ADDED: This is the best part, I think, about whether Trump deserves more credit than he's gotten:
ALSO: I think this is the Peter Beinart article that Bob refers to: "Trump's Immigration Policy Trap." I don't think it says what Bob claims it says. I said — as I'd already said on this blog — that it's very hard to find any direct statement from Trump that he would deport the 11 million people who are here illegally but living peaceful, settled lives. Bob says Beinart found them, but what Beinart says is:
At the second debate, on September 16... Trump had promised only to deport undocumented immigrants who are violent criminals. He had ducked Tapper’s question about the entire 11 million....That's my point!
[I]n the third debate... Trump ignored the reference to deporting 11 million and focused his answer on the wall...
It’s not that Trump never discussed deportation during the primaries. Over the course of hundreds of interviews, he was occasionally forced to admit that, yes, he would send all the undocumented home.Where's the quote? I think Trump only said things like "They will go home," not that they'd be actively seized and thrown out.
But he discussed the topic as little as possible....That's my point!
Deplorable v Detestable. That sums up this election nicely.
Bob Wright is Wrong. Irredeemably deplorable.
What difference, at this point, does it make?
The worst part about the pneumonia is that she and her people lied about it. So it pumps up the "lying' Hillary" impression with voters.
Is this the first official retirement announcement?
Her collapse was a tactic designed to take the deplorable comment out of the news. Hillary is good at strategery.
I'm a basket case right now!
Very possible, Tim, credible since we all "know" she's sick.
Move to Omaha or Kansas City. Very nice towns. Nice people.
There is a video up on You Tube, apparently authentic, of Hillary getting into her van after the "event." She can not walk. She can not step down from a curb. She can not step up into the van.
I have occasional dizzy spells, the product of some meds I take for blood pressure and other stuff. This was not a dizzy spell or a transient overheating. Her lack of body control is well beyond dizziness,
Some of the comments on various blogs about this are disgusting--cheering at her illness and hoping for her death. I wish people would stop that but of course they will not.
But now in addition to speculation about her health, we have her dishonesty in question again because of the possibility of a coverup.
I think this increases the chance the neither Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be elected president.
Enter Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, Stage Left.
You're retiring?? Bummer? Or are you happy and ready to rove?
The memo goes on to say “IF PUSHED,” surrogates should raise concerns about media fairness.
“I think we can all agree that if Donald Trump said something controversial about Clinton supporters, it wouldn’t have been in his top ten list of offensive statements in day,” the advice reads. “It’s well past time the press stopped grading Trump on a curve. - Hillary campaign memo on how to deal with the Deplorable question.
Simple response: "Give me the ten more offensive things Trump said today. Or yesterday, or the day before, that are worse. Or is this just one more lie?
Stolen from a Youtube comment. Walking her to the van looked like a scene from Weekend at Bernie's.
Enter Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, Stage Left.
Stage Ultra Left.
" It was recorded on Friday morning, so that was before "basket of deplorables."...
and before The Faint.
What I would like Wright to answer to.
It is easy to talk about things until The Future gets involved.
I am Laslo.
I am sure if you had asked Wright about the health issue, he would have proclaimed it a bunch of nonsense, even though Hillary had been diagnosed with pneumonia already, and had lied about her coughing being due to "allergies" many times. But as has been pointed out, "that story is no longer operative."
Any comments about the Bloggingheads?
How about RVing? While I have never tried it, the luxury models are beautiful. Travel the country with all the comforts of home. If I had a husband this would be something I would love to try. Rent out my house for a few years while touring the country. Then see if I wanted to make it a way of life or permanently move to one of the destinations visited.
On my iphone the video can't be played.
How about RVing? While I have never tried it, the luxury models are beautiful. Travel the country with all the comforts of home. If I had a husband this would be something I would love to try. Rent out my house for a few years while touring the country. Then see if I wanted to make it a way of life or permanently move to one of the destinations visited.
