February 12, 2017

More Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer on "SNL" — nicely done.

I like the way the second go-round with this was good and not just overmilking something that was successful the first time. I also like this thing of the female cast members impersonating men. Not to take anything away from the male cast members who have impersonated females over the years — not that I can think of any (other than Dan Aykroyd doing Julia Child) — but it takes something special for a woman who's worked hard to get perceived as physically attractive to put on a balding-man wig and show her face without the "smoky eye" getup.

Not only did Melissa McCarthy play Sean Spicer, but — in the same clip above — Kate McKinnon plays Jeff Sessions. And later in the show Leslie Jones makes her bid to play Donald Trump:

AND: For those of you who are about to tell me "SNL" only goes after conservatives, it's not true. Look at this sketch, which went on early in last night's show:

I have a few different theories about this: 1. They realize comedy is better when nothing is sacred and you go after everybody, 2. They know "Portlandia" is better than "SNL" and they're trying to get some of that style of humor, 3. They really do just want to go after conservatives but they know it won't work if they only go after conservatives, so sometimes they bank an anti-liberal sketch to improve their credibility.


Darrell said...

DNC talking points with a laugh track. Yeah. That's praiseworthy. Saturday Night Losers. Climb on the shitwagon!

Oso Negro said...

Haven't watched since the mid-'70s.

Eric said...

You can't remember Dana Carvey's church lady character? Sad.

AllenS said...

I'd rather go back and work in the factory, before I'd watch SNL.

Ken B said...

You don't see a pattern? Thousands of placards about "small hands", artwork of a nude Trump with a nub, and women playing Trump and the men around him.

sane_voter said...

If SNL really wants to get edgy, they should have Milo on as guest host.

sane_voter said...

And no black people playing white people, that is raaaaacissst

PB said...

They toss in a token sketch making fun of liberals, but it does nothing to change the fact that it's 95% left-wing.

PB said...

Of course, the Leslie Jones sketch had a very racist turn - blacks getting violent at every "no".

chickelit said...

Apparently, their anti-Trump slant has given SNL its best ratings in over 20 years. Meanwhile California's ranking state senator openly boasts about flouting immigration law, including the forging of legal documents and identity theft. The Grammy's and Oscars promise to be little else than anti-Trump tirades.

It's starting to look like Inga is right: Trump will be brought to his knees (in delicious irony that makes her wet) and Obama will step back in some sort of extra-Constititional manor. The signal will be Althouse's spelling of Obama's name in anagram form.

The rule of law is dying in this country.

Bay Area Guy said...

Leslie Jones as Trump? That will work as well as the Lady Ghostbuster movie did:)

Amadeus 48 said...

Milo for guest host? Brilliant.
Plus, Leslie Jones playing Schumer and special appearances by Dan Ackroyd playing Pelosi and Dana Carvey doing Elizabeth Warren.

Martha said...

not so funny was casting Kellyanne Conway as Glenn Close in a Fatal Attraction skit —way too mean

HT said...

I didn’t think SNL was as good this week as last. And definitely not Spicey - last week, rocked. Stephen Miller previewed next week's SNL today on the talk shows.

The super bowl pitches - ah yes, the victim olympics!

“They know "Portlandia" is better than "SNL" and they're trying to get some of that style of humor”

??? SNL has always if only occasionally during any one program made fun of the libs. I think Alec Baldwin likes to do that, as evidenced by his character on 30 Rock.

Bay Area Guy said...

If you're a school teacher who really cares about teaching kids, but occasionally feels the need to dabble in union politics, we can understand that.

But if you're obsessed with union politics, and have completely abandoned your aim to teach kids.......

If you're a comedy show who really cares about making people laugh, but occasionally dabbles in politics, we can understand that.

But if you're obsessed with politics, and have completely lost your aim to make your audience laugh.....

SNL is so far removed from Belushi, Aykroyd, Murray, Radner, Murphy, Piscopo, Miller, Sandler that they should close up shop.

buwaya said...

Youtube is funnier.

Anonymous said...

The Spicer skit was hilarious. "Mentally though, are you OK?" LOL! The Skit of Trump in The People's Court was funny, but didn't have the edge of the Spicer skit.

holdfast said...

I truly believe that it's important to lampoon and mock the people in power, even those that I agree with. Because they aren't gods or kings, and they are certainly not infallible.

But after 8 years of the inept, eminently mockable Obama Maladministration getting a free pass from SNL, all the late night "comedians", the Daily Show, that Twit Brit on HBO and pretty much everyone else, I cannot help but regard this as a purely partisan effort. It's part of an integrated effort to lay down a lasting narrative. And it's likely to me more successful than anything the thoroughly discredited MFM can do.

Sam L. said...

I gave up on SNL years ago.

Clayton Hennesey said...

If SNL really wants to get edgy, they should have Milo on as guest host...

in a skit where he makes a pass at Leslie Jones, believing she is a black man.

MayBee said...

At this point, it all just seems like a pile-on. If we had news instead of daily gossip, I would find the desire to watch the comedy, too.

Anonymous said...

The entertainment industry appeals to the entertainment industry but many folks are doing other things.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

chickelit, if SNL and the natterings of celebs really mattered that much, Trump would not have been elected in the first place.

"Meanwhile California's ranking state senator openly boasts about flouting immigration law, including the forging of legal documents and identity theft."

Yeah, I really want to see the Democrats brag about breaking the law and doing things that would land any of us in jail. That's a winning strategy.

The fight's just started and it sounds like you are already conceding defeat. Alas, that's what the GOPe has been doing for the past 25 years - folding at the first sign of opposition.

"It's starting to look like Inga is right."

That would be a first.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is a pile on, but the things to pile on are so numerous. No one did anything bad to Trump that he didn't do to himself first.

retail lawyer said...

Well, there was Janet Reno's dance party with Dana Carvey doing Janet . . .

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Championing identity theft, in particular, is bound to be a sure-fire hit with Americans. Democrats need to run with that.

William said...

I really liked the Spicey skit, especially the part where she used the leaf blower to raise the girl's skirt above her waist. I think it would have been funnier if the girl was wearing thong panties, though.......Also I'd like to suggest a skit where Scarlett Johansson plays Ivanka and they use the leaf blower to dramatize how flimsily made Ivanka's clothes are.

Clayton Hennesey said...

The archtypal "no sacred cows" comedy was exemplified by the pre-SNL Belushi, Chase, Guest, etc. lampooning Woodstock in Lemmings.

