Those are such high energy dogs! So smart. Very loving. Really fun but you need a space for them to be able to run and hunt. We had one years ago. She was the Houdini of the dog world and could get out of any kennel. I swear she had hidden lock picks.
You need high energy too to properly care for this type of hunting dog. They also need consistent discipline and training. Too much work for me anymore :-)
I tried to post on the two women sailors, but it wouldn't let me. So I'm posting here:
There is an extended interview with the navy the two women did when they were first rescued - on youtube. They are both standing during the interview. The younger one's skin looks great. Of course it's natural to wonder about weight and that they or maybe just one of them didn't seem to lose much. But examine the food that was consumed (either 6 months or a year's worth) and it was almost all carbs. In the presence of insulin, calories are stored as fat, period - end of story. That may explain the lack of wt loss. Then again, maybe they did lose weight, we haven't seen the before pictures.
As for scurvy, as Gary Taubes likes to remind us, the Eskimos did not get it. Why not? There were not orange groves in their once frozen homes. Or much of any other source of vitamin C.
Google: How do Eskimos get their vitamin C? The Inuit living on fresh raw meat and fresh raw fish would actually manage to get enough vitamin C, and particularly, there's a lovely traditional Inuit staple called muktuk which is the skin of the beluga whale, and this has a lot of vitamin C in it.
The Powerline Blog website has published a series of four articles titled "Investigate This" based on e-mails it has received from "a retired FBI Special Agent with over two decades of experience in counterintelligence."
.... FISA coverage can only be used if a FI [Full Investigation] has been previously authorized. .... The real goal of opening a FI was precisely to obtain FISA coverage. For that reason the likelihood is that the substantially same justification that was used to obtain an order from the FISC [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] had already been used internally (at the FBI and DoJ) to justify opening a FI.
How many FIs were opened relating to the overall Trump organization? Who were the subjects? What was the predication (and, especially, did that include the dossier)?
The full relevance of these considerations can be seen from ... just how threadbare the dossier really was in terms of authentication. If it was used in applications to the FISC with the knowledge that it was “oppo research” and likely not credible, and if that knowledge was withheld from the FISC, I suspect we’re looking at the real possibility of criminal conduct. And bear in mind that such applications (for FISA coverage relating to a candidate for President or a President-elect) would have been approved only at the highest levels before submission to the FISC.
To put two names to that process: James Comey and Loretta Lynch. If they knowingly deceived the FISC –- and that depends, as far as we can tell at this point, largely on how they may have used the “dossier” –- they’re looking at serious criminal liability.
All of this explains the FBI and DoJ stonewalling. Comey and the rest are well aware of the implications for them. Bear in mind too that the stonewalling isn’t limited to document production–important as that may be. FBI and DoJ have been refusing to allow their personnel to testify to Congressional committees–that is, personnel below the top few officials.
The third article in the Powerline Blog includes the following passages from an e-mail from "a retired FBI Special Agent with over two decades of experience in counterintelligence".
We know that that effort [to take the political smears of Trump further] began some time in the late Spring or early Summer of 2016 because an application was made to the FISC in June/July. That application mentioned Trump by name –- and was rejected.
Why FISA? Because a Title III “wiretap” would have required an actual investigation based on a violation of a real US criminal law and a quite high and specific standard in the application for a court order. ...
Trump and all those close to him were US Persons (USPERs). The NSA targets foreign powers and individuals. If those foreign powers and individuals of concern are in contact with USPERs and, in the judgment of NSA, US counterintelligence (basically, FBI) should know about those USPERs, then NSA informs the FBI.
In my own career, outside FBI headquarters, I only saw a handful of NSA referrals of that sort. They were mostly general in nature. They could perhaps be used to initiate a Preliminary Inquiry (PI) to gain a bit more insight into the nature of the relationship between the USPER and the foreign power or individual —- if we judged that advisable based on our own knowledge and experience —- meaning that typically the NSA info would not rise to the level needed in order to say that there was “reason to believe” (i.e., for practical purposes, probable cause) that the USPER was an actual agent of a foreign power. That means: no Full Investigation (FI), therefore no FISA. ...
But in the anti-Trump conspiracy that’s exactly what was needed: FISA coverage, “wiretaps.” There was no time to do the painstaking research on Trump and his associates –- they needed FISA and they needed it NOW.
They’d already been turned down at least once. The NSA info was essentially useless, because what they really wanted was to get conversations between Trump and his associates here in the US –- all USPERs -– not international conversations (those were either lacking or harmless). Yes, NSA probably scoops up internal US communications of USPERs, too, but to use it without a FI and without a FISA order would be illegal.