It's what I do. Full time and solo.
I get purgatory credit in advance for listening to Bob Wright for 69 minutes.
Some tidbits:
Althouse suggests she is close to retiring. Wright asks Ann if she will vote for either Hillary or Johnson. And shocker alert: he is not a big Hillary fan. Wright says he respects international law and Trump doesn't. Wright claims he did not watch Matt Lauer forum last week [I think Wright is full of soup].
Wright asks does Hillary lie more than the average pol. Ann says she has certainly been caught lying more. Wright disputes that & says Trump lies way more. Ann responds by saying but Comey said a lie is OK if you had no intent to lie [Wright claims he hasn't paid close attention to the email story] and yet he then drags out Hillary's latest "header" defense.
Wright can't stop trying to refute Ann's statement that Hillary's perception is that of a big liar.
Wright was surprised to read in the LA Times about a Hillary super-pac that does astroturf [this not really news Bob]
Wright focuses on Trump's looks and whether he has had plastic surgery for 4-5 minutes. He finally admits there is "kinda an anti-Trump attitude in certain quarters of the media". Ann says it is horrible or maybe she said outrageous.
Bob brings up hypotheticals [Ann doesn't want to do that] and the idea that someone maybe should have strangled Trump's mother 70 years ago but he quickly retreats and mentions only Hitler's mother should have been strangled.
Bob is asked why blacks support Hillary. He says he is sure Hillary would say her platform will help blacks. Ann missed a chance to ask Bob if he thought Trump would say the same about his platform. For some reason Wright brings up reparations a second time and says he doubts Trump would support reparations.
Ann makes up excuse to conclude call and says she has to help organize Meade's sock drawer.
Bob was 3 in 1960? But he thinks he remembers the 1960 campaign.
This will get me three years off purgatory- thanks Bob!
Ann Althouse said...
Any comments about the Bloggingheads?
i probably will, in a day or two.
But I will bring up how you watch the Sunday Press Shows and comment how you wait for a transcript.
People no longer want to watch: they want to absorb.
It is easier to read than to listen.
Ten minutes of talking can be less than two minutes of reading.
We are Post-Watching.
Which could mean:
We are Post-Meaning.
I'm re-reading DFW, so discount as necessary.
I am Laslo.
I certainly don't want Crooked Hilary to die or even be sick. All I want is for her to go away.
We've seen this movie before. In 1916 we re-elected Wilson (He kept us out of the war!) who was a sick man unbeknownst to the electorate. We wound up with him in a coma and his wife running the country pretending he was OK.
In 1944 we re-elected FDR even though he was at death's door (He died less than 3 months into his 4th term) This left us with Harry Truman who, for all the revisionism, was still a pretty horrible president.
Then we had Saint Jack of Camelot. To call him very sickly would be putting it mildly. He had Addison's disease, was tormented and in pain and was jacked up on a cocktail of meth, tranqs and other drugs that left him impaired.
Trump seems to be healthy. He has been keeping a very active schedule for the past 40-50 years and especially on the campaign trail. We do not know of any major medical episodes in his life.
I think we need to have a team of doctors examine each. Trump picks one, Crooked Hilary picks another and someone neutral picks a third. All three examine both.
I can't believe that people are really serious about entrusting the country to a woman who has had one stroke and various other medical ailments.
Please, Hilary, have you no decency? Just go away.
John Henry
There is anb old joke the punch line of which, in one version, is:
Mom is on the roof.
Is this the Demmie's and media's way of saying that Crooked Hilary is on the roof and we can't get her down?
Bets on whether she uses this as a way to dodge the debates? If she is allergic to Trump, how can she share the stage with him? Maybe put her in a class 100 isolator booth.
John Henry
Listening to Bob wright requires frequent breaks to get your bearings. He can assert a base idea that is totally wrong and then build 5 minutes of tripe on top of it. You have to go back to square one to undo his Rube Goldberg Apparatus connecting from that wrong idea, but he won't let you.
