October 8, 2016

"I'd never withdraw. I've never withdrawn in my life. No, I'm not quitting. I have tremendous support."

"Zero chance I'll quit."


n.n said...

The choice is between an acolyte of the Pro-Choice Church, who is an avowed class diversitist, chauvinist pig, progressive war monger, trickle-up poverty economist, anti-native activist, and advocate of the final solution; and someone who speaks candidly of women, men, and babies, exploited by female chauvinists, their male chauvinist counterparts, and other "humanitarian" pornographers. It's time for Clinton to abort her campaign.

dreams said...

The stupid party is ganging up on their own candidate which the Dems would never do, never have. The crooked Dems attack and the stupid wimp Republicans race to validate the crooked Dems attack by piling on.

Jaq said...

Saw a bumper sticker for SMOD today. So so far my count is two for Hillary, several for Trump, and one for the Sweet Meteor of Death.

Yancey Ward said...

Maybe the taped comments won't matter. This election is the hardest to predict in my memory. In many ways, the pile on from the Republican leadership might actually cement Trump's standing as a true outsider.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Just in my town (Boulder)(leftwing lala land) - I've seen two SMOD's, one "Hillary for Prison", One "anybody but Hillary", zero Trump, and only a 2-3 for H.

Tons of Bernie stickers remain.

traditionalguy said...

This is a special moment for President Trump. He will learn this week who are his enemies in the GOP establishment. No more mystery. And he better remember the traitors after inauguration.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mick said...

Trump Landslide.

We the people hate the corrupt state propaganda media, and the political establishment. Any attacks on Trump by them make him stronger.

Trump will still fill arenas while the Crooked Old Lady fails to fill High School gyms. The polls are a lie.

Just so you know, the Crooked Old Lady is barred by law from serving as POTUS (not that the law means anything since the Usurpation of the Presidency by Hussein Obama.


Title 18 sec. 2071

Hillary Clinton is ineligible to ever hold public office again after destroying Government documents.


"(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, wilfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."


320Busdriver said...

I think Trump might actually try shooting someone on 5th ave. just to prove his point.

I think what he said wrt that might just be true too.6

mockturtle said...

The GOP establishment is digging its own grave this year. But they probably don't realize it yet.

dreams said...

We're living in a world where what you say counts for more than what you do, words mean more than deeds. Sad!

Earnest Prole said...

Proposition: Donald Trump has less honor than Anthony Weiner. Discuss.

eric said...

As I pointed out in the other thread, his supporters are still behind him.

In response to my other message, April Apple confirmed that she will still vote for Trump. And she is barely, has barely been all along, a Trump supporter. If anyone reads these comment sections regularly, she really doesn't like Trump. If he lost anyone, I thought it would be her. But nope, she is still voting for him.

Now maybe he has lost Althouse. Although she never came out in support, it does seem like he has lost her at this point. Then again, I've no clue what she is thinking.

My point remains. If you only watch the news, it seems like he is done. To finished. Everyone is abandoning him. The Senators, Congressman, ex legislatures, GOP regulars like Condi Rice, talking heads like Hugh Hewitt, etc.

Yet, the regular Joe's are still behind him.

What sort of game is this being played on us where the majority of the pols all move in one direction as a response, while the rest of us stay put?

Isn't the outrage manufactured?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Potemkin Election marches on!

Diogenes of Sinope said...

I can't imagine the Democrats would let the Republicans dump Trump and put someone else on the ballots of 50 states. There would be endless lawsuits.

eric said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
The GOP establishment is digging its own grave this year. But they probably don't realize it yet.

My question, what will rise from the ashes?

At this point, I feel like we were infiltrated some time ago by clever Democrats and have been fighting for the soul of our party ever since. I'm so sick and tired of the cowards in Washington always listening to the Jake Tappers of the world, rather than us voters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Eric - you make a good point. I doubt his supporters will abandon him. However, something to keep in mind, elections are not won and lost with the base support, they are won and lost with the swing voters.

eric said...

Blogger Diogenes of Sinope said...
I can't imagine the Democrats would let the Republicans dump Trump and put someone else on the ballots of 50 states. There would be endless lawsuits.

The GOP rules don't allow them to dump Trump. They can fill a vacancy, but they can't create the vacancy.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I predict the real pressure to quit will come after the second debate Sunday night.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

oh wait - Ive see a few "Love Trumps hate" stickers.

dreams said...

The liberal media, the Democrats and the elite Republicans are all corrupt, they all live in a corrupt bubble. The mock outrage over a private conversation after having to endure the Clinton years boggles the mind. We're doomed.

rcocean said...

Of course Trump didn't "withdraw"!

Did Hillary withdraw after the FBI Investigation, or her leaked speeches to Goldman Sachs?

Hell, she's engaged in 20 years of lying and corruption and she's never thought about "withdrawing".

Meanwhile, traitorous "conservative" cucks like Brooks, Kristol, Goldberg, and Ryan are trying to elect Hillary!

Earnest Prole said...

If Donald Trump's supporters wouldn't care if he shot a man dead in the street, why would they care about mere sexual assault?

mockturtle said...

Per April: Eric - you make a good point. I doubt his supporters will abandon him. However, something to keep in mind, elections are not won and lost with the base support, they are won and lost with the swing voters.

It's the swing voters who are going for Trump, many of whom are Romney's 47%.

Unknown said...

Trump will win. Big comeback starting tomorrow evening

Watch and learn

eric said...

Blogger AprilApple said...
Eric - you make a good point. I doubt his supporters will abandon him. However, something to keep in mind, elections are not won and lost with the base support, they are won and lost with the swing voters.

I'm convinced Trump is going to lose, barring a hail Mary pass completion.

However, this year you have it backwards. It's the Republicans who won't be voting for trump. The swing voters are his staunchest supporters and that pisses off a lot of the GOP. Guys like Chuck.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mock - how do you know that?

Also, what are these politicians supposed to say? If they rush to support his strange 2005 comments, they will be crucified. They are in a no-win situation.

eric said...