All SNL is these days is just more regurgitated passive-aggressive partisan mockedy of the sort popularized by Stewart, Colbert and their other imitators.

Robert Cook said...

"??? SNL has always if only occasionally during any one program made fun of the libs. I think Alec Baldwin likes to do that, as evidenced by his character on 30 Rock."

Am I misunderstanding you? Alec Baldwin's character on 30 ROCK was a conservative.

HT said...

That is correct, and he consistently made fun of Liz Lemon and her ilk, tried to point out the differences between the two of them and their ways of working and managing, and their politics. Liz Lemon was an urban liberal female.

Gk1 said...

I was telling a liberal friend the other day it seems like the cultural elite are skipping to the last 2 years of the Bush administration in the vitriol and ridicule within the first few weeks of the Trump administration. Where do they expect to be in a few months from now? There is not any remotely important elections scheduled for at least a year and a half. The democrats are too weak to oppose anything Trump or the republicans want. Will they stop if it begins to hit their pocket book? Being preached at gets old quick, even those who didn't vote for trump or agree with the criticism he draws.

Sebastian said...

"it takes something special for a woman who's worked hard to get perceived as physically attractive" Huh?

It is refreshing to see these take-downs of Trump and the Trumpists after 8 years of unrelenting ridicule of O and his minions, week after week of ruthlessly exploiting the progressive foibles of our golf-player-in-chief.

Robert Cook said...

Okay, I see.

Yes, it was funny to see received liberal notions mocked. There is no belief system that cannot be mocked for its excesses and detours into illogic, silliness, and cant.

Gusty Winds said...

Hatred disguised as comedy.

AllenS said...

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance. Everyone will save $2500 a year in health insurance costs."

That right there is some mockable comedy.

Gusty Winds said...

The question is will blue collar Trump voters see how much disdain and contempt the elites in Hollywood, Washington, and New York hold for their culture.

Will they want to go back to voting for Democrats so Bruce Springsteen likes them again, or will they drift further toward Trump. I think it's the latter.

It's almost impossible to return when you realize how much you are hated. Wait till the inner city figures it out.

cronus titan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PB said...

Melissa McCarthy really commits to the character, which is very impressive. Spicer should not rebel against it, but embrace it and congratulate her.

cronus titan said...

Please. SNL spent 8 years sucking up to Obama. Heck, they sang a song to his greatness when he left office. Spare us the equivalency argument. When Hillary lost, they played a mournful song, Hallelujah, in tribute to her. There was nothing funny or clever, just melancholy. They also had to suspend a staffer for tweeting nasty stuff about Trump's 10 year old son. She may have been held accountable (we still do not know if it were suspension or firing) but there is a reason she felt so comfortable launching that attack.

It is their right to have political preferences. Like most coastal elites, they still have no idea what happened or why. But saying they mock the parties and their officials equally insults the intelligence.

BJM said...

Credibility? Outside the Progressive echo chamber not so much.

The last time the left took to the streets and went full on rogue they elected Nixon.

Just saying.

gadfly said...

I enjoyed Julia Sweeney as "Pat," but since Pat's gender was always in question, I am unsure whether this impersonation qualifies as a female playing a male role.

Wince said...

The Cheetos sketch made fun of liberals' exaggerated virtuousness, rather than Trump admin's assumed malevolence, which is not equal treatment.

But the Cheetos sketch didn't really lampoon the reason why the company executives slavishly sought the SJW narrative for the ad. It certainly wasn't heartfelt: was it avarice or fear? Fear of not being PC? Never explored. Why?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Gusty Winds said...
The question is will blue collar Trump voters see how much disdain and contempt the elites in Hollywood, Washington, and New York hold for their culture."

Oh, I think they know that already. For about 5 minutes after the election, elite pundits were admitting they knew nothing about Red America and had to do a better job of understanding the concerns of blue collar and rural voters.

But that would take work and would require having a bit of humility. So shelf that plan! Let's dial up the mockery and ridicule!

Anonymous said...

It's funny that Trump was unhappy with a woman playing Sean Spicer.

HT said...

But saying they mock the parties and their officials equally insults the intelligence.

They clearly do not. Who is saying they do?

chickelit said...

exiledonmainstreet wrote: fight's just started and it sounds like you are already conceding defeat. Alas, that's what the GOPe has been doing for the past 25 years - folding at the first sign of opposition.

Not conceding, just recalibrating and reloading. The de León taunt is a step too far, IMO.

Bill Peschel said...

I'll refrain from commenting on SNL since I don't have cable and haven't seen it for years. I'll will note the irony of Lorne Michael, a 70-plus-year-old man, saying he casts the show for each new generation of kids. Seems like he should turn over control of the show to those comedians and writers, if he really believed it.

Also ironic is that SNL is one of the most abusive places to work. Lorne plays favorites, does not provide any guidance, will cut you off at any time. The head writer plays favorites. Writers create a ton of sketches each week and trashes 98 percent of them. You'd think with this wealth of talent they could create a whole show of good material.

Which I guess is why they don't release SNL as complete episodes.

Anyway, regarding men portraying women, didn't John Belushi portray Elizabeth Taylor when she was in her fat phase? I think it was a Weekend Update episode in which he appeared in the little window, eating chicken. One highlight was watch the anchor droning to the audience as Taylor chocked on her chicken and had to perform a self-Heimlich maneuver.

Anonymous said...

"But saying they mock the parties and their officials equally insults the intelligence."

"They clearly do not. Who is saying they do?"

And why should they? They are mostly liberals, it's New York, it's show biz. They have no obligation to portray both sides in an equally negative light. That they even make an effort at times is more than can be expected.

Mary Beth said...

Mocking a group isn't the same as mocking a specific person (or lots of specific people who all happen to be Republicans), but I guess that's the best SNL can do. Sad!

Anonymous said...

Plus, there is much to mock.

SNL ratings are at a 6 year high.

cronus titan said...

@HT, the post stated that "For those of you who are about to tell me "SNL" only goes after conservatives, it's not true." Of course it's true. The few sketches (and there are very, very few) that arguably satires their preferred party are inside jokes with their audience, nothing more. They are overwhelmingly from a leftist perspective. Presumably, they know their audience hates Trump, and play to confirmation bias. Their skits are little more than "we hate him too."

It's kind of sad, actually. SNL used to be clever and spared no one. The fact that we have to dig deep to find a sketch that arguably satires their preferred party is telling. They have every right to satire only people and positions they oppose, even in cruel and clumsy ways. Just don't tell us they are not doing it

Freder Frederson said...

