July 30, 2015

"France is furious over Gisele Bundchen’s burqa disguise."

The NY Post reports:
“C’est ridicule!!!!” [wrote a commentator on the French-language gossip site Public]. “To be photographed in a burqa is ridiculous!!!! Especially since it is forbidden in France to wear it!!!!”....

“In the street it is illegal to wear the burqa! It therefore violated French law,” wrote another poster. “A cap and a scarf would have been less conspicuous.”...

“She’s not doing it for Islam. This is very bad,” complained Imam Muhammad Abdullah Kamal Al-Azhari of the Astoria Islamic Center in Queens. “She’s wearing a holy thing for a bad purpose.”...


mikee said...

So Giselle can be hated by Islam for being not in a burqa, then hated by Islam for being in a burqa.

OK, that settles it! I choose the no-burqa Giselle.

Gahrie said...

Brave woman. I'd up my security if I was her.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

And here I thought that Ms. Bundchen was the one married to David Beckham.

rhhardin said...

Don't make it a habit, in other words.

Scott said...

God Bless Giselle!

Lyle Smith said...

Go Gisele!

Big Mike said...

The French, being French, wanted her to go into the surgeon dressed like this.

Bob Boyd said...

The deadly dentist is reading this Burqa story and thinking to himself. "Aha! I bet I could get me one of those on Amazon."

Etienne said...

I ran into a couple of Nuns while in New York City, and I told them to get out of those damned religious garments or I would shoot them as terrorists.

One of them took me down to the ground, and the other one rope-tied my legs together with the rope from a church banner, and then they both pistol-whipped me with my own gun.

C'est la vie...

traditionalguy said...

Apparently now Tom wants the things he spends time squeezing with his hands inflated more.

Bobby said...

When our unit re-deployed to the States from Afghanistan in 2003, one of my sergeants brought back about a dozen burqas, which he promptly sold to a certain set in Las Vegas for use as sex toys. He made a very handsome profit, and later told me his only regret was that he didn't bring more of them back.

CWJ said...


I saw what you did there.

MadisonMan said...

Well, I certainly hope France doesn't go to war over this, or the USA will have to bail them out.

Shawn Levasseur said...

Gisele & Tom are apparently trying to see who can stir up the bigger controversy.

Is there a word for competitive trolling?



Gusty Winds said...

Not a good week for the Brady's.

The burka, however ridiculous, is meant to disguise sexuality in some form of humility. Gisele wears it as a disguise to get breast work done...feeding her vanity. Irony?

The article does not state if the breast work was an augmentation or a deflation. Patriot ball boys were not seen near the facility.

traditionalguy said...

Ok. Sexual modesty is only for Allah's girls. The infidels cannot play dress up.

lgv said...

“She’s wearing a holy thing for a bad purpose.”...

The burqa is not a holy thing. It is just wardrobe that does what Islam demands as interpreted by Imams.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

Tom and Giselle are trying to join The Country Club.

This week prolly not helping.

Marc in Eugene said...

The only thing the French are furious about at the moment is M. Hollande's mismanagement of the government and that only in relation to their summer holidays. France furious! ha; it's as if someone here in the US took the headlines at TMZ seriously. I'm more interested in what Nabilla and Thomas were fighting about at the movies than in tired old Gisele's latest plastic surgery.

Kyzer SoSay said...

@ Gusty

There's a companion piece to the linked article. She's having her breast augmentation touched up, and some work on her eyes. Can't wait to see the "after" pics - she's one hot momma.

William said...

Victoria's Secret is going to come out with a line of black lace burqas. Giselle is foreshadowing and prepping the battlefield.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Maybe lovely Giselle self-identifies as a Burkite periodically. Leave her alone! Her right to wear a burka begins where that Imam's nose ends. He needs to butt out too!

Smilin' Jack said...

She's having her breast augmentation touched up, and some work on her eyes. Can't wait to see the "after" pics - she's one hot momma.

Every work of art needs a touch-up now and then--now she'll be even hotter, inshallah.

Barry Dauphin said...

Maybe she's hiding Brady's cellphone.

Fernandinande said...

“She’s wearing a holy thing for a bad purpose.”

Holy burkas, Batman!

Ken B said...

If it's a holy thing, what happens to the argument it has nothing to do with religion?

David said...

"Holy Backfire, Batman! That was a bad idea from the start. I seem to have targeted myself."

I wonder if the surgeon was inflating or deflating her face?

Static Ping said...

Whatever happened to the old stand by of the paper bag with eyes punched out of it? Or at least some Groucho glasses?

If she really wanted to do it in style, getting rolled up in a carpet is always a high scale option, assuming you trust the carriers to not transport you to the nearest dumpster or river as the case may be.

le Douanier said...

I think it's cool that she's so much richer than her gold digging hubby.

Laura said...

Quran. Chapter. Verse.

Ever notice there is no equivalent for the Gideons in Dubai or Qatar?

If medical records are secure, how does one confirm she had unholy work done? Case in point, temporary marriage repair: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hymenorrhaphy.

clint said...

She's certainly making the right enemies!

gspencer said...

“She’s wearing a holy thing for a bad purpose.”...

Hey, pal, that could be said of every Muslima forced to play Halloween by her Muslim owner.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
American Liberal Elite said...

much ado

mccullough said...

Getting too old for Tom. Time for him to move on.

Johanna Lapp said...

So, are transvestite suicide bombers wearing the burqa to conceal their weapons defiling the holy garment?

Before you answer, consider that their targets are Jews.

pm317 said...

If she was smart, she would have put a burka over her chauffeur too.

Freeman Hunt said...

Who says it's a burqa? Perhaps it's only an abundant robe.