July 30, 2015

"WE ARE CECIL," "#CatLivesMatter," "ROT IN HELL."

The hunter becomes the prey.


Sydney said...

At first I thought that was referring to Cecil Richards (or is she Cecile?). Just saw Cecil and Rot in Hell. Oh, well. Guess cat lives matter more than baby humans.

Gahrie said...

America has a sickness....

Michael said...

Makes me want to shoot a lion.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

What's happening to the dentist isn't what he bargained for.

Maybe he saved his receipt so he can get his money back.

Lyle Smith said...

How many people were murdered in America yesterday? Jesus Christ, we are fools.

rhhardin said...

He's a felin.

mikee said...

Again, manufactured outrage over a serious but nonimportant event gets attention, while actual important events are ignored.

The makers of Planned Parenthood parts-sales videos announced they have 300 more hours of video, to be released in full.

Iran? Still Death to America!

Chinese stocks? Imploding!

Hillary? Still in the running, despite erasure of 2 months of emails around Benghazi, announcement of her staff use of private email servers, and she is still herself.

Venezuela? Food producers now under total government control to distribute food to populace. Viva la Revolucion!

Republicans? Unable to govern, acting no different than when in the minority.

But a lion got poached!

I only have so much outrage to express. I'm sticking with hating that Hillary will win.

tola'at sfarim said...

I think his office needs a free speech buffer zone.

Gahrie said...

I want to know if they used the lion's organs for good, or just threw them away.

Amichel said...

It takes an amazing leap of empathy to shed tears over the death of one (beautiful) animal, and avert your eyes from the dismemberment of children in the womb. Yet we will have to endure hours of tribute to a dumb beast, and scant attention at all to the broken bodies of unwanted children. sickening.

Unknown said...

Yes, once the lion left the hospital alive after birth, it became more important than any baby that had not yet left the hospital.

Birches said...

I don't understand people anymore....

Quaestor said...

I want to know if they used the lion's organs for good, or just threw them away.

More likely they were frozen and shipped to China for the traditional medicine trade.

Many if not most of Chinese traditional "medicines" are aphrodisiacs or treatments for impotence. Hmmm, they're been up to their posteriors in little Chinamen for a thousands years, and they worried enough about limp dick syndrome to fork a month's wages for powdered lion 'nads.

Loren said...

More people worship at the shrine of "Our Lady of Perpetual Outrage"......

Quaestor said...

People who hunt ought to start bombing the PETA headquarters or beheading supermodels who refuse to wear fur. If it works for ISIS, it'll work for the NRA.

Hagar said...

I do not care for this guy and his ways of hunting (he was previously convicted for a similar stunt with a bear in this country), but this is ridiculous.

The poachers he bribed are arrested and will be punished; too bad Zimbabwe can't reach him.

However, African lions are not an endangered species.

Are Ms. Farrow et al. aware that male lions generally leave the hunting to the females, but then take the best part of the prey? Male dominance!

That they instictively kill cubs fathered by other males, and in fact are not safe even around their own?

And so on.
Nothing cute about that, is there?

Big Mike said...

We need to track down the people who posted the threats -- not all that hard to do -- and prosecute them. I think that as a society we have come to take death threats over the Internet very casually. And that's a mistake.

In the meantime, what the f*ck is wrong with people? When somebody posts "I’m not one to advocate violence, but it would be just if somebody took that guy out" you sort of have to wonder whether that individual needs to be locked up for the sake of society.

Boltforge said...

Know what would be neat? A YouTube video of when Cecil took over the pride. And when he tore apart all the cute fuzzy baby lions of the previous male. That would be a wonderful tribute to his former status of alpha male lion.

And nice picture of him covered in the blood of the infants of the rival male. Maybe on the cover of Time? Caption: "Cecil, the gentle lovable lion"

I think I was 6 when I stopped anthropomorphising animals. I guess others haven't grown up.

Quaestor said...
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Alexander said...

It's immensely amusing to see the same groups who wring their hands over the death penalty demanding the death of a poacher.

But otherwise, I too am currently out of fucks to give, as they are already tied up in the whole 'government funding for killing babies (It's a boy!) and trafficking the body parts'.

But it's nice to know that the caring and sensitive left have outrage to spare.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

Cecil the Lion (Note to anybody with more than two neurons: It's foolish to name a wild animal.) was 13 years old. Without the arrows he could have lived two more years, five more at the outside. Killing him has only made room at the top for younger lions to get their turn to splash in the gene pool.

