would be totally cool with the murder of millions of Jews. No irony there at all. Nope, not a bit.
Seriously, has anyone here ever met a Muslim Arab who actually accepts the existence of the State of Israel - not talking 1967 borders vs 1968 borders or whatever - just accepting the idea that Israel should exist with any borders at all? I know that I have not. The polite ones might change the subject, but none have ever said that they accept or even could accept Israel.
"This is CNN" When you hear this you immediately know you are being lied to..
So the Poles are Nazis, like Trump? You'd think they would have learned something from 1939-45.
People who remember the first time the Nazis proliferated in Europe are now more concerned about Muslims who number in the millions, and have made it perfectly clear what their intentions are for infidels, not to mention Jews. How many Nazis are in Europe? Any ideas?
@Cook - my Grandparents certainly remembered, as they fled the Nazis in Germany. Both passed away a few years ago, but they always considered the modern German "Right", the skinheads, etc. to be a bad joke. Worth watching, but not really a viable threat.
They knew who the modern enemies of the Jewish people are. And they would be appalled to see those enemies swarming over Europe today,
The German town where my grandfather's family lived restored its old Jewish cemetary after the war - or as much of it as they could after the depredations of the Nazis. How long do you think it will be before these "refugees" trash it? And will anyone try to stop it? Or restore it after the fact? I kinda doubt it,
Lloyd W. Robertson wrote: I've been back and forth with my son as to whether there are enough Nazis or white supremacists around that we need to worry about them, try to shout them down or silence them, etc.
"Shout them down or silence them..." My, my, my. If Lloyd if truly worried about Nazis he should take a long unblinking stare at himself in a mirror.
Of course this debate is now linked to Trump: did he make things worse, either clumsily or by issuing dog-whistles, etc.?
Dog whistles don't work even on dogs.
Shorter Cookie: hey you dumb Poles, listen to your communist and Islamist betters! They have your best interests at heart!
Btw, would now be a bad time to mention the left love for Hitler a la Molotov/Ribbentrop? Oh, and half of Pikand too.
"In order to atone for their collective sins in murdering millions of Jews, Germany and its EUnich lackeys have decided to welcome millions of "refugees", most of whom would be totally cool with the murder of millions of Jews. No irony there at all. Nope, not a bit."
Very true. How ironic that the Left is dependent on the far Right to save them from medievalist Islam. With the Left kicking and screaming the whole way because virtue.
I don't know why people would get upset because, for example, the press and the German government conspired to suppress the fact that a thousand rapes and sexual assaults, including gang rapes, were perpetrated by "immigrants" at a single New Year's Eve event in Cologne. or that the British government, and the British press conspired to suppress stories of hundreds of girls groomed for and subjected to sexual abuse by "immigrants" in the UK.
Obviously, it's racist to question these decisions by their respective governments. Obviously, factually reporting these events, among others, for example, in Sweden, is hate speech.
I wonder if Robert Cook understands the popularity of Hitler and National Socialism in the Muslim world.
Commies like Cook hate Nazis with way Irish Catholics hate Irish Protestants. The rest of us can't tell them apart without a scorecard. They are fraternal twins and can both go to hell.
"@Cook - my Grandparents certainly remembered, as they fled the Nazis in Germany. Both passed away a few years ago, but they always considered the modern German "Right", the skinheads, etc. to be a bad joke. Worth watching, but not really a viable threat."
Just as the original early bands of Nazis in Germany were considered.
"In Heaven Allah, on Earth, Hitler"
Just as the original early bands of Nazis in Germany were considered.
Who is more like the Nazis, empirically, in actions and beliefs, Neo-Nazi skinheads, or AntiFa, show your work.
CNN conflates nationalism and racism. Independence Day celebrations are by definition nationalist; "White Europe, Europe must be white" is by definition racist.
The sentence "While the vast majority were Poles, other protesters came from all over Europe" is another subtle clue that the protestors are not motivated by Polish pride, as a nationalist would be.
