September 28, 2017

"Greene vowed to kneel until there was 'nothing left in me' and stuck to his promise."

"Supported by his some of his fellow [University of Michigan] students who either joined him, brought him food, or offered words of encouragement, [Dana] Greene knelt for just over 20 hours, from 7 a.m. Monday until 3:30 a.m. Tuesday morning local time."

Reports Good.

It's getting to be like religious mortification — such as "Simeon Stylites the Elder who climbed a pillar in Syria in 423 and remained there until his death 37 years later"....


mccullough said...

Who played the national anthem while he kneeled?

Laslo Spatula said...

If kneeling is making us a Better Society then maybe it should be mandatory.

I am Laslo.

Pinandpuller said...

Flagellate Lividum.

MayBee said...

And now all the problems are solved!!

Mountain Maven said...

C'ept it's all virtue signalling. No one on the left is knowingly making any sacrifice for "the struggle.". Unwittingly, perhaps when ad revenue and new TV contracts come in at less than the current ones with a resulting decline in player pay. Pro Jocks are financially and economically illiterate and innumarate.

Michael K said...

It's getting like the story from Solzhenytzen about applauding the new party boss. No one dared stop clapping.

After ten minutes and everyone's palms were getting sore, finally a party official stopped and sat down.

The rest of the group heaved a sigh of relief that someone was brave enough to be the first to stop.

The next day the party official who stopped clapping was arrested.

Curious George said...

"Supported by his some of his fellow [University of Michigan] students who either joined him, brought him food, or offered words of encouragement, [Dana] Greene knelt for just over 20 hours, from 7 a.m. Monday until 3:30 a.m. Tuesday morning local time."

They're still going to get their ass kicked by Ohio State.

Kevin said...

How long until Kaepernick’s unemployment is compared to Jesus being nailed to the cross?

mockturtle said...

It's the Heil Hitler! salute of the era.

Kevin said...

I like how people are out to protest Trump ... by kneeling.

Bad Lieutenant said...

How long until Kaepernick’s unemployment is compared to Jesus being nailed to the cross?

Oh, he's suffered terribly, don't you know that? [sob]

J. Farmer said...

Mildred: Hey, Johnny, what are you rebelling against?
Johnny: What've you got?

-The Wild One

MayBee said...

Did he keep his promise, though? Was there really nothing left inside of him?

Humperdink said...

Reminds me of Michelle Obama's "#BringBackOurGirls" towards Boko Haram. I expect the same result.

Achilles said...

I am just glad the democrats/leftists have given up on winning elections.

Now they can shit or get off the pot. You going to start the revolution or not? I don't have all day to wait for you douchebags to make up your mind.

Anita said...

Religious mortification is centered on the question, "How can I grow in holiness?" The taking a knee business is in no way related to self-examination. Rather than looking at all the problems of the world and pointing fingers in every direction, some of these fools should consider G.K. Chesterton who reportedly answered the question, “What’s wrong with the world today?” with two simple words, "I am."

Pinandpuller said...

It's starting to remind me of that crazy cult in the Philippines that really crucify a guy at their Passion Play.

Achilles said...

MayBee said...
Did he keep his promise, though? Was there really nothing left inside of him?

Physical or spiritual?

Leftism is designed to leave it's people soulless wards of the state.

Humperdink said...

"I like how people are out to protest Trump ... by kneeling."

It's a shame some hearty soul didn't hang a life size poster of DJT in front of the kneeler. That would have animated the crowd.

Ken B said...

What's the point? No-one objects to kneeling, only to kneeling during the anthem. It's the rudeness not the display of flexibility that is objectionable.

Let's try a thought experiment. Saying "Bah! Humbug" No-one objects to you at spare moments saying this, but if you say while Uncle Fester is saying grace it's objectionable -- because it's rude. So imagine that the kneelers were instead repeating "Bah Humbug!" throughout the anthem. Now imagine some guy chanting it for 20 hours. He looks like a pillock, right?

Pinandpuller said...


Sounds like the so called Christian hermit was the first recorded recipient of an SSI crazy check.

rcocean said...

Knell Before Trump.

All Hail Trump!

mockturtle said...

College students have far more insight into the world's ills and their remedies than do the rest of us. Just ask them. The pathetic part of it is that we, as a culture, seem to accept this as indisputable.

Larvell said...