Second point: Cecil the Lion (Not pronounced CEE-CIL. My late uncle was called Cecil. He spent his life correcting people) was named for Cecil Rhodes. If the usual suspects now going ape (normal behavior, I wait in vain for them to go human) had known this they would have demanded its extermination based on being a living monument to that racist imperialist beast. The dentist should claim he acted out of outraged sympathy for colonized African blacks.

n.n said...


Lower the Cecil "flag"?


Not just killing babies, but indiscriminate killing. Even the Chinese don't kill the first baby. And then there is the wholesale marketing of their harvested parts and tissue. The incentive was always there. There are African tribes that do something similar with their albino neighbors.

JCC said...

Just imagine if those PP videos were of people discussing selling dead puppy parts instead. The people in the videos would have to move to Botswana and assume new identities, or maybe they'd all have to do the Bruce Jenner thing. There would be no safe place left in the U S for them.

deepelemblues said...

Psychopathic revenge fantasies are all the rage.

This guy killed an animal. An animal whose species has visual and behavioral qualities that greatly appeal to human nature and evoke admiration and awe. But still an animal.

Of course he deserves to be tortured to death for killing an animal. Because.

Jaq said...

I thinned my facebook feed quite a bit by stopping following, but not unfriending, anybody who brought up Cecil the Lion. It has remarkably less liberal politics in the form of disquisitions from Jon Stewart and the like now.

Kyzer SoSay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kyzer SoSay said...

Just imagine if those PP videos were of people discussing selling dead puppy parts instead. The people in the videos would have to move to Botswana and assume new identities, or maybe they'd all have to do the Bruce Jenner thing. There would be no safe place left in the U S for them.

This is why I consider all people I know who have a severe liberal slant to their worldview to be idiots. I've got basically no respect left for those mental defectives.

lgv said...

He should return the skin. He should pay a large fine. Poaching is a serious problem, but this is one small incident.

I can't help but think that the person who created the #catlivesmatter was just snarking. If you made a list of #______livesmatter, I think there would be a lot of lives that matter more than cats, even lions.

garage mahal said...

Bu bu what about Planned Parenthood????

Boltforge said...

garage mahal said...
"Bu bu what about Planned Parenthood????"

You amuse me. You are like a brain damaged puppy running into peoples legs for attention. Here's a scooby snack ... now go back to humping the TV while Stewart is on.

Levi Starks said...

I had a conversation with a co worker who's very pro animal rights about this story last night at work.
I pointed out that not only is this dentist being destroyed, there is also a receptionist, dental hygienist, and dental assistant that are also now unemployed. His response... They'll find other jobs.

Swifty Quick said...

America has a sickness....

I call bullshit on that attitude. First of all, it's not just America. It's the world. Second, people can simultaneously and without hypocrisy be against both aborting unborn babies because they're inconvenient or to harvest their body parts AND against killing animals just for the fun of it. Try it.

victoria said...

I was more "outraged" that the guy actually paid $50,000 to kill the lion. What an idiot. More money than brains.

"Outrage" over Planned Parenthood? An organization that, over my lifetime, has done more to save lives through cancer screening and healthcare for women than any of the "manufactured" video tapes. The take down is more a hit piece by right wing radicals who value their perceived place in the public eye more than they value "life". They make me gag.

Vicki from Pasadena

Expat(ish) said...

@Levi -

He owns a house on Marco Island and can afford a $100K African safari. I'm guessing that he has the capital and client base to weather the storm and open back up if he wants to. And nobody will remember him in 2 weeks beyond the odd political junkie.

Joe the Plumber meets The Dentist.


Boltforge said...

victoria said...
"'Outrage' over Planned Parenthood? An organization that, over my lifetime, has done more to save lives through cancer screening and healthcare for women than any of the 'manufactured' video tapes. The take down is more a hit piece by right wing radicals who value their perceived place in the public eye more than they value 'life'. They make me gag."

Planned Parenthood and its amazing ability to screen for breast cancer ... with out ever doing a mammogram or having any device capable of doing such (see the Washington Post). AMAZING TECHNOLOGY! Held back by the evil right wingers trying to kill women.