Blogger Unknown said...
Trump will win. Big comeback starting tomorrow evening

Watch and learn

The only way Trump comes back from this is if worse things come out about Hillary. People like John McCain need a solid reason to say, "Yes, he is deplorable, but he isn't her."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump must do really well in the next debate. A debate hosted by Democrats. All the traps will be set, and now this? A hail Mary pass is indeed what he needs to throw and catch.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

AprilApple said...
Trump must do really well in the next debate. A debate hosted by Democrats. All the traps will be set, and now this?

I'm imaging the kill Piggy scene from Lord of the Flies.

Anonymous said...

We'll see how this plays out, but my recollection from 18 years ago is that attacking Bill Clinton on his sex life turned out to be a major loser for the Republicans among the voters, even though they were correct in the charge that Clinton had lied under oath about it. Do the tables turn now because the party labels are swapped and the media is still on the side that's convenient for the Clintons, or will it be that in the end the public just doesn't give a damn?

I've never liked Trump the candidate much, but getting the entire establishment media and establishment Washington to turn on him almost in a scripted chorus of faux outrage to withdraw is a massive endorsement of Trump to anyone fed up with the status quo.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Good read right here:


rcocean said...

"Now maybe he has lost Althouse."

OMG, we've lost the liberal UW Madison vote. All is lost!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ARM - I'm imaging the kill Piggy scene from Lord of the Flies.


dreams said...

"Mock - how do you know that?

Also, what are these politicians supposed to say? If they rush to support his strange 2005 comments, they will be crucified. They are in a no-win situation."

How many Dems voted to impeach Bill Clinton? None. How many conservative Dems voted against Obamacare? None.

As to the Republicans, what are they supposed to say? They could shut up and stop preemptively surrendering.

How do I know their outrage is mock? By their actions, they defended Bill Clinton for far worse.

dreams said...

"Now maybe he has lost Althouse."

Althouse was never going to vote for Trump, regardless her vote doesn't matter.

Etienne said...

There are 3001 Haitians in Tijuana this evening. They all want to cross the border.
I think Obama will bring them in under his humanitarian good will.

What this country needs is more Haitians on welfare.

Trump reminds me of Homer Simpsons father.

khesanh0802 said...

I read Thomas Frank's book" Listen, Liberal" which is a scathing indictment of the Democratic party's failure toward the working class. One thing he does say about the Democrats is that they will do anything, ANYTHING to win the power of the presidency. We are certainly seeing that with Clinton an uninitiated felon who no one in the Democratic party will shun, everyone will support until the sun rises in the West. Meanwhile the R's are running for the exits because Trump has a foul mouth. That would not bother the D's at all. They'd just say he "misspoke" and carry on.

dreams said...

Elect Hillary, get more Muslims in our country and watch the number of rapes go up like they are in Germany. I think the women don't have to fear getting rape by Trump.

rhhardin said...

Althouse on election day will consult her mood ring. So it will all depend on temperature.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
khesanh0802 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
khesanh0802 said...

Let's be honest. (Ann, excuse my language) Doesn't it piss you off the the Democrats get away with the shit they get away with. I was thinking earlier tonight that we are no better informed than people in China. We get only D approved news. Anything that does not adhere to the party's desires either doesn't appear or gets buried. If voters are ignorant it is because they are being played by the assholes that are running the country. Pravda my have less biased news coverage! Trump may be obnoxious, but he is a hell a lot more honest than crooked Hillary.

I don't give a shit what anyone thinks of me I am voting for Trump because it would be the absolute best thing for the country if he became president.

rhhardin said...

Withdraw from the Sudetenland.

That's a euphemism for pussy. Süd, south.

mockturtle said...

Coup informs us: There are 3001 Haitians in Tijuana this evening. They all want to cross the border.
I think Obama will bring them in under his humanitarian good will.

Send them up to Canada. They speak French, don't they?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Baffled by the idea that he should withdraw because of indulging in some potty mouth with the boys. Why? Throughout the past six months, I have yet to hear in person a single defense of Hillary. Lots of attacks on Trump, but not one defense of Hillary from a flesh-and-blood person of any political stripe. That's remarkable. Probably not significant in terms of the election but loaded with significance from the moment Hillary takes office. It's not just the campaign that's bizarre. I'm guessing the political aftermath is going to be fraught with all kinds of new and interesting developments and Trump/Clinton will have fundamentally changed the way branches of government interact.

Etienne said...

mockturtle said...Send them up to Canada. They speak French, don't they?

I don't know why they don't go there. Maybe the welfare is less?

Bonkti said...


You are thinking of the Netherlands.

The Low Countries.

cubanbob said...

Trump might as well go for the kill and demand that Hillary withdraw since she is a criminal and a traitor.

khesanh0802 said...

@cubanbob You bet! Take off the gloves and never mind where the bodies fall.

mockturtle said...

Trump might as well go for the kill and demand that Hillary withdraw since she is a criminal and a traitor.

Sometimes the best defense is a good offense.

Theranter said...

Another good read:


Big Mike said...

@khesanh0802, as Abraham Lincoln wrote to a friend in 1855, "When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy." [sic]

161 years later, nothing has changed.

Michael said...

Is it worse to have said what Trump said or to defend your husband who got blow jobs from an intern that worked for him while he was president of the united states? Which is worse?

Hopefully this will be discussed tomorrow night because sex is or is not important.

Lucien said...

Trump's campaign has rejected ideas of political correctness all along. The politically correct thing to do when caught saying things 11 years ago that are politically incorrect now is to say "oops, you got me" and surrender -- ideally by saying that you are addicted to whatever your offense was, and we all know addiction is a disease for which one can't be blamed, and then go into rehab. Which any thinking person should know is Kabuki at best and Bullshit at worst.

I don't think Trump is going to do that, and I don't think his deplorable supporters expect him to. Slimy career politicians looking to back out of endorsements they made for Trump in order to help their own campaigns will of course run for the hills. What else is new?

Michael K said...

"He will learn this week who are his enemies in the GOP establishment. "

Yes and I wonder what the DNC has on Ryan? Has anyone read "Advise and Consent?"

