June 7, 2016

"Hello My Name Is" sticker found in the yard after the block party.

Meade just showed me that. We laughed a lot and speculated about who would have filled out their "Hello" sticker like that. Later, I'll show you the other side of the folded-in-half sticker, but I'm thinking it will be funnier for you to guess and then experience the delight of the reveal.



Amexpat said...


PB said...

Bratty? Fatty?

BJK said...

The way those 't's turn into 'x's, I'm going for Maxxx.

Curious George said...


tim in vermont said...

Not exactly the NYT crossword.

Etienne said...

Cow Patty

fivewheels said...

Peppermint Patty?

ddh said...

I can't wait. Bye.

Wilbur said...

A grownup Chatty Cathy?

Sal said...

J.Kloppenburg, atty

fivewheels said...

Roy Batty?

robother said...


Unknown said...

Democratty? Fratty?

Anonymous said...

Sal wins the thread.

Michael K said...

Yeah, it has to be someone bragging about being an atty.

Bob Boyd said...

Drunk atty.

Etienne said...

It really makes one wonder if you have any actual work to do.

It's a tough job finding diversified hyphenated-American students to fill the halls of modern education system, and not become a target of the perpetually offended.

Roy Lofquist said...

It looks like a fragment of code. Maybe C or C++.

The BubFather said...

Smoke a Fatty?

After all, it is Madison!

PB said...

an attorney would use "Esq"

Owen said...


bagoh20 said...


bagoh20 said...

I bet it was stuck to someone's back.

Curious George said...

Sara Goldrick-Rab couldn't fit Sara Goldrick-Rab on her sticker, so...

Etienne said...

Her first name was Tuesday. Tuesday Fatty - Mardi Gras - Nose always red like Mars...

Curious George said...

There's a good chance that sticker spent an afternoon on a I Tappa Kegga T-Shirt.

robother said...

And what's with the crossed out backwards "f"? Is Madison being overrun with self-hating obese dyslexics?

PB said...

Fatty Arbuckle was unavailable for comment.

Michael K said...

"Fatty Arbuckle was unavailable for comment."

The fraternity house across the street from my fraternity had been Fatty Arbuckle's house before he got into the trouble with the young woman at the party in 1921.

the jury wrote an apology to Arbuckle:

Acquittal is not enough for Roscoe Arbuckle. We feel that a great injustice has been done him. We feel also that it was our only plain duty to give him this exoneration. There was not the slightest proof adduced to connect him in any way with the commission of a crime.
He was manly throughout the case and told a straightforward story on the witness stand, which we all believed.

The happening at the hotel was an unfortunate affair for which Arbuckle, so the evidence shows, was in no way responsible.

We wish him success and hope that the American people will take the judgment of fourteen men and women who have sat listening for thirty-one days to the evidence that Roscoe Arbuckle is entirely innocent and free from all blame.
"Fatty" Blacklisted

Being acquitted was not the end to Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle's problems. In response to the Arbuckle scandal, Hollywood established a self-policing organization that was to be known as the "Hays Office."

It did him no good. He might as well have been a college student at Oberlin.

Though Arbuckle had begun a come-back and had signed with Warner Brothers in 1933 to act in some comedy shorts, he was never to see his popularity regained. After a small one-year anniversary party with his new wife on June 29, 1933, Arbuckle went to bed and suffered a fatal heart attack in his sleep. He was 46.

Mary Beth said...

Backwards "f"? It was written by a child and (probably) stuck to another child.

Big Mike said...

People seem to be reading the tag as "fatty" but obviously the last three letters are "xxx." Clearly someone who works in the porn industry.

jr565 said...

Hi! My name is
What? My name is
Who? My name is - Slim Shady

jr565 said...

is her name Fatty? That's sad. Awww...

David said...

Since this is Madison, I was rooting for "batty." Fatty batty would be ok too.

David said...

"is her name Fatty?"


It's a guy. She would be zaftig.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like the scribbled-out wrong-way "F".

I think I'm in love.