May 12, 2017

"James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"

Wrote Donald Trump on Twitter (and you should click through to see the weird reactions (it's actually hard to tell what's pro- and what's anti-Trump)).

I like the way he put "tapes" in quotes. Is that to fend off inquiry into whether actual tape is used in making recordings? I remember when he famously tweeted that Obama "had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower," and later he — and others — made much of the quotation marks.

Here's the NYT article where I found out about the new tweet:
Mr. Trump appeared agitated over news reports on Friday that focused on contradictory accounts of his decision to fire Mr. Comey at the same time the F.B.I. is investigating ties between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia. The New York Times reported that, in a dinner shortly after his inauguration, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Comey to pledge loyalty to him, which the F.B.I. director refused to do. The story cited two people who heard Mr. Comey describe the dinner, but the White House rebutted the account.

The president also expressed pique at attention on the shifting versions of how he came to decide to fire Mr. Comey. In his first extended comments on the firing on Thursday, Mr. Trump contradicted statements made by his White House spokeswoman as well as comments made to reporters by Vice President Mike Pence and even the letter the president himself signed and sent to Mr. Comey informing him of his dismissal....

“As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!” he wrote on Twitter. “Maybe,” he added a few moments later, “the best thing to do would be to cancel all future ‘press briefings’ and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???”


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Michael said...


You dumb fuck do you not get that "investors" include pension funds, individual investors, 401K, IRAs? Are you so ignorant of our financial system that you don't understand that carpenters, plumbers, carpet layers, brick masons, teachers, cops, the lot are investors?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Inga said...

You're every bit as much of a Trump sychphant as the majority of people here are.

5/12/17, 7:35 PM

The sound of a lunatic gibbering.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Exactly what are you frothing at the mouth about, Michael?

I mean, I know that pushing money around all day doesn't really do much for your moral, emotional or social development as a person. Let alone the number it must do on your abs.

But I don't possess a secret decoder ring or translator for "Whiny Bitchy Pissy Finance Weasel". So you'll have to take a shot of whatever you keep in the credenza, or maybe that last bit of cocaine to go with the high-price escort-hooker, take care of the happy ending, and speak English. Like a normal human being who's not on drugs.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael was one of those people who actually drew inspiration from Patrick Bateman, Gordon Gecko and the boys from Boiler Room.

Very in-touch of him to insinuate that blue collar workers don't mind getting laid off since their primary income sources should be coming from investment returns.

What a salt of the earth that Michael is. A true mensch.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael's one of those guys who gets upset when you question his credibility as a job creator. Sure, most of those jobs end with him ejaculating on a massage table, but so what! That's his business!

Anonymous said...

Michael's Gordon Gekko days are behind him now, he's just trying to relive his youthful lust for money handling and dirty talk about money.

Michael said...


Relax, dude, no one expects a Junior College guy to know the difference in bankruptcies and their impact on the small investor.

No need to get hostile. And, again, at 7:44 you illustrate that you don't get the idea that personal bankruptcy injures the little people as much or more than bankrupting

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just like no one expects you to know that they don't like being laid off, that pensions are being phased out, that their investment returns aren't going to make up the gains for being laid off, and that Trump is being exposed to them as a massive conman.

I know the difference. The concept is analogous so it must have really put your panties in a tizzy to have to quibble over such an obvious and petty definition or word choice issue. But now we know what was making you feel so unimportant today. Maybe once you learn to lay off the booze and finish your sentences, they can hire you to teach a finance class at the local college - seeing as how you have such a chip on your shoulder against education.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I can't believe that you preferred Trump to Hillary, R&B.

Michael said...


"seeing as how you have such a chip on your shoulder against education."

LOL Bizarre. Nothing wrong with junior college, dude. It brought you into the bourgeoisie. A good thing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I had no preference, actually, Lewis. But assumed Hillary would win and hunkered down for four years of hard-core internecine left-wing warfare against corporatist Democrats.

It was shocking when Trump won but I remembered (and agreed with) Sarandon - saying that he might offer a chance to shake things up more. Because if he doesn't do it, despite having promised it, then that should activate progressives like never before. And then lo and behold... with the crowds.

