May 15, 2017
"She would get off the air, the camera would be turned off, the microphone would be taken off, and she would say ‘Blech, I need to take a shower,’ because she disliked her candidate so much."
She = Kellyanne Conway, according to Mika Brzezinski (reported in the NYT).
Her response to this allegation should be interesting.
Didn't Mika breach journalism "ethics" by reporting an off the record comment?
And I should believe Mika lotsa-consonants because why?
David Begley said...
Didn't Mika breach journalism "ethics" by reporting an off the record comment?
My first thought as well! I'll be interested in whatever explanation that there is for this.
My second thought is that Trump is probably hoping there aren't any tapes...
So after repeating "Trump is Nixon" all weekend - kudos to Christopher Hayes for shooting his latest commercial in front of the Watergate Hotel - we're now back to "everyone knows Trump is terrible" to change things up?
Are they still working 15 minutes a day of news into the schedule, or have they gone full-opinion at this point?
That's the quote? "I need to take a shower"? I see that Brzezinski is alleging that Conway made a great many negative comments about Trump. But the only quote is "I need to take a shower." This is something less than a bombshell. People do take showers sometimes, without any offense intended or taken.
"She would get off the air, the camera would be turned off, the microphone would be taken off, and she would say ‘Blech, I need to take a shower,’ because she disliked her candidate so much."
Notice, Mika provides the spin as to why KAC would say "I need to take a shower" after speaking to the Joe-Mike coffee clutch.
Maybe it was having to share a set with the company they keep on Morning Joe?
Why not quote KAC on her "dislike" for "her candidate"?
In fact, the NYT story doesn't reference any interactions before the Inauguration, does it?
Must have been tough for a Cruz girl to switch to Trump last year.
Quotes that do not quote. Hearsay or is it hersay? Is this a feminine thing? Or perhaps a JournoListic progression.
journalism "ethics"
Contradiction in terms?
Didn't Mika breach journalism "ethics" by reporting an off the record comment?
For it to be off the record, you need to ask the reporter & get it agreed to beforehand. Otherwise everything they see is on the record.
Lots of social cons don't approve of Trump. He's too vulgar, he was caught up in a messy first divorce because of cheating. I don't know who initiated the second divorce. But 3 marriages.
Here we have two of the most extreme examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Does anyone believe either of them? And why does this come out so far after the fact?
Chuck said...
I'll be interested in whatever explanation that there is for this.
Even if KAC said that it was a lie, that still wouldn't be enough for you. You're not fooling anyone around here.
wwww said ....". But 3 marriages."
I'm sure you appreciate the fidelity of the Clinton marriage, which only has happened so a certain power-hungry bitch can be near the levers of power.
Why would anyone suppose that Ms. Conway would let anyone in the media know what she was thinking? The premise assumes lack of professionalism on her part, yet she seems to have acted in a very professional manner throughout.
On the other hand, if she made such comments as part of her interaction with the press based on professional calculation, then why assume she was doing anything other than trying to manipulate them?
To this we can add the point that "Morning Joe" has supposedly decided not to have Ms. Conway on the show because they do not find her credible; and that after that, they decide to float this assertion.
Not buyin' it.
It's a classic t(he)y said, she said.
Mika's an uninteresting media whore. More people write about watching Morning Joe than actually watch it, I believe.
Didn't Mika claim that team-Hillary tired to shut her up?
"It's a classic t(he)y said, she said."
We haven't heard KAC deny it yet.
"Tired" is just the natural follow-on after typing the word "Hillary," Rene. Tired ideas. Tired campaign.
Didn't Mika breach journalism "ethics" by reporting an off the record comment?
Haven't you heard? All the rules of journalism have to change in the era of Trump. At least according to Jim Rutenberg of the NYT.
I think @wwww above is correct about what constitutes being off the record. But inferring meaning that wasn't intended, making stuff up, taking quotes out of context, all that is now justified in the era of Trump, according to the NYT and WaPo.
Must have been tough for a Cruz girl to switch to Trump last year.
Not nearly as tough as dealing with Hillary as president.
So they put her in a position where she has to deny it or ignore it. If she ignores it, Trump asks why aren't you out there calling them liars?
If she denies it, they release the tape.
CNN etc. should stop having Conway on because it puts hosts in an impossible situation, and so far they've been handling that by making themselves look as bad as she does. I understand the Anderson Cooper eye roll, and Don Lemon and guests laughing out loud, but if you can't not do that then what is the value of such a useless formula anyway? A few minutes of her skilled-yet-absurd spinning is not worth the damage the resultant unprofesionalism of CNN hosts and panels does to cable news generally.