And I love how the english language has changed. 4+ hours of raw video is manufactured, highly edited, and all sorts of evil words now.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Beat me to it, Boltforge. Some people are sooooo blind.

damikesc said...

Notice how Twitter's user base growth has slowed?

There is a reason. There is little worthwhile on Twitter and most folks on Twitter are measures worse than the stereotypical "13 year boy on Xbox Live"

Bu bu what about Planned Parenthood????

Remember, kids, 1 dead lion is WAY more important than selling the organs of slaughtered human babies.

And I love how the english language has changed. 4+ hours of raw video is manufactured, highly edited, and all sorts of evil words now.

Even funnier seeing newscasts bitching since they ONLY use highly edited footage and don't tend to release all of the raw footage.

Del Hollingsworth said...

I like dead cats

cacimbo said...

LOL. #BLACKlivesmatter was very upset over #ALLlivesmatter. How angry will they be that their fellow SJW's have now co-opted their hashtag for an animal, #CATlivesmatter.

Boltforge said...

Language question ...

Turning lions into things of greater worth than people: Anthropomorphising.

Turning humans into things of less values than animals: ? Is Zoomorphising the best word ?

Wilbur said...

The statement he (the dentist/bwana) issued sure didn't do him much good, did it? I wonder if he paid some PR flack to advise him what to do.

He would've been better off not issuing the hokey apology, and saying F/U all, or nothing at all.

damikesc said...

He would've been better off not issuing the hokey apology, and saying F/U all, or nothing at all.

Yup, apologies are never a good idea. You can't placate a mob of leaden mesomorphs.

Just, "Yeah, I killed the lion. And I'm cooking it now. Fuck you" would've been sufficient.

Then ask Jimmy Kimmel how he went from "The Man Show" to "whiny little prissy shit" so quickly.

Brando said...

"LOL. #BLACKlivesmatter was very upset over #ALLlivesmatter. How angry will they be that their fellow SJW's have now co-opted their hashtag for an animal, #CATlivesmatter."

It's very telling in this case. Thousands of black Zimbabweans are killed every year in systemic human rights abuses, or from malnutrition due to government corruption (remember, Rhodesia used to be a net exporter of food) and Americans yawn about it. Then someone kills a lion, and it blows up the Internet. Clearly, "CATLIVES" matter more than "BLACKLIVES".

Or maybe the real issue is when white people are the ones doing bad things. Because we can only expect humanity and decency from white people, apparently?

sunsong said...

In reading the comments here is it once again clear that the far right is totally clueless, and proud of their lack of compassion.. Anything they don't understand is quickly condemned :-)
Killing for sport I guess is considered a lot of fun - just like war is. They are, it seems, constantly trying to gin up a war to show how they can out bully any bully, out terrorize any terrorists and basically be a greater menace then any menace out there. There is a little poem that so reminds me of the far right, the religious right:
God bless me and my wife
my son and his wife
us four and no more

Boltforge said...

sunsong said...
"In reading the comments here is it once again clear that ..."

... my unicorn escaped from my sky ranch. Now I need to go see if Garage ate all his scooby snacks. If not, I may be able to lure my unicorn back.


[/end of snippet from the weird world of the left]

Matt Sablan said...

"The take down is more a hit piece by right wing radicals who value their perceived place in the public eye more than they value "life"."

-- Have you watched the videos or read the transcripts? I'm asking because, well, I thought they were overhyped till I sat down and read the transcripts of the first two -- I still haven't for the last two except the highlight reels.

In short, the doctors admit to lying to their patients and complicating the surgeries so that they can get more specimens, which they admit to selling with a profit motive. In the first video, the doctor admits that what they're doing is an illegal partial birth abortion, but that they don't think that's really illegal anyway. She explains that they don't call it that or go in with that intention, it's just what happens.

We learn that the doctors will lie to the women about the operation they'll have, and then will manipulate the fetus to get the most money out of the abortion.

I think abortion should be legal, because it is the best of a lot of really terrible options (back alley abortions, abandonment of babies, various abortion drugs [prescribed or otherwise] etc., etc.) -- I don't like that it is legal, but I accept it as what the country can do now. In an ideal world, we wouldn't need it, but this isn't an ideal world.

What has been described in these four videos is not legal, safe abortions. Doctors have confessed to lying to their patients and manipulating and complicating operations to make extra money. That's unethical. It is most likely illegal.

garage mahal said...