This is damnedest election in over 100 years.

eric said...

Blogger The Cracker Emcee said...
Baffled by the idea that he should withdraw because of indulging in some potty mouth with the boys. Why? Throughout the past six months, I have yet to hear in person a single defense of Hillary. Lots of attacks on Trump, but not one defense of Hillary from a flesh-and-blood person of any political stripe. That's remarkable. Probably not significant in terms of the election but loaded with significance from the moment Hillary takes office. It's not just the campaign that's bizarre. I'm guessing the political aftermath is going to be fraught with all kinds of new and interesting developments and Trump/Clinton will have fundamentally changed the way branches of government interact.

The people who keep saying he should drop out are telling me he "Bragged about sexual assault."

So, it seems to be two perspectives here. Let's call it the Ann Althouse perspective and the supporters perspective.

The Althouse perspective is that, in the audio, he admits and brags about doing something felonious. The supporter position is that he was just talking trash and didn't say anything about sexual assault.

The people I've asked to explain to me what the sexual assault he bragged about is have responded with, "We're just going to have to agree to disagree."

So, I'm not really clear yet on where the criminal act is.

Ken B said...

Althouse misparsed. Trump responded to a prod with what could easily be a hypothetical or a vague idea. She reads that as tantamount to "I inserted my finger into her vagina." In any other context she would see it and admit it. Here she never will, even if she sees it.

How Common English Usage Lost Me.

machine said...


Ken B said...

In the context of Althouse's accusation of criminal sexual assault the relevant question surely is about Kathleen Willey or Juanita Broadrick. I believed Willey at least. What did Hillary know and when did she know it.

dreams said...

And this.

"Shows that use dirty language win all sorts of awards, and now the media pretends words spoken eleven years ago are a disqualifier. I think everyone should watch the Rob Lowe roast on Comedy Central to see truly repulsive stuff.

The Clintons divert massive amounts of money from Haiti for their Foundation and friends, which left the poor more vulnerable to the hurricane than they should have been. And then there were those kickbacks to the Foundation and Bill himself to sell a big chunk of our uranium reserves to the Russians.

And the media say Trump is the disqualified person."

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Bill Clinton was hosing on of his subordinates, in the White House, repeatedly, lied about it and perjured himself and the Left didn't call for Bill Clinton to resign or even drop out of the presidential race. The Left told us that the president's sex life was private and not fair game for political criticism. Hillary Clinton has committed felonies while in office, worked with the president and justice department to cover it up and since she was not indicted tells us that she is innocent of any wrong doing and to move on.

Trump should be held to the Democrats' standards. standards.

eric said...

Blogger Ken B said...
Althouse misparsed

Maybe, but I'd still like to see someone lay out the argument. Syllogisms aren't that hard.

1) Trump said I had sex with a woman and didn't ask her first.
2) Having sex with a woman without asking is sexual assault.
3) Trump sexually assaulted a woman.

See? Not that hard.

If someone believes this, I'd like to see the premises which draw the conclusion.

Gospace said...

SOJO said...
Of course he's not quitting. He could still win, make no mistake. There are that many of his kind out there.

So many of his kind out there? Is that so? Just what exactly are his kind? I certainly am not. But I'll be voting for him in November.

Of the several dozens of people I know voting for Trump, only a handful are pro-Trump. All the rest are voting Trump because he's not Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife, Communist Party candidate for president and corrupt alcoholic enabler of her sexual predator husband.

In order to change my vote, you would have to give me a non-laughable reason to vote for her. Foreign policy experience? As one meme put it, her foreign policy experience is like Wile E. Coyote's explosive experience. Demonstrated leadership ability? ROFL LMAO. Honesty? I'll die from hiccups if you try that one. Smarter? Purely a matter of conjecture. Haven't seen her oversee any successful projects. In fact, she failed, completely and utterly, at implementing Hillarycare when she was in charge of health care reform. Commitment to the first amendment? Ah, she wants to ban published criticism of incumbents before elections. Especially criticism of HER.

I do have a few facebook friends voting for her. Not one, not one single one, has posted a Why Anyone Should Vote For Her post. They all foam at the mouth being anti-Trump. Some of the pro-Trump people do post why to vote for Trump. Biggest single reason? You know he's pro-American. Fact is, you can't prove that of her. Nary a hint of it in her career. And with the release of the Podesta documents, proof otherwise. I notice they're not being discussed in the media.

FullMoon said...

Ken B said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Althouse misparsed. Trump responded to a prod with what could easily be a hypothetical or a vague idea. She reads that as tantamount to "I inserted my finger into her vagina." In any other context she would see it and admit it. Here she never will, even if she sees it.

If Trump really was an asshole ,when the subject of the woman came up, he would have claimed she hit on him and he turned her down. Saying he tried his best and did not score was actually a compliment. The fake tits thing was bad.
The "they let you grab their pussy" comment is about a particular type of woman. Althouse would not let Trump cop a feel, and Trump would not attempt it with her.

Mike Sylwester said...

Hillary Clinton wants to flood the USA with Third-World immigrants who will vote Democrat gratefully for generations.

Much worse, however, Donald Trump remarked in a private conversation a decade ago that some women gladly submitted to his sexual advances.

Clyde said...


eric said...

It'll be interesting to see what the next opposition research dump is. Obviously they have more and will wait about a week or so before releasing it. Gotta time these things for the debates if they can.

But, all the people who are weak followers are already fleeing. So either the next dump is lot's worse, thus causing another large defection, or it's a big dud because the weaklings have already shot their wad.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken B said...

Of course Trump was referring to a certain type of person, called for good reason, a starfucker. It's hardly new.
The Rolling Stones had an album titled Starfucker. I owned it 40 years ago.

mockturtle said...

But, all the people who are weak followers are already fleeing.

For instance?

I'm Full of Soup said...

We have become such an un-serious people when the media shovels biased stories 247 to us and we lap it up while it almost never digs in to tell us about the really important stuff.

