July 20, 2015

Vox voxsplains "Why Martin O’Malley had to apologize for saying 'all lives matter.'"

I'm sure there are many answers to why, but let's start with the Vox approach.

Obviously, asking "why" contains a premise you might disagree with: O'Malley had to apologize.

But at least it's a fact that O'Malley thought he had to apologize or, strike that, apologizing was easier/better/whatever than doing anything other than apologizing.


Original Mike said...

"...apologizing was easier/better/whatever than doing anything other than apologizing."

What a pussy.

Michael K said...

We can't mention black crime when discussing black men getting shot when attacking policemen.

J. Farmer said...

From 1882 to 1968, a span of 86 years, 3,446 blacks were lynched in America. Since 1980, more than 300,000 blacks have been killed in black-on-black homicide. But remember, according to the likes of Ta-nehsis Coates, white America is all about destroying the black body.

campy said...

"...black-on-black homicide."

Is caused by white racism.

Meade said...

A more effective slogan would be "black lives don't matter".

WHAT?! How can you say that?!

Let me voxsplain it to you.

Unknown said...

Which lives don't matter?

JAORE said...

If my Dad had said, "Of course we should all get a share", you by damn better start sharing.

But I learn more every day how blessed I was to have been raised the way I was by the parents I was given.

Those poor myopic souls.

Big Mike said...

@Original Mike, I agree. And O'Malley shouldn't be trying to do the Vlad Putin shirtless thing if he's going to cave on "all lives matter."

Meade said...

Millions of black fetal lives don't matter.

mtrobertslaw said...

"White lives matter" greeted loud boos and hisses? This does not look like it will end well.

Anonymous said...

If he can't stand up to the crazies, how could he stand up to the Ayatollahs?

If he has to apologize for saying "all lives matter", ask him "whose lives don't matter".

Anonymous said...

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 percentage points higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks

DC had 302 gun deaths last year per WaPo. 302 of them were Black. 0 White, 0 Asian, 0 Hispanic...

Black lives may matter, but not to other Black shooters...

eddie willers said...

Vox is as demanding as My Weekly Reader.

Jason said...

So I guess none of the Dems are up to having a Sistah Souljah moment anymore, eh?

David53 said...

According to the stats from the article Hispanics are really good at not being killed by the police. Only 12% of those killed during arrests are Hispanic. Or maybe the stats are bad.

Anonymous said...

They've been hacked if you ask me. A true Voxsplanation would have been "Why Black Lives Don't Matter, and Why That's a Good Thing."

Sebastian said...

"Vox voxsplains "Why Martin O’Malley had to apologize for saying 'all lives matter.'""

Shorter voxsplaining: Progs must toe line, or else.

The BLM movement is useful in clarifying that Progressivism is post-Christian and anti-American.

Big Mike said...

Do activists really believe that only black lives matter? No, of course they don't.

Vox has provided my laugh for the day!

pm317 said...

I saw that video and it was disturbing. I was surprised O'Malley said 'black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter' and as he repeated it, there was a lot more shouting and screaming, and he started to mumble the line. Democratic party is fucked up beyond repair.

Chris N said...

I hear they're coming out with a Vox coloring-book.

Sleek like science and 'online' to boot.

pm317 said...

So who is funding this chaos, er show?

pm317 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Known Unknown said...

Should voxsplaining have a tag?

pm317 said...

Obama the community organizer! organized his community because he was incompetent to really do anything more meaningful. Remember the nice lady in one of his 2010 campaign stops who said she was just exhausted defending him. You think she would be happy with all these useless (and paid) rabble-rousers shouting slogans and threatening everyone?

Chuck said...

Is Voxsplaining really Blacksplaining?

I need to know, because I am keeping score at home. You know, in the identity politics game.

Clyde said...

Let me coin a new word here: Appeasigize. Not that appeasigizing actually works, since those disposed to be outraged will remain so, regardless of whatever groveling the appeasigizer might do.

Sometimes, the only proper response is two extended middle fingers and a hearty "Fuck you!"

Writ Small said...

The people who coined the phrase "Black Lives Matter" could have avoided misunderstanding by tagging on the implicit "too."

