September 30, 2016

Machado About Nothing.

Pun noticed.

ADDED: "He can say whatever he wants to say, I don’t care. You know, I have my past. Of course, everybody has a past. I’m not a saint girl. But that is not the point now."


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Clayton Hennesey said...

Mollie Hemmingway on choirs protesting too much.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She's a perfect Clinton supporter.

Matt Sablan said...

On the one hand, this is stupid.

On the other hand, No -- really -- this is stupid.

On the third hand, if this is just a he-says, she-says, then whether or not she's trustworthy is entirely relevant to her accusations. Have there been any witnesses that heard Trump say these things? I mean, I believe he *could* have said them. They're not entirely out of character, but if he says he didn't, and she says he did, and NEITHER of them are trust worthy, where's that leave us? Oh right. Being stupid.

Paul said...

Democrat role model.

rhhardin said...

She sounds like a nagger to me. I hope she doesn't discover ashtrays.

Paul said...

But wait!! There's more!!

rhhardin said...

Earliest I've flipped Rush off. What's he going on about. Who knows.

Matt Sablan said...

... That's the best URL ever.

le Douanier said...

That picture of her w/ hands together like she's praying while she smiles and says she's not a saint girl is hot.

She's pretty much 40, and seems to have led a life w/ drama that could leave signs of wear, but she's still holding it together pretty well, imho.

If HRC wins Scott Adams will probably use this gal as cover so that he can claim his persuasion analysis was still flawless. Something like: every second her image is presented with an association to HRC as some sort of proxy or stand-in, and/or she is presented as an antagonist to ugly DJT, that is a moment where HRC does better because of subconscious fact-less persuasion.

Funny stuff.

Rob said...

Trump should have been more subtle with Machado. Knowing that women like to be complimented, he could have told her, "You don't sweat much, for a fat girl."

MB said...

Wait, her past is irrelevant because that stuff happened 20+ years ago. What's relevant is Trump may have said something rude, also 20+ years ago.

PB said...

From 20 years ago, a claim with no verification? Just her word?

I'm sure she'll be well paid.

MisterBuddwing said...

Trump is not covering himself with glory on this one. In fact, he's coming across as a bit childish, IMHO. (Don't we want the President of the United States to at least act like a grown-up?)

le Douanier said...

Can folks imagine the glee at HRC headquarters when they see that folks are diving into details to build a case against Alicia?

Cool stuff.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump turns a couple-day minor story into a week-long media orgy by insisting that his former acquaintance Miss Piggy is also a Porn Star and a Murderess. If fighting fire with gasoline is smart then Trump is a strategic genius.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It is stupid, but the entire DNC media (the media) are dumpster diving for Trump. Looking for the stuff that REALLY matters.

Big Mike said...

@Earnest Prole, the media would be building this up anyway, but Trump does need smarter tactics.

le Douanier said...

What are the odds that this ends sort of the way Rs in Congress are now blaming BHO for their overriding his veto because he didn't tell them that their legislation sucked.

It'd go like this: "HRC brought out Alicia's claims of DJT fat-shaming her to trick us into acting idiotic, so obliviously HRC hates women."

MayBee said...

Have there been any witnesses that heard Trump say these things?

I don't think so. Video from the time doesn't support her version of the story. I am surprised at all the news letter who state as fact he said these things, rather than simply saying it's her allegation.

The media in general is in one of my favorite phases right now. The "We should be covering (xyz) right now, but we can't because this story about Trump won't go away"
As if they aren't the ones driving it, and couldn't drive stories about.....oh, say Kerry's failure in Syria or Obama's failure with Congress over the 9/11 bill.

It's a pattern this election, and one reason this election is so dire.

MayBee said...

Or we could be talking about Hillary's pitch to millennials with the absurd and impossible promise of debt free college.

Talk about lies!

le Douanier said...

If nothing else, at least DJT can very quickly name his favorite foreign leader.

Hagar said...

It is difficult to imagine anyone wasting much sympathy on this bimbo, and certainly not women with whom my experience in real life is that they take "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" as a prompt to show that they certainly are no sinners.

This faux indignation is so transparent that it is likely to rebound in Trump's favor.

rehajm said...

Machado wouldn't deny that on CNN Tuesday night: 'I'm not a saint girl. ... that happened 20 years ago'

Coming in the Sunday NYT: You See America, There's a Statute of Limitations On Bad Shit Hillary's Done

rehajm said...


MacMacConnell said...

Machado is skankalisous, Hillary's stage prop was vetted with the same competency as her protection of state secrets.

Otto said...

As i said a tramp

Achilles said...

More proof that democracy is a terrible form of government. We lost our republic when we became a democracy. Stupid people always support aristocracy in the end.

FullMoon said...

Hmmm, now wondering if more of Melanias topless pics will surface, and does she have something filmed Trump is not aware of, but Clinton is?
After all, "Donald started it".
Next debate, he should refer to her as Mrs. Clinton.

Limited blogger said...

What's her position on TPP? NAFTA?

Achilles said...

I am also going to throw out there most of the people voting for the aristocracy are women. This story is the level of intelligence a majority of women seem to listen to.

I am embarrassed for how we have failed to educate many women.

Freder Frederson said...

Or we could be talking about Hillary's pitch to millennials with the absurd and impossible promise of debt free college.

Why is this an "impossible promise"? Several countries in Europe, including Germany, provide free college. The UK only started charging tuition in 1998, and until recently was very modest (l,000 GBP per year or so). University in Scotland is still free.

All free college takes the political will to implement it.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Once again, it seems clear Trump would have done better to leave this alone. Lie down with dogs, etc.--whoops! Now I'm doing it!

I find myself trying to defend Trump.

1. He is pleased to have an "issue" raised about which he knows a great deal. How exactly did Machado get into trouble as Miss Universe? He remembers that. She violated her contract, and he tried to help her--partly by nagging her. He may or may not have said the words she is quoting.
2. Why would he rather talk about all this than the issues facing the country? He is convinced that many career politicians simply repeat speaking points without understanding them. He doesn't want to do that; he probably thinks it is unmanly; he wants to be honest. I think he has actually said something like: he would rather lose being honest than win being ... like those other rat bastards, or words to that effect.
3. Even going after Machado, the sex tape is a distraction within a distraction, the NFL boyfriend doesn't matter: it's the fact that she faced two possible serious criminal charges that really matters, and she has not denied either one. Ann's link is golden.
4. This shouldn't work as well for Hillary as the Khans did. No Gold Star family in the picture--in fact, if Trump was going to bring it up, I wish he had said: I said from the beginning of the campaign that Latino immigrants, unfortunately, are disproportionately likely to be involved with violent crime. Bill and Hillary have probably never committed a murder, or ordered such a thing, but Machado probably took part in planning one.
5. Doesn't Hillary have any high-profile supporters who aren't crooks? Women who can make the case that women are still not being treated fairly?

eric said...

