September 24, 2017

Classic liberal manipulation: Creating the fear that you will be thought of as uncaring.

This is particularly effective used against women. I will never forget the time I heard a little girl in the playground — reacting to a criticism I can only imagine — expressing anguish with the repeated line "I don't want to be mean!"

And that is how women are disciplined into insignificance. 

Professor Mark Kleiman has no reason whatsoever to think that I don't care that young men are suffering brain damage playing football. Yet he throws out that charge about me to push me back and to warn other people (women, especially, I suspect) that we should be afraid that if we don't merge our identity with whatever the liberal line happens to be, we will be regarded as lacking in empathy and deserving of social shunning.

Say no, little girls and little women. Don't fall for that manipulation. I don't fall for it anymore, but I am old, and I lost a lot of time reacting to the fear of being thought not to care and the mind-numbing, thought-inhibiting effort to be nice. Absurdly, I do still care. That's why I have to write a post like this to show my work suppressing the fear. I hope in doing this I've helped somebody like that little girl whose "I don't want to be mean!" made such an impression on me decades ago. 


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Bob Ellison said...


Bob Ellison said...


Bob Ellison said...

Seriously, though, this is a general problem. Althouse raises the question of how to respond to a misogynistic slur without seeming a harpy.

It is to sigh. How can I respond to anything at all without appearing to be a white-privileged, male-privileged, well-to-do-privileged, conservative rat-bastard?

The answer comes from Nike: just do it.

c365 said...

What's nice about this reply is it turns exactly the tables by one-upping the "who's the real victim here?" gamesmanship.

That's sooooo sexist of you to try to intimidate a girl into your point of view by telling her she's uncaring.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Nobody thinks I'm uncaring except national anthem pussies.

You mean the ones who beat you up and take your lunch money? The anthem is only one element of your honest weirdness. I daresay you may have made bullies' fortunes with your lunch money.

No, I think everyone thinks you're uncaring. I don't, but it's a very easy mistake to make. I'm sure Althouse does, wherefore she likes you so much. Some people feel the need for license to be cruel.

By the way is there any context in which you do approve the performance of a national anthem? Doesn't seem like you would have much use for the concept.

Thurber talks somewhere about the battle against stupidity and oppression, which was his goal.

Psst. Thurber's dead; he lost. That's like battling against entropy and gravity. Also, Vicki Hearne appears to be another sick fuck, at least to judge from your link. Also her judgment of President Reagan doesn't seem to hold up, but was apparently calculated to please her bien pensant auditors. (Was she autistic too? Interesting that she bothered to stick that in.)

OT: Why do you watch DVDs? If you're such a computerka, you may have heard of streaming, not to mention local storage of .MP4 .AVI etc.

rhhardin said...

By the way is there any context in which you do approve the performance of a national anthem? Doesn't seem like you would have much use for the concept.

It's awful musically.

I've performed the baritone and trombone parts countless times though.

Bob and Ray had an interview with a singer who only knew tenor parts and performed several of his songs.

There is a spot in the SSB where you can add a flourish that nobody will notice to amuse yourself.

Patriotically, it's nonsense.

How come feminism has overlooked patriotism, by the way.

The baritone is the same length as a French horn, by the way. It's just that the mouthpiece is bigger so it plays less on harmonics.

Ray - SoCal said...

Disagree - McConnell dream of this, but a lot of anger out there at the GOPe. McCain is lucky he won't be running again. Cantor was just the first.

Al contest is GOPe vs MAGA. We will see what happens...

The real question is after their primary victory, will they win the general?

>Come next election, I strongly suspect all the born again MAGA Trump rebels will vote for whatever GOP Establishment suit has an R
>!next to their name and a flag pin on the lapel.

rhhardin said...

Vicki Hearne thought of herself as a leftist but always wound up writing on the right.

That's what happens to honest leftists.

Ray - SoCal said...