For that reason, America as we know it today, is probably doomed. I hope it is not my city that gets nuked first due to our surplus of incompetent leaders who think global warming is our biggest threat. .

GRW3 said...

War Starts Monday, if not Sunday…

He warrned her a couple of times not go in this direction. Now he is unleashed. This is going to be interesting.

jg said...

Not surprising. Trump's only way to keep his dignity is to win, at this point. Gloves completely off. Hillary should start worrying.

320Busdriver said...

weak followers,... .

well rnc for 1


CStanley said...

War Starts Monday, if not Sunday…

He warrned her a couple of times not go in this direction. Now he is unleashed. This is going to be interesting.

If this proves true, then we're probably looking at Mutually Assured Destruction. Particularly since the nuclear option would obviously be Jeffrey Epstein, and it seems likely that Trump (while perhaps or even probably innocent of the pedophilia escapades) allowed himself to get close enough that he won't be able to prove his innocence.

Mark said...

It'll be interesting to see what the next opposition research dump is. Obviously they have more and will wait about a week or so before releasing it.

That's just it, isn't it? Hillary, the Dems and the left and all those others feigning offense don't really care about women or decency or integrity. If they did, stuff like this would have been released months or years ago, when the Clinton machine first knew about this (if they didn't know about it at the time years ago), instead of Hillary and Bill going to Trump's wedding a few years back.

Political expedient morality is no morality at all. Even when it is obsessively spewed on blogs and cable TV shows.

FullMoon said...

Still to come: Divorce declaration that Trump raped his wife: Suit saying Trump assaulted minor girl with Epstien.
If Trump is not smart enough to get ahead of this....?

For fun I would enjoy the "We came, we saw, he died" clip manipulated to infer Clintons killed Micheal Jackson, Ted Kennedy, Prince, Heath Ledger etc.

FullMoon said...

Vid of Bill wagging his finger; "I did not have relations;;;etc", cut to Blue Dress headlines.

Carville's trailer trash comment..

machine said...

“My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka,” Trump said.

“By the way, your daughter,” said Stern.

“She’s beautiful,” replied Trump.

“Can I say this? A piece of ass,” said Stern.

“Yeah,” Trump assented.

Mike Sylwester said...

So, what did Bill Clinton say to Donald Trump while they were golfing? Maybe Trump will tell us some juicy tidbits during the debate on Sunday.

CStanley said...

I hadn't realized at first that the Billy Bush in these clips was from that Bush family. Now I wonder more about how this got out, and whether he was involved in any way or even knew about the recording. At very least he had to have some recollection of this conversation and yet he apparently kept silent about it while his cousin twisted in the wind.

I don't really care as far as their family relations go (and did not think Jeb was the right person to be nominated) but I think I'm going to have an aneurysm as all of this stuff comes drip, drip, dripping out over the next few weeks instead of during the primaries.

AMDG said...

1. This confirms my worst suspicions about Forrest Trump. His excuse is that it was locker room talk. That only holds water if the locker room is full of 14 and 15 year old boys. One of the reasons that Forrest is unfit for the presidency is that he lacks impulse control. This kerfuffle confirms it.

2. I saw in Twitter that someone has unearthed a 2004 interview with Howard Stern. During the interview Forrest reveals that he likes to go in the changing room at the Miss Umiverse contest in order to watch the contestants change their clothes. That is not the behavior that should be exhibited by a 57 year old man.

3. Could this whole thing be the start of the downfall of the Trump empire. He has always put a high value on his brand ($7 billion). If the image of Trump goes from the Alpha Male who build stuff to weird pervert to developers still want to pay him millions to have him manage their properties and slap his name on the front of their buildings? If the brand becomes toxic enough is there an out clause current agreements.

mockturtle said...

The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.

Gospace said...

19 comments since I've last posted, and AMDG does some more frothing at the mouth anti-Trump. But, as I said, to change my mind, someone would have to give a non-laughable reason to vote for Trump's Democrat opponent, Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife, Communist Party candidate for president and corrupt alcoholic enabler of her sexual predator husband.

And it appears that no one is up to the challenge.

Original Mike said...

"Now maybe he has lost Althouse."

Althouse was never going to vote for Trump. She voted for the first black president and, though I think the pull is less strong, in the end she will vote for the first woman president.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I wonder what liberals would have had the GOP congress do about Clinton in the late 90s? The SC had said that a sitting president was subject to a civil suit, over sexual harassment, of all things. If Clinton hadn't lied to the grand Jury, there would have been no impeachment. Clinton lied because he thought he could get away with it, not because he 'was in the right.' He was guilty as Hell.
Waiting until the president leaves office before prosecuting him for perjury would set a bad precedent. The damage to the civil suit would have been done, and the prosecution would still be drenched with politics. Remember, the impeachment was about Bill Clinton lying while he was president, not before.

The Vault Dweller said...

1. This confirms my worst suspicions about Forrest Trump. His excuse is that it was locker room talk. That only holds water if the locker room is full of 14 and 15 year old boys. One of the reasons that Forrest is unfit for the presidency is that he lacks impulse control. This kerfuffle confirms it.

I find it hard to label this as a lack of impulse control. What Donald Trump did when he was speaking was not really abnormal behavior. He was chewing the fat with someone and thinking it was just between him and the person he was talking to he spoke differently than if he had been in public.

Lots of people do, I'd even say most people do this. And yes when people talk in these circumstances they will tell lewd tales, (not all of them true), and they will say bad words, and they will tell jokes that if told in public would get them labeled, racist, sexist, or abelist by any number of moral busy bodies. While certainly not all people would speak exactly like this, I am confident that most will see it as normal behavior even if they wouldn't have said the exact same thing. Some may not even like it, but they are still left with a choice. Do I support the guy who is crass, rude, and offensive, or do I support the other one who is a liar, conniving, and only feigns to have any morals at all, and only to gain some sort of social or political advantage. I know which one I'd support.

gadfly said...

Well, well - Trump was sadly right. At least he thinks he is right.

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."

Character doesn't matter to Trump or his supporters but they want to do in these powerful government people who supposedly run and control our lives. Castro made such a promise when he recruited his rebel army and look what happened.