This is one of many weekly, well coordinated, media/Democrat attacks. This will continue through the election. This week it'll be Machado. Next week someone or something else.

It's always the same with Democrats. In order to get elected or pass legislation, they must make it abkut sexism or racism. Or maybe the rich vs the poor. They have no other choice. No one likes their policies. They lose when they talk about how they will raise taxes, or give us more gun control, or let in more refugees, etc.

The only way to win is gutter politics.

Trump needs to show them he too cam do gutter politics.

John said...

"All free college takes the political will to implement it."

Oh, and the tax dollars to support it.

Just out of curiosity, and an honest question for those that support "free" tuition: Are there ANY strings attached - ie degrees, majors, time limits, etc?

MayBee said...

All free college takes the political will to implement it.

And a reordering of the entire US educational system.

eric said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...
Or we could be talking about Hillary's pitch to millennials with the absurd and impossible promise of debt free college.

Why is this an "impossible promise"? Several countries in Europe, including Germany, provide free college. The UK only started charging tuition in 1998, and until recently was very modest (l,000 GBP per year or so). University in Scotland is still free.

Are you pretending to be ignorant?

There is no such thing as debt free college. It's just a debt transfer. From the college attendee to the tax payer.

If it passes, can we all go to college?

Laslo Spatula said...

"Mizz Hillary, maybe I no understand?"

"It's very simple, Alicia. You just need to tell people you were born with a penis."

"But I has no peenis, Mizz Hillary."

"Not anymore, Alicia: you do not have a penis anymore."

"But why, Mizz Hillary?"

"Because it makes Donald look like a fool to the Deplorables, discovering he had a transsexual win one of his beauty contests. And then there will be all the support from the LGBT crowd: you'll be an icon."

"Because I be born with dick?"

"Exactly, Alicia."

"Mizz Hillary, where be did my dick go?"

"Doctors took it from you when you were little. Religious conservative patriarchal doctors."

"They bad doctors to do that."

"Yes: yes they were: very bad. But look how far you've come since then, Alicia. You are a role model for us all."

"Mizz Hillary, I mees my peenis."

"That's right, Alicia: FEEL the story."

"I have no peenis and no real vageenay, I only can has the butt-sex."

"Maybe not that far, Alicia..."

"The LGBLT like the butt-sex, right Mizz Hillary?"

"Yes, Alicia: a lot of them do..."

"Drug Lords, they all make the butt-sex with me."


"Every Drug Lord, they tells me I am the Beautiful, then they bend me over the table and -- Whammo -- the butt-sex."

"Let's not mention Butt-Sex OR Drug Lords, Alicia; let's keep it simple."

"Seemple: I got it. I no mentions Drug Lords, Mizz Hillary. I no mentions the Butt-sex."

"Good, good..."

"Mizz Hillary?"

"Yes, Alicia?"

"Do YOU have the butt-sex?


"Cause you have the big big butt. A lot of men must want to have the butt-sex with you. Like a wheelbarrow."

"No, Alicia; I don't do the butt-sex."

"Ah. So THAT ees why Mr. Bill sees all those other women..."

I am The Replacement Laslo.

Darrell said...

There is verification. Trump championed her so that she kept her title. And Trump held press conferences defending her stress eating and standing behind her.

MayBee said...

Once again, it seems clear Trump would have done better to leave this alone. Lie down with dogs, etc.--whoops! Now I'm doing it!

I agree. But please recall the great Melania Trump Speech Controversy of '16. The press could not leave that story alone because the campaign wouldn't address it! They wanted to cover other stories, but the Trump campaign not discussing it just kept the story alive!!!

MayBee said...

If it passes, can we all go to college?

Yeah, I want to hear about the student with the 2.1 GPA and low test scores, who needs remedial classes in college, going to school debt free in Germany.

zipity said...

MisterBuddwing said...

Trump is not covering himself with glory on this one. In fact, he's coming across as a bit childish, IMHO. (Don't we want the President of the United States to at least act like a grown-up?)

Why would we change our expectations from the last 8 years...?

Darrell said...

Hillary's campaign people come up with the lamest shit ever--like that Trump works for Putin or that he "fat-shamed" a woman 20 years ago that gained 60 pounds--and the Media runs with it nonstop. And we get to see how the media worldwide is linked. It's only a few days until Obama turns over the internet to foreign assholes, so maybe they'll put us out of our misery.

Hagar said...

I do not think much of the current student debt loans will ever be repaid.

machine said...

"Hillary on Machado is Judge Doom tapping "shave and a haircut" on the wall. Like Roger Rabbit, Trump had to burst out and shout "two bits"!"

...sick burn.

Darrell said...

Machado is the new Seamus.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

You can go after her on character issues, but this is someone from Donald Trump's life, so doesn't that undermine his character too?

Known Unknown said...

All free college takes the political will to implement it.

Okay, Freder. Now is your moment to shine. How does one pay for it?

Recall we are already currently $20 trillion in debt.

MayBee said...

I do not think much of the current student debt loans will ever be repaid

That's what I fear.
And if they do student debt forgiveness, I want the government to credit my retirement account with the money I could have put in there instead of paying for college.

Darrell said...

Donald Trump strapped Alicia Machado to his station wagon roof and drove her to all her public appearances.

Darrell said...

Hillary doesn't drive, as you know, because she can't start a car or reach the brake pedal.

madAsHell said...

Funny! Most porn stars use a stage name.

damikesc said...

Trump turns a couple-day minor story into a week-long media orgy by insisting that his former acquaintance Miss Piggy is also a Porn Star and a Murderess. If fighting fire with gasoline is smart then Trump is a strategic genius.

Given that glowing profiles and interviews were ready to go the day after the debate, Trump couldn't have avoided it becoming a week long saga. He had to respond, whether he wished to or not. This was planned out and coordinated.

I don't think so. Video from the time doesn't support her version of the story. I am surprised at all the news letter who state as fact he said these things, rather than simply saying it's her allegation.

I know he told the reporters that they have weight issues themselves. He could've fired her.

Do women often empathize with those poor, mistreated Miss Universe winners?

MacMacConnell said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
"You can go after her on character issues, but this is someone from Donald Trump's life, so doesn't that undermine his character too?"

Sure it does, the same way every ex employee of mine that went bad years after after leaving my employment is a reflexion on me, fucking absolutely none.

Patrick said...

Everyone has a past. Possibly with drug dealers. Possibly with murder. Who am I to judge? Everyone has a past.

eric said...

So far it looks like the debate and Machado didn't hurt Trump. Reuters poll out today has Clinton ahead by +5 points. If you read their press release they will tell you that she has consistently lead Trump by 4 or 5 points. What they fail to mention is the poll they took right before the debates had her leading by 6 points.

So, alternate headline, Trump gains ground on Clinton after debate.

Doubt we will see it though.

Matt Sablan said...

