If you've just been put in charge of eliminating ISIS and sorting out the Syrian mess, your logical first thought might be to start setting up talks with Russians. Unless you're a fucking Leftie/Democrat, I guess. Flynn should have called Al Sharpton.
Martha Stewart isn't a great analogy. Scooter Libby is the one that is most relevant.
A special prosecutor put in place to identify who leaked Plames name to the press and it was uncovered in 15 minutes that it was Powell's boy Armitage at State. But that wasn't enough so the SP went after Scooter Libby 'cuz the left NEEDED the culprit to be Bush/Cheney, so a process "crime" was manufactured.
I can't wait to see who gets to play the HEROIC AND COURAGEOUS YET TRAGICALLY MISUNDERSTOOD James Comey in the Hollywood "blockbuster" that will recieve about $300M in marketing with all the previews highlighting how horrible Trump is but will close in the theatres after about 4 days.
It will be another in-kind contribution from Hollywood to the dems.
Expect the movie to premier right about October of 2018.
Darrell: "I want to see a verified transcript of every word exchanged between those dozen Democrats and the Russian Ambassador."
It sure would be nice to see all the communications between Hillary, Podesta and gang in the lead up to obama/hillary signing over 20% of our Uranium to obama's boyfriend Putin.
r/v: "But the question is does it matter that this president seems to have no regard for our laws and the institutions that try to up hold them?"
The institutions that are attempting to undermine our constitution and leaking our national security secrets to facilitate a coup against a duly elected President.
Drago--I would ask Putin to release the detailed blackmail tapes they must have created when Hillary was fishing for a campaign contribution while giving up our uranium reserves, but that might put me into the investigation. So please, Mr. Putin, just do what is emotionally best. And never shake Comey's hand. It causes him great anxiety.
I just looked in at Daily Kos and TPM. Nothing there so far for Trump to be the least bit worried about.
The Republicans in Congress have been playing a very complicated game. On the one hand if they head into elections in 2018 having done nothing important legislatively they may suffer severe consequences. On the other hand if they do pass important legislation it will help Trump, which they will do almost anything to avoid.
They’ve adopted a strategy of blocking Trump’s legislative agenda under a fog of rules, procedures, congressional dead ends, slow-goes, etc., hoping that in the meantime the MSM, with their help, can bring Trump down before they have to start campaigning for re-election in 2018.
As far as I can tell this hearing has not brought that hope any closer to fulfillment.
Trump’s big advantage is that he doesn’t have to run for re-election until 2020. The eGOP has to act before Trump has to. So the eGOP is in a tight spot. Many of them have already verbally beshitted themselves on the subject of Trump in their eager dishonesty during the campaign, Speaker Ryan being one of the most prominent to do so. If he starts acting like a loyal Republican, enthusiastically supporting the POTUS his constituents elected, it could(gasp) turn his admirers in the MSM against him!
All Trump has to do is keep on tweeting and wait for Ryan to realize that Trump can outwait him, is not in any danger of being impeached and that the legislative roadblocks will have to be removed. In the meanwhile the stock market is sitting pretty, manufacturing is picking up, regulations have been brought to a halt and the terrorists keep doing their thing.
But the question is does it matter that this president seems to have no regard for our laws and the institutions that try to up hold them?
You mean like the IRS, the DOJ, the FBI, and the FEC? Those august institutions? Obama is the one who claimed executive privilege re documents illegally sent from the IRS to the FEC, both institutions stacked with his political operatives. Democrats have no respect for these institutions whatsoever and have no interest in any evidence whatsoever regarding Obama's abuse of these institutions and give nary a shit about destruction of evidence by the IRS and Hillary. Not one single shit do they give.
Selective dudgeon, the liberals have a bad case of it. There is far more evidence of criminal behavior by the Obama Administration and his Secretary of State Hillary than the zero produced now against Trump.
Finally. The press has got what they wanted. PROOF that the people who voted for Trump - and therefore the President - got EXACTLY what they wanted: An outsider who doesn't much care for the status quo 'rules' of Washington.
The "hillbillies" and "deplorables" were tired of the political gamesmanship and punditry that 'professional' politicians and bureaucrats have molded to protect their fiefdom, so they sent a man of action to the White House rather than the "most qualified" and "experienced" politician. I guess he's hurt some feelings.
It is now clear that the S.S. Collusion and S.S. Obstruction Of Justice, after colliding in the Hearings Straight, will not be salvageable after taking on too much water due to Comey Leaks.
I am not sure my blood pressure can stand reading today's comments, but I have a couple of my own that have probably been covered above. I did not see the testimony or read Comey's treatise. I did see how the WSJ interpreted the hearing high points. The things that stood out for me: Comey's comments were obviously self-serving and so clearly political that they are hard to take seriously; Comey affirmed to Trump three times that he was not a party to the intelligence investigation; Comey admitted he leaked his "memos" I would argue that he did it to cover his ass, nothing more, but he leaked them -what does that say about his professionalism?.
It has become clear since Comey's firing that he is much more political than one would expect - or hope - of the Director of the FBI. Trump was right to be concerned about Comey's loyalty since Comey only seems to be loyal to his own welfare and self-promotion.
ARM takes the time to reintroduce Hillary's Pay for Play scheme which netted the Clintons a cool couple hundred million directly and several billion "indirectly".
Wouldn't you like to have a "charitable" contribution to pay for your daughters wedding and keep your army of paid political operatives nicely situated?
@DBQ I agree that Comey is one of the most obviously self-interested and self-serving bureaucrats that has come to public attention. His performance since his firing convinces me that it was the only thing for Trump to do and he should have done it sooner. Comey has a history of overstepping his job boundaries and Trump was right to give him no more opportunities. Clearly he is trying to resurrect his standing with the Dems, since he will need a job soon, but I wonder if he really can do that with people who are convinced he cost Hillary the election. If I were a potential employer I would be very leery of hiring someone of Comey's personality type.
Though I don't expect the MSM to cover it Comey admitting before Congress that he told Trump he was not under investigation is a big deal. Though no one will say so that should drive a spike through "The Russians" BS.
Just saw a pic of Reality Winner in her orange jail garb. I think this is a win for Amy Schumer. Why? Because she looks like a natural to play Winner in the hagiographic biopic that the Hollywood Dems will put out about her.
That is not a direction and no one has ever been prosecuted for hoping
If he'd only worked the word "changed" in there, no one could have complained. Like, I hope you can see your way to clearing Flynn, he's a changed man in my opinion.
We will know the left is serious about continuing the impeachment talk if they return to #Steak-KetchupGate.
BTW, who got to Chrissy Mathews? All of a sudden he's all about reality in dishing about the collapse of the collusion meme...which was the fake basis of.....EVERYTHING.
I don't understand all the hate-on for Comey. The man seems to have done his best in a very nasty situation, and his 7-page statement raised no eyebrows here. Nor has Trump jumped on him. The dicey things in Comey's conduct were almost entirely during the campaign. I mean, it's one thing to say that you've found more of HRC's emails (some classified), and another thing to say you found them while scanning HRC's top adviser's husband's laptop for more penis pics.
Donald Trump is such a threat to the republic with his nefarious deeds that he has never even been under investigation despite all Western security services supporting the US intelligence agencies in looking for evidence of Trump wrong doing by Trump political enemies.
Clearly, never before has a candidate been so thoroughly vetted and come out clean.
I'm going to start a fundraiser. Impeach Trump! Send me money and I will work with progressive patriot brothers and sisters and non-binary gendered to save the country! $50 is the Evergreen level. $75 is the Yale level. $100 gets you in on The Berne level!
The dicey things in Comey's conduct were almost entirely during the campaign.
Leaking documents through your friend to get a special counsel appointed? Is it a crime? Yes. Was it petty retribution? Yes. Was it all about his standing in society and not for the good of the country? Yes. He would have been recalled and he could have turned over the docs to the committee when he testified today.
Failing to file charges for obstruction, and then saying after you were fired "maybe I was obstructed but it's not up to me to decide"? You were the head of the FBI. If you can't determine whether someone obstructed your investigation, you should not be in that position.
Being unable to say the President wasn't under investigation because he might be at any time in the future? When is this not true? It was true the entire 8 years of Obama's tenure.
Dave from Minnesota: "I'm going to start a fundraiser. Impeach Trump! Send me money and I will work with progressive patriot brothers and sisters and non-binary gendered to save the country! $50 is the Evergreen level. $75 is the Yale level. $100 gets you in on The Berne level!"
I would add a $200 "local interest" St. Olaf level as well.
Drago, I thought Trump University was a bit of a scam, but I suppose not any worse than being sold on going to a college, borrowing $45,000, and coming out with an art history degree.
Drago, I was thinking of working that in there. By the way...I realize school is probably out, but I see they haven't updated their online newspaper since May 5 (right before the scam came out). The first story still says "Toxic Racism" in the headline.
And try as the Republicans might to turn the discussion to Mrs. Clinton, she is not president. Donald Trump is.
And try as the democrats might to turn the discussion of how they lost the election WHILE massively spying on millions of American citizens to Donald Trump, Trump is not the one with the administration that weaponized the federal bureaucracy against domestic political opponents. Obama and the dems are.
The narrative is still alive. The left will celebrate that. They not only dodged a bullet today, but got a big push for the obstruction meme. IMO the anti-Trumpers got what they wanted out of this hearing. They had to know their position re Russia was untenable, but they think they got the process crime that Drago points out was likely the goal all along. Like a pack of feral dogs they think they drew blood and the attack will intensify now.
