I photographed this 9/11 mural in NYC on the door of Engine Company 6, and first blogged it here. And here's the story of Ladder Company 6:
They went in to fight a fire. They’re alive, they say, because they stayed together to save a life. This is the story of Ladder Company 6 and a woman they call their guardian angel.
Tommy Falco: “I just heard the rumbling and the shaking. And I imagine we got knocked down the stairs. And I just remember laying down and, OK, this is it, you know, what’s it going to feel like. And I said, ‘This is how it ends for me.’”...
No longer a sleeping tiger.
Beautiful Josephine passed in 2011--story here:
@Buddwing, that tiger's been asleep since January 2009.
BREAKING: law enf source: Hillary Clinton just left 9/11 ceremony w/medical episode, appeared to faint on way into van, helped by security
Several reports have surfaced since Clinton abruptly left the 9/11 memorial ceremony that she had a medical emergency and fainted on the way to her car. Her U.S. Secret Service protective detail actually had to help carry her into her car, according to a Fox News report from Rick Leventhal.
A producer for Lawrence O’Donnell’s MSNBC program, The Last Word, has also heard from multiple law enforcement sources that Clinton had a “medical episode” at the 9/11 memorial.
My 3 year ago daughter just started singing "ding dong the witch is..."
Scott Adams has chimed in:
"The Race for President is (Probably) Over"
That video is shocking... and sad. I feel sorry for her. Good Lord, what is wrong with her? She looks like she is on her last legs. What is wrong with the Dems that they are allowing this to go on? It's cruel, to her and to us.
Of course Hillary has probably told her campaign staffers, "I'm going to be the first woman president if it kills me."
Is there no one with guts enough to step in and say "enough is enough"?
Hillary should just accept her karma here and retire. Enjoy the grandkids. No loss of dignity in that. That is what most people live for.
That was an odd kind of faint. She left early because she wasn't feeling well, they said. You can see her aid (Huma?) holding her up as they wait for the car. Then she has trouble getting her legs to move in a coordinated fashion, then she falls forward into the car. Usually when people become overheated or stand too long, they faint right away while in the position that causes it. Most would instinctively find a place to sit until they felt better if they caught it early enough while feeling woozy. I am suspicious. They say she emerged later from her daughter's apartment all Hokey-Dokey, though.
Sweating and intolerance to heat. These are also problems for people with Parkinson's disease. These symptoms are mostly related to changes to the nerves that control automatic body processes (like body heat).
Maybe she just needed a nosh.
The other day Hillary was saying that Trump projects a "phony strength." Guess it was on her mind.
Since they didn't know the full nature of the incident and underlying medical condition the Secret Service would want to have doctors rule out any immediate life threatening medical problem.
But they transported her to her daughter's place? It is quite telling that they immediately took Clinton to her daughters apartment. Normally, for an unexpected fainting, seizure incident for a 68 year old with other documented health problems the patient would be taken to a hospital.
Normally, for an unexpected fainting, seizure incident for a 68 year old with other documented health problems the patient would be taken to a hospital.
9/11/16, 11:52 AM
If they took her to a hospital, questions might be raised about her health and fitness for office. They can not allow that. They have to pass it off as just a minor fainting spell, which could happen to anybody.
Except that it is 82 degrees in NYC and this happened at 9 am.
Huma was nowhere near.
I suspect these people in the videos are a special team for this sort of emergency.
There are other pictures of her being led away, clutching the arm of the black haired lady, with the big black fellow just behind and all three surrounded by SS types.
Rusty said...
Maybe she just needed a nosh.
9/11/16, 11:35 AM
A gin and tonic, more likely.
Based on the Zdenek Gazda twitter-
Not black haired, it was a brunette lady in a dark blue dress wearing a SS type mike, was supporting her arm the whole way it seems and was the same one at the curb. There is video of this lady standing behind her during the ceremony, Hillary stoops back to confer with her.