While the Venn diagrams for the nationalists and racists overlap, they aren't the same.
"Who is more like the Nazis, empirically, in actions and beliefs, Neo-Nazi skinheads, or AntiFa, show your work."
Is there a difference?
@Robert Cook:
Tell that to the people who remember the first time the Nazis proliferated in Europe.
One of the attributes that drives me insane about the pro-interventionist camp (and I know you're not a member) is the incessant resorting to cliched analogies to Nazi Germany, Chamberlain, Munich, 1939, etc. One of the reasons I find this annoying is that that was a particular point in history operating under particular contemporary and recent events and is not some sort of template for human behavior that we are constantly at threat of falling into. One of the most distinguishing characteristics of Nazi Germany was how just how abhorrent they were. The Nazi movement and its later popularity was mainly related to resentments arising from the First World War. Even granting that an admittedly fascist party could come to power in a European country, it does not follow that that nation would inexorably begin invading and annexing its neighbors or rounding up citizens on cattle cars and shipping them off to genocide factories.
The islamo-left marches on to.
"Europe for Europeans" isn't such a bad formula in light of the long history of human migration and inter-tribal, inter-racial warfare, the two often being linked. This shouldn't be so terribly controversial when you consider that all the other parts of the world hold and have always held to the same principle, at least when they were able to repel invasions (or European colonialism): China, Japan, India, Africa, Latin America, etc..
This Age of Immigration needs to come to an end. In its place we in the West need to start thinking more about how we can help poor countries develop more rapidly. Encouraging their most talented, ambitious members to immigrate to the West doesn't help. If anything the flow of human capital should run in the opposite direction. We should be sending missionaries, like the Peace Corp in the 1960's, not hoovering up medical doctors and software coders. Here is what one brave native soul of Cameroon dared to say on the subject: https://goo.gl/6rwQGe
By all means, let talented third-worlders get university degrees here in the West, especially in business and engineering, but then make them return home to help develop their own countries. Or, if they need to do business in the West, do so with temporary business visas, not as permanent immigrants.
To me this seems like basic human decency 101. Will we ever get back there? Or have Western elites lost their moral sense altogether?
Incidentally, and OT, free copies of my Notes Towards a New Way of Life in America are available on Amazon thru the end of this week: https://goo.gl/q4kodC
Color diversity that denies individual dignity.
Selective-child that denies lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable.
Merkel et al can no longer indulge in clean wars (e.g. refugee crises), social justice adventures (e.g. trail of tears), democratic gerrymandering (e.g. redistributive change), racism (i.e. color diversity), sexism (i.e. sex diversity), anti-nativism (e.g. immigration reform), and hide behind a layer of privacy (i.e. Pro-Choice).
The natives are calling the neo-progressive liberals "bigots extraordinaire," as once their national socialist predecessors were called.
That said, so much for civilized society's experiment in assimilation and integration. The left has, once again, jumped the ass. A global reset seems inevitable.
'White Europe, Europe must be white,'
'Pray for an Islamic Holocaust.'
??? Those slogans aren't mentioned in the article.
Besides, it's CNN, so photos or it didn't happen.
photos or it didn't happen
'White Europe, Europe must be white' -
It didn't happen
'Pray for an Islamic Holocaust' -
It didn't happen
"This Age of Immigration needs to come to an end."
Given the proliferation of war in the middle east--proliferated by the U.S.--as well as the coming climate upheavals that will force people to flee coastal areas--the age of immigration, (better called The Age of Refugees), has just begun.
'Death to enemies of the homeland'
google -> Big banner, shown clearly.
'Catholic Poland, not secular'
google -> Big sign, shown clearly.
I checked the link and you're right. But look what's been added to the bottom of the article.
"Correction: This story has been corrected to reflect the content of the banners displayed in Warsaw"
The real question is how the original version came to be writen in the first place.
CWJ said...
"Correction: This story has been corrected to reflect the content of the banners displayed in Warsaw"
The real question is how the original version came to be writen in the first place.