Meanwhile- Healthcare, taxes, infastructure, terrorism, NK and Iran, trade, bloated government, ME/ISIS, Russia, China, education, immigration, ...
This isn't about criminal activity or disagreements on policy, it's about Trump is crude and brash. I'm leaning more to buwaya's cynical position that the Republic is damaged beyond repair. I'm thinking about joining the Goddamn Amerika crowd so I don't wind in a a re-education camp. Or maybe they will promise to eat me last. Sad sad days for the nation.
It's a little mystifying to find the rare Comey defender at this stage.
For me the guy was irredeemable from the point he refused to recommend prosecution for Hillary. That made it clear to me that he was a totally dishonorable person with no respect rule of law, an amoral creature of the establishment who would do everything to protect it.
His testimony today pretty much reinforced that opinion, his pathetic leaking of his memos, his absurd refusal to publicly admit that Trump wasn't under investigation, his trying to have it both ways.
Add to that his comical demeanor around Trump (trying to blend into curtains, awkward silences ect.) and it makes me believe he's a bit of a weirdo to boot.
A gaggle of Trump U graduates held a press conference when the lawsuit was in the news announcing how they had gotten great jobs and achieved career success. Not a single person from Clinton U came forward to make a similar claim.
The returns from the British elections start coming in at 5:00 Eastern. You can watch them here: Sky News Live, but this information is only available on a Give-A-Shit basis.
Darrell, I recall that now. So like anything, Trump U patrons had both good and bad outcomes.
Pacwest, correct. Inside of working for the good of the nation, its all politics in DC. What better advertisement for a weakened central government (including less domestic power for the president) and more state control.
I heard Alan Simpson get interviewed a while back. He talked about how bad it is in DC where both sides are just working to take down the other.
In other words, "Forgive his stupidity". If you people want a stupid President, you can keep your stupid President. The rest of us see through it.
"The president’s new at this. He’s new to government and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He’s just new to this.”
Comey admits the NYT lied. Comey admits Trump was right; he was not being investigated. Comey admits to illegally leaking in an attempt to undermine the guy who just fired him.
... Trump probably didn't tweet because he's finally learned not to get in your enemy's way when they're self-destructing.
Inga: Given that Lynch exerted more direct pressure and Obama fired people for investigating him, I'd say that, at worst, Trump is perfectly within the 8-years-long-running protocols of the last administration.
Theresa May is heading for a clear general election victory, the very final poll of the campaign reveals today. Ipsos MORI research exclusively for the Evening Standard finds the Conservatives on 44 per cent, eight points ahead of Labour who are on 36 per cent. The figures point to a Conservative majority of around 40, which would be just enough for Mrs May to claim a mandate for Brexit negotiations
Maybe Labour should ask their friends in ISIS to stop trying to help them.
Too bad the only alternative the Democrats could come up with got let off on a crime for lack of "mens rea" which you can google to find out it means too stupid to know she was committing a crime. Comey should have indicted Hillary so the Democrats could have run somebody else. That would have been heroic.
Roper: So now you'd give the Devil benefit of law! More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? Roper: I'd cut down every law in England to do that! More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you — where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country's planted thick with laws from coast to coast — man's laws, not God's — and if you cut them down — and you're just the man to do it — d'you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake.
A Man For All Seasons, 1960
The Democrats should think long and hard on this. The past eight lawless years of Obama and his henchmen means that they are really the last people who should be squeaking about people having no regard of our laws and the institutions that try to uphold them.
The left may be tired of addressing people who live in an alternate realty and think it's not worth the effort. Mueller's investigation is just taking off, there will be much much more Trump lies uncovered. Comey revealed 5 of them today alone. As one thing is uncovered it leads to another. Don't feel too secure that your idiot President will just lie his way out of his TrumpMess this time.
-- Which ones. Because it sounds like Comey confirmed what you were calling a Trump lie not that long ago (that Comey had told him he was not being investigated). While the rest is just Comey claiming Trump is lying, while admitting Trump told the truth that the media lied in many of their news stories about his Russia connection.
Literally every part of the narrative has taken a massive hit to center mass. The NYT was wrong about Trump's Russia connections; Trump is not and was not under investigation; Comey did lie and leak illegally -- what narrative is left standing?
After the big fizzle of today, I expect the trolls will fall back to claiming Comey made a super secret deal with Mueller to keep everyone in the dark about the real evidence Comey is giving Mueller.
The more intelligent Democrats know the game is over (see Chris Matthews, for example), the less intelligent don't matter (see Inga).
Trump is apparently so stupid that after a year of investigations there is still nothing to pin on him. But any day now he is bound to trip up and then they'll get him. No doubt! That Trump is one evil genius buffoon, fer sure.
What we are witnessing is a farce that is both tragic and hilarious.
It's "Blazing Saddles". Trump's tweets are equivalent to the unexpected and unwelcome sheriff striding to the podium and stating "Excuse me while I whip this out!" as the townsfolks gasp and recoil in horror. After he is done toying with them "Sheriff" Trump retreats to his office and utters the line that succinctly sums up the scene: "Oh baby, you are SO talented... And they are so dumb!"
"In the first hour of former FBI Director James Comey's testimony on Capitol Hill about the nature and details of his relationship with President Donald Trump, he called the president a liar twice.
(CNN)In the first hour of former FBI Director James Comey's testimony on Capitol Hill about the nature and details of his relationship with President Donald Trump, he called the president a liar twice.
In his opening remarks, Comey flashed anger at Trump's characterization of him as unpopular among the rank and file of the FBI as well as the idea that the bureau was disorganized and chaotic.
1. And 2."Those were lies. Plain and simple," Comey said flatly.
In the second hour of the hearings and while under questioning from Maine Sen. Angus King (I), Comey directly disputed three more claims by Trump:
3.That Comey had sought the Feb. 14 meeting with Trump to ask to stay on as FBI director
4.That Comey ever reached out to Trump via phone
5.That Trump's "No, no. Next question" assertion about whether he asked Comey to drop the Flynn investigation was true
From a broader perspective, the people who really need to accept this reality are the Republicans in Congress- it is their actions from this point forward until November of 2018 that will impact those off-year elections- most of the remaining Democrats are in essentially safe seats and can basically act as crazy as they want and get themselves reelected. I don't doubt there are large number of Republicans in the House and the Senate who thought maybe they could wait Donald Trump out and impeach him, but that isn't going to to happen now, and they had better get used to having him as the president. Trump doesn't have to run again, if he even does, until 2020, but the Congress needs to show some results for the majorities the Republican voters handed in them in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Excuses won't save them this time. I am hoping that was, in fact, the purpose of yesterday's and today's public hearings- they already knew Comey would sink the collusion ship once and for all, so they let it happen and are now prepared to do what they were sent to D.C. to do- legislate.
The only evidence you have of those is Comey's say-so with no corroboration. That's not proof, especially given the fact we know Comey is willing to lie and break the law to harm Trump.
Let's grant all of that Inga just for argumentation purposes- so where is the crime for which Trump is going to get impeached? That this is very best you can come up with after today is the clearest indication of just how disappointed the anti-Trump brigades are right now.
Oh such horrible, horrible lies. Take him out back. A little time with the switch will teach him a lesson. We all know no politician lies ever ever ever.
And Trump's lies are corroborated? LOL. You people are nuts. Comey's "say so" is far more reliable than Trump's any day. Trump should be careful, he may not be off the hook, as he and you people seem to think he is. This is only the beginning.
I'm sorry to disappoint you but I couldn't hear your accusations that Trump is a liar because I was too busy not having sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.
Keep deluding yourselves, it's fascinating to watch.
"Fox News’ Chris Wallace didn’t mince any words for his audience on Thursday: Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony was very bad news for President Donald Trump.
Specifically, Wallace was struck by the fact that Comey repeatedly said that Trump is a liar.
“Politically, I thought it was very damaging to the president,” Wallace said on Fox shortly after Comey’s testimony ended. “Repeatedly, James Comey called the president a liar, said that he lied that the FBI was in disarray, that he defamed him, defamed the FBI. [He] said that the reason he kept those kinds of notes in the first place was because this was the kind of man who would lie about those kinds of things.”
Wallace also noted that it was wholly inappropriate not only for Trump to ask Comey to drop the Flynn investigation, but also to kick Vice President Mike Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions out of the room before doing so.
“It’s not good stuff to have said on national television,” he said."
Literally every part of the narrative has taken a massive hit to center mass. The NYT was wrong about Trump's Russia connections; Trump is not and was not under investigation; Comey did lie and leak illegally -- what narrative is left standing?
Rubio was implying that Comey was behind ALL of the leaks.
As he said, why was the ONLY thing not leaked that Trump was not under investigation, when he was not?
Logically, there is only one person who can explain that.
Haven't watched any of the Comey testimony media circus either; I'm just glancing here and there at the insane spinning and looking for the humor in it. I have to laugh otherwise the farce would be depressing.
Are you saying Democrat Chris Wallace, son of a Leftist journalist, is no fan of Trump? The deuce you say! And all Chris Wallace could bring himself to say was that it was bad for Trump politically because Comey, who is now a known leaker, called Trump a liar?
This is pathetic.
What should be the next Leftist witch hunt? Perhaps n.n. will have a suggestion.
Anybody else remember how George H.W. Bush had 90% approval ratings just before his massive reelection?