Go back to watching Stewart. Smoldering takedown!

Matt Sablan said...

They also admit that they look for women who are at the right part of pregnancy to get the specimens that they want. They're not performing the operations for the people who need it the most right now, or who might have some other great need. They juggle their schedule based on profit. In other words, they are deliberately making women wait to have abortions until they can make money off of it. That's also most likely illegal, since they are not allowed to alter the timing or type of abortion procedure to gather extra samples.

Planned Parenthood should be being investigated, their finances audited and their records reviewed. If a fast food chain were to be found to be doing something equally immoral/unethical, say knowingly selling tainted meat or having cooking timers they knew would have a chance of not killing bacteria on the food, they'd be acknowledged as doing something unethical.

Let a bunch of doctors lie to women, many poor, uneducated, desperate and with nowhere else to go, to line their own pockets -- and the left is silent.

garage mahal said...

You have right to be upset about _______ unless you're upset about _______ this first!

Matt Sablan said...

I hadn't watched a lot of cable/TV news until the other day I was grabbing dinner while on my way to the library. It was about 6:30, so prime TV News time. For the whole 20 minutes I was in the sub place, both of the TVs, set to different news programs and muted with CC on, were talking about Trump's aide who said you can't rape your spouse. I guess that might be newsworthy to political junkies or on a lifestyle page. There was no mention about any actual hot topic issues in the 20 minutes that had substance.

Cecil the lion is like that. It takes oxygen away from important matters.

Gahrie said...

The take down is more a hit piece by right wing radicals who value their perceived place in the public eye more than they value "life".

Remember, our side is trying to save that most innocent of life, the unborn child.

Your side is demanding not only the right to kill the innocent unborn, but to cut their bodies up for profit.

They make me gag.

The feeling is more than mutual, you ghoul.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"garage mahal said...
Bu bu what about Planned Parenthood????"

Bitchtits didn't give himself a 123 trimester abortion after his John Doe facist fantasies came crashing back to reality?

It's not too late, fat boy. Think of how much money could be made if your body parts were sold by the pound.

Gahrie said...


Seriously dude, this is just sad. You are so off your game. Go away, heal and come back when you are ready to be the troll you can be.

Again, take heart, if Walker wins, he'll no longer be your governor!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

You should give some thought to it too Vicki, you disgusting bint.

What trimester are you up to now? 213th? It's still not too late for your mother to exercise her right to choose.

victoria said...

Mom Jeans,

As usual you are dealing with the lowest common denominator of life. You ignorant piece of trash. What is a bint, by the way? Some low life (and you should know) way to trash others?

Please, you are no more important than a piece of dog poop on the soles of my shoes.
Leave it to you to say the most low-life things possible. You make me gag

Vicki from Pasadena

garage mahal said...

Aww, garage, this so sad. You're embarrassing yourself. Get out of your mom's basement and stop parroting Kos!

*The next awesome, totally original wingnut witticism

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm quite sure that you do lots of "gagging" Vicki.

However, as you asked (without saying "please" might I add) I will answer your question. "Bint" is a very descriptie word. It is a combination of "bitch" and "cunt."

If you look it up in the dictionary, you will see your picture. You are welcome for my educating you on current trends in linguistics.

Nice to see that you are much more outraged by some pixelated words on a screen than the sale of baby organs though.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Also Vicki, I think that the "lowest common denominator of life" is fetal tissues.

Which, coincidentally, are available for sale at your local planned parenthood clinic.

Fernandinande said...

#lionlivesmatter unless they're killed by other lions.

But bow hunting large animals like this is just sadism in action; I wouldn't be surprised if this dentist enjoyed causing pain to his patients.

Big Mike said...

I'm not quite sure what's worse: the raw, mindless, hatred expressed towards the hunter (if we can dignify what the dentist did in killing a tame lion with the term "hunter") or the hatred expressed towards those of us who feel revulsion towards Planned Parenthood. Neither makes the leftists look very good.

I don't know how we managed to get this thread hijacked from consideration of the mighty hunter shooting a tame lion with his bow and arrow to Planned Parenthood, but here's my two cents.

FWIW I think that the actions of the Minneapolis dentist in killing a tame lion are reprehensible. If he didn't know the lion was tame, then it can only be the result of his guides getting their heads together and agreeing that the guy couldn't hit a barn from inside with the doors closed unless they could coax a tame lion out of the preserve and get it to stand still.

