June 8, 2017

The dog that didn't bark.

The Trump that didn't tweet.

BUT: Trump, Jr. peeped.


The Godfather said...


Yancey Ward said...

It doesn't surprise me- why interfere with your enemies when they are doing a good job of destroying themselves.

readering said...

Finally taking instruction from counsel? Let them lie on your behalf.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When Comey admitted he leaked his conversation with Trump to a 'law professor friend at Columbia' I knew Trump did the right thing firing him.

Hack press are in over-drive cherry picking all the negative. There was tons of testimony today that took the wind out of corrupt media sails and the corrupt democrat party lie machine (but I repeat myself)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sean Davis‏ sez:

"At some point, it might be time to consider the possibility Comey's a scheming coward who only comes clean when he has nothing left to lose."

I'm Full of Soup said...

Obviously Readering didnt watch or he'd know the testimony proved Trump did not lie.

Earnest Prole said...

Lawyers are useful things.

le Douanier said...

A man of the peeps.


tcrosse said...

There must have been a lot of long faces and dry throats in DC gin mills.

D 2 said...

Comey as Polonius could be the other summer theatre tour, to balance the Julius C production.

Fernandinande said...

A subsidized hipster walks into an organic beer bar and the bartender says "I don't mind a parasite. I object to a cut-rate one."

readering said...

No tweet but speech. "We're under siege." Drama queen.

Virgil Hilts said...

DT: at this time "I am satisfied to sit back and contemplate my own former [twitter] eloquence."

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The dog that didn't bark, the pup that did.

I see that Althouse has taken the role for the Trump Troubles that used to get the tag Obama's in Trouble.

MaxedOutMama said...

And who cheeped?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Here's what Trump should have tweeted:

Comey tried to J. Edgar Hoover me, and failed. Should have fired him sooner.

traditionalguy said...

The news media are Big Lie targeting Trump as a Liar again and again, with no evidence except quoting Comey saying that he was suddenly afraid Trump might lie. What he meant is that Trump had out manoeuvered him. So he made a self serving memo that he leaked to the NYT to slander Trump.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Hillary did get hoovered. Sad.

Birkel said...

@ readering

I am sorry to learn you drew the short straw. It's delightful that you work so hard to keep the faith. The leaders will be pleased.

There simply must be a pony.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump didn't need to tweet today because the press does not have the ability to lead the narrative. At most they have a 3-4 hour window to think of a new tactic. That new tactic will - the MSM swears - take down the president. This time it will be different.

And tomorrow morning Trump will tweet that he was correct; Comey really did, in conjunction with senior FBI staff, advise Trump that he was not under investigation. And the press will be forced to chase the PURPLE ELEPHANT. Addicts have to hit rock bottom.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Sean Davis‏

"Comey threatened to resign b/c he disagreed w/ Bush on surveillance law. He didn't say a word when Lynch directed him to lie about Hillary."

and the whole Hillary set up a private server to hide from scrutiny and deleted 30,000+ e-mails - but no "intent" to do so. What crap.

I'm Full of Soup said...

It is hilarious that Trump had inserted that sentence ["thanks for telling me 3X that I am not under investigation"]in his letter in which he fired Comey. That must have pissed off Comey bigtime.

Night Owl said...

Trump likes to control the narrative, and does so using tweets. Today it's likely he wants the focus to be on Comey's testimony. If Trump is innocent of any wrong doing, he would not want to distract from the proceedings. He'll be back in form when he feels it's warranted.

I thought it was interesting that the media was speculating that Trump might use executive privilege--something Obama did to withhold documents from the Fast and Furious investigators -- to block Comey's testimony. I think it was wishful thinking on their part. If he had done so think of the fun they would have had spinning that! But Trump disappointed them. He and his team are saying "bring it on." They are all willing to testify; even Flynn. Surely the sign of guilty men.

le Douanier said...

"...and the whole Hillary set up a private server to hide from scrutiny and deleted 30,000+ e-mails - but no "intent" to do so. What crap."

Oh, you've cracked the case. You determined how HRC should be prosecuted and locked up.

Please write an email to the DJT administration so you can tell them how they can prosecute and lock up crooked HRC. I'm sure they'll thank you for correcting their misunderstanding of the situation and the law.

Lots of brilliant minds in these threads. Such a shame that the DJT administration isn't as smart as y'all.