And if it's true, they are doing it now in response to Trump's own gamesmanship of "do I have a tape or not?"
They've been sitting on this to release it for the greatest possible impact, b/c they all like each other so much.
If she denies it, they release the tape.
And if they release a tape of her saying "Blech, I need to take a shower," what exactly does that prove about what she was thinking? Other than needing to take a shower, that is.
Keep trying, though.
Remember, a gaffe is when a flack tells the truth.
If she denies it I suspect we'll all get a chance to judge for ourselves what KAC was thinking.
We'll see.
""She would get off the air, the camera would be turned off, the microphone would be taken off, and she would say ‘Blech, I need to take a shower,’ because she disliked her candidate so much.""
This is the left people. They are tired and useless cliches. They are nasty, power hungry trolls who care for nothing but themselves.
The left hasn't had a positive policy position in decades.
Maybe it's payback from Mika to Trump for his tweet about her romance with Scarborough, calling her his "long-time girlfriend" when she had only been divorced for a few months.
My first thought was the same as EDH, the "I need to take a shower" sounds to me like she felt contaminated by the people she was around.
I like the way Trump shoehorned his way into Mika and Joe's engagement story by offering to host their wedding. That's damn good gaslighting. Now they've invited the woman they have banned from their show to present some alternative facts. We'll see if Kellyanne can write Joe Scarborough into a juicy green room story. I needed a shower because Joe touched me, it writes itself, if she wants to go there.
It seems that each new day brings a lower standard of behavior and professionalism from those in the MSM. It really is getting to the point where the supermarket tabloids are the only ones you can trust
This is how fake news happens. I consider it fortunate that at least Mika didn't say, "Sources said...." And she actually named Conway.
But think about it. This could have gone the normal way "journalists" report things.
Mika: A source close to President Trump said they become physically ill working for him.
We, the audience, assume she was speaking to someone who said something along the lines of, "I become physically ill working for President Trump."
The truth isn't quite so clear though. Instead, it's Conway making a blech noise and then saying she needs to take a shower. Which Mika interprets for us in the audience. So helpful!
And this is why much of the news quoting sources is just fake news and gossip.
Imagine a world in which the press brought this much "game" to the coverage of all politician-slimes, instead of the world we have now in which one party's slime is revered and coddled.
My complaint with Morning Joe et al isn't that they go after D J Trump. It is that they kiss the shoes of the other politicians as though they were serious and principaled statesmen and stateswomen.
Does anyone believe there are no Clinton operatives who hold their noses and take the money?
"If she denies it I suspect we'll all get a chance to make up for ourselves what KAC was thinking."
Isn't it possible she disliked some things about her candidate but liked him overall and I don't think we should believe liberals, journalists or otherwise. Plus, Perspective is important.
This is supposed to be newsworthy? Is there any evidence this even happened or was properly interpreted? No, it's not news, it's just gossip.
We know that Kellyanne Conway was initially a Ted Cruz supporter so at some point she preferred him to Trump. At a later date she changed her mind about Trump.
Why does Mika have that job again? Is it actually a news program? I don't know because I can't stand watching it, you know, don't want to have to take extra showers.
Does anyone believe there are no Clinton operatives who hold their noses and take the money?
Bill, for one.
Wwww said: "For it to be off the record, you need to ask the reporter & get it agreed to beforehand. Otherwise everything they see is on the record."
This is not accurate. This is an interview show - on the record when the cameras are rolling. Also, Mika is a talk show personality, not a reporter.
""She would get off the air, the camera would be turned off, the microphone would be taken off, and she would say ‘Blech, I need to take a shower,’ because she disliked her candidate so much.""
In someone's opinion, in other words that was what someone inferred from her comment if it was her comment.
We now know that Mika and Joe are both whores, Joe has sold his soul too.
Perhaps she needed a showed because the questions she had to answer were vile and stupid and the entire process of being on air made her feel ill.
"... and she would say ..."
So is this an actual direct quote that she stated on multiple occasions? Sounds suspicious to me. That's how you would characterize something someone says routinely, as in: "The play-by-play guy would say, 'It's out of here' when a home run was hit." If you were describing a specific instance you would say "She said ..."
"Perhaps she needed a showed because the questions she had to answer were vile and stupid and the entire process of being on air made her feel ill."
Does seem possible. We'll have to wait and see what KAC says. If she actually said it, and if she actually meant Trump, that's the daily double with Anne Coulter.
I'm personally inclined to discount it. I think KAC is very comfortable lying for Trump and feels no need for showering afterwards.