For example he posited that people hate Muslims and DT dog whistles at them as a trick, etc, etc. But no one hates Muslims. We just don't want the poor, murder commited fools invited over here to kill us and enslave our Christian friends and our family.
And let me compliment our Professor Althouse for being so smart, charming, and beautiful all at once.
English is more of a universal language than Spanish. If we are going to push our citizens to learn a second language how about Chinese which is spoken by over a billion people. China looks like it will play a larger role in the economic and diplomatic future of the US/World then Mexico and South America, which seem determined to remain trapped in the third world economically thanks to their far left politics.
Jimmy Carter may have been healthy but he was a terrible President.
I don't want Hillary to drop out. I want Trump to win by votes, not by default.
Ann you get it. Most people don't. They can't conceive of it. Bob Wright looked like a third greater who couldn't get math.
"You're retiring?? Bummer? Or are you happy and ready to rove?"
I just want to have all my time free and uncommitted. It's not particularly about traveling, as noted in the video. I'm just finishing with have the burden of obligations and I want to have all my time to write (on the blog and possibly elsewhere) and to do things with Meade and on my own. Perhaps some other pursuits — art. That sort of thing.
"How about RVing? While I have never tried it, the luxury models are beautiful. Travel the country with all the comforts of home. If I had a husband this would be something I would love to try. Rent out my house for a few years while touring the country. Then see if I wanted to make it a way of life or permanently move to one of the destinations visited."
I sort of loathe the idea of sleeping in a vehicle that contains a toilet.
I think a normal car and hotels or AirBnb makes more sense.
Completely off topic but:
I am in Chicago this week to attend the International Manufacturing Technology Show at McCormick. It starts tomorrow but I attended a press briefing and preview today.
Most of the time we spent looking at 3D printed cars and a 3D printed house. I thought the technology was pretty cool 2 years ago but it is unbelievable how far it has come in such a short time.
One of the cars was an electric Shelby Cobra that Bob Bondurant took up to 100mph as a test. Entire body and much of the underpinning was printed.
If you have time and $50, come see the show. You won't believe it.
John Henry
Bloggingheads doesn't display in FireFox, and the other two big browsers have lost me for one reason or the other.
It looked like Althouse actually knows that there are times when DJT has talked about the 11 million going. But, according to her, because it's supposedly hard to find to find DJT quoted saying this, his comments don't count.
Of course, how hard is it to know that DJT has said this if Bob knows it and he started this line of chit chat by saying he doesn't invest time following the details of the immigration debate?
Anywho, maybe he just got lucky by reading the Beinart piece.
Also, Bod did embarrass Althouse a bit when she said that HRC is a liar because of the email stuff, but then she got all flustered and defensive when he asked for at least one example of HRC fibbing w/ the email stuff. Anywho, to save face she said she'd go back and blog about ten big HRC lies, but then she backed off that.
I give you credit. While I am a bit of a loner, touring the entire country alone is more than I could handle. Curious, are you the outlier or do you encounter many other solos in the RV community?
Thanks for listening, AJ Lynch. I enjoyed your summary!
David Foster Wallace died September 12, 2008.
Suicide negates tomorrow.
One of my top five DFW quotes.
September 12, suicide.
His take on suicide:
“The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling."
September 11 found in September 12.
I miss him.
I am Laslo.
"All this business about people committing suicide when they’re ‘severely depressed’ ”, he wrote in “The Planet Trillaphon as It Stands in Relation to the Bad Thing”: “We say, ‘Holy cow, we must do something to stop them from killing themselves!’ That’s wrong. Because all these people have, you see, by this time already killed themselves, where it really counts. By the time these people swallow entire medicine cabinets or take naps in the garage or whatever, they’ve already been killing themselves for ever so long. When they ‘commit suicide,’ they’re just being orderly.”