Leftists have given up. Now they are talking about different meaningless things. But they started doing it all at once. It's almost like they're receiving marching orders.
We are switching to low (but higher than Bill Clinton at this point in his first term) approval ratings until a different ridiculous argument against Trump can be made.
The Lynch revelations will never be revealed by the MSM. By the time they address the truth of what happened it will be old news and besides, Obama was scandal free.
"Rubio was implying that Comey was behind ALL of the leaks.
As he said, why was the ONLY thing not leaked that Trump was not under investigation, when he was not?
Logically, there is only one person who can explain that."
While it is a nice riposte by Rubio, I don't think the explanation is that this detail wasn't leaked, but that the media it was leaked to had no interest in publicizing it. Indeed, it is difficult to find a single mainline news organization that would interested in doing so- FoxNews and the WSJ come the closest to being such organs, but even they aren't really pro-Trump in the way they were pro-Bush Jr.
If you people think Trump is off the hook in any of the various investigations going forward, especially after trying to get Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn, you are truly living in la la land.
I hate to interrupt the Trump 25/7 show with a bit of reality but Theresa May has managed to do a Hillary. The Conservatives will NOT have a majority after the election in Britain, based on exit polls.
She has managed to botch what should have been an easy campaign.
The actual memo says Trump told Comey about Kelly, "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go." That is much different from ordering Comey with a Presidential "I hope you let him go".
It says I hope you will see fit to exercise your discretion that way. No order anywhere in that language, so it is altered to read better in all Media descriptions.
Inga: ""Doubt things are going to get much better for Trump."
Quinnipiac 34%."
Trump polling better than Clinton at this point in Clintons Presidency: http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-approval-rating-better-bill-clintons-first-term-621853
What was the accusation then? Lets see...oh yeah. Now I remember!
The left claimed the Russians had compromising information on Trump AND that Trump was a collusion-y treasonous TRAITOR who worked with the Russians to change the outcome of our election.
And all of that, ALL OF IT, has collapsed.
So, what's next? Obviously, continuing attempts to "Scooter Libby-ize" someone, anyone, within shouting distance of Trump and claim obstruction of justice against Trump.
But what would Trump be obstructing?
Oh yeah, the Flynn/Russia "connections" that Comey today blew out of the water.
Pickin's are getting slim down at the Democrat Shady Rest Home.
Of course, we are all waiting breathlessly for whatever some Charlie Sykes fellow says about all this because he is, according to Inga, our "Galactic Overlord of Stuff That Should Be Listened To Because Shut Up H8ters!"
In his opening remarks, Comey flashed anger at Trump's characterization of him as unpopular among the rank and file of the FBI as well as the idea that the bureau was disorganized and chaotic.
1. And 2."Those were lies. Plain and simple," Comey said flatly.
Oh my people all told me they loved me when I was their boss, said every boss who was ever fired.
In the second hour of the hearings and while under questioning from Maine Sen. Angus King (I), Comey directly disputed three more claims by Trump:
3.That Comey had sought the Feb. 14 meeting with Trump to ask to stay on as FBI director
4.That Comey ever reached out to Trump via phone
Which part was the lie for #3? That Comey sought out the meeting, or that in the meeting he wished to stay on as FBI Director? I'm pretty sure in the media approved accounting for Trump's lies that would be counted as two whoppers, not just one, so I don't know to which one to respond.
As for Comey "reaching out" via phone. Some might take that as "Comey called Trump". Others as "during our call, you brought up topic A". I'm not sure which one Comey is claiming, since I saw him not be able to recall one of the calls under questioning today.
5.That Trump's "No, no. Next question" assertion about whether he asked Comey to drop the Flynn investigation was true
Didn't we just hear that Comey "wasn't sure" Trump asked him this, as he "couldn't say" whether obstruction had occurred? I don't know how they can score this one a "lie" under those conditions at all.
Geesh, this is CNN. You have to check their facts because...this is CNN.
I will admit however that Comey's ability to see the future is only rivaled by Inga's self-proclaimed ability to read peoples minds.
Both are impressive but i'll have to go with Comey's testimony that he only leaked the memos based on a tweet from Trump.....that wouldn't happen until days later!!
(note: The NYT had the memos story published the day BEFORE the Trump tweet in question!!)
I don't know about you, but that's some serious "looking into the future" kind of stuff right there!
It looks like the Macedonians were ALL over the British election, just like here!
It's like they are all cyber-space Alexander The Greats taking over the world one pixel at a time!!
I'll bet in all the excitement of hacking the British elections the wily Macedonians accidently had some overflow content seep back into Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and a little diner just outside of Topeka.
Question that should have been asked (but wasn't):
Mr. Comey, if one of your agents had had a private confidential meeting with the President and then leaked details of that meeting to the press, what kind of administrative punishment, if any, would you apply to that agent?
Remember, "Comey the Consummate Professional" made detailed notes after every discussion with Trump but somehow, someway, failed to take or capture any notes, ANY NOTES, AT ALL, during the 3 hour interrogation of Hillary during the email "matter".
No records of a 3 hour interrogation.
Because that's what the FBI does, isn't it? NOT take notes or keep records of multi-hour interrogations.
"Fox News’ Chris Wallace didn’t mince any words for his audience on Thursday: Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony was very bad news for President Donald Trump.
Specifically, Wallace was struck by the fact that Comey repeatedly said that Trump is a liar.'
Yes, if I went on every major network for two hours and called Chris Wallace a liar, it would be "very bad news" for Chris Wallace.
It wouldn't be true, but it would be very bad news for him nonetheless.
What does one eat at the BBQ following the Great Comey Snipe Hunt of 2017? All the Hillbillies need to know what to put into the cast iron skillets over the open fire.
Trump also stated on the Lester Holt interview that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation, this came straight out of his own mouth, lol.
Yes, he fired him because he wouldn't tell the public that Trump wasn't under investigation, but he told Trump himself three times and the committees in Congress on several occasions.
You know what Comey did today? He told the public that Trump wasn't under investigation.
See how Trump fixed that?
He also told Comey to investigate his people and that it would be good if any wrongdoing on their part was exposed. You know who was one of those people? Mike Flynn.
So much for obstruction. What Trump told Holt was true, but not in the way you want it to be.
Kevin Williamson has a bad case of TDS and it's disappointing as I liked his stuff before.
Yes. I have several pun-dicks that I’m disappointed in. I used to read George Will(although I couldn’t stand his personality) but he was one of the first to go to the Dark Side.
But it’s all good, Michael, because now we know what they are. Whores, pure and simple. They were never really an effective opposition to the Lefties. They were always concerned more with a non-resonating, process-obsessed and dusty ideology instead of victory on the issues. Trump is their exact opposite which is probably one of the reasons that they slip into Trump Derangement Syndrome on the flimsiest of excuses.
Politically, I thought it was very damaging to the president,” Wallace said on Fox shortly after Comey’s testimony ended.
FoxNews has been testing the waters to see if they can turn Lefty and get some of those viewers that Rachel Maddow is getting. It’s the old boil-a-frog-gradually trick – little by little – done almost imperceptibly. Wallace, probably because he has the most favorable public image, is their stalking horse. He’s been busy for months trying to advance the Lefty anti-Trump memes whenever he can without revealing himself. He’s been an anti-Trumper for awhile now. The Trump defenders on Fox are gradually being surrounded by dedicated anti-Trump folks.
Quinnipiac 34%.
As we learned during the campaign the polls are shit. The pollsters will tell the cables anything they want to hear in order to get facetime or their poll mentioned on a cable news hour. There’s no better advertising for a polling company.
If the left think Trump and Comey agreeing that "Flynn is a good guy" rises to the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors - more proof that Walker will be indicted any second now.
"Inga said... If you people think Trump is off the hook in any of the various investigations going forward, especially after trying to get Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn, you are truly living in la la land."
But I like it here in la la land. You should join us. It's lovely. The lilacs are in bloom and there's an owl hooting in the distance.
More seriously -- can you explain why you think Trump is on the hook in any of the various investigations?
I know that there are so *many* (never quite stated) accusations and so *many* demands for investigations that it can feel like surely there *must* be some fire causing all that smoke... but accusations aren't evidence.
Pick one of the accusations -- the one you think is the strongest. Tell me what crime you think Trump committed, what evidence you see for that now, and what evidence you think an investigation is likely to turn up.
I can't see anything left that isn't either wildly speculative, not actually illegal (or even unusual), or both.
Pick one of the accusations -- the one you think is the strongest. Tell me what crime you think Trump committed, what evidence you see for that now, and what evidence you think an investigation is likely to turn up.
Don't confuse her. She's trying her best. Go easy.
"It’s exhausting being lied to 24/7 about the big issues, and don’t start with the “but what about Trump?” nonsense because…well, what about Trump?
Does Trump pretend that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam because to admit the Islamic State has something to do with Islam is an admission that the unquestionable idea underlying multiculturalism – that every culture is wonderful except the Western culture that brought about 95 percet of the learning and science that is making the grinding poverty and disease that was heretofore man’s fate a thing of the past – is an utter fraud?
Does Trump pretend that we are morally or scientifically bound by a non-treaty that was non-submitted to our elected representatives to solve the non-problem of climate change at the price of our non-employment and non-prosperity?
Does Trump blame Russians for the utter repudiation of Felonia von Pantsuit’s poisonous ideology of greed and huggy fascism? Does he contend Hillary skipped those icky workin’ folks in Wisconsin and Michigan because Putin tricked her?