This all is very Kremlinologist sort of stuff isnt it?
Takes me back to Brezhnev, Chernenko, Andropov days.
Night Owl said...
That video is shocking... and sad. I feel sorry for her"
On 9/11/12, 4 American suffered a horrible death due in large part to her incompetence. She later lied to the families of the murdered men while standing next to the coffins of the dead.
Four years to the day later, she has a "medical episode" which may put her coronation as First Woman President in jeopardy. It's the one thing the media can not spin.
If it happened to anybody else, I would feel sorry. All I can think in this case is "Poetic Justice."
If she had any thought or care for the country she would drop out of the race. But all she is, all she has left is her own lust for power.
From commenter Charles Morgan at Powerline:
"The vehicle into which Clinton is loaded appears to be a hearse."
This all is very Kremlinologist sort of stuff isnt it?
The usual suspects (MSM, Hollyweird, the fascist left) have been working night and day for more than three years, spending billions of mostly foreign cash to foist a criminal gerontocracy on America. Thank whatever powers that be the lies have finally been exposed in such a dramatic manner that even mindless drones like Unknown/Inga will shrink from trying to square the circle for the nth time.
Welcome, President Trump. A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
There is definitely an upside for the Hildebeest in all this. When the national security violations and the subsequent construction charges finally come to roost in a court late next year Mrs. Clinton, assuming she's still living, will be able to make a creditable diminished capacity plea. She'll skate with a hefty fine and a suspended sentence.
"This all is very Kremlinologist sort of stuff isnt it?
Takes me back to Brezhnev, Chernenko, Andropov days. "
It is shocking to witness this sort of coverup going on in America. It does seem like Soviet levels of corruption. Of course it was done with FDR, so it is not unprecedented to hide the ill-health of a candidate and thus shouldn't be such a surprise, yet it is, when you see it first hand. Thanks to modern technology it is much harder for the propagandists to keep their deception completely hidden.
It will be fascinating to watch as they try to spin this. The Dems and their media hacks are so corrupt that I doubt they'll be able to stop themselves from lying their asses off.
Hillary has forever redefined "Remember The Fallen"
It will be fascinating to watch as they try to spin this. The Dems and their media hacks are so corrupt that I doubt they'll be able to stop themselves from lying their asses off.
9/11/16, 12:52 PM
Of course, their response will be to focus on Trump's "bad health." That will be rather difficult, however, since he is giving campaign speeches uninterrupted by prolonged coughing jags, flying around the country, and getting into his limo without assistance.
The Dems will be forced to put Hill on the campaign trail to prove she is healthy enough to be president. Except that she is not and they will not be able to hide it.
How will she handle the debates if standing at a 9/11 ceremony on a not terribly hot day is too much for her?
They'll have to apply jumper cables to her before she goes on stage.
The Contrast.
@exiledonmainstreet 12:35 pm
On an intellectual level I agree with everything you said. Yet I can't help but feel sorry for her. I can't bear to see anyone or anything suffering. (It was the video that did it. If that were my mother, who is about her age ... Jeez.)
Her suffering doesn't make me forget about her many awful traits as a candidate and a person, but it does make me feel compassion for her. Call it a weakness of mine, but it is what it is. (It should be obvious that I still would never vote for her.)
The Weekend at Hillary's.
Night Owl, you are a kinder person than I am. I find her so loathsome that it is next to impossible for me to feel any compassion for her. She has ruined the lives of many innocent people and done so much damage to our country that I can't feel sympathy for her.
If it was Trump in that video, she would be cackling with glee.
It may be me and my confirmation bias, or less than convincing makeup, but Hillary seems to have aged ten years in as many weeks. Look at her in photographed in natural light today as displayed at Drudgereport, then compare to videos taken at the DNC convention. Forget for a moment the bizarre facial expressions, the cratered tongue, the mealymouthed rhetoric, etc., just look at the face.
She's dying before our eyes.