"I want the government to credit my retirement account with the money I could have put in there instead of paying for college."

-- If student debt gets forgiven, and mortgages get forgiven, I'm the biggest sucker ever not buying a place to instead aggressively pay down debts and not spending money on more schooling of dubious value so I could get a job and start paying things sooner.

That's one of the biggest problems with changing the rules mid-stream: Responsible people get screwed the hardest.

rhhardin said...

Lots of people got "free" college when I went. They worked for the cafeteria service, and tuition was much lower.

Dave in Tucson said...

The point is, that happened 20 years ago,” she said.

Well, case closed then. Nothing to see here.

Unknown said...

Luffing post. Thanks for luffing me.
outsource your project, blog writing ,SEO

narciso said...

also there was a 25% democrat advance, 11 points, in the reuters poll,

Big Mike said...

Something occurred to me. How can Hillary successfully implementing cost controls on the salaries of professors?

narciso said...

its unpossible, they are a major funding source, someone's being fooled,

JaimeRoberto said...

Jeez Louise, Freder, you should know by now that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Do the university buildings in Europe build themselves? Do the professors work for free? No, this stuff is paid for by taxing the citizens, and then access is rationed pretty severely. The percentage of college grads in Germany is much lower than in the US (though that might not be a bad thing).

Big Mike said...

Implement -- someday I'll lurn how two proofreadd

Graham Powell said...

Speaking of puns, can we start calling Meade the AltSpouse? (Surely I can't be the first one to think of this.)

John henry said...

Has anyone started blaming Trump for the getaway car, the threat, the mobster, the sex tape etc?

It is obviously all his fault. If he had not fat shamed her, she would not have lost all her self-esteem. It was only because of low self-esteem and psychological wounds inflicted by Trump that she felt she needed to prove herself in these escapades.

John Henry

Hagar said...

“Clinton to Trump: You Can’t Just Fly In on Your Big Jet and Go Home”
So, what did Hillary! fly in on? A broom?

I am wondering a bit about what effect the present to do about "cop shootings" and subsequent protests and riots might have on "the black vote." After all, it is happening under the current administration so, might it not be that a significant portion of "the black community" says, "A pox on both your houses," and stays home?

Hagar said...

A lot of the MSM propaganda is not as well thought out as they think it is.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

What a profoundly stupid campaign season. Painfully, achingly stupid.

I mean, Sandra Fluke--that was a made up controversy, that was something the Media worked...but for all the idiocy of that it was at least superficially about SOMETHING.

John henry said...

"Cause you have the big big butt. A lot of men must want to have the butt-sex with you. Like a wheelbarrow."

Thanks a lot, asshole.

Now I am going to flash on that wheelbarrow image and burst out giggling every time I see Crooked Hilary.

If this happens in public, it will be embarrassing. If it costs me money, I am sending you a bill.

You do have a wonderful way with word imagery.

John Henry

John henry said...

I am glad we have such a high quality backup Laslo. What would be do if both of them got disappeared?

Sara D said...

And now it turns out Trump was right, there was something wrong with his microphone

eric said...

Sara D,

Notice they waited until Friday to tell us.

John henry said...

My gut tells me the same thing as many people are saying. Trump, by prolonging this only makes it worse.

On the other hand, what do I know? I've been criticizing him for bonehead moves since he announced and he just keeps mowing down the field.

Perhaps this is just another example of the "all publicity is good publicity" school of thought? Trump has been in the public eye for 40 years now. A lot of the publicity he has gotten over that time has not been good. Basically focusing on his buffoonery.

He has also been very successful at pretty much all he has touched. Is this because of or in spite of his public image, publicity?

At this point, I am going just guess that he knows what he is doing with his 3AM tweets even if it seems unfathomable to me.

John Henry

khesanh0802 said...

@ narcissi A little more info on Reuters poll. Only proving you can't believe anything you read. Anywhere!

le Douanier said...

Are folks already un-skewing the polls?

le Douanier said...

It's still not too bad. But, if, after the votes are being reported, only Turd Blossom is saying what you want to hear, then you know that the beauty pageant gal from 99 is singing.

eric said...

Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
Are folks already un-skewing the polls?

Notice the dates of that poll? Right before the debate. Hillary at +6.

Reuters released a post debate poll today. Hillary at +5.

Even if you aren't unskewing polls, doesn't that mean Trump is doing better post debate?

le Douanier said...


Sure, that's devastating for HRC. DJT is on the rise in recent polling.

And, the online polls after the debate really show DJT killing it.

Bob Ellison said...

I wonder whether the surname "Machado" is related to the name McAdoo, as in NBA great Bob McAdoo.

Clyde said...

Hey, she wasn't Miss Congeniality! That's the one who won't be a murder accomplice.

le Douanier said...

Speaking of polling. The BHO approval rating as tracked by Ras and Gal was really interesting about a week, or so, ago. I think there was a day where Gal was around +11 and Ras was around -4.

That's a difference that's explainable by margin of error. At least one of them was in fantasy land.

le Douanier said...

should be "not explainable"

Matt Sablan said...

"Even if you aren't unskewing polls, doesn't that mean Trump is doing better post debate?"

-- Matters on the MoE

le Douanier said...

I started questioning my recollection, so I looked:

9/23 Ras had BHO at -5, Gal was at +11

Anonymous said...

"If nothing else, at least DJT can very quickly name his favorite foreign leader."

PUTIN! Maybe he likes Castro too. Trump up all night obsessing over and tweeting about Macahdo, hahahahahahaah! Yet no one here thinks it's odd.

MAJMike said...

She's done a nude layout in Playboy and there's a string of porn videos on line featuring her. She was the main squeeze of a narco-terrorist.

Just another average girl.

n.n said...

Machado was selected as a role model and represented the image of an enterprise which she voluntarily destroyed through personal excess. Her situation progressed despite being offered opportunities to recover her health and dignity.

Former Miss Wisconsin: Trump helped my family

I suppose we should still judge women as a monolithic bloc (e.g. "color of skin") under [class] diversity schemes.

JSD said...

Ms. Machado was tight with major Mexican Narco kingpins. Hanging with the Beltran-Leyva brothers and “La Barbie” is really gnarly. Those guys will probably be end up as major characters on Narcos when Netflix gets up to Season 5 or 6.

Former Miss Universe of the Trump scandal, had a love child with El Indio of BLO

He was arrested back 2010, his name is Gerardo Alvarez Vazquez, alias "El Indio" or "The Chayán", he was a BLO operator, and in 2010 the secretariat of the mexican marina confirmed that he is the father of a child conceived with former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.

Doesn’t ring a bell? She is the former Miss Universe, who Hillary Clinton thought it important to speak about, in the first presidential debate. Clinton going back 25 years, alleges that Trump called Machado “Miss Piggy”, and “Miss Housekeeper”.