"Mika's an uninteresting media whore. More people write about watching Morning Joe than actually watch it, I believe."
I never watch it except after reading something about the show and then watching the video.
Any decent person would feel the need to shower after being on the excrement fest of a show.
“‘I’m just doing this for the money, I’ll be off this soon,’” [Scarborogh] said, imitating Conway. “I don’t know that she ever said, ‘I’m doing this for the money,’ but this is just my summer vacation, my summer in Europe. And basically, I’m gonna get through this.”
Sometimes Joe tells us what someone said. And sometimes he puts words in their mouth that they didn't say, but says them in a mocking way that insinuates it was them saying it. And sometimes he says things they may or may not have said, he's not really sure. And sometimes he "basically" sums up what someone said without using their exact words.
Sometimes Joe stays up late at night wondering why people no longer trust the media.
Thanks, Althouse, for reading the NYT so I don't have to. And I really don't want to watch Joe and Mika.
In fact, I really want to work on my short game at a golf club where Obama will never appear. Or Bubba Clinton, either. Trump would be OK, but he won't show up. W might, but he won't.
So I'll be happiest not knowing about any of these people.
Everyone has been able to size up Donald Trump for the past ten years. He got himself elected president with the voters having full knowledge of who he is and what he does. People--Dems, MSM, Joe and Mika, the Hammer of the Krauts, GOP never-Trumpers-- need to stop trying to change the outcome of the last election.
The party that first starts to focus on the next election will earn substantial rewards. I think it is coming up in 2018.
A radio talk show host, I can't remember who, refers to the microcephalic Mika as Zika Brzezinski
The Media: these are highly educated, serious people talking about serious issues.
Except we commoners can see right through them.
These are people who propagate contention for money. They know that contention drives ratings. They stoke the flames of division in the country for pure profit.
Who really needs to take a shower, Joe and Mika? You profit off of generating emotional pain and disunity.
I dunno. I stopped paying attention to Mika Brezinski a long time ago.
Haven't you heard? All the rules of journalism have to change in the era of Trump
Yup. This here. Everything looks much less chaotic when you keep this in mind.
Brookzene said...
I'm personally inclined to discount it. I think KAC is very comfortable lying for Trump and feels no need for showering afterwards.
For the same reason, I'm inclined to believe it. She, like almost everybody else at the time, expected Trump to lose. Fundamentally venal and narrow in her self interest, why wouldn't she have been looking to curry favour with MSNBC hosts?
It will continue to not matter to Trump supporters what Trump says or does or what anyone else says about him until there is somebody better on offer.
"We know that Kellyanne Conway was initially a Ted Cruz supporter so at some point she preferred him to Trump. At a later date she changed her mind about Trump."
That later date was probably when Cruz withdrew from the race and she realized she needed a new job.
Really, I can't say I know this is true, but it seems all too easy to believe. Many people work for people they loathe. The commenters here striving athletically to find any other possible meaning to her words is risible. Do you not suppose that many, if not most campaign workers, even campaign managers, work for candidates just for the money and with little or no personal attachment to the candidate or his/her politics?
I take it as a given that most political spokespersons are just doing a job, and not necessarily supporters of the people they're speaking for. This would explain why so many of them are so peevish and seem so miserable. Conway herself always looks stressed out of her mind, as if she's going through a prolonged slow-motion nervous breakdown.
"Fundamentally venal and narrow in her self interest, why wouldn't she have been looking to curry favour with MSNBC hosts?"
Sounds plausible. May be true. Why though, would she think they wouldn't snitch?
See, Trump's people also hated him! So this is how the left is trying to come to terms with the realization that "off camera" all Hill's advisers knew she was a terrible candidate without an idea or plan or redeeming personal quality, whose campaign built on competence was actually clueless.
I largely agree with the troglodytes that this is poor behavior by Brezinski. If she had already quit it is one thing but to put someone in that position when they are dependent on their job for a salary and have just moved and purchased a house is really obnoxious.
"Sounds plausible. May be true. Why though, would she think they wouldn't snitch?"
Well, they didn't, for a long time. So perhaps there is a certain normal or set of expectations for off air discussions that Kellyanne assumed that has only been breached because of the strange times we live in.
I'm sure many people working for Hillary Clinton loathed her. After all, what's not to loathe about her? There can't have been that many true believers in her campaign, who seeing her up close and horrible, could have all retained their credulity and faith in her integrity or good intentions.
This and the news about Ann Coulter sounds like the breaking point for Trump. We all need to prepare for the coming collapse of the House of Trump and to the restoration of the Obama era.