It's almost impossible to return when you realize how much you are hated. Wait till the inner city figures it out.

I don't know. Which is worse, open disdain or being played for a sucker? At some point in the near future you are going to come to realize that Trump couldn't care less about the people who voted for him. He has appointed super rich bankers, hedge fund managers and Republican Party operatives to his cabinet. His goal is to enrich himself at your expense. It what is whole career as a rich con artist has been about. I have to give the man credit, he is able to convince a whole bunch of people with his bullshit. Maybe it is his ability to lie without the slightest hint of shame that is his secret.

WarrenPeese said...

This isn't a racial thing. McCarthy was hilarious. My eyes watered. Leslie Jones is not funny. I've never seen her actually do something funny.

Lauderdale Vet said...

Yeah. Every time I have caught a bit of SNL in the last 20-30 years, the more I miss the 70's.

Rusty said...

I saw the skit with Malissa McCarthy skit, but only because my left leaning friends thought it was hilarious and showed me the you tube version. McCarthy is funny and I'm assuming the skit is a result of some gaff or other that press secratary Spicer did. Never having seen a Spicer press conference it probably meant more to those that had seen the press confrence.
I've noticed that the level of scrutiny has changed from the last administration to this.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"It's almost impossible to return when you realize how much you are hated. Wait till the inner city figures it out."

Bang on. History says there's no such thing as a Permanent Majority and the pendulum always swings, politically and culturally, but the Left is so out of touch with reality that they've lost the ability to gain further ground. When Blacks wake to how viciously White Liberals have used them the Democrat Party is done. Of course, the loony Left will always be with us in one form or another, but the iteration that 1968 spawned is surely beginning to shrivel.

cubanbob said...

Let's see if several months from now when Trumpy gets all of his cabinet in place and starts pushing legislation if he has time for revenge. An IRS investigation of Hollywood accounting would be a great start. Proposing cable unbundling would be even better. Top that off with antitrust and IP law reforms narrowing the scope and reducing the length of time for the trademarks, design patents and copyrights will make Hollywood STFU.

George said...

We spent eight years of SNL not touching Obama because he was a Democrat. One little sketch now doesn't show balance.

cubanbob said...

Freder Frederson said...
It's almost impossible to return when you realize how much you are hated. Wait till the inner city figures it out.

I don't know. Which is worse, open disdain or being played for a sucker? At some point in the near future you are going to come to realize that Trump couldn't care less about the people who voted for him. He has appointed super rich bankers, hedge fund managers and Republican Party operatives to his cabinet. His goal is to enrich himself at your expense. It what is whole career as a rich con artist has been about. I have to give the man credit, he is able to convince a whole bunch of people with his bullshit. Maybe it is his ability to lie without the slightest hint of shame that is his secret."

Just switch Democrat for Republican and you perfectly summed up the Clinton's and Obama.

Known Unknown said...

"Well, there was Janet Reno's dance party with Dana Carvey doing Janet . . "

That was Will Ferrell as Reno.

These are the same people who sang "To Sir, with Love" to a fucking picture of Kim Jong Il, er, Obama.

Anonymous said...

"Let's see if several months from now when Trumpy gets all of his cabinet in place and starts pushing legislation if he has time for revenge. An IRS investigation of Hollywood accounting would be a great start. Proposing cable unbundling would be even better. Top that off with antitrust and IP law reforms narrowing the scope and reducing the length of time for the trademarks, design patents and copyrights will make Hollywood STFU."

Someone is longing for the McCarthy era. First Amendment be damned.

Freder Frederson said...

An IRS investigation of Hollywood accounting would be a great start. Proposing cable unbundling would be even better

You do realize that over the last thirteen years, Donald Trump's main claim to fame and a major source of income has been his role as a reality TV show star. What evidence do you have that he hates Hollywood?

All evidence is to the contrary. He apparently loves hanging out with Hollywood stars and craves their attention. His obsession with the celebrity apprentice ratings shows he is still obsessed with Hollywood.

chickelit said...

SockPuppet#55 wrote: Someone is longing for the McCarthy era. First Amendment be damned.

McCarthy era Patent Reform actually ushered in the Golden Era of American prosperity (not that Joe McCarthy had anything to do with it -- he didn't AFAIK). But it was McCarthy era patent reform. Subsequent patent law reform, especially the insidious reform passed under Obama, has undermined America ingenuity. Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Besides, aren't you liberals allows pining for McCarthy era taxation? Just saying that not everything was wrong with the so-called "McCarthy Era."

cronus titan said...

"Someone is longing for the McCarthy era. First Amendment be damned."

I suggest you read what was found in the Venona Papers. You also might want to study Elia Kazan's issues with Arthur Miller, et al.

Kudos to the Left for revising history so that their run-of-the-mill, low information, public school educated, victim has the above knee-jerk reaction to any examination of the Left's agenda, monopolies, and narrative.

Known Unknown said...

"They have no obligation to portray both sides in an equally negative light."

True, but the show is nationally broadcast, so if their advertisers (who pay for the show) would like good enough ratings to justify their spending, then it would be advisable to not cater to a small demographic 100% of the time. Sound business policy and all that.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"SNL ratings are at a 6 year high."

Keep hope alive! Late night comedy and Hollywood will save you!

Anonymous said...

"Small demographic"?

No, I don't think this is accurate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The other one she did (last week) nearly has 22 million views now. Over 95% positive response.

The media (i.e. information, entertainment, etc.) is winning, folks. Imagine that.

How will the Trumpists control the country and its people with reactions like that?

Well, they won't. This is where the authoritarian pre-req of controlling the minds of the people they need to allow them the power they crave... this is where it fails.

Nice knowing ya!

Anonymous said...

"Keep hope alive! Late night comedy and Hollywood will save you!"

No, but it will make me LMAO.

DRP said...

I'll be impressed when SNL goes after a person of the left, rather than their ridiculous TV commercials.

Elizabeth Warren would be a particularly ripe target. Maybe a skit where she's dressed up in a Sioux headdress reading to the Senate a paraphrased version of Chief Joseph's speech out of a cookbook before the evil Republicans shut off her mic. Perhaps Chuck Schumer clothes-lining someone who gets in between him and a camera. Or maybe just Leslie Jones accurately quoting Maxine Waters.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Someone is longing for the McCarthy era."

