May 12, 2017

"James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"

Wrote Donald Trump on Twitter (and you should click through to see the weird reactions (it's actually hard to tell what's pro- and what's anti-Trump)).

I like the way he put "tapes" in quotes. Is that to fend off inquiry into whether actual tape is used in making recordings? I remember when he famously tweeted that Obama "had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower," and later he — and others — made much of the quotation marks.

Here's the NYT article where I found out about the new tweet:
Mr. Trump appeared agitated over news reports on Friday that focused on contradictory accounts of his decision to fire Mr. Comey at the same time the F.B.I. is investigating ties between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia. The New York Times reported that, in a dinner shortly after his inauguration, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Comey to pledge loyalty to him, which the F.B.I. director refused to do. The story cited two people who heard Mr. Comey describe the dinner, but the White House rebutted the account.

The president also expressed pique at attention on the shifting versions of how he came to decide to fire Mr. Comey. In his first extended comments on the firing on Thursday, Mr. Trump contradicted statements made by his White House spokeswoman as well as comments made to reporters by Vice President Mike Pence and even the letter the president himself signed and sent to Mr. Comey informing him of his dismissal....

“As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!” he wrote on Twitter. “Maybe,” he added a few moments later, “the best thing to do would be to cancel all future ‘press briefings’ and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???”


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Once written, twice... said...

When Trump said last year that he could murder someone in the middle of 5th Avenue during broad daylight and his followers woundn't care, he was referring specifically to Ann Althouse.

Anonymous said...

Oh who could've guessed Trump was once again lying.?

"FBI officials contradicted Trump's claims, saying the dinner meeting was requested by the White House, and a former senior FBI official said Comey would have never told the president he was not under investigation.

"[Comey] tried to stay away from [the Russian-ties investigation]," a former official close with Comey told NBC. "He would say, 'Look sir, I really can't get into it, and you don't want me to."

A current FBI official also confirmed to NBC that Comey did not request the one-on-one dinner.

"The president is not correct," the former official continued. "The White House called him out of the blue. Comey didn't want to do it. He didn't even want the rank and file at the FBI to know about it."

From The Hill.

Once written, twice... said...

If Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had written any of this Ann would be having a field day. But given that it is her hero Trump, she is unsurprisingly passive.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well that puts at least one lifelong Republican's tweet extract into better context. When you have to work so much to twist his statement into something it's not, you're trying too hard.

Just a pro tip for you nevertrumpen-pussyhatters out there.

rhhardin said...

Trump isn't agitaged, he's playing with the press.

If I had a twitter account and a hostile press out to get me, I'd be in troll heaven.

David Begley said...

It's a bluff. And rhhardin is right. Trump is just jerking the press and Comey around. Toying with them.

Anonymous said...

Very Presidential. He'll go down in history.

Nonapod said...

Always so dramatic! Trump makes Brian Blessed seems reserved and understated.

We're living in the midst of a reality TV show. What do you imagine James Comey would say in the talking head confessional segment immediately following these Trumps tweets and just before the commercial break? Next time... on Trumperica

Anonymous said...

Ha, I'd love to see him try to cancel all future press briefings, it would be just a little more rope...

Drago said...

Has Once Written apologized for calling Althouse a racist?

Have any lefties here criticized Once for calling Althouse a racist?

AlbertAnonymous said...


The media will shit themselves talking about how nothing is "tape" anymore, its digital, and then shout "illegal" saying Trump broke the law if he recorded call with the FBI Director without his knowledge, and then talk about "impeachment!!!!!" because Trump and reasons....

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Maybe Donald Trump will fire himself for lying to the Vice President.

JPS said...

Gad, this is so much fun, keeping people stirred up and pissed off all the time!

Mr. Adams, if you drop by again: A Master Persuader would have fired Comey, said that if the guy wants to keep this high a profile, the FBI shouldn't have to correct his statements to Congress after the fact, and then shut up.

But Trump, constitutionally, can't shut up. Oh, that's why he wins! insist his fans. Not like Bush or Romney who let themselves get beat up day after day and never fought back.'

I'm not asking for supine. I just think he'd do well to try Bob Gates' New Strategic Communications Approach from time to time.

Birkel said...

@ Inga

I just know if you quote enough Lefty 'news' sites one of them will be correct.

Grab your carry on.

Drago said...

Inga: "Very Presidential. He'll go down in history."

Like when Obama joked about having the IRS audit his opponents and then did go after conservatives?

Presidential like that?

JPS said...


"Has Once Written apologized for calling Althouse a racist?"

Oh, did he? Gosh, what a bold and inventive charge coming from the left. Our host must be devastated.

Birkel said...


Which of the Republican presidential candidates between 1984 and 2016 was not supine? Name them.

Drago said...

Left Bank: "Maybe Donald Trump will fire himself for lying to the Vice President."

If you like today's explanation you can keep it. No one is going to take it away from you, period.

If course, it depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

Anonymous said...

The Hill is not a lefty publication. Now drop dead, I mean that rhetorically only, of course.

Drago said...

Note to self: lying only DOESNT matter if it is under oath.

trumpintroublenow said...

Telling someone that they better tell the truth is not a threat.

Drago said...

Inga: "The Hill is not a lefty publication."


The NYT is right down the middle.

MSNBC is unbiased.

Jake Tapper was not a Democrat activist who worked for Handgun Control.


Birkel said...

The Hill is not a lefty rag. Just a friendly fyi from a resident Leftist who totes wouldn't lie for political gain and quotes The Hill a lot.

Grab your carry on.

Anonymous said...

Breitbart is fair and balanced.

Drago said...

So, no apology to Althouse from Once Written who called Althouse a racist yet?

No calls from lefties to Once to do so?

My my.

SukieTawdry said...

The Trump presidency is exhausting.

n.n said...

Allusion to The Washington Post before its fall during Water Closet.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Nobody pretends that Brietbart is not on the right.

Inga pretends that her sources are objective.

Really, haven't you beclowned yourself enough for one day?

rcocean said...

I don't know if Trump's phone calls are "taped" but I'm sure he has aides who are listening in and taking notes. They do on all the calls with foreign leaders. Also, I have no idea what the Federal laws are on taping. One party consent? Two party consent?

Or maybe Trump is implying the FBI is taping everything.