The autoplay video still claims there were banners with the extreme slogans, but of course does not show video of them.
CWJ said...
The real question is how the original version came to be writen in the first place.
Ask me! I'm waving my arms around! ANd screaminhg!
The CNN propaganda has already been copied and distributed by dozens of other fake news outlets.
"The real question is how the original version came to be writen in the first place."
It's CNN, Jake.
CWJ said...
The real question is how the original version came to be writen in the first place.
This is a Death to enemies of the homeland banner.
Some people might try to tell you its a White Europe, Europe must be white banner, but its not.
They might put White Europe, Europe must be white in all caps...
Robert Cook to Allen S:
"Nazi's in Europe are the least of their problems."
Tell that to the people who remember the first time the Nazis proliferated in Europe.
What people remember about the first time the Nazis proliferated in Europe doesn't tell you anything about whether Nazis are among contemporary Europe's major problems. (They're not.)
One would like to think that people who remember the first time insane, murderous ideologies starting proliferating in Europe would be more resistant to hysterical, demonizing cant thrown around to suppress all opposition to such destructive policies and ideologies.
The Poles seem to be rather more on the ball in this regard than some other European peoples. When Eurocrats (and their American buddies and enablers) pushing insane, destructive, anti-democratic policies start running around and demonizing any opposition to their policies as Nazis, a good number of Poles seem to be willing to tell them fuck off. People who sincerely fear a resurgence of thug regimes -- with their censorship, contempt for human freedom, and non-stop "othering" of people who won't conform to their crackpot messianic ideologies -- should applaud that.
"-as well as the coming climate upheavals that will force people to flee coastal areas-"
Get back to me when you move to Denver.
The original Nazis started as a radical faction that intended to take power in a military coup, or at least gain influence by assisting one. As in the "Beer Hall Putsch".
I.e., they intended violence from the start.
Thats what got Hitler thrown in prison, to write Mein Kampf.
After that they organized street fighting squads, explicitly for the purpose of beating down their rivals in radical politics. Thats where they got the Horst Wessel Lied, after one of their casualties.
The Polish march reminds me of the multitude of protests in the Philippines, 1983-86, most organized through the Catholic Church.
The Muslims need to keep going north, to Sweden, where they think investigating cases where Swedish women were raped by Muslim refugees, much less solving the cases and prosecuting the perpetrators is just do politically incorrect. Or they can turn west, and go to Germany, where the government will also let them get away with raping little boys, not just women who are “asking for it” by wearing modern clothing with no headscarf.
The most glorious moment in Poland’s long history came when King Jan Sobieski attacked the Muslim army besieging Vienna and killed tens of thousands of Muslim warriors in a day.
I thought the Arabs and Muslims supported Hitler against the Jews???
How do patriotic Poles become Nazis when the are objecting to the introduction into Europe of the religion and ethnicity who supported Hitler?
Maybe Robert Cook could mansplain it to me????
Communist Russia was an ally of Hitler up to and including the day Hitler invaded Communist Russia.
Which was almost two years after they became allies by conquering Poland and dividing it between themselves.
Communists like Robert Cook and the Antifa black shirts and the Nazi skinheads are two peas in the same pod.
Civilized peoples should reject them all.
We keep seeing, over and over and over again, how the disdain of the elites directed at their social and economic inferiors leads to not just reaction but over-reaction. Yet, the elites who really control the situation and are very well organized and coordinated, insist on meeting each manifestation of middle- and working class fear and in some cases anger by increasing the level of contempt they direct downward--as if it is their intent to provoke a violent reaction that they can use as an excuse to clamp down. Hard.
It has lately been a common observation that if you don't understand why someone did something, look at the result and assume that is what they wanted. By that perspective, one must interpret the elite reactions to Brexit, Germans and others objecting to Merkel's immigrant open door, to Trump, to Wilders, to Orban, to LePen, and to plenty of others, as trying to provoke a fight. There are reasons to be wary of many of those "insurgents," but who violated strong social norms, who is imposing their views on others, who insults the other side, and who refuses to meet the other side halfway?