Therefore, the “dossier.”
For the conspirators the significance of the “dossier” was that it provided supposed “reason to believe” that Trump or those close to him were “agents of a foreign power,” subject to blackmail or pressure by a foreign power, already cooperating with a foreign power. The ability to claim that most of this “information” was coming via friendly foreign intel services with contacts in Russia added a bit of verisimilitude.
A “dossier” that could provide that sort of “reason to believe” would justify a FI and then FISA coverage. And therefore access to Trump campaign related communications. ...
Although they were claiming Trump collusion with Russia, what they were really targeting was campaign communications. By claiming that key people were foreign agents they could collect ALL their domestic communications with anybody.
This is why I believe that the dossier took on added importance after the initial denial of a FISA order. We know, or think we do, that the FBI wanted Steele to do additional research. The focus of that research, however, would have to be to establish “reason to believe” that Trump or persons close to his campaign were “agents of a foreign power.” Only that would get them the FISA coverage they wanted.
If the Government wannts Section 702 re-authorized, it first needs to charge and prosecute Federal agents and FISA judges known to have abused the process.
(See Attorney General Eric Holder and the James Rosen affairas an example. Apparently there are more as was to be expected when that passed without consequenes for the perpetrators.)
The fourth article of the Powerline Blog series provides the following explanation from "a retired FBI Special Agent with over two decades of experience in counterintelligence."
... FISA techniques can only be used under a FI [Full Investigation]. Therefore, it’s not possible to take advantage of the low threshold for PI [Preliminary Inquiry] in order to abuse FISA –- you must satisfy the requirements for a FI. ...
It’s not so easy to invent specific and articulable facts of this sort –- especially when you’re talking about a presidential candidate. ... They “needed” an FI. Nothing else would give them what they really wanted: putatively legal access to Trump communications. ...
That’s another reason to haul the people below Comey before Congressional committees –- to find out how those things [the FIs and the FISA applications] were evaluated, formulated, etc.
All this that we’ve been discussing explains why the Department of Justice and the FBI simply ignored oversight reporting requirements.
Comey admitted that he’d been running a FI investigation for nine months without notifying Congress —- which is supposed to be done on a quarterly basis. Right, because neither he nor Lynch nor anyone else in the Obama administration would want GOP Congressmen reading what passed for predication for FIs and FISAs targeting Trump (no matter who the named subject might be).
That might have led to awkward questions! Like, Waitaminute, how do you know Trump’s a Russian agent, and who told you that?
After clearing the field of birds, Daisy looks like she's coming in for a landing.
And never mind if you saw no birds, they were there, you can bet on it. You could even hear them if you listened; TO THE AIR, TO THE AIR, HERE COMES DAISY!
What are the odds Mueller's indictments tomorrow (if any) will be for abuse of the FISA process and unathorized leaking of restricted information (including that these indictments will be forthcoming)?
"What are the odds Mueller's indictments tomorrow (if any) will be for abuse of the FISA process and unathorized leaking of restricted information (including that these indictments will be forthcoming)?"
Considering all the D's and a substantial portion of deep state R's all want Trump gone, the odds are zero.
"What are the odds Mueller's indictments tomorrow (if any) will be for abuse of the FISA process and unathorized leaking of restricted information (including that these indictments will be forthcoming)?"
As long as the objective of high-ranking officials in the Justice Department is to protect the reputation of the FBI, there can be no justice at all. Cover-ups in one area create the need for cover-ups in another, such that the original cover up is not subsequently exposed.
At that point, it's just cover-ups all the way down.
The first requirement for justice to occur is that justice must also apply to the people doing the investigations and holding the evidence. Our country will lack that until the people demand it.
I look forward to Manafort being charged tomorrow, and the media not mentioning his ties to Podesta but yelling Trump, Trump, Trump like a pack of braying mules.
Gary Taubes introduces the idea that scurvy's association with lack of fruits high in Vitamin C could very possibly be misplaced. "Vitamin C is contained in animal foods in such small quantities that nutritionists considered it insufficient and the question is whether this quantify is indeed sufficient for good health. Once [it was proven] that scurvy could be prevented and cured by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, nutritionists assumed that these foods are an absolutely essential dietary source of vit C....It's possible that eating easily digestible carbs and sugars increases our need for vitamins that we could otherwise derive from animal products in sufficient quantities."
"Gary Taubes introduces the idea that scurvy's association with lack of fruits high in Vitamin C could very possibly be misplaced. "Vitamin C is contained in animal foods in such small quantities that nutritionists considered it insufficient and the question is whether this quantify is indeed sufficient for good health."