The problem with all the talk of obstruction of justice, is there's no crime for Trump to obstruct. To make it even weirder, Comey has told the Senate who is the target of the investigation and it obviously doesn't include Trump. So, why wouldn't he tell Trump?

Anonymous said...

"In reality, the firing of Comey probably exacerbated long-simmering tensions between Trump and the intelligence community. He hasn’t exactly been respectful of them, and even though he hasn’t gone directly at them in weeks, it’s kind of hard to forget that he spent a lot of time trying to turn the nation they’re assigned to protect against them.

These new events seem to have poked both the FBI and the Justice Department with a sharp stick.

At a moment of crisis, the White House looks surrounded on the outside and divided on the inside.

“It’s total chaos,” said one former transition team official with close ties to the administration.

“It’s image-making on the inside and people trying to protect themselves. There is a deep streak of paranoia among staff. The communications team s— the bed on the Comey firing and now the war with the FBI has them all scared and throwing each other under the bus.

“Thank God I don’t work there. If I did, I’d be dialing up my attorney.”"

David Begley said...

And a bigly trade deal with China goes unnoticed. Billions in American beef to be exported to China.

Birkel said...

@ SukieTawdry

The answer is to devolve power from the federal government to smaller government bodies, i.e. state and local. Then we could all worry less when the leader of the federal government was exhausting.


rcocean said...

Who doesn't like Trump tweeting?

1) Trump haters
2) Never trumper Republicans
3) Stuffed shirts
4) People who criticized Trump's campaign - and got it all wrong.

Trump got to be POTUS by doing things his way. He's not going to change. Thank God.

Anonymous said...

Exiled, I thought I told you to drop dead. I mean that rhetorically, of course.

Nonapod said...

SukieTawdry said...The Trump presidency is exhausting.

Trumps strategy is to tire all his critics out. You can't be 100% outraged 24-7. He overloads them with nonsense, a constant stream of new things to be outraged over, tweets, executive orders, weird statements in press conferences and interviews, rumors from anonymous sources, contradictions, mixed messaging, DRAMA DRAMA DRAMAAAAAA!!!!

At some point his critics in the main stream media are going to get all tuckered out like a toddler who had a busy day running around and is now experiencing a sugar crash.

rcocean said...

Its really odd to read some News article and see that its all based on a 140 tweet by Trump, and then don't give the whole tweet! They only quote part of it or only 1 tweet out of three.

Not only that, but they lard the tweet will all kinds of adjectives (rant seems to be the most common) and speculation as to what it all means.

Its like the laziest journalism ever. Trump just tweeted, lets write a front page new article on it.

Birkel said...

@ Nonapod


Grab your carry on.

Anonymous said...

Trump got to be POTUS because enough people liked what he had to say. What he had to say resonated with them as it was full of bigotry and lies. Those same people delude themselves even now, after all the monumental blunders and insane tweets, and assign him qualities he doesn't even begin to have.

That is what is called being deluded, or less harsh, being duped.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I got it the first time. Unlike you, Inga, my reading comprehension skills are very good.

It's rather sad that you think "drop dead" is such a clever comment you have to repost it.

That's the sort of thing 8 year olds think is witty.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Perhaps Inga has entered her second childhood, complete with Depends, hissy fits and comebacks like "drop dead!"

It's evidently an unhappy childhood.

Anonymous said...

Oh what Exile? You haven't dropped dead yet, sigh. I mean that rhetorically only, of course.

Drago said...

So, no apology yet to Althouse from Once Written who despicably called Althouse a racist?

No calls from lefties to Once to do so?

Anonymous said...

I love how Drago is trying to curry favor with Althouse by trying to get others to get involved in her issue with Once Written. Stop infantalizing her, I'm quite sure she is tough enough to take care of herself.

Brookzene said...

"Who doesn't like Trump tweeting?"

I like it. He's going to tweet himself out of a job or least tweet until his administration is completely paralyzed and unable to realize his so-called agenda.

JPS said...


"What he had to say resonated with them as it was full of bigotry and lies....

"That is what is called being deluded, or less harsh, being duped."

You have either an exquisite sense of irony or none at all, I can't decide.

Drago said...

Noted Political Prognosticator Inga: "Trump got to be POTUS because enough people liked what he had to say."

Inga, who had no idea what was happening in the country leading up to the election and was totally blindsided by the results as well as remaining flummoxed by the continuing support if Deplorables would now like to take a moment to explain to you rubes how it is that Trump won!


I am surprised she has time to break the election down what with all the analysis of secret investigation materials she must perform for our benefit.

Bad Lieutenant said...

“Maybe,” he added a few moments later, “the best thing to do would be to cancel all future ‘press briefings’ and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???”

Absolutely. No interest in the performance aspect.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga is now babbling and repeating dumb clichés over and over.

Ah, senility combined with rage is not a pleasant sight.

Anonymous said...

"Who doesn't like Trump tweeting?"

"I like it. He's going to tweet himself out of a job or least tweet until his administration is completely paralyzed and unable to realize his so-called agenda."

Yes indeed! Let him tweet 'till the cows come home. It's only a matter of time.

Drago said...

Inga: "I love how Drago is trying to curry favor with Althouse by trying to get others to get involved in her issue with Once Written. "

Althouse is quite beyond any poster currying favor.

What is of interest is how the lefty Maoist mind hive will not tolerate any deviation and now Inga insists we pay no attention to the little red book waving Once Written in her/his smearing of Althouse.

This is a public blog Inga, so I will write what I wish. Your thought control pals are not in control here.

Anonymous said...

Sigh, she's still breathing... I mean that rhetorically of course.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Noted Political Prognosticator Inga: "Trump got to be POTUS because enough people liked what he had to say."

That's truly an amazing insight!

Drago said...

Lefties yesterday: Trump must stop tweeting!!!

Today's lefties: "Yes indeed! Let him tweet 'till the cows come home. It's only a matter of time."

Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Anonymous said...

"Althouse is quite beyond any poster currying favor."

So why do you keep trying to do it?

Anonymous said...

Maybe if I ignore her, she'll drop dead faster. I mean that rhetorically, of course.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, your incoherent blathering and obvious rage has given me a whole new lease on life!

You're most entertaining, thank you!

Brookzene said...

"Lefties yesterday: Trump must stop tweeting!!!

