July 18, 2017

Share joy!


Sebastian said...

"Green parent": now there's an oxymoron.

Pardon the mansplaining, but good greens know they shouldn't have kids, to put an end to rapacious humanity for the good of Gaia, and good parents know that deep-ecological progs have it in for them, since parenthood promotes rape of Gaia.

Ann Althouse said...

A magazine like that needs to sell ads, but it should be pushing not buying anything. What a conundrum!

Glen Filthie said...

Most sanctimonious and sel righteous prigs are joyless people.

traditionalguy said...

"Start your own blog" is now green advice. That should help your status among the Madison Greenies.

n.n said...

The feminine father.

On one hand, you don't need men. On the other hand, you don't need women. It was Gaia's prerogative to produce men and women in almost equal proportion. The representatives of Gaia are not faithful to Her Choice(s).

Darrell said...

Green is the old red.

rehajm said...

Oxymoron. Just moron works, too.

Bay Area Guy said...

It is a strange religion when you worship green stuff.

Ralph L said...

The cover model sure looks grim. That'll sell a lot of mags.

Ralph L said...

2 joys, 2 loves, 1 passion, 1 beauty, 1 baby. 1der who they're targeting.

David Begley said...

What an idiotic theme for a magazine.

I just hope these millennial live long enough to appreciate that global warming is a complete scam.

Jaq said...

His expression makes it seem like he cut that baby out of the belly of a preggers red-stater and is going to raise it right.

MountainMan said...

"Green" - tired of it and wish it would go away. Also, "sustainability." Got so tired of that word the last few years of work I hoped when I retired I would never hear it again.

Ralph L said...

MM, you should be more diverse.

Laslo Spatula said...

Dear God, I love this blurb on the cover:

"I will write three poems, organise a protest, email the prime minister and do all our farm chores"


Something tells me the only things that will actually be completed are one painfully earnest poem and a screechy email to the prime minister.

I am Laslo.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Nice to see the National Lampoon back in print.

MountainMan said...

@ Ralph L: Yeah, forgot about "diversity." Suffered with that term for over 30 years. Another one I hoped to get away from in retirement.

Clayton Hennesey said...

The guy on the cover holding his organic sack lunch seems unhappy with his choice for the day.

Trumpit said...

"This looks like the most joyless magazine I have ever seen."

What's joyless about it? The fact that the father is not smiling?

The green in leaves and grass comes from chlorophyll, a pigment.

"Leaves appear green because of the chlorophyll they contain. Chlorophyll is the part of the leaf that uses carbon dioxide, sunlight and water to produce sugar. A leaf with plenty of chlorophyll masks other pigment colors."

Goldenpause said...

This is not a parody. Google them and get transported into the hippie dippy UK left.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Frankly, I at first I thought it was a sendup like this:


tcrosse said...

How many trees were murdered to print this magazine ?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I find it odd that even as masculinity is denounced as "toxic" by feminists and traditionally masculine virtues are mocked, beards are fashionable. The ideal seems to be to look like Grizzly Adams and think like Lena Dunham.

I recall John Steinbeck wrote in "Travels with Charley" that the reason he grew a beard (at a time, the early '60's, when beards were not only unfashionable, but a sign of eccentricity) was because "in our time" growing a beard was one of the few things men could do better than women, and if a woman did excel at it her only success would be in the circus.

Steinbeck was complaining about feminism before "The Feminine Mystique" was published.

Levi Starks said...

The me generation if ever there was one

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I feel so sorry for that baby.

MountainMan said...

@tcrosse: They also have a website. And an app for your phone and tablet!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"This looks like the most joyless magazine I have ever seen."

What's joyless about it? The fact that the father is not smiling?

The grinding earnestness of forcing yourself to live every moment in a self righteous frenzy. Plodding through life and turning every action into a representation of a "cause". The judgmental smug that overlays every title of the articles and the oppressive funk that likely lies within.

These are the types of people that you can't have a pleasant conversation with. An innocent comment like: "Nice weather today":.. will get you a lengthy diatribe about "Global Warming, sustainable growth and criticisms of your own lifestyle all the way down to your choice in shoes. "Um....nevermind. See you around (but only if I can't avoid you the next time."