FWIW I think the drool-dripping baying for the dentist's head on a stick are even worse, totally over the top, and indicative of a generation and its elders having a total lack of perspective and moral guidance.

FWIW, writing as an atheist, I think Ron Pringle and folks who are advocating murder for the dentist need to get themselves inside a church and listen to the pastor.

FWIW I think abortion should be legal, but safe. To the extent that Planned Parenthood added risks to the mother, they should be censored.

FWIW, to the extent that Planned Parenthood and their mindless supporters don't understand how revolting their activities are ("you want baby parts, I want a Lamborghini") to real human beings, then they need to start living among real human beings.

Michael said...

Big Mike

The lion was not "tame." Old, yes. Much "beloved", yes. Tame? No.

Michael said...


There appears to be a lot of compassion on this thread for unborn babies. Or are you not reading those posts?

Oh, you are concerned about a lack of compassion for animals?

damikesc said...

I'm not quite sure what's worse: the raw, mindless, hatred expressed towards the hunter (if we can dignify what the dentist did in killing a tame lion with the term "hunter") or the hatred expressed towards those of us who feel revulsion towards Planned Parenthood. Neither makes the leftists look very good.

Is this the first case of mass Leftist mob rage NOT initiated by Gawker?

FWIW I think that the actions of the Minneapolis dentist in killing a tame lion are reprehensible. If he didn't know the lion was tame, then it can only be the result of his guides getting their heads together and agreeing that the guy couldn't hit a barn from inside with the doors closed unless they could coax a tame lion out of the preserve and get it to stand still.

I have, literally, ZERO issues with what the dentist did. He paid for a hunting trip. He hunted.

And as stated, lions can never be tamed.

Big Mike said...

@damikesc and @Michael, you are correct in that "tamed" is too strong. "Habituated" is probably about right, given what I've read. The point is that he wasn't truly wild and was acclimated to having humans around.

Doug said...

Great eCard posted on FB today: young couple looking into each other's eyes; caption: I LOVE YOU MORE THAN SOME LION I NEVER KNEW ABOUT BEFORE THIS WEEK

SGT Ted said...

#catlivesmatter. What a pack of douchebags. I hope what they are doing to the dentist is done to them.

Unknown said...

So I'm repulsed by the PP video and repulsed by what the "mighty hunter" dentist did. But what I'm taking away from this thread is that I have to be one or the other. Either I object to what PP did and love me some tortured, skinned and beheaded lion; or I love Cecil and want to kill the dentist and hey, abortions for all!

Why is that?

Why does this have to be binary?

Damikesc, the dentist violated a fair number of laws in his bullshit "hunt" and he ought to spend the next 10 years getting raped in a Zimbabwean prison.

For the leftist pro-abortionists on this thread, the Planned Parenthood executives should experience the same Zimbabwean prison rapes.

If people really want to line it up this way, that you can't be pro-life and also hate people who torture and abuse animals, that's really fucking stupid and short-sighted. But let's hear it damikesc, is that your position? If I want to be pro-life I have to be all onboard for hunting great cats with a crossbow so that they die a slow, agonizing death because they're too big to die quickly? It's not pain and suffering if it's an animal instead of a fetus? You fucking douchebag.

Unknown said...

Same goes for you SGT Ted. Liking animals means you can't be pro-life? Douchebag.

victoria said...

Well, mom Jeans, leave it to you to make up nonsensical words to describe your very existence. You are the kind of person who believes everything they watch on Fox is the truth and that Donald Trump is the ultimate truth teller.

Spineless piece of drivel that you are, you lack of intelligence and your profanity always identify you as someone being on the lowest level of the food chain.

As usual, you jump to conclusions as to my level of outrage concerning the trafficking of baby parts. You small piece of dreck.

Vicki from Pasadena

SGT Ted said...

To be clear: I don't care about the lion being shot. I care about Internet lynch mobs targeting people over bullshit.

SGT Ted said...

And i never brought up abortion so I'm not sure what your problem with me is, John. I can think of thousands of more important things than a poached lion though.

furious_a said...


SGT Ted said...

People who conduct witch hunts are douchebags yes.

furious_a said...

He paid for a hunting trip. He hunted.