British seamen lived on salted beef and pea soup for the centuries when the Navy was ravaged by scurvy. It may be that salting the beef affected the vitamin C but it is a fact that adoption of lime juice cured scurvy.
it was not until 1747 that James Lind formally demonstrated that scurvy could be treated by supplementing the diet with citrus fruit, in the first ever clinical trial.[6] In 1753, Lind published A Treatise of the Scurvy, in which he explained the details of his clinical trial,
There are other foods that can cure or prevent scurvy, ,like onions, but they do not keep as well on long voyages.
Don't remember where I saw it, but the easiest way to tell the "pee-pee dossier" is crap is that if they KNEW, they'd be lining up to take credit (and the high-fives of their base) for it, rather than the current panoply of "Ummm, maybe I know, maybe I don't, ummmmm ...."
The "Get Trump" crowd will be active the next few weeks, but let's keep this simple:
From Buzzfeed: "The FBI's investigation of Donald Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, includes a keen focus on a series of suspicious wire transfers in which offshore companies linked to Manafort moved more than $3 million all over the globe between 2012 and 2013."
One would naturally ask, What the fuck does this have to do with the 2016 election?
Don't remember where I saw it, but the easiest way to tell the "pee-pee dossier" is crap is that if they KNEW, they'd be lining up to take credit (and the high-fives of their base) for it, rather than the current panoply of "Ummm, maybe I know, maybe I don't, ummmmm ...." 10/29/17, 2:22 PM
4chan trolls created piss on bed story Congressman who passed it on.
Just read something I have never heard of before. During the war of 1812 American privateers were operating as far afield as the coast of northern Norway and bringing their captures in to Trondhjem and Bergen for adjudication.
I did know that American merchantmen sailed to the Baltic all through the Napoleonic wars and gave rise to quite an industry of privateers in southern Norway and lively business for the lawyers in the coastal towns, since the "Law of the Sea" governing privateering were even further complicated by the changing alliances of the Baltic nations depending on the shifting fortunes of Napoleon on his eastern front.
It is quite amazing. The United States was a major sea-faring nation even before it became a nation, and must have become the major sea-faring nation by the mid-19th century or so, yet we still have such a landlubber government!
15. The theatrical poster for Coming Up Daisy, the fictional movie within the movie, says it was based on a book by Cormac McCarthy. McCarthy, as you may know, is the author of No Country for Old Men. The small snippets of Coming Up Daisy shown in the film were actually directed by the Coens’ friend and frequent collaborator, Sam Raimi.
It took a long time for people to agree that Fresh fruits and vegtables were the reason for scurvy.
Why? Because even though the entire crew would lack fresh produce not everyone would get scurvy, and some would suffer worse then others.
I have no idea why that is, but whether it the Union Army in the Civil war or sailing ships in the 18th century, the whole crew usually didn't all come down with scurvy - even though they ate the same thing.
The point is that just because some cases of sailor scurvy were cured by citrus fruit does not mean lack of citrus fruit causes scurvy, case in point being the Eskimos. It's like in a way saying lack of penicillin causes syphilis. "The original lack of vitamin C might be caused by other factors. In fact, given that the Inuit and those Westerners living on the Inuit's vegetable- and fruit-free diet never suffered from scurvy...then other factors must be involved."
Later Taubes writes: "glucose regulates how much vitamin C is taken up by the cells, according to U of Massachusetts nutritionist John Cunningham. If we increase blood-sugar levels, the cellular uptake of vitamin C will drop accordingly. Glucose also impairs the reabsorption of vitamin C by the kidney."
The actor (Jason Clarke) playing Ted Kennedy in the upcoming Chappaquiddick movie was born the day after the crash. I wonder if the studio is under pressure to release it before December to distract attention from the lesser scandals in Hollywood and elsewhere.
I think they figured: You're part of a monarchy, we're a monarchy. Why not!
It's good that the Oval Office Resident knows which parts of the world he has the most in common with. They also like gold and glitz and building things and keeping their people down.
I'm watching the pre-game of this rather exciting World Series, and there's this political Ad by Tom Steyer, posing as a regular guy, telling us we should impeach Trump.
Steyer is a Leftwing billionaire, who funds all sorts of Democratic nonsense.