Saying "All Lives Matter" implies the implicit "too" was never intended. That is insulting and worth apologizing over.

Goju said...

O'Malley should ask Walker how to deal with angry protesters.

ddh said...

Martin the malleable is this generation's version of a mau-mau'ed flak catcher. He doesn't understand that only Black lives matter to the people of Netroots. The whites in attendance are simply finer, better people for acknowledging their guilt, and they want you to know it. (I would love to read Tom Wolfe's appraisal.)

Known Unknown said...

"Let me coin a new word here: Appeasigize. Not that appeasigizing actually works, since those disposed to be outraged will remain so, regardless of whatever groveling the appeasigizer might do."

I call them the apologentsia.

YoungHegelian said...

Well, there's nothing that's going to bring in those Latino voters like them being told that black lives matter more than theirs. And just kiss off Democratic outreach to the white working class. The Repubs are going to have O'Malley's (a liberal Democrat whose power base in MD was majority black Baltimore) humiliation playing in a loop on Fox, talk radio, & social media.

Both parties need to put in a cork in their crazies. It's not easy to do.

Static Ping said...

Personally, I do think he should apologize. No, not because what he said was offensive. Because he's an imbecile. Ya go to a radical, left-wing event filled with ya overly sensitive, radical, left-wingers and you don't know one of their key slogans used by one of their most vocal movements that was partially fueled by an event and ensuing riots in the largest city of the state you used to be governor. Oh, and Vox manages to make you look worse, something I had deemed nearly impossible. Seriously?

"Who am I? Why am I here?"

Quit. Loser.

Fen said...

For these people, BlackLivesMatter only when they are killed by whites. Its as it blacks have no value unless their bodies can be used as props to advance the Left's latest cause.

Henry said...

Why did have to apologize? trademark infringement.

Gahrie said...

Since 1980, more than 300,000 blacks have been killed in black-on-black homicide.

Hell, that's less than one year of Black mothers killing their babies in the womb.

David said...

He has to apologize because his core constituency does not believe that all lives matter. Or, to give them the benefit of the doubt, they do not believe that all lives matter equally. They are progressives and therefore able to make the finer distinctions on the value of lives that the contemporary world requires. In an inclusive and non-racist manner, of course.

YoungHegelian said...


BlackLivesMatter only when they are killed by whites

It was always thus. American blacks were apoplectic about apartheid South Africa. The millions of innocent black people killed in Rwanda, Central African Republic, the Congo, Uganda under Idi Amin, Ethiopia under Miriam -- not a peep.

You remember the organization TransAfrica? Well, it was a big deal in the international struggle against apartheid. But after Nelson Mandela came to power in SA, it just evaporated. Robinson wanted desperately to keep the organization going so that he could focus the political concern of American blacks on African issues, just like he had on apartheid. There was only one big problem: American blacks simply didn't care what happened in Africa if it wasn't whites oppressing blacks. Blacks murdering & enslaving blacks by the hundreds of thousands? Snore city. Robinson was stunned by this outcome, and he left the leadership of TransAfrica because of it.

Laslo Spatula said...

Due to the epidemic of single families in the black community I say:

Black Wives Matter.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

God, that was a good one.

I am Laslo.

Mike Sylwester said...

Blacks shouldn't try to evade or resist arrest.

They seem to do that much more than other races do.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Black Live Matter": what abortionists deal with on a regular basis.

Read it slower.

Not sure on the pricing for parts.

I am Laslo.

William said...

If Hispanics step up their activism and militancy during police stops, I'm sure they can be killed in numbers appropriate to their numbers in the general population. There is much they can learn from black activists. Their celebration of El Chappo as a folk hero is a step in the right direction, but more work needs to be done.

Bay Area Guy said...

Slogans matter!

joeknows said...

Remember Harold Washington and his coming?