"Today's lefties: "Yes indeed! Let him tweet 'till the cows come home. It's only a matter of time."

"Who knows what tomorrow will bring?"


JPS said...

rcocean, 12:29:

Put me down as #4, I guess. I grant that he's been right when I've been wrong. And he's president and rich as hell, and I'm not.

But to borrow Nonapod's analogy, at this point he reminds me of the kid who gets a kick out of making his bratty toddler brother throw tantrums. Yes, the brat's going to scream and cry pretty often anyway. No, we shouldn't tie ourselves in knots trying not to set him off. But could we every now and then pass up the opportunity to start or inflame a tantrum? Just to enjoy the occasional short stretch of peace and quiet?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

When I said Inga was beclowning herself earlier, I only meant it rhetorically.

I didn't mean she was literally standing out in public wearing a big red nose and a fright wig under her pussy hat. Only that she's doing it here. Rhetorically.

Anonymous said...

I bet Trump thought he could make it look like Comey was quaking in his boots.

"Washington (CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey is "not worried about any tapes" of conversations between him and President Donald Trump, a source familiar with the matter told CNN Friday, adding that "if there is a tape, there's nothing he is worried about" that could be on it.

Friday morning, Trump issued a thinly veiled threat to Comey, apparently suggesting there are possibly recorded conversations between the two men that could be leaked to counter the former FBI director if necessary."

Birkel said...

The word threat has a specific meaning. It is pitiful that people who work for do not have access to

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Inga combines the wit of Amy Schumer, the sweetness of Chuck Schumer and the eloquence of Daffy Duck all in one twisted little mean-spirited personage.

Anonymous said...

Well thanks Mike, I'm all verklempt.

Matt Sablan said...

Just remember, this is the standard for threats: "Get in their face," not a threat. Promise to escalate to violence, not a threat.

Warning someone not to lie because you may prove they are lying, thinly veiled threat.

Drago said...

Inga: " I bet Trump thought he could make it look like Comey was quaking in his boots."

Mind reading again.

I Callahan said...

When Trump said last year that he could murder someone in the middle of 5th Avenue during broad daylight and his followers woundn't care, he was referring specifically to Ann Althouse.

Keep on f&^%ing that chicken, Once...

I Callahan said...

The Trump presidency is exhausting.

That's exactly how the media want this played out. Maybe next time the exhausted ones will stay home or vote for someone else.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

rcocean said...

Its really odd to read some News article and see that its all based on a 140 tweet by Trump, and then don't give the whole tweet! They only quote part of it or only 1 tweet out of three.

Not only that, but they lard the tweet will all kinds of adjectives (rant seems to be the most common) and speculation as to what it all means.

Its like the laziest journalism ever. Trump just tweeted, lets write a front page new article on it.

"Trump lashes out" seems popular

Brookzene said...

I'll bet they're pretty fucking exhausted in the White House.

FullMoon said...

Inga said...

Maybe if I ignore her,....

5/12/17, 12:47 PM

Try it, just for the novelty

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"That's exactly how the media want this played out. Maybe next time the exhausted ones will stay home or vote for someone else."

I know quite a few people who have simply tuned out and are not paying attention to any of this.

eric said...

I didn't realize I'd enjoy the trump presidency this much.

But what worries me is he will be impeached and then Mike Pence will be president.

Oh, wait....

Anonymous said...

I'll bet they're pretty fucking exhausted in the White House."

I wonder if they wish he'd choke while eating dinner alone in front of that big TV.

"The TV is in the small private dining room in the West Wing, and if this were a fictional movie, after all those lines about choking, the President would, one night, dining alone, choke to death.

Anyway, I wish no harm to befall our President, I just thought all that choking talk was freaky. "

Hagar said...

It is a reference to the Martha Stewart case where Comey prosecuted her and she was convicted of lying to the FBI though the interview in question was not "taped" and the agents did not take contemperaneous notes, so that it was just they said, she said, and Stewart remembered a different question being asked that she had answered truthfully.

Drago said...

Brookzene: "I'll bet they're pretty fucking exhausted in the White House."

But it's the media that's complaining about that.

But whatever, it's more fun assigning it to the White House staff.

furious_a said...

Trump said "tapes" because he wants the Press and Democrats *cough*butirepeatmyself*cough* to either (1)demand them and be forced to reveal their contents or (2)go baying off after them like they did after cartoon frogs during the election.

Drago said...

Exiled: "I know quite a few people who have simply tuned out and are not paying attention to any of this."

A number of reporters have already made note of how the Trump voters are tuning it all out and if there is an assessment of things going "wrong" it's attributed to the establishment types simply getting in the way.

The impeachment fever dream talk is relegated to the usual suspects in the usual places.

Drago said...

Furious A: "(1)demand them and be forced to reveal their contents or (2)go baying off after them like they did after cartoon frogs during the election."

As of an hour ago the Dems have done just that.

And that's after the transcripts of Trump's calls were leaked! Oh the Dems and the media are shocked that records of conversations might exist!


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Hillary doesn't choke. She collapses. Once in September and again in November.

Drago said...

You should also note the Dems really really REALLY want Rosenstein to resign or recuse! A career guy who has been there 3 weeks!

Of course, I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that would result in an Obama holdover in charge. Gee, I'll bet that never even occurred to the Dems.

Drago said...

Hillary collapses more than the Washington Capitals.

Humperdink said...

I never thought it was possible, but I think Inga has done it. She has now exceeded our beloved Ritmo with mindless comments. And like Rtimo, she thinks volume equals rhetorical victory.

Brookzene said...

So glad we're renewing the War On Drugs as well. That's what the voters were asking for. Drain the swamp = war on drugs.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Humperdick,Vimax Medan makes more sense than she does.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga dreams: "I wonder if they wish he'd choke while eating dinner alone in front of that big TV."

Actually, that's what the WH staff probably wished would happen to Hillary, since her nastiness to her underlings is well documented.

We know you hope Trump chokes. That's because you're such a kind-hearted old lady.

brylun said...

I support Sen. John Cornyn as Comey's replacement!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I'm younger than Althouse, so you're calling her old too. Funny coming from someone that is in her mid fifties, self reportedly. But why haven't you dropped dead yet? I mean that rhetorically, of course.

eric said...