Clinton's people should have done a better due diligence. Machado has had a checkered past over those twenty five years, and having a child with a most wanted narco is just one of those.

Oh, she denied it at the time. But PGR( Attorney General)and the Marina investigated and reported the child was indeed the child of El Indio.

From 2010:

"El Indio", alleged to be the operator of the cartel of Beltran Leyva, was arrested Wednesday night during an operation carried out in Huixquilucan, State of Mexico, during which he was involved in a shootout between soldiers, and gunmen , reported, the Secretariat of Marina who further stated the former beauty queen Alicia Machado was linked to "El Indio" as revealed in a preliminary investigation (PGR / SIEDO / UEIDCS / 359/2008).

Refoma, Grupo and Acir news groups reported further, saying not only was there a relationship between the BLO narco and beauty queen, but claimed that the 2008 baptism of the daughter, named Dinorah, was attended by brothers Arturo and Hector Beltran Leyva, Edgar Valdes Villarreal "La Barbie "and the Colombian narco Harold Mauricio Ojeda," el conejo".

The protected witness Edgar Bayardo del Villar gave his first testimony on October 29, 2010 of the love relationship between Machado and the drug trafficker.

le Douanier said...

"PUTIN! Maybe he likes Castro too. Trump up all night obsessing over and tweeting about Macahdo, hahahahahahaah! Yet no one here thinks it's odd."

It's worse that that. I guess you could sort of understand if they didn't think it was odd because maybe you'd say they weren't really thinking about it at all. But, not only do DJT folks not think it's odd, they think it's awesome. They don't get that it's disgraceful (deplorable?) to have a POTUS that would do stuff like engage in twitter wars attacking a former Miss U and advising folks to look for sex tapes online. Many in these threads backup this dumpster dive for dirt on the former Miss U. At the same time, HRC's folks just sit back and grin in the figurative split screen.

le Douanier said...

Trumpster dive

le Douanier said...

Maybe tonight DJT will advise folks to read Althouse. He can tell them about Alicia's history re butt sex, as documented in this thread.

Then tomorrow, the DJT-bots will still not get it, as they flutter about w/ their marching orders to talk about butt sex.

That's what makes them so great, again.

Anonymous said...

Melanie has girl on girl photo shoots and Trump judges Machado as disgusting? Does he not realize that every single charge he claims against Clinton, he has worse charges that can be flung back in his face? From Russia, to Cuba to bankruptcies, pay for play, fraud, self serving fake foundation, stiffing his contractors, soliciting foreign governments for campaign donations, birther, anti vaxxer, general lunatic and dumb as a box of rocks, possible ADHD, or OCD, or worse, etc etc etc.

What is WRONG with you people?

Quaestor said...

Frederson wrote: [sic] All free college takes the political will to implement it.

How about free food? And cars? And vacation homes? If all it takes is the political will why not just abolish money? Everybody gets everything free.

le Douanier said...

BTW, I think that DJT's tweet advising folks to not believe things credited to anonymous sources should get more play from folks who are listening astutely.

1) Assume DJT has seen the stories were his campaign folks are said to be dissing the campaign.

2) Assume DJT has seen the stories were folks report that his kids are worried that his lameness is costing them dough.

3) Assume DJT has seen the Forbes piece that says he's lost $800 million (and is only worth $3.7 billion, which when added to $800 million doesn't equal $10 billion, except in T Tower).

4) Assume DJT has a terrible temperament for the job of POTUS.

Don't these four things add up to a temper tantrum tweet storm at three in the morning?

khesanh0802 said...

It is puzzling what the answer should be when the Dems do their patented BS attacks. Romney never explicitly fought back on similar BS and he lost. Trump will always fight back. I will admit I don't understand how much Twitter impacts the world, but after some reflection I think Trump is correct to make his case rather than let the Clinton spin sit out there. Does he have a choice? He'll certainly get no support from the MSM. If Trump remains quiet the Machado thing hangs like a fog. If he gets his side out at least it sneaks into the discussion occasionally, and as PB and J regrets, it gives the Trump supporters a bit of ammunition to fight back. Is it presidential of Trump? Doubtful. Is it presidential of Clinton? Also doubtful.

I think Trump is in a position where an all out attack on Hillary is fully justified - of course, I have thought that all along. "She started it" is weak, but better than nothing. Look what it did to Cruz.

gadfly said...

So Trump strikes back by taking bad information from Trump-sucking websites like Gateway Pundit to declare that Machado starred in a porn-flick (it wasn't her) to engaging in the filming of sex in bed with her boy friend (which she didn't know about the video but there was nothing to see anyway). She did appear nude in the Mexican Playboy magazine which puts her right up there with Melania. As for her supposed involvement in the attempt on the life of a judge - she was never charged.

Trump, himself, has appeared on the cover of Playboy, and has shared incidents of his own sex-life and his number ranking of famous actresses with the likes of Howard Stern and his audience, broadcast on live radio and TV feeds. Presidential? I don't think so.

Then there is the Krauthammer take on what happens when Trump ignores his handlers and does his normal 3:00AM tweeting: "What emerges is his central weakness - vanity."

le Douanier said...

It is puzzling what the answer should be when the Dems do their patented BS attacks.

NO, it is not puzzling.

If you're running for POTUS you never, never, never, never, never, ever, ever (trying to sound DJT-like) send a tweet that advises folks to look for a sex tape.

Not. Puzzling.

le Douanier said...

Doing it at three in the morning is even worse because you seem like a fixated loon.

le Douanier said...

And, then claiming that this early morning tweet storm about looking for sex tapes online proves that you're ready to address the nation's emergencies at any time of day is worse still.

le Douanier said...


I sincerely love that so many of you don't get it.

Good times.

khesanh0802 said...

@ Sara D 3:05 Isn't it odd how many instances there are like these mics, where everyone poo-poos Trump and then a couple of days later we find out (maybe) that he was right.

gadfly said...

Donald has no reason to justify his weight-shaming of anyone - not with his belly roll and big ass. Hillary also has put on a bunch of weight. Perhaps Gary Johnson should put out a weight-shaming political advertisement.

If you agree with Donald's opinion of fat people, perhaps you need to assess the accuser's physique and then vote for me? If you don't think that weight-shaming is Presidential, you also should consider a vote for Gary Johnson.

rcocean said...

Yeah, lets not talk about ISIS, border security, illegal immigration, jobs, bad trade deals, foreign policy, massive budget deficits, health care or education.

No lets talk about what Trump said to a beauty queen 20 years ago.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I was just out at a place that had CNN on. Wow - CNN is basically one non-stop Clinton Campaign ad.

CNN are giddy over Trump's 3AM tweats over this big non-story. They are giddy that Trump is down 4 points in FL, and has lost ground in NV.

le Douanier said...

"I was just out at a place that had CNN on."

Quick, check w/ InfoWars to detox and hear the truth.


Anonymous said...