He used lures and bait. He's as big a scumbag as poachers who who spread corn or lay salt to attract deer to their blinds. Might as well have used that crossbow on a veal calf in a crate. Scumbag.

Every state I know of prohibits baited hunting.

Anonymous said...

In the future, everyone will be Emmanuel Goldstein for 15 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Vickie,

I'm a radiologist. Approximately 2/3 of the patients who come to us for mammograms have older films from other institutions.

In my 20+ year career, reading thousands of mammograms per year, I have seen a mammogram from PP exactly once. And it was a paper sticker, pasted on the film over another institution's name.

The notion that PP is out there doing mammograms and saving women from cancer is laughable. They do nothing but tear living, feeling baby human beings limb from limb for financial gain, and they do it in part with my tax dollars.

PP and the people who support them are subhuman ghouls.

furious_a said...

...than any of the 'manufactured' video tapes.

Yes, yes, the "deceptive editing" amounted to the undercover sting pushing the RECORD button. Both edited and unedited versions of the sting interviews are available on the group's website (or were, until @PPact got a sympathetic judge to lay down some prior restraint).

The polling on this must be really bad if Hillary! and #FeeltheBern are already backpedaling from @PPact.

Three videos out and viewed. Seven (that we know of) to go.

damikesc said...

Damikesc, the dentist violated a fair number of laws in his bullshit "hunt" and he ought to spend the next 10 years getting raped in a Zimbabwean prison.

What laws did he violate? He didn't LIVE in Zimbabwe (and the concept of "laws" in Zimbabwe is notoriously fluid). He followed his guides' advice. A tiger tied. C'est la vie. Nature isn't pleasant.

If people really want to line it up this way, that you can't be pro-life and also hate people who torture and abuse animals, that's really fucking stupid and short-sighted. But let's hear it damikesc, is that your position?

Before I respond, so I don't have to go back and do it again, are there any OTHER straw men you wish me to slay? I find straw men tedious and prefer to get them out of the way in one fell swoop instead of in a "drip, drip, drip" manner.

If I want to be pro-life I have to be all onboard for hunting great cats with a crossbow so that they die a slow, agonizing death because they're too big to die quickly? It's not pain and suffering if it's an animal instead of a fetus? You fucking douchebag.

Hey son,

Go fuck yourself.



If you wish to condemn me over straw men you created, then do so. You've shown me no reason to take you seriously, fucking moron.

He used lures and bait.

As I said...he hunted.

He's as big a scumbag as poachers who who spread corn or lay salt to attract deer to their blinds. Might as well have used that crossbow on a veal calf in a crate. Scumbag.

Every state I know of prohibits baited hunting.

Several states do not and I have no issue with it. Sorry.

I also don't hunt, but that's neither here nor there.

"Outrage" over Planned Parenthood? An organization that, over my lifetime, has done more to save lives through cancer screening and healthcare for women than any of the "manufactured" video tapes. The take down is more a hit piece by right wing radicals who value their perceived place in the public eye more than they value "life". They make me gag.

The ENTIRE video is readily available online.

Added context doesn't help them.

damikesc said...

Yes, yes, the "deceptive editing" amounted to the undercover sting pushing the RECORD button. Both edited and unedited versions of the sting interviews are available on the group's website (or were, until @PPact got a sympathetic judge to lay down some prior restraint).

The same (unedited version being available online) is almost never the case with the "real" media. They do interviews, cut them to a fraction of the time --- but don't usually post the full one online.

And PP seemed quite happy to capitalize on the Romney video editing.

Freeman Hunt said...

People are insane. Mobs are particularly insane.

hombre said...

We are a pre-relynching society. That is, it is only a matter of time before the mob leaves the Internet and goes back to rope or something else.

Bill Crawford said...

I want to say "Kudos!" to Matthew Sablan. Always thoughtful comments.

Katrina said...

Ah, but if there is anything leftists like Vicki love, it's feeling virtuous without having to actually do much of anything. If you go online and express outrage over a lion being shot, you can then pat yourself on the back and tell yourself what a fine, compassionate person you are. It's like saying "yes" when the Whole Foods cashier asks you if you want to donate your bag refund. "See, I'm good!"