I have been seeing the elite or establishment accusing their inferiors of being unreasonable, uncompromising, violent and stupid since the start of the Tea Party in 2009, while all those traits came first from the establishment side. That is a fact and is not open to debate. Much of what came after has blame on both sides, but at the start it was totally one-sided.
I don't know how a nation, a culture, a civilization stands when its elites view its masses with such contempt. Even Richelieu understood that he wanted to keep the cow content so he could milk it. Or current elite seems to be spoiling for a fight, as if even if they win, the result will be worth having. Based on their record of the last 20 years or so, they are almost certainly wrong in this as in almost everything else.
"Tell that to the people who remember the first time the Nazis proliferated in Europe."
They didn't proliferate in a vacuum - first came Wiemar, where the German government was demonstrably unable or unwilling to meet its most basic obligations to the German people. Where a liberal elite was so busy being "modern" and transgressive that they didn't care that they were ripping away societal foundations from under the Middle and Working Classes. Where Commie thugs were allowed to run rampant in the streets.
first came Wiemar, where the German government was demonstrably unable or unwilling to meet its most basic obligations to the German people
Largely because of the Treaty of Versailles.
We keep seeing, over and over and over again, how the disdain of the elites directed at their social and economic inferiors leads to not just reaction but over-reaction. Yet, the elites who really control the situation and are very well organized and coordinated, insist on meeting each manifestation of middle- and working class fear and in some cases anger by increasing the level of contempt they direct downward--
I certainly agree with this. And it's being duplicated all over the globalist/corporatist West. The nation-state that became the basic unit of international affairs in the 20th century has been systemically weakened by globalization for decades now. The Franco-German super state (i.e. European Union) that has come to dominate the continent is really just the latest iteration of this.
More than a decade ago, Mark Steyn warned that if the EU did not allow legitimate political dissent to the prevailing leftist orthodoxy, sooner or later, less pleasant "dissenters" would make their voices heard.
He also predicted that Europeans would eventually react to the steady increase of unassimilated Muslims either peacefully or with horrifying violence. He said that, considering Europe's track record, he was betting on form.
Are Pole's really white? I mean, you know pure? Didn't the Nazi's need to cleanse Poland so that it would be fit for real white people to live there, eg. Lebensraum?
Also, didn't the Brexit folks also wanted to ban Polish immigration to England because they really arn't white or at least they don't act white? The other confusion is that Middle Easterners are Caucasian, right? Are there non-white Caucasians?
It makes it really tough top know who to fear and hate without the right sort of guideline. Hopefully Trump will soon tell us how to feel about this situation.
Didn't the Nazi's need to cleanse Poland so that it would be fit for real white people to live there, eg. Lebensraum?
Also, didn't the Brexit folks also wanted to ban Polish immigration to England because they really arn't white or at least they don't act white?
No; what the pro-Brexit side argued was that Polish migrant labor was putting downward pressure on wages for British workers.
The other confusion is that Middle Easterners are Caucasian, right?
So what? Even if you want to take issue with this sign or that sign is irrelevant to the argument. Poland has borders, and it's people should get to decide how those borders are enforced. If they do not want to open those borders to economic migrants or refugees from North Africa and the Middle East, that's their business.
It makes it really tough top know who to fear and hate without the right sort of guideline.
Why don't you leave the doors to your home open and allow anyone who wants to come in to come? Is it only irrational hatred and fear that causes you to be judicious about who you allow onto your property and for how long?
Howard said...
Are Pole's really white?
Maybe you should ask CNN, they are the ones who printed the since-retracted libel about White Europe, Europe must be white
It makes it really tough top know who to fear and hate without the right sort of guideline
CNN is trying their best to provide such a guideline, and they're not gonna let mere facts get in the way.
"I don't know how a nation, a culture, a civilization stands when its elites view its masses with such contempt."
