What are you looking for?
Watch with me. Comment!
Politico has what's purported to be Trump's speech, here. But I'm not interested in reading it in advance. It's all in the delivery, no?
UPDATE: Why is the speech so long? To displace the commentators?
AND: You know who gave a famously long speech? Bill Clinton.
1 – 200 of 385 Newer› Newest»Yes, and it will be criticized mercilessly by all the usual suspects.
I'm not looking for Party unity but unity as a nation. I am confident Mr. Trump will be aiming there, too.
Agree, delivery matters. Not going to read it.
More interested in reading the transcript of the NY Times interview of Trump than the text of his ghostwritten speech.
Donald Trump and The Republican National Convention Live Stream [Official]
Why is this angry black man yelling at me?
Please, someone, inform us of the online sources for the convention video. THANKS!
Watching on CSPAN because those other mfers on other channels were talking over that awesome 5 year old singing.
I would rather watch this angry black man than BLM.
Whups! Thanks :-)
Jon Ericson said...
Please, someone, inform us of the online sources for the convention video. THANKS!
click on Live: RNC speech stream,
good quality and no interruptions
What are you looking for?
I'm looking for Trump to say, "I don't give a s**t about your f*****g conscience. Vote for me or else you're dead to me and everyone else, you a**hole. Screw principles. I'm bigger than your f*****g principles."
And I'm looking for the crowd to debase themselves in sycophantic ecstasy.
Now another guy is yelling. Have they not been informed of the miracle of audio amplification?
It's all in the delivery, no?
I can't stand listening to politicians. I only read the transcripts.
youtube is livestreaming with no talking heads talking over the speakers. The pbs news hour feed is ridiculous.
I'm not watching live. I'll wait to watch a replay that I can speed up and not waste so much time. I've got other things to do. I'm into a very good book right now.
I am nervous that Ivanka's sweet Daddy Trump will win all the women's hearts and lose the asshole men that follow him as their hero.
But for one night, it may work. FDR hated war for a speech and Trump loves love for a speech. Got that?
Something for the music breaks?
Haven’t been on the laptop in a while, one of my tabs opened up to: “…Tarico claimed that abortion is “a sacred gift. …encouraged people to “honor women who decide to terminate pregnancies” and “honor doctors who provide abortion services,” since they are “doing God’s work.” So I decided to check in on the nutcase's recent posts—too funny:
“ @ValerieTarico
Conception worship aka fetal personhood is penis worship, plain and simple.
The notion that life begins at conception is a variation on a very ancient cultural theme: penis worship.
Three Millennia of Penis Worship
Once noticed, the pattern is inescapable. Our ancestors thought that the penis was literally divine. Dharmic cultures worshiped it by whacking stalactites and stalagmites out of caves and air-roots off of trees and carving phallic shapes out of granite by the thousands. Abrahamic cultures took the opposite approach and insisted the penis was so precious and powerful that it couldn’t be seen, even in art, and had to be chiseled off of statues or at least covered with fig leaves.
They also insisted that a man’s magic wand could permanently transform a female from one kind of being to another, from a prized “virgin” into a worthless “whore.””
Lots more in the article at: https://valerietarico.com/2016/04/26/the-silly-sexist-conceit-of-fetal-personhood/ The comments are pretty interesting too.
Saxophonist is great!
Traditionalguy, bitterness does not become you. :-)
Kind of a Moby dick.
Don't listen to ARM! PBS is the WORST source of convention coverage. Gwen Ifill and two NPR wonks. Go to CSpan.
Nice try!
Official RNC live stream, no talking heads!
Oklahoma governor has had too much work done on her face. The southern accent is so awful.
Who in their right mind would take ARM's advice?
I love watching the crowd dance
Bumpin' hogs far and few between :-(
"Oklahoma governor has had too much work done on her face. The southern accent is so awful."
Wasn't she the one with the hot daughter who lived in a trailer on gov property? Maybe I'm mixing this stuff up. I'm pretty sure the Arkansas gov was living in a trailer while the official mansion was being repaired. I get all those Southerners mixed up.