" Because even though the entire crew would lack fresh produce not everyone would get scurvy, and some would suffer worse then others"
apparently, lots of sailors were border line scurvy Before sailing, and it thus took little to set them off; others (rich people) had good diets before, and thus took longer for them
read a book called Scurvy by Stephen R. Bown that was very good (buy through amazon) liver has vitamin C in it, as I recall
Atlanta woke up to 35F and a wind chill this morning. I blame Trump for busting Hillary's Blue Wall a year ago when he won Wisconsin and Michigan. Now all that cold air blows right on through.
Glenn Reynolds (does he ever sleep?) links to a good question: "Where would you want your sister, daughter or female friend to work as an intern: (1) Pence’s office; (2) Hollywood; (3) the New Republic?"
I used to watch the Sunday shows, or at least one, so as to know what was being said. Then I read Althouse to know what was being said because I couldn't stand listening to liberal smugness. But now Althouse says that they are always saying the same thing and she can't stand it. So we just need one person to watch and see if they get some new ideas. But it's too much to ask; it's like being in Cuba and having your brain damaged by a mysterious sonic assault. We could have a rotating "Watch On The Whine" to report "All Quiet and The Same On The Blabber Front." Meanwhile, I'm going to continue to watch Election Night 2016 on ABC and MSNBC. It is a complete assemblage of everything that has been said since. From November 8 till October 29 - everything said on all the political news shows - it was all said the night of November 7 and the morning of November 8. Even if there is an event such as a leak, the same thing is said as was said election night about some event that night.
But as with watching any rerun, you become aware of nuances, shades, tones. My current favorite moment: late, late on the night, ABC is refusing to call states for Trump and call the election. These are states Trump has clearly won. Stephanopoulos explains that a special area solely charged with analyzing returns is making these decisions not to call states and, while he talks about the high intensity and the high pressure which that area is under, the camera pans over to the area. The people there are drinking coffee and chatting together with their backs to their computer screens.
The Toothless Revolutionary said... Well this is newsworthy. A Jew was allowed to enter/visit Saudi Arabia.
Lol out old boss, I shouldn't even talk about him, like the Zohan, 20 years older, but went into finance instead of hair. He used to go KSA for what was then our biggest client. So did, I believe, other Jewish staff. Saudis talk money and power like dverybody else. trump attempts to charm children of journalists who mostly hate him (and so, indirectly, their parents). He's always game.
I haven't watched any of the games- I haven't watched a baseball game in years now, but this series looks to have been one of the most entertaining in a long, long time. Go Astros!
That dog is defiantly a Brittany. Brittanys are red and white like the image. English Springer Spaniels are liver and white or black and white, sometimes they are tri colored.
The Brittany is the only spaniel bred to point and like most pointing dogs are rangier, also more hyper. Springers like most spaniels are flushing dogs, therefore cast closer in.
Here's a pic of my white&liver Springer Spaniel. He's not quite 5 months old. Also a Madison area dog, and they could be litter mates, were it not for the fact they are different breeds.
Isn't there a tag, Using children in political adds?
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The dog ate my indictment.
And leaked it on CNN's floor.
I think I smell another Hillary book post.
Is that a Springer Spaniel?
Those are such high energy dogs! So smart. Very loving. Really fun but you need a space for them to be able to run and hunt. We had one years ago. She was the Houdini of the dog world and could get out of any kennel. I swear she had hidden lock picks.
You need high energy too to properly care for this type of hunting dog. They also need consistent discipline and training. Too much work for me anymore :-)
I tried to post on the two women sailors, but it wouldn't let me. So I'm posting here:
There is an extended interview with the navy the two women did when they were first rescued - on youtube. They are both standing during the interview. The younger one's skin looks great. Of course it's natural to wonder about weight and that they or maybe just one of them didn't seem to lose much. But examine the food that was consumed (either 6 months or a year's worth) and it was almost all carbs. In the presence of insulin, calories are stored as fat, period - end of story. That may explain the lack of wt loss. Then again, maybe they did lose weight, we haven't seen the before pictures.
As for scurvy, as Gary Taubes likes to remind us, the Eskimos did not get it. Why not? There were not orange groves in their once frozen homes. Or much of any other source of vitamin C.
How do Eskimos get their vitamin C?
The Inuit living on fresh raw meat and fresh raw fish would actually manage to get enough vitamin C, and particularly, there's a lovely traditional Inuit staple called muktuk which is the skin of the beluga whale, and this has a lot of vitamin C in it.
The Powerline Blog website has published a series of four articles titled "Investigate This" based on e-mails it has received from "a retired FBI Special Agent with over two decades of experience in counterintelligence."