"Yeah, lets not talk about ISIS, border security, illegal immigration, jobs, bad trade deals, foreign policy, massive budget deficits, health care or education.

No lets talk about what Trump said to a beauty queen 20 years ago.


So why isn't Trump tweeting about ISIS, border security, jobs, bad trade deals, foreign policy, massive budget deficits, health care, or education and instead is tweeting one tweet after another for days and days about a former beauty queen who said bad stuff about him?

Why not hold your candidate responsible for keeping this Machado story alive?


rcocean said...

BTW, I love that phrase "Saint Girl"

I mean -except for Saints - doesn't every girl drive a get away car, get knocked up by a drug King pin, make a sex tape, and blame everyone else for gaining 50 lbs?

Anonymous said...

Melania is a Saint.

Writ Small said...

I remember when the Clinton team smeared Bill's female accusers. Paula was trailer trash. Her lawsuit proved she was a gold digger. Her ex-boyfriend-supplied photos in Penthouse proved her low morals. Monica was mentally unstable. Kathleen later asked for a job, so how upset could she really have been? "Nuts" or "sluts" all according to the Clinton apologists.

To partisan hacks, what Bill Clinton did was irrelevant if you could character assassinate his accusers.

I remember a discussion between Dick Morris and Sean Hannity all those years ago. Morris told Sean that if the political parties were reversed, the Republicans would be smearing Paula Jones and the Democrats would be defending her and attacking the President. Hannity rejected it out of hand, and I felt great irritation at Morris for the insinuation.


rcocean said...

Trump is not "keeping the story alive". He's attacking Hillary for bringing up the story in the first place.

He's pointing what a sleezeball she is, and how she can't even vet not a "Saint Girl" properly.

BTW, there wouldn't even BE a story, if the MSM weren't a bunch of fucking liars - cause I consider leaving out "Saint Girls" past history, a lie by omission.

Anonymous said...

Oh, let's not forget about all those Trump models working on tourist visas and being used like slave labor.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't have cable, you idiot. & I don't ever visit infowars. That does not mean that guy ins't correct about corrupt Hillary. I'm sure your corrupt queen will shut down all free speech that doesn't praise her thighness. Starting with inforwars... and other places. Mind crime!

In the meantime, CNN is one giant Clinton campaign ad.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lets not forget that Hillary used the State Department to stuff her family foundation. A corrupt bogus charity that's basically a corrupt slush fund.

Good news! Hillary promises to remove trillions of private wealth from ordinary hard working Americans and spend it on the corrupt bureaucracy.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. Trump is keeping the story alive and it keeps him up at night thinking about it and tweeting about it, keeping it fresh in the news cycle. Your candidate is never responsible for his own fuck ups, it's always someone else's fault. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget how Trump's foundation wasn't even legal.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the Bondi pay for play scandal.

Anonymous said...

Great news! Trump thinks all you dupes who paid federal taxes are dumb.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media is keeping it alive.

I just saw it with my own eyes on CNN.

Trump's foundation is a big nothing compared to the Clinton Foundation.

Does Trump work for the State Department? Did Trump use his power in the government to stuff family foundation coffers?

He's a private citizen. Oh that's right - commie lefties assume that only precious corrupt democrats can be - well - be precious protected and corrupt. Private citizens better get in line and shove themselves in the gas chamber. For the common good.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good news! Hillary promises to remove trillions of private wealth from ordinary hard working Americans and spend it on the corrupt bureaucracy.

le Douanier said...

Here's a question: Is DJT equally unhinged and nasty to guys and gals?

I'd love to see someone data mine his tweets to see if there is any statistical significance to certain insults being more often used for a particular gender.

Here's a bit of a compilation of his tweet war-words, but no gender breakdown:

Looking at that link, I wonder what inspired him to say that Malkin was born stupid. Also, what in her past was he suggesting when he wrote that she should be ashamed?

Anywho, maybe the DJT supporters in this thread could start trashing Malkin.

le Douanier said...

"Good news! Hillary promises to remove trillions of private wealth from ordinary hard working Americans and spend it on the corrupt bureaucracy."

Presumably this means that DJT will start paying more than zero (as he did in the only tax returns he's ever made public) in federal taxes. This is terrible, according to AprilA

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Actually - you leftists would love to strip DJT of all his wealth and leave him penniless. All cool by PBJ standards.

le Douanier said...

Btw, AprilA,

For the record, I never wrote anything about you having cable. So, your statement about who's an idiot backfires a bit. Don't ya think?

320Busdriver said...

What the feck is wrong with Donald Trump?

I'll tell you what. He has no discipline. ZERO I was ready to pinch my nose and maybe vote for him, but he seems to get more dumb by the day. Now I'm not so sure. How did we end up here? It really pisses me off!

le Douanier said...

"Actually - you leftists would love to strip DJT of all his wealth and leave him penniless."

I'm sure that you can link to an HRC policy that supports this well considered, reality-based statement.


le Douanier said...

Also AprilA,

Speaking of idiots, do you agree w/ DJT when he tweets that Michelle Malkin was born stupid?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

PBJ - you have to personalize it. Accuse thru innuendo. Just like your corrupt gal.

my point was a simple one. CNN is a campaign ad for Hillary. Your point was what? Something lame about infowars. Whatever.

In the meantime, Hillary is still a corrupt liar.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If DJT wants to call someone stupid, that's his business.

I think Malkin is brilliant and I'm not a Trump fan. I'm only pro-Trump because he is the only imperfect soldier between us and tyranny of the corrupt bureaucracy. Hillary and Bill are so vile, they must be stopped even if it is with this imperfect man.

le Douanier said...

"In the meantime, Hillary is still a corrupt liar."

Is she also "born stupid," like DJT says Malkin is?

Bad Lieutenant said...

320, stay on target.

gadfly said...
Donald has no reason to justify his weight-shaming of anyone - not with his belly roll and big ass.

So sports managers and coaches must be as athletic as their players? He had, 20 years ago, all the reason in, dare I say, the Universe! Plus which, he was slimmer 20 years ago, if that mattered. And again, he saved her from being fired.

Hate makes you stupid, gadfly.


You're not that dumb.


320Busdriver said...

HRC can just sic the IRS and DOJ on Trump and any other person who dares to get in her way. She's pretty good at getting away with whatever crime she happens to fancy on any particular day. C is for corrupt.

n.n said...

Machado is Hillary's answer to Clinton's stable full of women.

gas chamber

A quasi-religious rite and final solution. Abortion chamber. It is a progressive term of art.

Hillary promises to remove trillions of private wealth from ordinary hard working Americans

Trickle-up poverty (i.e. redistributive change), health penalty tax (a.k.a. Obamacare), green blight, progressive wars, progressive debt, anti-native policies (e.g. refugee crises, mass emigration), etc.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Watching the Democrat Media Industrial Complex dumpster dive for Trump - all while they ignore Clinton's major corruption, is well - corruption itself.