The McCarthy era is already back in Hollywood, given that James Woods has said he doubts he will ever work there again due to his conservative political beliefs.

The Left was angry at Fallon for daring to make Trump look human. They were denouncing actors and singers for not being sufficiently outraged when Trump was elected. Nicole Kidman was attacked for saying we should accept the results of the election.

It's just a wonder how Leftists can oppress and bully others while screeching "Fascism! Oppression!"

The Left is everything - everything - they claim to hate and fear.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Keep hope alive! Late night comedy and Hollywood will save you!"

In an effort to limit my responses (hard when there's so much that people get wrong; just ask DJT on the Twitter - lol ;-0) I'll just say that last week's clip has nearly as many views as DJT has Twitter followers. And that's just one 8 minute (or so) clip. That's been up for one week. It'll probably keep going up.

The media is part of a country's culture - that part that the right keeps "warring" against. I guess their war on the culture is failing, or cracks are starting to appear in the bricks of its wall.

Ok, that's it. Three comments for me on any post and that's it. I'm sure this comment will get insults and personal attacks - or attacks that insult the intelligence of everyone here. And I'll be tempted to respond. But out of respect for the hosts and their time and interest in keeping the comments threads short and topical, I'll let it slide.

Thanks for the sparring insights! Trump is a great practice pinata!

William said...

Sorry, but she reminds me more of Truman Capote than than Sean spicer.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe a skit where she's dressed up in a Sioux headdress reading to the Senate a paraphrased version of Chief Joseph's speech out of a cookbook...

OOooh... racial humor! Of a sort not tried successfully since Al Jolson. Very cutting edge - not. Try getting the century right!

Ok that's it. (See how hard you make it!) Ta ta!

tcrosse said...

The other one she did (last week) nearly has 22 million views now. Over 95% positive response.

The media (i.e. information, entertainment, etc.) is winning, folks. Imagine that.

None of which translates into seats in Congress. Or votes in the Electoral College.

Known Unknown said...

"OOooh... racial humor!"

You're being purposefully obtuse.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

None of which translates into seats in Congress. Or votes in the Electoral College.

Or time travel back to November... when it mattered. But it's ok. I'm sure ruling stridently against the wishes of more and more of the country will be a great exercise in leadership. Despised, arrogant strongman leaders (and their parties) have a track record of despotism, ruination and national disgrace. And leaving the country in tatters. But don't let that deter you!

Ok, gotta go. (See, I'm already 1/3rd of my self-allotted limit over). Why must you people make it so easy to comment - and rebut!

Known Unknown said...

I say small demographics because SNL, despite its ratings jump, is still not a consistent top 100 share show nor a top 50 total viewer show. On average, more people watch The Goldbergs on ABC than watch SNL.

I think had SNL gone a bit more after Obama, its ratings would've been better and this 'revival' under Trump would look a lot less impressive. I think most people enjoy the skewering of political figures no matter their affiliation.

LilyBart said...

If SNL really wants to get edgy, they should have Milo on as guest host.

They're not interested in being edgy and interesting. They're interested in ridiculing this president to ruin him.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Warren in an Indian headdress would be funny because she dishonestly claimed to have Indian blood on the basis of high cheekbones and family tales. I think she'd also be great in a nun's habit, brandishing a ruler. The National School Marm! A thin-lipped, angry scold with a creaky voice telling the class how disappointed she is with them.

Actually, I can think of a great skit involving the Democrat bench, meeting in the cafeteria of the old folk's home. Pelosi mistaking the nurse's aide for her granddaughter, Bernie yelling because the tuna casserole is cold, Warren reminiscing about that ancient Cherokee dish her sainted grandma made so well - crab salad with mayo....

Luke Lea said...

Going hysterically over the top is what makes it funny, thus subliminally suggesting that the real Trump administration is not be nearly so bad? The Cheeto ads were also funny, but this time because they were so hilariously outlandish and yet right on the money . Go Lumber 84!

FullMoon said...

Freder Frederson said... [hush]​[hide comment]

It's almost impossible to return when you realize how much you are hated. Wait till the inner city figures it out.

I don't know. Which is worse, open disdain or being played for a sucker? At some point in the near future you are going to come to realize that Trump couldn't care less about the people who voted for him. He has appointed super rich bankers, hedge fund managers and Republican Party operatives to his cabinet. His goal is to enrich himself at your expense. It what is whole career as a rich con artist has been about. I have to give the man credit, he is able to convince a whole bunch of people with his bullshit. Maybe it is his ability to lie without the slightest hint of shame that is his secret.

Most, if not all, commenters here have nothing to worry about financially.Probably have everything they want or need.I know I do. How will Trump hurt me? Raise my taxes? What else you got?

On the other hand, imagine you are those single black moms in the documentary "Waiting for Superman". The moms who literally pray every day to their God that their child will win ticket out of the gangster ruled ghetto school in the neighborhood. Watch those moms cry their eyes out when they don't get the slot. Imagine how those moms feel knowing that Trump appointed a rich woman who wants to give every poor kid a chance to escape. Imagine how those moms feel knowing the Democrats, and Fredor Frederson hate them enough to attempt to destroy the one President who actually is attempting to help them.

Fredor, you should be ashamed of yourself.You are more concerned about being right and finding fault with billionaire conman than you are with actually helping poor people. You guys have been in charge forever in the ghetto and nothing has changed for the better,

FullMoon said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

The other one she did (last week) nearly has 22 million views now. Over 95% positive response.

In other words, 2/3rds of Hillary voters did not watch. SAD!

Diogenes of Sinope said...

SNL is boring.

Known Unknown said...

"Am I misunderstanding you? Alec Baldwin's character on 30 ROCK was a conservative."

Well, a caricature of a conservative, but a funny one. 30 Rock also took the effort to put a big target on Liz Lemon herself, demonstrably a true New York liberal 'feminist' type.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I'm sure ruling stridently against the wishes of more and more of the country will be a great exercise in leadership. Despised, arrogant strongman leaders (and their parties) have a track record of despotism, ruination and national disgrace. And leaving the country in tatters. But don't let that deter you!
R&B seems to believe that Hillary Clinton and her rapist husband are back in the White House.

cubanbob said...

Hmm...Freder and the Sockpuppet believe Hollywood shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes..
They also appear to believe that not forcing consumers to purchase the entertainment they don't want is fascist. That fluffery deserves greater length of protection than patents for useful things. And that monopolies are good if when the right sort are the monopolists.