The first of the four articles is here:
Excerpts from that first article follow:
.... FISA coverage can only be used if a FI [Full Investigation] has been previously authorized. .... The real goal of opening a FI was precisely to obtain FISA coverage. For that reason the likelihood is that the substantially same justification that was used to obtain an order from the FISC [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] had already been used internally (at the FBI and DoJ) to justify opening a FI.
How many FIs were opened relating to the overall Trump organization? Who were the subjects? What was the predication (and, especially, did that include the dossier)?
The full relevance of these considerations can be seen from ... just how threadbare the dossier really was in terms of authentication. If it was used in applications to the FISC with the knowledge that it was “oppo research” and likely not credible, and if that knowledge was withheld from the FISC, I suspect we’re looking at the real possibility of criminal conduct. And bear in mind that such applications (for FISA coverage relating to a candidate for President or a President-elect) would have been approved only at the highest levels before submission to the FISC.
To put two names to that process: James Comey and Loretta Lynch. If they knowingly deceived the FISC –- and that depends, as far as we can tell at this point, largely on how they may have used the “dossier” –- they’re looking at serious criminal liability.
All of this explains the FBI and DoJ stonewalling. Comey and the rest are well aware of the implications for them. Bear in mind too that the stonewalling isn’t limited to document production–important as that may be. FBI and DoJ have been refusing to allow their personnel to testify to Congressional committees–that is, personnel below the top few officials.
Following up my comment at 11:32 AM
The third article in the Powerline Blog includes the following passages from an e-mail from "a retired FBI Special Agent with over two decades of experience in counterintelligence".
We know that that effort [to take the political smears of Trump further] began some time in the late Spring or early Summer of 2016 because an application was made to the FISC in June/July. That application mentioned Trump by name –- and was rejected.
Why FISA? Because a Title III “wiretap” would have required an actual investigation based on a violation of a real US criminal law and a quite high and specific standard in the application for a court order. ...
Trump and all those close to him were US Persons (USPERs). The NSA targets foreign powers and individuals. If those foreign powers and individuals of concern are in contact with USPERs and, in the judgment of NSA, US counterintelligence (basically, FBI) should know about those USPERs, then NSA informs the FBI.
In my own career, outside FBI headquarters, I only saw a handful of NSA referrals of that sort. They were mostly general in nature. They could perhaps be used to initiate a Preliminary Inquiry (PI) to gain a bit more insight into the nature of the relationship between the USPER and the foreign power or individual —- if we judged that advisable based on our own knowledge and experience —- meaning that typically the NSA info would not rise to the level needed in order to say that there was “reason to believe” (i.e., for practical purposes, probable cause) that the USPER was an actual agent of a foreign power. That means: no Full Investigation (FI), therefore no FISA. ...
But in the anti-Trump conspiracy that’s exactly what was needed: FISA coverage, “wiretaps.” There was no time to do the painstaking research on Trump and his associates –- they needed FISA and they needed it NOW.
They’d already been turned down at least once. The NSA info was essentially useless, because what they really wanted was to get conversations between Trump and his associates here in the US –- all USPERs -– not international conversations (those were either lacking or harmless). Yes, NSA probably scoops up internal US communications of USPERs, too, but to use it without a FI and without a FISA order would be illegal.
Therefore, the “dossier.”
For the conspirators the significance of the “dossier” was that it provided supposed “reason to believe” that Trump or those close to him were “agents of a foreign power,” subject to blackmail or pressure by a foreign power, already cooperating with a foreign power. The ability to claim that most of this “information” was coming via friendly foreign intel services with contacts in Russia added a bit of verisimilitude.
A “dossier” that could provide that sort of “reason to believe” would justify a FI and then FISA coverage. And therefore access to Trump campaign related communications. ...
Although they were claiming Trump collusion with Russia, what they were really targeting was campaign communications. By claiming that key people were foreign agents they could collect ALL their domestic communications with anybody.
This is why I believe that the dossier took on added importance after the initial denial of a FISA order. We know, or think we do, that the FBI wanted Steele to do additional research. The focus of that research, however, would have to be to establish “reason to believe” that Trump or persons close to his campaign were “agents of a foreign power.” Only that would get them the FISA coverage they wanted.
If the Government wannts Section 702 re-authorized, it first needs to charge and prosecute Federal agents and FISA judges known to have abused the process.
(See Attorney General Eric Holder and the James Rosen affairas an example. Apparently there are more as was to be expected when that passed without consequenes for the perpetrators.)
The indictment ate my dog.
Crazy Dutch angle invites discussion of Crokked Hillary.
Following up my comment at 11:45 AM.
