October 25, 2015

"One, fairly large and twisted brown leaf landed on my shoulder. I tried to brush it off but it just sat there, trembling in the wind."

"I flicked it again. It landed lower on my sleeve. And then the leaf started to climb up my arm. I looked, still not believing. Could it be? No, this is just a piece of withered plant. But it was, finally, a ghost mantis."


iowan2 said...

Fascinating. The insect world always amazing on all levels.

rehajm said...

You can't seeeee meeeee!

Curious George said...

Big deal. I have a whole yard of those fuckers. They need to be raked to the curb.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Wow. I find even regular old mantises fascinating. I have a feeling that they can meet my gaze. BTW it was a good year for mantises here in SoCal. On hot August nights they would often come fluttering in the open front door like little helicopters.

YoungHegelian said...

In DC some years ago, we had a swarming year for the 17 year locusts.

They are completely harmless, but they look hideous & they just get everywhere.

I was walking down to Union Station for lunch, and I heard a woman nearby on the sidewalk scream. She started yelling at her female friend "Get it off me! Get it off me!". I could see the cicada on her shoulder. Her friend yelled back "I'm not gonna touch it!". As the woman tried desperately to shake the cicada off, I starting walking over to render my incredibly brave & macho assistance in removing a bug that's so harmless it doesn't even have a mouth. The cicada, however, de-camped itself to safer locations before I got there, so my services were no longer needed.