Freder for now you might be right about Trump. But at some point he may turn and if qnd when he does, the howls of the Left will be a joy to see. You think destroying his daughter's business brand is going to not affect him?

Rumpletweezer said...

Wouldn't it be great if Spicer actually treated the press corps like that? I'm sure that was not their intent.

Sebastian said...

SNL has simply adopted the usual prog marketing strategy, like the NYT: go for the liberal niche. The Cheetos bit is about as far as they can reasonably go in needling their core demographic; the O send-off gave them cover for a few months. But otherwise they need to make sure they don't run afoul of West Side middle-aged single teachers and Berkeley SJWs. Not a problem, of course: as far as I know, they don't have any non-progs on staff.

The left has won the culture war -- even the sniping on this blog is just a rear-guard skirmish. Next maneuver by the left is to extend the culture war to all of business, to make the right politics a criterion for doing business in the firs place. Call it the Eiching of the market.

Earnest Prole said...

Of course SNL leans left, like most every cultural institution, but it’s still capable of wicked satire targeting progressives. “The Bubble” is most definitely not just phoning it in.

BJM said...

Feder You do realize that your description pretty much fits Bill & Hillary Clinton.

BTW- How did Harry Reid become a multimillionaire on a Senator's salary? How about Jamie Gorlick pulling down $40 million in salary and bonuses(!) while presiding over Freddie and Fanny going tits up. Check out at Maxine Waters' sweet con, or any number of your side of the aisle who don't pay taxes and/or are enriching themselves at our expense.

Political corruption is non-partisan.

n.n said...

in charge forever in the ghetto and nothing has changed for the better

Just a perpetual smoothing function, that contains the refugee crises, sustains a semblance of life, and destroys the human spirit.

Drago said...

"Am I misunderstanding you? Alec Baldwin's character on 30 ROCK was a conservative."

Known Unknown: "Well, a caricature of a conservative, but a funny one. 30 Rock also took the effort to put a big target on Liz Lemon herself, demonstrably a true New York liberal 'feminist' type.

The "30 Rock" episode which dealt with the GE Six Sigma program nearly caused me a heart attack from continuous laughter since it hit so very close to home with me.

I still don't see how any outsiders (Non-GE/Non-Six Sigma professionals) could follow the plotline though.

Known Unknown said...

The entire Spicer bit it carried on McCarthy's talents. She's good.

Drago said...

CC: "Despised, arrogant strongman leaders (and their parties) have a track record of despotism, ruination and national disgrace. And leaving the country in tatters. But don't let that deter you!"

It sure never stopped the dems.

Seeing Red said...

To enrich himself at my expense?

Multi-billions sitting outside this country. Let's see what he offers for it to come home.

Some of that will be coming to me. It will be more than I have now.

At this time, it may just be a wash.

rcocean said...

I wish I could agree with Althouse but the comedians high pitched voice, made even higher the louder she spoke, destroyed my suspension of disbelief.

The 2nd skit was funnier and was *somewhat* anti-liberal. Usually, when SNL goes after liberals, its gentle mockery poking fun at their excesses. Sure they can be over zealous or pretentious - but their hearts in the right place. The attacks on conservatives, OTOH, are often brutal with the (R)'s shown as stupid, ignorant, and bigoted.

rcocean said...

And I love the idea of the Republicans going after Hollywood but that misunderstands the congressional Republicans and Trump.

As someone stated earlier, Trump is a member of the "Entertainment Industry" and has no desire to attack them.

Ad for the Congressional Republicans, they've NEVER gone after Hollywood, in fact the 1998 "Digital Millennium Copyright Act" authored by a Republican and was a massive giveaway to Hollywood. As long as Hollywood throws Congressional republicans a few shekels, they'll stay bought. People like Ryan and McConnell don't want to defeat the Democrats they just want to help Big Business and line their pockets.

LilyBart said...

Political corruption is non-partisan.

Oh, political corruption IS the game. We give our government power, and, being human, they use it to ultimately benefit themselves. This is why is surprises me that so many people think the answer to all our problems is to increase government's power and influence. They're going to get richer and more powerful, and we're going to get poorer and less free. Of course they tell you they care. Of course they tell you they have great ideas. And maybe even they believe it - in the beginning. But it always devolved into influence peddling and corruption.

You'd think people would gain wisdom about these things at some point, and there have been times in history when they seem to understand. But the seductive idea that government can save us keep coming back.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The other one she did (last week) nearly has 22 million views now. Over 95% positive response.

That's nothing, you should see what ratings the latest Two Minutes' Hate on Channel Minitrue got!

Achilles said...

Commander Crankshaft said...

Or time travel back to November... when it mattered. But it's ok. I'm sure ruling stridently against the wishes of more and more of the country will be a great exercise in leadership. Despised, arrogant strongman leaders (and their parties) have a track record of despotism, ruination and national disgrace. And leaving the country in tatters. But don't let that deter you!

Trump is strengthening our borders and re-instituting the rule of law. Both of these move have super-majority support.

There are 30 red states and soon the country will pretty much permanently have 60 republican senators and conservatives will have control of districting in those 30+ states over redistricting so the house will be a near permanent republican majority.

That is before we pass voter ID laws and illegals will no longer be able to vote.

You throw out words like despotism, strongman leaders as if they mea something. But they don't. You are actually looking quite ridiculous right now.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

I don't know. Which is worse, open disdain or being played for a sucker? At some point in the near future you are going to come to realize that Trump couldn't care less about the people who voted for him. He has appointed super rich bankers, hedge fund managers and Republican Party operatives to his cabinet. His goal is to enrich himself at your expense. It what is whole career as a rich con artist has been about. I have to give the man credit, he is able to convince a whole bunch of people with his bullshit. Maybe it is his ability to lie without the slightest hint of shame that is his secret.

You accuse Trump of possibly doing these things and eventually he will get around to it I assume.

Bill and Hillary Clinton actually did those things. Repeatedly. For 30 fucking years. They Amassed personal wealth of around 250 million dollars without producing a single thing for anyone. Their slush fund charity had a single digit charitable donation percentage. It raised Billions of dollars and gave almost nothing to charity.

Democrats are disingenuous in general. The party as no soul. It is a joke and in the current incarnation will never be anything more than a regional party in a few states.

cubanbob said...

Achilles I wouldn't get cocky. Things are never really settled. And Blue State voters have this nasty habit of moving to Red States and messing things by voting for the very same crap that ultimately lead them to leave the state they came from. Rcocean I stand corrected. Your observation regarding Republicans and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is true and depressing.

robother said...