I remember the painting of Harold Washington in ladies underwear. I wonder what ever happened to that.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The Vox people live in their own little universe. It's a universe where they, allied with teh progressive elements of society, do battle against phantoms.
When I followed the link, the page displayed this on the sidebar:
"Next time someone says racism isn't real, show them this 3-minute video"
Who says racism isn't real? I cannot imagine a human being saying "racism isn't real." Apparently no one is saying it other than the author. A google search shows only hit with that wording -- and it goes to the Vox page. Cement for brains, I guess.
On the page there is a graph that is titled "Killed by police during arrest, by circumstance." It sounds as though it would be a helpful graph, but it doesn't tell you anything about "circumstances." One bar is labeled "all victims." Another bar is labeled "Not attacking when killed, not killed by rifle or shotgun."
They might as well have made random squiggles and written the labels in Old Ostrogoth. I suspect what they are trying to do is obfusticate things. Oh, Hell, I know that's what Vox is trying to do.

MAJMike said...


Lewis Wetzel said...

If they would tell you how many people were killed by the police while not posing a threat to others, and that information showed that Blacks were more likely to be killed when not presenting a threat to others, that would at least give you a starting place. But Vox doesn't do that. This is a shitty article. It's kind of like a Krugman column, it contains negative information, you are less informed for reading it.

Big Mike said...

Do activists really believe that only black lives matter? No, of course they don't.

You know whose life didn't matter to Democrats? Kate Steinle's life didn't matter and still doesn't.

Carnifex said...

Mike Sylwester said--"Blacks shouldn't try to evade or resist arrest.

They seem to do that much more than other races do.

You're making a rookie mistake. You are mis-identifying the people resisting arrest, and evading.
These people are the Dindo. They are totally innocent. They din' do nuthin'!

madAsHell said...

Black Lies Muttered!!

LYNNDH said...

"Don't apologize. Its a sign of weakness." John Wayne in "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon". Great movie, good advice. But this pic will soon be declared Racist because former Confederate Soldiers now serving in the US Army had the audacity to put a Stars and Bars on the coffin of their fallen comrade, a former General.

cubanbob said...

"Why Martin O’Malley had to apologize for saying 'all lives matter.'"

The Governor of Baltimore needs to apologize for making such a stupid statement as in all lives matter. Actually, they don't. But then again if O'Malley had a brain he wouldn't be making such idiotic statements.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Vox's unfo-graph shows that while Hispanics make up 17% of the US population, they make up less than 12% of "victims." Why a person killed during an arrest is called a "victim", I have no idea. Vox doesn't explain. But if Hispanics are being killed at the same or a lower rate than their overall arrests, doesn't that mean the cops aren't killing people out of racism? It must mean something. Perhaps some media company could be built from the ground up that helps people understand the news better.

“We really wanted to build something from the ground up that helps people understand the news better."
-Ezra Klein

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

O'Malley is a feeb and a tool but I get why the Brothers were upset. And, yes, the police killing hoo-ha is agitprop, but that doesn't mean Blacks are indifferent to the rate at which Blacks are killing each other. They just don't see any point in discussing it with white folks who, Democrat or Republican, will just use the discussion for their own ideological ends. Look at what happened in the 60's when Black people accepted Whitey's solution to Black poverty. Endless dependency.

Sam L. said...

Black lives DON'T matter when they're snuffed out by other blacks. Nor those killed by abortionists.

clint said...

So does this make him look Presidential to anyone at all?

Hyphenated American said...

"but that doesn't mean Blacks are indifferent to the rate at which Blacks are killing each other. They just don't see any point in discussing it with white folks..."

Let's compare the amount of time the black "leaders" spend per victim of black criminals versus per black killed by police. This ratio is probably 1/1000, if not less. And that's how we know that black "leaders" don't care at the rate at which blacks are killing each other. Simple math.

ddh said...

Martin O'Malley wants us to elect him President so he can defend US interests around the world. If we elected him, we would deserve what would follow because we have been fairly warned.

Brando said...

While Trump-ism and illegal immigration are distracting and ripping at the GOP, the Dems are undergoing a particularly ugly transformation into a racial balkanization party. The fact that a powerful contingent is booing the statement "all lives matter" says something gross and noxious, and it's hard to see how Clinton will be able to appeal to the racialists and still attract sane moderates.

The sad irony is if the GOP could hold their crap together they would have a good shot next year as the Dems eat themselves. But there seems to be a large segment of the GOP base that is determined to hamstring themselves.