I keep trying to find the big Trump “lies” and they always seem to end up being disagreements with liberal orthodoxy.
But for the so-called elite that seeks to rule us, it’s all lies, all day, every day, about everything, since they can’t be honest because we normals reject what they want whenever we are exposed to the truth and are allowed a say. So their go-to move to impose their sick will is to obscure or hide the truth, and try to suppress our voices."
The most significant revelation that came out of the most recent London massacre of disarmed British subjects was not the bloodshed itself, but the pathetic sissy whining, in the midst of throats being slashed, at the Brit who refused to adhere to the comforting lie that the Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah were not Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah.
The left would rather you lie and die than tell the truth and live.
It’s exhausting being lied to 24/7 about the big issues, and don’t start with the “but what about Trump?” nonsense because…well, what about Trump?
Does Trump pretend that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam because to admit the Islamic State has something to do with Islam is an admission that the unquestionable idea underlying multiculturalism – that every culture is wonderful except the Western culture that brought about 95 percet of the learning and science that is making the grinding poverty and disease that was heretofore man’s fate a thing of the past – is an utter fraud?
Does Trump pretend that we are morally or scientifically bound by a non-treaty that was non-submitted to our elected representatives to solve the non-problem of climate change at the price of our non-employment and non-prosperity?
Does Trump blame Russians for the utter repudiation of Felonia von Pantsuit’s poisonous ideology of greed and huggy fascism? Does he contend Hillary skipped those icky workin’ folks in Wisconsin and Michigan because Putin tricked her?
I keep trying to find the big Trump “lies” and they always seem to end up being disagreements with liberal orthodoxy.
But for the so-called elite that seeks to rule us, it’s all lies, all day, every day, about everything, since they can’t be honest because we normals reject what they want whenever we are exposed to the truth and are allowed a say. So their go-to move to impose their sick will is to obscure or hide the truth, and try to suppress our voices.
Perhaps the most interesting thing that Comey said was that while he had met several times with the incoming Trump, he only met with Obama twice over eight years: Once to discuss racism in law enforcement and once for Obama to say goodbye. I'm sure that Obama had many more meetings with his Attorneys General during that time, but still... Only two meetings with the FBI director in eight years? I'm guessing that Comey doesn't golf or probably he would have seen more of Obama.
Michael K said: "The Murdochs are going to ruin that franchise by assuming the right will stay with them while they woo the left."
Forget the Fox news franchise, cable news itself is officially dead. The proof: Rachel "I have Trumps tax returns" Maddow is number one in ratings. Conservatives and other normal people are obviously going elsewhere for their news.
I always thought snipes. were imaginary, because of the old "snipe hunt" expression, but actually a lot of them live around me, and they make noise all through the spring with their display flights.
Michael K predicts: The Murdochs are going to ruin that franchise by assuming the right will stay with them while they woo the left.
Yes, much as ESPN screwed their solid market share hoping to attract the PC crowd. The PC crowd still isn't interested and the rest of us have quit watching.
Night Owl remarks: Forget the Fox news franchise, cable news itself is officially dead. The proof: Rachel "I have Trumps tax returns" Maddow is number one in ratings. Conservatives and other normal people are obviously going elsewhere for their news.
Not exactly number one, according to TV Newser:
"Outside of Fox News, Maddow had the No. 1 program for the quarter, both in total viewers and in the key news demo." [italics mine] It's still depressing.
@Mockturtle: Your stat is correct for the quarter. But I'm talking about since O'Reilly was canned. Be prepared to be more depressed: From Forbes
"According to data from Nielsen, MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show ended May as the number one show in all of cable news among viewers 25-54, the critical demographic for advertisers. It was a first for Maddow, who had never before beaten Bill O'Reilly, Fox News Channel's long-dominant host, in the demo for an entire month."
If this rating info is true it says to me that cable news has been abandoned by moderate, regular folks, leaving it to the Trump Derangement Syndrome people. It seems unlikely to me that the people who used to watch O'Reilly's act have all run over to hear Ms Maddow's TDS rants.
Night Owl posits: It seems unlikely to me that the people who used to watch O'Reilly's act have all run over to hear Ms Maddow's TDS rants.
Highly unlikely. I have quit watching 'news' altogether. Nothing to do with Bill O'Reilly, whom I couldn't stand. Everything to do with the lack of real news, the endless political analysis and smug pundits. Multiple international news sources give me a pretty good overview.
I sympathize but haven’t quite reached that point. I record Special Report and then FF though it to see if there’s anything interesting. Usually not. Most of the news flashing by is already known to me. Anything FoxNews presents is going to be spin, however subtly done. Ditto the other cables.
When I get to the panel I might listen IF there’s anyone worth listening to. The same with the Sunday AM shows. Skip the news/spin and watch the panels at the end if there’s someone worth viewing. One of my favorites is Mollie Hemingway. Another is Laura Ingraham. Both are good pundits who are not buying into the spin … so far.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 357 of 357If you've just been put in charge of eliminating ISIS and sorting out the Syrian mess, your logical first thought might be to start setting up talks with Russians. Unless you're a fucking Leftie/Democrat, I guess. Flynn should have called Al Sharpton.
Please impeach Trump, can't wait for President Pence.
To sum up:
Breaking: Comey Hearing Confirms Whatever You Already Wanted To Believe
I want to see a verified transcript of every word exchanged between those dozen Democrats and the Russian Ambassador.
Martha Stewart isn't a great analogy. Scooter Libby is the one that is most relevant.
A special prosecutor put in place to identify who leaked Plames name to the press and it was uncovered in 15 minutes that it was Powell's boy Armitage at State. But that wasn't enough so the SP went after Scooter Libby 'cuz the left NEEDED the culprit to be Bush/Cheney, so a process "crime" was manufactured.
I can't wait to see who gets to play the HEROIC AND COURAGEOUS YET TRAGICALLY MISUNDERSTOOD James Comey in the Hollywood "blockbuster" that will recieve about $300M in marketing with all the previews highlighting how horrible Trump is but will close in the theatres after about 4 days.
It will be another in-kind contribution from Hollywood to the dems.
Expect the movie to premier right about October of 2018.
r/v: ".... this president seems to have no regard for our laws and the institutions that try to up hold them?"\
The side that is mass spying on American citizens asks a poignant question!
Darrell: "I want to see a verified transcript of every word exchanged between those dozen Democrats and the Russian Ambassador."
It sure would be nice to see all the communications between Hillary, Podesta and gang in the lead up to obama/hillary signing over 20% of our Uranium to obama's boyfriend Putin.
r/v: "But the question is does it matter that this president seems to have no regard for our laws and the institutions that try to up hold them?"
The institutions that are attempting to undermine our constitution and leaking our national security secrets to facilitate a coup against a duly elected President.
Those institutions.
Drago--I would ask Putin to release the detailed blackmail tapes they must have created when Hillary was fishing for a campaign contribution while giving up our uranium reserves, but that might put me into the investigation. So please, Mr. Putin, just do what is emotionally best. And never shake Comey's hand. It causes him great anxiety.
I just looked in at Daily Kos and TPM. Nothing there so far for Trump to be the least bit worried about.
The Republicans in Congress have been playing a very complicated game. On the one hand if they head into elections in 2018 having done nothing important legislatively they may suffer severe consequences. On the other hand if they do pass important legislation it will help Trump, which they will do almost anything to avoid.
They’ve adopted a strategy of blocking Trump’s legislative agenda under a fog of rules, procedures, congressional dead ends, slow-goes, etc., hoping that in the meantime the MSM, with their help, can bring Trump down before they have to start campaigning for re-election in 2018.
As far as I can tell this hearing has not brought that hope any closer to fulfillment.
Trump’s big advantage is that he doesn’t have to run for re-election until 2020. The eGOP has to act before Trump has to. So the eGOP is in a tight spot. Many of them have already verbally beshitted themselves on the subject of Trump in their eager dishonesty during the campaign, Speaker Ryan being one of the most prominent to do so. If he starts acting like a loyal Republican, enthusiastically supporting the POTUS his constituents elected, it could(gasp) turn his admirers in the MSM against him!
All Trump has to do is keep on tweeting and wait for Ryan to realize that Trump can outwait him, is not in any danger of being impeached and that the legislative roadblocks will have to be removed. In the meanwhile the stock market is sitting pretty, manufacturing is picking up, regulations have been brought to a halt and the terrorists keep doing their thing.
But the question is does it matter that this president seems to have no regard for our laws and the institutions that try to up hold them?
You mean like the IRS, the DOJ, the FBI, and the FEC? Those august institutions? Obama is the one who claimed executive privilege re documents illegally sent from the IRS to the FEC, both institutions stacked with his political operatives. Democrats have no respect for these institutions whatsoever and have no interest in any evidence whatsoever regarding Obama's abuse of these institutions and give nary a shit about destruction of evidence by the IRS and Hillary. Not one single shit do they give.
Of course using the NSA to spy on Americans, then leaking the findings with context stripped was no abuse of power because Obama.
Selective dudgeon, the liberals have a bad case of it. There is far more evidence of criminal behavior by the Obama Administration and his Secretary of State Hillary than the zero produced now against Trump.
I have been working all day without a break. So, I have just tuned in.
When does Trump get impeached and sent to jail?
" just the agent's "notes" written down after he got back to his office."
Like Comey's "memos."