Any coincidence that all this mood shifting is because Barry is back in town?
"Well, they didn't, for a long time. So perhaps there is a certain normal or set of expectations for off air discussions that Kellyanne assumed that has only been breached because of the strange times we live in."
Under the present circumstances this seems possible. But I also think it's possible she was referring to the show itself, or the hosts. I think we'll have to wait and see where this goes.
Bullshit. If these two motherfuckers had a tape of KAC saying what they say she said, it would have been released on air the next day. KAC needs to kick both of them in the nut sack.
There are times when the threat is stronger than the execution.
Another reason to say that is that makeup in the amounts used for television feels disgusting. Moreso if time is spent under lights.
Then again, who wouldn't feel that way working for politicians? Sign of a well-adjusted human being.
Mike - so true.
We are all no wayz tired.
I watched the clip a couple of times. As much as dislike them, it sounds like the truth. Given Trump's personality it'll hurt him deeply.
The beating he takes, both fairly and unfairly, is extraordinary. No one can take this much abuse for four years. It's unprecedented. My prediction (from somewhere up here in the Canadian hinterland) is that it all feels a bit like the beginning of the end and he'll call a press conference in the next six months and quit for Pence.
"shower" comment could have been about MSNBC.
Really, I can't say I know this is true, but it seems all too easy to believe. Many people work for people they loathe. The commenters here striving athletically to find any other possible meaning to her words is risible. Do you not suppose that many, if not most campaign workers, even campaign managers, work for candidates just for the money and with little or no personal attachment to the candidate or his/her politics?
It is believable in and of itself, but it isn't believable along with her being that careless about it in front of Joe and Mika. I think she is just too sharp for that.
RC - especially since she's in the very business of managing campaigns. I would imagine the last thing you want to do in that business is be too open with the media, especially when you work for right-leaning campaigns in the first place.
Conway has sullied herself with her association with Trump, so has any one who has worked for him. These people will become radioactive. Their careers will be over.
" But I also think it's possible she was referring to the show itself, or the hosts"
No. Go and watch the video in the WaPo piece. It's gruesome.
It is interesting to me that the only quote I see is "I need to take a shower". If I had been on Morning Joe with Mika and Joe, I would want to take a shower, too.
Robert Cook is right (may I not be struck by lightening, haha). These campaign hacks all know their job and it is fairly gross.
"It is believable in and of itself, but it isn't believable along with her being that careless about it in front of Joe and Mika. I think she is just too sharp for that."
Conway is sharp? LOL. How about that "massacre in Bowling Green"? How about "alternative facts"? How about selling Ivanka Trump's clothing line on Fox News?
I'll bet that woman that accused Cory Lewandowski of pushing her didn't think there would be a camera rolling.
More fake news!!
In February Mika and Slow Joe banned Kellyanne from their show and called her a liar and an attention whore.
Wonder what lead to the new assault on her?
she was a Cruz supporter and never got a job in the trump whitehouse.
I wouldn't be surprised if she said what she's accused of saying.
KAC telling the truth about how she feels about Trump
During The Great Depression when you felt great loss you had the decency to jump out of a tall building.
I confess I tune in most mornings to see if they have moved on, and end up changing the channel after the first couple minutes because they are so emotional, out of sorts and jumping to ridiculous conclusions. It is unwatchable. It seems more like a junior high performance art display than a balanced, thoughtful discussion or debate.
They complain that Trump is surrounded by sycophants - "Can no one there control him?" - but can't see this in themselves. Can no one on that show control them? or are they all just making too much money to care about how ridiculous they are?
Mika and Joe will never move on. Speculation and innuendo.
They are gossip girls. Hysterical and unhinged.
I too watch for as long as I can stand it every morning. Their outrage gets me going.
DJT is gross.
Denying this requires lying.
It’s fascinating how many commenters leapt to the role of Kellyanne Conway’s unpaid flack.
These are tough times for Trump supporters. Tough times for everyone really.
Trump should quit so that Canadians can feel better about themselves.
Joe and Mika are both liars. Thy just spent 3 years in an affair lying to
Their spouses and children. Joe has jumped every shark known to boradcasting calling out for Trump every accusation from every insider point of view known.
Now the Lying Duo
Wants Kellyanne destroyed to eliminate the most effective campaigner he has serving him.
Lasted call that a flim flam telling two partners the other one of them told something he did not say. That divides the partners until the truth is proven.
Trump must be near victory. The entire Deep State is attacking him simultaneously trying to install Pence.
rcocean: In February Mika and Slow Joe banned Kellyanne from their show and called her a liar and an attention whore.