Fixed typos.... need more coffee

Jeff Gee said...

My first thought was, a guy carrying a bag of baby heads. Must be another goddamn "Game of Thrones" thread.

William said...

Does anyone know anyone that green? Is there a target audience for such a magazine? This is like the Ken doll with the man bun. How much of this is a send up?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"This looks like the most joyless magazine I have ever seen."

"What's joyless about it? The fact that the father is not smiling?"

Good answer, DBQ, but consider who is asking the question.

mockturtle said...

Cracker observes: Nice to see the National Lampoon back in print.

That was on my mind, too! Hard to believe these idiots take themselves seriously.

tcrosse said...

Do Green Parents get the Blues ?

Trumpit said...

@Dust Bunny Queen

Are you a joyless prig? Do you generally blame your typos on a lack of caffeine? Have a cup of camomile tea instead. We need to change the coffee-in-the-morning concept as being essential to a good life.

I personally can't stomach "green" drinks.

Green smoothies consist of typically 40-50%[3][4][5] green vegetables—usually raw leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, swiss chard, collard greens, celery, parsley, or broccoli—the rest being mostly or entirely fruit.[6] Most raw green leafy vegetables are bitter, but this can be ameliorated by suitable choice of vegetables (e.g. baby spinach is almost flavourless) or fruit (e.g. banana softens both the flavour and texture).

Saint Croix said...

carbon emissions!

I can't stop thinking about it

every time he breathes

more carbon

just pumping out that damn carbon

my baby is killing the planet

Larry J said...

Ann Althouse said...
A magazine like that needs to sell ads, but it should be pushing not buying anything. What a conundrum.

Well, there's always political advertising, plus green organizations like Greenpeace. They can advertise for suckers to "sponsor a whale" or something equally stupid.

Saint Croix said...

create a love nest

and remember

insects are food!

Bob Boyd said...

"Do Green Parents get the Blues ?"

No. They're carriers.

Unknown said...

I guess a father who is cradling his newborn is joyless to people here? Maybe it's the sling he uses, not manly enough for Trumpists? Maybe he should put a gun in the sling for the newborn to hold, that would be more joyful, no?

I see joyless Trumpists on these threads on a daily basis. I feel sorry for them. If the cover of this magazine is something to mock for the joyless, then one can only hope that if brings them a moment of mirth in their sad lives that are filled with images of Trump's fat ass swinging a golf club. That brought me much joy and mirth.

Trumpit said...

"How many trees were murdered to print this magazine ?"

That's not a silly question even if you meant to ridiculous. Online newspapers are part of the solution.

Rae said...

I guess a father who is cradling his newborn is joyless to people here?

"Don't assume my gender, transphobe! You'd frown too, if you had the wit to understand that I've sinned by reproducing! Don't you understand that MOTHER EARTH WILL DIE because I HAD CISNORMAL SEX you cretin!"

Quayle said...

If you're a self-sufficient mother you have no need of a prime minister.

Bill said...

"Please, Dear Lord, send us a new Little Ice Age so these self-righteous fuckwits get their comeuppance . . ."

Michael Gazonymous said...


Unknown said...

Trumpists don't want to raise kids with consciences. They want their kids to turn out like the Trump kids. Big game hunters, manufacturers of shoes and clothing in China, while lecturing the poor dupes about putting America First, while licking Putin's ass.

Michael K said...

"A leaf with plenty of chlorophyll masks other pigment colors."

I would suspect trumpit was a parody if I hadn't seen other angry comments.

Your comment goes well with the topic of this thread. If I didn't know better I'd think you were that sad looking grump on the cover.

I'll bet you are not old enough to remember chlorophyl toothpaste.

Ambrose said...

"Chief - got a great idea for a new mag. All this green, self-sufficiency, back to nature, enviro, anti-capitalist stuff? Well, it's a huge untapped market for us! Focus on new parents - you know anything for the kids. I think we can make a tidy profit with a glossy mag aimed at these folks. Advertisers will clamor for space."

buwaya said...

The guy has a kid, at least.
Which puts him way ahead of the bulk of his tribe.
As for how he goes about it, given the cultural constraints of his social milieu, whatever works I say.