Now a small angry asian woman is yelling at me. What the fuck? What did I do to these people?
Blogger mockturtle said...
PBS is the WORST source of convention coverage.
If you don't understand how to read the labels on a few buttons I guess this might be true.
ARM, they know you are a Democrat.
I read the speech in my best inner-Trump impersonation. He's light on any specifics of his plans, but he accurately states the stats on the violent crime rate, the black teenage unemployment rate, the rate in the decline of real median wages, and the rest of the other stats.
Titus said...I love watching the crowd dance
You can't swing a hog without hitting a cat!
Turn it off, ARM. No one is forcing you to watch.
Yeah maybe they need some floor monitors, so they don't need to shout so much. *shrug*
I agree with mockturtle: CSpan -- just a camera and no bloviation!
"What are you looking for?"
A good night's sleep. This entire election process has grabbed my attention but somehow the convention does not. I think it's the media coverage.
We have gone three days without any of the predicted riots in the streets. Let's make it four.
PBS is given an excellent uninterrupted coverage in one of its feeds. This is a fact. An incontrovertible fact.
G.E. Smith might have been able to help them.
But the Democrat convention will be technically most excellent :-) :-(
pm317 said...
ARM, they know you are a Democrat.
That would be just one of the many things they have gotten wrong tonight.
So much practice with the Oscars, Golden Globes, Emmys, et cetera.
I'm feeling kind of down that the Corner is not running their twitter feed tonight. I guess the Cruz meltdown took the last bit of fight out of them. They are all voting Clinton this year.
AReasonableMan said...
Now a small angry asian woman is yelling at me. What the fuck? What did I do to these people?
You personally? Nothing. The people you support? Another story. But you have already rejected that story with contempt. It's pointless to explain again. So I guess if you have done anything to them, you have treated them with contempt.
Rinsed Penis is on now!
Ivanka had a baby 3 months ago! I want her body.
Jon Ericson said...
Rinsed Penis is on now!
Four women speakers in a row. Another diversity first.
Sure, Sugartits.
What are the chances -- if Donald Trump were not her father -- that Ivanka Trump would be supporting him politically?
A 34 year-old female Manhattan fashion and accessories designer. A donor to Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign. A bundler-donor for Democrat Cory Booker.
But for the accident of her parentage, she'd be laughing at Trump with the rest of the salon society of New York City.
You really, really hate trump don't you?
I can't wait for Priebus' post mortem speech after the election.
Jon: Yes. It is personal. It is the personal ignorance. The lying. It's the sociopathic lack of humility. The buffoonish lack of self-awareness. It is the determined selfishness and the disregard for principles and any semblance of wisdom.
I hate Donald Trump. Whether I vote for him or not -- and I will never vote for or support a Clinton -- I will always regard Trump with contempt.
The pbs pure stream isn't working for me. Says it's unavailable.
Chuck is used as the baseline from which all Trump hatred is measured. He is like absolute zero,of warmth towards The Donald.
Chuck said...
It's the sociopathic lack of humility. The buffoonish lack of self-awareness. It is the determined selfishness and the disregard for principles and any semblance of wisdom.
I'm not a Cruz fan either.
OK cool, but at least you are aware of the precipice.
Melania in white looks gorgeous.
Birches, could try this one:
It has been working okay for me.
traditionalguy said...
Chuck is used as the baseline from which all Trump hatred is measured. He is like absolute zero,of warmth towards The Donald.
What about April Apple? No man comes second to her when it comes to hating.
I wish I could be as pure a "long-time Republican" as Chuck.
you're on a roll tonight. Keep them coming.
I'm Peter Thiel. I have weird eyes and am on the spectrum.
Peter Thiel knows what Althouse knows: Donald Trump is pro-gay and and is being less and less cagey.
Gay republican! And he has money!
ARM: "What did I do to these people?"
You'll become a conservative yet.