Nothing matters, no insult to Malkin, no annoying or lame tweet, or some 20 year old story about a former Miss Universe contestant. None of that matter next to the Corruption of the Clintons.

le Douanier said...


Presumably you've got some reality to back up your claim re HRC's plan to make DJT penniless. Maybe when your emotional venting has you viscerally sated you'll get around to providing the link.

Wince said...

Is PB&J trying to making Trump look like an obsessed loon by example?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trickle-up poverty (i.e. redistributive change), health penalty tax (a.k.a. Obamacare), green blight, progressive wars, progressive debt, anti-native policies (e.g. refugee crises, mass emigration), etc.

unsustainable public debt...

All transformational change for the better.

narciso said...

well we can cite david plouffe, he said recently 'donald trump must not only be defeated, but destroyed' he was obama's campaign manager, and we know they didn't spend that time on maverick,

le Douanier said...

"Is PB&J trying to making Trump look like an obsessed loon by example?"

Come on!

Y'all aren't supposed to figure it out that soon. At least let me build up to the point where I start using the derogatory terms DJT uses (as cataloged in the link I put a bit up thread).


le Douanier said...


I'm sure you're close to the point where you'll be all blustered out. Then you'll post links to the actual HRC policies that will leave DJT penniless.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

pb -Try to comprehend. I'm merely pointing out a deeply seated leftwing desire to strip enemies of their wealth.

le Douanier said...


I'm just messing w/ you, I know that you state and believe things that are completely un-documentable.

Don't sweat it, I did really think you could prove that HRC had a plan to make DJT penniless.

Of course, just as I am reaching out to comprehend your POV that is not documentable. Hopefully you can see that many of us, think differently, we prefer to make arguments and decisions based on reality.

le Douanier said...


I think I was subconsciously hoping AprilA was more reality based

I should have written "...I didn't really think you could..."

For the record there are tons of DJT folks who don't rely on hype, bluster and imagination. Too bad April isn't there, yet.

Likewise, there are tons of libs who are more filled to the brim w/ poorly considered BS. Some thoughtful ones too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's her tax plan. She's stated her tax plan on many occasions - it's not a secret that she wants to tax rape America. To the tune of over a trillion in punitive confiscation.

Full list of Hiilary's Planned TAX HIKES

"Hillary Clinton has made clear she intends to dramatically raise taxes on the American people if elected. She has proposed an income tax increase, a business tax increase, a death tax increase, a capital gains tax increase, a tax on stock trading, an "Exit Tax" and more (see below). Her planned net tax increase on the American people is at least $1 trillion over ten years, based on her campaign’s own figures.

Hillary has endorsed several tax increases on middle income Americans, despite her pledge not to raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000. She has said she would be fine with a payroll tax hike on all Americans, she has endorsed a steep soda tax, endorsed a 25% national gun tax, and most recently, her campaign manager John Podesta said she would be open to a carbon tax. It’s no wonder that when asked by ABC's George Stephanopoulos if her pledge was a "rock-solid" promise, she slipped and said the pledge was merely a “goal.” In other words, she's going to raise taxes on middle income Americans."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Full list of Hillary's Planned TAX HIKES

le Douanier said...

It's a bit off topic, but isn't it cool that Rudy married his second cousin?

As they say, you couldn't make this stuff up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OK - I can play your stupid game.
PB denies that Hillary wants to hike taxes.

le Douanier said...


Thanks for that.

I knew my faith in you was justified.

Just stick to real stuff. Leave the stuff about "penniless" to sloppy people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OT: Bill Clinton Raped Juanita Broaderick. Odd the media doesn't delve into it.

le Douanier said...

Oh no!


So soon.

"PB denies that Hillary wants to hike taxes."

April, please find a quote where I stated that HRC doesn't want to raise taxes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

PB - jsut to show you how dishonest you are...

I repeat my post.

Actually - you leftists would love to strip DJT of all his wealth and leave him penniless. All cool by PBJ standards.

I never said Hilary wanted to - I said people like you did.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

There's no need for me to look for a Gilbert & Sullivan joke in this comment thread as I'm positive it's here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm playing your game. Your rules, corruption excuser.

I gotta go. Have fun.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Pakistan and India are on the verge of a nuclear war, the Obama administration has admitted that they do not ask refugees if they hold extremist views and entirely unvetted ones have entered this country, our national security has been compromised due to Hillary's fecklessness, there's a terrorist attack or a BLM riot practically every week - and PB is nattering on like an addled teenybopper about what Trump said about Malkin. The media is focused on what Trump said about a drug lord's moll 20 years ago. Just like the most pressing issues of 2012 were "binders of women" and "OMG, Romney is going to take away our birth control and tampons!"

And the people who are going on about this childish, junior high level horseshit are the same ones who consider themselves smarter than Trump voters. What a nation of unserious bozos we have become.

I'm starting to think nothing short of a nuke going off in a US city would wake them up - and maybe not even that would do it. I guess we shall see, since I think the chances of that happening in my lifetime are pretty high.

le Douanier said...

Oh dear.

We've got a long way to go.

"I never said Hilary wanted to - I said people like you did."


Please find the text where, as you claim, I stated this.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Mizz Hillary?"

"Yes, Alicia?"

"You and the Huma: do you have the butt-sex, like, togethers?"

"Neither Huma nor I engage in such sex, Alicia."

"Because Huma she is the Arab. Arab wimmen, they love the butt-sex."

"Alicia, just because a woman is Arabic does not mean she enjoys that particular action."

"Oh no, Mizz Hillary, you is the wrong. All women who are born of the swarthy men love the butt-sex."


"Arabs, Mexicans, South Americans, the Italians and the Greeks:all the women do the butt-sex."

"Because the men are swarthy."

"Yes! Now's you gets it, Mizz Hillary!"

"Alicia, neither Huma nor I have a penis."

"Oh, but they make the rubber dingdong for the lady-on-lady, yes? Strap on the dingdong, right? Push Push?"

"Alicia, neither Huma nor I 'strap on the dingdong'."

"You use a the banana? In my country a lot of women use a the banana. Or a gourd. Wide if you like."

"Alicia, perhaps we should focus on your next interview..."

"Yes, yes. Next interview: no mention the butt-sex."

"That's right, Alicia."

Laslo would know where to go from here.

I am The Replacement Laslo.

le Douanier said...

"And the people who are going on about this childish, junior high level horseshit are the same ones who consider themselves smarter than Trump voters. What a nation of unserious bozos we have become."

That's the problem for DJT supporters.

The bigger and scarier you can paint the real issues, the more unfit DJT seems when, instead of focusing on that, he's up at three sending tweets that advise folks to look for sex tapes online.

That's quite a corner to be painted into.

chickelit said...

Seems to me that Rodham has engaged in a bit of "shat faming" re Ms. Aiicia.

chickelit said...

Budsman whined...