Wonder what lead to the new assault on her?"
The continuing collapse of the fake Trump/Russia collusion meme is forcing the media/Dems/"lifelong republicans" to continue throwing every possible talking point/#fakenews in hopes that when reality hits the waters will be so chummed up no one will notice.
Worse for the Dems is that the full extent of dem/lefty domestic spying will come out and by creating this image of horrific republicans (witness the now daily physical attacks on republican politicians, supporters, conservatives on campus, etc) the left is hoping to establish the premise that the spying was justified because "republicans".
This, by the way, is why the Dems do not want a new FBI director running the show and outflanking their boy McCabe. The Dems NEED a special prosecutor to bottle everything up for years but allowing continued leaks against Trump all the way to 2018 and 2020.
We will see if McCain Continues in his role as key anti-Trump Democrat Enabler (similar to the role McCain played as the key anti-Bush Dem Enabler). Recall that McCain was the "patsy" for the Dems in getting the fake dossier to the waiting arms of the lefty political appointees in the FBI. He ran away from that after the dossier was shown to be hilariously wrong but that entire sequence will be revisited as Grassley bears down on McCabe.
Conway has sullied herself with her association with Trump, so has any one who has worked for him. These people will become radioactive. Their careers will be over.
Why do you make such stupid predictions such as this? You haven't a shred of evidence that it will happen.
Why not just have the guts to say that you HOPE it happens because deep in your heart, you hate Trump with a passion. At least then you'd have the distinction of being honest for a change.
Never watch this stuff - especially first thing in the morning.
The "Hollywood Reporter tape" is gross, and nobody is denying that, whatever possessed Trump to say those things at the time.
It is quite reasonable for Conway to say she needs a shower after these two forced her into discussing it on air on Morning Joe. I could see it as disgust at not only the subject, but the nature of the commentary by the show's hosts that she had to defend against, and possibly even the hosts themselves.
But this is a hit piece by The NYT twice over; first taking Mika Brzezinski's words for what Conway meant, and then adding their own twists to it without supporting facts. There really is not much "there" there unless you uncritically accept Mika Brzezinski's words, and she is an interested party.
Personally, I won't be satisfied until I see an on-air career suicide based on TDS. I don't mean a suicide-suicide -- I mean something so emotional and over-the-top and impossible to walk back that he or she is embarrassed to show their face. I really really want to see this happen.
Conway is sharp? LOL. How about that "massacre in Bowling Green"? How about "alternative facts"? How about selling Ivanka Trump's clothing line on Fox News?
How about those 57 states? How about those Marine "Corpse-men"? How about that wonderful Austrian language?
When you can find someone who has never misspoke in their life, let me know. It's especially rich from you, since you do it every time you open your mouth.
Fake news. Never ending.
Callahan, with what has been happening since Trump was sworn in as President it doesn't take much of a prognosticator to see the writing on the wall. I understand that you still are so under the spell of this man that you're unable or unwilling to admit he is in deep trouble. Little by little even conservatives like Ann Coulter are coming to grips with what a failure this President is. The smart ones will jump ship before it goes down.
Good grief, Conway did far more than "misspeak", get your head out of the dark smelly place its in.
Blogger Rene Saunce said...Didn't Mika claim that team-Hillary tired to shut her up?
5/15/17, 1:28 PM
Blogger Rene Saunce said...tried
She ain't no wayze tired.
There's an unwritten rule, that what is said when the cameras are off is off the record. All bets are off in bringing down Trump. But, the MSM does not have the intelligence to see they are self immolating in this messianic zeal.
I bet Mika does Lewisnky's under the desk w/ Joe Joe.
Didn't Mika breach journalism "ethics" by reporting an off the record comment?
There are journalism ethics?
Callahan, with what has been happening since Trump was sworn in as President it doesn't take much of a prognosticator to see the writing on the wall.
I see it clearly: lefties are communally insane through and through. They can't look at anything, regarding Trump, without going into emotional convulsions. You're just as afflicted as the rest. And you all tell yourselves crap like the above because it fits how you feel, and if others feel that way, you'll all feel better.
I understand that you still are so under the spell of this man that you're unable or unwilling to admit he is in deep trouble.
Spell?? Snort!!! No, I'm a realist. We had two choices, and yes, the other one was way worse. Here are the actual facts: the left has been trying to take down GOP presidents since Nixon. Why on earth should I believe this is anything different? You're all just chicken littles, and I'm now tuning you out.