But the October Surprises are not over yet for Donald and his followers. Stay tuned. He just took a deep hit, sending some of his support elsewhere when character-oriented folks from religious organizations pulled up stakes. Crazy old political candidates never die, they just lose their base support.

Two Republican senatorial candidates Richard Mourdock of Indiana and Todd Akin of Missouri lost elections last time around because they mispoke about rape - they simply twisted their words a bit and the Democrats took advantage, winning the open seats. No one twisted the words of the braggadocious Trump.

Original Mike said...

I watched the most ridiculous display this morning on FoxNews. The anchor was moderating between a Dem and a Repub. The Repub was disgusted with Trump. Fine. The Dem, a woman, broke down crying.

Bad Lieutenant said...

So, gadfly, which thumb was it?

walter said...

No worries Gadfly, your hands are "clean".
Hil 2016!

grackle said...

… what are these politicians supposed to say? If they rush to support his strange 2005 comments, they will be crucified. They are in a no-win situation.

What to say if you are a Republican politician:

I condemn the sentiments expressed by Trump in 2005. However, Trump DID win the primaries and set records in voter participation in the process. Considering that fact I am OBLIGATED to support my party’s legitimate nominee. Anything other than support of my party’s nominee would be ideological treachery of the highest order.

Was that so hard?

They could shut up and stop preemptively surrendering.

No chance. They chose surrender many years ago. Old habits are hard to change.

People like John McCain need a solid reason to say, "Yes, he is deplorable, but he isn't her."

How about Trump winning the Republican party’s primaries as a reason? Seems “solid” enough to me. But the nice thing is that Trump does not need McCain’s support; Trump doesn’t need any of the eGOP’s support; that’s one of the things about Trump that bothers them so much.

Althouse was never going to vote for Trump, regardless her vote doesn't matter.

I think you are right. Our man Trump is coarse, vulgar and without taste – even I will admit that. No way a professor that has spent their career in the academic bubble is going to go for someone that has gold-leafed armchairs in their living quarters. I also caught a glimpse of what I’ll bet is an original Renoir during the spousal tour of Trump Towers. So SOMEONE has taste in Trump’s family circle.

I was thinking earlier tonight that we are no better informed than people in China. We get only D approved news.

So true …

I'm guessing the political aftermath is going to be fraught with all kinds of new and interesting developments and Trump/Clinton will have fundamentally changed the way branches of government interact.

A bit of clear thinking amid all the hysteria.

walter said...

(Bill the rapist/pedo-cruise-er as two fer 1)

Lewis Wetzel said...

I'm going to answer my own question: if I was a liberal, I would say that the right thing for Bill Clinton to have done when he was called before a grand jury would have been to refuse to testify. What would they have done, arrested him? He'd call in the secret service and army to protect him. Bill Clinton could have gone on television, and in his finger-waving way, accused congress of over stepping its bounds.
Why didn't Bill Clinton do this?
I'm guessing, but I think Bill Clinton thought that his lies to the grand jury would be believed, or at least couldn't be proven to be perjury. God knows what he told Hillary, who, of course, knew about his history of sexually harassing women. Bill Clinton did not know about the stain on the blue dress when he testified. He was still pushing the Lewinsky as a stalker lie.
Bill is kind of pathetic.
According to Wikipedia, Monica has a graduate degree from LSE, but has had trouble finding work in the communication/ non-profit world where she wants to work. Wonder why?
Bill Clinton, and his wife, have come out smelling like roses. Senator Hillary, Secretary of State Hillary, and of course there are the Clinton Global initiative's hundreds of millions of $. Meanwhile, the woman whose life Bill and Hill tore apart is left bleeding in the ditch.
Lewinsky is proof, anyhow, that liberals have no higher moral standards than, well, Donald Trump.

walter said...

Blogger Terry said...
Bill Clinton did not know about the stain on the blue dress when he testified.
Might have been kinda important in his decisions..

machine said...

"which locker room, Penn State's?"

Darrell said...

Let's make a list, pros and cons. Hillary? 269,897 cons. 1 pro. Trump? 56 cons, 453 pros. Tough choice.

MacMacConnell said...

Do rank and file Republicans give shit what the the likes of Paul Ryan do, FUCK NO! I saw a video of today's Ryan rally where the crowd started to chant "SHAME ON YOU!". I have not met a Trump voter Democrat or Republican that cares about this BS. They still intend to vote for Trump. Remember this sex thing is has been settled since the 1990s, it doesn't matter, It doesn't matter to Republicans what the Republican leadership does, they have continuously shown themselves to be cowards and ineffective.

In the next debate, Trump should hit her hard on her corruption, her lies and the speeches, there is just so much there to mine. Put her on the defensive. The sex thing should only be brought up to nuke her if she brings it up.

Darrell said...

Here's a Halloween tip: Say "pussy" three times and politically-dead. globalist-and-amnesty supporting GOP losers will appear. I got Jeb! and Paul Ryan. Try it at home but have salt ready. And an iron bar.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger walter said...
Might have been kinda important in his decisions...

Who knows what goes on in Bill Clinton's head? Or Hillary's head?
The Lewinsky scandal was not driven by puritanical conservatives (like Hyde? Like Gingrich?), but by Bill Clinton's ego and his pathological sex addiction and his pathological lying. If Clinton supporters were honest, they would admit that to themselves, and the country would be a better place. Bill Clinton personalized politics to an extent I've never seen before (I was born in 1960), and did not see again until Obama. You are on my side or you are the enemy.

Michael K said...

And yes when people talk in these circumstances they will tell lewd tales, (not all of them true), and they will say bad words, and they will tell jokes that if told in public would get them labeled, racist, sexist, or abelist by any number of moral busy bodies.

Bill Clinton in a somewhat similar situation said Obama would be getting them coffee in a normal election season.

Mick said...

1) Had a private conversation where some extremely chauvinist and crude things were said about women (some true, like they are many times whores for fame and money).
2) Said some harsh things about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS-- much of which were true.