My take on it so far is that Comey is the biggest (literally) drama queen I have ever seen.
Finally. The press has got what they wanted. PROOF that the people who voted for Trump - and therefore the President - got EXACTLY what they wanted: An outsider who doesn't much care for the status quo 'rules' of Washington.
The "hillbillies" and "deplorables" were tired of the political gamesmanship and punditry that 'professional' politicians and bureaucrats have molded to protect their fiefdom, so they sent a man of action to the White House rather than the "most qualified" and "experienced" politician. I guess he's hurt some feelings.
'The president is NOT a liar'
Probably not a crook either.
"When does Trump get impeached and sent to jail?"
Right after Governor Walker gets recalled.
It is now clear that the S.S. Collusion and S.S. Obstruction Of Justice, after colliding in the Hearings Straight, will not be salvageable after taking on too much water due to Comey Leaks.
Whenever I feel my hatred of the Left waning, I come here.
I am not sure my blood pressure can stand reading today's comments, but I have a couple of my own that have probably been covered above. I did not see the testimony or read Comey's treatise. I did see how the WSJ interpreted the hearing high points. The things that stood out for me: Comey's comments were obviously self-serving and so clearly political that they are hard to take seriously; Comey affirmed to Trump three times that he was not a party to the intelligence investigation; Comey admitted he leaked his "memos" I would argue that he did it to cover his ass, nothing more, but he leaked them -what does that say about his professionalism?.
It has become clear since Comey's firing that he is much more political than one would expect - or hope - of the Director of the FBI. Trump was right to be concerned about Comey's loyalty since Comey only seems to be loyal to his own welfare and self-promotion.
ARM takes the time to reintroduce Hillary's Pay for Play scheme which netted the Clintons a cool couple hundred million directly and several billion "indirectly".
Wouldn't you like to have a "charitable" contribution to pay for your daughters wedding and keep your army of paid political operatives nicely situated?
OT, although relevant to Trump's recent effort to pick sides in the ME.
Outrage as Saudi Arabia's football team SNUBS a minute's silence for London Bridge terror victims
So, I guess this was just another sad trombone day for folks in the Reality Based Community.
But don't worry because the sun'll come out tomorrow, you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow...
Kevin Williamson said...
And try as the Republicans might to turn the discussion to Mrs. Clinton, she is not president. Donald Trump is.
It's diva vs diva
"And try as the Republicans might to turn the discussion to Mrs. Clinton, she is not president."
-- And I can be happy about that.
"Donald Trump is."
-- Jury's still out on that.
Comey denied Trump thrice before the cocksucker crowed a second time. This seems familiar somehow, but I can't place it.
@DBQ I agree that Comey is one of the most obviously self-interested and self-serving bureaucrats that has come to public attention. His performance since his firing convinces me that it was the only thing for Trump to do and he should have done it sooner. Comey has a history of overstepping his job boundaries and Trump was right to give him no more opportunities. Clearly he is trying to resurrect his standing with the Dems, since he will need a job soon, but I wonder if he really can do that with people who are convinced he cost Hillary the election. If I were a potential employer I would be very leery of hiring someone of Comey's personality type.
Though I don't expect the MSM to cover it Comey admitting before Congress that he told Trump he was not under investigation is a big deal. Though no one will say so that should drive a spike through "The Russians" BS.
For the Drill Sergeant: A headline I found while researching Comey's fib fest: Warthog attack plane finds new life in Trump administration
No tweets from President Trump. No free drinks for the pub-goers in Washington. Sad!
Looks like Comey screwed up.
He gave as justification for his leaking of the memo a tweet by Trump. Only, the memo was leaked and came out a day before Trump's tweet.
@Drill Sergeant
@Hagar I believe Martha was convicted of perjury not insider trading. The perjury charge was BS for the reasons you note , but it stuck.
Just saw a pic of Reality Winner in her orange jail garb. I think this is a win for Amy Schumer. Why? Because she looks like a natural to play Winner in the hagiographic biopic that the Hollywood Dems will put out about her.
Did they impeach him yet? We don't have all day, y'know.
What are they counting down on CNN now?
From the movie "The Sixth Sense":...they see whatever they want to see..."
Trump said he "hoped"
That is not a direction and no one has ever been prosecuted for hoping
If he'd only worked the word "changed" in there, no one could have complained. Like, I hope you can see your way to clearing Flynn, he's a changed man in my opinion.
We will know the left is serious about continuing the impeachment talk if they return to #Steak-KetchupGate.
BTW, who got to Chrissy Mathews? All of a sudden he's all about reality in dishing about the collapse of the collusion meme...which was the fake basis of.....EVERYTHING.
Any of you who have had to fire someone: Can you imagine what they would have said about you, given the opportunity, in a public forum. Scary, huh?
mezzrow: "What are they counting down on CNN now?"
The time to their next fake leak designed to keep alive all democrat hopes for all time (or until the donation checks to the DNC clear).
I don't understand all the hate-on for Comey. The man seems to have done his best in a very nasty situation, and his 7-page statement raised no eyebrows here. Nor has Trump jumped on him. The dicey things in Comey's conduct were almost entirely during the campaign. I mean, it's one thing to say that you've found more of HRC's emails (some classified), and another thing to say you found them while scanning HRC's top adviser's husband's laptop for more penis pics.
Kevin Williamson said...
And try as the Republicans might to turn the discussion to Mrs. Clinton, she is not president. Donald Trump is.
There is plenty of evidence Hillary committed crimes. Not so with the Trumpster.
Hey John Kerry, why the long face?
Donald Trump is such a threat to the republic with his nefarious deeds that he has never even been under investigation despite all Western security services supporting the US intelligence agencies in looking for evidence of Trump wrong doing by Trump political enemies.
Clearly, never before has a candidate been so thoroughly vetted and come out clean.
Thanks Dems!
I'm going to start a fundraiser. Impeach Trump! Send me money and I will work with progressive patriot brothers and sisters and non-binary gendered to save the country! $50 is the Evergreen level. $75 is the Yale level. $100 gets you in on The Berne level!
The dicey things in Comey's conduct were almost entirely during the campaign.
Leaking documents through your friend to get a special counsel appointed? Is it a crime? Yes. Was it petty retribution? Yes. Was it all about his standing in society and not for the good of the country? Yes. He would have been recalled and he could have turned over the docs to the committee when he testified today.
Failing to file charges for obstruction, and then saying after you were fired "maybe I was obstructed but it's not up to me to decide"? You were the head of the FBI. If you can't determine whether someone obstructed your investigation, you should not be in that position.
Being unable to say the President wasn't under investigation because he might be at any time in the future? When is this not true? It was true the entire 8 years of Obama's tenure.
Dave from Minnesota: "I'm going to start a fundraiser. Impeach Trump! Send me money and I will work with progressive patriot brothers and sisters and non-binary gendered to save the country! $50 is the Evergreen level. $75 is the Yale level. $100 gets you in on The Berne level!"
I would add a $200 "local interest" St. Olaf level as well.
Drago, I thought Trump University was a bit of a scam, but I suppose not any worse than being sold on going to a college, borrowing $45,000, and coming out with an art history degree.
>>There is plenty of evidence Hillary committed crimes. Not so with the Trumpster.
Hillary broke the law, but had no bad intent.
Trump had bad intent, but didn't break the law.
Is that about it?
Drago, I was thinking of working that in there. By the way...I realize school is probably out, but I see they haven't updated their online newspaper since May 5 (right before the scam came out). The first story still says "Toxic Racism" in the headline.
Kevin: "Being unable to say the President wasn't under investigation because he might be at any time in the future? When is this not true?"
And the dems/republicans in the gang of 8 knew Trump was never under investigation, and somehow those staffs never leaked it.
It's almost as if there is a united front of establishment figures doing whatever they could do to harm Trump regardless of party.
I would think that Trump might want to consider using that as a campaign theme or something.
And try as the Republicans might to turn the discussion to Mrs. Clinton, she is not president. Donald Trump is.
Hillary is the alternative to Trump the Democrats offered. It's Either/Or. That's a hideous choice, but there it is.
Dave from Minnesota: "The first story still says "Toxic Racism" in the headline."
Well, they found a narrative they liked and they decided to stick with it. Permanently.
And try as the Republicans might to turn the discussion to Mrs. Clinton, she is not president. Donald Trump is.
And try as the democrats might to turn the discussion of how they lost the election WHILE massively spying on millions of American citizens to Donald Trump, Trump is not the one with the administration that weaponized the federal bureaucracy against domestic political opponents. Obama and the dems are.
Hillary broke the law, but had no bad intent.
Assuming facts not in evidence.
The narrative is still alive. The left will celebrate that. They not only dodged a bullet today, but got a big push for the obstruction meme. IMO the anti-Trumpers got what they wanted out of this hearing. They had to know their position re Russia was untenable, but they think they got the process crime that Drago points out was likely the goal all along. Like a pack of feral dogs they think they drew blood and the attack will intensify now.
Healthcare, taxes, infastructure, terrorism, NK and Iran, trade, bloated government, ME/ISIS, Russia, China, education, immigration, ...
This isn't about criminal activity or disagreements on policy, it's about Trump is crude and brash. I'm leaning more to buwaya's cynical position that the Republic is damaged beyond repair. I'm thinking about joining the Goddamn Amerika crowd so I don't wind in a a re-education camp. Or maybe they will promise to eat me last. Sad sad days for the nation.
If I were a potential employer I would be very leery of hiring someone of Comey's personality type.