I miss him.
I am Laslo.
Bob's take on Trump is truly hilarious. He KNOWS what Trump said because he read an article in the Liberal New Republic. Case closed. Later, he makes the point that what really makes Trump a bigot isn't what he said, but what he didn't say, cause that's how we judge politicians. Okey dokey Bob.
I think Bob might think Althouse is losing her marbles. His facial expressions were priceless. He tries to reason with Athouse, but he doesn't know she's been mesmerized by Scott Adams.
Althouse wrote This is the best part, I think, about whether Trump deserves more credit than he's gotten:
Also, I think you schooled Wright about the difference between "poorly educated" and "stupid." It sounded like he thought they were the same until you made him think.
Bob supports open borders and wouldn't mind 50 million moslems or zulus moving here. He just doesn't have the guts to say it. So he attacks anyone who wants a sane immigration policy as "bigots" and "racists".
"I think Bob might think Althouse is losing her marbles. His facial expressions were priceless. He tries to reason with Athouse, but he doesn't know she's been mesmerized by Scott Adams."
Reason with Althouse by constantly interrupting her, I don't think so. It seemed to me that he mostly agreed with her though grudgingly.
1. Lie: She didn’t send or receive any e-mails that were classified “at the time.” Clinton told this to reporters at a press conference March 10, 2015. She repeated it at an Iowa Democratic fundraiser July 25 and at a Democratic debate February 4, 2016. Once the investigation into Clinton’s e-mails began, the FBI began retroactively classifying some of the work-related e-mails she had released. So Clinton probably opted to dodge the issue by qualifying her statement, saying that no e-mails she sent were classified “at the time.” Truth: Comey said that the FBI found at least 110 e-mails that were classified at the time Clinton sent or received them — 52 e-mail chains in all, including eight Top Secret (the highest classification level) chains.
-- First of 8 lies, she has told plenty more since.
“How odd I can have all this inside me and to you it’s just words.”
― David Foster Wallace, The Pale King
I'll leave it at that.
I am Laslo.
Okay, I sat down & watched it.
One thing that stands out, & I mean STANDS OUT, is that Prof. Althouse has such a better "stage presence" than Bob Wright. It's to the point where it's distracting. Prof. Althouse has this open, smiling face, & Bob Wright looks like a man who's afraid he's about to get kicked in the balls. And for no reason! You two never get cross with each other once in the video.
I think Prof. Althouse is a better match stylistically & ideologically with Glenn Loury, who is a more "outside the liberal box" thinker than Wright, but yet in a complementary way to AA.
Coming soon to a theater near you: the great AA/GL smack-down! Make it happen, people!
"I think Bob might think Althouse is losing her marbles. His facial expressions were priceless. He tries to reason with Athouse, but he doesn't know she's been mesmerized by Scott Adams."
She had the sads when he wouldn't be diverted by not noticing that her MO is often non-answers to his specific questions. Hopefully she wasn't showboating as she hoped for an attagirl from Adams as she tried out some persuasion/manipulation techniques. Epic miss.
Anywho, maybe it'll make her feel better to know that she's susceptible to this sort of persuation, e.g. from DJT and Rush, even if she can't execute it herself.
Reparations ought to go to the descendants of slave owners. They're the ones who had their capital investments taken.
Anywho, maybe it'll make her feel better to know that she's susceptible to this sort of persuation, e.g. from DJT and Rush, even if she can't execute it herself.
That's pretty funny coming from a guy who calls people liars for disagreeing with shit he just made up.
Althouse needs to listen more when Bob talks over her.
Watching the 14 minute clip is more Bob Wright than I can stand. Such a poorly educated man.
It would be a helpful metadiscussion if the principles behind Trump's immigration ideas were discussed. It's not racist, it's nationalist.
America is run for the benefit of Americans, not foreigners. Foreigners look out similarly for their own interests. When there's an overlap, with benefits to both sides, a trade happens. If not, not.