But policy issues are one thing. I'm appalled at how transparently he's brought campaign lying mode into business as usual and distracted any chance/shot at a halfway normal administration with needless drama upon needless drama upon needless drama. It's like we have a five-year old in office and the damage of his neglect will show up at the end. Things take a long time to change in America so it's like this is the slowest train wreck to watch in slow motion ever.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael - you must be a real embarrassing shit on the golf course to have to drink yourself silly like this at the end of the day.

Get a hobby. Better yet, buy a plane. I hear Cessnas are fun to amateur-pilot while drunk.

Just think of that wonderful estate you'll leave behind. Best to do it now, before Trump's impeached and the estate tax is raised even higher.

Go do it, Michael. You know that life is not worth living. You've already done it all -- or so you've convinced yourself. Think of how much better than everyone you already are.

Life will never get better than this. Go out on a high note. Literally.

You have too much pride to watch what will only be an unbearable decline from here on out. You live for the chase. Take it out over the ocean and go find where the horizon ends.

Michael said...


I know you are embarrassed but you really should drop it. Unlike you, a very drunken Sunday night poster, I don't drink. Not necessary.

Also don't play golf. Squash. Better. Quicker. But dig into the cliches about investment bankers you learned on TV. LOL

Lewis Wetzel said...

So, all this "Trump demanded Comey swear a personal loyalty oath" seems to go back to this NY Times story:

The headline itself is deceptive:
In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred.
I can say this because the source who was actually at the dinner says it is not true: "The White House says this account is not correct. And Mr. Trump, in an interview on Thursday with NBC, described a far different dinner conversation with Mr. Comey in which the director asked to have the meeting and the question of loyalty never came up."

So who says "In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred."

The conversation that night in January, Mr. Comey now believes, was a harbinger of his downfall this week as head of the F.B.I., according to two people who have heard his account of the dinner.
"two people who have heard his account of the dinner" Hearsay from an unidentified source. Not even "two people who have claimed to have heard his account of the dinner."
This cannot be anything like what they teach people in journalism school, I hope.

This is really bad journalism. We can safely assume that the NY Times tried to get Comey to confirm the hearsay, and that he refused to do so. But the Times went with the story anyway, complete with a headline missing all the usual hedges about "allegedly", or "some say."
Liberals seem to have been successfully trained to be unquestioning automatons that are told, and believe, and attack.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't watch tv and I don't golf or drink. And I've played squash but you sound just intense and insufferable enough to have to do it more regularly. Wacking rubber balls around in a small room not much bigger than two side-by-side prison cells is good practice for when you and your investment partners are back together wearing stripes and jerking each other off through the makeshift glory hole communicating through the wall.

But you really should more seriously consider suicide. Eventually you will just run out of things to make up and feel to pretend-feel you're somehow better than. Come on. Keeping up this facade of supporting a rug-wearing quadruple business bankrupt must get tedious - especially now that he convinced himself and his supporters that he's a man of the people.

You hate the people. All of them. It's time to end it. You know you can't keep this up much longer.

Known Unknown said...

"Michael, I'm not going to play games with you. If you seriously haven't heard any of the massive amount of media coverage about the Trump Comey dinner and the demand from Trump for Comey to swear loyalty to him, then you must be more uninformed than the other poorly informed people here."

Maybe Trump did ask for loyalty. I don't know.

However, that article (NYT) frankly, is one of the most poorly sourced pieces of journalism I've ever seen. I would say the same if it were about Clinton. It's a THIRD HAND account from two anonymous sources of Comey's story of what happened. In the past, no credible journalist would consider running the story, much less her or his editor. Neither of the sources was present at the dinner, and Comey himself is not the primary source of information in the story. Pay attention.

Seriously. journalism is in a crisis.

Michael said...


Sooner or later the lefties turn mean and wish for the death of those who do not agree. Well done lab man. But you do drink, dude, and you can't hide it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's not bad journalism. Two sources is fine. Breitbart and FOX News is bad journalism. They say fuck sources entirely and just go for as outrageous and sensationalistic a headline or screen crawl as they can make up.