I hear the WNBA might be interested. Seeing as how he left his balls in the Lynch Holder Hillary department, he could probably start,
Kevin Williamson has a bad case of TDS and it's disappointing as I liked his stuff before.
It's a little mystifying to find the rare Comey defender at this stage.
For me the guy was irredeemable from the point he refused to recommend prosecution for Hillary. That made it clear to me that he was a totally dishonorable person with no respect rule of law, an amoral creature of the establishment who would do everything to protect it.
His testimony today pretty much reinforced that opinion, his pathetic leaking of his memos, his absurd refusal to publicly admit that Trump wasn't under investigation, his trying to have it both ways.
Add to that his comical demeanor around Trump (trying to blend into curtains, awkward silences ect.) and it makes me believe he's a bit of a weirdo to boot.
A gaggle of Trump U graduates held a press conference when the lawsuit was in the news announcing how they had gotten great jobs and achieved career success. Not a single person from Clinton U came forward to make a similar claim.
The returns from the British elections start coming in at 5:00 Eastern. You can watch them here: Sky News Live, but this information is only available on a Give-A-Shit basis.
I am shocked that a man who was fired is pissed at and maybe lies about the man who fired him.
Darrell, I recall that now. So like anything, Trump U patrons had both good and bad outcomes.
Pacwest, correct. Inside of working for the good of the nation, its all politics in DC. What better advertisement for a weakened central government (including less domestic power for the president) and more state control.
I heard Alan Simpson get interviewed a while back. He talked about how bad it is in DC where both sides are just working to take down the other.
Jeremy Corbyn is leading in the President of ISIS race, in early returns.
It's pretty obvious by the lack of lefty gloating that the left did not get what they wanted.
In other words, "Forgive his stupidity". If you people want a stupid President, you can keep your stupid President. The rest of us see through it.
"The president’s new at this. He’s new to government and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He’s just new to this.”
Paul Ryan
Comey admits the NYT lied. Comey admits Trump was right; he was not being investigated. Comey admits to illegally leaking in an attempt to undermine the guy who just fired him.
... Trump probably didn't tweet because he's finally learned not to get in your enemy's way when they're self-destructing.
Inga: Given that Lynch exerted more direct pressure and Obama fired people for investigating him, I'd say that, at worst, Trump is perfectly within the 8-years-long-running protocols of the last administration.
Theresa May is heading for a clear general election victory, the very final poll of the campaign reveals today. Ipsos MORI research exclusively for the Evening Standard finds the Conservatives on 44 per cent, eight points ahead of Labour who are on 36 per cent. The figures point to a Conservative majority of around 40, which would be just enough for Mrs May to claim a mandate for Brexit negotiations
Maybe Labour should ask their friends in ISIS to stop trying to help them.
In other words, "Forgive his stupidity".
Too bad the only alternative the Democrats could come up with got let off on a crime for lack of "mens rea" which you can google to find out it means too stupid to know she was committing a crime. Comey should have indicted Hillary so the Democrats could have run somebody else. That would have been heroic.
Roper: So now you'd give the Devil benefit of law!
More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
Roper: I'd cut down every law in England to do that!
More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you — where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country's planted thick with laws from coast to coast — man's laws, not God's — and if you cut them down — and you're just the man to do it — d'you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake.
A Man For All Seasons, 1960
The Democrats should think long and hard on this. The past eight lawless years of Obama and his henchmen means that they are really the last people who should be squeaking about people having no regard of our laws and the institutions that try to uphold them.
In other words, "Forgive his stupidity".
At least he could find Wisconsin.
t did not get what they wanted."
The left may be tired of addressing people who live in an alternate realty and think it's not worth the effort. Mueller's investigation is just taking off, there will be much much more Trump lies uncovered. Comey revealed 5 of them today alone. As one thing is uncovered it leads to another. Don't feel too secure that your idiot President will just lie his way out of his TrumpMess this time.
Hah, Clyde. I've been saying the same thing.
"Comey revealed 5 of them today alone."
-- Which ones. Because it sounds like Comey confirmed what you were calling a Trump lie not that long ago (that Comey had told him he was not being investigated). While the rest is just Comey claiming Trump is lying, while admitting Trump told the truth that the media lied in many of their news stories about his Russia connection.
Literally every part of the narrative has taken a massive hit to center mass. The NYT was wrong about Trump's Russia connections; Trump is not and was not under investigation; Comey did lie and leak illegally -- what narrative is left standing?
After the big fizzle of today, I expect the trolls will fall back to claiming Comey made a super secret deal with Mueller to keep everyone in the dark about the real evidence Comey is giving Mueller.
The more intelligent Democrats know the game is over (see Chris Matthews, for example), the less intelligent don't matter (see Inga).
Trump is apparently so stupid that after a year of investigations there is still nothing to pin on him. But any day now he is bound to trip up and then they'll get him. No doubt! That Trump is one evil genius buffoon, fer sure.
What we are witnessing is a farce that is both tragic and hilarious.
It's "Blazing Saddles". Trump's tweets are equivalent to the unexpected and unwelcome sheriff striding to the podium and stating "Excuse me while I whip this out!" as the townsfolks gasp and recoil in horror. After he is done toying with them "Sheriff" Trump retreats to his office and utters the line that succinctly sums up the scene: "Oh baby, you are SO talented... And they are so dumb!"
"Don't feel too secure "
Earth to Inga.
I think only stupid people and liberals (some insist there's a difference) are taking Comey seriously at this point.
Were I in Trump's shoes I would let the bedwetters, pissers and moaners worry about it and get on with the job.
Inga: Welcome to Democracy. There are plenty of places in the world where only people with the right credentials can get in to government.
"In the first hour of former FBI Director James Comey's testimony on Capitol Hill about the nature and details of his relationship with President Donald Trump, he called the president a liar twice.
(CNN)In the first hour of former FBI Director James Comey's testimony on Capitol Hill about the nature and details of his relationship with President Donald Trump, he called the president a liar twice.
In his opening remarks, Comey flashed anger at Trump's characterization of him as unpopular among the rank and file of the FBI as well as the idea that the bureau was disorganized and chaotic.
1. And 2."Those were lies. Plain and simple," Comey said flatly.
In the second hour of the hearings and while under questioning from Maine Sen. Angus King (I), Comey directly disputed three more claims by Trump:
3.That Comey had sought the Feb. 14 meeting with Trump to ask to stay on as FBI director
4.That Comey ever reached out to Trump via phone
5.That Trump's "No, no. Next question" assertion about whether he asked Comey to drop the Flynn investigation was true
From a broader perspective, the people who really need to accept this reality are the Republicans in Congress- it is their actions from this point forward until November of 2018 that will impact those off-year elections- most of the remaining Democrats are in essentially safe seats and can basically act as crazy as they want and get themselves reelected. I don't doubt there are large number of Republicans in the House and the Senate who thought maybe they could wait Donald Trump out and impeach him, but that isn't going to to happen now, and they had better get used to having him as the president. Trump doesn't have to run again, if he even does, until 2020, but the Congress needs to show some results for the majorities the Republican voters handed in them in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Excuses won't save them this time. I am hoping that was, in fact, the purpose of yesterday's and today's public hearings- they already knew Comey would sink the collusion ship once and for all, so they let it happen and are now prepared to do what they were sent to D.C. to do- legislate.
The only evidence you have of those is Comey's say-so with no corroboration. That's not proof, especially given the fact we know Comey is willing to lie and break the law to harm Trump.
Let's grant all of that Inga just for argumentation purposes- so where is the crime for which Trump is going to get impeached? That this is very best you can come up with after today is the clearest indication of just how disappointed the anti-Trump brigades are right now.
Oh such horrible, horrible lies. Take him out back. A little time with the switch will teach him a lesson. We all know no politician lies ever ever ever.
And Trump's lies are corroborated? LOL. You people are nuts. Comey's "say so" is far more reliable than Trump's any day. Trump should be careful, he may not be off the hook, as he and you people seem to think he is. This is only the beginning.
@ Inga
I'm sorry to disappoint you but I couldn't hear your accusations that Trump is a liar because I was too busy not having sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.
You'll have to repeat yourself.
Inga spinning like a top is delicious to watch.
Keep deluding yourselves, it's fascinating to watch.
"Fox News’ Chris Wallace didn’t mince any words for his audience on Thursday: Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony was very bad news for President Donald Trump.
Specifically, Wallace was struck by the fact that Comey repeatedly said that Trump is a liar.
“Politically, I thought it was very damaging to the president,” Wallace said on Fox shortly after Comey’s testimony ended. “Repeatedly, James Comey called the president a liar, said that he lied that the FBI was in disarray, that he defamed him, defamed the FBI. [He] said that the reason he kept those kinds of notes in the first place was because this was the kind of man who would lie about those kinds of things.”
Wallace also noted that it was wholly inappropriate not only for Trump to ask Comey to drop the Flynn investigation, but also to kick Vice President Mike Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions out of the room before doing so.
“It’s not good stuff to have said on national television,” he said."
I kind of doubt this, given my thoughts on the Dems, but want to throw you guys a bone. Tough day otherwise.
The Democratic Party Is in Worse Shape Than You Thought
Comey had few issues with Lynch impeding an investigation.
Wonder why.
Literally every part of the narrative has taken a massive hit to center mass. The NYT was wrong about Trump's Russia connections; Trump is not and was not under investigation; Comey did lie and leak illegally -- what narrative is left standing?