It's foreign vs American, not Mexican vs American.
I sort of loathe the idea of sleeping in a vehicle that contains a toilet.
To each his/her own but I find this an odd aversion. I presume you sleep in a house that contains one. Hotel rooms definitely do, and they're usually no bigger than RVs.
Trump is deplorable, Hillary is detestable, and Bill is despicable. Glad we have that cleared up.
Althouse wants to make the point that women's reasoning is better than men's, and Wright wants to make the point that Trump supporters are loathsome lowlifes. This causes talking-over as each side tries to get back to the point.
"I think Bob might think Althouse is losing her marbles. His facial expressions were priceless."
You got it wrong. Bob's facial expressions made HIM look like a nut.
Eye rolls and an unwarranted assumption of superiority aren't good substitutes for facts and reason.
Deplorable you, I was born to love you Deplorable you, you are the talk of the town
You're driving me crazy, make me romantic And when we are together, I'm so very proud
Deplorable you, I was born to be with you To have and to hold, as I've done before
And as long as my heart keeps beating You know i'll be true to you... Deplorable you
I say that Bob Wright is ignorant and stupid.
Too it's pneumonia.
If Hillay had mneumonia, she'd be able to remember stuff.
"Althouse wants to make the point that women's reasoning is better than men's,"
In this case, it was completely justified. Bob Wright is very smart, but when it comes to politics he's almost fits the male chauvinist stereotype of the hysterical female, full of emotion and unable to let logic or facts overrule his predjudices and whims.
What Hillary needs is one gigantic lie that can contain all the countless lies she's made up over the many decades -- for convenience and simplicity, streamlining everything to just one big lie.
Cacimbo Cacimbo asked: @mockturtle
I give you credit. While I am a bit of a loner, touring the entire country alone is more than I could handle. Curious, are you the outlier or do you encounter many other solos in the RV community?
No outlier! Quite a few solo RV fulltimers, in the West, anyway. More women than men! Probably mostly widows, like me. I will admit that, in the SE, I attracted quite a bit of astonishment but RVing is not as popular there and women not quite as independent.
My husband and I did a lot of RVing. He retired long before I did and we wintered in the desert for ten years. I worked in AZ in health care when I got a little tired of golf.
I watched the whole thing, too, but endured only because, in a Herculean feat, you managed to hold your share of the floor, and your share was quite good. I'll watch you on BloggingHeads any time so long as your co-host (co-head? co-blogger?) isn't Bob. You are quite right: life is far too short -- though any more exposure to Bob may make me wish mine were shorter.
Re your observations about the black vote, at least one major black celebrity has called for blacks to hold their vote -- P.Diddy. My extremely unscientific poll shows P.Diddy's call has a lot of support.
Finally, is that a Bodum glass you're drinking from? My short ones are great for keeping things hot/cold.
36 minutes into the blogging heads. It is obvious that Bob Wright is not concerned in any serious way about the "facts" that "support" his opinions. And he really did not want to allow you to make your points. I'm not happy with any of the candidates, but at least I try to find the facts and what they actually said or did and use this information as the basis for my opinions.
You can't reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
Wright has fallen for much of the Clinton bullshit about the emails, her server and secret information. Does he really believe each secret document is marked TOP SECRET on top and is printed on day-glow pink and orange paper?
Althouse wants to throw out accusations of Clinton being the biggest liar ever! and when Bob asks for an example she gets panicky because she might have to do a bit of thinking. Oh it's no fun thinking and backing up your accusations, it's not spontaneous or unpredictable! I'm so special! Someone should have to pay me to back up my accusations! Priceless
Laslo, you have more insight than anyone I've ever known.
"I sort of loathe the idea of sleeping in a vehicle that contains a toilet."
Now that there is some totally irrational female shit! Sorry AA but that is a perfect example of the screwy "reasoning" of the female brain.