And that's after the transcripts of Trump's calls were leaked! Oh the Dems and the media are shocked that records of conversations might exist!

What transcripts? Do tell.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Althouse has said she is old. I am middle aged and have never attempted to present myself as a spring chicken here.

Why are you taking the word "old" as a pejorative?

I just think it's a shame when someone reaches your age and continues to be so stupid and immature. You remind me of a 5 year that keeps giggling and repeating a silly joke for a half an hour after everyone else has moved on.

Second childhood, as I said. And clearly not a very happy one.

Anonymous said...

You are an OLD middle aged Hexiled. Only another year or two and you'll be 60, one step in the grave ( wishful thinking, I mean that rhetorically, of course) and one on a banana peel. I'd be careful how you treat others, they could wish you dead. That would be awful.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a shame when someone reaches the end of their 50's and still acts like a pimple faced bully, that they have so little self awareness that theythemselves bring any negative comments someone throws back at them, upon themselves. So now I must once again say, drop dead, I mean that rhetorically, of course.

Althouse has asked us not to have these ugly tits for tats and I've tried to ignore you. I'll try harder.

eric said...

Speaking of old, I'm old enough to remember a time Trump was upset and tweeting about being wire tapped.

Now, let's follow the bouncing ball.

1) Trump believes he was wire tapped.
2) Trump had a conversation with Comey.
3) Trump wants us to believe Comey told him he isn't under investigation.
4) Trump knows there are many Obama administration and #nevertrump hold overs in this government.
5) Trump assumes because of 4 and 1, he is still being wire tapped.
6) He assumes Come knows all of the above.
7) Trump's tweet about Comey and being taped.

Why is this so hard for people to get?

Bay Area Guy said...

The Trump/Russian collusion scandal is like Watergate - without the burglary.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Only another year or two and you'll be 60, one step in the grave."

Math is off, Inga. Like everything about you.

"I'd be careful how you treat others, they could wish you dead. That would be awful."

Only you. And you've said you're a Christian. Christians don't wish people dead because of what they say in blog comments.

But angry, hypocritical, hateful leftist hags do.

Lucien said...

So I'm reading this as Trump saying that he has recordings of his conversations with Comey, and if Comey starts to "leak" false details of those conversations, Trump will happily play them to make clear what was actually said.

I personally doubt that the guy who cut Hillary a deal and gave immunity to everyone associated with her server really took the line that "I can't talk to you about that Mr. President" in his conversations with Trump. This is the story the Deep State is trying to push and Trump is signaling (or bluffing) that they need to be careful.

Brookzene said...

Comey's reportedly already saying he hopes there are recordings. "That would be perfect."

Anonymous said...

Who knows, maybe Comey was wired.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

There are tapes. They are in Bluffdale, UT.

Known Unknown said...

Inga never answered my question about the exact nature of collusion with Russia or evidence of such collusion with Russia in the other thread because she can't.

As of May 12, 2017, there's no there, there.

FullMoon said...

Inga said... [hush]​[hide comment].

Althouse has asked us not to have these ugly tits for tats

The tats were your choice, blame mother nature for the other..

Lucien said...

On a related note, I usually get my news from the BBC who tend to follow the CNN line of reporting (i.e. all anti-Trump, all the time).

Yesterday they were all over the "anonymous reports" that Rosenstein threatened to resign over being made the "fall guy" for Comey's firing. Now, when directly asked, Rosenstein says he didn't threaten to resign and has no intention of resigning.

Today, obviously, the Rosenstein story is carefully ignored on the Beeb's website. What I want to know is, why isn't anyone running a story like: "Anonymous sources at the DoJ, most likely career bureaucrats politically opposed to President Trump, provided false information to the NYT and the Washington Post stating that Rosenstein threatened to resign in protest. The NYT and Washington Post published this information without trying to verify it, and Rosenstein personally made clear this was not the case. Though the NYT and Washington Post refuse on principle to disclose their sources, other news organizations including the BBC are trying to identify the DoJ officials who are attempting to undermine and discredit the man (democratically elected by the American people) who, under the American Constitution, is officially their boss. This appears to be a shocking rejection of the democratic process by unelected bureaucrats. Stay tuned as the BBC continues its investigation into what many are calling 'Mandarin-gate'."

Rosalyn C. said...

Lots of citizens don't even bother watching the news or keeping up with current events. If the media continues for much longer with their idiot hysterics over Trump and fake news about him, very likely even more people will tune out because the information the media is sharing is worthless. At some point the liberal media and elites will realize they are signing their own death warrants. At least I hope they figure it out before they put themselves out of business. Maybe they are generating more interest with all these so called scandals but it won't last, people will get turned off.

Not that some of Trump's people aren't a little dumb as well. Blaming Rod Rosenstein for Comey's firing is case in point. Trump came out and corrected that falsehood and more credit to him even though predictably the media hysterically proclaims CHAOS, CONTRADICTIONS!! There was no contradiction, Trump just wanted a lawyer's evaluation of Comey's performance.

I predict that Comey will be running for political office -- he's been acting like a politician/celebrity. Anybody's guess what political party, or maybe he'll take a job for the Kremlin or work for Snowden or Assange.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Exiled, I thought I told you to drop dead. I mean that rhetorically, of course."

Inga, drop dea. I mean that literally. As in, it will be wondeful when you have shook loose the mortal coil. And since you are old, and obese, it probably won't be all that long. Actuarial tables don't lie.

Drago said...

Bay Area Guy: "The Trump/Russian collusion scandal is like Watergate - without the burglary."

Just because the alleged collusion is imaginary it doesn't mean the Dems can't proceed with impeachment dreams.

After all, the pretend dossier was also "imaginarily" fantastic as well.

We won't know for sure if impeachment proceedings can commence over the "Two Scoops Of Ice Cream Scandal" until Charlie Sykes of the Galactically Important Milwaukee Talk Radio Market chimes in.

Drago said...

RJ Chatted: "At some point the liberal media and elites will realize they are signing their own death warrants."

I don't believe that is possible. Think of them as the Maduros of Journalism. There is no introspection, only acceleration.

Lucien said...

I read that article. Technically, "sources close to Comey" said that Comey said, "That would be perfect." Just like "anonymous sources" said that Rosenstein threatened to resign. I'll note that throughout this, Comey himself hasn't said a damn thing. No one appears to be saying anything from his side except "sources close to him."