As funny as the Cheetos skit was, I suspect the transcript of the actual pitch to the Pennsylvania lumber company execs would be even better. Classic example of earnest heartland industrial businessman (woman in this case) getting utterly snowed by Mad Men sophisticates into financing a Super Bowl SJW ad that was a big F**k You to its red sate customers.

Jim at said...

"AND: For those of you who are about to tell me "SNL" only goes after conservatives, it's not true. Look at this sketch, which went on early in last night's show:"

999 times they go after a conservative and one time they take on a liberal issue?
Look! EVERYBODY's ox gets gored!

See, I don't mind if they attack conservatives. It's what they do. I simply don't watch because I don't give a shit about SNL.

But don't sit there and claim equal time because they did it once.
That's lazy. And it's bullshit.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" Usually, when SNL goes after liberals, its gentle mockery poking fun at their excesses. Sure they can be over zealous or pretentious - but their hearts in the right place"

Yes, when Jon Stewart mocked groups like Code Pink, it was because they were making the Left - the "good people" - look ridiculous.

Jim at said...

"Small demographic"?

No, I don't think this is accurate.


Well, that would certainly explain why you didn't lose nearly 1,000 state and federal seats over the last eight years .....

tcrosse said...

Many years ago SNL did a sketch with the late, lamented Phil Hartman as Ronald Reagan.
The point of the sketch was that in public Reagan was an amiable doofus, but behind closed doors he was a genius with a steel trap mind who was on top of everything. Autres temps, autres moeurs.

viator said...

"but it takes something special for a woman who's worked hard to get perceived as physically attractive to put on a balding-man wig and show her face without the "smoky eye" getup."

Achilles said...

Blogger cubanbob said...
"Achilles I wouldn't get cocky. Things are never really settled. And Blue State voters have this nasty habit of moving to Red States and messing things by voting for the very same crap that ultimately lead them to leave the state they came from."

I am not saying it because I think it is a good thing. If the democrat party and it's voters don't do some serious self reflection and become a meaningful opposition party then the Republican Party will fall into the same single party trap the democrats did. It will become self sustaining and corrupt. It will forget why it got elected. It will be bad for the country.

We need the left to get serious and stop being insane.

chickelit said...

We need the left to get serious and stop being insane.

[Freeman Hunt voice]: This

cubanbob said...

Achilles you are right about the Democrats getting serious but that is something only they can do. So far it appears they are in denial. What Trump and the Republicans manage to do in the next two years remains to be seen. How successful the Left and the Democrats are in opposition remains to be seen. If the Republicans manage to implement a fair amount of their proposals and if they work then the Republicans should gain more seats in Congress and more seats at the state and local level in the 2018 elections. If that happens then the Left and the Democrat Party should start to get a reality check of where the country really is. Eventually if they keep losing they will come to their senses. If they don't,they don't and some new party will emerge to replace them. In a way Trump is a remaking of the Republican Party.

Freder Frederson said...

Hmm...Freder and the Sockpuppet believe Hollywood shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes..

I don't know how you deduce from me not believing Trump is going to shook these things that I don't want them to happen. Hell, if I thought that Trump actually intended to do some of the things he promised (e.g., get rid of the carried interest rule, crack down IBM Wall Street) I might have considered voting for him, although I don't think it would have outweighed his White nationalist agenda. But I knew he was full of shit from the beginning.

Captain Drano said...

I was somewhat surprised at one of last night's spots of Beyonce's twins in-utero reacting to her doc doing an ultrasound. Could take it as making the unborn almost seem like persons:


Guildofcannonballs said...

All cold opens can kisss my asss. What are we, fucking eskimoes? I want hot opens, hotter than Mercury alright, the hottest openings since Studio 54 and Catherine Denanuveve opening a can of ghost peppers lit on fire.


Guildofcannonballs said...

Cold open is when my ex wife opens the door of the ice chest she put my severed penis into so I can "have a looksy" before passing out.

Guildofcannonballs said...

A cold open is when you forgot to put on underwear and your fly is down in 20 degree below zero WI winters.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Cold open = group sex in public when below freezing.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Roy Lofquist said...

They are trying go the full Monty Python. Never try to go the full Monty Python.

Titus said...

How long will spicey be around? And yea,totally mean and so not funny.

HT said...

I agree, and hope they stop. It was not particularly funny this go round.

Jake said...

"They realize comedy is better when nothing is sacred and you go after everybody"

It would be better if they realized comedy works best when it is humorous.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So far it appears they are in denial.

(I assume enough comments have elapsed that I may now comment again without being seen as hogging the thread. I have also let some other minor errors slide).

The only denial that Democrats need to confront is whether they're controlled by anywhere near the same level of arisocratic oligarchy as their opponents. So far, it appears not - thanks to the unprecedented levels of wealth and payback that the new Trump cabinet seems to exhibit. (The DeVos nomination was a case study in an appointee lacking the faintest interest in the law and expertise required of her post, just to be one of the greatest single or family contributors to her party in history, with an obvious payback need in the form of Republicans letting her and her boss slide - which is crucial given his forays into education for the purpose of defrauding the customers of TU).

So the issue seems to be Achilles (and others?) wondering if Democrats can become a viable opposition or even power without being seen as contemptuous enough of a Muslim "enemy", wherever that supposed enemy is. Or just plain anyone getting through the borders that Obama created a net emigration (outward) of to the south. The real terrorist infiltrators seem to be getting in through the north at the Canadian border, but Canadians are generally of an ethnicity not thought to be brown enough to stir up some "patriotism" against.

So I say sit tight. The Trump administration seems to be serving its purpose of paying lip service to enough conservative causes to demand Republican support, while paying lip service to enough moderate to progressive causes to make them seem less crazy and more unifying.

But as with other recent Republican leaders, he is a phony. Whether he means any of it, or whether what he means will trump his ego needs (and they are vast), is questionable.

In the meantime, almost all Republican policies poll horribly, so taking comfort in electoral control (through controlling districting and other blatantly uncompetitive means) is a way of just engendering further resent, distrust and discontent. Whether Republicans feel that serves their interests or not is up to them.

But Democrats will continue growing a broad, grassroots and progressive movement, if they want to win. Achiles can't talk out of both sides of his mouth, as if to say the only answer for Democrats is to become conservative xenophobes. While the public can always be stirred up with the cheap ploy of being against "the other," this is not the way forward. Trump's measures, like his businesses, are all flash and no substance. And they don't serve progressive goals.