Thiel is the first speaker tonight who really came to play. Excellent speech. 'Fake culture wars distract us from our economic decline".
"What are the chances -- if Donald Trump were not her father -- that Ivanka Trump would be supporting him politically?"
Well, then...if society broads don't like him then there's no way in Hell I'm voting for him.
Peter Thiel Knocked it out of the park!
traditionalguy said...
Chuck is used as the baseline from which all Trump hatred is measured. He is like absolute zero,of warmth towards The Donald.
That may be correct; I don't know. George Will is right there. And I think Jonah Goldberg's below zero on your/my scale. Who knows where Bill Kristol might be? And those are the devoted conservatives! Where could we possibly place the radical leftist Michael Moore/Lawrence O'Donnell/Rachel Maddow cult?
Chuck wrote: Whether I vote for him or not -- and I will never vote for or support a Clinton -- I will always regard Trump with contempt.
Please, vote for Hillary. Don't nail yourself to Trump tree on our behalf. We don't want to be the victims of your sanctimonious Jewish mother routine for the next four years What I sacrificed for you ungrateful wretches...
Yes. It is personal.
Since you don't personally know Donald Trump, and he doesn't know you from Adam, couching your vitriol in personal terms borders on... no, it doesn't border on, it is lunacy. If you're a drinking man I advise drinking a lot more often in larger amounts.
So Megan kelly has made a decision to trade on her glamour in a spectacular way this week. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But you know, if you're going to go to such lengths to advertise your sex appeal, don't be surprised when people respond to that. And if a man hits on you, maybe that's not, you know, harassment exactly.
Peter Thiel... and they booed Ted Cruz's speech?
Thanks theranter
Where is Hollywood? Who is representing?
She is a sex baiter.
Thiel might be making his own calculations for the future. If one businessman with no political experience can be come a Presidential candidate then surely another can. And the math of Identity says that a White gay man will garner more votes as a Republican than as a Democrat.
George Will already announced he voting for Hillary.
"'Fake culture wars distract us from our economic decline". "
Have you, or Theil, taken two seconds to consider what this means? It's cons who are the culture warriors fighting against equality for all. So, it's when Rs are in charge that they'd like to distract us from our economic decline. E.g. the W decline.
So, how does this relate to BHO who has seen economic statistics reverse from the W record? Is Theil saying BHO is a culture warrior like, Bill O'Reilly, who is motivated to distract from economic statistics that have improved over seven plus years? Also, regarding the average earning numbers that are not doing well since Reagan instituted trickle down, how do Rs not look at the turning point when these numbers stopped growing? IOW, if the problem starts w the Reagan years, isn't it worth noting this?
Is this The Moment in the history of the Althouse blog? When Peter Thiel scolds a Republican National Convention about social issues and gets (a few scattered) cheers?
And is Jerry Falwell Jr. also going to address this same crowd on the same night?
Thanks, Meadhouse, for zapping the "Unknown No Profile"s
No one zapped me. A different Unknown?
Falwell already spoke.
What? Holding back? will there be an unholy blizzard of you assholes at the appropriate time? Hmmm?
Damn those BLM reactionaries, dragging our economy through the dirt.
Thiel is completely right, PB&J. There is no real recovery of any sort. This is a paralyzed, overregulated, corporatist mess headed for destruction.
Thiel is looking at the big picture, where the Republicans have failed to prevent economic demosclerosis. Regulatory impediments have increased and damage has accumulated under both parties administrations.
Both parties are at fault. If the Rs think they are ok because Trump might win, they are wrong.
I really liked Peter Thiel. Not a riveting speaker, but right on the money with his vision. I'm not saying this to curry favor with the gay rights crowd either. But the guy is honorable and innovative. A humble billionaire. What a trip. It'd be great for the GOP to invite more Thiel-types to the party.
My 2 cents.
Vote Trump!
P.S. In truth, I'm not a Trump sycophant. He has many traits and viewpoints I don't like. But I am convinced he'd be better for the country than Hillary.
pm317 said...