It's gotten to the point where people who claim that they are protesting "injustice" are just assumed to be noble heroes, without ever questioning whether there is actually the kind of injustice that warrants the protest. I would like this kneeler to explain exactly what it is that makes life such a hellhole for black people at the University of Michigan, perhaps one of the most liberal places on the planet.

rcocean said...

At least I know why she's kneeling, she's supporting Black Lives Matter. Its totally useless and accomplishing nothing, but whatever.

I have no idea why the NFL players last weekend were kneeling. To protest Trump, to support BLM, to show solidarity, who the hell knows?

Anonymous said...

Kevin: How long until Kaepernick’s unemployment is compared to Jesus being nailed to the cross?

Maybe they could do like that guy in the Philipines, who they say has himself crucified on Good Friday every year. Then I'd take them seriously.

Ha ha. No, I wouldn't really. But I'd probably start feeling some compassion for the cultural, mental, and emotional broken-ness of these people.

Pinandpuller said...

So who here is into Zod Cosplay?

HT rcocean.

rcocean said...

Kap was protesting "Police brutality" - exactly what police brutality, and why his protest was needed when we have the entire Justice Department and liberal media constantly sniffing around for "Police Brutality" has never been made clear.

Its like someone taking a stand against "Racism" or "Nazism".

Laslo Spatula said...

I'm waiting for them to adopt Face Down Ass Up.

I am Laslo.

ALP said...

Once again, South Park is very prescient. I thought Matt and Trey were a little around the bend, suggesting that the "Sit, stand or kneel" aspect of a girl's middle school volleyball game would soon be the focus of attention instead of the game:

Spot on with the religious mortification comparison.

Matt said...

Are they kneeling or genuflecting? Or does kneeling include genuflecting?

In any event, might as well start with the basic genuflection rule: left knee down for people (king, pope, future wife), right knee down for God. Looks like the Michigan student got that right at least, although it isn't completely clear to which person he is genuflecting (Trump?).

Jupiter said...

Mr. Green is pursuing a Masters degree in Public Health.

rcocean said...

I hope my boss kneels in protest, next time I fuck up.

Pinandpuller said...

New Via Dolorosa

Station One Rosa Parks Blvd

Station Two Titans Stadium parking lot

Station Three locker room

Station Four Bench

Dave D said...

Dave D said...

D'oh! First (failed) attempt to post a pic. Kapernick as Jesus.

Mike Sylwester said...

Universities are enrolling too many students who cannot and will not read at a univesity level. Practically none of them ever will become serious readers. They will remain mere talkers.

Inevitablly they fail in their university studies, and so the administration's diversity specialists help them concoct explanations blaming the university itself for these non-readers' academic failures.

By enrolling so many non-readers into institutions for the higher education of skilled, serious readers, the universities are setting themselves to be blamed for these inevitable academic failures.

Of course, the main accusation will be that the universities are racist.

Otto said...

" A good war makes sacred any cause "

Gahrie said...

Greene knelt for just over 20 hours, from 7 a.m. Monday until 3:30 a.m. Tuesday morning local time."

and accomplished what?

He could have spent those 20 hours tutoring or mentoring innercity Black kids.

William said...

Serious question: The protests have spread to other sports and activities. Have such protests spread to other countries? Not that I've heard of. What makes America unique in this regard? America isn't the only country in the world with discomfited minorities, but perhaps we're the only country in the world with a majority minority in its favored sport..... Why does the first amendment protect kneelers and not people who criticize kneelers?

pacwest said...

How great would that be to have Trump on the jumbotron with robe and scepter, benificent smile on his face as the players kneel? I'll be laughing about that one for hours. Thanks Humperdink. I can't wait for the inevitable photoshop. Week 4, no more kneeling.

Ralph L said...

Dave, I've never seen a photo pasted here, so you have to make a link to it.

Freeman Hunt said...

No more marathon kneeling. Someone is going to die of DVT.

Big Mike said...

Twenty hpurs was all he had in him? Weenie.

Big Mike said...

Hours. Where's autocorrect when you really need it?

PS: Did anybody besides me notice that his twenty hours went from 7:00 AM to 3:30? Math is hard!

rehajm said...

The illustration is very Gilliam/Holy Grail.

Oso Negro said...

Who remembers Gay Blue Jean Day from the '70s and 80s? Maybe someone should organize Kneeling Pederast Day.

mockturtle said...

