June 6, 2015

Drudge eggs us on with oviform images.

The O — emphasis on O — bama balloon. The horse — PharOah — 's eye. And an actual story about eggs — "Egg rationing in America has officially begun...."

Or is it just me? I'm not eating eggs this morning. I breakfast on peanut butter and sesame seeds. But I'm in the middle of a long email conversation about eggs (in which the question has arisen: Is the medium-boiled egg the height of perfection on soft-to-hard-boiled continuum?)

MEANWHILE: In Milwaukee: "'Focus on Jobs, Not Vaginas' Deliver Their Eggs to Scott Walker."

IN THE COMMENTS: Eric the Fruit Bat said: "The hard-boiled egg is God's way of telling anybody who will listen that you don't have to be a fat fuck anymore. Ever sit down and eat a bag of Doritos? Cookies? M & Ms? A six pack of beer? Of course you did, you fat fuck. But nobody, ever, in the entire history of recorded time, has ever plopped his sorry fat ass down in front of a TV set and scarfed down a dozen hard-boiled eggs. Nobody." That got me looking for the "I'm gonna eat 50 eggs" scene from "Cool Hand Luke":

And — while we're on movies — Saint Croix said: "Hitchcock hated eggs. He was a total egg-o-phobe. When feminists say he was a misogynist, I say, no, he just hated eggs. In To Catch A Thief, Grace Kelly's Mom stabs an egg with her cigarette. Dr. Freud! Calling Dr. Freud!"

(That last image is one of Martin Sichetti's paintings of stills from Hitchcock films.)


Tank said...

Could lead to a VLOG of you eating an egg salad sandwich.

I suggest a lightly toasted whole wheat or multigrain bread, add lettuce, tomatoes (only if excellent), pickles, onions, be sure to use lots of mayo so it splooges out the sides all over you.


Scott said...

I'm at my favorite New Jersey diner this morning with my partner. I'm having a veggie omelet with no potatoes or toast. He's having corned beef hash with two eggs scrambled hard with cheddar, and rye toast. The place (The Grill in Linden) has wifi, and we're both on our PCs. His is bigger than mine. :)

O. Omega. The End.

Ann Althouse said...

"Could lead to a VLOG of you eating an egg salad sandwich."

One thing I like about medium boiled is that it is the egg of a person who plans to eat his eggs hot. You don't put those things in the refrigerator. I hate all cold eggs -- in egg salad glop, sliced and put on a salad, or eaten plain and whole. Bleecch.

Scott said...

I want to break into singing "Circle of Life" from The Lion King. Won't somebody stop me...

Scott said...

Mme AA, since your taste is impaired, you're more into the mouthfeel, right? Eggs can have many different ones, based on how they are cooked.

Scott said...

Does anyone coddle an egg anymore?

Tank said...

Ann Althouse said...

"Could lead to a VLOG of you eating an egg salad sandwich."

One thing I like about medium boiled is that it is the egg of a person who plans to eat his eggs hot. You don't put those things in the refrigerator. I hate all cold eggs -- in egg salad glop, sliced and put on a salad, or eaten plain and whole. Bleecch.

On the other hand, you could throw a sunny side up on top of damn near anything to add flavor, color and variety (diversity !!!!).

I remember our first lunch in Paris where they surprised me with a sunny side up on top of my salad with ham and cheese. Wow, a treat. (Is everything a treat in Paris?)

Hagar said...

Off topic, I know.
Man bought a Star Wars stormtrooper outfit at a garage sale, put it on, and walked home to show his friends.
However, walked by a school, and the principal locked down the school and called 911. "Man with a gun."
Arraigned, charged, and fined for "disturbing the peace."

paminwi said...

An egg on top of some Wiener schnitzel along with some hand made spaetzle is one of best meals ever!

Dr Weevil said...

Am I the only one who thought the green sign was just asking for a cutting reply? 'Just because it fits in your vagina, doesn't mean it will fit in anyone else's!'

Anonymous said...

Man, that is one "big" vagina...

Anonymous said...

paminwi said...
An egg on top of some Wiener schnitzel along with some hand made spaetzle is one of best meals ever!

schnitzel mit eiern


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The hard-boiled egg is God's way of telling anybody who will listen that you don't have to be a fat fuck anymore.

Ever sit down and eat a bag of Doritos? Cookies? M & Ms? A six pack of beer? Of course you did, you fat fuck.

But nobody, ever, in the entire history of recorded time, has ever plopped his sorry fat ass down in front of a TV set and scarfed down a dozen hard-boiled eggs.


