... you can talk about anything you want.
(All rats were drawn by me, in quick succession, using my fingertip in the new iPhone messaging software which lets you send drawings instead of typed words. I started drawing rats after Meade incorrectly identified some squiggle I'd sent as a rat.)
Are these rats legitimate?
or are they rat bastards?
If I were a rat, I'd like #2 to represent me to all quadrillion rats to come.
Very Thurber-esque
Man that takes me back.
Ok, show of hands!
How many know who James Thurber was?
OR Robert Benchley?
I call #4 Picasso rat.
It's so rarely we see a group picture of the Hillary Clinton campaign leadership.
#2 looks like Mr Burns.
Watch out, rats. The ad underneath you is for D-con.
#1 Dino
#2 James
#3 fido
#4 Maybellene
#5 sleepy
#6 devolved sleepy
#7 Mickey!
You're improving.
Only Nos. 5 and 6 even look remotely like rats.
I know who James Thurber was. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" alone earns him immortality. But his cartoons were almost as good as his prose.
What about "Is Sex Necessary?"
The Rat Cafe reminds me of Rat Park, an experiment in detox, basically. If you put one rat in a cage with two bottles, one plain water and one spiked with cocaine/heroin/I forget what, the rat drinks the spiked water until it dies. If, OTOH, you put it in a cage full of slides and toys and other fun stuff and -- this is important -- a bunch of other rats, it will ignore the spiked water altogether.
2nd one down - Bart Simpson's pet rat.
16 comments so far and not one mention of the Queen Rat Hillary.
Bart could sure pick 'em!
I think we are in rats’ alley
Where the dead men lost their bones...
Mithridates, He Died Old…
The cool redundant columns. Echo’s bark
From hills above the ruins. Shepherd’s call
Still further up the dusty slopes. The stark
Reply of time to history’s rise and fall.
So love is nothing if not temporary
And shadows have our hands behind them –
We push them hard and dig the scenery,
Dialogue’s own ad hoc mausoleum.
The nimble rats compose their feet and make
Mosaics, random, intentional, lost
As scriptures left to rot beneath the strake
And blast of days reduced as grain to dust.
I take your eyes for granite. Watch me switch
Out clocks for more notorious emblems –
The rings upon our fingers. Watch us clutch
At minutes, hours – pride’s failed museums.
The glassy crack of marble. Rust at play
With iron’s age. Collected skulls, a gloss
On bones that counted. Killing time this way,
The finger taps within its golden compass.
"Why so serious, man?"
It's not like it's the end of the world.
You think you drew rats, but one identifies as a mouse, and at least 3 others are politicians.
Tim Kaine really had an impact on you.
Careful... ya gotta watch out for the "Dream Police"!
If you were casting a younger Donald Trump in the movie version of The Great Gatsby, would you cast him as Gatsby or Buchanan? I can see elements of both characters in his make up.
Elizabeth Taylor vs. Jon Voight.
Is this the thread where we express disappointment w/ DJT?
On September 25 I received an email from the DJT campaign saying that my "HRC for prison" bobble head had shipped.
Why hasn't it arrived?
I never got my Hillary nutcracker either.
Thurbers "Walter Mitty" stuff, and others, was in our Catholic school readers; also Saki (H H Munro).
Nothing as cool can be found in the schools today.
I double checked.
I ordered it on the 25th, the email saying it shipped was on the 29th.
Even so, where is it?
It better not be on a slow boat from Gina.
They give away the things at some baseball games. And, I paid nearly $40 for mine.
Shouldn't that cost cover a reasonable amount of time for shipping?
OTOH, when I ordered it I did receive an email saying it was 1 to 2 weeks backordered, so the shipment was ahead of that. But, don't tell me it's on the way when it doesn't seem to be on the way.
(sigh) First world problems.
Very interesting, but rats? What inspired you? Must get my sleep, more jury duty tomorrow.
Damn that's tough!
But deliberate. (that is, the charges)
Sentencing is another thing.
Moar warehouses!
You and Jack Nicholson in Martin Scorsese’s The Departed
ME and Jack Nicholson!?
Me and Unk#55, Growl, Snarl, Rawr etc.
The acid should be wearing off in a few more hours, but for now, enjoy the ride.
That is funny.
Sleepy-head losers. Awake!
"I've been sick".
Ok, there had to be repercussions. Maybe the average "HRC for prison" bobble head purcherser is on board w/ being F-ed w/. But not me.