Little by little even conservatives like Ann Coulter are coming to grips with what a failure this President is. The smart ones will jump ship before it goes down.
Ann Coulter is as shrill, emotional, illogical and as out of touch as you are. As I've explained before. Her word holds as much weight as yours does.
You and your types (including NeverTrumpers and LLR's) have been making this same prediction since just after the election. You've all been wrong all along. Why on God's green earth should I believe a single thing you guys are saying now?
Now if you actually do bring down this sitting president, not only will you have ruined a country, but your side will have awakened a sleeping dog. People voted for Trump in droves precisely because he was an outsider. If this is how outsiders are always going to be treated, there will be serious repercussions. Ignore that at your peril.
Good grief, Conway did far more than "misspeak", get your head out of the dark smelly place its in.
Oh, and Conway could wipe the floor with your old spinster ass in a debate on anything. I've seen nothing from you that could convince me otherwise.
Onward Together
Emerge America
readering - that horse left the barn. It's now a free-for-all...
"Now if you actually do bring down this sitting president, not only will you have ruined a country, but your side will have awakened a sleeping dog."
If Trump goes down it's his own fault.
Another Trumpilstiltskein who, like his idol, doesn't know how to take responsibility.
"Oh, and Conway could wipe the floor with your old spinster ass in a debate on anything. I've seen nothing from you that could convince me otherwise."
LOL, my old spinster ass? Hahaha, tell that to my four children and five grandchildren you doofus. Conway could out prevaricate and out dissemble most people.
"It's now a free-for-all..."
No one should believe that. In spite of some very bitter differences, we're all Americans here. Like a good marriage, it takes fucking hard work to make a democracy.
Whoosh, how quickly they threw Coulter under the bus.
"Trumplestilskein", lol!
I bet this isn't more than a blip anyway. She's a skilled spin doctor, so why shouldn't she be able to spin this? It's not hard to position MSNBC as a common enemy of she and Trump, and it's a short walk from there to WGAF.
Good grief, Conway did far more than "misspeak"
Actually far less. It was obvious that by "alternative facts" she meant "facts other than those you are focusing on." As for the "Bowling Green massacre," she likely conflated two terrorist-related events, the arrests in Bowling Green and the Chattanooga massacre. Big deal. If that's the best you've got on her it's pretty thin.
"I bet this isn't more than a blip anyway."
I think you are probably right. My prediction: it will soon be eclipsed by reports that Trump let out highly classified info to high-level Russian diplomats.
Further predictions: Trumpelstiltskeins will blame Trump's opponents, rather than Trump himself.
So she only did it for the money. They get to call her a whore without getting dragged into gender politics, and sow discord in their ranks. Twofer
I bet Mika does Lewisnky's under the desk w/ Joe Joe.
They’re getting married soon so you won’t need to worry about that happening anymore.
Wants to be a big man with the Russians, I suppose.
The credibility of MSNBC hosts is about the same level as that for Pravda writers. Given their level of fellatory support for Democrats and spiteful hatred of Republicans, anything they say should be taken with not just a grain, but a deer-lick of salt.
chickelit said...
Trump should quit so that Canadians can feel better about themselves
What Canadians? This country's wealthiest province (Alberta) is so pro-Trump we could rename it Kekistan.
There's a difference though. We have a shared enemy, the deep state. On the other hand we don't have identical policy issues. So IMO we are less concerned about Trump himself than we are about the left itself. Personally, I'm a "Flight 93" Trumper. I don't care who charges the cockpit.
I agree w/ the folks here who think that this should be kept a secret.
If the con media folks in NY and DC can't, off the record, freely make fun of the rubes they're tricking on the record, then American freedom suffers. Why force these folks to pretend that you're not dummies around the clock?
"Personally, I won't be satisfied until I see an on-air career suicide based on TDS. I don't mean a suicide-suicide -- I mean something so emotional and over-the-top and impossible to walk back that he or she is embarrassed to show their face. I really really want to see this happen."
Personally, I won't be satisfied until I see a literal murder suicide live on the air on Morning Joe between Joe and Mika. I don't have a strong opinion on who is the murder and who is the suicide though. I really really want to see this happen.
Blogger Freeman Hunt said...
Another reason to say that is that makeup in the amounts used for television feels disgusting. Moreso if time is spent under lights.
Occam's razor anybody?
Brookzene: "I think you are probably right. My prediction: it will soon be eclipsed by reports that Trump let out highly classified info to high-level Russian diplomats."
We already know that Hillary's server was exploited by multiple foreign intelligence servers.