The fourth article of the Powerline Blog series provides the following explanation from "a retired FBI Special Agent with over two decades of experience in counterintelligence."
... FISA techniques can only be used under a FI [Full Investigation]. Therefore, it’s not possible to take advantage of the low threshold for PI [Preliminary Inquiry] in order to abuse FISA –- you must satisfy the requirements for a FI. ...
It’s not so easy to invent specific and articulable facts of this sort –- especially when you’re talking about a presidential candidate. ... They “needed” an FI. Nothing else would give them what they really wanted: putatively legal access to Trump communications. ...
That’s another reason to haul the people below Comey before Congressional committees –- to find out how those things [the FIs and the FISA applications] were evaluated, formulated, etc.
All this that we’ve been discussing explains why the Department of Justice and the FBI simply ignored oversight reporting requirements.
Comey admitted that he’d been running a FI investigation for nine months without notifying Congress —- which is supposed to be done on a quarterly basis. Right, because neither he nor Lynch nor anyone else in the Obama administration would want GOP Congressmen reading what passed for predication for FIs and FISAs targeting Trump (no matter who the named subject might be).
That might have led to awkward questions! Like, Waitaminute, how do you know Trump’s a Russian agent, and who told you that?
Thanks Meade.
Beautiful dog.
After clearing the field of birds, Daisy looks like she's coming in for a landing.
And never mind if you saw no birds, they were there, you can bet on it. You could even hear them if you listened; TO THE AIR, TO THE AIR, HERE COMES DAISY!
(Six more points toward heaven, Meade & Co.)
What are the odds Mueller's indictments tomorrow (if any) will be for abuse of the FISA process and unathorized leaking of restricted information (including that these indictments will be forthcoming)?
"What are the odds Mueller's indictments tomorrow (if any) will be for abuse of the FISA process and unathorized leaking of restricted information (including that these indictments will be forthcoming)?"
Considering all the D's and a substantial portion of deep state R's all want Trump gone, the odds are zero.
"What are the odds Mueller's indictments tomorrow (if any) will be for abuse of the FISA process and unathorized leaking of restricted information (including that these indictments will be forthcoming)?"
As long as the objective of high-ranking officials in the Justice Department is to protect the reputation of the FBI, there can be no justice at all. Cover-ups in one area create the need for cover-ups in another, such that the original cover up is not subsequently exposed.
At that point, it's just cover-ups all the way down.
The first requirement for justice to occur is that justice must also apply to the people doing the investigations and holding the evidence. Our country will lack that until the people demand it.
Anyone else rate movies on two different scales? "How was the movie?" "Not very good. Compared to other movies that come out now though, it's great."
I look forward to Manafort being charged tomorrow, and the media not mentioning his ties to Podesta but yelling Trump, Trump, Trump like a pack of braying mules.
Beautiful dogs. The "more land-bird, less waterfowl" version of the Springer.
@Freeman Hunt, I thought "Wind River" was great, period.
Gary Taubes introduces the idea that scurvy's association with lack of fruits high in Vitamin C could very possibly be misplaced. "Vitamin C is contained in animal foods in such small quantities that nutritionists considered it insufficient and the question is whether this quantify is indeed sufficient for good health. Once [it was proven] that scurvy could be prevented and cured by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, nutritionists assumed that these foods are an absolutely essential dietary source of vit C....It's possible that eating easily digestible carbs and sugars increases our need for vitamins that we could otherwise derive from animal products in sufficient quantities."
We had springers when I was a kid.
Then we had Cocker spaniel named "Esquire" that lived to age 19.
"Gary Taubes introduces the idea that scurvy's association with lack of fruits high in Vitamin C could very possibly be misplaced. "Vitamin C is contained in animal foods in such small quantities that nutritionists considered it insufficient and the question is whether this quantify is indeed sufficient for good health."
British seamen lived on salted beef and pea soup for the centuries when the Navy was ravaged by scurvy. It may be that salting the beef affected the vitamin C but it is a fact that adoption of lime juice cured scurvy.
it was not until 1747 that James Lind formally demonstrated that scurvy could be treated by supplementing the diet with citrus fruit, in the first ever clinical trial.[6] In 1753, Lind published A Treatise of the Scurvy, in which he explained the details of his clinical trial,
There are other foods that can cure or prevent scurvy, ,like onions, but they do not keep as well on long voyages.
Don't remember where I saw it, but the easiest way to tell the "pee-pee dossier" is crap is that if they KNEW, they'd be lining up to take credit (and the high-fives of their base) for it, rather than the current panoply of "Ummm, maybe I know, maybe I don't, ummmmm ...."