Please find the text where, as you claim, I stated this.


9/30/16, 5:52 PM works for me:

PBandJ_Ombudsman said...

Presumably this means that DJT will start paying more than zero (as he did in the only tax returns he's ever made public) in federal taxes. This is terrible, according to AprilA

Michael K said...

Boy ! A good thread to avoid.

le Douanier said...


If DJT supporters are reduced to claiming that DJT will be penniless if he pays any federal taxes, haven't you exposed something about the seriousness and wisdom of your POV?

Maybe you think that promoting this perspective makes you smart or clever.

Carry on.

buwaya said...

Er, but when the very culprits (or the figurehead of the culprits) of the disastrous situation laid out in the "issues" are those that Trump is campaigning against?
PB&J, what we have here, in analogy, is a battle between a sinner and Satan himself.
It is ridiculous to oppose the sinner, because that puts you on the side of Satan.

chickelit said...

Budsman wrote: Maybe you think that promoting this perspective makes you smart or clever.

Carry on.

You and Rodham are the only ones arguing that tax hikes will solve anything.

le Douanier said...


Maybe Atlhouse can front page your comment. It seems like it be more beneficial to folks who are thinking about dabbling if you warning is not at the end.

My dissonance identifying comment at 6:48 is probably not a fun reality for DJT supporters. Best to stay away.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Best to stay away.
9/30/16, 7:30 PM

Best to stay away from you. You sorry piece of trash. You're like Billy Madison. Everyone is dumber for listening to you.

J. Farmer said...

Once the Alicia Machado's of the world make up a third of the US population, I'm sure things will be going swimmingly. Trump is a last ditch Hail Mary pass. America is most likely still doomed.

le Douanier said...


BadL seems to have a knack for DJT-style tweeting.

Can the cons run him for POTUS.


buwaya said...

You are doomed, as was Rome.
Trump is like Aetius, a leader against the inevitable dark age.
He can, maybe, delay the end.

buwaya said...

As someone said earlier, there is something wrong with someone who cheers the coming of the time of the orc.
Wormtongue, is that you?

J. Farmer said...

For those who haven't heard my "doomed" stump speech, here's the concise version: America is the country it is because it was built primarily by anglo-protestants. It is this ethnic core that developed the significant political and social institutions of the country. I think this is a big reason why protestant North America (USA and Canada) looks so different from Catholic Latin America, let alone non-Christian locales with very different linguistic and cultural histories. When you replace the people of a country, you get a different country. When whites are just another ethnic minority in America by 2050, expect huge social problems. If you were to fly to Japan and tell them how much greater their country was if it was 50% less Japanese, they'd look at you like you had three heads. But being a white man in America who does not enthusiastically cheer on his own demographic demise, you're basically an evil bigot who must be vanquished.

wildswan said...

A Clinton is running. The press is full of stories about slimy degraded people. This is what happens when a Clinton runs and when a Clinton is President and when a Clinton is a Senator and when a Clinton is Secretary of State and when a Clinton runs. It has nothing to do with Donald Trump. It's the Clinton Effect.

J. Farmer said...

@buwaya puti:

"He can, maybe, delay the end."

That, itself, would be an accomplishment, but I fear it's too late even for that. My long-term plan is still emigration.

buwaya said...

Oh J Farmer, I am here, one of those contributing to the demographic demise, if thats what it is. There is more
-complication- let us say, to that idea than it seems.
Your real problem isnt the various brown-skinned peoples, but those actually in charge, who are the whitest of all, and if they arent of Protestant stock, which they mostly are, they are Jewish.
You are really fighting your own.

J. Farmer said...

@buwaya puti:

Scale matters. Also, while I have problems with things like H1B1, I'm not as crossed about bringing in Indian or Chinese coders as I am about letting people from Latin America just waltz across the border. And of course it has been other WASPS and a lot of Jews who have contributed to this decline. I don't blame people for taking advantage of lax immigration enforcement; I blame the people in charge. Also, as it happens, I'm a pretty cosmopolitan person. I have lived in parts of Southeast Asia and have been in places where I was the only white-faced English speaker for hundreds of miles. If the world was full of people like you and me, then diversity really would be a strength. But it's not. Most people are kind of ignorant and provincial. Rubbing their noses in diversity is a really dumb strategy.

Anonymous said...

"It has nothing to do with Donald Trump. It's the Clinton Effect"

Delusional. Truly sadly, strangely delusional.

narciso said...

well perhaps more like marius, admittedly I rely on Sallust for that perspective, Plutarch took the side of the Metelli, an old line patrician dynasty, that provided his predecessor in the jugurthan war, of course cassius dio, differs on that point,

chickelit said...

@Inga: There would be no Donald Trump running were it not for HRC running.

khesanh0802 said...

@ Bad LT "And again, he saved her from being fired." That seems to be a point that no one, including Trump, gets across. Trump worked with her, motivated her to get back in shape which, in the long run, was probably career saving. It would be nice if there were spin in that direction.

narciso said...

does the truth matter, it's a question raised of our media panopticon, which sees all but reveals only some,

buwaya said...

Marius works as an analogy for a figure marking the fall of the Republic, but as it happened, the Republic creaked along for a while post Marius and Sulla, and for that matter the polity itself continued to expand and prosper through much of the empire. The form of government changed, but the society as a whole was several centuries from decadence.
What we are seeing now is different. Everything is either paralyzed or falling apart, the empire is breaking up, its client states, are falling away, the legions are shadows of their former selves, the people are dwindling, art and science are uncreative and corrupt, and the economy is paralyzed, or probably actually in decline, masked so far by financial games.
This is Rome in the Fourth and Fifth centuries.
But history runs faster in our time.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

J. Farmer said...
My long-term plan is still emigration.

Where do you plan to go? Switzerland is nice but they are not that keen on Americans, we ruined their tax avoidance scams.

J. Farmer said...


Most likely Southeast Asia. Singapore most probably.

Static Ping said...

I just got the pun.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Clinton asks a reasonable question, "Who gets up at 3 o'clock in the morning to engage in a Twitter attack against a former Miss Universe?" The Dems may be the second stupidest left leaning party on the planet (they will never be the stupidest while the British Labour party lives) but even they have figured out how to troll the Donald.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Static Ping said...
I just got the pun.

Well done.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

J. Farmer said...
Most likely Southeast Asia. Singapore most probably.

I plan to go to Italy. I like chaos and warm weather. I guess Florida would be the back-up plan.

narciso said...

ms, machado did the whole ginsberg round, vanderbilt, tamron hall? megyn in her routine, it would be interesting to see if this is an sdk knickerbocker contract, like sandra fluke, 'game change' the assault on ann romney,

grackle said...

The MSM is very puzzled. They cannot figure out why Trump supporters are not peeling off to Hillary. After all, they have told all of us in no uncertain terms that Trump lost the debate, didn’t they? I have an answer.

