October 8, 2016

25 years ago today: Soundgarden released "Badmotorfinger."

Jaltcoh has a tribute to this monument of the grunge era. I'll embed this:


Wince said...

Guitarist Kim Thayil owes my friend like half a pack of cigarettes he bummed off him one night 20 years ago.

"Hey dude, I'm getting paid shit and your album's gone platinum: buy your own smokes!"

le Douanier said...

That soundgarden art thing that they're named after has a hideous sound under a lot of(if not most/all) wind conditions.

Anywho, at least there's a great off leash dog park next to it.

The Vault Dweller said...

Soundgarden was a great band. Superunknown, is one of my favorite Albums. Though Chris Cornell certainly deserves credit for being an incredibly talented voice, the music itself carries its own weight. Johnny Cash did a cover of Rusty Cage, and it is fantastic.

FullMoon said...

Oops! Accidentally clicked link...now, back to Trump...

Jon Ericson said...

We don't care.

cheddar said...

Yes, Johnny Cash performed this on Jay Leno. Very different, but good.

madAsHell said...

"Any who, at least there's a great off leash dog park next to it."

Wow! Another Seattle commentator!