For some reason I have a strong desire to Netflix Weekend at Bernie's tonight.
"She's dying before our eyes."
So is her husband. Karma indeed.
Night Owl wrote: Call it a weakness of mine, but it is what it is.
What it is is evidence of your moral superiority over almost every partisan of Hillary Clinton breathing.
"I ain't in no ways tarred."
Never mind Hillary for the moment. Very brave men and women should be in our hearts and minds today.
Looking at her feet, Video from rear shows she is dragged into van
I am just waiting for the tie in to global warming to explain Hillary's fainting at what was probably a room-temperature morning in New York, which everyone knows should be just a little above freezing this time of year.
So is her husband.
Gawd, WJC is a caricature. If someone were casting a film about the final days of an utterly spent, degenerated roué they could hardly do better than Slick. That parchment skin, those red-rimmed glassy eyes. If it weren't for the fact that his health care (bought on the taxpayer's hard earned dollar) was second to none I'd say he was a textbook case of a man suffering from tertiary syphilis.
But he's not. Too bad for future literate.
I agree. If you focus on her shoes you can see she is being dragged into the van. She is leaned forward and her toes are dragging behind her.
@Night Owl I agree with your empathy. Hillary looks so bad in that video you can't help but have sympathy for her condition. This is not heat stroke. If it were, her attendants would have gotten some ice on her immediately and liquids into her. They would not let her stand,. she would have been on the deck and they would have been loosening her clothes - at least that's what their training would have had them do. You don't waste time when a person has heat stroke because brain damage and heart failure can rapidly ensue. Hillary's symptoms indicate something else and that something else looks serious.
Due to "overheating" ... Temps in the low eighties, moderate to high humidity. Hillary's major political handicap, the reason why she's never won an election, is unlike Hobby Bill she's a extraordinarily bad liar. And being a congenitally bad liar she is incapable of staffing he retinue with skilled liars. Thus we hear risibles like "overheated".
No one is reasonable health would overheat in that situation where exertion amounts to sitting comfortably on a reviewing stand.
Dead for a ducat! Dead!
typo alert: But he's not. Too bad for future literate.
Too bad for future literature. (g'dammit!!)
But Granny C will protect us from the next 9/11.
"Welcome, President Trump. A nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
More like President Kaine.
But Granny C will protect us from the next 9/11.
The shade of J. Christopher Stevens does a spit take,
Kaine kant.
Had she not viciously called a large swath of Americans deplorable and irredeemable, I might feel sorry for her. As it is, I'll just consider it Instant Karma.
"Hillary's symptoms indicate something else and that something else looks serious."
Correct. If ANYONE else looked and acted the way Hillary looked in that video they would've been taken to the hospital. As someone else was quoted saying, she was thrown in the van like a side of beef. It's disgusting.
That they didn't rush her to the hospital says that they know what is wrong with her, and are hiding it. She may indeed end up dead before election day. If it were my mother I would stop it now.
It will be fun to watch the famous Clinton "transparency" play out on this.
I never heard that story before--the fire companies that found/rescued Ladder 6 and their Guardian Angel (Ladder 43, Engine 53 @ 101st St./Third Ave., known as El Barrio's Bravest) was one of two fire stations from my neighborhood. The other station on East 85th St. (Ladder 13, Engine 22) lost all 11 fireman on duty that day. The guys from 43/53 used to patronize a bar/restaurant (owned by a retired fireman) across the street from my apartment. Oh, and that retired FDNY restaurant owner? He lost two nephews working that day at 13/22.
Ground Zero for Hillary's campaign
More like President Kaine.
9/11/16, 1:44 PM
A guy with all the charisma of a wet dishrag.
No, I don't think Granny will step out of the race gracefully. This is her lifelong dream and she is so close to realizing it.
The most likely scenario is that that the media will ignore this, explain to the rubes that people collapse of "heat exhaustion" in 82 degree weather all the time, and continue to try to drag her bloated carcass across the finish line.