MikeR said...

Is there a difference (in proportions) between blacks killed by black policemen, and blacks killed by white policemen? Anyone know?

Noticed that the article talked about "police killings of young black men and women and the deaths of young black men and women in police custody". Are there indeed significant numbers of women killed by police, and are more of them black? Or is that phrase just in there for more political correctness?

There is racism. But are those black men being killed because of racism? Or because more of them are caught in a societal mess of a drug war? O'Malley is from Baltimore, my home town: I doubt he thinks his police were racist. He certainly helped them to become thugs...

Before you can get me to take #blacklivesmatter seriously, you need to convince me that society doesn't think they matter. I'm not convinced. You need to do a better job convincing me before you can ask me to apologize for not agreeing with you.

Chris403 said...

Apologizing for saying All Lives Matter is about the dumbest political move I've ever seen. Black activists are radicalized right now, and they seemed determined to lose as many white, Latino, and Asian votes as they possibly can.

Robert Cook said...

"We can't mention black crime when discussing black men getting shot when attacking policemen."

And we can't mention police crime when discussing black men getting shot when being attacked by policemen.

Robert Cook said...

"Blacks shouldn't try to evade or resist arrest. They seem to do that much more than other races do."

Are there data that show this?

narciso said...

just give it up now,


MikeR said...

"And we can't mention police crime..." Mention it all you want. Personally I want it stamped out. But if you want to mention it in a discussion of racism, show that it's racist, not just police being thugs.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Brando wrote:
"The fact that a powerful contingent is booing the statement "all lives matter" says something gross and noxious, and it's hard to see how Clinton will be able to appeal to the racialists and still attract sane moderates."
At their 2000 convention the Dem delegates booed the Boy Scouts as they carried the flag. At their 2012 convention the Dem delegates booed a mention of God.
These are people with serious mental health and hate issues. They want to choose your next president.

Todd said...

Robert Cook said...
"We can't mention black crime when discussing black men getting shot when attacking policemen."

And we can't mention police crime when discussing black men getting shot when being attacked by policemen.

7/21/15, 8:25 AM

LOL and in comes the contrarian just cause.

Lets see, for every "innocent" black that gets murdered by a cop, 100s of blacks get killed by other blacks but lets focus on the cops and make that priority number 1.

That is like being on a fast sinking ship and instead of fixing the hole, you are worried about a cup of spilled coffee on the aft deck.

MaxedOutMama said...

The core question to me is whether focusing on the "black" part s going to help us reduce black deaths in police custody!

I would say that it won't, because the statistics shown in the article imply that the bulk of the higher risk is compounded of more black arrests - rather than differential treatment during arrests - plus a startlingly high rate of deaths when not attacking. .

The last two stats need attention - they seem to show that far too many people are killed during arrests when they are not attacking. Maybe this is due to overzealous use of tasers, which can kill. Or perhaps chokeholds, or some combination.

It seems obvious that we do have a police training problem, or a severe drug problem (which can cause deaths during arrests).

By trying to portray this as just a problem of racism, we are missing the chance to actually address the problem.

In an effort to figure out if those stats meant what they seemed to mean, I hunted up the FBI tabulations of arrest by race for 2012:

Blacks were 28% of arrestees, whites 69.3%.

Now, going back to the Vox stats, which I assume to be accurate, that means blacks died during arrest at just slightly higher ratios than their overall arrest rate.

But, you say, there is still a differential. But there is the issue of serious crimes versus driving while black. The total number of black arrests for murder or manslaughter in 2012 compared to whites was higher. Blacks accounted for 49.4% of arrests for crimes of death versus the white rate of 48.2. Black arrests for robbery and aggravated assault were 54.9% and 34.1% of the total.

So, when I adjust the Vox stats for the serious crimes, I come up with something that shows that we are not dealing with racism on the whole - we have a problem with arrested people getting killed during arrest while not attacking, and that problem affects black people more because of the higher arrest rate in ratio to population and the higher arrest rate for serious crimes.