On top of China hacking all raw background files on any US personnel with security clearances in 2015.
But only ALL of them.
So yes, I can understand why you would want to focus on fictional transfer of classified documents by Trump.
Is it true that Mika and Joe banned Conway from their show?
If so - kind of looks like a crock to not allow Kelly on the show to answer.
"So yes, I can understand why you would want to focus on fictional transfer of classified documents by Trump."
I see someone alerted the Russian moby he'd better get in here stat.
We'll see what comes of this story, moby.
Better hold on to your vodka, folks.
Blogger 3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
"..freely make fun of the rubes they're tricking.."
Maybe you're thinking about Gruber.
Whenever I have heard that expression used it is to suggest that the speaker needs to cleanse herself from the person she just interacted with (the media) not to cleanse herself for defending a person who was not present (Trump).
Are Mika and Joe considered "journalists"?
If their story is true, it would seem they were ok with the fraud BEFORE the election...when revelation might have made a difference.
What a neat anecdote! Mika's description is very effective. You can visualize Ms. Conway removing her microphone and using these same words. How clever of Mika to use the term "shower." How often do we see women, in popular literature and in film, resolve traumatic experiences by showering? It's almost a cliche. People take showers after being raped! Mr. Trump isn't a rapist, but he is a neanderthal, a cave man out of the sixties. How can any modern women tolerate this guy. So it's super clever. But I kind of think that these Mike and Joe are lying though.
Kellyanne strike is beating Hillary. The Dems will say anything to destroy her perfect delivery of truth that damages all theirFictional efforts.
Talk about "political porn". Joe and Mika taking a shower with each other after journalismizing.
It is hard to make sense of the crude schoolyard snotty cattiness and irrelevance of all of this. By "all of this" I do not mean the claim only about Conway's showers comment, I mean the idea of the lightweight bubbleheaded blond Mika who makes a career from her blond good looks calling another far less lightweight blond good looker a practitioner of "politics porn." That comment by Mika was disgusting but at least laughable for its "look in the mirror, you jerk" weirdness. This claim, utterly impossible to refute or confirm perhaps, suggests to me that all of this has two purposes - one to lift Mika and Joe's ratings (which cannot fall low enough to please me) plus an effort to elicit one of DT's angry and sarcastic tweets so they can attract more attention to themselves/discredit him, and so lift Mika and Joe's ratings. May it backfire to their ultimate doom.
I see someone alerted the Russian moby he'd better get in here stat.
Says the Democrat moby with the blank, contentless profile created in May 2017.
Hardly a moby. Straight up Dem, pal. Now more than ever. Will entertain 3rd Party offers.
The allegation is out there. The media will report it as true. Probably half the people will believe it. Maybe more.
Of course we have no way of knowing whether it is true, but that won't stop people.
Aside from anything else that comment could refer to disgust with the interviewer. Or the heat. Or having been rushed all day and sweaty. Why should we accept an unsubstantiated leap that it means "I don't like my boss"?
A person who hates their boss?
"Brookzene" (born 5/17) will soon enough out him or herself as an expert on several longtime commenters.
Wait for it. You know I will.
Good Lord. What you lefty idiots talking about? President Trump is (for the most part) putting out common sense solutions that will help American people in both the short and long run (and starting to get some encouraging results), you guys don't have anything but snide comments. It's becoming laughable to anyone with half a brain.
If you have some critical comments about the policies he is instituting please let's hear them. You all are acting like spoiled children. Pathetic really.
For someone who thought he would be a disaster I am becoming more impressed by him as time goes on. But then I'm more interested in protecting and expanding what my forebears worked so hard to create, not so much in tearing it down so I can be in with the cool crowd.
Good Lord.
Why would anyone suppose that Ms. Conway would let anyone in the media know what she was thinking?
Yes, but the lefties are going even more insane.
If she said something like that, she probably meant the creepy lefty hosts of the program.
The flop sweat by the left makes a nice aroma in the morning. It makes me think of the scene in "Broadcast News" where Albert Brooks gets to be the prime time news reader,
"Conway is sharp? LOL. How about that "massacre in Bowling Green"? How about "alternative facts"? How about selling Ivanka Trump's clothing line on Fox News?"
She beat your tired hag like a rented mule.
Michael, That was a great scene in Broadcast News, I felt so bad for the man.
"the camera would be turned off, the microphone would be taken off"
So, no tape then?
Brookzene said...
think you are probably right. My prediction: it will soon be eclipsed by reports that Trump let out highly classified info to high-level Russian diplomats.