The staff people around her act like they've done this before. It was just caught on video this time.
For Clinton to withdraw from the race, she will literally have to die first.
"What it is is evidence of your moral superiority over almost every partisan of Hillary Clinton breathing."
Thank you for the kind words, but to be honest, the very first thing that popped into my head when I saw that video was "Weekend at Bernie's". So a saint, I ain't. My squishy side keeps my wicked side in check, but the wicked is there.
Parkinson's disease. Liver failure. Strokes. Thrombosis. Congestive heart failure. Evil takes its toll on the soul and the body follows.
Everyone calls me mean and crazy, until I am right.
She will not leave the race willingly. Odds are less than 50% she is non responsive by November. And I am pretty sure the laws that apply to this only allow kaine to take her place. The laws didn't matter in New Jersey though. Elizabeth Warren or Cory booker or Biden could step in if she goes into a coma.
Help! Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!
If she was "overheating" on a 80-degree day then she should shed that Mao jacket and cool off. But then everyone would see her ostomy bag flopping around. Then again, I've not known heat to be able to make one's legs immobile, paralyzed one might say, like Hillary is in that video. Nice of the "team" to flock around and prevent better photography, just like players do when a quarterback needs an injection on the sidelines.
As I said before in another thread, I find it all deliciously schadenfreude-nistic and I thoroughly enjoy her slow motion train wreck of a campaign.
ONWARD! (Someone run back and get that shoe!)
What I want at my funeral is an actual boxing referee to do a count, and at 5 just wave it off and say he's not getting up.
If Hillary either dies or drops out, is there some assurance that all past bribes will be honored by her replacement ? Or once President, is there any guarantee that bribes will be honored ? In other words, will she stay bought ? JFK and Bobby Kennedy offer examples of what can happen if you don't.
I overstated the temp in NYC by a few degrees. According to Weather Underground, it was 80 degrees there at 9:37 am. Clearly dangerously hot weather, which would cause an old lady to drop like a fly.
In the meantime, Slate does its' best Onion imitation:
"This Video Allegedly of Hillary Clinton Leaving 9/11 Memorial Does Not Look Good"
It's "allegedly" Hillary. It might be some Hillary impersonator.
For Clinton to withdraw from the race, she will literally have to die first.
9/11/16, 2:10 PM
Unknown would still vote for her.
For those wondering about what might happen if Clinton (or Trump) withdrew from the race, here is a bit on New York's ballot access for the presidential election:
A candidate nominated by a political party may be placed on the general election ballot. A party must certify its candidates for presidential electors with the state board of elections no later than 14 days after the autumn primary election
For example, New York's "Autumn" primary is this Tuesday. It isn't clear to me that the VP candidates can be elevated to the top of the ticket after September 27th. Even worse, substituting someone other than Kaine or Pence would seem explicitly barred after the 27th and putting up someone like Warren as an independent is already barred since such candidates have to meet the following requirement:
An independent candidate for president must file a petition with the state board of elections no later than 11 weeks prior to the general election.
I would imagine, and will check, that these requirements are not specific to New York, but probably give a bit more and a bit less leeway for substitutions for the major parties from this point forward.
"The staff people around her act like they've done this before. It was just caught on video this time."
My impression as well.
I'm uncertain as to whether she drops out or not. I agree that she herself would never willingly do it, but someone may force her hand. Either a concerned loved one -- does she have any?-- or party members fearful that she will pass out during the debates. Her polling after today might play a role in whether she leaves the race.
Anyone actually concerned about Hillary would be asking her to close the door on her campaign.
Just checked California, and it appears the two main parties must submit the electoral slate by October 1st.
jdniner, not going to happen. If she bows out, her foundation goes under and there are too many people who have 'invested' too much money, expecting something in return. They will prop up her carcass to get what they paid for, if they have to.
Close up, slow motion shows something falling from her pant leh
But Granny C will protect us from the next 9/11.