We do not abandon Trump after a debate that was rigged by the moderator to favor Hillary.

We do not desert Trump because he told a sleazy Ms. Universe to lose some of the sixty pounds she put on after winning the crown.

We have no problem with Trump trying to fight back against the MSM’s defense of the chubby airhead Ms. Universe. We applaud him for it.

We do not run out on Trump because he Tweets on Twitter more than the MSM thinks he should.

We do not care about Trump’s taxes. Or Hillary’s. Or Obama’s. We just don’t give a shit. But we like it that Trump is going to lower the tax burden for all and simplify the tax laws. THAT we care about.

Trump is surging in the battleground states. And some GOP Senators running in various states are doing better than expected, considering that just a month ago it was thought that the GOP could lose the Senate because Trump would affect the “down ticket” GOP Senate candidates negatively.

But now that THAT prediction has been proven to be nothing more than anti-Trump bullshit they have come up with a new meme: “reverse coattails.” This meme claims that Trump is riding on the GOP Senators’ coattails.

You have to admire their inventiveness. It’s kind of like when the global temperatures kept getting stubbornly cooler and the climate alarmists were forced to change from “global warming” to “climate change.” Whatever fits the approved narrative, right?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

AReasonableMan said...
Clinton asks a reasonable question, "Who gets up at 3 o'clock in the morning to engage in a Twitter attack against a former Miss Universe?"

Trump's reply should be "Hillary, at least I'll be up to take that 3 am call."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Oh, now it's being reported Trump was in a "soft porn" movie. He appeared in the beginning of a Playboy film opening a bottle of champagne and spraying it at a limo. How scandalous!

It's really rather fun to see leftists suddenly acting like purse-lipped Church Ladies. Melania posed nude!! Shocka! Trump in a Playboy film!!! Well, heavens to Betsy!

The people they think will care about this won't care.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's fans are secure. No doubt. He needs to win undecided voters, or persuadable voters. I have no idea why he agreed to let anyone who works for CNN run a debate.
We thought Holt was bad? Anderson Cooper is going to be a nightmare. I sure hope Trump prepares. He's not a natural debater, so he must make up for it by hammering Hillary on: Her corruption, where are the transcripts to Goldman Sachs? She spent all that time in front of congress because she does corrupt stuff, She used her time at State to stuff her family's bogus charity and personal slush fund, then destroyed the evidence. She it planning to tax rape America to the tune of over a trillion dollars.
Nobody cares about a 20 year old "you're fat" comment. He needs to make that clear and stop letting Clinton troll him.

His fans are his fan, but he needs more to win.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are desperate and the hack press dumpster diving hath begun. The media continue to ignore Clintons recent corruption (oh that's old news!) and focus on big nothings from Trumps past. (20-30 years back? oooo big story!)

narciso said...

anderson vanderbilt has more selfregard, than an anchor on that most selective of networks should have a right to have, he is a spectre, meaning clinton foundation contributor, so to expect anything different is foolhardy,

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...

BadL seems to have a knack for DJT-style tweeting.

I'm not on Twitter. I do favor concision when I can meet that standard.

I simply won't have my time wasted by the likes of you. I don't tolerate being "messed with" as you like to put it. You are a pure troll. Content free. I don't understand why people like you exist.

grackle said...

Trump's fans are secure. No doubt. He needs to win undecided voters, or persuadable voters. I have no idea why he agreed to let anyone who works for CNN run a debate.

Trump had no say in who moderates. Trump has no choice but to go to these debates as organized. If he boycotts he’ll be crucified so there’s no leverage he can use. He tried that once – it failed.

We thought Holt was bad? Anderson Cooper is going to be a nightmare.

I expect nothing less than blatant bias in any of these debates. I was assured in another comment thread that Holt was a super-fair guy who would NEVER take sides. Illusions.

The reality is that Holt has a career to think about - his standing in the cable news community – his reputation and the goodwill of his peers. For me it was a foregone conclusion that Holt would do what he did.

I sure hope Trump prepares.

You and me both. He should at least have ready answers for the worst of the many slanders against him that are being peddled on the cables. I think he underestimated Hillary. If she’s given assistance by the moderator she comes across OK.

He's not a natural debater …

I would have to see him perform in a debate to know how good or bad he would be in a debate. What we are getting instead is extended hostile interviews designed to cut into his poll numbers. These are NOT “debates” in any real sense of the word.

… so he must make up for it by hammering Hillary … and stop letting Clinton troll him.


Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" so he must make up for it by hammering Hillary … and stop letting Clinton troll him."

Of course, if Trump tries to hammer Hillary, the moderator will intervene:

"Mr. Trump, I wasn't asking about the Clinton Foundation. I was asking what you think about -"

"Well, I have to ask about the Clinton Foundation - because I know you won't."

Valentine Smith said...

I love everyone referencing this abstract concept of what being "Presidential" is when we have concrete examples in our past Presidents.

Obama - Muslim-raised hater of the Constitution, gun runner to Mexican narcos, bag man to the tune of billions for the Iranian mullahs responsible for the death of thousands of American GIs, race baiter, and much much more including worst of all feckless COWARD.

W - Aristo fool, alcoholic, lamb among wolves

HillyBilly Clinton - Oritginally a two-for-one crime wave metamorphed into an international crime cartel, child fuckers, extortionists, blackmailers, secret selling traitors, murderers. The perfect marriage of Arkansas Dixie mafia and Chicago gangster. Hilly gets top billing because she's the obviously disciplined one but where the actual mastermind is still needs to be determined.

The Presidential ship has sailed long long ago.

And I'll take a straight talking, low class millionaire, regular Joe from Queens over the gangster Clinton's in a fucking heartbeat.

J. Farmer said...


"I plan to go to Italy. I like chaos and warm weather. I guess Florida would be the back-up plan."

Italy? Yikes. The place is a disaster. The northern and southern halves are different nations trying to live under the same ineffectual state. The Italian state is weak because the Italian nation is weak. Read Banfield's essential, prescient The Moral Basis of a Backward Society. Ironically, Singapore is a case in my favor on the failures of multiculturalism. In order to make Singapore's multiethnic population of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Tamil live together in relative harmony, an essentially single-party authoritarian state is necessitated. Absent such top-down controls, violence and social chaos are often not far behind. See the post-colonial subcontinent of the late 1940's, the post-Tito Yugoslavia of the 1990's, and the naughts post-Hussein Iraq. In every case, democratic principles and national self-determination resulted in massive bloodshed. What's most striking about the American revolution is how atypical it is. And even the American experiment in Republicanism led to a violent civil war 70 years later, still the deadliest war America has ever fought.

Sara D said...

Blogger eric said...
Sara D,

Notice they waited until Friday to tell us.

(a little late but I just saw your comment)

of course, they had to give Hillary time for a round of ridicule

"Anybody who complains about the microphone is not having a good night," Clinton said

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