"Both parties are at fault. If the Rs think they are ok because Trump might win, they are wrong."
This is why Trump is going to win going away.
Bay Area Guy said...
"I really liked Peter Thiel. Not a riveting speaker, but right on the money with his vision. I'm not saying this to curry favor with the gay rights crowd either. But the guy is honorable and innovative. A humble billionaire. What a trip. It'd be great for the GOP to invite more Thiel-types to the party."
Thiel created pay-pal in part to free people from government manipulation of currency. He has been on the front line fighting statist corruption. I hope he is the future of the republican party.
"There is no real recovery of any sort."
There is in fact a substantial recovery. W left monthly job loss numbers that were in the ballpark of 800,000 jobs per month. Now we've seen more years of uninterrupted private sector job increases. Presumably Thiel's noticed that the stock market has done extremely well.
The number that is most problematic is the average income. But, this problem traces straight back to the Reagan years. That's not so good, is it? Not to mention that W already tried massive tax cuts for rich folks. How'd that turn out? We have a back to back eight year comparison: compare what W started w/ and what he left to what BHO started w/ and what he left. Tell me how R policies worked better.
ARM quoting PT: 'Fake culture wars distract us from our economic decline".
Culture wars are not fake. Do you want to work or not? Culture determines that.
Blame it on economics if you want. It's not that.
And you know it.
You poor tool.
So Megan kelly has made a decision to trade on her glamour in a spectacular way this week. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
As a woman, you should know that beauty is power. :-)
I have a relative who works for Peter Thiel and has gotten to know him well. He is a very shy man with an original and brilliant mind. That speech could not have been easy for him. That he did it at all reflects his concern and belief that Trump must be elected.
"So Megan kelly has made a decision to trade on her glamour in a spectacular way this week."
What's she supposed to do. Wear a potato sack and put a bag over her head?
Potato sack was enough. No need for a bag over head.
I Hope they do "Let's roll" Neil Young's best tune in a couple of decades.
PBandJ_LeDouanier said...
"There is in fact a substantial recovery."
You are either mendacious or victim to the worst kind of stupidity.
This country has borrowed more than a Trillion dollars a year and printed near as much. At least 10% of our GDP during the Obama years has been printed or borrowed. Growth is less than 2%. We have a massive correction baked into this economy. The stock market is being pumped by printed and borrowed money that has been given to government cronies.
Worse only the top 10% have seen any earnings growth. Median real wages are falling and mostly for the middle class which is purposely being destroyed.
Maybe this is her way of celebrating getting Roger Ailes out.
well, Heidi can get her job back at Goldman, that will help the unemployment figures, and maybe Ted will be calmer not having her around all the time
Chuck said...
When Peter Thiel scolds a Republican National Convention about social issues
It was a general observation, applicable to both parties. When attempts to improve the educational standards that students are expected to meet turn into yet another partisan culture war you know we have serious problems as a country. Working in tech Thiel has seen the best and brightest from around the world and he knows how many of them are US born and raised.
>"'Fake culture wars distract us from our economic decline". "<
p. thiel
> “Politics is downstream from culture”<
a. breitbart
fake culture wars like gay weddings and pervert bathroom access?
David said...
"I have a relative who works for Peter Thiel and has gotten to know him well. He is a very shy man with an original and brilliant mind. That speech could not have been easy for him. That he did it at all reflects his concern and belief that Trump must be elected."
I wish Thiel was a politician. But he is not. It takes a strange kind of person to be a presidential candidate. Usually not our best and brightest.
@PB and J One is forced to agree that there has been a substantial recovery. There had to be or we would be facing 30's problems. My problem is that I trust very few of the unemployment numbers that we are getting. Reliable non-government sources are saying that the unemployment figure is about twice what is being reported. Underemployment is rampant in part because of the hourly limits of Obamacare.
