January 31, 2017

"Trump Promise Tracker... We’re tracking the progress of 60 pledges he made during his campaign — and whether he achieved his goals."

"It’s day 12 of the Trump administration with 1,449 days left in his term," and Trump has kept 5 promises and broken one, according to the WaPo Fact Checker. Trump has taken some action on 7 promises and not yet done anything on 47.

The broken promise is: "Impose a five-year ban on White House and congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service."
On Jan. 28, Trump signed an order that he said would impose a five-year ban on lobbying after government service by executive-branch officials. This appeared broader than the language in the contract, which said it would apply to White House officials, but it actually fails to fulfill his repeated pledge to "drain the swamp." There is no reference in an executive order to a ban on congressional officials. The five-year ban applies only to lobbying one’s former agency — not becoming a lobbyist. Moreover, Trump actually weakened some of the language from similar bans under Obama and George W. Bush, and reduced the level of transparency. Given that this action in many ways is a step backward, we will label this as a promise broken.


Steve said...

And what would the howling sound like if Trump took an unconstitutional action against legislative branch employees?

I can add the Trump Promise Tracker to my list of bullshit propaganda outlets.

damikesc said...

How would the President have any control over CONGRESSIONAL officials lobbying CONGRESS? He thought it could be done, but I see no legal way he has that level of control.

And why would a lobbying group want to hire a government official to lobby a group that they know very little about?

As far as less transparent than Obama --- I'd like to see how.

Achilles said...

The WAPO is doing everything it can to make it's value 0.

RAH said...

Such BS Promise tracker. They complain when he does fulfill his promises and then carp when they said he did not

damikesc said...

Anybody remember, right after the election, how we were told that Obama had to tell Trump how to do almost everything as President?

Obama must be a hell of a teacher.

eric said...

Spare us.

CJ said...

The only promise I want to see kept is that he makes the NYT/WaPo editorial board feel the despair the rest of us have been feeling for 8 years.

damikesc said...

Such BS Promise tracker. They complain when he does fulfill his promises and then carp when they said he did not

It should also be noted that he hasn't been in the WH for two weeks yet. They gave Obama far more time.

le Douanier said...

Wapo forgot a broken promise:

“I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th of 2017, safety will be restored.”

Bob Boyd said...

"my list of bullshit propaganda outlets."

BPO's for short.

le Douanier said...

Yes, don't read anything that tracks if DJT keeps the promises that you expected him to keep when you voted for him.

Evil WaPo and their evil promise tracking.

Achilles said...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
Wapo forgot a broken promise:

“I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th of 2017, safety will be restored.”

Poorly stated but he has already taken steps to reverse the Obama sponsored crime wave. All he had to do to start was to get the DOJ off cops backs.

It will take longer than he wanted to clean up the mess Obama made.

Hagar said...

It is not going to be done by just one president.

Comanche Voter said...

Somehow I don't think that the WaPo "fact checkers" aka Democrat fabulists with a byline, give a rat's patoot about whether Trump keeps or breaks his promises. That issue is irrelevant to their main mission which is to jump up and down screaming and shouting Hillary Good Donald Bad!

You keep that sorry song up long enough, the WapPo's credibility will be lower than whale feces on the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

Achilles said...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
Yes, don't read anything that tracks if DJT keeps the promises that you expected him to keep when you voted for him.

Evil WaPo and their evil promise tracking.

Just because you are particularly dumb I will spell out what is obvious to the rest of us. We will hold Trump to his promises because we actually want him to keep those promises. So far he is performing better than hoped for. We will also call the WAPO out for biased garbage you idiots all consider reporting.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Lyin' liar is shooting blanks on that one.

230 Protesters charged with felony rioting by US attorneys under direction from Trump.

Looks like he's stopping the violence the way it's supposed to be stopped.

Jon Ericson said...

Malibu's still there.

Steve said...


If you like your promise tracker, you can keep it.

It will take a full eight years to judge Trump and his promise keeping. He didn't break a promise he fulfilled half of it as quickly as he could. It will take Presidential and Congressional leadership to extend the five year ban to the Congress. But you knew that.

At least you've choosen your moniker correctly. I'll be sure and add you to my list of BPOs. Thanks Bob Boyd.

chuck said...

One wonders why the Post cares. I'll hazard the guess that they want to disillusion the dozen of so Trump supporters who read the paper. I am not among them, I only scan the Post headlines for laughs.

le Douanier said...

"We will hold Trump to his promises because we actually want him to keep those promises."

Tell that to the folks in this thread who are making excuses for DJT's broken promise, and lashing out at WaPo for tracking DJT's actions re promises.