Rubio was implying that Comey was behind ALL of the leaks.
As he said, why was the ONLY thing not leaked that Trump was not under investigation, when he was not?
Logically, there is only one person who can explain that.
@MaxedoutMama 1:27 pm
Loved the Key&Peele reference.
Haven't watched any of the Comey testimony media circus either; I'm just glancing here and there at the insane spinning and looking for the humor in it. I have to laugh otherwise the farce would be depressing.
Doubt things are going to get much better for Trump. It is at least conceivable that the Dems could learn something from their failures.
Matthew Sablan said...
Hah, Clyde. I've been saying the same thing.
Just blue-skying here, but maybe they can call it Trainwreck 2: Reality Winner Boogaloo.
"As he said, why was the ONLY thing not leaked that Trump was not under investigation, when he was not?"
Because maybe he is NOW.
@ Inga
Are you saying Democrat Chris Wallace, son of a Leftist journalist, is no fan of Trump? The deuce you say! And all Chris Wallace could bring himself to say was that it was bad for Trump politically because Comey, who is now a known leaker, called Trump a liar?
This is pathetic.
What should be the next Leftist witch hunt? Perhaps n.n. will have a suggestion.
Inga, you know blowing smoke is bad for your health, according to the Surgeon General
"Doubt things are going to get much better for Trump."
Quinnipiac 34%.
@ Inga @ 4:23
Both hope and stupid spring eternal.
Inga had to wait for all the left-wing sources to come up with spin on today's hearing. her "brain" as it's called.
Anybody else remember how George H.W. Bush had 90% approval ratings just before his massive reelection?
Leftists have given up. Now they are talking about different meaningless things. But they started doing it all at once. It's almost like they're receiving marching orders.
So, are we finally done with Russia?
Do we now shift to "obstruction" 24/7?
How quickly can the media bury the Lynch revelations?
Media approval rate-- 16%
@ Bobby Fleck
We are switching to low (but higher than Bill Clinton at this point in his first term) approval ratings until a different ridiculous argument against Trump can be made.
The Lynch revelations will never be revealed by the MSM. By the time they address the truth of what happened it will be old news and besides, Obama was scandal free.
The AP is highlighting that Comey was fired because of the Russia investigation.
damikesc wrote:
"Rubio was implying that Comey was behind ALL of the leaks.
As he said, why was the ONLY thing not leaked that Trump was not under investigation, when he was not?
Logically, there is only one person who can explain that."
While it is a nice riposte by Rubio, I don't think the explanation is that this detail wasn't leaked, but that the media it was leaked to had no interest in publicizing it. Indeed, it is difficult to find a single mainline news organization that would interested in doing so- FoxNews and the WSJ come the closest to being such organs, but even they aren't really pro-Trump in the way they were pro-Bush Jr.
If you people think Trump is off the hook in any of the various investigations going forward, especially after trying to get Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn, you are truly living in la la land.
I hate to interrupt the Trump 25/7 show with a bit of reality but Theresa May has managed to do a Hillary. The Conservatives will NOT have a majority after the election in Britain, based on exit polls.
She has managed to botch what should have been an easy campaign.
Trump also stated on the Lester Holt interview that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation, this came straight out of his own mouth, lol.
Actually, its only 24/7 for everyone but Inga,.
Exit polls predicting Britain heading for a hung parliament. I think British voters like fucking with pollsters above all else...
The actual memo says Trump told Comey about Kelly, "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go." That is much different from ordering Comey with a Presidential "I hope you let him go".
It says I hope you will see fit to exercise your discretion that way. No order anywhere in that language, so it is altered to read better in all Media descriptions.
The exit polls in 2015 also predicted a hung parliament and yet the Tories still won a solid, outright majority.
Inga: ""Doubt things are going to get much better for Trump."
Quinnipiac 34%."
Trump polling better than Clinton at this point in Clintons Presidency: http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-approval-rating-better-bill-clintons-first-term-621853
Lets all set the way back machine for Dec/Jan.
What was the accusation then? Lets see...oh yeah. Now I remember!
The left claimed the Russians had compromising information on Trump AND that Trump was a collusion-y treasonous TRAITOR who worked with the Russians to change the outcome of our election.
And all of that, ALL OF IT, has collapsed.
So, what's next? Obviously, continuing attempts to "Scooter Libby-ize" someone, anyone, within shouting distance of Trump and claim obstruction of justice against Trump.
But what would Trump be obstructing?
Oh yeah, the Flynn/Russia "connections" that Comey today blew out of the water.
Pickin's are getting slim down at the Democrat Shady Rest Home.
Of course, we are all waiting breathlessly for whatever some Charlie Sykes fellow says about all this because he is, according to Inga, our "Galactic Overlord of Stuff That Should Be Listened To Because Shut Up H8ters!"
Did ISIS just take down Teresa May?
Did ISIS just take down Teresa May?
Russians !
In his opening remarks, Comey flashed anger at Trump's characterization of him as unpopular among the rank and file of the FBI as well as the idea that the bureau was disorganized and chaotic.
1. And 2."Those were lies. Plain and simple," Comey said flatly.
Oh my people all told me they loved me when I was their boss, said every boss who was ever fired.
In the second hour of the hearings and while under questioning from Maine Sen. Angus King (I), Comey directly disputed three more claims by Trump:
3.That Comey had sought the Feb. 14 meeting with Trump to ask to stay on as FBI director
4.That Comey ever reached out to Trump via phone
Which part was the lie for #3? That Comey sought out the meeting, or that in the meeting he wished to stay on as FBI Director? I'm pretty sure in the media approved accounting for Trump's lies that would be counted as two whoppers, not just one, so I don't know to which one to respond.
As for Comey "reaching out" via phone. Some might take that as "Comey called Trump". Others as "during our call, you brought up topic A". I'm not sure which one Comey is claiming, since I saw him not be able to recall one of the calls under questioning today.
5.That Trump's "No, no. Next question" assertion about whether he asked Comey to drop the Flynn investigation was true
Didn't we just hear that Comey "wasn't sure" Trump asked him this, as he "couldn't say" whether obstruction had occurred? I don't know how they can score this one a "lie" under those conditions at all.
Geesh, this is CNN. You have to check their facts because...this is CNN.
I will admit however that Comey's ability to see the future is only rivaled by Inga's self-proclaimed ability to read peoples minds.
Both are impressive but i'll have to go with Comey's testimony that he only leaked the memos based on a tweet from Trump.....that wouldn't happen until days later!!
(note: The NYT had the memos story published the day BEFORE the Trump tweet in question!!)
I don't know about you, but that's some serious "looking into the future" kind of stuff right there!
It looks like the Macedonians were ALL over the British election, just like here!
It's like they are all cyber-space Alexander The Greats taking over the world one pixel at a time!!
I'll bet in all the excitement of hacking the British elections the wily Macedonians accidently had some overflow content seep back into Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and a little diner just outside of Topeka.
Getting the tweet chronology wrong is pretty embarrassing.
"Did ISIS just take down Teresa May?
Russians !"
Make Conservatives Lose Again
Meanwhile, Hillary told Ruth Bader Ginsberg she could pack up her Bible and go home.
May should have visited Wisconsin.
Poor 3rdGradePB, spinning even more incoherently than "normal".
And that's sayin' something!
Carry on!
Keep deluding yourselves, it's fascinating to watch.
Oh you too. Impeachment is coming any day.
Question that should have been asked (but wasn't):
Mr. Comey, if one of your agents had had a private confidential meeting with the President and then leaked details of that meeting to the press, what kind of administrative punishment, if any, would you apply to that agent?
Remember, "Comey the Consummate Professional" made detailed notes after every discussion with Trump but somehow, someway, failed to take or capture any notes, ANY NOTES, AT ALL, during the 3 hour interrogation of Hillary during the email "matter".
No records of a 3 hour interrogation.
Because that's what the FBI does, isn't it? NOT take notes or keep records of multi-hour interrogations.
"Fox News’ Chris Wallace didn’t mince any words for his audience on Thursday: Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony was very bad news for President Donald Trump.
Specifically, Wallace was struck by the fact that Comey repeatedly said that Trump is a liar.'
Yes, if I went on every major network for two hours and called Chris Wallace a liar, it would be "very bad news" for Chris Wallace.
It wouldn't be true, but it would be very bad news for him nonetheless.
What does one eat at the BBQ following the Great Comey Snipe Hunt of 2017? All the Hillbillies need to know what to put into the cast iron skillets over the open fire.
Grab your carry on.
Adam Schiff-ty trying to put lipstick on this pig.
Remember, Schiff-ty was the one who said he saw "evidence" that went "beyond circumstantial" of collusion between Trump campaign and the Russians.
Trump also stated on the Lester Holt interview that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation, this came straight out of his own mouth, lol.
Yes, he fired him because he wouldn't tell the public that Trump wasn't under investigation, but he told Trump himself three times and the committees in Congress on several occasions.
You know what Comey did today? He told the public that Trump wasn't under investigation.
See how Trump fixed that?
He also told Comey to investigate his people and that it would be good if any wrongdoing on their part was exposed. You know who was one of those people? Mike Flynn.
So much for obstruction. What Trump told Holt was true, but not in the way you want it to be.
Kevin Williamson has a bad case of TDS and it's disappointing as I liked his stuff before.
Yes. I have several pun-dicks that I’m disappointed in. I used to read George Will(although I couldn’t stand his personality) but he was one of the first to go to the Dark Side.