The Crooked Old Lady:
1) Enabling the rape and assault of women by her husband, and bullying his accusers.
2) Having a Muslim Bro spy as her "right hand girl".
3) Starting wars to effect regime change all over the Middle East, killing thousands and causing the "migrant crisis" (invasion) seen today.
4) Allowing US Ambassador Stevens to be killed at Benghazi and lying about it for weeks that it was caused by a "movie".
5) Arming what is now ISIS in Syria (she and Obama CREATED ISIS.
6) Serving illegally as SOS (violated the Emoluments Clause)
7) Violated the Federal Records Act, deleted subpoenaed emails under investigation.
8) Used her "Clinton Foundation" as a pay for play scheme for access to her position as SOS (she sold her position to the highest bidder), while only paying about 7% of Foundation monies to charity. Took money from regimes hostile to women and gays, and gave them direct access to the inner circle of US Government.
9) Is potentially in violation of 18 US Code S. 2071, which forbids her from holding any future government office when caught destroying US government records (should be barred from running by the FEC).
10) Wants open borders, and free immigration of foreign men who will never integrate, 70% of which receive welfare.


Yet the "law prof" has doubts as for whom she will vote.

machine said...

...see what happens when he gets a mic that works

Jon Ericson said...

We are the world...

MacMacConnell said...

From released Goldman Sachs transcripts.

Hillary,“This coalition, a collection of generally under-represented, low social capital individuals has become increasingly networked and increasingly motivated. This group that our analysts are calling the ((Makes air quotes)) BUCKET OF LOSERS could not only be a significant force in the next election but could, on an outside percentile, even win.”

Hillary likes baskets and buckets.

Amexpat said...

He'll never quit, until he thinks it's in his best interest to quit.

Bad Lieutenant said...

4a. Put some filmmaker in prison for a year to make the story stick. I heard recently that he was rearrested. Did he ever get a trial? What is this, the Balkans?

Mick said...

but, but, but, Trump's a meanie. He said Pussy!

Achilles said...

The republicans who bail out will be shown traitors are worse than enemies. Paul Ryan never demanded Hillary get out of the race . He is worse than a useless tool. The only thing we hate more than corrupt democrats is the traitorous republicans who are helping them get their open borders and open marketplace.

The rule of law dies the day Hillary is elected. The BLM movement may be expanded a bit.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Clinton wants to kill journalists who uncover her crimes and lies, but the guy who said pussy 11 years ago doesn't have the temperament to be president.

Clinton is caught telling banking execs that her reform talk is a lie to fool voters, but the other guy is unfit to be president because he got caught got talking about pussy, 11 years ago.

Hillary has been provably careless, reckless, dishonest, corrupt, conniving, callous, criminal and indecent, but the other guy can't be president because he said pussy 11 years ago.

SMH... Really, nothing about Hillary wanting to drone Assange?

Mick said...

18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
US Code
Authorities (CFR)
prev | next
(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 795; Pub. L. 101–510, div. A, title V, § 552(a), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1566; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(I), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)


Achilles said...


This is the top link on Drudge.

The lines are drawn. The basket of deplorables is aware of the effort by the elites to maintain their power. Your best outcome is a trump victory.

MacMacConnell said...


readering said...

When polling from next debate released it will be just four weeks until election. Trump won't withdraw but he won't put his own money into race either. Open question will be damage to trump trademark in that time. Can it be undone? Do his children from ivana care enough?

John henry said...

Drudge headli e has Ryan looking lime he has someone's ball in his cheek. Headline:


John Henry

Mick said...

Scandal in the US Military. Many soldiers voicing their non support for the war in Syria. They say that they are fighting on the side of ISIS (whom Obama and the Crooked Old Lady created) and Al Queda against Syria.


MacMacConnell said...

First off, do you think there won't be any more surprise bombshells against either candidate? The probability of that is zero, A month is a long time in politics.

Could Trumps brand be hurt sure, has been before, but came back. If you build it they will come.

Mick said...

Trump supporters hate the media and the political establishment (Liberals love to be controlled by the political establishment)

The more they attack him the stronger he gets.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Mac McConnell said...First off, do you think there won't be any more surprise bombshells against either candidate?

Well, here's one: there's a photo of Trump actually grabbing a pussy.


Mick said...

Bill Clinton is a rapist.


Gospace said...

Below is what I posted on Facebook:
Blog post comment posted without further comment. Well.. almost. None of the women I know voting for Trump own or have read that particular piece of trash. Can't say the same about the supporters of the Democrat candidate.
"If American women are so outraged by Donald trumps naughty words …Who the hell bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Grey?" pic.twitter.com/HdGpTfJh7j— Burnie Thompson Show (@burniethompson) October 8, 2016
It's not conservatives (for the most part) who that piece of trash book. It was mostly enlightened liberal women, now suffering the vapors over crude statements by Trump- FROM TEN YEARS AGO! So what exactly are they outraged about?

mccullough said...

It would make no sense for Trump to withdraw at this point. Mike Pence is a typical GOP dunce who wouldn't be re-elected governor of Indiana. The Hoosiers were lucky to have Mitch Daniels, the only competent GOP
in a generation. Daniels was too wise to run for president. Not much a president can do at this point. W and Obama
and the Dem and GOP Congress have been a shit show. Trump has finished off the national GOP. Hopefully Hillary will
Finish off the national Dem. Our two major parties are in impotent and corrupt

MacMacConnell said...

In my fantasies Trump wins, Republicans maintain control of both houses, both the Democrat Party and media implode.

The Trump DOJ opens Grand Juries in all fifty states to investigate election officials on enabling noncitizen voting in violation of the motor voter laws. Officials and politicians go to jail. Then there is the Clinton-soros special prosecutors.

Of course the renaming of the FBI in honor of our first black president to Obama's Basket of Weasels, the OBW or FUCKING COCKSUCKERS for short.

Then we build the wall.

MacMacConnell said...

The problem is that the Marxist Democratic Party is not impotent, but totally corrupt. They will seek power at all cost to remake human nature.

mccullough said...