That "bombshell" was a dud -- defused by credible named witnesses at the meeting. Of course, WaPo won't name their "witness." They never do.
Conway was a student of Jonathan Turley. He has said she is the sharpest student he has ever taught. So, there's that!!
Turley's politics are polar to Conway.
"That "bombshell" was a dud"
Oh, thank God that turned out to be nothing. For a moment I thought the President was incompetent and didn't know what he was doing.
This story is just a big, fat dud with no repercussions.
"Turley's politics are polar to Conway."
FTR, he was on Cspan's morning show some days ago saying that the Comey firing was no big deal.
"He has said she is the sharpest student he has ever taught."
IOW, she knows that tricking rubes is the way to make dough.
"That was a great scene in Broadcast News, I felt so bad for the man."
Yes, a little like Joe trying to appeal to the leftist viewers of MSNBC.
Of course she needed a shower. A shower, and maybe even some shots. Look who she was sharing a studio with.
She's a sly trickster.
What pacwest said.
She probably needed a shower watching Mika and Joe fawn all over each other. Blech!
It was MSNBC. Maybe Al Sharpton was around..
A lot of us who voted for Trump felt the same way about him, but personal attraction is not how I choose someone to take out the garbage. Unfortunately, like a lot of people who get the job, the smell can make them loose enthusiasm for the work early on leaving you wondering if they really wanted the job or just the uniform.
No. Go and watch the video in the WaPo piece. It's gruesome.
Watched the video. The snark and the bitchiness just reaffirmed my suspicious that the need to shower was a result of being around those two. It's possible that she'd been around them enough that she wasn't bothered by them and was uncomfortable with what she had to say for Trump. Maybe I'm more sensitive to their trashiness because I have the luxury of not having to deal with people like that.
The NYT says, "A White House spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment." I can't tell from this what they were asking of whom. Did they want to know what Trump thought of it or were they asking Conway to comment?
More likely what Mary Beth said
I disagree. They way she introduced it and went with it had none of the characteristics of a lie. The way he filled in was authentic. They may hate her, but they have her cold on this.
Why do all these withered old uteruses hate Trump so much?
The word hysteria comes from the Greek hyster meaning uterus. They thought that women's particular form of nuttiness was caused by the rising of mists from the womb to the brain contaminating thinking and causing irrational behavior. Obviously they were on to something.
The movie Trumbo demonstrates that the best way to deal with these control ninnies is to ignore them in their powerlessness.
I just keep reminding myself that the alternative the Democrats offered was the corrupt war-monger Hillary Clinton and these things fall into the proper perspective.
It would have been nice had the Democrats offered us a reasonable choice. I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I voted for him, I admit.
I demand a special prosecutor!
It certainly raises questions that MUST be answered!
I am troubled, very troubled, IF this is true!
Two scoops? OMG!
Impeach, impeach, impeach!
If this were not affecting the country I love it would be comical beyond belief.
Inga said...
Callahan, with what has been happening since Trump was sworn in as President it doesn't take much of a prognosticator to see the writing on the wall. I understand that you still are so under the spell of this man that you're unable or unwilling to admit he is in deep trouble. Little by little even conservatives like Ann Coulter are coming to grips with what a failure this President is. The smart ones will jump ship before it goes down.
5/15/17, 4:14 PM
Whenever I start to feel a little blue, a little down, a little dejected. All I have to do to lift my spirits and brighten my day is remember "not President Hillary"! That little thought is SO emotionally satisfying for such a little thing!
Trump could (I said COULD) be an absolute and total failure as a President, I mean like an Obama or Carter level failure of a President and he still would be a success for stopping Hillary and for getting a conservative on the SC. Those two things alone are enough for many people.
Tell you what, every conservative-leaning person invited to be interviewed could consider keeping his or her phone recording throughout. It would be so instructive to hear what's said by everyone, not just the interview subject, between on-camera segments - and now that it's clear that those off-camera moments are, de facto, on the record, gosh, no need even to pretend to have started the voice recorder by accident.
Jamie said...
Tell you what, every conservative-leaning person invited to be interviewed could consider keeping his or her phone recording throughout. It would be so instructive to hear what's said by everyone, not just the interview subject, between on-camera segments - and now that it's clear that those off-camera moments are, de facto, on the record, gosh, no need even to pretend to have started the voice recorder by accident.
5/16/17, 8:41 AM
Fortunately some have already started taking this advice. In this incident it proved that Katie Couric deceptively edited a piece about gun control (go figure).
Conrad Black calls her Mika Buzzfeed.
Why would I believe someone who puts Morning Joe's dick in her mouth?
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