Just sayin'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

3rd grader - Everyone knows Clinton did what she did to stuff her family foundation coffers - which she did - and to avoid scrutiny.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Night Owl: agreed and it was the media who made that non-story a story. No one in the Trump admin ever suggested Exec Privilege was even being considered.

Drago said...

3rdGrader: "Please write an email to the DJT administration so you can tell them how they can prosecute and lock up crooked HRC."

Too late. The obambi Justice Dept and FBI under Comey raced as fast as they could to give everyone, EVERYONE, involved immunity deals WITHOUT forcing them to testify or give up any information.

In fact, the FBI, in addition to "forgetting" to take any notes, at all, of the 3 hour Hillary interrogation, also let another material witness act as Hillary's lawyer and, like Billy boys Grand Jury testimony years earlier, even let Mills sit in on Hillary's "interrrogation" and provide counsel!!

Gee, nothing unusual about any of that....except every single thing.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "Here's what Trump should have tweeted:

Comey tried to J. Edgar Hoover me, and failed. Should have fired him sooner"

Left Bank has been unusually spot on today.

Spot on, whether tongue in cheek or not.

Credit where credit is due.

Drago said...

3rdGradePB: "A man of the peeps."

I'll bet he's driven a car in the last 30 years, unlike you know who (..the heavy drinker)...

le Douanier said...


Unless HRC got immunity, it doesn't matter to the anti-HRC arguments presented in these threads. Look back through all these threads, and you'll notice that none of y'all claim to rely on the testimony of any person who received immunity from the BHO administration.

And, you also need to send an email to the DJT administration to let them know that the HRC interview was botched. I'm sure they'll pursue HRC anew for a redo as soon as you alert them to your scoop.

le Douanier said...

Sure Drago,

But it's still funny to see him on the tractor w/ his suit and black shoes w/ some sorta buckle. Did he hop over the dirt to get on the tractor?

Likewise him saying that he grew up running a D8 (or was it a 6, i dunno) is funny.

le Douanier said...

Oh it was a 10! Real baller.


Birkel said...

@ Drago

To be fair, it's probably illegal for Hillary Clinton to drive a car. Between the medical condition and the alcohol we really should give her a pass on not driving.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago 6:21

Excellent reminder.

McCain, who needs to retire because you can hear how strained his old mind has become, was correct today. There really is a double standard.

Democrats can be as corrupt at they want.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How many times did Hillary's IT guy, Bryan Pagliano, plead the 5th?

Clyde said...

All I could think of was, "Those poor thirsty bastards at the Union Pub are having to buy all of their own drinks." Happiest person that Trump didn't tweet? The owner of the Union Pub! Got all of those people there thinking that the President was going to tweet them in to free inebriation, and then didn't have to give away a single drink. Winning!

Anonymous said...

Tonight in the wee hours of the morning.... pootiefefefefefefefefe....

Marc in Eugene said...

Night Owl, Yes indeed! weren't there at least two days last week when the scandalmongers at the Times were going on about how likely it was that the White House would try to quash the Comey testimony via a claim of executive privilege? Often get confused because the nonsense is online at night and then there again the following, date of publication, day.

Night Owl said...

@AJ Lynch said:
"...it was the media who made that non-story a story. No one in the Trump admin ever suggested Exec Privilege was even being considered."

Just more fake news from the fake news peddlers. The NYT and Wapo should change their banners to "All the news we can pull out of our ass."

Night Owl said...

Marc Puckett said:
"weren't there at least two days last week when the scandalmongers at the Times were going on about how likely it was that the White House would try to quash the Comey testimony via a claim of executive privilege"

At least. I saw the headlines but didn't bother reading any further, because I've come to expect that everything written by the "credentialed" media that is related to Trump is BS.

My attitude toward the ongoing anti-Trump farce has evolved to "wake me when someone gets arrested." I shrug off the hysterical blather. I'm not going to reward the purveyors of fake news by giving them more attention than they deserve.

Alex said...

There's a special place in hell for scumbags like Comey. Something out of Dante's Inferno.

Roy Lofquist said...

Philadelphia Lawyer is a term to describe a lawyer who knows the most detailed and minute points of law or is an exceptionally competent lawyer. Its first known usage dates back to 1788.[1] Alternatively, a usage dating to the second half of the 20th century denotes "the ultimate in crooked lawyers".

~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_lawyer