Historically annual GDP growth has been 3%. We are running at a little over half that now and I do not accept that the world has changed so this is the new normal. What has changed is that Obamacare, overregulation and high business taxation have created a situation where it is impossible to reach our potential.
Ivanka? One word - Yowza!
>When attempts to improve the educational standards <
"look for the union label ..." lol
Megyn Kelly isn't even good looking, too stylized-hot.
What first pops into my head is how long she must spend getting ready for anything.
Armstrong and Getty wondered about Ann Coulter, when she wandered by on media row, at what age does a woman realize that she's no longer hot. Not that it applies to Ann Coulter because she's a "hotilectual." Babes with an intellectual bent get more leeway on hotness termination. It's a role that's woman specific.
A guy actually has to say something interesting and original; the act alone doesn't cut it, but it doesn't matter what he looks like.
Chelsea could only ape this appearance.
You must be even more pissed at Reagan who tripled the debt while also ever jumping the deficit. Obviously, you're please with BHO's massive reductions of the deficit following our W-economy-bailout. Too bad Reagan left increasing deficits with no end in site, until WJC raised taxes. Again, even looking at debt and deficits, the Rs have done worse from Reagan on.
I think ARM is enjoying Ivanka screaming at him.
The stock market is where money gets parked because there are no investment returns anywhere else. There is nothing real to build, no loans to make. Thats why companies have been sitting on piles of retained earnings and buying back their stock.
W left in the middle of a severe recession. Normally one would expect a robust recovery - but no.
The actual median standard of living peaked around 1999-2000, or thereabouts depending on how measured, qualified or defined.
Employment numbers and the unemployment rate are idiots measures, even Bernanke and co. admit that. Look at the whole population employment rate.
The actual business climate has been in decline since the 90's - that is in the real, physical, making things economy. One reason Silicon Valley is full of dough is because thats one bit, having nothing physical to regulate to death, that hasnt suffered as much.
It's said that Fox puts the cameras on the floor to keep guys tuned in, who otherwise would not watch, the news being aimed at women. We report you decide.
Why dress up if guys aren't going to watch.
> He is a very shy man with an original and brilliant mind<
nah he's just levi strauss selling miners jeans. his social views are just somewhat less silicon valley/sjw exetreme
You can't park money in the stock market. The seller takes the money right back out that the buyer put in. It's one of those nonsense phrases for the daily stock market report.
She is stealing Democrats thunder.
Ivanka is not a natural speaker. She is reading. She is pausing for the teleprompter not the crowd.
On the other hand she is a better speaker than most I have seen. The hires talent/colorblind/gender blind is good. But most people are not that talented sadly and this will only work with entrepreneurs.
Paying women equally is neat. But women don't want that.
Yes Ivanka, but those are liberal values, family leave, equal pay for equal work.
Peter Thiell reneged on his promise to build a PayPal service center in North Carolina when the state passed a law requiring people to use the public bathroom that corresponds to their birth seed. So he can go pound salt for all I care, Republican out no. I
"...affordable child care...equal pay..."!
What convention is this?
Why is an old New York liberal the Republican nominee for President?
Ugh. Ivanka's speech is straight from a women's studies class.
Seriously, people, you're supporting this?
Women don't want equal pay for equal work? Even Ivanka knows that they do. Is Trump a secret liberal?
The unemployment numbers are great for folks w/ college degrees. And, even if Trump's pipe dream 30% tariffs were applied, uneducated Americans are still never going to compete with the low cost manufacturers around the globe. Until Americans want to work for a couple bucks an hour, no tariff can work as a crutch.
Presumably you understand that uneducated folks not having high paying jobs isn't related to O-care.
Best line: millennials like her are neither D nor R.
The Trump's main claim to the presidency is their role in building things. It is a very good strategy. It connects them to a broad swathe of the country in ways that a banker like Romney or career politicians, like almost everyone else, cannot hope to match.
Go Ivanka!
Just don't judge him by the length of his fingers.
PBandJ_LeDouanier said...