Buwaya - interesting comment on mfg CA vs Germany.

Thought provoking!

Bandit said...

"anything that annoys liberals: good"

I'm down with that

rhhardin said...

Vicki Hearne books to pick up
Adam's Task
Animal Happiness

All have been contaminated by completely idiotic cover blurbs in a effort to sell it to women since she died. Hearne took no prisoners in the culture wars.

What's wrong with animal rights

is a good test whether you'd like her. I take it as showing one of women's strengths, corrective additions to male philosophies, the niche she found for herself.

HT said...

While I didn't agree with your assessment (too much agency to Trump and the Times, and you are wrong saying libs don't like, love football), it was obvious that you cared about CTE from your post.

Well, that's it, I said to myself. That's the end of football. How can we sit back and enjoy watching activities that we know are wrecking the players' brain?

Bad Lieutenant said...

It's musical merits are not the question. That said, I think it is an affectation of yours to despise The Star-Spangled Banner on a musical basis, whatever happened to you that one time at band camp.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Its its its. Sigh, Android keyboard.

Bob Ellison said...

No, Bad Lieutenant, rhhardin is correct in deploring the Star Spangled Banner. It's horrible. America the Beautiful, much better.

Bad Lieutenant said...

I think that after 9/11 they started singing A the B at the seventh inning stretch instead of Take Me Out To The Ballgame, but it's been a while. I can't understand the beef with TSSB. Is it because people can't hit the high note?

Bob Ellison said...

No, it's not the high note. That's a weird myth. The anthem spans one and a half octaves, and that's more more than most hymns, which usually go only an octave. But that note gets hit on "rockets' red blare" long before "land of the free". Stop singing if you can't hit that note in the middle.

No, it's just a terrible melody and chord structure. Sounds like crap. Even the lyrics are bad. I love my country and hate its national anthem.

I played trumpet. Hadda carry the crappy melody. Awful.

rhhardin said...

High school assemblies. The band was always pressed into service to start them off.

Curiously, we were allowed to sit, and we had no urge to stand. That probably started it all.

This ritual sucks became apparent, an advantage other students didn't have. They thought it was patriotic and someday it would make sense when they grew up, the way things seem when you're a kid.

There's patriotism but the star spangled banner isn't part of it.

rhhardin said...

Perhaps non-musicians are the star-spangled banner lobby. Music appears magically to them, like patriotism appears to them, as if it can't be analyzed better in each case.

MadisonMan said...

Kleiman is insulting upwards to get an audience. You make a great point, but I'm sorry it gave him publicity.

"Do you fully acknowledge your white privilege?" is the secular equivalent of "Have you taken Jesus Christ as your personal savior?"

I hear white privilege in an argument as a tacit admission that the person using the phrase has lost.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Perhaps non-musicians are the star-spangled banner lobby.

Nice diss but though I don't play, I sing and I can hit the notes, so it doesn't bother me. Vocal is a challenge, OK, but I dunno what the excuse is for an instrument; is it harder to play one note than another? This is taken from "Anacreon in Heaven" IIRC, a popular air at drinking venues, so really, if a bunch of drunken Englishmen can sing it, why not millionaire American performers?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Kleiman trolls around the internet looking for those he perceives as dissidents- he would have been a good little Nazi.

rhhardin said...

To a musician it's boring to play. Nothing difficult about it.

Bob Ellison said...

Yes, for horn players (trumpet, trombone, tuba, etc.), higher notes can be more difficult to play. It's analogous to singing.

That's not a big problem for even a high-school band.

The big problem is that the song sucks like a Hoover.

Here, let me show you a great hymn about America. You must listen at least as far as the oboe part in the beginning.

Bay Area Guy said...

It looks like the Raiders' defense took a knee for the entire game. Kirk Cousins was torching them.

Maybe they shouldn't get distracted by trivial political matters.........