So if that massive wing of the electorate, the major majority that hates nearly every Republican policy they've pushed going at least ten to twenty years back, is allowed to take back their government, it will be under a truly progressive banner. Economically as well as in foreign policy. And not in the guise of xenophobic appeals to economic nationalism alone.

Otherwise, we can look forward to this "permanent majority" locking out the true voices of the people, and all the disruption and downfall that entails.

cacimbo said...

Google "Cheeto Trump" and you get over 500,000 hits. Coincidence that is the product they chose - please....

Freder Frederson said...

And Blue State voters have this nasty habit of moving to Red States and messing things by voting for the very same crap that ultimately lead them to leave the state they came from.

I'm curious. Since you obviously think Red States are superior to Blue. What objective standards make the Red States better. If you say "lower taxes, less regulation, more freedom," how exactly do those things lead to a better life and standard of living for the people in those states.

And I would contend that significant reason Red State people sometimes resent transplants from Blue States is for the simple fact that areas that become popular with Blue State folks inevitably leads to property prices being driven up (mostly because they are cash rich from selling their houses in Massachusetts or California).

Guildofcannonballs said...

Logically any accumulated wealth above that needed to fulfill your God's plan for you is spiteful.

Oh, oh, oh mercy those spited!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Logically any accumulated wealth above that needed to fulfill your God's plan for you is spiteful.

Logically, failing to account for why a billionaire who's contributed $900 to the RNC would want to whittle her time away in a department whose principal mission she clearly doesn't understand, is illogical.

Shane said...

If you've never watched Bill Murray on Weekend Update interview Elizabeth Taylor (John Belushi), it'd be well worth the time. Its on the Best of ...John Belushi DVD, but the only video apparently available online is a tape from a TV airing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvmEeLjmBCo

Guildofcannonballs said...

Eat shellfish meant and means suck into your mouth San Francisco, more but most especially less.

Shellfish, can you imagine!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Watched no Hail. Cesar again Coen's great welcomes me Trump White House!

Whooo wooooo!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Why couldn't I have caused their ruckus;


Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

(I assume enough comments have elapsed that I may now comment again without being seen as hogging the thread. I have also let some other minor errors slide).

Stop whining. It is unbecoming and starts you off as a loser.

The only denial that Democrats need to confront is whether they're controlled by anywhere near the same level of arisocratic oligarchy as their opponents...

You focus on net worth. It is stupid and a distraction. Devos supports school choice. Period. It doesn't matter how much she is worth. She is going to push and enact school choice. It is extremely popular with parents and particularly with poor minority parents. You wish to lie to yourself about what is going to happen here and you want to lie about how popular it is. Parents are going to get to choose where their kids go to school and they are going to be extremely pleased with it.

So the issue seems to be Achilles (and others?) wondering if Democrats can become a viable opposition or even power without being seen as contemptuous enough of a Muslim "enemy", wherever that supposed enemy is...

This is blatant hypocrisy. If "republicans" did anything like muslims do to women you would be in an outrage. You people already make up stupid shit about the "war on women" and democrats go cross-eyed attacking conservative women who venture off the progressive plantation. Hillary lost because she got absolutely crushed among white women. What liberals are doing to Kellyanne and Ivanka is disgusting. Nobody is going to take democrats seriously if they act like this.

So I say sit tight. The Trump administration seems to be serving its purpose of paying lip service to enough conservative causes to demand Republican support...

But as with other recent Republican leaders, he is a phony. Whether he means any of it...

We are going to see tax cuts and strong border enforcement. The 9th circuit and Robarts have already taken any responsibility for any terrorist attacks that happen. The question will be whether Trump can outrun the bubble Obama created by printing and borrowing 15% of our GDP for the last 8 years.

In the meantime, almost all Republican policies poll horribly, so taking comfort in electoral control (through controlling districting and other blatantly uncompetitive means)...

Border enforcement and ending illegal immigration polls around 80%. Supporting law enforcement polls in the 70's. Fighting for American jobs polls in the 90's. Have fun with "We need more sharia law and lawless immigration."

But Democrats will continue growing a broad, grassroots and progressive movement, if they want to win. Achiles can't talk out of both sides of his mouth, as if to say the only answer for Democrats is to become conservative xenophobes...

This is explicitly disingenuous. I am actually serious about the need of an opposition party. I will still probably disagree with a lot of that party's platform but I will at least be able to look at it and say "Those people actually want to improve our lives." You clearly don't right now.

So if that massive wing of the electorate, the major majority that hates nearly every Republican policy they've pushed going at least ten to twenty years back...

More lying to yourself. The private sector unions will be supporting Trump until the democrat party gets serious about creating more jobs and improving our schools and lives in ways we care about.

Right now your party stands for more people from the middle east, Asia and Mexico to compete with us for our jobs, more oligarch written "free trade" deals and moving manufacturing out of the country, making our gas more expensive, making our food more expensive, raising taxes and regulations further sending jobs away and government dependency for everyone.

Nobody wants that. It isn't serious.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Stop whining. It is unbecoming and starts you off as a loser.

I'm not whining. Go look at Meade's comments in the other thread. I'm sure you've seen them. He hates long threads. To start this off without reminding yourself of that (which I'm sure you've read) just reinforces that you are very selective with your information.

You focus on net worth. It is stupid and a distraction. Devos supports school choice. Period. It doesn't matter how much she is worth. She is going to push and enact school choice. It is extremely popular with parents and particularly with poor minority parents. You wish to lie to yourself about what is going to happen here and you want to lie about how popular it is. Parents are going to get to choose where their kids go to school and they are going to be extremely pleased with it.

You focus on charters. It is stupid and a distraction. Anyone can support charters. Period. It doesn't matter how much she does or does not support charters. She is going to push and enact lack of Republican accountability for standards - including Trump's own defrauding of his "students." She is extremely popular with parents all over America - with calls against her nomination at an astounding rate. You wish to lie to yourself about what is happening and you want to lie about how unpopular she is. Parents are not interested in a self-absorbed shill who screws over disabled kids and their own interest in standards in accountable schools, no matter how much you enthrall yourself to the payola of the RNC.

This is blatant hypocrisy.

No. It's blatantly staying focused on the issue, which you have trouble doing.

If "republicans" did anything like muslims do to women you would be in an outrage.

Lol. Thanks for letting us know which group is the lowest common denominator for judging the relative civility of "republicans." Pretty low bar but if that's your standard, Congratulations!