Deep State gotta Deep State.

Anonymous said...

Known Unknown,
How the hell am I supposed to know? It's classified information. I'm sure eventually it'll be made public.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mom Jeans, I don't own any "dea".

Known Unknown said...

"How the hell am I supposed to know? It's classified information. I'm sure eventually it'll be made public."

So you have zero proof that anything happened that actually influenced the election. Great. With all of the leaks that have been made public over the past 4 months (and prior) would it not behoove the major media players to get ahold of that information and break the news? Why the delay? You would think those who would stop at nothing to get Trump (as evidenced by the constant braying about every action the WH takes) would already have the damning information on hand. Sounds like your team is incompetent at actually producing the goods. Not surprised.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"So you have zero proof that anything happened that actually influenced the election."

It'll turn up any day now! Really!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.

eric said...

you also have zero proof that it didn't happen.

The scary part here is, she means this. She really means it.

If you were accused of being racist, she would say, where is your proof you're not a racist? And if you failed to prove you're not a racist before the thought crimes police, you'd be locked up.

We joke here because she is powerless. But this is what they really think. They think you need to prove you're not guilty. And if you can't, you deserve to die.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen.

I hope that no one mistakes this for the argument a sane person would make.

eric said...

Btw, the damning info is going to turn up immediately after President Hillary releases it.

Michael said...


You should know from your excellent public school education that a negative cannot be proven. Basic. Fourth grade in private school. Public high school.

Anonymous said...

Making a claim something didn't happen is no more convincing than making a claim it did happen. As I said, this info is classified. Why do you people think you aren't ridiculous in your claims that it didn't happen? Such naïveté, or just plain stupid sychophancy.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Reason said...
Because the obvious thing you do if people are accusing you of being "Nixonian" when you fired the FBI Director is to bring up secret recordings. That'll show 'em!

Dixie_Sugarbaker said...

I also thought that Trump was implying that the FBI is taping everyone and everything.

Anonymous said...

"WASHINGTON — The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee claimed Wednesday evening that he has seen "more than circumstantial evidence" that associates of President Donald Trump colluded with Russia while the Kremlin attempted to interfere with the 2016 presidential election.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the Ranking Member on the committee, was asked by Chuck Todd on "Meet The Press Daily" whether or not he only has a circumstantial case.

"Actually no, Chuck," he said. "I can tell you that the case is more than that and I can't go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now.""

Known Unknown said...



The Cult of the Presidency and by its extension the federal government has brought you to this point.

This cult, magnified by the press and the left for the past eight years (it goes back much farther than this but grew more intense via the historical election of Barack Obama) has outsized the importance of the man (or woman) sitting behind the resolute desk.

You now reap the whirlwind because the other team lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Congratulations.

You built this universe. The endless insistence on federal encroachment upon almost every facet of human life.
The belief in federal solutions to all of life's inequities, indignities, and inadequacies has created a government that has too much power and exerts too much force.

Therefore, you now tremble at 'tyranny'. A firing of a bureaucrat is a 'coup.' Any executive order is 'treason.' Tweets are dangerous.

Absent this ever-growing behemoth, you and like-minded people would harbor less fear about who get elected every four years. It wouldn't matter as much that Literal Hitler brought home the electoral college. You would have less trepidation about and venom for your fellow voters.

This is what you've created. So now, you must hope and pray for conspiracies to be proven right. You must wish against all odds or evidence for impeachment proceedings against a sitting President that as of today, has been formally accused of nothing, and charged with even less.

Now, I don't give a shit about Republicans or Democrats. I didn't vote for Trump. I called this the Hunger Games election and I was right. It's no longer really about R or D. It's about the outside vs. the inside. The rest of Panem vs. The Capitol District. Hicks from the Sticks vs. The Glitterati.

You made this all possible.

Again, I offer you congratulations.

Anonymous said...

A supplement to Nicholas Kristof's Ten Dots Connecting Trump to Russia

khesanh0802 said...

@david Begley And natural gas. We are now a clean energy supplier to China. Link to WSJ story.

US trade Rep was also confirmed yesterday so NAFTA negotiations can begin. The MSM won't notice, but the people will.

Anonymous said...

Dissecting Reince Priebus' denials of Russian connections.

You people are so poorly informed, I'm always surprised.

Joe said...

Re: Trump being connected to Russia

How was this conspiracy supposed to work?

furious_a said...

I called this the Hunger Games election

I liked "The Flight 93 Election", myself, with us hillbillies as the passengers.

furious_a said...

Inga: I may have zero proof... and all those poor bits wasted in finishing that sentence.

furious_a said...

until Charlie Sykes of the Galactically Important Milwaukee Talk Radio Market chimes in.

Looking forward to Sykes' all-consuming resentment of his ex-wife's success.

Trolling. Grand Master Trolling.

Known Unknown said...

You know who I believe less than Top Democrats with circumstantial evidence?

Top Republicans with circumstantial evidence.

Known Unknown said...

How was this conspiracy supposed to work?

Trump, pro-fracking and pro-pipeline Trump, under the thumb of a petrostate with a threatened economy?

The mind boggles.

hombre said...

The WaPo and NYT are arms of the Democrat Party using information from anonymous, cowardly, perhaps imaginary, tattletales to fake news about Trump. They are also trafficking with and enabling lawbreaking leakers from the intelligence community. If those lawbreakers are peddling leaks to WaPo, etc., why not our geopolitical adversaries?

Thirty years in law enforcement has convinced me that the current FBI is part of the swamp and may be the source of the illegal leaks.

As for the media relations, Trump should confine releases to writing and have a scripted "fireside chat" by him when available, by a surrogate when he's not. There's no point in engaging with mediaswine who are intent upon destroying you. 50% of the population would applaud. The others are either insane or uninterested.

Lewis Wetzel said...

From insane Inga's insane link:
1. In all three shows, Priebus falsely states that the New York Times story reported there were “constant” contacts between Trump affiliates and Russians. The NYT story said only “repeated contacts.”

Anonymous said...

"Real Clear Politics editor A.B. Stoddard told the panel that she was stunned at how badly Trump had botched the Comey firing, and said that it demonstrates that there’s no one in the White House capable of getting Trump to check his impulses.