You must be even more pissed at Reagan who tripled the debt while also ever jumping the deficit. Obviously, you're please with BHO's massive reductions of the deficit following our W-economy-bailout. Too bad Reagan left increasing deficits with no end in site, until WJC raised taxes. Again, even looking at debt and deficits, the Rs have done worse from Reagan on."
I live in reality. I don't cheer one side or the other. The only constant over the last 80 years or so is the government has gotten more involved in the economy and as it has it has screwed more things up. 2008 was 100% government caused and most of the policies that pushed it were signed by democrats. Bush failed to stop the corrupt fannie/freddie corporations so he is on the hook but democrats were right there pushing it.
I don't need the government to figure out child care for me. I'm capable of making my own decisions, thankyouverymuch.
Wow she did a great job
Ivanka is s big asset. Yuuuuge really. Will the media find a way to trash her? They will try.
She speaks well except in the pauses. She will learn how to deal with that.
Putting out false statistics about employment is a definite statement that you intend to do nothing about underemployment, about uberized employment, about "industry" employment (McDonald's, janitors) replacing manufacturing employment or about adjunct employment in universities. People know that they can't get good jobs and that older people can't get jobs at all. When Hillary and her mouthpieces say everything is OK each and every person for whom things are not OK recognizes the lie. Do the voters think there is a solution? That is the election question.
effin' pathetic
What I'm looking for is Ivanka to shut up and get off the frapping stage.
Introduce him already!
The hair is looking especially Harpo Marx tonight.
So Donald Trump will fight for extended leave for young mothers. Equal pay for equal work, liberal values.
Human values not liberal values
Trump is also is against privatization of Social Security.
>You must be even more pissed at Reagan who tripled the debt <
what 1 - 3 trillion. O! 10 - 20 trillion you f@$kin' @hole
So, there's a blip associated w/ WJC, then back to Reagan stagnation for average earners. This proves your point how?
And, W left the greatest financial disaster, were the entire banking system is going over a cliff, and you just shrug.
And you don't care for profits derived from financial engineering, which trace back to Reagan and WJCs banking deregulation. And, yet you say there wasn't enough deregulation.
Ivanka did better with the TelePrompTer than the Donald.
They are LIBERAL values, conservatives do not agree with extended leaves and equal pay for equal work.
>You must be even more pissed at Reagan who tripled the debt <
at least reagan produced the end of the cold war. O! corruption is all he does.
Drudge headlining Peter Thiel appearance and Republicans giving platform to openly gay speaker.
"Fake Culture Wars Only Distract Us From Our Economic Decline..."
I think we need a Peter Thiel-Mike Pence debate. And I'll be glad indeed if Donald Trump gets elected and I am truly freed from the constraints of political correctness.
"2008 was 100% government caused"
Calling the government implementing deregulation, is not what most folks think of when they're talking about government involvement. This is more accurately described as un-government caused.
What have the liberals done about it?
Yes you do park money in the stock market, and related financial markets. There is always some new financial product to buy with what you sold your stock for. Nobody is hiring construction workers with it, or manufacturing engineers, or buying machinery from Caterpillar.
As for people not getting jobs - partly its because its expensive to hire them. Cost of employment ratio of workers take home vs cost to employer has greatly deteriorated.
Worse, really, is all the enterprise that has been discouraged. New business starts and small business survival ratios are constantly deteriorating.
A lot of people have been paying lip service (only) to these last, but the only solution is to severely prune regulations and regulators.
Trump reading from a teleprompter takes all the energy out of him. Maybe all the delegates had already read the leaked text. He reads loudly, slowly, badly.
You are avoiding my point.
I have seeb what California Democrats have done, in detail, to manufacturing here, driving them out with the death of a thousand cuts. Everyone from giant auto assemblers to Mexican families running small machine shops.
The same for food processing, mining, timber, construction, public works.
These people are wicked, evil, destructive.
Btw, if folks here are still fooled into the R lie that the gov caused the housing crash, don't embarrass yourself:
And, don't forget that Country Wide and WaMu both regulator shopped. That is, they changed which gov agency regulated them so they could run looser. How'd that deregulation work out?