And yet, I'm the dummy.

Got it.

JaimeRoberto said...

WaPo's opinion appears to be that the food is terrible and the portions are too small.

le Douanier said...


reread the DJT quote that I posted.

You'll notice that your comment is unsatisfactory re fulfilling DJT's convention speech promise.

traditionalguy said...

When the JUDGES want to rate DJT as a failure, I say think about Ty Cobb's batting average.

He may miss a ball here and there, but he still does the things they say can't be done, beautifully.

Big Mike said...

My take is that Trump is being scrupulous about staying within the letter and spirit of the law. This is very novel to the Post after eight years of Obama's government by EO fiat. Hopefully they'll adjust in time.

le Douanier said...

BTW, I'm help y'all.

W/o me many (most? all?) of you wouldn't realize that Althouse posted the text re the broken promise because Meadehouse wanted to have a good laugh as y'all dealt w/ cog dis by selling out any supposed core principles as you explained away this broken promise re letting powerful interests gorge on the gov tit.

David said...

"If you like your doctor . . . "

le Douanier said...

You're welcome.

Yancey Ward said...

Trump also promised to indict Crooked Hillary Clinton, and he broke that promise even before he won the election. Why didn't WaPo list that one?

David said...

"If you like your doctor . . . "

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It wasn't publicized but the WaPo to their credit did issue a promise tracker on Obama here but it is shady. For example on his promise to make electricity generation 10% renewable by 2012 they rate it a compromise. But it was a stupid promise he couldn't keep. Forget about the 25% goal for 2025.

And the liars over at Politifact tracked 533!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I must have missed their President Obama promise tracker.

How's that Guantanamo Bay closure going?
How about those sea levels?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And yet better than Obama right out of the gate.

David said...

This can go one of two directions. They can destroy him. Or they can make him more powerful that they can imagine right now.

There's always the middle ground, but I don't think middle ground is a very likely result in this struggle.

Matt Sablan said...

I actually have no problem holding politicians accountable. I'd just suggest that, what, two weeks in is a bit premature.

Anonymous said...

Trumpites don't like having a ripple in their force. 'Let's just ignore all the fact checking, it's just fake news from the enemy'.

PB said...

What a bunch of whiners. this was written about as far as he could go without requiring legislation.

Anonymous said...

'Its tanatamount to betrayal of our dear leader. Close your eyes and plug your ears and sing, lalalalalalala'.

Richard said...

David, I think you have it about right and I like how it's looking.

FullMoon said...

Sandy Co said... [hush]​[hide comment]

'Its tanatamount to betrayal of our dear leader. Close your eyes and plug your ears and sing, lalalalalalala'.

Good one! Very original.
Meanwhile, Trumpites get a Supreme court judge or two, or three. Ha!Ha!

buwaya said...

"Trumpites don't like having a ripple in their force. 'Let's just ignore all the fact checking, it's just fake news from the enemy'."

It is that, fake news.
And its a very recent, American thing, this sort of hysterical monkey-poo flinging attack.

Its not typical of historical coverage of US politics and its tone is not typical of mainstream European papers either, and those are all ideologically aligned. This piece here wouldn't be tabloid material, and I doubt even the far-left-or-right pamphlets would be using quite this tone, or rather, they would be going all conspiratorial - "just you wait, he will soon betray us into the hands of finance capital", etc. At least that sort of thing didn't usually depart from possibilities, if not probabilities.

rhhardin said...

Given that this action in many ways is a step backward, we will label this as a promise broken.

Trump speak with forked tongue.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Whose ignoring it Sandy? I think it's silly to issue report cards before Obama has even stopped talking. We disagree, but you lefties always have to start reading people's minds instead of addressing the facts. There's so much good news coming out of DC nowadays it is hard to waste time sniping at small differences. It would have been nice if any leftists had any principals during Obama's two terms and applied such rigorous analysis to his actions, but that isn't the universe we live in.

Things that have been missing for eight years will suddenly reappear:

Casualty counts from ongoing war
Grand traditions of the Senate
Curiosity on the part of reporters
Interest in nominees' pasts
Articles about the President's associates and religious advisers
The real unemployment rate / underemployment
Carbon footprints for executive branch

Things that were cool the last eight years but will be nonexistent now:

Deference to the executive branch
Basketball brackets
Fashion spreads featuring president's family
Calling temporary teachers a "constitutional law professor"
Selective reporting of approval ratings*

*Did you know Obama is one of the lowest rated presidents of the last 50 years? Lower than both Bush men and Nixon.

Static Ping said...