The "Get Trump" crowd will be active the next few weeks, but let's keep this simple:
From Buzzfeed: "The FBI's investigation of Donald Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, includes a keen focus on a series of suspicious wire transfers in which offshore companies linked to Manafort moved more than $3 million all over the globe between 2012 and 2013."
One would naturally ask, What the fuck does this have to do with the 2016 election?
Army Corps of Engineers needs to move in and take over.
Would the New Orleans levees have been better or worse without them?
southcentralpa said...
Don't remember where I saw it, but the easiest way to tell the "pee-pee dossier" is crap is that if they KNEW, they'd be lining up to take credit (and the high-fives of their base) for it, rather than the current panoply of "Ummm, maybe I know, maybe I don't, ummmmm ...."
10/29/17, 2:22 PM
4chan trolls created piss on bed story Congressman who passed it on.
Just read something I have never heard of before.
During the war of 1812 American privateers were operating as far afield as the coast of northern Norway and bringing their captures in to Trondhjem and Bergen for adjudication.
I did know that American merchantmen sailed to the Baltic all through the Napoleonic wars and gave rise to quite an industry of privateers in southern Norway and lively business for the lawyers in the coastal towns, since the "Law of the Sea" governing privateering were even further complicated by the changing alliances of the Baltic nations depending on the shifting fortunes of Napoleon on his eastern front.
It is quite amazing. The United States was a major sea-faring nation even before it became a nation, and must have become the major sea-faring nation by the mid-19th century or so, yet we still have such a landlubber government!
15. The theatrical poster for Coming Up Daisy, the fictional movie within the movie, says it was based on a book by Cormac McCarthy.
McCarthy, as you may know, is the author of No Country for Old Men. The small snippets of Coming Up Daisy shown in the film were actually directed by the Coens’ friend and frequent collaborator, Sam Raimi.
It took a long time for people to agree that Fresh fruits and vegtables were the reason for scurvy.
Why? Because even though the entire crew would lack fresh produce not everyone would get scurvy, and some would suffer worse then others.
I have no idea why that is, but whether it the Union Army in the Civil war or sailing ships in the 18th century, the whole crew usually didn't all come down with scurvy - even though they ate the same thing.
Captain Cook fed the crew sauerkraut to fight the scurvy. It keeps.
This just in:
MLB "Kneeler" Bruce Maxwell, arrested for pointing a gun at a Food delivery person (female).
This after he lied about being denied service because of his "Kneeling" by a waiter in Alabama.
Guy seems to take "upset at bad service" to a new level.
The point is that just because some cases of sailor scurvy were cured by citrus fruit does not mean lack of citrus fruit causes scurvy, case in point being the Eskimos. It's like in a way saying lack of penicillin causes syphilis. "The original lack of vitamin C might be caused by other factors. In fact, given that the Inuit and those Westerners living on the Inuit's vegetable- and fruit-free diet never suffered from scurvy...then other factors must be involved."
Later Taubes writes: "glucose regulates how much vitamin C is taken up by the cells, according to U of Massachusetts nutritionist John Cunningham. If we increase blood-sugar levels, the cellular uptake of vitamin C will drop accordingly. Glucose also impairs the reabsorption of vitamin C by the kidney."
Meade you sure that’s a Brittany? Looks so Springer
Kennedys are the original serial harassers
Want something to brighten your evening?
Go over to bing images and enter "dachshund mixes".
Oh shit. I forgot to use your Amazon Portall. Can you forgive me Ann?
The actor (Jason Clarke) playing Ted Kennedy in the upcoming Chappaquiddick movie was born the day after the crash.
I wonder if the studio is under pressure to release it before December to distract attention from the lesser scandals in Hollywood and elsewhere.
Is Mueller doggedly pursuing the truth?
Is his bark worse than his bite?
The slobbering MSM hopes he doesn't screw the pooch.
An American member of ISIS has been sentenced to 20 years. Not nearly enough.
I buy a history book at Barnes and noble and now Amazon is giving me ads for similar. I think I might just go to cash.
Well this is newsworthy. A Jew was allowed to enter/visit Saudi Arabia.
I think they figured: You're part of a monarchy, we're a monarchy. Why not!
It's good that the Oval Office Resident knows which parts of the world he has the most in common with. They also like gold and glitz and building things and keeping their people down.
It's a dog's life Chez Althouse.
Treating her right
I'm watching the pre-game of this rather exciting World Series, and there's this political Ad by Tom Steyer, posing as a regular guy, telling us we should impeach Trump.