“This becomes a firestorm of whether or not Trump is tampering with an investigation and obstruction of justice and risking impeachment,” she said. “This is all illustrative of the fact that no one can stop President Trump. No one can say pause for 36 hours, let’s think about the consequences of running your mouth to Lester Holt, or tweeting Rosie O’Donnell on the same day. No one can stop this.”

Stoddard reiterated that all of the supposedly calming influences in the White House — from Vice President Mike Pence to son-in-law Jared Kushner to even First Daughter Ivanka Trump — seem powerless in the wake of the latest chaos.

“No one can talk sense into him,” she said. “Not Vice President Pence. Not Reince Priebus. Not Steve Bannon. Not the kids. Nobody.”

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
Making a claim something didn't happen is no more convincing than making a claim it did happen."

Jesus Lord, this is the stupidest fucking thing she's ever written here. And that is saying something.

"Guilty until you can prove yourself innocent!"

Yeah, that's how it worked in Stalin's USSR.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Hahahahahahahahaha!

President Trump suggested in a new interview that he might get rid of White House press briefings, unless he chooses to do them himself every two weeks.

Fox News released a clip of Trump’s interview with Jeanine Pirro in which Trump stands by his tweet floating the possibility of cancelling “all future” press briefings “for the sake of accuracy.”

We don’t have press conferences, we just don’t have them, unless I have them every two weeks and I do them myself,” Trump said. “I think it’s a good idea.”"

madAsHell said...

CNN is now reporting that Comey won't testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hexiled, ever heard of the term Probable Cause? How do you think FISA warrants were obtained? If dummies like you were to be listened to no one would be investigated.

Joe said...

What is the point of daily White House press briefings? Other than to suck up to reporters?

Michael said...


Prove to us that the Clintons did not kill Vince Foster.

Michael said...

Known Unknown

Petrostate? LOL

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Evidence, Inga. Evidence. Where is it?

n.n said...

The Left and Left of center have a propensity to indulge in guilty until proven innocent, [class] diversity until granted individual dignity, unviable until deemed worthy... It's part of their faith, their character, their outlook.

iowan2 said...

close to 99% of the people have no opinion of the whole fake collusion story. Less about Comey getting canned.
All this does is give the media a reason not to talk about all the success President Trump is having. Daily. Today China announced that after 13 years, they will again start to import American Beef.
Winning! But the media will do its damnest to keep the truth suppressed

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"President Trump suggested in a new interview that he might get rid of White House press briefings, unless he chooses to do them himself every two weeks."

Fine by me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey, well at least his pompadour is presidential!

How you guys liking your Drama Queen in Chief? Loving that job he's doing, yet? (When he can be bothered to actually stop getting huffy and puffy long enough to do it).

I guess for anyone who's ever wondered, this is what it's like having a 16-year old girl running the country.

Trump may be going through male menopause. His emotions seem very out of whack.

Anonymous said...

"Close to 99% of the people have no opinion of the whole fake collusion story. Less about Comey getting canned"

"A majority of Americans — 54 percent — think that President Donald Trump's abrupt dismissal of FBI Director James Comey was not appropriate, while 46 percent think that Comey was fired due to the Russia investigation, according to results from a new NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll.

A strong majority of Democrats and Democratic-leaners (84 percent) and Independents who do not lean toward either party (61 percent) say that the firing was not appropriate. Among Republicans and Republican-leaners, 79 percent approve of the move, while 13 percent say it was not appropriate.

Overall, 46 percent of Americans think Trump's decision to fire Comey was related to the Russia investigation. About a quarter, 24 percent, believe Comey's removal was due to his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, and 22 percent said it was something else.

A majority of Americans (54 percent) agree that allegations of improper contact with Russian government officials by Trump campaign advisers represent a serious issue that should be investigated. Four in ten think the allegations are more of a distraction."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"President Trump suggested in a new interview that he might get rid of White House press briefings, unless he chooses to do them himself every two weeks."

The right-wing prefers restricting information to the things that matter to them: Whom to detest... whom to worship, etc.

Drago said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary: "
Hey, well at least his pompadour is presidential!"

Eternal Optimist Republican Political Consultant: "I can work with that!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Making a claim something didn't happen is no more convincing than making a claim it did happen."

Jesus Lord, this is the stupidest fucking thing she's ever written here. And that is saying something.

"Guilty until you can prove yourself innocent!"

Trump is a pathological liar. He has no concept of objective reality, just a way of warping through the lens of defending his "image."

In a court of law his credibility would be vaporized. This is why most of his suits are just for show and never proceed to trial or even settlement arbitration.

He contradicts himself with the frequency and regularity of a see-saw.

Thanks for foisting this unhinged lunatic on the country. It's hard to see how his fellow Republicans will emerge with their own credibility intact, given how much more amateur their own lying and self-contradictions are.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Eternal Optimist Republican Political Consultant: "I can work with that!"

Ha hahahaha.

So this is what it comes to.

Drago said...

TTR: "The right-wing prefers restricting information to the things that matter to them: Whom to detest... whom to worship, etc."

On the contrary, Trump has easily been the most transparent and communicative President since forever.

Further, a wide ranging hour plus Presidential press conference every couple of weeks? Unprecedented access.

And that would be on top of interviews he gives 1 on 1. He's already done 2 of those this week alone.

You can say alot about Trump but "restricting information" is 180 degrees out from reality.

Drago said...

TTR: "So this is what it comes to."

Well, it's that or Trump just grabs a box of cigars and a couple interns for some intensive "mentoring" sessions.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Let me ask a question. Do the Republiclans here really believe that Trump didn't/wouldn't/couldn't have asked for Comey's loyalty?

Tell me what it is about Trump's character that leads you to believe he values objective reality over his own image.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Today's hilarious R&B-ism
@6:26: "The right-wing prefers restricting information to the things that matter to them: Whom to detest... whom to worship, etc."

And @ 6:30, a bare four minutes later: "Thanks for foisting this unhinged lunatic on the country. It's hard to see how his fellow Republicans will emerge with their own credibility intact, given how much more amateur their own lying and self-contradictions are."

Who has less credibility & less integrity than Donald J. Trump?
Donald J. Trump critic R&B.