"The hair is looking especially Harpo Marx tonight."
To me the hair looks a bit better than usual. I truly think he would gain thousands of votes if he got a normal haircut. Unless, he may be the political version of Samson. If forced to cut his hair would he lose his Trumpzilla abilities?
I don't get how CA does as well as it does. The weather is good, but the taxes are nuts. Even so, their numbers are decent:
No you are not!
Cal does well, in the same way your Google stock purchased 15 years ago does well: the heavy lifting has already been done.
The Left is working hard, trying to erode it, trying to tweak it, trying to remake it into a utopian sexless, classless society.
Geographically and physically, SF is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The people are a bit wacked though.
Lol, nothing matters
Get her outta here, beat her up!
"Ugh. Ivanka's speech is straight from a women's studies class.
Seriously, people, you're supporting this"
Seriously, Birkel, you think any of this is going to happen?
The Democrat's entire existence depends on sprinkling bullshit fairy dust in search of votes. Trump sees no downside in making a play for some of the same suckers. If it keeps HRC out of the White House, God bless.
Wow this is a bad, wandering speech. There have been a dozen better speeches in just this convention.
Laura Ingraham was better. Junior was better. Paul Ryan was better. Ted Cruz was better. Mitch McConnell and Tom Cotton were better.
It's like the normal Trump on Quaaludes.
So the FBI is crooked too says Trump.
Silicon Valley / Entertainment still generate a ton of money.
CA growth numbers are heavily skewed by Silicon Valley, and do not reflect the condition of life of most Californians. Which has consistently deteriorated since the 90's.
The California standard of living is something I have been tracking since @2002, using state median incomes adjusted by cost of living indexes (I have used various, but I prefer MERIC). Someone has taken up this idea and has been maintaining this analysis on the Wiki "Household Income in the United States.
Your link says "Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis", PB&J. Even it true, this does not mean that the government was not a key player in the collapse.
I can link, too!
"How Government Created the Financial Crisis": http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB123414310280561945
Meandering all over the place, skipping back no forth between issues.
Liberals believe in class diversity (e.g. racism, sexism, denigration of individual dignity), superior rights (e.g. Affirmative Action), equal pay for unequal work, progressive wars, opportunistic regimes changes, spontaneous conception and the "final solution" (a.k.a. abortion rites), eugenics (e.g. selective child), clinical cannibalism (e.g. Planned Parenthood), anti-native policies, selective exclusion (e.g. "="), liberal fiscal policies compensated through progressive debt, redistributive change (i.e. welfare skimming) in lieu of economic revitalization, large scale environmental destruction and displacement with low-density "green" windmill and solar farms, outsourcing and native displacement, and, of course, establishment of the Pro-Choice (i.e. selective morality, principles, rights, science, etc.) Church.
"...Governor Mike Pence of Indiana..." who voted for every one of the trade deals you think are so terrible.
No continuity, he must've been off the teleprompter for a bit there.
Things have improved at the same time the state gov has become more and more insanely D.
I surely wouldn't say that having a ton of taxes and being nutty libs is the key to success. Everything boiled down: incentives matter most. Whatever anti-incentive may be caused by the libs in CA, there's some other sort of incentive that makes stuff work.
For example, even Meadehouse loves the amenities of their lib city, even though they're often opposed to the brainless lib mentality that is so common there.
And, even if Trump's pipe dream 30% tariffs were applied, uneducated Americans are still never going to compete with the low cost manufacturers around the globe. Until Americans want to work for a couple bucks an hour, no tariff can work as a crutch.
Economic ignorance personified in two sentences. You literally don't know what you're talking about. I assume you read the "Economist" and the "WSJ" and believe every word of it.
And its not taxes, it is the regulatory overhead, development restrictions, hatred (yes, simply that, seen face to face) by the bureaucracy for any private business. I have seen the face of evil, and it is the California Democratic party.