They think they can get away with it because they are working to replace the natives with masses from abroad. In this country, they want to replace the white blue collar deplorably with Hispanic peons who will provide cheap labor and obediently vote Democrat. It really is a pretty racist theory, since they assume that the Hispanics will behave like cattle forever, unlike those uppity white ethnics.
In Europe, the picture is more problematic, since the cultural differences between secular Europeans and people from countries who treat their warrior religion much more seriously than the Western societies do is huge. Many of the Hispanics who come here are hard workers. Many of the Muslims living in London and Paris are on the dole. I can't imagine that the Euro elites actually believe they'll be to control the Muslim population once it achieves critical mass.
It really does look like deliberate suicide.
"Apres moi le deluge."
Howard said...
"It makes it really tough top know who to fear and hate without the right sort of guideline. Hopefully Trump will soon tell us how to feel about this situation."
Howard, Trump is not a racist. I'm a racist, and I would know. Trump appears to have swallowed the we're-all-the-same-on-the-inside Kool-Aid that the modern academic-industrial complex dispenses as a truth repellent.
An interesting point I had not previously considered; we place quotes around remarks to indicate that they are direct quotations, not a paraphrase. Is it ever accurate to put quotes around a statement that has been translated from another language?
Is it ever accurate to put quotes around a statement that has been translated from another language?
The question ought to re-phrased from accurate to acceptable. It is acceptable, and in fact required, that quotation marks are used. What's not acceptable is quoting a source inaccurately. In the case of a source writing or speaking in English the quote marks indicate a word for word transcription. In cases involving foreign language paraphrases are acceptable and often more accurate than literal translations. Best practice is to render the best English equivalent within the inverted commas and then to directly cite the original text or speech in the footnotes.
Quaestor said...
"The question ought to re-phrased from accurate to acceptable."
Hmmm... In the context, I was referring to the quote marks around 'White Europe, Europe must be white,' and 'Pray for an Islamic Holocaust.' The question, then, is whether this is a case of poor translation, or inaccurate quotation. I don't see how acceptability really comes into it, although I guess one can always refuse to accept something. Except for maybe an offer you can't refuse.
The question, then, is whether this is a case of poor translation, or inaccurate quotation.
Not sure about the former, but as for the latter, the sign was written in English and can be viewed here. Who wrote or hung the sign remains a separate question I do not have the answer to.
"Not sure about the former, but as for the latter, the sign was written in English and can be viewed here."
That link ends ".../uploads/2015/11/islamic.jpg
I suppose that doesn't really prove anything, but it does make me wonder how relevant it is to an article about something that happened last Saturday.
Jupiter: Trump may or may not be a racist, who know what lurks inside the medulla oblongata of the Shape-Shifting Reptiloids who control the government. Trump does have a magical (as Drago pointed, exploiting Dunning-Kruger) effect on peripheral racists and white supremacists that makes them believe they are normal human beings thus freeing them to joyously express their most shallow thoughts on the public square.
Ignorance is Bliss: Good point. CNN and the entire palpably of establishment and fringe media are unabated peddlers of hate, division and fear. It puts butts in seats, eyeballs on clicks, punches on chads, etc.
The Poles will probably save Europe again. They aren’t the least bit weepy or sentimental about the swarthy third world hordes.
I suppose that doesn't really prove anything, but it does make me wonder how relevant it is to an article about something that happened last Saturday.
Good catch. I hadn't noticed that. I just did a Google Search for the phrase, and it was the first result. I am resigned that this is simply how these kinds of demonstrations will be depicted in the West. Whether it's an anti-war protest or an anti-immigration pro-test, you can expect reporters to comb through signs until they find the most damaging or the most absurd and then use that to paint the entire movement. But of course, that's all irrelevant to the question of who should control Poland's borders and who should be in control of Poland's destiny. Since the globalists cannot seem to win their arguments on the merits, they must incessantly fall back on their pat insults (e.g. racists, xenophobic, isolationist, blah blah blah).
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