The funny thing is, R&B claims that he didn't vote for Hillary. Thanks for "foisting this unhinged lunatic on the country," R&B!

Known Unknown said...

Petrostate? LOL

What else do they export? Low-rent mafiosos and vodka.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

On the contrary, Trump has easily been the most transparent and communicative President since forever.

How the heck do you figure that? 140-character tweets are designed for pugilism and propaganda, not to inform.

Further, a wide ranging hour plus Presidential press conference every couple of weeks? Unprecedented access.

Unprecedented banning of important news organizations, refusing to give direct answers, outright lies about things as petty as inaugural crowd sizes.

And that would be on top of interviews he gives 1 on 1. He's already done 2 of those this week alone.

How forthcoming do you think he is? He seems to be a lot more worried about people hearing what he doesn't want them to hear than any president in my own living memory.

Anonymous said...

"Financial-Crimes Monitor to Share Records in Trump-Russia Probe
Senate committee requested the data from Treasury’s FinCEN

WASHINGTON—A Treasury Department unit that specializes in combating money-laundering will share financial records with an expanding Senate probe into possible ties between Russia and President Donald Trump and his associates, according to people familiar with the matter."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who has less credibility & less integrity than Donald J. Trump?
Donald J. Trump critic R&B.

Was I running for president?

I know you're really good at licking the president's boots. And I know your own credibility is horrendous. Go ahead and criticize Trump. On anything. A single thing. I dare you.

I bet you start shivering the moment you hear a single negative or even critical thing said about him.

Do you wear a gimp outfit when you enter the voting booth?

Anonymous said...

Drago says Trump is transparent, lol. Why hasn't he released his taxes?

Drago said...

TTR: "Tell me what it is about Trump's character that leads you to believe he values objective reality over his own image."

You are rapidly approaching a "I'm shocked, shocked, to find gambling is going on in here!" moment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Look! It's Republican Voting Day! How nicely the've dressed for the occasion!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You are rapidly approaching a "I'm shocked, shocked, to find gambling is going on in here!" moment.

Trump doesn't gamble. He puts the country on the betting table when he sees he has the worst hand of the deck.

Michael said...

Chaos!! Incompetence!! Russians!!!!!!!! But you can keep your doctor, Gitmo is closed and your premiums are down $2500 in all 52 states, even those that speak Austrian. Trump's server is in a solid gold colored walk in closet. All good. No HRC. Ever,

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago says Trump is transparent, lol. Why hasn't he released his taxes?"

Lots of big time global contractor/developer stuff in there which are perfectly understandable from a builder/legality perspective but would provide fantastic political fodder for the Dems due to astonishing swings in cash flows, assets, debt structuring etc.


Since the obambi IRS had his info for 8 years if there was something illegal I don't think they would have hesitated to pursue it.

Drago said...

TTR: "Trump doesn't gamble. He puts the country on the betting table when he sees he has the worst hand of the deck."


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I meant that he's no ordinary gambler.

He's a compulsive gambler.

Michael said...

Compulsive gamblers are broke

Anonymous said...

Trump without the constraints of his family or his advisors will be the vehicle of his own undoing.

"The timing of President Donald Trump’s dinner with FBI Director James Comey raises the question of whether the president attempted to—or did in fact—interfere with an ongoing FBI investigation. And that’s a federal offense.

The episode in question occurred in the earliest days of the Trump administration. Within days of Trump’s start at the White House, the Justice Department had reason to believe that National Security Adviser Michael Flynn may have been compromised by the Russians. Flynn was interviewed by the FBI on January 24.

On January 26, Acting Attorney General Sally Yates rushed to the White House to tell Trump’s top lawyer of the Justice Department’s suspicions. She returned, at the White House counsel’s request, to continue the discussion on January 27.

That same night, the evening of January 27, the president had dinner with Comey, according to James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, who told this to NBC News.

Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor who convicted Scooter Libby for leaking a CIA agent’s name, told The Daily Beast that the context of Trump’s dinner is “really significant.”

“So even if he’s not obstructing an investigation into himself, he may be obstructing an investigation into Flynn,” said Zeidenberg, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Compulsive gamblers are broke

Four times, was it? That's how many times he went broke?

He's quadruply compulsive.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I mean, man. I've heard of doubling down.

Trump does the quadruple ducky.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Who has less credibility & less integrity than Donald J. Trump?
Donald J. Trump critic R&B.

Was I running for president?

So R&B admits that he has less credibility and integrity than Trump.

He has turned his frothing madness knob up to 11 today, I see.
R&B is a classic troll. He likes to insult people who disagree with him politically. People generally don't like that, if he does this in person they punch him or refuse to talk to him. So instead he hits the internet, and because he finds that the people there that he disagrees with are smarter and better informed than he is, he resorts to insults and basically every logical fallacy ever known.
If any one on the right tries this on a lefty website, say, Kos or TPM, they get banned so fast it would make your head spin.
Don't believe me? Go to Kos or TPM, and on a relevant post comment that people who are pro-choice want to kill babies. See how long it takes before you get the ban-hammer.

Michael said...

Fools do not know the difference between personal bankruptcy and entity bankruptcy. Not difficult to understand, really.

Anonymous said...

He also morally bankrupt. Demands of loyalty oaths...

Michael said...


Link please to "loyalty oaths..." LOL

Anonymous said...

Where have you been Michael? Under a rock?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...less credibility and integrity than Trump.

What have i compulsively lied about, cucky cucky?

He likes to insult people who disagree with him politically.

Only if they're intentionally stupid, or have no point to make.

Go to Kos or TPM, and on a relevant post comment that people who are pro-choice want to kill babies. See how long it takes before you get the ban-hammer.

I see you are as unskilled in the art of persuasive or even interesting dialogue as you are in discussion on the internet in this day and age that allow for free expression without fear of having to avoid those who don't have the mind for expressing themselves without resorting to violence.

Michael said...


Link er up smart one. Or give us one of your fifty line cut and pastes. Above the rock style

Anonymous said...

Michael, I'm not going to play games with you. If you seriously haven't heard any of the massive amount of media coverage about the Trump Comey dinner and the demand from Trump for Comey to swear lloyalty to him, then you must be more uninformed than the other poorly informed people here.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Demands of loyalty oaths..."

"Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health," Perez said in a statement, according to the Huffington Post. "That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state."

