September 30, 2016

Machado About Nothing.

Pun noticed.

ADDED: "He can say whatever he wants to say, I don’t care. You know, I have my past. Of course, everybody has a past. I’m not a saint girl. But that is not the point now."


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Scientific Socialist said...

It's not like Machado's Fredrica Bimmel of "Was she a great big fat person?" fame.

damikesc said...

Melanie has girl on girl photo shoots and Trump judges Machado as disgusting?

Let me don't see how you're homophobic here, do you?

Folks, remember --- our progressive unknown here thinks lesbians are "disgusting". Not my words, mind you.

Donald has no reason to justify his weight-shaming of anyone - not with his belly roll and big ass. Hillary also has put on a bunch of weight. Perhaps Gary Johnson should put out a weight-shaming political advertisement.

Given that a) we have no evidence he called her anything and b) her contract required beauty standard to be met (not unfair for, you know, the winner of a beauty pageant that made her a celebrity), this isn't remotely comparable.

MPH said...

"This election is so important to the survival of our country that we're talking about obscure beauty queens and Rosie O'Donnell"

Good job, Trump apologists. Good job.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Grackle - he didn't need to boycott - he, along with Preebus, needed to say NO to the moderators from the get-go.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary's Tax Hikes

She will punitively confiscate over a trillion dollars from Americans to pay for her corrupt bureaucracy.

The march to a corrupt South American dictator continues. Trump needs to focus and stop letting the Corrupt Clinton Media machine troll him.

damikesc said...

Obama has stolen $3B from taxpayers to give to insurers and plans to give even more back via lawsuit settlements.

Bad Lieutenant said...

AprilApple, one of us is confused. I believe this was all negotiated before Trump was the nominee. He had it handed to him. I guess his batna was not so good. Boycotting the debates gives Hillary an empty chair to joust with.

EsoxLucius said...

This quicksand is going to fill the last weeks of the election, with ladyfingers reflexively tweeting himself into sinking polls and a loss. Since he thought the presidency beneath him anyway, he doesn't care. My only question is what happens to the cratered republican party that hillary has to work with after november. The only ones who will be left are Ben Sasse and Jeff Flake. Hell of a way to elect a president. Thank you, baby boomers, for making this mess.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not suggesting he boycott. Now that CNN has proven itself to be an extension of the Clinton campaign, a non-CNN moderator should be found.

Why is this so tedious? It's not. Anderson Cooper is a hack.

walter said...

Patrick said...
Everyone has a past. Possibly with drug dealers. Possibly with murder.
Hey..those are merely allegations. This on the other hand is..oh..right.
With rising obesity levels, brilliant campaign strategy Hil.
And these kinds of things tap into Trump's fixation on "winning"..even regarding questionable bits like this.
Machado also connects with women who are more than happy to capitalize on their physical assets..then later bemoan being held to the standards that raised them up.
Damn "stress eating".

EsoxLucius said...

Ladyfingers' comments are hurting him not with the obese, but with all humans who have been treated like a piece of meat. The extent that people on this board don't recognize this is a measure of how much it's been taken over by pro-Trump pod people.

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