And get this . . . the thing of it is . . . they're good for you.

JAORE said...

So Ann is medium boiled, warm.

The womenz in the photos are more of a mystery. Obviously NOT over easy. Nor do I suspect they are poached.

JAORE said...

Scrambled? Yes, scrambled will do.

Saint Croix said...

Hitchcock hated eggs. He was a total egg-o-phobe. When feminists say he was a misogynist, I say, no, he just hated eggs.

In To Catch A Thief, Grace Kelly's Mom stabs an egg with her cigarette. Dr. Freud! Calling Dr. Freud!

Ann Althouse said...

"But nobody, ever, in the entire history of recorded time, has ever plopped his sorry fat ass down in front of a TV set and scarfed down a dozen hard-boiled eggs."

Cool Hand Luke ate 32 (if I remember correctly). But not while watching TV.

Uncle Pavian said...

In "The Court of the Red Tsar", Simon Sebag Montefiore relates how Stalin would go to the opera and eat hard boiled eggs during the performance. He had the idea that hard boiled eggs would be harder to poison.

Rusty said...

Scott said...
Does anyone coddle an egg anymore?

I used to.
But they betrayed me with some hollandaise sauce.
Now I scramble em.

Gahrie said...

But nobody, ever, in the entire history of recorded time, has ever plopped his sorry fat ass down in front of a TV set and scarfed down a dozen hard-boiled eggs. Nobody.

I have. I cheated a little..they were deviled eggs.....

Quaestor said...

I used to poach eggs, but they put me in the village stocks for a week and a day.

Will Cate said...

I can eat them prepared in any conceivable fashion, but over-medium is my favorite. I go through a dozen about every two weeks.

rhhardin said...

Hard boiled eggs are what you do with months-expired eggs in the fridge.

They last forever but are not fresh as called for in recipies.

They are, however, very easy to shell when hard boiled. You can't do that with a fresh egg.

tim maguire said...

I prefer medium boiled. 13 minutes at just barely boiling water, then immediately immersed in cold water.

rhhardin said...

At the moment I hard boil by using a microwave egg poacher. There's no use pretending it's poached. It's hard boiled.

Cut the power way back so it takes about 5 minutes or it will explode.

A little water under it to produce steam.

Tank said...

Gahrie said...

But nobody, ever, in the entire history of recorded time, has ever plopped his sorry fat ass down in front of a TV set and scarfed down a dozen hard-boiled eggs. Nobody.

I have. I cheated a little..they were deviled eggs.....

Damn, hope you were alone bro.

rhhardin said...

Fiscal, aj., of or pertaining to baskets.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Boiled so all the white is solidified and the yoke minimally solid. The yoke has a subtle flavor, to be properly savored must not be killed with onion, chile, etc.

You must bring the eggs to room temperature (if refrigerated, soak in bowl of warm water).

For cooking, bring water to just barely boiling; lower eggs gently; three minutes for extra-large eggs; remove and rinse quickly with cold water. Serve in an egg cup with freshly ground pepper and very small dab of butter on the yoke.

Hammond X knows about these things. In the pic at left (from a coffee shop breakfast) the eggs were poached. The ham unfortunately was grossly oversalted. The grits were and coffee were acceptable average coffee shop fare.

chickelit said...

Ann Althouse said...
Yeah, I don't know why the subject turned to vaginas. It's testicles that are oviform.

As Drill Sgt will attest, Eier (eggs) is German slang for balls.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

In polite Spanish, eggs are "blanquillos" rather than the more direct "huevos" because of the testicular slang reference.

Saint Croix said...

There was a Batman villain who was an egg freak.

Egghead! That's his name. "Egg-zactly!"

I was shocked to discover that he was played by Vincent Price.

Michael K said...

One of my favorite movies is "To Catch a Thief" and the egg scene is always amusing. I watch it very few months, mostly just for the scenery. I've been there and can see all the familiar places. I also like her Sunbeam Alpine roadster.

Michael K said...

The photo was;t there. Here it is and it is a steal at only $40,000.

furious_a said...

Tank said...

Could lead to a VLOG of you eating an egg salad sandwich.

"This is egg salad. It's loaded with cholesterol, the wife won't even let me touch it. Hardly seems to matter now, 'cause chances are...we're already dead."

harrogate said...

Cool Hand Luke ate 50 eggs!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. "Government so small it fits…" That just about sums up everything the GOP's about. It also fits neatly into your underage son.

The party of rich-man beggars and buggerers. That's the GOP.

virgil xenophon said...