Since Granny C's husband had some responsibility for 9/11, I doubt it. So do the Benghazi Four.
If Hillary! drops dead or is incapacitated, the Lautenburg Rule will be cited, the electoral statutes be damned. Laws, the Democrats have made clear, are only followed by losers and other despicables.
Ok, now given that you actually vote for the electors- can Clinton or Trump be kept on the ballot in a state? I assume they can- you aren't voting for them directly- you are voting for their electoral slate, so even if one dies, the elector/s are still alive and can attend the electoral college as long as their election is certified by the state itself. Would the state of Florida, for example, certify the election victory of a dead Hillary Clinton slate? I have no idea, and you can ask the same question reversed for New Jersey and a dead Trump.
FullMoon said...
Close up, slow motion shows something falling from her pant leh
Hmmmm. Maybe a piece of an ankle brace? That's the only thing I can think of.
Hmmmm. Maybe a piece of an ankle brace? That's the only thing I can think of.
The cap to an injector?
Flash drive with emails?
Night Owl wrote: My squishy side keeps my wicked side in check, but the wicked is there.
Philosophically one must have a "wicked side" to be morally upright. If one is incapable of evil, which would be the person who genuinely has no evil or selfish intent, that one is also not a free moral agent.
She's pinin' for the fjiords.
My squishy side keeps my wicked side in check, but the wicked is there.
No strings on you, Night Owl. You're a real live boy.
She's not pinin', she's passed on. This is an ex-canidiate.
Soro and company are prepared to nail her to the podium.
Hillary from another angle. She collapses.
Normally, for an unexpected fainting, seizure incident for a 68 year old with other documented health problems the patient would be taken to a hospital.
That big black guy who is always with her and who carries syringe of something is probably a doctor on her payroll.
Michael Jackson learned that those doctors to celebrities are not always doing you a favor when they do what you tell them to do.
I tried to avoid celebrity patients. Had a very few, which was fine with me.
I can only imagine the pressure on such a person if that is what he is. We almost got Nixon when he had deep vein thrombosis but he went to Long Beach where he had an obsolete operation done on him.
Hubert Humphrey died of bladder cancer that he would not have properly treated because the presideny in 1968 was more important to him.
After watching that video, it appears Hillary is in deplorable condition.
Watching Hillary go wobbly into the van gives new meaning to the term Crooked Hillary.
They almost hauled her off in a basket!
MSNBC hag hostess is denying what can be clearly seen in the video. they are getting really desperate. I do think this is a game changer.
I also Trump saying he didn't know anything about Hillary collapsing when asked about it. Hopefully he can let this stew for a while ans not become the story in commenting.
I also saw Trump saying . . .
It could be that she was ducking sniper fire.
Leftish Voter: 'Ello, I wish to register a complaint.
(The DNC chairwoman does not respond.)
Leftish Voter: 'Ello, Miss?
Marcia Fudge: What do you mean, "miss"?
LV: (pause) I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to register a complaint!
MF: We're closed until November.
LV: Never mind that. I wish to complain about this candidate what I purchased not eight weeks ago from this very party political.
MF: Oh yes, the, uh, the Blue State Deceptive...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?
LV: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my good woman. It’s dead, that's what's wrong with it!
MF: No, no, 'e's uh... she's resting.
LV: Look, matey, I know a dead candidate when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.
MF: No, no, she's not dead, she's… she's restin'! Remarkable lady, the Blue State Deceptive, idn'it, eh? Beautiful designer pantsuit!
LF: The pantsuit don't enter into it. It's stone dead.
MF: No-no-no-no, no, no! She's resting!
LV: All right then, if she's restin', I'll wake her up! (shouting on MSNBC) 'Ello, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton! I've got a lovely fresh puff piece in the Times for you if you show a sign of life...(MF insults Donald Trump)
MF: There, she moved!