As was mentioned a hotel room of the same size has a toilet. Airplanes have toilets. What's the big deal about a damn toilet anyway? A great invention if you ask me. I have an RV and I'm GLAD to have a toilet that I can use whenever I need it on the road as opposed to pit stops at service stations or whatever. It doesn't smell. It's in a bathroom. With a door.
Im thinking about building her an outhouse in the back yard.
I am shocked that both of you recognize the extreme media attack on Trump. Wright thinks this is a good thing. I think he believes he's stopping a Hitler.....Wright seems emotional and shallow.
"To each his/her own but I find this an odd aversion. I presume you sleep in a house that contains one. Hotel rooms definitely do, and they're usually no bigger than RVs."
But those are normal toilets that just flush water through. The thing in a vehicle is different. I don't want to breathe that stuff.
Bob allowed Althouse to get away with one assertion after another without demanding or really even exoecting a cogent answer. The "oh it's no fun" answer is simply lazy thinking. Oh hell everyone wants to say shit and not have to back it up, Althouse fits right in with the Trumpist Movement, say emotional shit and then get mad or flustered when you're asked to prove your verbal ejaculations. Bob was a pussy, or he just thought what the hell its not worth it, she's so in the bag for Trump, why bother?
I watched half the highlighted clip. That's all I could stand of Wright.
1. You looked good in the video. Bob's should give up on the whiskers. It's never gonna grow into a beard.
2. Trump read Coulter's book. That's probably where he got the immigration issue. She makes a good case that we're one amnesty away from losing our country. I'm surprised you two didn't know that or that you guys are perplexed that Trump could hold an opinion shared by the majority of Americans.
3. I can't believe that neither of you have looked at the transcripts of what Trump said about Kizir Kahn since you've bought in the narrative that Trump "attacked" the Kahns. I would like to know what you think is so horrible about what Trump said when asked his opinion of Kahn's speech at the DNC.
"But those are normal toilets that just flush water through. The thing in a vehicle is different. I don't want to breathe that stuff."
It's a marine toilet. Boats, airplanes, buses, RVs all use them. The too use water, albeit a lesser amount, to flush waste into a holding tank. The toilet has a seal. You don't breath "stuff" from it unless it's a broken unit, the tank is overfilled, or their is some other maintenance problem. All bathrooms smell at times. That's why they have doors and exhaust fans, just like RVs do. Your position is irrational and I'd wager there isn't a man anywhere who shares it, but I wouldn't be surprised that other females might.
I will add that my wife is a clean toilet-bathroom fanatic and definitely leaning towards the irrational in that regard but has no issue with our RV toilet.
But those are normal toilets that just flush water through. The thing in a vehicle is different. I don't want to breathe that stuff.
Huh??? My RV toilet--like most RV toilets--flushes with water just like those in houses. And there is a lid on my toilet. And a door to my bathroom. What kinds of RVs have you seen?
Lying, profusely, will make you ill.
Yes indeed, talk of toilets is apropos on this thread, carry on.
I guess Ann would rather risk bedbugs and MRSA than toilet smells. Oh, well...chacun à son goût.
I will also add that RVing is the the means of travel with the most freedom and comfort. No itineraries, no hotels, restaurants, airports, rental cars, etc. Just go wherever you want, or stay put someplace you like. You can bring your pets, bikes, or other recreational gear. Nothing like waking up in your house in a different location every day.
Two things could make illegal immigrants go home.
1) kick them out.
2) create good jobs in their homeland.
Why is the assumption that the only way to end mass immigration is to put up a wall.
A changed economy in Mexico, etc. that doesn't insist on exporting hardworking poor would also do the trick. The current system abuses the poor for the sake of the comfortable rich. Which tends to be what progressives like.
2) create good jobs in their homeland.
The drug cartels seem to be doing pretty well.