Freeman cautions: No more marathon kneeling. Someone is going to die of DVT.

But wouldn't that serve to enhance the martyrdom?

cubanbob said...

They can spend the rest of their lives on their knees as far as I'm concerned. The point of these gestures is lost when those who the gesture is intended to influence don't give a crap.
They can posture all they want to feel good about themselves, enjoying their moral vanity but they eventually will suffer a rude awakening when the real world tells them you must be confusing me with someone who gives a crap.

Jack Tors said...

Greene is too young and ignorant to understand that there are no living martyrs.

Michael K said...

It might be worthwhile to read Steve Sailor's post on football. It's outrageous but he makes similar points that I have about the sport getting more violent and players get bigger and that white parents are no longer encouraging boys to pay football.

The Civil Rights era of the 60s is truly gone. The blacks are now determined to alienate whites. Not all but a significant number.

Enough to spoil the lives of the rest.

traditionalguy said...

IMO the sudden bowing crap , and kneeling or falling prostrate is Muslim familiarization ritual so our necks can be more easily severed from our infidel heads. We WASP's only do our kneeling as a surrender sign, and that means we don't do it except once when we ask our Brides to let us serve them for life. Why would we be bowing down in surrender when we are the one's who decide when the fight is over? That is our actual White Supremacy,and all the races colors and creeds are invited to join us in it.

Jupiter said...

Mike Sylwester said...

"By enrolling so many non-readers into institutions for the higher education of skilled, serious readers, the universities are setting themselves to be blamed for these inevitable academic failures."

They are also pocketing gigantic sums of money. For which they are accountable to noone.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

It is really bad optics, ya know. Looks like kneeling before the Massa with head bowed.

If them footballers had real conviction, they would kneel for the whole game. Hmmph!

Come to think of it, some of them have been convicted.

Pinandpuller said...

I have an Etsy idea: NFL Advent Calendars that count down the thirty days before the Super Bowl.

Under each window is a little chocolate Saint. Or Steeler. Or Raven.

Jim at said...

Kneeling as the preferred method of sticking it to The Man.

They really aren't very bright, are they.

Pinandpuller said...


When I was a kid I remember seeing all the signs for the Passion Play in South Dakota where the hills are black and Jesus is whiter than a Charlie Daniels' concert.

Nonapod said...

I think for any protest to have meaning there has to be real personal sacrifice involved on some level. I don't feel these kneeling protests qualify as meaningful sacrifices.

The kneeling football players aren't really sacrificing anything... yet. It's possible that they may end up losing their jobs in the long run I suppose, assuming the ratings keep tanking even harder due to the NFL boycott. It's still too early to tell how serious everyone is on both sides.

These college students, well at this point they're gaining much more than they're sacrificing in terms of validation. I mean, the only sacrifice they're making is 20 hours of mild discomfort and maybe receiving some mockery and general criticism from people like me on the internet. In exchange they receive a position of moral superiority in the eyes of many people on the left.

In stark contrast, take a person like Orlando Zapata Tamayo. The man literally sacrificed everything in protest. There's just no comparison.

mockturtle said...

Now that whites have appropriated the 'kneel', will it lose its impact?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Frist one to self-immolate wins.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

YT - That Mitchell & Webb Look: "Saintly Man?"

Dust Bunny Queen said...

When did he piss? In 20 hours? If he gets up to go to the bathroom isn't that NOT kneeling until there is nothing left?

Sleep? Did he take some naps too? If he remained kneeling while napping, I'm pretty impressed. If not...then he was cheating.

MadisonMan said...

I can't kneel for 10 minutes. I applaud this person's young joints.

Who remembers Gay Blue Jean Day from the '70s and 80s

I do -- that was back when I cared about what people thought about what I wore.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

It looks like the fun and games are over. The Broncos decided to declare victory and retreat. They will all stand for the anthem on Sunday.

Comanche Voter said...

The U Michigan "kneeler" is a black graduate student (male) with the first name "Dana".

At one point the linked article referred to him as a "coed". The things that Trump can do!

But all these kneelers are engaging in chump change efforts. Dana the male "coed" knelt for 20 hours. He promised to kneel until there was "nothing in me". That's either cleanup on aisle 3, or make sure he was wearing Depends.