While I'll never give HRC dough. And, I won't vote for her since my state is already for her which means I can go Johnson w/o implicitly supporting DJT. I did order an Icky Trump shirt form The White Stripes (and I picked up another one shirt too). Not that I'll ever wear either shirt, but it can hang out in a drawer w/ my "Drums Sax & Big Gigantic" shirt.
And, I paid more than $33 to have it FedExed overnight.
So the race is on: DJT v Stripes.
C'mon Oregon!
C'mon Washington!
C'mon California!
It's only fricken 10 o'clock!
or is this only a midwest thing?
Where is my girl tonight?
Rats remind me of squirrels, squirrels being the suburban version of rats. I know from my dog's point of view squirrels are tennis balls thrown by the hand of God, but they are tearing the shit out of my lawn. Anyone know of a cheap air pistol capable of a head shot at say ten yards?
My wife has her "Hillary Prison 2016" sticker on her car. I think she might be safe because most Hillary supporters don't notice it is not a pro-Hillary sticker.
Here's how libs email:
"Thank you for your order from Third Man Records. It really made our day. Dare we say it was magic."
And DJT:
"Your order is on the way to you."
The less BS-magic thing seems better to me. OTOH, where's my bobble head?
I hope that DJT thing I ordered wasn't a scam. I did find it from one of the links an Althouse hillbilly posted in one of these threads.
I'm assuming that scams don't usually send followup emails, like I've recieved. And, the account I used hasn't been drained, yet.
Anywho, time will tell.
I have my "Molon Labe",
"God bless our troops Especially our snipers"
The "comply" sticker that sticks it to "coexist"
aaaannnd that's it currently.
What's on YOUR bumper?
In 08 I saw a brand new Bentley w/ a BHO sticker. In Seattle.
I once had a McCain yard sign. In 2000.
In fact, I still have that yard sign.
So, desiccated brain, huh?
That or too much crack.
Could be both.
So, all you Netflix type people:
Ah! they're watching Justice winning over Corruption! Yay!
Does it help you cope?
Thanks for this clever post. I like your drawing! Put that BFA to good use!
Chuck, you are outta your mind.
Fun in the Sun
why draw when you can type <:3 ) ~~~~~
I love all the new messaging toys.
How did you save and reproduce your rats here?
In an instant, the movie King Rat came to mind.
Bumper stickers on my truck? Also "Molon Labe", along with "NRA Life Member" and "TitanExtreme Crossbow".
Speaking of crossbows, I was in the woods last evening as archery season opened Saturday. Within 10 minutes, a bambiette sauntered by within 15 yards. I let her pass as there was noise coming from behind her. Hoping for a four-legged sexual predator. But alas, nothing.
Best time of year to be in the woods.
I did find it from one of the links an Althouse hillbilly
I wonder why whites are drifting away from the Democrats...
So far this hurricane is a huge disappointment.
Jon Ericson, those drawings, indeed, look Very Thurber-esque!
Sojerofgod, I'm raising my hand in the Horshack fashion. I own two books by Thurber, "My Life and Hard Times", and "The White Deer".
You'd think a gnu would be a rodent.
The lines are too heavy for Thurber.
E B White went over some of them, but it wasn't Thurber's doing.
I trapped a field rat in a hav-a-heart trap and gave it to a guy with a python, who wanted to strengthen his pet store rat line.
He reported that all the rats were pregnant and the Nazi rat, as he called it, had ghewed his way out and escaped.
Getting nothing done. Just watching Matthew.
So far this hurricane is a huge disappointment.
How many people did you want it to kill in Haiti?
Several of them look more like rat terriers than rats, but drawing with fingertips is hard.
We had a rat infestation a few years ago. Traps didn't work so we put out poison in the garage, and a few days later encountered the largest rat I'd ever seen doing his impression of the death scene of the rat king in the Nutcracker. It was horrifying and hilarious at the same time.
I made a Jackson Pollock with iphone colored lines and sent it with bubbles. First in family to discover and implement this vital new technique. Thanks.
Rat pictures always make me think of this:
They fought the dogs and killed the cats,
And bit the babies in the cradles,
And ate the cheeses out of the vats,
And licked the soup from the cooks’ own ladle’s,
Split open the kegs of salted sprats,
Made nests inside men’s Sunday hats,
And even spoiled the women’s chats
By drowning their speaking
With shrieking and squeaking
In fifty different sharps and flats.
Is this still taught in school?