Note that I actually provided a citation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...personal bankruptcy and entity bankruptcy. Not difficult to understand, really.

No more difficult than it is for you to understand that the U.S. is an entity.

If you actually ran businesses for a living, instead of just pushing money around all day, I take it you would hire him and delegate a lot of responsibility to him for authorizing many day-to-day and long-term projects and strategies.

Well, that's a rhetorical question of course. You DON'T run businesses! Hahahaha. But the point's still made and you know you lost on it pretty hilariously.

The only thing Trump can run is his stupid, de-Germanified name. Even the presidency he has to outsource to his son-in-law.

He seems to realize his only hope is to let some little Jewish kid he knows run things, and cross his fingers. That he can tell you.

Trump is lazy.

Back to pushing your money around.

Michael said...


"swear loyalty" LOL I think you are embellishing an already embellished story. But its fun isn't it? That game? Like the Clintons offed Vince Foster.

Michael said...


I can understand that being a dumb fuck leftie you would not know the difference between bankrupting an entity and taking personal bankruptcy. You can go into an insane deflection but you actually thought DJT had gone broke four times. Which says it all. Pretty funny.

And I do own my own business. You?

Anonymous said...

Michael, you're boring. You used to be a bit of a challenge, but nowadays you seem blunted.

Lewis Wetzel said...

So, here is an NBC news article on the Trump-Comey dinner that supposedly took place in January:
The first thing you notice is the poor sourcing. None of the people NBC quotes giving you their version of what was said at the Comey-Trump meeting was actually there (other than Trump). One "prime witness" is James Clapper.
Thanks to Snowden, we know that Clapper is a perjurer:

The passage of more than three years hasn’t cooled the insistence in certain quarters that Clapper face charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans.

About three months after making that claim, documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the answer was untruthful and that the NSA was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records, along with various internet communications.
But Clapper wasn't at the dinner anyway. Weird press we have, where they go to a perjurer expecting to hear the truth.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"swear loyalty" LOL I think you are embellishing an already embellished story. But its fun isn't it? That game? Like the Clintons offed Vince Foster.

Michael is putting up the credibility of Comey and his colleagues against that of Trump.

It's pretty certain that Michael must be a horrible judge of character.

Like I said, he never ran anything. Never hired anyone.

Just pushed money around.

Michael can't be bothered to judge a person's character and integrity. That would require him to have intimate, personal knowledge (and possession) of those things.

Lewis Wetzel said...

But R&B, you've already admitted you have less integrity than Trump!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can go into an insane deflection...

Telling the truth is a deflection? Trump bankrupted his "entities" four times. Much worse than a personal bankruptcy. At least during the latter other people's lives and livelihoods aren't at stake. But I guess this reassures you because, like Trump, you confuse that entity he's pretending to run - known as "the United States" - with a person. His own person.

And I do own my own business.

Once again. Your lie is obvious because you deflected the obvious follow-up. If so, what would you hire your Master, Tiny hands Trump, to do?

What are his skills? (Other than taking claim for an autobiography that he couldn't even write, himself?)

See, this is where the Michaels of the world lose it, because they're called out as identifying with one of the most transparent phonies to step out into the public eye.

Anonymous said...

"Michael can't be bothered to judge a person's character and integrity. That would require him to have intimate, personal knowledge (and possession) of those things."

It takes a person of good character and integrity to respect it in others, those who lack it gravitate toward those who, like them are bereft of it. Hence the Trump loyalty.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wonderful reading skills you have there, Nazi Wetzel.

You obviously have no defense for Trump, which is entirely the point. Thanks for proving it so many times.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump couldn't inspire the respect - let alone loyalty - of a slug.

But Michael's up for the job!

These people have the personal strength of character of Gollum.

Lewis Wetzel said...

My Dinner With Comey: Clapper, Others Dispute Trump Account of Meeting With FBI Director

KEN DILANIAN: We need to do a story telling the truth about the Comey-Trump dinner meeting!

PETE WILLIAMS: Yeah! The liar James Clapper will be be a great source!

KEN DILANIAN: But he wasn't at the dinner meeting! How can he tell us what happened there?

PETE WILLIAMS: Didn't you hear me say that Clapper is a liar? Geez!

Michael said...


Opined: "Much worse than a personal bankruptcy. At least during the latter other people's lives and livelihoods aren't at stake."

So when you take personal bankruptcy the investors in your debt are, like, OK? Fool. On. Stilts.

Wouldn't hire Trump to do capital markets work. He doesn't have the temperament for it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So when you take personal bankruptcy the investors in your debt are, like, OK? Fool. On. Stilts.

So you admit that you think investors are more important than those everyday working Joes he promised to work on behalf of during his campaign. More important than Wall Street, even!

Ok. I think we can safely count your contribution as further evidence to put Trump in the total "LIAR" column.

Thank you.

P.S. Maybe that's why Trump campaigned against Wall Street. He has as little compunction about stiffing investors as he did his own employees and contractors.

I really see this potential for a good defense of Trump, from a guy supposedly in the know, crashing and burning like 1929.

Good job, Michael. You've done well for today.


Lewis Wetzel said...

Hey, R&B, just like you, I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary. I am a registered independent.
You want to find a republican to rage at, look somewhere else.
If I thought Trump was a millionth as bad as you think he is, I would have held my nose and voted for Hillary.
Because I have integrity.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I just wish to God that we had non-liar like Hillary in the White House! We don't want no pussy-grabbers at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

Anonymous said...


You're every bit as much of a Trump sychphant as the majority of people here are.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If I thought Trump was a millionth as bad as you think he is, I would have held my nose and voted for Hillary.
Because I have integrity.

They were both bad.

But what Trump is showing 100 days in, though, is just how surrounded by drama of his own making he really is. It seems, in hindsight, much worse than Hillary. She does the same thing, but when caught out in a lie smiles psychotically and sheepishly and feels the exhilaration of her own embarrassment, probably even trying to do better next time.

Trump doubles down. Every time. All the time.

There is simply no self-correction mechanism in him. Over years people learned ways to hold Hillary to account.

Over those same years, they realized that Trump respects no one, no idea, no person. Your friends here like seeing him as unstoppable. But he's proven to be the more skillful con, and will run right through them soon enough.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump is toxic on every level.

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