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Two things:

1. The nice thing about getting older is that you get a lot of practice at ignoring other people's bullshit paradigms. People who are so far into their own belief systems that they can't see anything else have trouble with this, but their semi-religious beliefs have no effect on me whatsoever. Someone calls me racist because I think BLM is bullshit? Whatever. That charge might carry some sting if their beliefs had any meaning to me, but they don't, and they can't understand that. Proselytizers of any religion are so easy to ignore. Their warnings are desperately important to them, but meaningless to everyone else.

Lots of examples. Muslims can think I'm immodest because I show my shoulders and I don't give a good goddamn. Zero population people think I'm killing the earth because I have a large family; whatever. Anti-vaxxers think I'm a chump to believe that big pharma is not poisoning my kids; whatever. Biddies at church think I'm a failure because I'm divorced; whatever. Gay fanatics believe I'm burbling with hate because I have better things to go than go to pride parades; whatever. Immigration fanatics believe I lack compassion because I believe in securing the border; whatever. Women (or men!) think I'm 'mean' because I'm sometimes willing to ignore feelings in favor of facts and logic; whatever.

Maturity is the ability to tolerate others' paradigms with the understanding that your own paradigm is just that; it's not absolute truth. Also, not taking it personally when others can't show that same tolerance. It's a them problem, not a you problem, and it's best to shrug your shoulders and go about your business.

2. Althouse, I really appreciate you as a strong female role model, displaying here day after day the values I hold dear and want to learn more about and put into practice in my own life, for example your intellectual integrity and fearlessness.

walter said...

Ann's post here is a far cry from "intellectual integrity and fearlessness."
That so many think running behind the skirt is a reasonable response in this case is disturbing.

Rusty said...

Bob Ellison said...
"Seriously, though, this is a general problem. Althouse raises the question of how to respond to a misogynistic slur without seeming a harpy."

Fuck off asshole works. I'm past caring whether I'm liked by anyone. Life is short. Be respected rather than liked.
I think Althouse, or at least Meade, is the same way.

walter said...

"how to respond to a misogynistic slur without seeming a harpy"
Hard to wrangle when there is no apparent misogyny

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Walter, make a coherent argument with actual content rather than insults or fuck off.

walter said...

A woman viewing/responding to a twitter jab (such as posted) as misogynist because it was written by a man is sexist and intellectually vacant at minimum, potentially demeaning to women's discourse with men at the other end.

Charlie Martin said...


walter said...

But maybe in this case, this is true:
Mark A.R. Kleiman‏ @MarkARKleiman 12h12 hours ago

Mark A.R. Kleiman Retweeted Ann Althouse

Don't worry, folks:
Althouse doesn't really think
that her gender should insulate her ideas from criticism.
She's just trolling, as usual.

Stacy Jo said...

I disregard any criticisms designed to make me a villain for my beliefs and any political message designed to make me a victim. I live in a nation where you can accomplish much if you want to but you have to believe that you can or you won't even try. Politics is now about making us all victims and/or villains in order for politicians to gain power. We need to realize we are being manipulated and stop participating!

SGT Ted said...

Emotional manipulation/bullying is the progressive and especially the SJW stock in trade. They'd have to argue based on evidence if they couldn't use emotional manipulation and bullying to get their way.

Jim at said...

We're being accused of not caring about leftists' feelings?

Well, I can only speak for myself but ... yes. OK.
I don't.


Leora said...

The only phrase I remember from my readings of feminist works in the 70's was that women are victimized by "the demons of nice." Not sure if it was in anthology edited by Robin Morgan or by Kate Millet. It was the only thing that struck me as being true as opposed to arguable in the book.

Freeman Hunt said...

Dude, I'm just here for the philosophy. Can you find the mean of being mean? Are people nice in Nice? Are you careening in your caring? Are you disciplined into

jg said...

It probably didn't occur to him that he was doing something that hits especially hard against women (I'm sure you're right that it does).

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