LV: No, she didn't, that was you distractin’ the electorate!
MF: I never!!
LV: Yes, you did!
MF: I never, never did anything...
LV: (yelling at the candiate repeatedly) 'ELLO HILLY!!!!! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is your nine o'clock alarm call!
(Takes candidate out of armored SUV and thumps its head on the lecturn. Throws it up in the air and watches it plummet to the floor.)
LV: Now that's what I call a dead candidate.
MF: No, no..... No, she's stunned!
MF: Yeah! You stunned her, just as she was wakin' up! Blue State Deceptives stun easily.
LV: Um...now look...now look, mate, I've definitely 'ad enough of this. That candidate is definitely deceased, and when I voted for it, you assured me that its total lack of movement was due to it bein' tired and shagged out following a prolonged cackle.
MF: Well, she's...he's, ah...probably pining for the Ozarks.
LV: PININ' for the OZARKS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why did she fall flat on her back the moment I got her home?
MF: The Blue State Deceptive prefers keepin' on it's back! Remarkable candidate, id'nit, squire? Lovely pantsuit!
LV: Look, I took the liberty of examining that candidate and I discovered the only reason that it had been standin’ on the podium in the first place was that it had been NAILED there.
MF: Well, o' course she was nailed there! If I hadn't nailed that candidate down, she would have muscled up to those Russians, bent 'em like pretzels with her bare hands, and VOOM! World War Three.
LV: "VOOM"?!? Mate, this candiadte wouldn't "voom" if you put four million volts through it! 'She's bleedin' demised!
MF: No no! 'She's pining!
LV: 'She's not pinin'! 'She's passed on! This candidate is no more! She’s has ceased to be! 'She's expired and gone to meet her attorneys! She's a stiff! Bereft of life, she rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed her to the podium she'd be pushing up the daisies! Hersmetabolic processes are now 'istory! She's off the twig! She's kicked the bucket, She's shuffled off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! She's f*ckin' snuffed it!..... THIS IS AN EX-CANDIDATE!!
MF: Well, I'd better replace it, then.
(he takes a quick peek behind the counter)
MF: Sorry squire, I've had a look 'round the back of the shop, and uh, we're right out of candidates.
Nice Pythonesque bit, Quaestor!
Quaestor said...
She's not pinin', she's passed on. This is an ex-canidiate.
Soro and company are prepared to nail her to the podium.
She's havin a kip.
I've seen reports that she emerged later from Chelsea's apartment and looked normal.
Has anyone seen video of that?
Excellent, Quaestor!
Floozy and Woozy
Ran for President
Of the USA.
Both overheated.
Only one was defeated
Which was deplorable.
"I've seen reports that she emerged later from Chelsea's apartment and looked normal."
A speedball and a couple of shots of Grey Goose can work wonders.
"Braving a scorching 78-degree day in NYC..."
"Despite debilitating allergies and dehydration Hillary...
"In opposition to her doctor's orders Hillary bravely graced NYC with her presence, briefly, on Sunday..."
Third time's the charm.
Yes Clint. Saw it. And I don't believe any of the story!
Soro and company are prepared to nail her to the podium.
She's havin a kip.
9/11/16, 4:27 PM
They can embalm her for her inauguration. If the Soviets were able to keep Lenin's pickled carcass on display all these decades, just consider what they can do in 2016.
She'll look so lifelike, it'll be as if she's able to sit up and cough at you.
Not to worry. Chelsea is next in line for the throne. God save the Queen.
If a candidate falls away between nomination and swearing in, there will have to be a substitution whether there are provisions in place for it or not. I guess the affected party would call an emergency convention to select another candidate.
If this happens to the Republicans, there will be at least half a dozen candidates presented to choose from, but if it is the Democrats?
All I can think of is Terry McAwful, but - surely not?
Quaestor for the win!
The NY Times is reporting she was diagnosed with pneumonia.