Vicki and garage aren't going to actually watch any of those videos - they'll just take Politico's and MSNBC's word for it that the vids are "heavily edited" and it's all a right wing plot by Republican Christianists. They don't dare watch. But even if you tied Vicki and garage mahal to chairs and propped their eyelids open ala "Clockwork Orange" and forced them to watch each video in its' unedited entirety, well, would that change their minds? What if they actually heard the abortionist say, "It's a baby" and his assistant noting "It's another boy" before they start with the dissection?

Probably not. First of all, they'd have to admit they were wrong, grievously wrong for decades. (As I was on this issue.) Leftists never admit that. Once they did that, they would have to think back to certain things they might have done or said themselves over the decades and feel remorse and regret. That's quite painful. Believe me, I know. Once they did that, they might feel the urge, or even the complusion to do something to atone, something to fight against the evil they have condoned and supported - like donate time and money to a pro-life organization for instance. Or march in a pro-life rally. And what would their friends think of that? They'd be shunned for not holding the fashionable view. Let's not even go there.

Really, it's much better to just get angry about an animal getting killed thousands of miles away, rather than thinking too hard about what is going on at the PP office a half mile away.

furious_a said...

Wathching Victoria try to defend/deflect Planned Parenthood's human rendering plants is like being forced to sit through an Eli Roth film.

furious_a said...

The MN Dentist's approach to hunting lions is not unlike Bill Cosby's approach to seducing women.

Katrina said...

John Constantius said...
So I'm repulsed by the PP video and repulsed by what the "mighty hunter" dentist did. But what I'm taking away from this thread is that I have to be one or the other.

Actually, it doesn't mean that. I'm not crazy about big game hunting myself. But you know what - I've got only so much energy to spend on outrage and the late Cecil the lion doesn't need mine because millions of others are crying and emoting over this and threatening to kill the dentist. The dentist will be punished, no doubt about that, John.

Will Cecile Richards or any of the ghouls at our national chop shops who can casually dissect babies and then, in between bites of salad, talk about how much they can get for livers and hearts and muscles, what about them? The Obama admin, and the media will do its' best to protect them so they can continue to do things that are "icky," things we prefer not to think about because they're done behind closed doors in quiet offices.

It's a question of proportion John. Yes, I was initially upset by the hunting story. I'm horrified and disgusted to the point of despair about the PP vids because I think a country that can condone and make excuses for an organization that is selling baby parts for profit is a country that is morally lost and probably past the point of saving.

Drew said...

"He used lures and bait. He's as big a scumbag as poachers who who spread corn or lay salt to attract deer to their blinds. Might as well have used that crossbow on a veal calf in a crate. Scumbag.

Every state I know of prohibits baited hunting.

7/30/15, 4:00 PM"

Luring and bait hunting is not illegal on safari hunts in South Africa or Zimbabwe. In fact it is THE method to hunt the "big 5" + other plains game. If you know nothing of how safari hunts are run you should probably keep your ignorant hole shut. Chump.

furious_a said...

Dear Drew:

Guess you're not much of a hunter since you have to use bait Didn't say anything about legal on safari, so you're not of a reader, either. Putz.

Chris N said...

Eagerly awaiting 'Cecil Tbe Social Justice Lion' children's book.

'His righteous spirit could not be numbed by the Novacaine of oppressive patriarchy. His mighty mane ruffled in the hot African breezes of change.'

For all ages.

n.n said...

'What lion?' Zimbabweans ask, amid global Cecil circus

Apparently, only the environmentalists will miss the lion. The people are more concerned about improving human welfare. The government about financing its services. The loss of an animal that preys on humans and animals, including other lions, does not disturb them, and is actually welcome.

There must be a Cecile joke in there somewhere.

Drew said...

Let me try this again for the mentally challenged:

Re: illegality of luring/baiting

You said:
He used lures and bait. He's as big a scumbag as poachers who who spread corn or lay salt to attract deer to their blinds. Might as well have used that crossbow on a veal calf in a crate. Scumbag.

Every state I know of prohibits baited hunting.

7/30/15, 4:00 PM

1: When did Zimbabwe become the 51st....err 58th state?

2: Let me know when i can get a copy of that medieval, or prehistoric hunting guide that dictates that hunters cannot use bait. Or never did. Or something equally as asinine.

furious_a said...

Sorry, Drew, did I hurt your sissy bait-hunter feelings?

Nichevo said...

Drew, do you feel equally strongly about techniques like baiting when used for hunting for the pot, as opposed to hunting for sport?

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