They can't remake human nature. They aren't the ones with weapons nor do they serve as
police officers or in the military. Power is only good if people follow your orders. No one is going to listen to Hillary. No one
Listens to Obama either. Putin laughs at them and so do most Americans.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Wait a second . . . Trump said 'pussy' a decade ago? When he thought that he wasn't being recorded? Well, how can any intelligent person vote for Trump now?
Gotta get Bill and Hill back in the White House. For the sake of women everywhere.
I've got a granddaughter, young college graduate, trim, athletic, into democrat politics. I wonder if she can go to work at a hypothetical Clinton White House next year? Maybe as an intern?
Gosh, she would do anything for job. I wonder how she can get an interview?

Mick said...

Here is my statement. pic.twitter.com/WAZiGoQqMQ

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2016


I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me, know these words don’t reflect who I am.

I said it, it was wrong, and I apologize.

I’ve travelled the country talking about change for America. But my travels have also changed me. I’ve spent time with grieving mothers who’ve lost their children, laid off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries, and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. I have gotten to know the great people of our country, and I’ve been humbled by the faith they’ve placed in me. I pledge to be a better man tomorrow, and will never, ever let you down.

Let’s be honest. We’re living in the real world. This is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we are facing today. We are losing our jobs, we are less safe than we were 8 years ago and Washington is broken.

Hillary Clinton, and her kind, have run our country into the ground.

I’ve said some foolish things, but there is a big difference between words and actions. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days.

MacMacConnell said...

mccullough said...
"They can't remake human nature"

Of course they can't, but that never stops them.

Bob Loblaw said...

This is a special moment for President Trump. He will learn this week who are his enemies in the GOP establishment. No more mystery. And he better remember the traitors after inauguration.

As Obama put it: "Don't think we're not keeping score, brother."

Bob Loblaw said...

Open question will be damage to trump trademark in that time. Can it be undone?

The people who think this is a big deal wouldn't have voted for him.

rhhardin said...

Klavan says the reason women watch soap operas is because they like to see men apologize to women.

Mark said...

"Gosh, she would do anything for job. I wonder how she can get an interview?"

Terry, I think you should send a link to your comments here to your granddaughter.

I think you made her up, and I am quite certain she would not find your commentary about her being sexually loose acceptable.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Hey! You said the boys were gonna hang tonight
The guys are here but you ain't anywhere in sight
Your excuses are getting pretty lame
The malady you suffer has a name
Your balls don't have a chance
Your girlfriend wears the pants

Your new bitch has got you on the shortest rope
Yeah yeah yeah
Now your dick gets sucked about as much as the Pope's
Holy hell
Yeah she's pretty, but no one is that fine
What you need to do is grow a spine
Your girl locked up your nuts
And now you can't bang the sluts
I was in a situation like the one you've got
Jumping through those hoops each day because the chick was hot
Well I was pussywhipped like you but now my dick is wise
You need to tell your dick to open up its fucking eyes
Open up your eyes
We're all getting so tired of this game
The sickness you've contracted has a name
Your balls don't have a chance
Your girlfriend wears the pants
You're calling it "romance"
Your whore's got you in a trance
Pussywhipped, whipped, whipped, whipped, whipped
You're whipped!

Read more: Steel Panther - Pussywhipped Lyrics | MetroLyrics

rhhardin said...

The whole thing certainly reveals how far from serious citizens women in fact are.

rhhardin said...

The next firebreak for women's reputation is Megan McArdle. Does she see the problem or not.

CStanley said...

I have to admit I would laugh if, at the debate tonight, Trump invokes the "one free grope" rule.

Guildofcannonballs said...

As a white man, with a cock 40% longer than the average male, I have the smarts to survive and even thrive as America eats itself, pussies and all.

Having zero concern for those who vote for Hillary, even at 18 I wasn't that stupid, perhaps T. Frank was right about Kansas and my kind of folk: we ought to vote to decrease our competition through a Clinton herd cull. As the murder rates continue to rise, mandatory global climate chaos change training will be all the media talks about, as though all those trillions over all those years of lighting taxpayer dollars on fire at University had actually not fuckedshitup more but instead had solved some social ills, instead of creating and instilling them.

The weak will be dead, stinking up the streets, and the young raped, bleeding assholes and all, but I am older and strong so fuck it.

You're on your own Jack. You and your fantasy about government stewards "caring" for you.

EsoxLucius said...

Remember when Republicans called Obama a thin skinned narcissist with limited political experience - - and then nominated Trump? Wasn't that funny?

Jaq said...

Well, guido, I kind of agree with you, except the cock part, somehow I manage to get by with a standard issue job. But actually, if Hillary is elected, it is far better for me in terms of dollars and cents. My own economic future. Its the young people who will be screwed, and the working poor, not me.

But still I sort of feel, if either one of them wins, somewhat like my mother must have felt when, as she described to me when I was a boy, the Luftwaffe flew over Holland and made short work of the tiny Dutch air-force. I am not saying they are Hitler, either one of them, but I am talking about the feeling of just being overwhelmed against your will by people willing to use whatever means necessary to gain control over you.

I sort of miss looking up to the FBI too, though the whole Whitey Bulger thing should have been a clue.

bridgecross said...

Why should he quit? Nothing has changed. He's not a different person now from the candidate who ran. This is what the base wanted all along. You think little Brother Bush in his Mr Rogers sweaters would have made a better run, then that's what the GOP should have chosen.

EsoxLucius said...

Guildofcannonballs: Lay off the Foxnews rhetoric, murder rates are 50% lower than they were in your "great again" 1950s, no one is mandating any training, climate or otherwise, and governmental University spending has dropped 10% under Obama. You're the one living in a fantasy.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Is the personal political?

Either way, Fox is the enemy you wish you had. The Disney villain.

You can't comprehend what you really brought upon yourself, and I find that slightly humorous, probably like how some women orgasm during rape.

Real men don't quit, we cope. Women too.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Has anyone found the list of deaths after Trump was roasted on Comedy Central?

The Situation's career died, but Trump really hid the assassinated's identities well, shows evidence of leadership as a matter of fact.