Trump is a liar. Comey is independent. Comey inspired respect in the bureau and it didn't take much gumshoeing for the Times to figure out how close to and trusted by Comey these sources were.

People are falling over backwards to report and leak. No one likes Trump. He's a loser. Career civil servants care about the U.S. not being a laughingstock. The Pompadour in Chief is a destructive incompetent. Every day the Times advertises for and leaves links for reporting tips. You seriously underestimate how embarrassed people are by him and how much horrid devastation they see that he's making of the government and that they want to and feel a need to report.

I understand that Republicans hate facts and diversity and social freedom, but Trump just can't inspire the loyalty for an orderly, efficient organization. Face it, bud. You elected a lemon. He's not a leader. He needs to rule by fear and Americans just won't be led that way. Sure, 20,... even 30/35% of you might naturally respond to that. But the rest of the country won't go along.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sooner or later the lefties turn mean and wish for the death of those who do not agree.

We don't disagree. You are a destructive playground bully who pretends that he has called out something that hasn't even happened. You do it because the only way you're able to feel better about your empty self is by trying to bring others down. I know your type. It has nothing to do with money, or drugs. Or sociability.

I know you are an empty person. You try not to be, but can't get away from it.

People like you have two options: Either surround themselves with things, or fill their bellies with food. There's just no other way to get away from the spiritual emptiness.

You are aggressive and nasty because you look at me as some typical competitor that you want to squash. But I don't play your game. You won't understand that until you're gone. Your personality is really that defective and toxic.

It's just not in your nature to be decent. So I won't waste my time appealing to it as if it were.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
It's not bad journalism. Two sources is fine

No, it is not. Is this another "assertion is fact" on your part, R&B?
The Times violated its own rules about using anonymous sources:
A note on the story should indicate that the sourcing has been approved, and by whom. Slot editors, copy editors and producers should not publish a story with any anonymous sourcing that does not have a note indicating that the department head or deputy has approved the sourcing.

iowan2 said...

Inga: "Drago says Trump is transparent, lol. Why hasn't he released his taxes?"

Because the media lied about NOL when he did release just a smidgon of Tax info. Twisting a tax return that runs into hundreds of pages, prepared by the best tax lawyers availible, and audited by the IRS, is incomprehensible to anyone but the two parties listed above.

(this afternoon the media is still lying about Comey asking for more money and Rosenstein threatening to quit, Both shot down by the persons directly involved)

buwaya said...

A point to correct, having known any number of the type - "career civil servants" care mainly about their careers, or their post-career careers, or other sorts of rewards. In the US their natural environment, the great executive agencies, are hopelessly compromised by conflicts of interest, to put it mildly, making many entrepreneurial opportunities.

These fellows are not primarily concerned with the public or national interest, even less so than the run of the mill bureaucrat. They are the problem, or a considerable part of it. The Trumpian revolt is an attempt at resolving these (and other related) problems, against a near unified resistance by those who would rather not be reformed. Its not a matter of making the government run better, but to conquer and humble it. Some people miss the fundamental conflict.

In any case Ritmo, part of the argumentative problem is a fundamental difference of world views. Yours, I think, requires reconsideration. More experience will do it, probably, eventually.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In any case Ritmo, part of the argumentative problem is a fundamental difference of world views. Yours, I think, requires reconsideration. More experience will do it, probably, eventually.

I doubt it. You find corruption, false image and dishonesty to be much more valuable than I do.

Weren't you arguing last week that the U.S. was not "patriotic" enough. Yes, I'm sure that's the answer. More mandatory flag waving and more dismissing Trump's lies must somehow be the answer. If only we let a conman get a chance to run his con.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Two sources is fine
And do not forget that this was hearsay from two anonymous sources. Shitty journalism. neither of the sources could report first hand what was said at the dinner, and Comey wouldn't confirm it.
This could be in a textbook for how not to use anonymous sources. I think they have lost their minds at the Times. Their integrity is shredded, if they reported that the sun rises in the east you would have to check it yourself.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

if they reported that the sun rises in the east you would have to check it yourself.

I know. Because that would be too obvious for Times-haters to believe.