But the real kneelers, and the ones who I admire in a way, are the penitents approaching the shrine (a church actually) of the Virgin of Guadalupe outside Mexico City. Many of them have walked--on their knees--for miles to approach the shrine. I've been there and seen them. Now they may be kneeling and "walking on their knees" to make their prayer to the Virgin more effective. I don't know. But I would bet that their act of kneeling is more likely to cause change (and get that desired miracle from the Virgin) than the act of some big old black multimillionaire of an NFL left tackle act in kneeling to protest the alleged oppression of black folks will cause things to change.

Jim at said...

"They will all stand for the anthem on Sunday."

Way too little.
Way too late.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

This will be the highlight of Greene's life. He may as well die now.

tcrosse said...

This will be the highlight of Greene's life. He may as well die now.

He can offer it up for the souls in Purgatory.

The Elder said...

You've got to wonder about those wacky dudes who call themselves Elders!

Quaestor said...

Is it wrong of me to make sport of Dana Greene? He's gonna feel mighty stupid when the NFL folds.

"The illustration is very Gilliam/Holy Grail."

Wrong movie

Marty Keller said...

The mania to do stupid shit on a mass basis reminded me of an incident in Saki's great short story "Hermann the Irascible" in which he mocked the British suffragette movement:

The Great Weep was organized. Relays of women, ten thousand at a time, wept continuously in the public places of the Metropolis. They wept in railway stations, in tubes and omnibuses, in the National Gallery, at the Army and Navy Stores, in St. James’s Park, at ballad concerts, at Prince’s and in the Burlington Arcade. The hitherto unbroken success of the brilliant farcical comedy “Henry’s Rabbit” was imperilled by the presence of drearily weeping women in stalls and circle and gallery, and one of the brightest divorce cases that had been tried for many years was robbed of much of its sparkle by the lachrymose behaviour of a section of the audience.

Yes, pretty soon we will have mass kneel-ins in all sorts of public venues. Never before have we witnessed the Left manifest such overt religious expression--and the public shall, of course, all be converted--well, perhaps as much as Hermann was.

Quaestor said...

Simeon Stylites the Elder wasn't called the "elder" because there was a Simeon Stylites, Junior. Simeon was too busy squatting on civic property and making a public nuisance of himself to be anybody's dad. It seems that a bunch of other cretins decided to emulate Simeon by climbing things and then squatting on them.

wildswan said...

When I was a kid, I learned a poem about Saint Simeon Stylites which ends like this:

And why did Simeon sit like that,
Without a garment,
Without a hat,
In a holy rage
For the world to see?
It puzzles the age,
It puzzles me.
It puzzled many
A Desert Father.
And I think it puzzled the Good Lord, rather.

Robert Cook said...

Luis Bunuel made a typically absurdist movie about Simeon Stylites, called Simon of the Desert.

wildswan said...

Demands I would support
Abolish Thursday night football and give the players a chance to heal up. If they were majority white, the physical abuse caused by Thursday night football would not be allowed.
Recall John Chisolm, the Milwaukee DA. It is his treatment of blacks which Black Lives Matter complained about that made the Packers take a knee during the national anthem. Also it was John Chisolm who made dawn raids on Republican supporters of Governor Walker. So this is something we could agree on.

Mark O said...

The conservative antidote to this is to mock them.

For example, take a knee in front of CNN headquarters, in front of a stupid movie; at home with ESPN on in the background. Make the gesture ridiculous.

It would work.

mockturtle said...

"They will all stand for the anthem on Sunday."

Way too little.
Way too late.

'Fraid so!

Bad Lieutenant said...

Mark O, too much work. Just have 4chan do up some GIFs.

Temujin said...

Protesting injustice on campus? Seriously. Ann Arbor. UoMichigan. Top ten university. Wonderful town. Expensive life. He must be terrorized.

The next batch of employees about to be released into this world is going to be a major disappointment to the rest of humanity.

JAORE said...

"and accomplished what?"

During the Iranian Hostage Crisis, during the era of Jimmah, the radio stations in Atlanta said turn on your headlights to show support of the hostages. My ex-wife did so. Of course she neglected to turn them off after arriving at work.

Car battery completely dead after work, of course. So in those pre-cell phone days it took awhile to contact me. I fought my way across town, bought a battery and was installing it.

That is when she explained why the battery died.

I believe she expected praise for her support of those imprisoned Americans.

Instead I asked, "How many were freed because of this?"

I still can't figure why the marriage didn't work......

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