Realistically, other than shipping more American jobs south of the border, what control do we have over the Mexican economy? Personally, I'm all for taking it over. It would benefit most Mexican people and the US, as well. [tongue only partially in cheek]
Meade might have to sacrifice and stay in Madison. Madison will have to be the setting for your first novel, Tom Wolfe style. Maybe based on the occupation of the State Capitol. You would do a nice job on Scott Walker. A Bo Ryan character cheating on his wife also presents possibilities. Plenty of material. If you haven't already, read "I am Charlotte Simons."
I think Lincoln, Nebraska would be a nice place to live. Nebraskans are some of the nicest people in the world.
I don't like Bob Wright. Maybe, if he cut off the facial hair....cuz it looks pretentious. Like an 18-year-old boy trying to be taken seriously, or buy liquor while under-age.
Trust me. You are better off in Madison. Nebraskans are nice but if you move to Nebraska make it Omaha or Washington, Cass or Sarpy counties. You could get a nice house over by Warren Buffett if you want to live in the city.
Lincoln is half the size of Madison and the food isn't nearly as good. Look at the mug shots in the Journal Star. Crime city.
Willa Cather lived in Lincoln and she didn't like it. Wrote a novel about how much she hated Lincoln.
Correction. Cather did live in Lincoln but the novel I was thinking of was "Capital City" by Mari Sandoz.
I didn't watch all the bloggingheads and did not read all the comments but I thought Wright is good at playing the condescending leftist. I don't know that much about his politics but he looks like a self congratulatory lefty.
The type who cannot understand how a guy like Trump could be a billionaire. "How could he make all that money sounding as dumb as he does ?"
I have multiple degrees and am a first generation college graduate in my family. I know exactly where he is coming from.
If any more conventional GOP candidate had adopted a couple of his themes, we would not be hearing about Trump.
I liked Walker, and then Carly, but neither had a real issue. Managing the decline was their position.
rcocean said...
'Bob supports open borders and wouldn't mind 50 million moslems or zulus moving here. He just doesn't have the guts to say it. So he attacks anyone who wants a sane immigration policy as "bigots" and "racists".'
Actually, Bob *would* mind 50 million or so moslems or zulus moving here, if they moved near him. He would mind it a lot. Bob has seen pictures of cars burning in France. He has probably watched videos of Lara Logan being gang-raped by a couple hundred Egyptians. He no doubt finds these events deplorable, and he would find them a good deal more deplorable if it were his car burning, or someone he knows being publicly gang-raped by jubilant savages. But in Bob's mind, none of this has anything to do with American immigration policy. Bob seems to be quite intelligent. He is simply incapable of rational thought. I'm surprised he can dress himself.
I would rather talk about RV's than that loudmouth Bob Wright.
RV's have pros and cons. Rented and drove one around Alaska for two weeks one summer with the family and had an unforgettable experience. But Alaska is the place where RVs have the most utility due to lack of hotels in many areas, high prices if you do get a hotel, and car rentals are very expensive as well. It made the decision to rent an RV very easy even though they get terrible gas mileage.
The toilet in an RV is a pro in the sense that it is always there to use. But an RV toilet (at least in the one we rented) is not as nice as a regular toilet and that can be an issue when doing #2. Plus you have to find a place to empty the tanks when they approach full. The worst part of that chore is that sometimes a person before you at the dump station was not as careful when emptying their tanks and the area could be stinky and messy.
"Any comments about the Bloggingheads?"
Althouse's version of "Republicans Pounce."
Bob and PB&J are who Reagan was referring to when he said, "It's not that my liberal friends don't know anything. It's just that what they know is wrong."
You see, no one needs proof Trump said he would personally round up every illegal alien because in the right circles EVERYBODY KNOWS HE SAID IT even if he didn't. So they repeat it to each other and belch out a hearty "can ya believe that dumb trump and his round-up-the-immigrants posse!"
Neat trick huh? Funny how the Left is always warning about those dog whistles but their also the only ones running around chasing their tales when they hear one.