No one owes Trump some obligation to avoid what people want to report about what he's doing to them and how he affects them. If he doesn't like guesswork and innuendo, he can be forthcoming. Open. Transparent. You know, like what we expect in a normal president.

Swede said...


All the right heads exploded.

eric said...

Turns out Obama recorded everything in the oval office.

MSM says, nevermind, in 3, 2, 1.....

Lewis Wetzel said...

I like to repost this NY Times story, clearing Trump of accusations that he was working with the Russians against Hillary:
Date: Nov. 1, 2016.
What do we know now that we didn't know on November 1?
Nothing. The only development is that Trump won. At that point this article went into the memory hole.
Even if you are a Trump-hating Democrat, it has got to be difficult to explain to yourself how what seems obvious to you now (Trump worked with the Russians against Hillary) went unmentioned during a grueling primary season and a months long presidential campaign.
To me, a normal person, this looks about as reasonable as claiming that Trump won because he allied himself with the Dark Powers, because there are large numbers of anonymous sources who saw Trump officiate at a Black Mass, and many Trump associates are strongly suspected of being in thrall to Satan.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Thanks for the info, eric!
Trump: troll level, galactic overlord:

In 2012, journalist Mark Bowden gave a talk at the Pritzker Military Museum in Chicago about his new book, “The Finish: The Killing of Osama bin Laden.” As part of the research for that book, Bowden spent 90 minutes interviewing President Barack Obama in the Oval Office. The interview went well — until it didn’t.


“As I stood up to say goodbye to the president, I looked down and my tape recorder had died. … That thing had always worked like a charm but there it was, just as dead as a nut on the table. So I said my goodbyes and as I was walking out of the Oval Office with Ben Rhodes, I said, ‘Ben, you’re not going to believe this, but my recorder died in the middle of that somewhere.’”

“‘Ah don’t worry about it,’ he says, ‘we record everything in here. We’ll get you a transcript before you leave.’ And he did.”

I didn't vote for Trump, but OMG, I admire the fact that the man is good at making horses-asses out of the press!

Lewis Wetzel said...

No one owes Trump some obligation to avoid what people want to report about what he's doing to them and how he affects them.
Of course not. We still have the First Amendment. And of course I am free to point out that their Trump hatred has made them unreliable sources of information, and they should be ignored or mocked. I have shown here, how shoddy their "journalism" is.
I do not think that you realize how badly the times has betrayed journalism in the story I linked to, R&B. They are saying that if two anonymous sources hear the same unconfirmed story, they will report that unconfirmed story as being the truth, and break their own rules about using anonymous sources to do it.

eric said...

My pleasure Lewis.

buwaya said...

Ritmo, I know all about corruption.
Your national problem is indeed one of enormous corruption.
Greater corruption in terms of value than has existed anywhere in world history.

Thats the whole point. The economy is distorted beyond hope by corporatist collusion between the "malefactors of great wealth" and the machinery of government, plus the vast in-between world attached to it. Thats the point of Trump.

The US is very patriotic in parts. That part volunteers, coaches little league, serves in the military, fights bravely, votes reliably even in off years, and has a sense of community. And they like to wave the flag.

And then there are the Democrats. I kid, but not much.

In that other America there is little community, little self sacrifice, unable to self-organize, no inclination to coach little league or even to pick up their own garbage in the streets. And they vote hysterically and unreliably. And they dont wave the flag, far from it.

Birkel said...


Asserting you don't drink is sad. We both know you are a mean, nasty drunk. You don't have to admit it here, but admit it somewhere to regain your footing on life.

You do seem largely sober in this thread. I hope for the best.

Grab your carry on.

Renee said...

I still can't figure out, what's going on. I tried watching the news this morning. I didn't get any info, just some talking heads about how Trump is a terrible person. I've been hearing Trump being a bad person for what two years now. And they never really have anything.

I don't understand why they want to take Trump down so badly, just run some half-decent candidates in 2018 and 2020. This crap only proves what a cess pool that DC is. Wait, neither the DNC or the GOP have any.

Look if you want to take Trump down this way, you're just going to make him a martyr.

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