The Godfather said in an earlier thread,
If Hillary! has to drop out before the election for reasons of health, the Eagleton precedent says that the Democratic National Committee picks her replacement (Eagleton, of course was the Vice Presidential nominee, but I don't think there's a difference in principle for the Presidential nominee). My best guess is they'll pick Kaine, and he might win. If she drops out after the election, but before the Electoral College votes, I think the Electoral College would make the decision in reality, not just formally. In 1872, Horace Greeley, the Liberal Republican/Democratic candidate for President, died after the election but before the Electoral College voted; Greeley's electors voted for other Democrats. The three electoral votes that were actually cast for Greeley were disqualified. Greeley lost the election badly, so it didn't make any difference how his electors voted, but it still seems to be the best precedent for what would happen if Hillary won the popular vote and then died.
I don't see this. There will be war until one candidate prevails.
Campaign says she was diagnosed with a pneumonia on Friday. Yeah, right.
Campaigning and otherwise glad handling with pneumonia is deplorable.
The NYT is going to have a hard time living this one down.
It has to be a very odd kind of pneumonia that hits you that hard, and they just give you a shot and a glass of water and send you back out on the street by yourself.
And this "yourself" is not a homeless person, but the one and only Hillary!
"Pneumonia" just means there is an inflammation in the lungs. What caused that inflammation is the important question.
You know, I've always loved the Parrot sketch, but I never understood the line, "Sorry, I have a cold." Can someone ELIS?
Based on her documented horrible relationship with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I'm confident Hillary is much more seriously ill than pneumonia. I'm sure she has pneumonia....I am also sure there is a serious medical illness which has caused her to be susceptible to having chronic breathing problems and getting pneumonia.
"Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Friday, during follow up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia," her doctor, Lisa Bardack, said. "She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule. While at this morning's event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely." --Politico on Facebook
In perspective, why would we believe anything they tell us at this point? She's fricking dehydrated at 9:30 AM? She's overheated in 78 degree weather? Why didn't they tell us Friday about the pneumonia? Why didn't they have the doctor tell us about the allergies? This doesn't pass the smell test...
Check this out.
At this point the credibility of the Clintons and her campaign staff is so low that if they came out and sadly announced that she had died, I'd wonder if it wasn't some sort of ploy.
H's doctor said that she was diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia and was receiving antibiotics.
That means, in the immortal words of Nixon's press secretary Ron Ziegler, that all previous explanations by the campaign for her coughing fits are now inoperative.
But we have not been told what form of bacterial pneumonia she is walking around with.
One of the most dangerous is pneumococcal pneumonia. I had that (high fever and coughing up blood) and it wasn't fun.
So she probably has a milder form.
But why not disclose exactly what form it is...so that all those who have been exposed to her coughing fits know exactly what they should be watching out for?
"H's doctor said that she was diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia and was receiving antibiotics."
They said that after the "overcome by the heat" story was easily proven to be ridiculous.
Looks like an old Florida Panthers goalie helmet
Something clearly does fall out of her pant leg. No idea what, and I am sure it won't be explained because it is certainly totally innocent, not like a whisky flask or anything. Aside from that, she looks terrible. But up until now, all of the right wing brouhaha about her health was completely unfounded!
"H's doctor said that she was diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia and was receiving antibiotics."
They said that after the "overcome by the heat" story was easily proven to be ridiculous.
The NYT will run with it, of course.
From the comments section of the NYT article by "Z":
"As a medical resident, I am perplexed by the pneumonia diagnosis. Pneumonia is diagnosed with a chest x-ray. Did she undergo a chest x-ray on Friday? Also, pneumonia can be quite a serious illness - it doesn't seem wise for her campaign to allow her to interact with young children (apparently she hugged a child?) given the diagnosis. I don't want to say it but as Trump likes to say, "something is going on here." I don't want to stoke the conspiracy theorists, but I think it's time we get some more information about her health..."