If you hate Muslims so much then go over to their countries and straighten things out for them, like you believe it is your heavenly mission to do.

You people already make up stupid shit about the "war on women" and democrats go cross-eyed attacking conservative women who venture off the progressive plantation.

I'm not sure what this means, but it seems to be your way of pretending that female voters are down with your anti-uterine autonomy control freak issues. Plus you got to use words like "plantation," which must make you feel important.

Hillary lost because she got absolutely crushed among white women.

Oh that's nice. I guess since it had nothing to do with working class votes, then you can proceed to screw those voters over - like we always knew you would.

What liberals are doing to Kellyanne and Ivanka is disgusting.

Oh yes. It's "liberals." How quaint. Don't forget "the press" for calling Conway out as the delusional liar that she is and "Nordstroms" for doing what any free market entity gets to do and cut off business with a liability that Ivanka became to them.

Nobody is going to take democrats seriously if they act like this.

Your fury really makes you confused, doesn't it. I'm not sure what any "Democrat" politician did to your heroine goddesses, but I do know that Sarah Palin has had enough of Trump's crony capitalism cabinet. Maybe you can go shift your rage onto her now, as fickle as you disloyal control freaks are these days.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We are going to see tax cuts -

Oh yes of course. For your rich friends. Which are the only people you're in it for.

...and strong border enforcement.

Which can't decrease Mexican immigration more than they've already been emigrating out of here, King Factlessness. Not to mention the marginal effect this will have for the working class voters you never cared about anyway.

The 9th circuit and Robarts have already taken any responsibility for any terrorist attacks that happen.

If you can't handle living in a country with separation of powers, an independent judiciary, and judging cases based on their legality rather than disasters you want to blame on them, then you need to move to a country without one. There are plenty of countries where the judges are controlled by the chief despot. I suggest you go call one of them your home. Clearly you have no respect for Marbury vs. Madison.

The question will be whether Trump can outrun the bubble Obama created by printing and borrowing 15% of our GDP for the last 8 years.

I guess economists are like other scientists to you. Just make things up like "bubble" because you get a political charge out of declaring things that don't exist and denying things that do.

Border enforcement and ending illegal immigration polls around 80%.

And remaining ignorant of the actual stats on these things must poll in.. what? Well whatever percentage allows you to ignore the reality of it.

Supporting law enforcement...

Which can mean anything. But from your disrespect and hatred for the judiciary and genuflection to an authoritarian executive, I take it that has nothing to do with community policing and other necessary practice changes but something about how you like police to intimidate and harass the communities they serve, shoot at will, and beat up suspects without according due process rights. Because somehow being mindful of all those atrocities must get in the way of your simplistic "us vs them" mindset.

Fighting for American jobs polls in the 90's.

Real American jobs come with policy changes. Not with King Twitter Thumbs picking momentary winners and losers in the marketplace by bribing Carrier. What a precedent that sets. Again, even Sarah Palin agrees.

Have fun with "We need more sharia law and lawless immigration."

Have fun being disingenuous, hating/pathologically fearing the same Muslim Americans who fight for and serve our country and revealing how little you know about American law and the court system.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is explicitly disingenuous. I am actually serious about the need of an opposition party. I will still probably disagree with a lot of that party's platform but I will at least be able to look at it and say "Those people actually want to improve our lives." You clearly don't right now.

You are disingenuous. You admit that you want to have uncompetitive elections arranged that way through gerrymandering, and think it's awesome that immediately after the election King Twitter Thumbs can install plutocrats who inspire enough phone calls to Congress to swamp the message boards. Town halls that Republican congressmen are too pussy and chickenshit to attend because of how loudly they're booed out and shouted down. If you were serious, then you'd end gerrymandering. But the last thing you want are competitive elections.

So if that massive wing of the electorate, the major majority that hates nearly every Republican policy they've pushed going at least ten to twenty years back...

More lying to yourself.

It's funny listening to a Trump defender talk about lying. But please, your guy seems to be the authority on it.

The private sector unions will be supporting Trump...

Oh? The ones that you've decimated membership in to less than 20% or so? Those unions? The same ones your worthless party has been doing everything it can to decimate membership in them further? To the point of non-existence? It looks like you can have them, then.

...until the democrat party gets serious about creating more jobs and improving our schools and lives in ways we care about.

You spent eight years blocking growth. You're not serious about it now, either.

Right now your party stands for more people from the middle east,

So do you and Trump. There are more than 7 countries in the middle east.

Asia and Mexico to compete with us for our jobs,

So you're afraid of competition? That figures. You are politically so why not economically. A fair playing field would be nice, but you're afraid of competition. Fraidy cat!

...more oligarch written "free trade" deals and moving manufacturing out of the country,
making our gas more expensive, making our food more expensive, raising taxes and regulations further sending jobs away and government dependency for everyone.

Yawn. Endless straw men. Since you see Trump as your savior, it sounds like you're pretty dependent upon him. It's not like any of those pretending to be in his party can get on board with what he says he wants on their own. Other than that, it's nice to see you fight the good fight for his plutocratic corporatist cabinet. Gas? Food? Oh, you've bought on to the Exxon Mobil and Monstanto agenda too, I see. Keep fighting for them, corporatist. I'm sure they appreciate it.

Nobody wants that. It isn't serious.

They want their food labeled as to what's in it, they don't want oil companies to have a stranglehold on the economy, they don't want a cabinet that cares more about enriching itself than it does them. But you are helpless to disentangle a billionaire's interests from working America's. I have never seen a conservative put forward a more tortured presentation of how he's pro-working class, but why be any less delusional than your King, Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Meade - sorry for the length of these posts. It's possible that Achilles didn't read what you posted on the thread where so many of his and my comments had to go. But maybe if he did he wouldn't feel so above the law of this thread. It's your place and if he and I are getting out of hand, I'm fine with walking it back a bit to adhere to your rules here on topicality, length and civility. But he seems to be incapable of helping himself. I'll try to keep it topical and civil, and if he keeps getting out of hand with long-winded and disingenuous hack, personalized political attacks, I'll just let him have at it and remind him of your blog's warning to us right above the comment box. But he seems to hate progressives and has identified me as his voodoo doll for them, despite the popularity of their platform with the country right now relative to what he's getting confused by.


Jon Ericson said...

The Toothless Revolutionary

Known Unknown said...

"Meade - sorry for the length of these posts."

Dude, he's just the gardener.

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