@Michael K/

The Sunbeam Alpine was so overpowered (re weight to hp ratio) and so heavy on frontal weight distribution (due to massive engine) that the insurance premiums (especially for young drivers--IF their parents would foot the bill) were often as much as the car payment, lol.

virgil xenophon said...

PS: Sorry, MK, was thinking of the Sunbeam Tiger--should have clicked on the link first..

Mr. D said...

The Marx Brothers had the answer concerning hard boiled eggs during the stateroom scene in "A Night at the Opera."

William said...

The vicar invited the curate to breakfast.
"How do you like your egg?," he inquired.
"Parts of it are quite good." the curate replied.

That's the only Anglican joke I know. When you consider the fact that ths was a religion founded and headed by a serial murderer, there are very few good Anglican jokes.

Gahrie said...

Damn, hope you were alone bro.

I was for the next couple of days...worst farts ever.

Bay Area Guy said...

Love the Paul Newman clip - see what men do when we're bored? We challenge each other to do stupid stuff, and bet on it. Hey, it passes the time and provides a few laughs.

Etienne said...

About the only egg I eat anymore, is deviled eggs. With a bit of horseradish. Mmmph, Mmmph...

Gahrie said...

I make mine with mustard and dill relish.

Rick said...

Ann, over the past year or so, your observations at the Drudge site have made me look at it a different way. I'm always asking myself, "What is Drudge's hidden message?"

At first, I was on the same wave length as you. Now, I looked at it again, and seeing the picture of Scott Walker, I'm seeing that Obama, Pharoah, Putin and Walker all have their eyes partially closed. It's the unifying theme, but what does it mean?


J2 said...

More Drudge ovoids @ 3:00PM --Scott Walkers' Motorcycle Helmet Top and Center

MadisonMan said...

Bacon. And then eggs fried in bacon fat.

Nothing is better than that, egg-wise.

Unknown said...

Did you also discern that Hitchcock previously used the image of a woman extinguishing a lit cigarette in a tub of cold cream in a movie scene? The movie was ' Rebecca'. I wonder if Hitchcock had an obsession about women extinguishing lit [phallic] shaped objects. Cold Cream, eggs, ... are there other Hickcock-ian images of [phallic] symbols being 'extinguished' by women? Does the cigarette being extinguished in and by the egg yolk represent the ultimate triumph of the womb?

What with the Jenner news story, are we being given a meta-message that the age of male dominance is over? Is that what ISIS is really rebelling about? The sun down of the patriarchal deity? Are she-males the next big news story?

OBTW, has anyone proven beyond all expectations that Jenner's genitalia have been surgically removed and replaced with a vulva? What if this whole story is just a PR stunt to boost the declining revenues of the Kardashian gang? After all, as far as I know we only have Jenner's word for it that the phallus in question has been removed.

Ann Althouse said...

"Did you also discern that Hitchcock previously used the image of a woman extinguishing a lit cigarette in a tub of cold cream in a movie scene? The movie was ' Rebecca'. I wonder if Hitchcock had an obsession about women extinguishing lit [phallic] shaped objects. Cold Cream, eggs, ... are there other Hickcock-ian images of [phallic] symbols being 'extinguished' by women? Does the cigarette being extinguished in and by the egg yolk represent the ultimate triumph of the womb?"

Even though "Rebecca" is one of the movies I've most re-watched, I don't remember the cigarette in the cold cream.

Cigarettes work really well in films. Bette Davis did it best.

There's also "Coffee and Cigarettes."

Michael K said...

"After all, as far as I know we only have Jenner's word for it that the phallus in question has been removed."

Time for a naked bike ride.

That'll tell us, especially if he gets a boner.

jr565 said...

If you want to bring up the 50 egg scene in Cold Hand Luke, you have to also mention the Jackass episode where three contestants try to do the 50 egg challenge. One of the most sick and at the same time hilarious episodes ever.
By egg 20 most of them are projectile vomiting into buckets and on each other.One of the funniest things about it is that its such a difference from the Cool Hand Luke scene.
There he eats 50 eggs and feels like hes full. But he doesn't projectile vomit gallons and gallons of yellow.
I was thinking "I don't remember THAT scene in Cool Hand Luke".
It doesn't appear to be available online, and you have to laugh at people puking. But if you do, it's golden.

Saint Croix said...

you have to also mention the Jackass episode

Sooner or later, Bro-topia becomes Jackass.

As a matter of fact, all you have to do is introduce 50 eggs into Bro-topia. Just give the bros a pile of eggs in a bucket. In a treehouse? Oh my God.

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