I refuse to spend one minute of my remaining life on the proposition that officers are not allowed to defend themselves when attacked. I think they do. They're human too, and many of them are black humans. They have the right to live.

Lewis Wetzel said...

MaxedOutMama wrote:
"The last two stats need attention - they seem to show that far too many people are killed during arrests when they are not attacking. Maybe this is due to overzealous use of tasers, which can kill. Or perhaps chokeholds, or some combination."
The article is crap. The graph cites the FBI 2012 supplementary homicide report. This report is here: https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/nibrs/addendum-for-submitting-cargo-theft-data/shr. The data on the Vox graph is very imaginative interpretation of this data.

traditionalguy said...

For the same reasons B. Hussein Obama had to apologize to his fellow Muslims in Cairo. Surrendering and submitting to an EVIL POWER is sort of kinky and the Evil Power likes it.

damikesc said...

"Black lives matter"...but you can be black based on feelings, according to Dolezal. That they fail to notice the perverse comedy is tragic.

At their 2000 convention the Dem delegates booed the Boy Scouts as they carried the flag. At their 2012 convention the Dem delegates booed a mention of God.
These are people with serious mental health and hate issues. They want to choose your next president.

They also want us to be one of the two countries ('sup, UK) that don't require ID to vote.

Because the only thing better than letting lunatics vote is to let them vote repeatedly.

"Next time someone says racism isn't real, show them this 3-minute video"

They'll also claim blacks cannot be racist because they "lack power".

Because being the President and A.G is not having any power or some shit.

Dan Hossley said...

O'Malley was both Mayor of Baltimore and Governor of Maryland. His apology sort of explains the mess they're in.

MaxedOutMama said...

Terry, I don't see how to get the SHR data itself without submitting an FOIA request!

mikee said...

O'Malley is famous for decreasing crime in Baltimore by changing the process of the police reporting of crime, to report less crime.

O'Malley can't stand up to a few vocal SJWs. That alone removes him from any leadership position of authority and administration of legal duties, let alone from becoming president.

James Pawlak said...

Black lives do NOT matter to those Blacks who are so busy murdering them.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"And that's how we know that black "leaders" don't care at the rate at which blacks are killing each other. Simple math."

If by leaders you mean Toms for white liberals, then you're correct. If by leaders you mean Black people actually working to improve their community, then you're insane.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

To suggest that ordinary Black people don't care about the slaughter in their communities is to label them as subhuman. Think about what you're saying.

As for the activists, politicians, and neck-iron journalists, they actually are subhuman.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The Vox writer, Dara Lind, approvingly quotes this explanation of why #blacklivesmatter is so dog-gone important:
Imagine that you're sitting down to dinner with your family, and while everyone else gets a serving of the meal, you don't get any. So you say “I should get my fair share." And as a direct response to this, your dad corrects you, saying, “everyone should get their fair share." Now, that's a wonderful sentiment -- indeed, everyone should, and that was kinda your point in the first place: that you should be a part of everyone, and you should get your fair share also. However, dad's smart-ass comment just dismissed you and didn't solve the problem that you still haven't gotten any!

1) The words were written by an anonymous Reddit commenter.
2) The analogy only makes sense if every police shooting of everyone who is not Black was justifiable, but no police shooting of any Black has ever been justifiable.
3) In the analogy, who is the “dad”? O'Malley? The diffuse, leaderless thing called “society”? Justice Department Bureaucrats? Politicians? The white massa who runs the plantation?

It is almost needless to add that Dara Lind is an Ivy league graduate with a degree in anthropology.

damikesc said...

Remember --- the REPUBLICANS have the "clown car" issue.

Democrats? Those are some serious mother fuckers.

Brando said...

The problem for the Dems on this is that their concept of balkanized racialism (i.e., elevate the needs of certain racial and gender groups above the others) and the more broadly popular concept of inclusiveness ("we're all in this together") can run against one another. We see that when someone on the Left makes the mistake of pointing out the truism that "all lives matter"--of course they do! To boo someone for saying that makes you not just a bigot but a moron.

Clinton, true to form, avoided the fuss altogether but it would be interesting if anyone was able to challenge her with it--do all lives matter, or only black ones?

Brando said...