I plan to send a few more Jackson Pollocks with messages: "This is my brain scan - do you think I should worry?"
"I got this in my e-mail with a message saying I would have bad luck if I didn't pass it on. What does it mean?"
"This came today from the Hillary campaign together with thanks for my donation. I did not donate. Should I complain or be glad she left anything in my account?" A Deplorable
" I started drawing rats after Meade incorrectly identified some squiggle I'd sent as a rat.)"
What was the CORRECT identification of the squiggle?
I am The Replacement Laslo.
@Madison Man:
Are you kidding? Poetry that doesn't advance the narrative isn't allowed comrade. you need to update yourself with the daily Pravda so as to homogenize your thinking.
Daily Droppings from the Bullpen is another good read for SJW types
So far this hurricane is a huge disappointment.
How many people did you want it to kill in Haiti?
It would have to be in the tens of thousands in Haiti to move the entertainment meter.
Do it to her.
The contrast between the reading comprehension of dumb Unknown and witty Laslo is revealed in their comments.
What was the correct interpretation, Althouse?
The hurricane is a huge disappointment to Hillary who planned to use it for climate change agit prop. But notice that according to its latest map it might circle around and hit Florida. It's also interesting to see how bad Haiti looks and how their crisis is being downplayed probably because it might cause people to ask how the Clinton Foundation has helped Haiti. Also the hurricane disaster is being called a "humanitarian event". I'm not sure where this way of talking about flattened houses and lost lives comes from but I know a bureaucrat or a PR man is in there. Perhaps it's the correct data base term for a line in the Red Cross budget in 2016.
Coming events:
The fund raising event at MOMA December 2016 related to the Humanitarian event in Haiti October 2016 is expected to raise millions for the climate change event at Davos 2017
This also occurred to me:
But apparently they remade the movie with the super creepy Crispin Glover a dozen years ago.
Ben, you'll always have a place to go...
The fifth one is Dean Martin.
The fourth one is Sammy Davis Jr.
Which one is Frank Sinatra?
I am The Replacement Laslo.
Hearne's Law : whenever there's a stink about something in the news, it's because some politician or charity wants that stink in the news.
The Evolution of Rat Drawing.
Tail as an outline: one through three.
Tail as a single line: four through seven.
Legs as an outline: one through three.
Legs as a single line: four through seven.
Rats with discernible feet: six and seven.
Happy Rat: seven.
Rats with lipstick: four only. Obviously a dead end.
I am The Replacement Laslo.
Haiti's problem now is cholera (from what I've read). Well, that and retrieving the dead. If cholera deaths can be storm-attributed, perhaps rhhardin's 10K+ mark can be reached.
Mr. Ericson (if you self-identify as Mr.), I bought a Hillary Nutcracker last Christmas at Half-Price Books (before the silly season) for my liberal Jewish Professor friend who now has $400 on Trump.
Althouse drew rats.
Georgia O'Keefe painted beavers.
I am The Replacement Laslo.
Haiti's problem now is cholera (from what I've read). Well, that and retrieving the dead. If cholera deaths can be storm-attributed, perhaps rhhardin's 10K+ mark can be reached.
You have to have realistic eyeball count judgment. That's your product.
My whimsy is lost on Althouse.
I am The Replacement Laslo.
The trouble with hyped storms that don't flatten neighborhoods is that you have trouble getting eyeballs the next time. You get mocked.
Already reporters standing in the wind is a belittled cliche.
This storm was/is way overhyped. They kept talking about wind speeds of 130-140 mph and a CAT 4 storm, and when it was going over the Bahamas, I never saw a documented sustained wind speed anything greater than tropical storm force. My location was supposed to get sustained speeds of 50+ mph and we got nothing unusual and rare gusts maybe got to tropical storm force. What a farce.
Haiti also has a before and after problem with storm damage.
wildswan said...
Coming events:
The fund raising event at MOMA December 2016 related to the Humanitarian event in Haiti October 2016 is expected to raise millions for the climate change event at Davos 2017
That's a private jet only event, right?
rhhardin said...
"Already reporters standing in the wind is a belittled cliche."
That's how Dan Rather got his start in Texas, his career ended badly in Texas.
Haiti also has a before and after problem with storm damage.
Look at a Google Earth shot of Hispaniola.
You can tell where the border is without having the lines drawn in.
I do remember that poem from school, but not who wrote it. ... oh, Browning. Of course. Sorry.
I like your rats. They show interesting personality.
Are those the "Begley Rats"?
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