Hillary's kill list is known and public.

Unknown said...

Finally got my head around this campaign. My first thought was: "Gee, I hope Trump is able to do a good job in taking it to Hillary at the debate. Then folks will see the truth and vote for Trump."

My next thought was: "Gee, I hope nothing else happens that will cause folks to desert Trump."

Sadly, I have realized that those thoughts came straight out of the Saturday afternoon cinema of my youth.

It doesn't matter what the liberal monitors, liberal selected "uncommitted" attendees, the media and the pundits do tonight. It doesn't matter what the DNC, the media, the pundits, the Republican establishment, and, let's face it, the stupid female voters (not the smart ones on both sides) do. I have all the information I need to know how to vote this year. And then some.

This campaign is over. The big battles have been fought. There are no "undecided" voters. If anyone hasn't made up their mind by now - they are Hillary supporters, whether they know it or not (Hello! Professor Althouse.) Yes, they are ashamed, but they are what they are and the only question is whether they vote, don't vote or vote for a guilt-assuaging loser candidate other than Hlllary or Trump. Like Professor Althouse, the Hillary voters will spend the time between now and November 8 (as Scott Adams would say) building the logic to support their decision to vote for Hillary, not vote or vote for a loser.

I am with the other folks. Nothing the DNC, Hollywood and the media can do will change my mind. So, no matter how the scriptwriter, director, and editor have put this film together, I know who the rustlers are, who should get the girl and which horse to use to ride off into the sunset.

Matt Sablan said...

A lot of people are saying Trump is about to get nastier than we've seen before. But, I vaguely remember a lot of pretty horrible things said about Romney, like how he murdered a woman with cancer. Frankly, I'm so used to the Republican being on the receiving end of such hyperbolic vitriol from the left, that if Trump's excessive backlash is to call Bill Clinton a rapist and Hillary his enabler -- things that are true using the level of evidence the left has demanded us use when investigating any other rape -- then, well, this is why I said eight years ago if we wanted to keep dignity in politics, we should have voted for the guy who kept his promise on limited campaign funding and took out an ad to congratulate his opponent instead of the guy who made fun of his opponent's physical handicap.

Matt Sablan said...

Also, [insert obligatory Trump pulling out joke.]

khesanh0802 said...

@Mac McConnell various times. Man, you have the attitude. Fuck 'em all. I got so pissed last night that I gave Trump more money and sent him a "Win the fight" note. If it all goes up in flames I will still feel like I did what I could do.

khesanh0802 said...

@ Big Mike 847pm Thanks for the quote. He was a brilliant man.

khesanh0802 said...

I am reposting this because the GD spell correct ruined it.
"I read Thomas Frank's book" Listen, Liberal" which is a scathing indictment of the Democratic party's failure toward the working class. One thing he does say about the Democrats is that they will do anything, ANYTHING to win the power of the presidency. We are certainly seeing that with Clinton - an unindicted felon - who no one in the Democratic party will shun, everyone will support until the sun rises in the West. Meanwhile the R's are running for the exits because Trump has a foul mouth. That would not bother the D's at all. They'd just say he "misspoke" and carry on."

Bruce Hayden said...

This is getting absurd. The actual information coming out about Crooked Hillary and the Dems just gets worse and worse, while the press and the elites first concentrate on Trump's illegally obtained 20 year old tax return, and then some potty mouth braggago. While this has been going on, we have found out that:
- FBI investigation into email just looks worse and worse. FBI did deals with coconspiritors (e.g. chief of staff Cheryl Mills), letting them be illegally act and be treated as Clinton's attorneys, shielding their talks back when both were on the federal payroll.. And, instead of just seizing their laptops, as the FBI usually does, they agree to destroy them after a desultory search.
- The emails on the server were deleted after they had been subpoenaed by Congress and the federal courts by order of Clinton atty.
- DNC spreadsheet showing political contributions to major dems in one column, name of contributor in another, and TARP funds received in a third.
- emails showing illegal ccordination between Clinton campaign and Sorros organizations
- scandal going state wide in swing state of Dems registering dead people to vote
- 2nd debate in a row where moderator openly helped Dem over Rep.
- No interest whatsoever about what was in Crooked's ear the last two times that the two candidates met.
- TV show caught giving Clinton questions before she went on the air. Evidence that the network putting on one of those two times they met gave her people the questions in advance too.
- Her health appears to continue to decline. Spending a week resting up for the debate this week. She doesn't have to bother campaigning, since she has the MSM to do it for her.
- both the reset with Russia and regime change in Syria are falling apart before our eyes this week.
- More that I have probably forgotten.

Trump started hitting back last night with a retweat of tweats by Juanita Broderick, reminding us that Crooked's husband raped her. So, I expect another of these October surprises to be picked up by the MSM this week to keep the ball rolling, and our eyes off of Clinton.

mockturtle said...

Things have only gotten worse since Rubio made this insightful comment a year ago during a primary debate:

RUBIO: OK. I know the Democrats have the ultimate Super PAC. It's called the mainstream media who every single day. And I'll tell you why. Last week, Hillary Clinton went before a committee. She admitted she had sent e-mails to her family saying, "Hey, this attack at Benghazi was caused by Al Qaida-like elements." She spent over a week telling the families of those victims and the American people that it was because of a video. And yet the mainstream media is going around saying it was the greatest week in Hillary Clinton's campaign.

It was the week she got exposed as a liar. It was the week that she got exposed as a liar...

But she has her super PAC helping her out, the American mainstream media.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Ryan? Wasn't he over matched in a debate with Biden?
I am pretty sure that Ryan voted for Obama in 2012.

Bob Loblaw said...

Well, guido, I kind of agree with you, except the cock part, somehow I manage to get by with a standard issue job. But actually, if Hillary is elected, it is far better for me in terms of dollars and cents. My own economic future. Its the young people who will be screwed, and the working poor, not me.

I really don't want Hillary in office, but if she's elected I'll at least have schadenfreude as the demographics who voted for her get what they deserve, good and hard.

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