Usually the milder forms of pneumonia are viral. Bacterial pneumonia lays you low. It would be hard, if not impossible, for her to be out campaigning.
Transparent Hillary first goes to Chelsea's apartment and then home after publicly collapsing. I'm a few years younger than Hillary. I'd head to the nearest ER.
What is she hiding this time?
Meanwhile, the Aaron Rodgers/Clay Matthews add for State Farm is hilarious.
The media have to be wondering just how long they can prop her up.
mockturtle said...
Usually the milder forms of pneumonia are viral. Bacterial pneumonia lays you low. It would be hard, if not impossible, for her to be out campaigning."
Thanks to Obamacare, we now have 20 minute pneumonia. Get a shot at your daughter's apartment and you're fresh as a daisy in no time flat.
You can also give a speech slamming Trump voters as a "basket of deplorables" on the very same day you are diagnosed!
Unknown has not made an appearance in this thread, I note. It must be quite confusing to be a online shill for Hill: "She's overheated!" "She just stumbled!!""The video was faked!" "No, wait, she has pneumonia!"
I see the current media spin is "Brave, plucky Hill, a bit under the weather, but she just keeps soldiering on!"
She's even being compared to Reagan, who took a bullet and was still able to joke with his surgeon.
Remember when the Left made a major issue of Dubya choking on a pretzel? Good times.
Remember when the Left made a major issue of Dubya choking on a pretzel? Good times.
And, worse, how many times did they show George the Elder throwing up at a Japanese dinner?
None of the lefty shills are here today, exiled -- just a coincidence.
And, worse, how many times did they show George the Elder throwing up at a Japanese dinner?
9/11/16, 7:25 PM
I remember SNL did a skit about it (which, honestly, was pretty funny, since they deliberately copied the Zapruder film, showing "Barbara Bush" flinging herself across the table at Bush I in slow mo like Jackie K.)
I rather doubt there will be any SNL skits about this "medical episode."
Rubio drinking water?
Usually the milder forms of pneumonia are viral.
In this case the pneumonia, if that's what it is, is probably Parkinson's related, which also related to her coughing fits. Pneumonia is the leading proximal cause of death among PD suffers.
It is true that pneumonia is a major cause of death in PD patients, often aspiration pneumonia resulting from dysphagia.
“Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Friday, during follow up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia,” said Dr. Lisa R. Bardack, Clinton’s doctor. “She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule. While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely.”
"If a virus is causing your pneumonia, antibiotics won’t help, but your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medication."
Still, a lot of (stupid)doctors still make the mistake of prescribing antibiotics for viral infections. Is Bardack one of those? Quis sais?
If Clinton had a case of undiagnosed bacterial pneumonia (of some still unknown type) during the time of her coughing fits, it seems a much more likely explanation for the fits than blaming pollen allergies:
"...Taking questions: Hillary Clinton went into the reporters' section of her campaign plane for the second day in a row and claimed her health was fine, saying coughing was because of 'pollen'"
Hillary's coughing fits, which are dry and have not obliviously produced the phlegm associated with bacteria or viral infection suggest that her spells are Parkinson's-related dysphagia (a swallowing problem) when HRC talks her saliva tends to trickle down her throat the "wrong way", triggering a choking reflex, which in turn triggers the coughing spasm. This same dysphagia often leads to aspiration pneumonia (hat-tip to mockturtle).
She's had the coughing fits for quite a long time. By saying she now has pneumonia, they give her cover to make even fewer public appearances so as not to expose any more neurologically related episodes or having to answer any questions regarding her continued lies and corruption. Btw, didn't she attend that high dollar fundraiser where she called half the country 'deplorable', the same day of her 'diagnosis'?
Watch. Pneumonia will be Hillary's Get-Out-Of-Debates-Free card.
She buckled at the knees, but her head stayed completely upright. If she fainted, that wouldn't have happened. Maybe they have some kind of brace there to deal with the head bobbing.
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