"However, dad's smart-ass comment just dismissed you and didn't solve the problem that you still haven't gotten any!"

And that's the problem with that sort of thinking--blacks are the only ones suffering, and insisting that everyone be treated equally (as the dad did in that analogy) is not enough. This is where the Left detours from the Middle.

Let's say in 1950 you said "blacks should have the right to vote!" because of course in much of the country they were denied this right. Then someone responded with "everyone should have the right to vote!" What exactly would be wrong with that response? Is it denying that blacks should be treated equal to whites? Is it denying that black voters matter? And yet, in the world of racial balkanists (yes I need a better term for leftist bigots) that is in fact not enough, that any whites who have their votes uncounted are ingorable, because this is a "show how much we love blacks" exercise and not actually about equality at all.

Anthony said...


Brando said...

"At their 2000 convention the Dem delegates booed the Boy Scouts as they carried the flag. At their 2012 convention the Dem delegates booed a mention of God.
These are people with serious mental health and hate issues. They want to choose your next president."

The Dems (and the GOP for that matter) have always had their fringe groups, spouting things offensive to the Middle--but nominees were able to dismiss them as fringe so as to keep the taint off of them. So some radical boos a mention of God, or they boo the Boy Scouts--the nominee can then say "I may have my issues with the Boy Scout policy on gays but the Scouts are a noble group" etc. Or when asked about rape being a gift from God, a GOP nominee can say "rape is awful, and I'm pro-life--but I'd never call a rape a gift".

But here--Clinton would have to take a strong stand for the Middle to claim that "all lives matter" and that one can support black Americans while still promoting inclusion--can she pull that off? Eventually the competing wings of her party may come to a head (provided the GOP doesn't scare them enough to put their differences behind). I don't see Hillary having the political skills to weather that, her "media avoidance" strategy notwithstanding.

As much as the Democrats are being subsumed by the far Left, the GOP has a real opening here. Let's see if and how they blow it.

damikesc said...

But here--Clinton would have to take a strong stand for the Middle to claim that "all lives matter" and that one can support black Americans while still promoting inclusion--can she pull that off? Eventually the competing wings of her party may come to a head (provided the GOP doesn't scare them enough to put their differences behind). I don't see Hillary having the political skills to weather that, her "media avoidance" strategy notwithstanding.

The Dems have been conquered by their pasty Socialist wing.

They don't give the first iota of a shit about minorities. They care about the college kids who will make a lot of noise and then go back to their dead-end jobs and blame the world for their misfortune.

Some minorities don't mind being condescended to. Perhaps most don't mind.

But some will.

And that is, indeed, the opening.

How long can Jews ignore the rampant anti-Semitism in Progressivism, particularly in colleges? How long can blacks or Hispanics note that the Dems only seem to care about them right before an election? What has Obama done for EITHER group? Why do Asians accept their second-class citizen roles in universities?

Brando said...

"How long can Jews ignore the rampant anti-Semitism in Progressivism, particularly in colleges? How long can blacks or Hispanics note that the Dems only seem to care about them right before an election? What has Obama done for EITHER group? Why do Asians accept their second-class citizen roles in universities?"

It'll happen as long as they're convinced the GOP is worse. But you can't fool all of them all of the time--at some point the tired old attacks lose their potency.

Known Unknown said...

Ask the black faces why they keep voting for the boots.

Lewis Wetzel said...

EMD wrote:
"Ask the black faces why they keep voting for the boots."
Because the guys with the boots tell them that the other guys have nooses. And the black faces believe them.

Carnifex said...

Brando said--But there seems to be a large segment of the GOP base that is determined to hamstring themselves.

On the contrary. It is the elites who have ham strung the GOP by trying to drive its base away. Just look at the vote on the Corker bill. The GOP led congress gave away power to Obama last month. Now, when they could have axed the Iran deal, they have to get a veto proof majority. When that doesn't happen they'll throw up their hands and say, "Oh well. We tried!" They can take their kabuki theater and shove it up their loser asses.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Black lives don't matter to me. At all. I'm not running for office, so I can be honest. I really don't give a brass farthing, pardon my language, for any black lives.

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