Steyer is a Leftwing billionaire, who funds all sorts of Democratic nonsense.
Play Ball!
I spoke too early - George W Bush threw out the first pitch - with an assist from GHWB in a wheelchair.
Gotta love Houston!
Walter, very clever, but a Weinstein was left out, fortunately.
" Because even though the entire crew would lack fresh produce not everyone would get scurvy, and some would suffer worse then others"
apparently, lots of sailors were border line scurvy Before sailing, and it thus took little to set them off; others (rich people) had good diets before, and thus took longer for them
read a book called Scurvy by Stephen R. Bown that was very good (buy through amazon)
liver has vitamin C in it, as I recall
Atlanta woke up to 35F and a wind chill this morning. I blame Trump for busting Hillary's Blue Wall a year ago when he won Wisconsin and Michigan. Now all that cold air blows right on through.
Glenn Reynolds (does he ever sleep?) links to a good question: "Where would you want your sister, daughter or female friend to work as an intern: (1) Pence’s office; (2) Hollywood; (3) the New Republic?"
I used to watch the Sunday shows, or at least one, so as to know what was being said. Then I read Althouse to know what was being said because I couldn't stand listening to liberal smugness. But now Althouse says that they are always saying the same thing and she can't stand it. So we just need one person to watch and see if they get some new ideas. But it's too much to ask; it's like being in Cuba and having your brain damaged by a mysterious sonic assault. We could have a rotating "Watch On The Whine" to report "All Quiet and The Same On The Blabber Front." Meanwhile, I'm going to continue to watch Election Night 2016 on ABC and MSNBC. It is a complete assemblage of everything that has been said since. From November 8 till October 29 - everything said on all the political news shows - it was all said the night of November 7 and the morning of November 8. Even if there is an event such as a leak, the same thing is said as was said election night about some event that night.
But as with watching any rerun, you become aware of nuances, shades, tones. My current favorite moment: late, late on the night, ABC is refusing to call states for Trump and call the election. These are states Trump has clearly won. Stephanopoulos explains that a special area solely charged with analyzing returns is making these decisions not to call states and, while he talks about the high intensity and the high pressure which that area is under, the camera pans over to the area. The people there are drinking coffee and chatting together with their backs to their computer screens.
Is here a thread that Ritmo has not contaminated ?
"One would naturally ask, What the fuck does this have to do with the 2016 election?
It's all they have.
Scotter Libby was prosecuted for a "process violation" like Martha Stewart.
He's a lawyer and has less excuse but I saw Russert refer to Plame before the alleged "lie" by Libby.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Well this is newsworthy. A Jew was allowed to enter/visit Saudi Arabia.
Lol out old boss, I shouldn't even talk about him, like the Zohan, 20 years older, but went into finance instead of hair. He used to go KSA for what was then our biggest client. So did, I believe, other Jewish staff. Saudis talk money and power like dverybody else.
I always suspect Mel profit, spaceys sociapathic smuggler, was creepy:
Did the shows touch on any of this, in depth.
The drip for, character needs a little work
Ruh of cards.... trump attempts to charm children of journalists who mostly hate him (and so, indirectly, their parents). He's always game.
Although except for the occasional murder, underwood was pretty sensible:
The faint breaking through the cave:
LA confidential..
Meanwhile in another circus:
This baseball game is ridiculous - it's tied 8-8 in the 7th Inning.
The game is now tied 12-12 in extra innings. It's really remarkable.
I haven't watched any of the games- I haven't watched a baseball game in years now, but this series looks to have been one of the most entertaining in a long, long time. Go Astros!
That dog is defiantly a Brittany. Brittanys are red and white like the image. English Springer Spaniels are liver and white or black and white, sometimes they are tri colored.
The Brittany is the only spaniel bred to point and like most pointing dogs are rangier, also more hyper. Springers like most spaniels are flushing dogs, therefore cast closer in.
Astros win.
Well this is newsworthy. A Jew was allowed to enter/visit Saudi Arabia.
Yeah, yeah, we saw Jarred and Ivanka on TV.
"Meade you sure that’s a Brittany?"
I concur it is.
Here's a pic of my white&liver Springer Spaniel. He's not quite 5 months old. Also a Madison area dog, and they could be litter mates, were it not for the fact they are different breeds.
Isn't there a tag, Using children in political adds?
"Is that a Springer Spaniel?"
Yes. Daisy is an English Springer Spaniel. I was absolutely wrong and I regret disseminating fake news.
While Daisy IS liver & white, she is not a Brittany.
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