Roy Moore’s assistant D.A. was who???
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) November 16, 2017
November 16, 2017
Roy Moore’s assistant D.A....
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Roy Moore’s assistant D.A. was who???
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) November 16, 2017
Can’t make this stuff up.
In the life time movie version of reality, the audience would see rapid flashes of scenes with a young Roy Moore replaced with obviously evil guy saying things like I'm Roy Moore.
Is... Is this the defense we're going with?
P.S. I know that isn't. But this is surreal enough as is.
His name was Delbra Adams, not Dilbert Adams.
The LA Times got something wrong?
Latest one: Woman claims that she was in high school trigonometry class and Roy Moore called the office to summon her from class so he could ask her on a date. Seriously? Do you really believe that a high school office would summon a girl from class for a telephone call unless it was from one of her parents? My bullshit meter just pegged out.
... Harassment by school telephone. That's a new one to me. I say we let Moore stay in to learn the depths of his depravity. Did he also stick notes in the girl's lockers saying "Do you like me check yes or no, Roy Moore D.A."?
Dilbert/Delbra or whomever was not very good at making up that Yearbook signing. He/she thought the Old Hickory House spelled its name Olde, which was never true, as any southerner knew. She also over did the acting job in her interview. So chances are she is fake news.
But what the heck, hating on Roy Moore for hitting on the local teenage girls in the 1970s is too much fun to stop now. He is an easy target, who makes it more fun by fighting back, and fighting back, and fighting back.
For context, rural southern teenage girls and the mating rules in the 1970s can best
be understood from watching Smokey and the Bandit. Burt Reynolds had it down right. And that classic film even has a scene in an Old Hickory House restaurant. The one where the Jackie Gleason/Sheriff walks out with toilet paper stuck to his shoe.
Let's hope Sally Fields doesn't accuse Judge Moore next.
Wowsers. Reality. Fiction. Fate. Funny names.
Time for more coffee.
David Begley said...
Can’t make this stuff up.
Apparently you can. So there are six accusers, and two of them have huge holes in their stories. At what point can you reasonably conclude that the remaining stories are also bogus?
Moore's lawyer has asked that the yearbook be tested independently to see how old the ink is.
The smear will likely stick and we won't ever really know what's true, encouraging ever more tall tales. Not everyone can brazen it out like Trump.
I think there was one guy in every crowd who chased after the late teen girls even though he had hit 30 or so. Yes, it was weird then and I think Moore was one of those guys.
I suspect he missed out on the college life since he went to West Point and then straight into the Army for 4 years of so after that. No excuse for him to be trolling the mall for high school girls but may explain why he did it.
I like the way Gloria Allred is playing hard to get with that yearbook.
Wait a minute, did I say "Gloria Allred"? I smell something fishy.
"Blogger Ken H said...
Moore's lawyer has asked that the yearbook be tested independently to see how old the ink is.
11/16/17, 7:45 AM"
I've been wondering that for several days. Now the forger may have given the game away with "DA."
Does Allred have anything to lose ? Like millions ?
"Dilbert" is an intentional mistake to make the story look like a lie. Especially with his surname being "Adams."
Apparently Wolf Blitzer asked Allred to certify that the yearbook was not a hoax.
She wouldn't say that. She kept dancing around it, as a matter of fact.
Also she refuses to let anyone see anything more from the yearbook besides the one page.
Yeah, totally above board! But hey, it's good enough for Inga, no doubt.
There are no penalties involved for anyone coming forward to make up a story. And if someone is still paying people to speak into the microphone, we still haven't heard the last.
Allred's aging and bejeweled client was weeping like she had survived a session with Joeseph Mengele.
Although this is Gloria's MO, it was way out of proportion to the supposed offense.
So Moore is hitting on a girl and signs her yearbook with his honorific? How many valentine cards have you seen signed "With love, John Doe, CPE, MBA, CPA"?
Oh wow. That's a nutso detail, of the D.A. at the end of the signature! I saw that in a picture and thought it was weird...if it turns out Moore didn't sign his name with D.A. but there are examples of his signature with someone else putting "D.A." underneath it then that's pretty solid evidence of a forgery, right?? That's crazy stuff.
There is a claim that the signature is in two different color inks. No one seems able to confirm that, nor definitively deny it. If true then this is episode is a fake and it calls into question all the other claims against him. If the yearbook with the signature is not produced for forensic analysis then we should assume fakery.
Allred must produce the yearbook for forensic analysis or admit the story is a lie. She will do neither, of course, but this will confirm that it is indeed a lie.
Bliss. Al Franken has been accused of sexual harassment, and there's photographic evidence. It's a twofer. Franken represents the SNL as much as the people of Minnesota. All SNL cast members should be asked to condemn this creature. Sponsors should boycott the show.
Allred could, of course, submit the year book for analysis- you would know within a couple of days whether or not the different parts of the inscription were really in 40 year old ink or far more recent (this isn't rocket science, and differences in 40 year old dried ink vs week old dried ink are quite enormous and easily differentiated). If you really believed the inscription were authentic in its entirety, you wouldn't hesitate to prove it conclusively. It is pretty clear to me that Allred isn't certain or she would have had the analysis in hand before the press conference; or her client isn't certain which should tell you quite a bit, right?
Now, given all the evidence from the magnified photo still from the press conference, and the fact that Moore had the clerk putting his initials on court orders, I think one can quite confidently state one thing for certain- everything after the name "Roy" was added in the last week. I concede the "Roy" part definitely looks like Moore's signature except for the missing middle initial, but I can imagine a judge signs an initial on an official document when he might not do so on a year book. I have certainly had occasions to use a middle initial when I would never do so otherwise.
And if Moore's attorney is correct about the court case from 1999, that basically torpedoes the entire story about the attempted rape. Do you really believe Nelson didn't know who the judge was in 1999? I don't believe that for a second.
I don't believe a word of the accusations. Any of the accusations. From any of the self-described victims. The timing of these accusations is simply too politically convenient. It's a smear job launched by the Democrats and the GOPe, neither of whom want Moore in the Senate.
And, frankly, given the decades of hypocrisy from leftists and Democrats regarding their own well-known rapists and sexual assaulters, even if the accusations were true I DON'T CARE. I will defend Moore and would, if I lived in his state, vote for him just to stick a finger in the collective eye of the scum pushing this libel.
Having worked in the management office of a large regional mall, substantially larger than the 500,000 square foot Gadsden Mall, I declare myself an expert in detecting unsubstantiated rumors that forever haunt Mall Security policy.
Disenchanted renters, offended customers, the banned-from-mall bunch and mall employees upset over parking fines are just a few of the categories that give rise to ticked-off people exaggerating events such as Roy Moore's supposed harassment of mall employees. As a result, I am not paying any attention until an arrest record or Moore's name on a banned-from-mall list can be shown.
This whole political attack on Judge Moore smells badly. She said, he said, and the sudden appearance of Gloria Allred turns me off. Where is proof, any proof? Gloria ain't saying.
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