Not be be a spoil sport, given WaPo's recent problems with fake news the fact that anyone would take their fact checking seriously is amusing. I would like a list of such people. Someone is going go swindle them out of their money and I'd like to place myself in a position to profit from it, given the inevitability of such. Oh, I won't be doing the swindling and I'll even try to warn them when the time comes, but if they are going to lose their hard earned cash because hey are dumb I might as well get a percentage cleaning up the mess.

Yancey Ward said...

Matthew Sablan wrote:

"I actually have no problem holding politicians accountable. I'd just suggest that, what, two weeks in is a bit premature."

Well, these were also the same people who were writing the week after the election how the Trump transition team was so far behind schedule the country was in real danger of not having cabinet positions fill until 2020.

n.n said...

The Washington Post is still grieving the exposure of Water Closet by Deep Plunger, which exposed rampant [class] diversity at the DNC and JournoListic conspiracy. Or was that information released during the Nigerian Phishing expedition?

That said, multiple, independent sources. Pull up your Donkey, Washington Post.

lgv said...

He should be done in 144 days based on my statistical analysis. That's a pretty good clip. If he does all those other things, the swamp will be drained from natural causes, not executive order.

Known Unknown said...

Where was the WaPo promise tracker on Ocean Levels under Obama?

Just curious.

Known Unknown said...

I see the WaPo uses the "jobs created or saved" bullshit in their assessment of Obama.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Mike said...
Did you know Obama is one of the lowest rated presidents of the last 50 years? Lower than both Bush men and Nixon.

And yet his eight year average beats Trump in his honeymoon period.

Known Unknown said...

"in his honeymoon period."

Ha. Trump was guaranteed to have zero honeymoon period.

buwaya said...

"given WaPo's recent problems with fake news the fact that anyone would take their fact checking seriously is amusing."

Its not a problem with money or anything. And credibility as such is not an issue either. This is a propaganda organ straight up, everything they publish has been approved as part of a messaging plan and is meant to play a part for a purpose.

They mean for SOME people to take this piece seriously, or perhaps more likely for it to feed into some other organs message of the day, citing the WaPo.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larvell said...

Cool -- where's the link to WaPo's Obama Promise Tracker article after his first week?

Fernandinande said...

It’s day 12 ... 5 promises and broken one = 6 promises in 12 days.

"With 1,449 days left in his term" he needs to come up with 677.5 more promises.

Steve said...

Mike said:

*Did you know Obama is one of the lowest rated presidents of the last 50 years? Lower than both Bush men and Nixon.

Not quite right. He beat Carter and Ford, which seems like an unfair comparison. Those two didn't get reelected. Another four years and they probably could have brought their standing up.

Sebastian said...

""With 1,449 days left in his term" he needs to come up with 677.5 more promises." Yeah, he's gonna run out of promises pretty soon. He'll still have personnel issues and some international stuff to deal with. He can go check on that beautiful wall. But I'm afraid he's gonna get bored. He'll start looking for things to do, things he didn't promise. Thats when it gets really interesting.

le Douanier said...

You people and the ocean thing are only making your self look dumb, not BHO.

I'm not going to bring the BHO quote to you because I think it's funny that y'all don't know the quote, since you're sure that you do. I don't want to end that funniness.

BTW, I also would bet that most of you think BHO said "guns and religion."

And, y'all probably think BHO claimed that we are a country of 57 States. Not that his saying there are 60 states is correct, but your being wrong about the specifics of his being wrong still means you're wrong, which should be avoided when pointing out someone else's errors, imho.

Carry on.

320Busdriver said...

If he can get one, it would be term limits. DC is a "swamp"...drain it.

Gretchen said...

Maybe I missed the Obama promise tracker ....

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
being wrong about the specifics of his being wrong still means you're wrong, which should be avoided when pointing out someone else's errors, imho.

Your're new here, apparently. Trust me, this isn't perceived to be a problem around here.

Michael K is my favorite, not only does he spout nonsense but it is the same nonsense that he has spouted multiple times before. I could write some of his posts from memory, due solely to repeated exposure. Next time he leaves Althouse forever maybe I'll pick up the role.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Obama sees dead people. They don't know they're dead. Or maybe they do - they're in purgatory and their punishment includes listening to Obama's speeches.

“On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.” — Barack Obama

JAORE said...

“On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.” — Barack Obama

Why is that wrong, weren't these the corpse-men he referenced in a different speech?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Carry on.
1/31/17, 5:21 PM

Hey shiloh we missed you! And your judgment and predictive abilities!

Chris said...

Ooooh JAORE,

I like, I like.

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