But it’s all good, Michael, because now we know what they are. Whores, pure and simple. They were never really an effective opposition to the Lefties. They were always concerned more with a non-resonating, process-obsessed and dusty ideology instead of victory on the issues. Trump is their exact opposite which is probably one of the reasons that they slip into Trump Derangement Syndrome on the flimsiest of excuses.
Politically, I thought it was very damaging to the president,” Wallace said on Fox shortly after Comey’s testimony ended.
FoxNews has been testing the waters to see if they can turn Lefty and get some of those viewers that Rachel Maddow is getting. It’s the old boil-a-frog-gradually trick – little by little – done almost imperceptibly. Wallace, probably because he has the most favorable public image, is their stalking horse. He’s been busy for months trying to advance the Lefty anti-Trump memes whenever he can without revealing himself. He’s been an anti-Trumper for awhile now. The Trump defenders on Fox are gradually being surrounded by dedicated anti-Trump folks.
Quinnipiac 34%.
As we learned during the campaign the polls are shit. The pollsters will tell the cables anything they want to hear in order to get facetime or their poll mentioned on a cable news hour. There’s no better advertising for a polling company.
Walker to be indicted any... second... now.
Even poor sad Chris Matthews realized the democrats and the hack press are barking up the wrong tree with the Russian-Trump colluded lie.
Did anybody else capture a Snipe? Perhaps snipes only live in flyover country so no GOPe or Deep State people have experience catching them.
The Hillbilly BBQ after the Great Comey Snipe Hunt of 2017 will be tremendous.
If the left think Trump and Comey agreeing that "Flynn is a good guy" rises to the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors - more proof that Walker will be indicted any second now.
"Inga said...
If you people think Trump is off the hook in any of the various investigations going forward, especially after trying to get Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn, you are truly living in la la land."
But I like it here in la la land. You should join us. It's lovely. The lilacs are in bloom and there's an owl hooting in the distance.
More seriously -- can you explain why you think Trump is on the hook in any of the various investigations?
I know that there are so *many* (never quite stated) accusations and so *many* demands for investigations that it can feel like surely there *must* be some fire causing all that smoke... but accusations aren't evidence.
Pick one of the accusations -- the one you think is the strongest. Tell me what crime you think Trump committed, what evidence you see for that now, and what evidence you think an investigation is likely to turn up.
I can't see anything left that isn't either wildly speculative, not actually illegal (or even unusual), or both.
Pick one of the accusations -- the one you think is the strongest. Tell me what crime you think Trump committed, what evidence you see for that now, and what evidence you think an investigation is likely to turn up.
Don't confuse her. She's trying her best. Go easy.
"It’s exhausting being lied to 24/7 about the big issues, and don’t start with the “but what about Trump?” nonsense because…well, what about Trump?
Does Trump pretend that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam because to admit the Islamic State has something to do with Islam is an admission that the unquestionable idea underlying multiculturalism – that every culture is wonderful except the Western culture that brought about 95 percet of the learning and science that is making the grinding poverty and disease that was heretofore man’s fate a thing of the past – is an utter fraud?
Does Trump pretend that we are morally or scientifically bound by a non-treaty that was non-submitted to our elected representatives to solve the non-problem of climate change at the price of our non-employment and non-prosperity?
Does Trump blame Russians for the utter repudiation of Felonia von Pantsuit’s poisonous ideology of greed and huggy fascism? Does he contend Hillary skipped those icky workin’ folks in Wisconsin and Michigan because Putin tricked her?
I keep trying to find the big Trump “lies” and they always seem to end up being disagreements with liberal orthodoxy.
But for the so-called elite that seeks to rule us, it’s all lies, all day, every day, about everything, since they can’t be honest because we normals reject what they want whenever we are exposed to the truth and are allowed a say. So their go-to move to impose their sick will is to obscure or hide the truth, and try to suppress our voices."
Khesan notes: Comey has a history of overstepping his job boundaries and Trump was right to give him no more opportunities.
And yet I would argue that his biggest sins are those of omission. He seemed to do everything but his job as FBI Director.
The Trump defenders on Fox are gradually being surrounded by dedicated anti-Trump folks.
I agree but I think it is the Murdoch sons trying to gild the lily they inherited.
Harry Truman was accused of being too close to Boss Pendergast when he was in Kansas City politics. He walked in his funeral procession as president.
When he was criticized, he recounted an account from Roman times, which he had studied for years,
It was said of a Roman Senator, "His downfall began when he took his friends for granted and tried to bribe his enemies."
A simpler version is "Dance with the one that brung ya."
The Murdochs are going to ruin that franchise by assuming the right will stay with them while they woo the left.
How much is this farce costing the US taxpayer?
Kurt Schlichter
The most significant revelation that came out of the most recent London massacre of disarmed British subjects was not the bloodshed itself, but the pathetic sissy whining, in the midst of throats being slashed, at the Brit who refused to adhere to the comforting lie that the Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah were not Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah.
The left would rather you lie and die than tell the truth and live.
It’s exhausting being lied to 24/7 about the big issues, and don’t start with the “but what about Trump?” nonsense because…well, what about Trump?
Does Trump pretend that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam because to admit the Islamic State has something to do with Islam is an admission that the unquestionable idea underlying multiculturalism – that every culture is wonderful except the Western culture that brought about 95 percet of the learning and science that is making the grinding poverty and disease that was heretofore man’s fate a thing of the past – is an utter fraud?
Does Trump pretend that we are morally or scientifically bound by a non-treaty that was non-submitted to our elected representatives to solve the non-problem of climate change at the price of our non-employment and non-prosperity?
Does Trump blame Russians for the utter repudiation of Felonia von Pantsuit’s poisonous ideology of greed and huggy fascism? Does he contend Hillary skipped those icky workin’ folks in Wisconsin and Michigan because Putin tricked her?
I keep trying to find the big Trump “lies” and they always seem to end up being disagreements with liberal orthodoxy.
But for the so-called elite that seeks to rule us, it’s all lies, all day, every day, about everything, since they can’t be honest because we normals reject what they want whenever we are exposed to the truth and are allowed a say. So their go-to move to impose their sick will is to obscure or hide the truth, and try to suppress our voices.
Perhaps the most interesting thing that Comey said was that while he had met several times with the incoming Trump, he only met with Obama twice over eight years: Once to discuss racism in law enforcement and once for Obama to say goodbye. I'm sure that Obama had many more meetings with his Attorneys General during that time, but still... Only two meetings with the FBI director in eight years? I'm guessing that Comey doesn't golf or probably he would have seen more of Obama.
Michael K said:
"The Murdochs are going to ruin that franchise by assuming the right will stay with them while they woo the left."
Forget the Fox news franchise, cable news itself is officially dead. The proof: Rachel "I have Trumps tax returns" Maddow is number one in ratings. Conservatives and other normal people are obviously going elsewhere for their news.
Did anybody else capture a Snipe?
I always thought snipes. were imaginary, because of the old "snipe hunt" expression, but actually a lot of them live around me, and they make noise all through the spring with their display flights.
Michael K predicts: The Murdochs are going to ruin that franchise by assuming the right will stay with them while they woo the left.
Yes, much as ESPN screwed their solid market share hoping to attract the PC crowd. The PC crowd still isn't interested and the rest of us have quit watching.
Night Owl remarks: Forget the Fox news franchise, cable news itself is officially dead. The proof: Rachel "I have Trumps tax returns" Maddow is number one in ratings. Conservatives and other normal people are obviously going elsewhere for their news.
Not exactly number one, according to TV Newser:
"Outside of Fox News, Maddow had the No. 1 program for the quarter, both in total viewers and in the key news demo." [italics mine] It's still depressing.
@Mockturtle: Your stat is correct for the quarter. But I'm talking about since O'Reilly was canned. Be prepared to be more depressed: From Forbes
"According to data from Nielsen, MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show ended May as the number one show in all of cable news among viewers 25-54, the critical demographic for advertisers. It was a first for Maddow, who had never before beaten Bill O'Reilly, Fox News Channel's long-dominant host, in the demo for an entire month."
If this rating info is true it says to me that cable news has been abandoned by moderate, regular folks, leaving it to the Trump Derangement Syndrome people. It seems unlikely to me that the people who used to watch O'Reilly's act have all run over to hear Ms Maddow's TDS rants.
"Please impeach Trump, can't wait for President Pence."
I think Pence will make on one of the worst presidents we've ever had, and it will be a big improvement.
Night Owl posits: It seems unlikely to me that the people who used to watch O'Reilly's act have all run over to hear Ms Maddow's TDS rants.
Highly unlikely. I have quit watching 'news' altogether. Nothing to do with Bill O'Reilly, whom I couldn't stand. Everything to do with the lack of real news, the endless political analysis and smug pundits. Multiple international news sources give me a pretty good overview.
I have quit watching 'news' altogether.
I sympathize but haven’t quite reached that point. I record Special Report and then FF though it to see if there’s anything interesting. Usually not. Most of the news flashing by is already known to me. Anything FoxNews presents is going to be spin, however subtly done. Ditto the other cables.
When I get to the panel I might listen IF there’s anyone worth listening to. The same with the Sunday AM shows. Skip the news/spin and watch the panels at the end if there’s someone worth viewing. One of my favorites is Mollie Hemingway. Another is Laura Ingraham. Both are good pundits who are not buying into the spin … so far.
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