Wright is a phony on "substance".
He really hasn't any. He has gotcha soundbites at best, or he hopes he does.
He is a rather unpleasant fellow really.
It is unpleasant listening to him.
Althouse is is mellow always.
After finding out Dylan wrote about the Wheels of Fire, I bought my ass a class A. I am the man. The shower is fantastic, the toilet clean. Large motors supply power to four built-in fans/conditioners.
The "Aer..." spelling I could do without- I intend to do so using paint.
I demand Amerca step up its game whenever I approach. I am worth it. Hell I might even put an obnoxious horn on the rig, to let even total strangers know just who the damn boss is up in wherever I be straight daddy Pimpin'.
I think Trump only said things like "They will go home," not that they'd be actively seized and thrown out.
Once again with feeling:
In Trump's 60 Minutes interview he states that all illegal immigrants would be compelled to leave the country. You have acknowledge the quote elsewhere so I will not repeat it here. The verb phrase Trump uses, round them up, implies physical force. But even without physical force, Trump is describing deportation. We have a set of English verbs, including eject, expel, and deport, that mean "to remove by force of authority." The use of these verbs does not require that an individual be actively seized and thrown out. We know that physical force is only rarely employed when players are removed from a game or students removed from school; instead, authority is used to compel compliance without the use of force. We obey not because we are actively seized, but because we know we could be actively seized. The same is true of deportation. What Trump says in this interview is that there is the easy way and the hard way, the carrot and the stick, and although he will design our deportation procedures as humanely as possible, every illegal immigrant must leave the country by force of authority. He has since dropped this position.
but I thought Wright is good at playing the condescending leftist.
My take too.
I was thinking, "Althouse is James Kilpatrick to Wright's Shana Alexander".
Nice clip. After years of watching him I’m almost used to Wright’s rudeness. He seemed a bit more agitated than usual. Panic setting in? While I can run these embedded clips when I go to Blogginheads for the full video it doesn’t work for me. Just a blank white space where the video should be playing. Probably something I’m doing wrong – I’ve run into this problem before.
But I was craving me some political video about Trump and I happened across a recent interview by Tucker Carlson of Ann Coulter. As some readers may have noticed Coulter has been unofficially blackballed from the cables. She’s very articulate in her support of Trump and much too effective in knocking over the false assumptions, misconstructions and outright lies of the talking heads – who are usually unprepared for any rigorous opposition to their talking points. She reveals their ignorance on the subject of Trump and you just don’t DO that. So you do not see Coulter on the cables starting about the time that they realized Trump was a credible threat.
Bob Wright is wildly intuitive and irrational, yet almost always circles back to the liberal conventional wisdom.
Also, Bod did embarrass Althouse a bit when she said that HRC is a liar because of the email stuff, but then she got all flustered and defensive when he asked for at least one example of HRC fibbing w/ the email stuff.
It'd be quicker to list the times she told the truth.
She said she turned over all work-related emails. She did not. By over 10,000.
She never sent confidential information. She did.
She was authorized to use the server. She was not.
All other S.o.S did it. They did not run their own personal servers.
She has been upfront about everything. Her people erased the emails after a subpoena was issued.
I have a hard time watching Mr. Wright's body language. He cannot, it seems, look at the camera; his eyes flick around the room in a fidgety manner. I find it difficult to absorb his points due to the distraction.
I found the "dog whistle" thing interesting -- did Wright ever call out Obama and his team for the anti-Mormon "dog whistles" in 2012? (I don't normally watch these bloggingheads series, so I don't know). Because there was a lot of that in 2012, and a lot of bien pensant liberals and progressives getting their bigot on. It was frankly kind of revolting, and a lot more overt than Trump suggesting that maybe Khan's wife was being subordinated.
@ Grackle, great interview w/Carlson on Coulter. Just watched it all & time flew by. Thanks for link.
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