You have no idea of tge purely disgusting condition that the Democratic end-state is. The utter wasteland of their desiderata. Stockton.
Oh back to the law and order thing again. Sounds like a kid with ADHD, back and forth between issues in a nonsensical way, weird.
California has a $127 billion dollar debt.
PB&J thinks that is jake.
PB&J is a fool.
Its not brainless, it is perfectly calculated. They desire what they have achieved. Leave them in power and all will be a ruin, as California is their model.
The Donald did it. He is reaching the people who once dismissed him as a Bombastic and Vulgar Narcissist. Now he is our totally competent, bombastic and vulgar narcissist.
This is Barack Obama all again.
"Vote for me and all our problems will evaporate!"
The Cracker Unknown:
You attributed a quote to me that was not mine.
Your link doesn't have numbers that identify and compare numbers related to the public and private sources of the bad loans. Look at a comparison of the actual data for public and private, which is in my link.
He's rambling, most definitely off the teleprompter, lol. How are we going to keep France safe? They are a sovereign nation.
When Trump is president there will be so much law and order that everyone will think America was replaced with a giant prison!
The troll effort is remarkably feeble tonight. Just some guy nattering on about some Obama speech he once heard.
"The Donald did it. He is reaching the people who once dismissed him as a Bombastic and Vulgar Narcissist."
Was this when he reached for his daughters ass after she did her intro? It's creepy how her hips pull back as he grabs.
Hey Chuck, are you going to take responsibility for a Hillary Presidency?
Like Ace, I'll take responsibility for a Trump presidency.
Mea culpa. Birches, not Birkel.
I dunno, eric. I fear that Hillary won't protect the LGBTQ community, from Radical Islamic Terrorism, the way that President Trump will.
I couldn't make this stuff up.
To make the California situation personal - at Chico State, a very fine school actually, there is an excellent manufacturing engineering program, lavishly equipped with equipment bequeathed to them by industrial firms that have left the state. I hang out with these lads abd talk shop at the San Mateo Maker Faire every year. If you have a kid who wants to learn precision aluminum casting, go there.
They have lots of recruiters, and these boys get plenty of offers - from out of state.
The Donald is not a mellifluous speaker like Reagan. He's a bit choppy.
Don't know if it will work, but I hope it does.
PBJ, only someone that didn't have a normal Dad would think like that.
My dad, a most humble, honorable man, did that all the time after kissing me hello or goodbye, it's a kind of "look at you, I'm so proud of you" moment.
He's got my vote ie foreplay w/his daughter on live tv!
Audience not looking inspired.
Sorry, I'm not interested in The Life of Julia, even if "our side" is the one offering it.
You can say he doesn't mean to go through with it, but you have no idea.
Melania not looking enthused, sitting down looking almost sullen.
Will, Kristol and Goldberg are devoted conservatives says real Republican Chuck. Pull the other one!
Christie and company looking bored.
PB&J, The fact that failed loans overwhelmingly were issued by private corporations does not prove anything.
The financial collapse of 2008 had dozens of contributing factors. While it is not true that "2008 was 100% government caused", government action or inaction was, without doubt, a contributing factor.
The problem with arguing that a market economy's occasional crisis are a result of insufficient regulation is that it is like arguing that sickness is due to insufficient health, or automobile accident deaths are due to insufficient mandatory automobile safety features.
"My dad, a most humble, honorable man, did that all the time after kissing me hello or goodbye, it's a kind of "look at you, I'm so proud of you" moment."
Did you also squirm to get away from your dad?
Trump will stop the drugs "pouring into our communities." Like, uh, Denver, Aspen and Vail?
So the Democrat talking point from this day of the RNC will be that Trump molested his daughter onstage. What a miserable, degraded rabble the Dems are.
It's odd to say that the government implementing deregulation, and then deregulation causing a disaster means that we should have more government deregulation.
You can believe whatever you want. But, that is not logic or fact based.
Crooked Hillary:
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