I don't know about the magazine, but their cover model should be encouraged in his endeavors.

lonetown said...

I'm not sure it's his kid. Look at his hand on that babies buttocks. Plus it looks like it was staged by Norman Rockwell. The tattoo, the wrist band (Rosie the riveter, anyone), and the juxtaposition of the titles.

He is apparently a self-sufficient mother.

Jonathan said...

Jonathan says....

You should always wear a conundrum.

Yancey Ward said...

This is a magazine no one reads, not even progressives. Its only purpose is to be found lying on your coffee table when you throw parties for your progressive friends.

Mom said...

I'd be grumpy too, if the sad state of my modeling career forced me into fake tatoos and an ugly baby carrier with some other dude's kid crammed into it. Pity this poor guy - he tried so hard to be the spokesmodel of an "Urban Lumberjack" brand and couldn't make the cut.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

"How to get kids into comedy?" There is a special place in hell for any parent who actively seeks to get his kid into comedy. I've seen it up close a couple of times and it ain't pretty.

Unless it's merely encouraging a kid to _consume_ comedy. That's harmless enough. (But if your kid doesn't naturally start loving funny stuff by the time he's 9 or 10, you have a lump on your hands who will either become a PhD or a murderer. Opt for Psychology Today instead if Green Parrot --which is what I initially believed the mag's name was).

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown said...
Trumpists don't want to raise kids with consciences"

Liberals don't want to raise kids. Many of theirs end up in the trash can at the abortion clinic.

Yep, tell me all about your "conscience" so I can laugh at you.

I never hunted big game, but I do have some homemade venison summer sausage in my fridge. Yummy!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

From the Green Dude's expression, it looks like the baby's diaper is full and since it's a 100% ecologically correct cloth diaper it wasn't fastened properly and isn't very absorbent. So Green Dude is standing there thinking, "Yuck! I have baby piss and shit on my hand!"

buwaya said...

" So Green Dude is standing there thinking, "Yuck! I have baby piss and shit on my hand!"

There are much worse things to contend with in life.
A properly raised man will be amused, and deal.

His glumness comes from some other, deeper unhappiness.
Perhaps that he is expected to look unhappy.

mockturtle said...

Maybe it's not a real baby but a BABYBOT! These green couples can indulge their maternal/paternal yearnings without having to be concerned about paying for college. Or weddings. Or anything. And best of all, very low carbon emissions.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, you can't understand the Green movement until you understand how totally joyless they are.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Buwaya said :A properly raised man will be amused, and deal."

Well, of course.

buwaya said...

"Maybe it's not a real baby but a BABYBOT!"

Spielberg's "AI"

A very interesting film I thought. The implied but nevertheless savage criticism of haut-bourgeois infertility is missed.

Clayton Hennesey said...

"This is a magazine no one reads, not even progressives. Its only purpose is to be found lying on your coffee table when you throw parties for your progressive friends."

The city magazine down in Dallas is like that. They're like those umpteen million pillows women put on things if you let them.

Snark said...

You get a font! And you get a font! And you get a font! EVERYBODY GETS A FONT!

TrespassersW said...

Read Matthew chapter 23, and replace "scribes and Pharisees" with "environmentalists and greenies."

JaimeRoberto said...

@Unknown, keep it classy.

Wait, was that tone policing?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wild chicken said...

Eh, the Mr Mom dudes are a millennial type now. "I can change a diaper!" Not impressed.

Go make a pile of money to support the family.

buwaya said...

"I can change a diaper!"

I've changed a lot of diapers in my time.
Wife and I had a deal going for a while - she was responsible for one end, I the other.
I also made a pile of money.

Jim at said...

"Hard to believe these idiots take themselves seriously."

Oh, but they do.
And they demand the rest of us take them just as seriously.

I find them to be miserable, lecturing boors.


Skyler said...

Real men don't use a papoose or other trendy gadget to hold their child. That's what arms are for. Real men don't get tired holding a 10 pound baby. If you need to use your arms to do something, such as protecting your woman, then real men use their woman to hold the baby and use their arms to fight.

It's not complicated.

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